8 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2004 Social Security plans debated BY MARK PUENTE STAFF WRITER Supporters of President Bush's Social Security plan say many young taxpayers could receive a late Christmas gift from the nation's top executive if he fulfills his campaign promise of revamping the system. Bush plans to give young adults the option to choose among retire ment plans by allowing workers to divert a portion of their payroll taxes, which now fund the program, into accounts filled with mutual funds or other investments. But the president faces a variety of problems in getting anew plan through Congress. Democrats oppose the proposal, calling it an irresponsible use of the nation's money. The costs could be high. And the proposal is political ly volatile because of its economic implications for taxpayers. The Social Security system is in dire need of repair with millions of baby boomers getting ready to retire. Economists predict that in 2018, Social Security will start spending more money than it takes in —and that by 2042, the govern ment will have depleted the Social Security TYust Fund. “Social Security reform is not an option,” said Michael Thnner, direc tor of health and welfare studies at the Cato Institute, a Washington D.C.-based libertarian think tank. “It has to be done.” On the campaign trail, Bush called for legislation allowing young workers to put a portion of their payroll taxes into personal investment accounts. But he has not offered a detailed plan on how to divert the funds that now pay for the retirement program. Administration officials say it is too early to speculate which plan the president will adopt Bush wants to give young people a stake in their own retirement, said Chad Kolton, press secretary ORTHO EVRAP (NORELGESTROMIN / ETHINYL ESTRADIOL TRANSDERMAL SYSTEM) PHetra *UJ Ire exMnwted tret tier produd down* pi o*ctg*nrHV intec •an (NOS) and afar sexuaHy tammttM dmn. ffconly ORTHO EVRA® is a combination transdermal contracepttw patch with a contact surface area of 20 cm 2. It contahs 6.00 mg norelgestrom n and 075 mg ethinyl estradiol (EE), and releases 150 of noreigestromin and 20 micrograms of EE to the bloodstream per 24 hara •WOST/Uff NOTE-TNe information is a BRIEF SUMMARY of the complete prssaWng Internet) oil provkted with the product and therefore should not be used as tie bads for prescribing the product Tide eummeni erne prepared by deleting fromtheconnpletepre eateng alternation certain test tables and references. The phystctanstnM be thoioughly Write esMhlte conflate prsacitibiflbrfoiTnattei botes prescribing product. WHCXnONS AND USAGE: ORTHO BRA® is indicated lor the preventksi of pregnancy. Lite oral contraceptives. ORTHO BRA® is tnghfr effective I used as recommended in this tebel auwo FW4* baa not tmn studied tor end Is not InKceted tor tm Hi emergency CSNTRAMDICAnONSt ORTHO EVRA® shout! not be used in women who aarently have the folowng conditions: 1. Thrombophteblis. thromboembolic disorders 2 A past history of deep veei thrombophlebitis or thromboembolic disorders 3. Cerebrovascular or coronary artery disease (current or pest history) 4. Valvular heart disease wlh complications 5. Severe hyper tension 6. Diabetes with vascular itvolvement 7. Headadtes with focal petrological symptoms 8. Major surgery wlh prolonged im mobiteation 9. Known or suspected carchoma of the breast or personal history of breast cancer 10. Cucriona of the endometrium or other known or suspactedectrogen-dapendenlneoplasiall.UndiagTocedatncrmal genital Ueedhgl2. Cholestatic jaundice of pregrancy or jaundice wjlh prior hormonal contraceptive use 13. Acute or chronic hepatocellular disease with abnormal liver finction 14. Hepatic adenomas or carcinomas 15. Known or suspected pregnancy 16. HjpersenstMty to any component and Iris product WMMMQS Cigarette smoking Increases the risk of serious canlloyescutat MOv effects from hormonal contaecapttveuee.TNs risk Increases wtti age and with heavy snaking (15 or more cigarettes per day) and la quite merited In woman osar 36 years or age. Woman who me hormonal contraceptives. Including OHTHO EVRA®, should be shotttfy advtsed not to smoke. ORTHO EVRA® and Mher contraceptives that contain both an estrogen and a progestin are called combination hormonal contraceptives. There is no epidemiologic data available to determine whether safety