(Hip Daily ear Hrrl The Road Was Long, But It Sure Was Fun ' 'x-'-SP ■ i ihmum. —— - - . *-, r ji / -ijwipa V' niirir ~ >w *- 11 Ip 3gi| x — ..u HH mms& . £ IIB^WBB DTH/DAVID ALFORD DTH/KATIE CANNON ‘V 4- ■ ,y tijfffi : w I™ PS ' ’'Ws&r frfltd DTH/KATIE CANNON DTH/EUZABETH MAYBACH ij,^^' j|.! IrflflirfiiffliMi.rt,-h, r ruin hi * *.P&f'. [>l!l k\.i: . V.-...1-< COMMENCEMENT Master's and doctoral students (above) make their way into Kenan Stadium Sunday for Commencement exercises. Many students showed their appreciation for their parents' efforts, as one graduate did (right) during the procession. UNC guard Tonya Sampson (left) reacts to keynote speaker Francis Collins' praise of the women's basketball team and its first national championship. Stephanie Frazier (below, far left) is accompanied by her daughter Katie. 4, as she walks in the procession. Frazier received a bachelor's degree in science education. In order to stand out in the crowd, David Long (below left) spiced up his mortarboard with an inflatable penguin. '"' ii ■ . JdgflK *■■ | jjjft jO jSSStj^SSSKi . ~..v.-. • • - A DTH/KATIE CANNON Tracey Gordon, Denise Lyscik and Kelly Karras (above) use a 'Jurassic Park' motif to decorate their caps. Although graduates were asked by senior class president Joe Andrews not to drink alcohol at commencement, some students (left) chose to ignore his request and indulge anyway. % SKSBf 1 M tscS' f jli ;f ; mH f I 1? P ■ •.'■'/ DTH/KATIE CANNON DTH/KATIE CANNON Jamyle Newlin, Kim and Wendy (above) rejoice in the completion of their degrees. Such sentiments are understandable since some choose to pursue the 5- or 6-year plan. Although the weather on Sunday was cloudy and muggy, that did not stop one graduate (left) from trying to catch some rays and a quick nap during the presentation of honorary degrees. 5 Thursday, May 19,1994