- VOL. ;rro:18 k a osun, editor. :v SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, FEB. 19, 1904. $1.00 PER YEAR. DR. J. ERNEST JUDD,; ; DENTIST, ; rowiv'and Bridge ,Wqrk Specialist. Office Railroad Street." ' , - . 'V''v. - 'Piquet. tickets at the Piney Woods " Inn. Monday evening will be 75 centsr Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Gejtr ar ' rived"froidlfew'-Yprk"yesfef(lay,.Mr Geyerxcbming down to recuperte frt;m';a short spel of, sickness'. ' $750 will rbuy" for home or in 'vestment, pleasant well 'furnished 7- room cottage, center of town. ; Ad- "dress I5.' O. Box 113, 'Southern Pines; -4A very pleasant, call Monda3' from Mr. II. L. Thurston, a former citizen " ; here. He is now located "in Culpep P", Ya- . . '.. . ''r':r We 'failed to note the fa:t lastweek' that Miss May Heizman entertained the Ladies'-. Euchre Club on Wednes , clay. Prize winners were: Mrs. St.; John, first; Mrs. Wilson, second ; Mrs. Bacon, third; Mrs. Butler, booby ' ' Mrs. H." C. .Flint and Mrs. F. H. v Weaver entertainei the Ladies' Eur ' chre Club at Mrs. Flint's Monday af. ternoon. The first prize was won by Mrs. Otto, of.' Pinehurst, Mrs. Erspn f second - prize,, Mrs. Thompson 'third, . and Mrs, : Stratraan the consolation. . Governor 'Charles B; Ayeock and , "fctaff will arrjye, at. Southern -Pines . next & otfaay evening at 6"o'clock'and will be tendered a reception ; at Piney Woods 'inn' from 7 to 8, after which an elaborate banquet will be tendered uv the citizens of Southern Pines. It is expected that delegations from Aberdeen, Carthage, and Sanford will be on hand, and the Governor and his staff may rest assured that our citi zens will do him proper honor. February 22d is postponed until next Tuesday. Therefore, The George Washington entertainment will be given next Tuesday evening at the Opera House. At the conclusion of the entertainment on the stage George ' and Martha Washington, assisted by quite a number of other Colonial char acters, will hold a reception, follow ing which Washington pie and ice cream will be served to all. An effort is being made to make this the social event of the season. All who assist, numbering more than fifty, will be in Colonial costume. Rehearsal Satur day evenftig, 7.30. Dress rehearsal Monday evening, In talking with Commissioner Lea vitt, this morning we were informed that an immediate remedy for the shortness of our water supply was at hand and would be effected by laying j a pipe from a near spring to the pump ' ing station. A combination of diffi culties has prevented securing enough ' water, and this temporary arrange ment will last until connection can be made with the fine springs given the town by Dr. B. von Herff. v If you don't believe we are well stocked with mineral waters, look in our window Sadelson & Flint's Southern Pines Pharmacy. r BOILED HiM; ASHLAND HAM, Berlinger Ham. Bologna Sausage, Presse I Pigs Feet. Cooked Roast Beef and Chipped Dried Beef, all Sliced to suit Purchaser at the CITY MARKET Phone 44 , : I. L. HAMLIN, Propr. : LOOK AT the Ice, House for a fine lot of hard wood, - which is for sale. Apply to J. T. Scarboro. , Call and look over our musical inslruments--guitars, mandolins, banjos, harps, and others too num erous to mention, at Sadelson & R'lAt's Southern Pines Pharmacy. " The Ladies' Euchre Club was en tertained, at Pinehurst last Tuesday by Mrs; Ziber, the club going over on a special car. Prize winners were : Mrs. Stratman, first ; Mrs. J. L Thphipspn, second"; Mrs. J. H. Ferris, third ; Mrs Clarke, consolation. A regular supper was served after cards. Mrs. A. B. Seiliner. of Read ing:, Pa., is a guesl of Mrs. Hunter EckerL , ' Among the arrivals this week 13 kiss Mary K. Richardson, a recent graduate of Bellevne Hospital, New York'-ranking second in a diss of. 25-students. She will spnd tfie sea. 'Vi with her parents, Mr. and Mrs;S. A." Richafdson," at' t!)Rel,tYiia,--Vorrier';fPakV street aid Connecticut ave. Maine is their native S-tate. Special sale of cameras at ;re duced prices for . 