10 Thursday, April 5, 2001 JULIAN'S From Page 3 visit Julian’s when they return to their alma mater. “Some of the alumni have come in and said, ’lt feels the same way, but you changed this or that,’* she said. “I will tell them that my dad didn’t get to stay in business for him self for 50 years by being the exact same thing he was the day he opened.” Decades after opening, Julian-Fox said the store continues to uphold the tradi tions and core beliefs on which it was MW filTffl fUI fWil liMl Eastgate Shopping Center Dansko Birkenstock Comfortable Soles SPECIALTY STORE s'* C - hapel Hl " Raleigh 1 (w.so.L,*™, | J 933-1300 Open 7 days 8289567 Don't miss out on C' A IM A this chance to recognize L. 11 > t\ the individuals who 2@*®l h “ur„ i r m OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS.' Nominations for Outstanding Senior/Favorite Faculty AWAFtDS are due by 5 p.m., Friday. April 6 to the George Watts Hill Alumni Center. Nomination forms can be picked up at The Union desk or The George Watts Hill Alumni Center BpTc I -f 4 1 ' VWP" * V /tim CATERING breakfast • luncH ■ dinner since 19 88 fjßßa 7 day delivery to UNC W • Over age 35 and smoke 15 or more cigarettes per day Tell your health care provider if you have ever had any of these conditions. Your health care provider can recommend a safer method of birth control ABE THERE OTHER THINGS TO CON SIDER BEFORE TAKING LUNELLE™ MONTHLY CONTRACEPTIVE INJECTION? For the majority of women, hormonal contracep tives can be taken safely But there are some women who are at high risk of developing certain serious diseases that can be life-threatening or may cause temporary or permanent disability. Tell your health care provider if you have: • Breast nodules, fibrocystic disease of the breast, an abnormal breast x-ray or mammo gram, strong family history of breast cancer • Diabetes • Elevated cholesterol or triglycerides • High blood pressure • Migraine or other headaches or epilepsy • Mental depression • Gallbladder, heart or kidney disease • History of scanty or irregular menstrual periods • Smoke especially it 35 years or older Women with any of these conditions should be checked often by their health care provider if they choose to use LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection. Also, be sure to inform your doctor or health care provider if you smoke or are on any medications WHATJVPE THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH TMINS HORMONAL CONTRACEPTIVES? 1. Risk ot developing blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes Blood clots and blockage ot blood vessels are the most serious side effects ol taking hormonal con traceptives In particular, blood clots can occur in the legs and can travel to the lungs and can cause sudden blocking ol the vessel carrying blood to the lungs. Rarely, clots occur in the blood vessels of the eye and may cause blindness, double vision, or impaired vision If you take hormonal contraceptives such as LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection and need elective surgery, need to stay in bed lor a prolonged illness, or have recently had a baby, you may be at risk of developing blood clots. You should consult your doctor about stopping hor monal contraceptives three to four weeks before surgery and not taking hormonal contraceptives tor two weeks after surgery or during bed rest. You should also not take hormonal contraceptives soon after delivery ot a baby It is advisable to wait for at least four weeks after delivery before using hormonal contraceptives such as LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection. (See also the section on Breast Feeding in WHAT PRECAU TIONS SHOULD BE FOLLOWED DURING THE USE OF LUNELLE MONTHLY CONTRACEPTIVE INJECTION?) Hormonal contraceptives may also increase the tendency to develop strokes (stoppage or rupture of blood vessels in the brain) and angina pedoris and heart attacks (blockage ot blood vessels in the heart). Any of these conditions can cause death or disability. Smoking greatly increases the possibility of devel oping blood clots or suffering heart attacks and strokes Furthermore, smoking and the use erf hor monal contraceptives greatly increase the chances ot developing and dying of heart disease, particu larly it you are over 35 years of age 2. Gallbladder disease Hormonal contraceptive users probably have a greater risk than non-users of having gallbladder disease 3. Liver tumors In rare cases, hormonal contraceptives can cause benign but dangerous liver t>jmors These benign LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection medroxyprogesterone acetate and estradiol cypionate injectable suspension LUNELLE 1- Monthly Contraceptive Injection (like all hormonal contraceptives) is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against HIV infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases. This summary contains important information about LUNELLE'" Monthly Contraceptive Injection It is not meant to take the place of dis cussions with your doctor and it cannot replace your doctor’s advice. Only your doctor can assess the benefits and risks to decide if LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection is right for you. