2 Thursday, September 14,1995 SRC, Pool May Reap Rewards From Surplus Money ■ A student referendum could earmark $1.2 million for repairs and renovations. BY LILLIE CRATON STAFF WRITER The Student Recreation Center, still closed after last month’s flooding, might receive over a million dollars in windfall funds to be used for repairs and improve ments. Student Body President Calvin Cunningham said he planned to propose a resolution to Student Congress which Alcohol Law Enforcement Investigating Charges Against Agent After Crackdown ■ The ALE plans to continue the crackdown against underage drinking although complaints were filed against one agent. BY MARY-KATHRYN CRAFT STAFF WRITER Despite allegations of harassment against an Alcohol Law Enforcement of ficer and an ongoing internal investigation into the matter, the ALE maintains that strict enforcement of all underage drinking laws will continue. John Simmons, ALE district supervi sor, said there were plans to implement the Cops-N-Shops program again in the near future. The program focuses on underage pur chase and possession of alcohol. “It is an ongoing effort to make sure individuals are complying with the law,” Simmons said. Friday, Sept. 15 ilUJM>ifP>