BALTIMORE'S $2 Uly Suffers Most Disastrous Blaze in the His tory of the South f in. R6:-D FORTY-EIGHT HOURS Out- by One tiie Great Business limits Went Down -The heroic Work of the Firemen-bil ious property Losses. Baltimore, Special. The most de structive conflagration in the history of Baltimore occurred here Sunday in the wholesale dry goods business dis trict, raging practically unchecked during many hours, completely de stroying scores of the largest busi ness houses in the wholesale district, involving losses which cannot he esti mated, as the lire was still burning fiercely when night fell. Owing to the wide extent of the calamity it will be tomorrow before even an approximate estimate can be made, though it is certain that it has already exceeded $25,000,00(1. The fire was still burning at nightfall, but was under control. No loss of life was reported at this hour. BROKK OUT OX HOPKIN S PLACE. The fire broke out shortly before 1 1 o'clock thi.s morning in the wholesale dry goods .store of John T. Hurst & Co.. on Hopkins place, in the heart of the business district, with a series of loud explosions, which were heard in remote parts of the city, and spread with fearful rapidity. In half an hour there were a dozen big warehouses in the wholesale dry goods and notions district burnine fiercely. The entire fire department was called out, but was utterly powerless to cheek the spread of the flames, which were aided by the high winds, and by noon there were savaje fires in at least 30 big warehouses, and the conflagration was steadily eating its way into successive blocks," east, north, west and south. On Baltimore street, the blocks be tween Liberty and Sharp streets was soon ablaze, then came the next block east to Hanover and after that the block on the south side to Charles street broke out into flames, the Con solidated Gas Company's building ana Ochm's Acme Hall burning fiercely. Meanwhile there were stores north of Baltimore street being similarly consumed. Mullin's Hotel caught an other buildings near it caught. West of Liberty street, on the south side of Baltimore street, the block was doomed, and the big bargain house al so caught. Down in Hopkins' place where the conflagration started. Hurst's building and other wholesale houses on both side of the street trumbled and fell. The big drv goods houses of Daniel Miller &" Sons and H. M. Sutton & Co. were soon aflame, and along Gor man, street east and west, from the Hurst buildingthere were a dozen buildings burning. Mass & Kemper's big wholesale store, on Baltimore street, quickly succumbed to the flames. On Hop kins' place the Hopkins' Savings Bank and the National Exchange Bank were gutted by the flames. Across the street were the ruins of John K. Hurst & Co., and next to it Hechl. Jr., & Sons, were in flames. THE BLOCK A CAULDRON. All these buildings were swept away by the flames, and the whole biock was nothing but a cauldron of fire. At 1:30 o'clock Mullin's Hotel, a seven-story structure, at Liberty and Baltimore streets, was in flames from garret to cellar and its great, height and narrowness acted as a torch. All the guests had been ordered out. and none, consequently, was injured. .Though every bit of fire-fighting ap paratus in the city was called into requisition as the flames continued to 00,000,000 F IRE spread, at 10 o'clock six engines ar rived from 'Washington and four from Philadelphia. It is roughly estimated that there were 850 hose playing oh different parts of the conflagration at the same time. FINE RUN FOR THEIR LIVES. Wall after wall toppled into the streets, and firemen ran for their lives. All kinds of wires had to be cut to clear the way for the fire fighters. The block bounded by Gorman, Liberty, Baltimore and Sharp streets was early found to be doomed, and the firemen turned their attention to sav ing the buildings on Baltimore street, east of Sharp, but the fire was beyond their control. Red hot cinders ignited the roof of Front Street Theatre at least half a mile from the main conflagration, which shows to what distance the fiery rain fed. The blaze was ex tinguished by the firemen, assisted by citizens. For a time considerable alarm was felt at the City Hospital. The Sisters of Mercy in charge of the institution were all at their posts, and an effort was made to keep the fa'1 of the cou few cinders fell on the roof of the hos fiagration a secret iiom the patients. A pital, but were extinguished by the physicians of the house staff. Eighteen women, two babies and seven nurses were taken from the Maternity Hospital, on West Lombard street, in police ambulances and given quarters at the city hospital. A woman who was ill in bed with