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist, or other pre scribing healthcare professional, if you do not understand any of Ihis information or if you wan! to know more about LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection, WHAT JS LUNELLE™ MONTHLY CONTRA CEPTIVE INJECTION? LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection is a type of hormonal birth control that is given as an injection (a shot) in your arm thigh, or buttock once a month to prevent pregnancy It contains hormones which have effects similar to the natural hormones, estrogen and progesterone, produced in your body Similar combinations ol hormones are found in some oral contraceptives also known as “birth control pills” or “the pill." When you receive your injections once a month as pre scribed LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection is as effective as birth control pills When given according to the prescribed schedule, LUNELLE " Monthly Contraceptive Injection is effective in preventing pregnancy during the cycle in which it is given Clinical studies have shown that when women receive LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection according to the recom mended schedule, the failure rate of this method of birth control is less than 1 % per year WHO SHOULD NOT TAKE LUNELLE™ MONTHLY QONTBACEPTIVE INJECTION? Cigarette smoking increases the risk of serious cardiovascular side effects from hormonal contraceptive use. This risk increases with age and with heavy smok ing (15 or more cigarettes per day) and is quite marked in women over 35 years ot age. Women who use hormonal contra ceptives are strongly advised not to smoke. Some women should not use hormonal contra ceptives For example, you should not take LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant. You should also not use LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection it you have any of the fol lowing conditions • A history of heart attack or stroke • Blood clots in the legs (thrombophlebitis), lungs (pulmonary embolism), or eyes • A history ol blood clots in the deep veins of your legs • Chest pain (angina pectoris) • Known or suspected breast cancer or cancer ot the lining of the uterus, cervix or vagina • Unexplained vaginal bleeding (until a diag nosis is reached by your doctor) • Yellowing of the whites of the eyes or of the skin (jaundice) during pregnancy or during previous use of the pill or other hormonal contraceptives • Liver tumor (benign or cancerous) • Known or suspected pregnancy • Allergy to any ol the ingredients contained in LUhCLLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection founded. “Our almost 60-year history has been about traditional with a twist,” she said. “It’s great style, good fit, a lot of flexibility. It makes customers look good, which translates into feel good.” This tradition also includes a close relationship with the University. “Our connections with the University ran very deep, all the way from my brother inventing the basketball uniform to having a need-based scholarship in our mom and dad’s honor,” Julian-Fox said. “We’re proud of everything we’re able to do with this business.” The store also has employed many liva tumors can rupture ant) cause latal internal bleeding. In addition, a possible but not definite association has been found with hormonal contra ceptives and liver cancers in two studies, in which a few women who developed these very rare can cers were found to have used hormonal contra ceptives for long periods. However, liver cancers are extremely rare. The chance of developing liver cancer from using hormonal contraceptives is thus even rarer. 4. Cancer of the reproductive organs and breasts There is, at present, no confirmed evidence that oral hormonal contraceptives increase the risk of cancer of the reproductive organs in human stud ies. Studies to date of women taking the pill have reported conflicting findings on whether pill use increases the risk ol developing cancer of the breast Most of the studies on breast cancer and pill use have found no overall increase in the risk of developing breast cancer, although some stud ies have reported an increased risk of developing breast cancer in certain groups of women. Some studies have found an increase in the inci dence of cancer ol the cervix in women who use oral hormonal contraceptives. However, this find ing may be related to factors other than the use ot oral hormonal contraceptives Studies have found that women who used injectable hormonal contraceptives (Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection) had no increased overall risk of developing cancer of the breast, ovary, uterus, or cervix. However, women under 35 years ot age whose first exposure to Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection was within the previous 4 to 5 years may have a slightly increased risk of developing breast cancer similar to that seen with oral contraceptives Women who use hormonal contraceptives and have a strong family history of breast cancer or who have breast nodules or abnormal mammo- . gram should be closely followed by their doctors. 