J Mam Pmnts, Great Name Brand Merchandise at Rock Bottom Prices! C'hi>c l Hill - I *4 C L kiist I riinklin St ree l Live off-campus and still Granville Towers mm get great food? $99 far 25 Meeds* at a great price! *DineAnytime m ! Use your 25 meals whenever you want. Good for nonresidents only . Granville Towers at University Square The Place To Be at UNC! Call or come by for more details 929-7143 16 Thursday, September 19,1996 Committee creates schedule without taking away holidays BY KERRY OSSI STAFF WRITER SEPT. 18 The Calendar Com mittee decided Tuesday to recom mend a calendar that will not take away holidays from students and will keep both Fall Break and Thanksgiv ing Break intact. David Lanier, University registrar and Calendar Committee chairman, said the General Administration asked that the committee come up with anew schedule that would keep instructional days off of holidays. The request arose when the com mittee suggested classes be held on Good Friday and Labor Day in order to meet UNC-system President C.D. Spangler’s new requirement that each semester have 75 instructional days, Lanier said. “Holidays, exam days, Saturdays and Sundays cannot be included in the 75 days of instruction, but I’ve received confirmation from the GA that reading days count,” Lanier said. The committee agreed to keep SURVIVAL GUIDE FROM PAGE 10 When they leave, you can always toss the healthy stuff in the trash and get back to your Chunky Monkey (if that’s not die punch line to a dirty ...and so htyflflftf || new FlajMKomil. FrendfflDjninection andjfflEr ife IIkES! (Tljp Saily (Tar Heel seven exam days and two reading days at the end of each semester but decided to split up the reading days. If Chancellor Michael Hooker approves the recommended calendar, one reading day will be scheduled after the last day of classes and a second will be held in the middle of exam week. In order to meet Spangler’s require ment, the committee decided to start classes a half day earlier next fall. Classes will begin at 12:30 p.m. on Aug. 19 instead of 8 a.m. on Aug. 20 and will end a day later. “Starting classes at 12:30 is a little weird, but all the testing, evaluating and advising can be finished Tuesday morning or spread out over theweek,” said Bobbi Owen, associate dean of College of Arts and Sciences. “But there has to be at least one working day before classes start.” The committee also added three days to the beginning of the 1998 spring semester. Classes will begin Jan. 7 instead of Jan. 12, and classes will end a day earlier. joke, it should be). Most importantly, remember that they're your parents and you owe them “your life,” as my mother says. Also, you’re in college, and the days they’ll be willing to spoil you will soonbegone. Enjoy it while you can.