and efficacy with the transdermat route of administration would be dtfteent than the oral route. Practitioners presenting ORTHO BRA® should be famliar wtth Pie following information relating to risks. The use ol combination hormonal contraceptives is associated with increased risks of several serious conditions Including myocardial infarction, thromboembolism, stroke, hepatic neoplasia, and galtHadda- disease, although the risk ol serious morbidity or mortality Is very small h healthy women without underlying risk factors. The risK of moibldly and mortality Dcreases significantly h the presenoe of other undertyng rfck factors such as hypertension. hypertfldemla6, obesity and diabetes. The Wormation contaned n the package risen is principally based on studies carried out n women who used combination oral contraceptives with higher formulations of estrogens aid progestins than those it com men use today. The effect of long-term use of combbatkn hormonal contraceptives with lower doses of both estrogen and progestin admhistered by uiy route remans to be determned. Thratfwit this tabethg, epidemiological studies reported are of two types: retrospective or case control studies and prospective or cohort studies. Case control studies provide a meas ure ol te relative risk of a disease, namely, a ratio ot the incidence ol a disease among oral contraceptive users to that among nonusers. The relative risk does not provide intamatton on the actual clinical ocarence of a disease. Cohort studies provide a measure ot attributa ble risk, which is the inference In the incidence of disease between hormonal contraceptive users and nonusers. The attributable risk does pwide information about the actual occur rence <* a disease n the population (adaptedfrom rets. 2 and 3 with the author’s permission). For further Mormatkm, the reader is referred to a text on epidemiological methods. 1. Thremboentbolc Dteorden And Odter Vascular Problems: a. Thromboembolteit H\ increased nek ot thromboembolic and thrombotic disease associated with the use of hormcnal contracepthes is well established. Case control studies have found the relative risk of users compered to nonusers to be 3 for the first episode of superficial venous thrombosis, 4 to 11 for deep vain thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, and 1.5 to 6 tor women with predisposng conditions for venous thromboembolic disease. Cohort studies have shown the relative risk to be somawhat lower, about 3 for new cases and about 4.5 lor new cases requirtrn hospteliza ttev The risk of thromboembolic disease associated with hormonal contraceptives is not related to length ol use and disappears after hormonal contraceptive use a stopped. A two- to four-fold increase it relative risk of post-eperative thromboembolic complications has been reputed with the use ot hormonal contraceptives. The relative risk of venous ttrorrboss in women who have predisposing ccnd Hons is twice that of women without such medical con ditions. If feasbte, hormonal coitraceptivee should be discuitlnued at least lor weeks prior to and lor two weeks alter elective surgery of a type associated with an increase n rtak of Svomboembolism and durhg and following pooknged immobilization. Since the immediate postpartum period Is also associated wh an increased risk of thromboembolism, hormonal contracepttres should be started no earlier than four weeks after delivery h women who elect not to breast-feed. In the Urge dnical trials (M= 3,330 with 1,704 woman-years ot erasure) one case of non-fatalpuhionary embolism occured during ORTHO EVRA® use, tsxl one case of post-operatke non-latal pulmonary embolism was reported followsig ORTHO EVRA® use. t is unknown if the risk of venous thromboembolism with ORTHO EVRA® use S diluent thui wi use of combination oral contraceptives. As with any combination humatal contracep tives, the ctewaan should be alert to the Darkest manifestations of thrombotic disorders (ftvom bophlebltis, pulmonary embolism, cerebrovascular disorders, and retrial thrombosis). Should any of these occur or be suspected, ORTHO EVRA® should be discontinued immediately, b. Myocardial Infarction: An ricreased risk of myocardial Infarction has been attributed to hormonal contraceptive use. This risk is primsrily ri smokers or women wth othu underlyrig risk lactus for cuonary artery disease