5. Changes in bone mineral density Use of injectable hormonal contraceptives con taining the progesterone-type hormone found in LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection may be associated with a decrease in the amount of mineral stored in your bones. This could increase your risk of developing bone fractures. The rate of bone mineral loss is greatest in the early years of use of this type of contraceptive, but after that, it begins to resemble the normal rate of age-related bone mineral loss 6. Allergic reactions Severe allergic reactions have been reported in some women using injectable hormonal contra ceptives containing the progesterone-type hor mone found in LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection. Allergic reactions occurring in women using LUNEU£™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection have been mainly skin reactions, and not respira tory in nature. Serious allergic reactions require emergency medical treatment. ESTIMATED BISK OF OEATH FROM A BIRTH CQHTBOL METHOD OH PBEGWAWCY All mettiods ol birth control and pregnancy are associated with a risk ol developing certain dis eases that may lead to disability or death An esti mate ol Ihe number ol deaths associated with dit letent methods ol birth control and pregnancy has been calculated. The risk ol death tram any birth control method is less than the risk ot childbirth, except lot oral hor monal contraceptive users cm Ihe age ot 35 who smoke and oral hormonal contraceptive usets over the age ol 40 even it they do not smoke. For women aged 15 to 39. the risk ol death was high est with pregnancy (7-26 deaths per 100.000 women, depending on age). Among orelhormon al contraceptive usets who do not smoke, Ihe risk From Page Three UNC students. Julian-Fox said they provide a creative edge to the business and form part of an extended family. “Working at Julian’s was a wonderful experience,” said former employee Eliza Warren, a senior journalism major. “They’re your employers, and they’re also your friends. I transferred here, and Julian’s really took me under their wing and helped me meet people.” Lately, the store has been involved with the University in other ways. Tonight, Julian’s will be among the designers showcasing everything from beachwear to formaiwear at a fashion show at 7 p.m. in the Great Hall. Proceeds from the show, sponsored by the Kenan-Flagler Business School, will go to the Durham Scholars, an after school program for minorities at local elementary schools. Tickets are $6. In the fall, Julian’s also kicked off its Men of Style advertising campaign. After placing advertisements for volun teering models in The Daily Tar Heel, the store choose 14 UNC men to appear in its fall campaign. “The whole thing was about applauding our college fellows and their sense of style,” Julian- Fox said. “We just had a wonderful time with that, and I think they would say they had a good time, too.” Following the success of its initial Men of Style campaign, the store plans to host another one this fall. Even with the evolving times, Julian-Fox said the store’s green canopy will complement the street facade for many years to come. “We grew up by hearing people say ing ‘l’ll meet you at Julian’s after the game,’” Julian-Fox said. “We figure if we continue to hear that, then we’ll continue to work to be here. “This is our town and our street and our university, and you can’t take away any segment of that. It just wouldn’t be the same.” The Features Editor can be reached at features@unc.edu. cut and savell _ Hey Ca*oua* ( i'Mm you can earn sss and contribute to the future of medicine. Are You: •A healthy individual • Willing to participate in medically supervised research studies. S3*Yes.. .then you may be eligible to participate. You have to meet certain criteria to qualify for a study, including our free medical exam and screening tests. ,Fpr information about these studies, please call PPD DEVELOPMENT 1-800-PPD-CRU2 • (1-800-773-2782) E-mail: Rtp-Cllnlo@rtp.ppdi.com • Visit our web site for more study info: http://www.ppd.citysearoh.oom Listen for our ads on MIXIOI and WBBB CURRENT STUDY OPPORTUNITIES Study Compensation Requirements #253 Up to SIOOO Healthy, Nonsmoking Males. Ages 18-45. TIMELINE: Call for Dates and Times #256 Up to S7OO Healthy, Nonsmoking Males and Females (non-pregnant). Ages 1845. TIMELINE: CALL FOR DATES. _ DEVELOPMENT Conducting clinical studies since 1983 of death is always lower than that associated with pregnancy for any age group, although over the age of 40, the risk increases to 32 deaths per 100,000 women, compared to 28 associated with pregnancy at that age. However, for oral hormonal contraceptive users who smoke and are over the age of 35, the estimated number of deaths exceeds those for other methods of birth control. It a woman is over the age of 40 and smokes, her estimated risk ot death is four times higher (117/100.000 women) than the estimated risk associated with pregnancy (28/100,000 women) in that age group. An Advisory Committee of the FDA discussed this issue in 1989 and recommended that the benefits of oral contraceptive use by healthy, non-smoking women over 40 years of age may outweigh the possible risks. However, women ot all ages are cautioned to use the lowest dose oral contracep tive that Is effective, and are strongly advised not to smoke. WHAT SYMPTOMS MAY SIGNAL PROB LEMS WHILE USING IUN£IIE!!IMQNTH LY CONTRACEPTIVE INJECTION? Call your doctor immediately if any of these adverse effects occur while you are taking LUNELLE™ Monthly Contractive Injection • Sharp chest pain, coughing ol blood, or sudden shortness of breath (indicating a possible clot in the lung) • Pain in the calf (indicating a possible dot in the leg) • Crushing chest pain or heaviness in the chest (indicating a possible heart attack) • Sudden severe headache or vomiting, dizziness or tainting, disturbances of vision or speech, weakness, or numbness in an arm or leg (indicating a possible stroke) • Sudden partial