10 days, begin ning February 22, 1901,' at South ern Pines Pharmacy. The Greensboro Female College was destroyed by fire, yesterday morning It cost in building $125,000, and was insured for $40,000. No lives were lost. , ,: There appeas to be something do ing in real estate the past few weeks. James Boyd, of Chicago, has bought the well-known Blue place, contain ing over 500 acres. . He will make ex tensive improvements. Junge & Beck also notifies us that they have sold the J. H. Bartholf place near Manly to Walter Parker, and also three of the School Board lots in block L & O, to Miss Jenks. Another Gase of Rhnmatism Cured By Chamberlain's Pain Balm- Tho efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the rtlief rheumatism is be ing demonstrated daily. Parker Trip lett, of Grigsby, Va., says that Cham berlain's Pain Balm gave him perma nent relief from rheumatism in the back when everything else failed, and he would not be without it. For sale by Underwood Pharmacy and Sadel son & Flint FOR SALE 500 acres level land. Fine wafer power on it, within four miles ot Soul hern Pines, at the low piice of $500.00.. "Title good Apply to".' J. E. BUG HAN, Manly, N. - . The Masqierade Ball. The Annual Masquerade Ball at the Southern Pines Hotel last Monday even jng was attended by a large numljof peo ple, and was a splendid success. The masks were appropriate and attractive, and furnished, much amusement. Prizes were won as follows; Miss Prudence Giles as Queen of Hearts tooKfiret Fancy Prize, and Mjss L . Sylvester, as the '"Old Apple Woman" took the prize for the comical la dies costume. D r. Blair as T rum Major" took gentleman's first prize, while Mr. J. PI Ferris, in ' Happy Hooligan' , won the honor for the most comical. ' ' The weekly card party Tuesday at .the Inn was well attended and a social event of note. Those taking - the prizes, were: ' ' .- j;:; Table No. 1-Capt Clarke . and Mrs Clarke, Mrs. EMit t and Mrs.- B. H. Butler. Table No. 2 Mrs Wm. Geyer and Miss Sutler, Mr Leon St John and Mr. Moore head Table No 3 -Mrs. Maloney and Miss Erson, Miss Dennison and Mr. Jaque Cohen. , ,. - Pembroke Lodge, COR, BENNETT ST. AND CONN VTB NOW OPJEN Pleasant and convenient rooms, and Ideation all that could be desired Terms reasonable. . - ' , MJSS ANGIE GORDON, GARNET RINGS, Birth-Stone for January,', We have 'a large assortment in' beautiful patterns, and , at prices to suit every purse. Cc-nSult us for, all your jvants in,jur ine.v JLs1c",ldrr6ne of our beautiful calendars.'; , N D. WELLS, " -Southern Pines Jeweler. Southern Pines Market, D.P. KELLY, rrop. FRESH MEATS, BEEF, CHICKENS, AND FISH, The best in all lines, and prompt and courteous attention. 'Phone 1. PLEASANT VIEW COTTAGE, MRS. R. SANDERSON, Proprietress. . CHOICE ROOMS, Good location, ani everything home-like and comfortable. Table boaders taken. Near Cor, Broad St.and Mass. avenue'. FOE PLUMBING SEE R. W. BROWN. Steam and Hot Water Heating, Hydra n le and Pump Work at MODERATE PRICES. SOTHERN PINES, N. O. FOR SALE! About 20,000 first class Lucretia Dewberry Plants. .J " . W. J. and G. P. Young, Piney Woods Fruit and Dairy Farm,. Southern Pines, N. C. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX. Having qualified as administratrix, with the will annexed, of the estate of Geo. W. P. Jerrard. deceased, general notice is hereby given all persons having claims asrainst said estate to present them to the undersigned duly authenticated on or be fore the 15th day of Decembar 1994, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re coyery. All persons indebted said estate will please make immediate payment. This Dec 15 1903. CATHERINE S GERRARD Administratrix. The Piney Woods Inn; NOW OPJEN. - Modem In alls its Appointments. ' v Entirely new and Sanitary plumb V ing. Room3 with Bath attached. the rcrar Is alwas op.n for inspection. Rates gladly turnislied aijd booklets given free. NO CONSUMPTIVES EVER RECEIVE!?. 1 y LEON ST. JOHN, Manageb. IfOR RENT! r U KIN lJSnliiJ LU 1 1 A LrKb : A Mfl . ADA DTMUHTC FcrLight Ho asseeping, ,v:";; V-. ClAnn Comf nrfn Ma r!nnvri1pTit. nnd Pleasant Apartments of 2, 3, 4L5, 6 or 7 Rooms each. ' : :;. Apply to J.C. STANlyEY, , aoutnern Pines, JSi,v; Tit ...... . . rnone aa. . -, , -; ,JVw-.-1 HeW Paper, , KeW PCiprjitilre NeW fAayaQeriyerii. Gould & Wilcox. . , CostS'You To see ourline'of ELECTRIC MLLaMSlp AhHr6ry.rlillle to have ilone put in your house.. ; CITY TELEPHONE CO. D. F, MCADAMS, . FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONA, BLE PRICES. Office Municipal Building Cor. Broad St. and New Hampshire avenue. R. L. 15UKNS, Attornky At Law. t -Rooros 7 & 9 Law Building, CARTHAGE, K". C. .:" , Practice in all State Courts. GOOD WOOD FOR SAtE. MIXED OAK AND PINE . Cut to stove and fireplace lengths. Leaver orders with A. H. Root or P, Pond. S. N. VI ALL. i JfemftX