4 Wednesday, October 6,1993 U.S. Scholars Call Yeltsin’s Actions Necessary BY JONATHAN BARKER STAFF WRITER Observers in the West defended Rus sian President Boris Yeltsin’s Monday raid onßussia’sPariiamentbuildingbut warned that Yeltsin needed to move quickly to wards democratic elections. “Yeltsin did what any government offi cial would have to do, ” said Joel Schwartz, a UNC political sci- ence professor. “If youhaveamobthat is shooting and kill ing innocent people, then you have to use whatever force is necessary to restore order.” Schwartz said he thought reports of death tolls in the hundreds were inaccurate and were being perpetuated by anti-Yeltsin supporters who wanted Yeltsin’s actions to be seen as inhumane and excessive. In a recorded statement, the U.S. State Department declared one American dead Ya. Woman To Plead Insanity in Penis Case THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON - The Virginia woman who cut off her husband’s penis will try to prove in court she was tempo rarily insane at the time, her lawyer said. Attorney James Lowe said Lorena Bobbitt was repeatedly beaten and raped by her husband, John Wayne Bobbitt. Af ter he attacked her in their Manassas, Va., apartment on June 23, she was seized by an “irresistible impulse” that caused her to reach for a knife and cut him, Lowe said in an interview in the November issue of Vanity Fair magazine. She faces trial Nov. 29 on a charge of malicious wounding. Lowe said he would argue that people who had been repeatedly abused or beaten often have an altered mental state. Lorena Bobbitt told police she muti lated her husband after he raped her when he came home drunk from a night out with a friend. John Bobbitt has been charged with marital sexual assault and his trial is set for Nov. 8. He denies the charge. Both Bobbitts faceup t 0,20 years in prison if convicted. LorenaJjobbitt told the magazine she was appalljjffthat some women had hailed her as a feminist heroine for striking back against alleged abuse. “Nobody knows what I went through,” she said. “Nobody knows anything about me.” She said that after her husband assaulted her, she went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. “It was just so many things together. I was scared.... I was physically hurt.... The first thing I saw was a knife, when I turned. I grabbed that knife and, um, I went to the bedroom, and he was there, I guess, and he kind of, like, moved or something. I don’t know. And I took the sheets off, and I cut him.” She said she wished she had never done it, but couldn’t say for sure if she felt re morse, or if she thought he deserved it. James Sehn, a urologist who helped perform the nine-hour operation to reat tach Bobbitt’s penis, said, “He has a work ing organ. It’s very possible he’s already had sex, and I wouldn’t be surprised.” U.S. Troops Bound to Stay in Somalia to Hold Up U.N. Forces THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NAIROBI, Kenya No president wants to preside over the deaths of Ameri can boys in strange, faraway places, but a pullout of U.S. troops could sound the death knell for U.N. military and humani tarian operations in Somalia. There is little doubt that the4,7ooAmeri can soldiers in Somalia are the glue that holds together the 28,000-strong U.N. peacekeeping force from 33 nations. Without the 3,000 U.S. troops perform ing logistics work underU.N. command, it would be impractical or impossible for many nations to send troops to Somalia. Their units depend on the U.S. contingent for water, food and transportation. How 1b Be On Your WayToAiT'A." What Class Notes Can Do For You! . 1 • Help to put lecture material in a better perspective. 2. Give the student the opportunity to learn how a quality student notetaker formulates and develops % usable class notes. 3. Help the student in his or her notetaking for other ]r courses, for which class notes are not available from -W+fA the notetaking service. 4. Eliminate problems of not understanding or not T~y hearing the instructor. and five Americans injured in the violence, warning against travel to the still-volatile country. Dennis Papazian, director of the Michi gan-based Center for Study of Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia, said Yeltsin had the potential for historic failure or historic success. “Ifhe has greatness in him, then he may pull this off. Ifhe has fatal flaws as many suspect he does, he may make topical re forms only,” he said. “I hope and expect that he will follow a moderate road, have elections, and go on with democratic re form. “His actions were unfortunate, but the situation deteriorated and he finally did what he had to do,” Papazian said. Many scholars across the country agreed with Schwartz that Yeltsin was forced to violent actions by hard-line lawmakers se questered in the Parliament building. “I think that for two weeks