or complete loss of vision (indicating a possible clot in the eye) • Breast lumps (indicating possible breast cancer or fibrocystic disease of the breast; ask your doctor or health care provider to show you how to examine your breasts) • Severe pain or tenderness in the abdominal area (indicating a possibly ruptured liver tumor, ovarian cyst, or pregnancy outside the uterus) • Difficulty in sleeping, weakness, lack of energy, fatigue, or change in mood (possibly indicating severe depression) • Jaundice or a yellowing ot the skin or eyeballs, accompanied frequently by fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, dark-colored urine, or light-colored bOAel movements (indicating possible liver problems) • PersisJertpain. pus, or bleeding althe injection site • Unusually heavy vaginal bleeding WMTAfIE IMPOSSIBLE SIPEEPFECTS OF LUNEU.E™ MONTHLY CONTRACT 1. Vaginal bleeding Most women using LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection experience alteration of menstrual bleeding Bleeding patterns may vary from a single monthly bleed to no bleeding at ail or slight staining between menstrual periods to frequent, prolonged, and/or unpredictable bleed ing. In any given injection interval, approximately 50% of women using LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive injection experience withdrawal bleeding that begins 20-25 days after the injec tion Withdrawal bleeding lasts more than 7 days in 42% of women during the first month of use and in 29% of women at the end of one year of use. In any given injection interval, approximately 15% of women may have no bleeding at all and 10% may experience bleeding or spotting at vari ous times in the cycle Irregular bleeding often occurs during the first few months of LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection use and may per sist with continued use in up to one third ot women. Your menstrual blood flow may be heev HHr JiBBC - W HI ;.VrJjglppppi . S? - v 'HB- ’ ” DTH/SEFTONIPOCK Senior Ryan Dahl leads other members of the men's club rugby team in a passing drill Wednesday afternoon. The team is getting ready for a trip to compete in the national rugby Sweet 16. RUGBY From Page 3 there are benefits to being a club team. “You’re not required to do anything, so the people who come out to practice are there because that’s how they want to spend the next two or three hours of their day,” he said. And Powell said he is confident the players will find a way to compete because ier or lighter, and there may be no bleeding, fewer days of bleeding, or more days ot bleeding than what you have previously experienced. Such bleeding usually does not indicate any serious problems. If an altered bleeding pattern persists or the bleeding is severe, discuss it with your health care provider. There is also a small risk that (painful) cramps may be associated with bleeding. 2. Weight change Weight gain is a common side effect in women using LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection. The average expected weight gain is 4 pounds in the first year of use. Some women gain more than 10 to 20 pounds in the first year Women have gained as much as 49 pounds or lost as much as 48 pounds in one year of use Clinical trials showed wide variability in individual weight change with an increasing percentage of LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection users experiencing weight change in excess of 10 and 20 pounds with continued treatment 3. Contact lenses If you wear contact lenses and notice a change in vision or an inability to wear your lenses, contact your doctor or health care provider. 4. Fluid retention Hormonal contraceptives may cause edema (fluid retention) with swelling of the fingers or ankles and may raise your blood pressure. It you experience fluid retention, contact your doctor or health care provider. 5. Other side effects Other side effects may include breast pain or ten derness, acne, change in appetite, nausea, headache, nervousness, depression, mood changes, changes in sexual desire, dizziness, loss of scalp hair, rash, and vaginal infections. If any of these side effects bother you, call your health care provider. MONTHLY CQNTRACEmVEINJEaiQN^ 1. Missed periods and use of hormonal con traceptives before or during early pregnancy You may not menstruate regularly after you receive an injection of LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection. If you have received your injections regularly and miss one menstrual peri od, be sure to inform your health care provider. The risk of unexpected pregnancy for women receiving injectable contraceptives as scheduled is very low. If you have not received your injections as scheduled and missed a menstrual period, or if you missed two consecutive menstrual periods, you may be pregnant Check with your health care provider immediately to determine whether you are pregnant Do not continue the injections until you are sure you are not pregnant, but use another method of contraception There is no conclusive evidence that oral hormonal contraceptive use is associated with an increase in birth detects, when taken inadvertently during early pregnancy Nevertheless, hormonal contraceptives should not be used during pregnancy With Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection, there have been reports of an increased risk of low birth weight and neonatal infant death or other health problems in infants conceived close to the time of injection. However, these pregnancies are uncom mon. Children exposed in the womb to one of the hormones found in LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection (MPA), and followed to adolescence, showed no evidence of any adverse effects on their health including their physical, mental, sexual or social development If you think you may have become pregnant white using LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection, see your health care provider as soon as possible You should check with your health care provider about risks to your unborn child from any medica tion taken during pregnancy. 