such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, morbid obesity, and dabetes The relative risk of heart attack ta current hormonal cmiraceptive users has been estimated to be two to sk compared to non- usus. The risk Is very low under the age ot3o. Smokrigricombhation with oral contraceptive use has been shown to contrtutescfr stantiaHy to the incidence of myocardial Infuctions ri women ri ther mid-thirties or okter wth smokrig accounting tor the majority of excess cases. Mortality rates associated with circuta tory disease have been shown to hcrease substantial ri smokers. especa by ri those 35 years ot age and okter among women who use oral contraceptives. Humeral contraceptives may compand the effects ot weli-knovm risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes hyperlpi demias, age and cbesty. In particular, some progestns are known to decrease HDI choles terol and cause glucose intobrance, while estrogens may create a state ot hypurisulmlsm. Hormonal contrecertkes have been shown to ncrease blood pressure among some users (see Secbcn 9 ri WARNINGS). Similar effects on risk factors have been associated with an increased rkk cf heart disease Hormonal contraceptwes riduding ORTHO EVRA®. must be used w*i caution in women with cardiovascular disease ri* factors. Norgestimate and norelgestromri have mriimal androgenic activity (see CUN CAL PHARMACOLOGY in tul Prescribrig hfwmation). There is some evidence that the ri* of myocardial Infarction associated with hormonal contracaptkes is lowa when the progestin has minimal androgenic actkty that when the activity is greater, c. Cerebrovascular diseases: Hormonal contraceptives have been ahown to ncrease both the relative and attributable risks of cerebrovascular events (ttrombotic and hemonhapic strokes), although, ri general, the ri* is greatest among older (>35 years) hypertensive woman who also smoke. Hypertenskn was found to bea rkk factor lor both users and nonusers, for both types of strokes, and stinking Interacted to increase the ri* of stroke h a large study, the relative ri* of thrombotic strokes has been shown to range from 3 for normotensive users to 14 for users with severe hypertension. The relative ri* of hemorrhagic stroke is reported to be 1.2 tor non-smokers who used hormonal contraceptives, 2.6 for ent ers who did not use hormonal contraceptives, 7.6 tor smokers who used hormonal contra ceptives, 1.8 lot normotensive users and 25.7 for usus with sevue hypertension. The attributabte ri* is also greater ri okter women, and. Dose -related rtek of vascular dlseaes from hormonal oorrtraeepthra* Apostke association has been observed between the amouit ol estrogen and progestin ri hormonal contraceptkes and the ri* ol vascuhr disease. A decline ri semm Wgh-density Roprotens (HDL) has been reported with many proge6tetKnal agents. A decline ri aerum high-density Ipoproteins has been associated wtth an increased incidence ot iechemic heart disease. Because estrogens ncrease HDL cholesterol, the net effect ot a hormonal con traceptke depends on a balance achieved between doses ot estrogen and progestin and the activity ot the progestn used ri the contraceptives. The acbvty and amount of both hormwes should be considered ri the choice of a hormonal contraceptive, a. Paratetance ol rtek of vas cular dlsaastt There ue two studies that have shown persistence of ri* of vasculu disease fa eva-ueers of combination homtonal contraceptives. In a study ri the Uhted States, the rkk of devekflng myocardial enaction after disccntnuhg combination hormonal contraceptives persists for at least 9 years tor women 40-49 years who had used combriation hormonal con traceptkes fa five a more years, but this Increased ri* was not demonstrated ri othu age groups, ri another study n Great Britan, the ri* of developing cuebrovasoular disease persisted fa at least 6 years after discontriuation ot combriation humoral contraceptives, abrafli excess rkk was veiy small. However, both stud iee were performed with combination hormonal contraceptive famuiations contanhg 50 micrograms u hfltu of estrogens. It is unknown whether ORTHO EVRA® is district from othu combination hormonal contraceptives wih regard to the occuirence of venous and arterial thrombosis. 