V Off THE FREE PRE VOL. 6 NO 17. n. d. oslin, editor. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, FEB. 12, 1904. $1.00 PER YEAR. -t-r I t- - " SS. DR. JV ERNEST JUDD, DENTIST, Crown and Bridge Work Specialist. Office Railroad Street. XiOOAii Mention. Mr. Ned Tha3'er, from Baltimore, is with us again, stopping with Dr. Fer guson. The Piney Woods Inn will give an other card party next Tuesday even ing. A negro plantation concert win be given in the parlors of the Piney Woods Inn next Wednesday night, and a collection taken for the benefit of Pickford Sanitarium. The town of Niagara, two miles north of Southern Pines, has an at tractive ad. in this issue. Write T. S. Richardson for anv information - - desired. We note with regret the death of Dr. Norman Robinson, which occured at his h me near Orlando, Fla. Dr Robinson was well known here as di rector of the Experimental Farm, and during his stay of two years made a large number of friends. Mr E E. Ewell, a member of the - executive committee of the N. C Horticultural Society, with headquar ters at Atlanta, died last Sunday of typhoid fever. He was a frequent visitor vto our town and was a worthy - young man. . We have had pleasant calls this " week from Mr. A. H. Kahn, of New " York, who is here to take a season of rest and recreation. He is one of the thorough business men of that big city, and is well informed on the lead ing topics of the day. The Southern Pines Hotel will maintain its usual distinction as the center of attraction . next Monday evening, February 15, when its an nual masquerade ball will take place. Any particulars, aside from those fur nished in last week's Free Press, will be supplied by Mr. W. E. Giles. $750 will buy, for home or in vestment, pleasant well furnished 7 room cottage, center of town. Ad dress P. O. Box 113, Southern Pines. The latest in vegetation is maple blossoms with snow accompaniments. The little maple tree in front of the Free Press office came out in full blossom Monday, and the snow storm on Wednesday made the pretty white blossoms shine forth with even greater brilliancy. A pleasant nt was the flinch party given by Mis." Cottle last Fri day evening. There were present Miss Norris, Mrs. Harvey, Miss Campbell, Miss Sibley, Mrs. Good win, the Misses Dingwall, Miss East mas, Miss Bryant, Mrs. Pintler, toiss Eaton. The rooms were tastefully decorated with ivy and pine. Re freshments consisting of ice cream and cake were served, and a souvenir paper knife was given to each guest. The lateness of the hour at which the guests departed testified to the enjoy able evening spent. BOILED HAM, ASHLAND HAM, Berlinger Ham, Bologna Sausage, Presse.i Pigs Feet, Cooked Roast Beef and Chipped Dried Beef,.all Sliced to suit Purchaser at the CITY MARKET Phone 44 I. L. HAMLIN. Propr. We call speciall attention to the ad. of Mr. H. W. Patterson, from Salem, N. J., who has opened an office as a graduate optician in the Municipal building on Broad street. Mr. Pat terson has had nearly 30 years' expe rience in his profession, and is now a member of the Examining Board of the Pennsylvania Optical Society, and thoroughly understands treating the eye for defective sight. Call and see him. Office hours, 10 to 122 to 5. The military flag eucbre at the Piney Woods Inn last Monday even ing was one of thesocial events of the season. The playing took place in the main parlor, which was most at tractively decorated with flags, large and small. There were fourteen tables playing, or 56 people, and as the players moved from one table to another it was a pretty sight. Twelve appropriate prizes were distributed among the lucky winners. Mr. W. Banhart, of Change Water, N. J , and T. McDonald, of Woburn, Mass., are at Pleasant View Collage. . Mrs A. Graham, mother of Mrs. F. A. Dimmick, died last Tuesday at the age of 75. Recent arrivals at the Tourist cottage on Pennsylvania avenue are 11. A. Chilson, of Reading, Mass., Charles Estabrook, of Sterl ing, Mass , Mr. Nichol and George Hallock, of New York. Rev. C. M. Emery will preach February 14. in the morning, on "The offender restored to favor and fellowship." In the evening, "Reinstated in public office. Misses Annie and Margaret Da- honeyer, sisters of Mrs. H. Ka- pitzke, have arrived from New Haven Conn., to spend a few month? visiting. Mrs. and Miss Warren, of Whately, Mass, have taken rooms at Mr. French's. They come from the fertile legion of the Connecti cut River Valley, but where deep snows and low