2. While breast feeding If you are breast feeding, consult your health care provider before starting hormonal contracep tives, including LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection. Some ot the drugs in hor monal contraceptives are passed on to the child in breast milk. A tew adverse effects on the child have been reported, including yellowing of the skin (jaundice) and breast enlargement In addi tion, hormonal contraceptives may decrease the amount and quality of your milk. To insure the best quantity and quality of your breast milk, you should wait until 6 weeks after childbirth before K start using LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive . ction. If possible, do not use hormonal contra ceptives while breast feeding. Breast feeding provides only partial protection from becoming pregnant and this partial protec tion decreases significantly as you breast feed lor longer periods ol time. You should use another method of contraception while breast feeding and consider starling hormonal contraceptives only after you have weaned your child completely 3. Laboratory tests If you are scheduled tor any laboratory tests, tell your doctor you are taking a hormonal contracep tive. Certain blood tests may be affected by hor monal contraceptives. 4. Drug interactions Certain drugs may interact with hormonal contra ceptives to make them less effective in preventing pregnancy or cause a change in bleeding patterns. Such drugs include aminoglutethimide, rifampin, drugs used tor epilepsy such as barbiturates (for example, phenobarbital). carbamazepine. and phenytoin (Dilantin is one brand of this drug), phenylbutazone (Butazolidin is one brand), herbal products containing St. John’s Wort (hypericum perforatum), and possibly certain antibiotics. You may need to use an additional contraception method when you take drugs which can make hormonal contraceptives less effective. Drug inter action studies have not been conducted with LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection. 5. Sexually transmitted diseases This product (like ail hormonal contracep tives) is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against transmission ot HIV (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, genital her pes, genital warts, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, and syphilis. 6. Weight change LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection may cause weight gain of more than 10 pounds. mm DO I GET MY IUNEIIE™LMQKTM LY CONTRACEPTIVE INJECTION? LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection can only be effective if you receive your injections at the proper times. First Injection • Within the first 5 days of the start ol your normal menstrual period. • If you are presently using another type of birth control, your health care provider will decide the best time for you to start LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection. This will help make sure you have continued contraceptive coverage • If you have recently been pregnant or had a baby, discuss with your health care provider the best time lor you to start LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection. Next Injections • LUNELLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection must be given monthly, every 28 to 30 days and no later than 33 days after your last injection. The time for your next injection is determined by the number of days since your previous injection, and not by the timing or amount of they are all very committed to the team. “They have determination and dedi cation,” he said. “They are there basi cally every night of the week, and they fund themselves.” Dahl said the members have sacri ficed a lot to get where they are, includ ing practicing three days a week for two hours, conditioning two days a week for at least one hour and then playing on the weekends. Recently, Powell said he has been able your menstrual bleeding. Even if you do not have any menstrual bleed ing, you should still return once a month for your injection of LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection. l • It is important that you receive each of your next injections at the right time. If you cannot receive your injection on time, contact your health care provider to receive an earlier injection What Happens if I Miss an injection or Wait Longer than 33 Days Between Injections? • You could become pregnant if you miss your injection or wait longer than 33 days between ; injections. The more days you wait, the greater the risk that you could become pregnant. • Ask your health care provider to recommend another type of birth control (such as condoms or a spermicide) tor you to use. • Talk with your health care provider to find out when you should receive your next injection of LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection. • Your