2. Estimates Of Mortality From CanUnatlon Homtonal Contraceptive Use: One study gathered date from a variety ol sources that have estimated the mortality rate associated with different methods of for the White House Office of Management and Budget “It’s an important principle,” he said. “The president believes having ownership over their retirement will make it viable in the future.” But one pundit said revamping a system that is sometimes referred to as “the third rail of politics” would be a challenge for any presi dent or legislator. For years, politicians have put off changing the current system for fear of alienating voters. “If you touch it, you’ll die,” said Jamie Carson, professor of political science at the University of Georgia. “But most people acknowledge it needs to be revised.” Retirement is not a topic that many young people worry about at an early age. Recent college gradu ates are more concerned with the immediate future of finding a job and paying off student loans. Planning for something 40 years down the road is not a priority. “We’re not suggesting they sit down nightly with the Wall Street Journal and choose between General Electric and General Motors’ stocks,” Tanner said. All of the personal investment plans being discussed would be voluntary, and there would be no access to the funds if a person fell on hard times. But Bush’s plan might create a shortfall in the system, and bor rowing by the government could be necessary to establish the personal accounts because of the way Social Security' pays for benefits. “If we pay a little now, we will save a lot later,” Thnner said. “It would be like paying your credits off today. There are tough choices to make.” Under the current system, the payroll taxes levied on workers provide benefits for people who are already retired. Supporters of Bush's plan say it would not affect retirees. “We have a moral obligation to contraception at diluent ages. Hiese estimates include frte combined ri* ot death associ ated with contraceptive methods plus frier* attributable to pregnancy r the event ot method tenure. Each method ol contraception has its specific benefits and rsks The study concluded that with the exception ot combination oral contraceptke usus 35 and older who smoke, and 40 and okter who do not smoke, mortality associated wfrh ail methods ot birth control is low and below that associated witi chldbirih. The obseivation ot a possible increase ri ri* of mortality wth age for combinaticn oral con traceptke users is based on data gathued ri the 1970's but not reported inti 1983. Cutrent dnical recommendation Involves the use and tower estrogen dose tamulations and a cueful consideration dri*tadore.lnl9e9theFeitilityand Maternal Health Drags Advisory Commttee was asked to review the use and combriatiai hormonal contraceptkes h women 40 years and age and over. The Commttee conctided that although cardiovascular disease risks may be ricreased wth combriation hormonal contraceptive use alter age 40 h healthy non-smokrig women (even with the never low-dose (emulations), thue are also greater potential heaKh risks assocated wih pregnancy in okter women and with the altematke surgical and medical procuteres rial maybe necessary it such women do nd have acceestoeffectke and acceptable mears and ccrtreceflun The Committee recommended that the benelitsd tow-dose combi nation himonal contraceptive use by healhynen-smokrig women over 40 may outweigh the possible rteks. Although the date are mainty.obtaned with oral contraceptives, this is likely to apply to ORTHO BRA® as wefr. Women and alt ages who use combriatiai hamonal contra cetfkes, should usefrie lowest possible dose formulation that is effective and meets the ridn viduat patient needs. 1 Cardnorra Of The Reproductive Organs And Breasts: Numerous epidemiological studies give conttidrig reports on the relationshp between breast canca and COC use. The rkk of having breast cancer diagnosed may be slightly increased among current and recent users and combination oral contraceptkes. However, the excess rkk appears to decrease over time alter COC dßcontinuatton and by 10 yeas utter cessation the increased ri* disappears. Some studies report an inaeased ri* wth duration of use while otha stud ies do not and no consistent reiattonshps have beo: found with dose a type of steroid. Some studies have found a small increase ri rkk tawomen who fist use COCs betae age 20. Most studies show a simitar partem and ri* wih COC use regudless and a womans reproductive