typhoid fever ws.s taken to the city hospital. The whole city was notified of the conflagration by a terrific explosion, which occurred some minutes after 11 o'clock A sharp, spitting roar went up with reverberating thunder. This was followed by a peculiar whistling noise like that made by a shrill wind. The churches in the central part of the city were filled with worshippers, many of whom were frightened, and. while uo panics ensued hundreds of men and women went outside to see what had happened, In a few moments the streets and pavements all over the city were crowded with excited people. Another deafening crash occurred, and dense columns of cinders and smoke shot up over the . tral section of the city, and in a huge brown column moved rapidly toward the northeast. Borne on the strong southeast wind the column of smoke, blazing cinders and even pieces of tin roofing spread over the center of the city, and a rain of cinders fell, compelling pedestrians to doge red hot pieces of wood. PEOPLE DODGING FIRE BRANDS. Two more explosions followed, and thousands of people hurried to the scene of the fire. Of all the specta tors, comparatively few saw the fae itself. They could not get within half a block of it. Even the policemen guard ing the approaches to the fire had to shift their positions repeatedly and dodge falling cinders. Pieces of tin C by S feet square were lifted into the air by the teritlc heat, sailed upward like paper kites, and when they readied a point beyond the scene of the most intense beat, fell clattering to the Streets. The awful fire which swept Baltimo e all day Sunday, all Sunday night, Mon day and Monday night with a fury that seemed tme-ontrolable, was reported as practically over early Tuesday morn ing. The heroic- work of the city's splendid fire department, aided by fire fighters from Philadelphia, Annapolis, Wilmington and New York at last con quered (tie destroyer, making a last stand at Jones' Falls, when the fire lost its power to wreak further vengeance upon the helpless city. Dynamite was used freely. Tho fire apparatus was centered and all the skill of the fire-fighters called into olay (o defeat the element that had eaten mil. Pons of dollars' worth of property. The fire was checked. Behind it lay a great gutted waste of mere than 140H acres in extent. Every street that led to the fire area was crowded with awe-stricken specta tors. Down the narrow gulch-like streets the black smoke hung densely, split now and then by a red glare o flame. The (-rash of falling buildings was lost in the roar' of exploding dyna mite, as it was used to demolish struc tu . es as vet untouched by fire. A SCENE OF DEVASTATION. The burned area is a scene of com plete devastation. Numberless build, ins' that. wete the pride of Baltimore costly and stately, and occupied for. all kinds of business are a mass of ruins. The Baltimore American build ing, one of the finest in the city, is now smouldering debris, save for the remnants and the front and side walls. For acres, on South street, where stood The Sun building, the pillars that once marked the front only remain. Entire blocks just below there are wiped out without, in some cases( a wall left standing. From Fayette street down Hoiliday street, as far as German, there is no building left, save the corn and flour exchange, at the corner of Ger man street. That building, whose walls tower above the crumbling debris of what were formerly adjoining struc tures, was gutted and formed a caldron of fire. In numerous other wrecked buildings the flames played about the debus and threatened to weaken the foundations of the few walls that were left. The costly United States custom house was ruined. Most of the busi ness section of the city was totally burned out. FIFTY THOUSAND OUT OK EM PLOYMENT. Col. J. Frank Supplee, a competent authority on factory statistics, esti mates that the number of persons who are thrown out of employment will reach 50,000. Others have estimated the enforced idleness at greatly more. -Inspector of Buildings Preston, after n-aking a caieful study of the burned district, placed the building loss at $150,000,000. SEVENTY-FIVE SQUARES ARE IN ASHES. About 75 squares, or 140 acres, are in ashes, extending from Lexington street, on the north, to Pratt street, on the soiutr, from Liberty, on the west, to the Falls, on the east. The city was early placed under mar tial law, and thus all danger of looting in the doomed district was eliminated. Word was received tonight that Gen. Corbin, of New York, would be here Tuesday to take command of the Fed eral troops. The presence of two regi ments of militia as an adjunct to the police, which were augmented by de tails from Philadelphia and Washing ton, resulted in the maintenance of the best of urder. LIST0FTHE HEAVIEST LOSERS The; Mouses That Went Dow n In Big Baltimore Fire. Baltimore. Special. The following is the latest list of the business places destroyed, with a rough estimate of the losses, where obtainable. Where several firms a-e grouped the loss is the total to the building: John E, Hurst, dry goods, $1,500,000; over $1,000,000 in insurance. William Koch Importing Company, loss $150,000. Samuel T). Goldberg, pants; F. & Charles Burger, clothing. $75,000. The Daniel Miller Company, dry goods, $1,500,000; carry more than $1.. 