i f t '4 v 1 THE FREE PRESS. E. D. OSLIN, Editor and Proprietor. A Year. $1.00 First-Class Matter entered as second. EDITORIAL MENTION Miss Eiberta, the queen of the Sandhills, will soon be flirt ing with the Yankees. Well, she's a peach Miss Carman is also quite a queen, and with ro sy cheeks can puo up a flirtation which will attract the eye of our fruit buying friencb. And bhe's a peach, too It was observed that the platform adopted at Greens boro pointed with pride twice, viewed with alarm once, but did not repudiate with scorn at all. Charlotte Observer. All of which goes to prove that the old crowd of shysters and political turn-coats have been buried out o'sight. MacKnighttold the Washing ton authorities that he practic ed medicine at Southern Pines ; he claimed the opposite here, and said he could cure every thing through manipulation. About the only thing he aided through manipulation while he was here was his pocket-book. HOW IT LOOKS. The way it looks for the St. Louis convention puzzles the politicians and the man with a favorite candidate. On paper Parker is ahead and Hearst next, following. A few weeks ago Judge Parker was well ahead , apparently, but recent develop ments indicate that prominent men looking to the reorganiz, tion of the party, profited by in cidentally recognizing his can didacy, and at the same time feeling that another man, if united upon at the convention, could win out over the Repub lican candidate, Mr. Roosevelt. We can hardly conceive the plan of nominating Mr Ciev land, and is it not easy to unde stand the purpose of the party leaders in pushing him to the front on the eve of the convert tion unless it is true that the party would feel that it was De- cessary to success. McClellan is spoken of, but he will not be nominated Ai d altogether it looks as if the Dem ocrats have an excellent chance to get themselves together and use common sense in naming a standard-bearer. (INCRPORATED.) Raleigh, N. C. Charlotte. N. C. CAPITAL STOCK, - $30,000. A personal investigation will convince any one that these are absolutely the best equipped and most successful colleges of Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Pen manship and English, Positions guaranteed under reasonable conditions, Rail road fare paid. Board Ten Dollars per Month; no vacation enter any time. Write today for catalogue, Journal, and special offer, Address nearest school to writer. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh, or Charlotte, N. C. Sydnor Hundley, .LARGEST. Mr. Roosevelt will not gain anything by taking Pul Mor- 'on into his cabinet. Mr. Mor ton is a youug man of promi i,ence and can creditably fill Mr. Moody's i lace, but he is a recent accession to the Repub jicau party, and all the old- limer Republicans are "our, of whack" with the President for inking in the sou of J. Sterling Morton, formerly of the Cleve land cabinet. More than 5000'employes of railroads in Pennsylvania ha ve received notice that they wi 1 be laid off on June 30, and will have nothing to do this summer but enjoy the high prices of living commended by Secretary Shaw. And this is the kind of prosperity our friends of the present admin istration refer to when were fuse to "whoop her up" for Roosevelt, high taritf. an in judicious expenditure of mon ey for pensions, and other things just as bad, When bilious take Chamber Jain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. For sale by Sadelson & Flint and the Underwood Pharmacy. SAFEGUARD THE ,CHIL, Notwithstanding all that is done by boards of health and charitably inclined persons, the death rate among small children is very high duriug the hot weather of the summer months io the large cities. There is not probably one case of bowel com plaint in & hundred, however, that could not be cured by the timely, use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Under woods Pharmacy and Sadelson A Flint THE UNIVERSITY OF - NORTH - CAROLINA, Academic Departmerjt Law Medicine Pharmacy. Free tuition to teachers and minis ters 's sons Scholarship and loans for the needy. 620 Students. 67 Instructors. New Dormitories, Gymnasium, Water Works, Central heating sys tem. The Fall Term begins Sept. 5, 1903. Address Francis P. Venable, Chapel Hill, N. C. President jM!JrRANKUN always 010 things M 't SLAf Fi JUST A LITTLE BIT BETTER THAN rtJITCJ Jg kdv use could do 'cm. 'viM FURNITURE DEALERS IN THE SOUTH. Our stock embraces every rrade of Furniture made. Fine. Medium. Cheap, and we give as good values in the cheap, as we do in the fine, prices considered. Correspondence solicited. SYDKOB Si HUNDLEY. RICHMOND, VA SOUTHERN MUTUAL Home and Real Estate Co. HOME OFFICE, WILMINGTON, N. C, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. A Building and Loan Co chartered under the t ' j r t A Home Institution Under Home Management Books and Accounts Regularly Examined by the Corporation Com mission of the State of North Carolina. THE ONLY BUILDING AND LOAN GOMPANY that sells stock, and makes loans ANYWHERE in the State of North Caro line. In the COUNTRY as well as in the towns and cities. For further information, address E. D. OSLIN, Agent. Southern Pines, N. C. RALEIGH MARBLE WORKS, COOPER BROS., PROPRIETORS. RALEIGH, N. C. OSfffHI WHITE FOR CATALOGUE.- -WE PAY THE FRE1GH WE HA VE A MORE COMPLETE LINE OF HAE-BWASI, HA PAINTS AND VARNISHED THAN EVER BEFORE. HEATERS Going at nearly Cost to make Room for other goods. COK STOVES FROM $7.50 UP When passing our store step in S. S. THOMAS & SON. BROAD STREET. PHONE 6, -if J 3 if ,A :