temperatures have this year been so prevalent. Al though they may find a day or two now and then of cold weather, they will soon realize that the cli mate of this section is very good Another Gase of Rhumatism Cured By Chamberlain's Pain Balm- Tho efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the relief rheumatism is be ing demonstrated daily. Parker Trip- ett, of Gngsby, Va.,says that Cham berlain s Pain Balm gave him perma nent relief from rheumatism in the back when everything else failed, end he would not be without it. For sale by Underwood Pharmacy and Sadel- son & Flint UNDER THE LONG LEAVED PINE. BY B. B. V, I heard the sweep of the restless breeze; Like the ceaseless rush of the troubled seas, Whose wave on wave beats up on shore As millions have done in days of yore; And there seemed to come from the " leafy crest A sigh like the sigh of a soul distressed And I thought, of the days the land had seen When over its fields the South was queen. And I breathed a prayer that it once again Might come 'neath the rule of the old time men, And after its days of penitent shrift Enjoy as of old its prosperous thrift. And win from the world its meed of praise As it used to get in its halcyon days. Judging from the frequent and en thusiastic rehearsals for the George Washington entertainment to be given at the Opera House February 22, we feel safe in promising our readers an evening's entertainment which they can not afford to miss. The words appropriate for this entertainment are set to the music of " Pinafore, " which furnishes bright, sparkling solos, duets, choruses, etc. More than two dozen of our singers take part in the choruses and drills. The rehearsals for next week will be at 7.30 o'clock Monday evening at King's Daughters ' Hall, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday t venings at the Opera House. GOOD' WOOD FOR MB MIXED OAK AND PINE Cut to stove and fireplace lengths. Leave orders with A. 11. Root or P, Pond. . S. N. VIALL. Pembroke Lodge, COR, BENNETT ST. AND CONN WE NOW OPEN Pleasant and convenient rooms, and location all that could be desired Term reasonable. MISS ANGIE GORDON, GARNET RINGS, Birth-Stone for January, We have a large assortment in beautiful patterns, and at prices to suit every purse. Consult us for all your wants in our line. Ask for one of our beautiful calendars. N D. WELLS. Southern Pines Jeweler. Southern Pines Market. D. P. KELLY, rrop. FRESH MEATS, BEEF, CHICKENS, AND FISH. The best in all lines, and piompt and courteous attention. 'Phone 1. PLEASANT VIEW COTTAGE, ,MRS. R. SANDERSON, Proprietress. CHOICE ROOMS, Good location, and everything home-like and comfortable. Table boaders taken. Near Cor, Broad St. and Mass. avenue. MILK MILK! FRESH MILK delivered twice every day, and new orders by tel ephone will receive prompt atten tion. Every effort made to please our customers. Telephone No. 57-2. PINEY WOODS FRUIT AND DAIRY FARM, W. 3 & G. P. Young, Proprietor SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. The Piney Woods Inn NOW OPEN. Modern In alls its Appointments. Entirely new and Sanitary plumb ing. Rooms with Bath attached. THE INN Is alwa8 open for inspection. Rates gladly furnished and booklets given free. NO CONSUMPTIVES EVER RECEIVED. LEON ST. JOHN. Manager. FOR RENT! FURNISHED COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS For Light Housekeeping. Clean, Comfortable, Convenient and Pleasant Apartments of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 Rooms each. Also a few Lodging Rooms. Apply to J. C. STANLEY, Southern Pines, N. C. Phone 35. PROSPECT HOUSE! revO Paper, NeW F&Fi)itTire NeW GVepyf bir)ff. Gould & Wilcox. Costs You Nothing To see our line of ELECTRIC BELLS AND . PUSH BUTTONS. And very little to have one put in your house. CITY TELEPHONE CO. D. F, MCADAMS, nmmt mjmbbr, FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONA BLE 1 'RICES. Office Municipal Building Cor. Broad St. and New Hampshire avenue. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX. Having qualified as administratrix, with the will annexed, of the estate of Geo. W. P. Jerrard, deceased, general notice is hereby given all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned duly authenticated on or be fore the 15th day of Decembsr 1994. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re coyery. All persons indebted said estate will please make immediate payment. This Dec. 15 1903. CATHERINES GERRARD Administratrix. I II to g op f I h 'If 4.