health care provider may do a test to make sure you are not pregnant before giving you your next injection of LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection. Pregnancy Due to Failure with LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection The incidence of failure LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection resulting in pregnancy is less than 1 percent (i.e., one pregnancy per 100 women per year) if given every month as directed. If you think that you may be pregnant, be sure to call your health care provider. What tf I Want to Become Pregnant? You will need to stop your monthly injections of LUf€LLF" Monthly Contraceptive Injection Most women begin to produce eggs again (and could become pregnant) about two to three months after their last injection There may be some delay in becoming pregnant after you stop using hormonal contraceptives, inclu ding LUNELLE™ Monthly Contraceptive Injection, especially if you had irregular menstrual cycles before you started using hormonal contraceptives. There does not appear to be any increase in birth detects in newborn babies when pregnancy occurs soon after stopping hormonal contraceptives Serious ill effects have not been reported following ingestion of large doses of oral hormonal contraceprives by young children. may cause nausea and withdra/ral bleeding in females. In case of overdosage, contact your health care pra/ider or pharmacist. Keep this and all drugs out ol the reach ol children QIBERINFQBMATIQN Your health care provider will take a medical and family history before prescribing hormonal contraceptives. You should receive yearly physical examinations by your health care provider Be sure to inform your health care provider if there is a family history ol any ot the conditions listed previ ously in this leaflet Be sure to keep ail appoint ments with your health care provider, because this is a time to determine if there are early signs of side effects of hormonal contraceptive use. If you want more information about hormonal contracep tives, ask your health care provider or pharmacist for a more technical leaflet called the Prescribing Information that you may wish to read. Rxonly: . Manufactured by? Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Kalamazoo, Ml 49001, USA CB-2-S [A Lunelle “ QJtjr Battg (Ear iifri to see that hard work make a difference. “Their skill level has improved dra matically over the last couple months,” he said. Dahl said hi; thought those skills would pay off ini the Sweet 16. “We’ve made it to the round before this a couple times, but this is the first time we’ve bro ken through -but hopefully not the last” The University Editor can be reached at udesk@unc.edu. DAP From Page 3 is hidden in pant which can be rolled up once outside the office. Lakhany launched the Dap-Rugget line with designer Cedric King. He said most of their funding came from family ties and friends of King. Dap-Rugget clothes are sold throughout the Northeast in various stores, namely Lim’s, a 25-30 store chain with brand-name urban clothing. Lakhany said this strategy should spark the interest of shoppers. “People see it and say, ‘Wait, what’s that?’” he said. The line also has spread to small independent stores in Adanta, adding a grassroots touch, Lakhany said. He is hoping his line will be sold in Belk’s by this fall and in Dillard’s and Nordstrom department stores later. Lakhany said Dap-Rugget has gained popularity via celebrity promotions. Former Tribe Called Quest rapper Phife Dawg gave thanks to Dap-Rugget on his newest album, and rappe r Ludicris is now on tour sporting the Jine. Outkast and some Carolina Panthers can be seen wearing Dap-Rugget in XXL, a hip-hop lifestyle magazine. Lakhany said Dap-Rugget’s theme is recurring in everyday life, heighten ing the line’s popularity. “A lot of things in life are dap-rugget,” he said. “You go to work at an office, you’re dap. But then you go home, kick it with your friends, you’re nugget.” He said this is the reason celebrities are willing to work with the brand. “They say we’re the next HiJfiger,” he said. “It’s really good to hear that kind of feedback from people who know what they’re talking about.” But Lakhany also gets positive feed back from friends. Dap-Rugget sup porter Ron Lovelace said Lakhany’s experience in the clothing industry and his business know-how will take him far. “Because of the hard work he’s put in, the company has a lot of upside potential, and I think it can do really well,” he said. Clothes labeled “Dap-Rugget” are priced relative to brands like Polo at S4O-60 a shirt. But Lakhany said the value of his brand is incomparable. “We’re selling the lifestyle more than anything.” The Features Editor can be reached at features@unc.edu. DISCUSSION From Page 3 emony will hopefully bring a “renewed interest” in the BCC. The BCC, currently located in the Student Union, will move to a three story, 36,000-square-foot building located between the Bell Tower and Coker Hall. Amana said the goal of the week’s events will “educate people about the history of the BCC.” The week includes educational video viewings, a BCC Ambassadors Cultural Extravaganza and the groundbreaking ceremony. Amana said the BCC will reach out to include the entire campus in its cele bration. “Whenever students want to use the center as a resource, we are in support of that” The University Editor can be reached at udesk@unc.edu.