history a ha family breasi cancer history. In addition, breast cancers diagnosed in current a eua oral contraceptive usas may be less driicaly advanced than ri neva-users. Women who carentry have a have had breast cancer should not use hormonal contraceptives because breast canca k usualy a hamonally sensitive tuma. Some studies suggest that combriation oral contraceptke use has been associated with an inaease h the rkk of cervical intraep ithelial neoplasia ri some populations and women. However, there continues to be cxntroversy about the extent to which such fhdhgs may be due to dlterences n sexual behautor and othu factors, h spte ot many studies of the rehtionshp between aal contraceptive use and breast and conical cancers, a cause-and-ettedrehtionshp has not been established, it is not known whether ORTHO BRA® is distinct from aal contraceptkes with regard to the above state ments. 4 Hepatic Neoplasia: Benign hepatic adenomas are associated with homtonal con fraceptke use, alhough the riddance ot benign tumors is rare in the United States. Indired calculations have estimated the attributable rt* to be in the range ot 32 casesrf 00,000 to users, a ri* friat Increases after tour a mae years and use, especially with hormonal caitra ceffrwes contanhg 50 mtarograms a mae and estrogen. Rupture of benign, hepatic adenomas may cause death thriugh ritra-abdomhal hemorrhage. Studies from Britain and the US have show an ricreased rtak and developing hepatocellular cucrioma h tong term (a 8 years) oral contraceptke users. Howevu, these cancers ue extremely rare in the U.S. and the attrbuta hte rkk (the excess incidence) of kvu cancus in oral contraceptive users approaches less than one per million users. I is unknown whether ORTHO EVRA® is distrid from oral contraceptives ri tree regent. 8 Ocular Leatonu Thue have been dnical case reports and retinal thrombosis associated wtfri the use ot hamonal contraceptkes. ORTHO BRA® should be discontinued if thus is unexplained partial a complete toss ot vision; onset of proptosis a diplopia; papilledema; a retinal vascular lestons. Appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic measures should be undotakoi immediately 8 Hormonal Contraceptive Use Betae Or During Early Pregnancy: Extensive epidemiological studies have revealed no inaeased rtak ot birth defects ri women who have used oral contraceptives prtor to pregnancy. Studies also do not indicate a teratogenic efted. particularly ri so tar as cardiac anomalies and tmb reduction defects are concerned, when aal contraceptives ue taken inadvertently during early pregnancy Combination hormonal contraceptives such as ORTHO EVRA® should not be used to nduce withdraws l Weed ing asateetfa pregnancy. ORTHO EVRA® should not be used durhg pregnancy to treat threat enedahabitual abortion. It is recommended thatfor any patient who has missed two consecutive periods, pregnancy mould be rated out. It the patient has not adhered to the presabed sched ule fa the use ot ORTHO BRA® the possibilty ot pregnancy should be considered at the time of the test missed period. Hormoial contraceptke use should be discontinued it pregnancy is confirmed. 7. Gelbtadder Disuse: Earlier studies have reported an inaeased lifetime rela tive rkk ot gafrbladda surgery ri usas a hormonal contraceptives and estrogens. Mae re cent studies, howeva, have shown that tie relative rtak of developing galbladder disease among hormonal contraceptke users may be mriimal. The recent findings a mriimal ri* may be re lated to the use of hormonal contraceptive formulations contariing lower hamonal doses of estrogens and progestris. Combriation hamonal contraceptives such as ORTHO BRA® may wasen existing gaUbhdda disease and may accelerate the development of this disease ri previously asymptomatic women. Women with a history of combination hamonal confracefltae-retated cholestasis are mae Ikely to have the coxtlion recur with subsequent combriation hormonal contraceptive use. 8 Carbohydrate And Upld Metabolic Effects: Hamonal contraceptives have been shown to cause a deaease ri glucose tolerance in some usus. Howevu, ri the non-diabetic woman, combkiaticn hamonal contraceptkes appear to have no effect on tasting blood glucose. Prediabetic and diabetic women ri particular should becuefuly monitored while tekhgcombhatkn hamonal confraceptives such as ORTHO EfflA*. h