s JP# Students, Act MW f , # *mitUW/n H Ig§ HP Limited Availability! Enjoy apartment living at its best! For years Triangle communities has featured ihe most cwivenieMiy tocaied.^ tmsi managed and mosl altor /e Kmgswood 967*2231 W R K a OPPCRTUfTY Housing Guide ■ * Tuesday, February 4, 1997 A Publication of Ulir Oaill| dur llrrl 11 M H flPjfjPLMfflffl Kl I wf ff VB m SMjjg* . f " BBT JkiL,* jl M 7-9834 o£>Cumc I 5 University LakeVj^ -— "\ A~ I / / w gßg? and /