Yeltsin was cautious and tried to avoid the use of force, so I think it’s a mistake to suggest that Citizens of Northern Bosnia Racked By Lack of U.N. Aid, Severe Shelling THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina It’s been 100 days since tens of thousands ofMuslims trappedbetween Serb and Croat guns in the nearly forgotten north have seen an aid convoy. As Bosnia plunges into its second win ter of war, U.N. officials are warning of disaster for at least 150,000 Muslims in the towns of Maglaj and Tesanj. The reports that make it to the outside tell of near-starvation and ever fierce shell ing from Serb and Croat artillery. “These two towns are basically a black hole for us,” said Ray Wilkinson, spokes man in Sarajevo for the U.N. High Com missioner for Refugees. Radio reports that shelling of the two towns had been intensifying for the past week are unconfirmed. But the situation clearly is grim. A Bosnian army official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said shelling had been continuous for a month in what ap peared to be a standoff. He said Muslim led government forces have adequate am Buttafuoco Admits to Having Sex with Fisher THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK After 1 1/2 years of denials—tohis wife, to Howard Stem and Phil Donahue, to the produeersofhis made for-TV movie Joey Buttafuoco finally admitted it Tuesday: He slept with Amy Fisher. He admitted it happened at a motel. He admitted knowing she was just 16 years old. And he admitted it all in court, where he pleaded guilty to third-degree rape and set himself up for a six-month jail term. “OnJulyi, 1991,1 had sexual relations with Amy Fisher at the Freeport Motel,” Buttafuoco declared in a clear voice before a packed courtroom, acknowledging the affair for the first time. He appeared with out his wife, Mary Jo, who is said to be standing by her man despite his confes sion. Joey Buttafuoco’s plea was one of the final frames ofthe saga that began May 19, 1992, whenFishershotMary Jo Buttafuoco in the head to clear the way for her affair with Joey Buttafuoco. Fisher is serving five-to-15 years for the shooting. The “Joey and Amy” story captured the public’s imagination like few others. There About 1,300 other U.S. soldiers, bol stered recently by 400 elite Rangers, make up the Quick Reaction Force, designed originally to provide rapid relief for other national units that might find themselves in trouble. U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali has shrunk from Clinton administration suggestions that it might withdraw U.S. troops. He said a pullout would mean the abandonment of southern Mogadishu to fugitive warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid. And that, Boutros-Ghali said, would “condemn the people of Somalia to the resumption of civil war and all the horrors that would result.” Somalia was tom by STATE & NATIONAL Yeltsin was trigger-happy,” said Russell Bova, a political science professor at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania. Schwartz said Yeltsin now had huge decisions to make concerning treatment of his former vice president and Parliament speaker. “Yeltsin has to decide what to do with (Alexander) Rutskoi and (Ruslan) Khasbulatov, how to treat them, whether or not he should bring them to trial or not, ” he said. “It is a very delicate political bal ance.” Many scholars expressed concern that because of his past autocratic inclinations, Yeltsin could end reforms or institute slower reforms while retaining his base of power. “Yeltsin is acting undemocratically to bring about democracy, and there is al ways the fear that someday he may act undemocratically to end democracy,” Papazian said. “He cannot make Russia democratic by making it autocratic.” Bova said he thought Yeltsin could very well upgrade his current, though neces munition, but food and other civilian sup plies are scarce. “It’s potentially the worst-off region of Bosnia,” Wilkinson said. “Ifeastern Bosnia is critical, the Maglaj pocket has the poten tial for catastrophe.” “We have no specifics, but the condi tionsmustbeterrible. They must have very little food, virtually no medicines and profr ably no shelter.” Sylvana Foa of UNHCR headquarters in Geneva said Tuesday marked the 100th day since an aid convoy has reached the towns. The last one turned back after it came under fire and two Danish drivers were killed. No aid officials are in the towns, which now rely on nighttime U.N. airdrops. About 110 tons were dropped last week, but much of it is believed to have drifted over enemy lines, out of reach of civilians. Wilkinson said there were reports that four people had died of food poisoning, after eating wild mushrooms. The towns are the only Bosnian govern ment holdouts in northern Bosnia, where was an instant book and three made-for- TV movies. The Buttafuocos were