2 Wednesday, September 4,1996 SRC undergoes structural, programming changes ■ Recent renovations to the facility should make it more user-friendly. BY STEPHANIE M. SHAW STAFF WRITER When students return to the Student Recreation Center this fall, they might not notice some of the changes made to the facility over the summer, but they’re bound to feel them. SRC Director Lauren Mangili said the some of the new improvements were put in place to make students’ workout experiences more comfortable. “We added the set of doors to keep the cold weather out and to prevent heat loss SOCCER FROM PAGE 1 Any additional incidents by the team or players will result in suspensions and possibly more game forfeitures. “I am very concerned about this inci dent and consider it a very serious mat ter,” Swofford stated in an earlier release Tuesday afternoon. “The team captains deny that this was an initiation for freshman team mem bers. However, the party was ill advised and inappropriate.” In a prepared statement, Chancellor Michael Hooker said the team’s behav ior was clearly unacceptable and that it would not be tolerated at UNC. COURT FROM PAGE 1 Clark said he would not say how many shots were fired or how many times Morrow was wounded because those details were all part of the impending trial. He also said he could not comment on the type of gun used in the shooting, although he did say it was a handgun. Clark said police arrested Blackwell later Sunday morning at his home in Chapel Hill. The arrest took place with out incident. “(Blackwell) was located at his house, ” Clark said. “No standoff occurred. A relative helped us go into the house and get him out.” According to police reports, Blackwell was employed by the Town of Chapel Hill in the maintenance division of the Housing Department. Blackwell is currently being held in the Orange County Jail in Hillsborough. Hr ' llllf ■KB n Macintosh. More affordable than ever. With low student prices on Macintosh* computers, you can start doing whatever it is you want to do. And to make it even easier for you to purchase a Macintosh, apply |k ■ -’ „ for the Apple Computer Loan. So you can take home a Mac, and you won’t have to make a payment for 90 daysr How do you get started? Just visit your campus computer store today up a HHH 0//,r e.ypnvs ikinhir II I'flh Xu /miiieiil n/ inleresl nr /irma/Hil trill Ik minimi /nr 'III thus Inlrttsi accrunre, thnne; the 'in t/av period trill he ntkksl lo Ibe pnneiput und uilt hear inleresl irbieli irill hf iiiclin/eil m the npnineiil schedule For e.cumple. Ibe month ojHtty PPXi bad an inleresl rule nflj nilli an . iuintul I'eneuttiee llule f iPfl} ul IIV I nioiilblr Innuienl nl X U Hit lor Ibe hum- I /„.■■ ijliti sishw is mi e,limit busal mi a Inliil Imm iimniiil n/ SIMMS, irbid) liicluiles n sumple/iiirclmsc price ofSt'• nmt a (i”., hum nripiuiillnii lie Inleresl is rariulile buseil on Ibe Prune Itiilr as repnrlal on Ibe 5//) business tlm of Ibe moult