dhical trials with oral contraceptives coiterimg ethinyl estradiol and nagestimate thue were no driically significant changes in fasting blood gtacose levels. There were no clinically significant changes ri glucose levels ova 24 cydes of use. Maeova, glucose toterance tests showed no driically significant changes from baseline to cydes 3,12 and 24. In a 6-cycle cknical trial wfrh ORTHO BRA® ttwre were no clriicaik sijiiticant changes in tasting blood glucose from baselne to end ot treatment. A small proportion ol women will have persistent liypertriglycaideniia while taking hamonal contraceptives. As decussed earlier (see WARN INGS 1a and 1d). changes ri serum triglycerides and lipoprotein levels have been reported ri hormonal contraceptka users: 8 Elevated Blood Preaaur* Women with significant hyper tension should not be started on hormonal contraception. Women with a histay of hyperten sion a hypertension-related diseases, a renal disease should be encouraged to use another method ot contraception. I women eled to use ORTHO EVRA® .they should be moiitaed closeiy and it a driically significant elevation of blood pressure occurs, ORTHO EVRA® should be discontinued. Fa most women, elevated blood pressure wil return to namal alter stopping hamonalcattraceptiws, and ttwre is no difference ri the occurrence ot hypertenskn between tarn* and never users. An haaase h blood pressure has been reported it women tekng hormonal contraceptives and this inaease k mae likely ri older hamonal contraceptive users and with extended duration of use. Data from the Royal Cdtege ot General Praditioners and subsequent randomized tftek have shown that the incidence ol hypertension increases with ncreasing progestational activity. 10. Headache: The onset a exacerbation ot migraine headache a the development of headache with anew pattern that is recurrent, persistent or seme requres discontriuation of ORTHO EVRA® and evaluation of the cause. 11. Bleeding kTagutarttter Breakthrough bleeding and spottrig ue sometimes encountered ri women using ORTHO EVRA®. Non-hormonal causes should be considered and adequate diagnostic meas ures taken to rule out malignancy, other pathology, or pregnancy in the event ot breakthrough bleeding, as ri the case ot any abnormal vaginal bleeding. It pathology has been excluded, time a a change to anolha contracepAke product may resolve the bleeding, h the event o! amen orrhea, pregnancy should be rated out betae Meting use ot ORTHO EVRA®. Some women may encounter amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea after discontriuation ot hamonal contracep tive use, especialy vfrren such a condition was pre-existent. Bleeding Patterns: ri the cknical trials most women started their withdrawal bleeding on frte fourth day ot the drag-tree interval, and the median duration of withdrawal bleeding was 5 to 6 days. On avaage 26% ol women pa cycle had 7 a mae total days ot bleeding and lot spotting (this ndudes both with drawal flow and breakthrough bleeding and lot spottrig). 12. Ectopic Pregnancy: Ectopic as well as Intrauterine pregnancy may occur ri contracepAke failures. PRECAUTIONS: Woman should hacountaiad that ORTHO EVRA® does not protect against HIV ritacßon (AIDS) and otha esotuMly transmitted infections. 1. Body Weight etBB lbs. (BO kg): Resuts of cknical triate suggest that ORTHO EVRA® may be less effective in women wih body weflit *l9B ts. (90 kg) than in women with lowa body weights 2 Physical Examination And Follow-Up: It is good medical practice ta women us ng ORTHO EVRA®, as fa all women, to have annual medical evaluation and physical eiaminations. The physical exam ratal howeva, may be deteiTed until alter initiation ol hormonal contraceptives it requested by the woman and judged appropriate by the cknician. The physical eiemnaffon should ridude special raterence to blood pressure, breasts, abdomen and pelvic agans, nctodrig Cervical cytology, and relevant labaatory tests. In case ot undiagnosed, pusistent or reaxrent abnormal vaginal bleedng, appropriate measures should be conducted to rale out malignancy a othu pathology. Women with a strong family history ot breast canca a who have breast nodules should be montaed with particular care. 3. Lipid Disorders: Womui who we being treated fa hypalipidemias should be tolowad clcsely it they elect to use ORTHO BRA*. Some progestins may elevate LDL levels and may rendu the control ot hypa lipidemias more difficult 4 Uver Function: jaundice develops in any woman using ORTHO EVRA®, (he medication should be disconthued. The humones ri ORTHO EVRA® may be poaly metabolized ri patents with impaired Uver function. 