guests on the “Donahue” show, where Joey Buttafooco was vilified. Jokes proliferated . David Letterman drew laughs by simply saying “Buttafuoco, ” while Madonna tore Buttafuoco’spictureupon “Saturday Night Live.” “Let me tell you something. I don’t cheat on my wife. No. Oh, no. Oh, no,” Buttafuoco told radio host Stem last year. Buttafuoco, who will be sentenced Nov. 15, had nothing to say after the 20-minute hearing before Nassau County Court Judge Jack Mackston. Under a plea bargain, Buttafuoco’s sentence will be no more than six months in jail, five years’ probation and a $5,000 fine. If he gets the maximum, Buttafuoco could be released after four months. “Itwasadifficultandhardday. Ithought he handled it well,” said Buttafuoco’s at torney, Dominic Barbara. “Joey Buttaftioco is prepared to do whatever he has to do for his children and his family.” What he wouldn’t do, prosecutors said, was participate in a blood test and a physi cal examination. war among Aidid M*. and other warlords I before U.N. inter vention, and relief workers depend on fWPlFNpglll •- U.N. military pro- S tection. troops took over S ft force in May, one of Hnk A JffilSl their mandates was U.N. Secretary-General to disarm the war- BOUTROS lords, who inherited BOUTROS-GHAU a huge arsenal of does not want the U.S. weapons after the to withdraw troops fall of dictator from Somalia. Mohammed Siad Barre in January 1991. The weapons were supplied by the Soviet Union and later the United States during the Cold War. TheU.S. Quick ReactionForce,known locally as the QRF, is one of the most essential parts ofthe U.N. military effort. It International Careers Conference Saturday, October 30 8:30 AM-4:3OPM Hill Alumni Center - UNC-Chapel Hill Sponsored by United Nations Association Local Chapters, Duke, NCSU, TUSS, and UNC-CH Contact University Career Services, 211 Hanes Hall, for program and registration information. Fee $15.00. Registration Deadline: October 7 sary, dictatorial policies to cover the entire Russian political system. “Having instituted censorship within the media, the question now is, will he become autocratic and initiate a dictator ship?” Bova said. He also questioned the price Yeltsin had to pay to get the backing of the military. Papazian said that despite the apparent end to the crisis, the future of Russian reform was very much up in the air. Yeltsin’s new plan of action should be quite clear, he said. “Yeltsin next needs to create a constitu tion which is decently established, hold parliamentary elections in December as he promised that are free and democratic, then encourage the Parliament to pass laws on banking and taxes, things that they have never had in Russia,” Papazian said. Bova said Yeltsin would have to build a stable foundation for Russia’s future. “He’s won the battle but the long-term effects on Russian democracy remain to be seen.” Serbs are consolidating a supply corridor connecting their occupied territories in western Bosnia and neighboring Croatia to Serbia proper. Bosnian Croats, who initially fought with the government against Seth forces, recently split and have cooperated with the Serbs in some areas. Lt. Col. Bill Aikman, a spokesman for U.N. peacekeepers in Sarajevo, said last week that some4o,ooopeople were trapped in Maglaj and more than 100,000 were holed up in nearby Tesanj. Wilkinson said it was possible that 200,000 people could be pinned down by shelling in the towns and surrounding ar | eas, about 40 miles northwest of Sarajevo. If no convoys get through within a month, U.N. aid officials say they will have to try dropping winter tents by air. Serb authorities in the northern Serb stronghold of Banja Luka demand that they be guaranteed more supplies before any more aid is allowed to reach Maglaj. Wilkinson said such linkage “is out of the question” under UNHCR policies. Assistant District Attorney Fred Klein thought the blood test would confirm Fisher’s story that Buttafuoco gave her herpes; the physical exam would confirm her detailed description of Joey’s physical attributes, including (but not exclusively) a mole on his inner thigh. The plea to the most serious count of a 19-count indictment resolves the whole case. Fisher’s lawyer, Philip Catapano, said of the plea that “at least the world will know Amy Fisher was not lying.” Although Buttafuoco denied it, Fisher charged they had an affair that included trysts in four motels, Buttafuoco’s auto body shop on New York’s Long Island and aboard his boat, “Double Trouble.” Fisher, now 19, was only 16 when the affair began, which is below the legal age of consent in New York state. There still might be an explosive finale. Fisher, as the victim in the crime, has a right to speak at the sentencing —and she just might do that, said Matthew Rosenblum, another of her attorneys. “Amy Fisher,” he said in understate ment, “has a tendency to want to