000,000 in insurance on contents. Dixon-Bartlett Company, hats and caps. $100,000. Spragins, Buck fe Company, shoes. $125,000. Cohen, Adb- Shoe Company, $125, 000. L. S. i-'itemau, ladies' wrappers; Ja cob R. Seligman, paper, and Nathan Rosen, ladies' cloaks. $100,000. Morton, Sim u els & Company, boots and shoes, and Strauss Brothers, stor. ;:ge. $100,000. Baltimore Rubber Company, $135,000. Guggenheimer. Weil & Company, lithographers and printers, $125,000. M. Friedman & Son, clothing, and F. ScMeuenes, cloths. $150,000. Swartz Toy Company. $100,000. A Federlicht & Sons, cloths. $75,000. WhUaker & Sons, $15,000. C. J. Stewart & Sons, hard war, $25,000. O'Connell & Bannon. saloons, $25,GQw. National Exchange Bank building, $75,000; contents $50,000. Lowman & Company, clothing1, $125,000. John E. Hurst & Company, storage, $125,000. Fincllay, Roberts & Company, hard ware, $75,000. Lawrence & Gold Shoe Company and Bates Hat Company, $125,000. S. Ginsberg & Company, clothing:, $125,000. Winkiemanu dt Brown, dry goods company, $125,000. R. H. Sutton & Company, dry goods, $1,500,000. Chesapeake Shoe Company, $100,000,. S. F. & A. F. Miller, clothing manu facturers, $150,000. S. Halel & Company, boots and shoes. $130,000. Strauss Brothers, dry goods, $250,000.. A. C. Meyer & Company, patented yarns, $75,000. Strauss, Eiscman & Company, shirt manufacturers, $150,000. North Brothers & Strauss, building, $7.,000; stock about $75,000. Standard Suspender Company anci Daniel A. Boone & Company, liquors. $60,000. Bradley. Kirk-man, Reese Co., paper? $75,000. McDonald & Fisher, wholesale paper, $100,000. Wiley, Bruster & Co., dry goods, and F. W. & E. Dammann cloths, $125,000, Henry Oppenheimer & Co., clothing-,., and Van Sant, Jacobs. & Co., shirts, $175,000. Joseph R. Stonebreaker & Co., li quors, $75,000. Lewis, Latter & Co., shirts, $100,000.. Champion Shoo Manufacturing Co,r and Diggs, Curwin & Co., shoes, $100. 000. Mendel Brothers, ladies' wrappers, $125,000. Blankenburg. Gehrnian &. Co., tui tions. $125,000. Leon, Keen fc Co., ladies' cloaks,, ond Henry Pretzfeh'ler & Co.. boots and shoes, $125,000. Hopkins Plar-e Savings Bank, $75, 000. Cohen it Samuels, hats and caps-. $75,000. Farnold & Sons, surgical instru ments, $00,000. Michael Aubach & Sons, clothing-, .$250,000. Marburg Brothers, tobacco, $100,000. United Shirt and Collar Co., $50,000. Mack Brothers & Mack, clothing, and John A. Griffith & Co., tailors trimmings, $00,000. Standard Manufacturing Co., aud Elias Coplan, neckwear, manufactur ers, $75,000. Reliable Pants Manufacturing Co.,. clothing, and T. M. Levering, drug gists' supplies, $75,000. Simeon Neubergeg & Brother, dry goods, $100,000. S. M. Flescher, ladies and gents, fur nishings. $75,000. D. H. Wallerstein, millinery, $50,000.. The Bminard Armstrong Co., silks, and Cartel-, Webster & Co., $50,000. Vogts. Quasf & Co.. clothing, $75. 000. Woodin. Baldwin & (Jo., dry goods, $150,000. Bonldin Brothers, notions, $150,000. Edward Jenkins & Sons coacb and harness makers' supplies, $150,000. Johnson, Boyd &. Co.. notions, $200, 000. Until icum Huber Co.. $125,000. M. I. Blum & Brother, clothing, $100,000. S. Kirkman fz Brother, clothing. $100,000. Edward Jenkins & Sons, storage., and Lapley & Brother Co., storage, window shades. $15,000. Phil F. Gehrrman & Co., lace auto embroideries, and Phillips Brother Co., drv goods. $200,000. Anion Green & Co.. cotton $75,000, (and other offices.) Sadler Rowe & Co.. books- and sta tionery, $50,000. George Mayo, manufacturer and pro prietary medicines, $50,000. Van Zandt. Jacobs & Co., shirts. $50,000. Capan fc Greenbaum, clothing and! crucible steel company, $50,000. Carey, Bain & Smith, dry goods,, and' F. R. Kent, spool cotton, and thread, $(10,000. Oehm's Acme Hall. $150,000. Consolidated Gas Co., $100,000. Armstrong, Cator & Co., notions and millinery, $500,000. Weigart & Co., shoes; Stelger Bros., trunks; Dowell, Helm & Co.. storage, find M. & J. Oppenheimer & Sons, jew elry. $100,000.

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