5. Fluid Retention: Steroid hor mones tike those ri ORTHO EVRA® may cause some degree ot fluid retention. ORTHO EVRA® should he preaabed with caution, and only with careful monAorrig. in patients with conditions which might be aggravated by fluid retention. 6. Emotional Disorders: Women who become significantly depressed while using combination hamonal contraceptives such as ORTHO EVRA* should stop the medication and use another method ot contraception in an at tempt to determine wlietha the symptom k drug related. Women with a history of depression should beceretully observed and ORTHO EVRA® discontinued it significant depression occurs 7. Contact Lenses: Contact lane wearers vrio develop visual changes a changes in lens toP uanoo should be assessed byanothttiaknologkt 8 thug Interactions: ChanoasnCcritracectke Effectiveness Associated with Co-Admnistration of Other Drugs: Contraceptive effectiveness may be reduced when hormonal contraceptives are co*administered with some antibiotics, “If we pay a little now, we will save a lot later. It would be like paying your credits off today. ” MICHAEL TANNER, CATO INSTITUTE the older generation,” said David John, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation. “The prom ises have to be kept.” Critics of the plan say the solu tions being proposed are not the best options. “It takes money out of a fund that is headed for bankruptcy,” said Barry Bosworth, an economist at the Brookings Institution. “It is a completely manageable problem. This whole business of trying to carve something out of something is absurd.” Most upper-income Americans do not depend on Social Security alone when retiring. It is lower income Americans who depend on the system the most. But Bosworth said there is a pending crisis that is more impor tant than Social Security. An aging population is a prob lem, Bosworth said, and politicians just don’t want to discuss the health care costs associated with it. Although Bush has said he gained a political mandate after the election, he will face an obsta cle getting a Social Security plan passed in the U.S. Senate next year, where the Republicans have only a five-member majority. “Congress tends to focus on issues that are immediate in crisis, like anew bridge on 1-75,” John said. “This is an issue that requires them to think well ahead.” Contact the State id National Editor at stntdesk@unc.edu. News President’s nominations could power Latino voice BY AARON PRUITT STAFF WRITER The fastest-growing minority in America will soon gain a greater voice in the White House. President Bush has nominat ed two Hispanic Americans for Cabinet positions in his second term: Carlos Gutierrez as secre tary of commerce and Alberto Gonzales as attorney general. The announcement of the two nominations excited some in the Hispanic community who were elated to see Latinos in the Cabinet. “It is a good thing that a Latino is that high up in the government,” said Alma Ramirez, a social worker for El Centro Latino, a nonprofit organization based in Carrboro. “They could do something to help the community.” Several Hispanic organizations have endorsed the nominations, including the Latino Coalition, which stated in a press release that Gonzales is the “perfect choice for the next U.S. attorney general.” But some experts are unsure whether Gutierrez and Gonzales will represent the Hispanic minority. Congress restructures visa limits BY BROOKE M. GOTTLIEB STAFF WRITER The visa reform bill passed by Congress this month will give 20,000 internationals with U.S. graduate degrees a better chance to obtain temporary jobs in the United States. Congress passed the L-l and H antituegals, antconvutsarits, aid otha drags that naease metaboksm ot confraceptive statute This could resul in unintended pregnancy ot breakthrough bieedhg. Examples ridude bubi turates, griseolulvin, rifampin, phenybutazene, phenytoin. cactemazeprie, tetoemate, oxcu bazeprie, topramate and possibly with ampidlri. Tire proposed mechanism and rituadion of anttoiotics k different from that ot Iker enzyme-inducing drags. Literature suggests possible nteractions