speak.” is a highly mobile light-infantry unit, equipped with a squadron of helicopters. The Rangers brought at least a dozen of their own helicopters with them when they arrived in August. While the QRF remains under U.S., and not U.N., command, its role has changed in recent months. Instead ofbeing a reserve force, it is being used more and more as an operational unit. That, perhaps, reflects a lack of faith by some commanders in other U.N. armed forces. With almost half of the U.N. force pinned down in positions in southern Mogadishu by militiamen loyal to Aidid, the QRF’s helicopters have played an in creasingly important—and visible—role. They are almost constantly in the sky low over southern Mogadishu where they patrol mean streets on which the United Nations has become increasingly loathe to send its soldiers on foot surrendering them, in effect, to Aidid. GRE Testing to Be Part Of Computer Revolution BYMELISSA ROCHE STAFF WRITER Next month, the Educational Testing Service will debut anew version of the Graduate Records Examination (GRE), which uses anew computer feedback method of standardized testing. The new Computer-Adaptive Test ver sion of the GRE, which will be offered beginning Nov. 1 at Sylvan Learning Cen ters across the nation, has been preceded by the Computer-Based Testing Program, a computer version of the written GRE test, said Kevin Gonzalez, an ETS spokes man. The GRE is a standardized test admin istered to graduate school applicants. “The Computer-Based Test is meant to be a transitional step between the tradi tional pencil-and-paper test and the new Computer-Adaptive Test,” he said. The Computer-Based Testing Program has been offered at Sylvan Learning Cen ters since last fall, said Ron Hester, director of the Sylvan Learning Center in Raleigh. Sylvan Learning Centers and the Edu cational Testing Service have signed a con tract granting the Sylvan Learning Centers the sole right to administer the computer ized version of the GRE, Gonzalez said. The new Computer-Adaptive Test will contain a smaller amount of questions and will only present the test taker with ques tions at the level of difficulty on which he is functioning, he said. “The first question will be of medium difficulty,” he said. “If you answer a ques tion incorrectly, the next question will de crease in difficulty. If you answer a ques tion correctly, the next question will in crease in difficulty.” The test taker will receive more points for answering more difficult questions and fewer points for answering less difficult questions, Gonzalez said. “The ETS wants only high scorers to get the hard questions,” Krebs said. “They Georgian Leader Imposes Curfews, Orders Arrests THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TBILISI, Georgia Georgian leader Eduard Shevardnadze imposed a curfew Tuesday in the capital and in regions tom by fighting between government troops and rebels loyal to the former president. The overnight curfew was announced after widespread fighting between the rival armies was reported in western Georgia and several opponents of Shevardnadze were arrested. “We need tough measures to combat terrorists and those forces attempting to overthrowthestate,”saidDzhabalsoeliani, the military commander of Shevardnadze’s Emergency Defense Council. Shevardnadze, using special powers granted by Parliament, ordered the arrest of several prominent supporters of ousted President Zviad Gamsakhurdia. David Mumuladze, a spokesman for Georgia’s intelligence service, said a num ber of people had been arrested for “the BICENTENNIAL FROM PAGE 1 lead the procession of different groups into Kenan Stadium. Themain procession willbeled by Mark Henderson, a 1951 UNC graduate, as he completes his re-enactment of Hinton James’ 155-mile walk from Wilmington. The final event of the day will be the president’s speech. Tepper said his office was waiting for confirmation of final details of the president’s arrival. The Bicentennial Of fice is working around the clock to accom modate Clinton’s schedule, Tepper said. “No matter how well you plan for the president, there will be certain things you have to change,” Tepper said. Hopefully, Clinton’s itinerary will ac- SCNOOL FROM PAGE 3 all students. “Socioeconomic biases both in policy and practice are felt by both parents and students, ” she said. “Our com munity is no w suffering from our neglect. ” Candidate Billy Bevill said he always had supported the public schools. Bevill recently removed his children from the system, explaining that the schools were teaching a value-based education instead of the basics. “I believe the critical issue is the level of communication with the board and citi zens, ” he said. “There is never a time when the board collectively answers to the pub t HAROLD has a secret! Harold is a hemophiliac. 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