with the concomitant use ot hormonal caitraceptives and ampdlin a tefracy drie. In a pharmacokinetic *ug interaction study, oral admhkfration ol tetracydrie HCI, 500 ng q.id.tu 3 days prtor to and 7 days duringwear of ORTHO BRA® did not significantly affect the pharmacokheiics of naelgestromh a fe Several of the anti-HIV protease hhtoitors have been studied with co-admhisfration of oral combriation hormonal confraceptives; significant changes (naease and deaease) in the mean AUC of the estrogen and progestn have been noted ri some cases. The efficacy and safety of aal contraceptke protects may be affected; it is unknown whetha this applies to ORTHO BRA®. Healhcare professionals should retu to frte label ot the individual anti-HIV protease rihiMots lor further drag-drag interaction kitormation. Habal products cortaririg St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) may hduce hepatic enzymes (cytochrome P 450) and p-glyceprotein transporta and may reduce the efleetkeness and contraceptive steroids.Thk may also result in breakthrousfri bleeding. Inaease in Plasma Hormone Levels Asaockted with Co-Admritstaed Drags: Co-admriistratton of atorvastatin and certain oral contraceptives contaririg ethinyl estradiol naease AUC values tor ethinyl estradiol by approxfrnafely 20%. Ascot* acid and acetaminoehai may Increase plasma ethinyl estradiol levels, possbly by inhibition ot conjugation. CYP 3A4 inhibitors such as traconazoteukatoconazote may naease plasma hormone levek. Chancres ri Plasma Levels ol Co-Mirinistered Drugs: Combination hormonal caitraceptives contariing some synthetic estrogens (e.g., ethinyl estradiol) may inhibit the metabolism 0 othu compounds, hasased plasma concentrations of cyctospiorine, prednisolone, and ttreophyllhe have been reported wih concomitant admrikfratton of oral contraceptives, ri addition, oral contraceptkes may nduce the conjugation ot ottrer compounds Decreased plasma concentrations ot acetaminophen and hasased clearance of temazepam, salicylic add, morphine end doftric add have been noted when these drugs wae administered wth oral contraceptives. Aithocfli naelgestromri and its metabolites inhtoit a variety of P 450 enzymes ri human kvu mtorosomee. the cknical consequence ol such an hteradion on the levek ol ofrwr concomitant medications is Ikely to be insignificant. Undu the recom mended dreingregimen, the In vivo concentrations of naelge sfromri aid Its metaboites, even at the pe* serum levels, are relatively tow compered to the inhbltoiy constant 00) based on resuls ot In who studies). Health care professionak ue advised to also retu to prescribing infumation of co-admhistaed dugs ta recommendations regardrig management of concomitant ttrerapy. 8 Interactions With Laboratory Taitc Cola h endocrine and livu function tests and blood components may be affected by hamonal contraceptives; a. Inaeased prothrombin and factors VII, VII, IX, and X; deaoasad antlthrom bri 3; inaeased naephephrkre-induced platelet aggregability. b. Inaeased thyroid binding gtobukn (TBG) leading to inaeased creutating total thyroid hamate, as measured by proteri bound iodine (PBfr, T 4 by column a by radioimmunoassay. Free T3 resin uptake k deaeased, reflecting the elevated TBG, free T 4 concentration is unaltered, c. Ottrer bindkig proteins may be elevated in serum, and. Sex hormone binding globulins are haeased and result in elevated levels ot total creutating endogenous sex steroids and corticoids; howeva, free a biologically aetke levek eitha deaease ot remain unchmged. a. Triglycuides may be riaeesed aid levek ot various ottrer Ipds and lipoproteris may be affected, t. Glucose toterance may be deaeased. g. Seram folate levels may be depressed by hamonal contraceptke therapy. This may be of cknical sigiificance if a woman becomes pregnant shortly alter discontinuing ORTHO EVRA®. 18 Carcinogenesis: No carcinogenicity studies wae conducted wfrh rarelge sfromri. Howeva, bridgrig PK studies were conducted usrig doses a NGM/EE which wae used previously ri the 2-year rat carcinogenicity study and 10-year monkey toxicity study to support the approval ot ORTHO-CYCLEN and ORTHO TRI-CYCLBI inter NDAs 19-653 Old 19-697, respectively. The PK studies demonstrated that rats and maikeys wae exposed to 16 and 8 times the human exposure, respectively, wth the proposed ORTHO EVRA® fransdumal contraceptive system. Naelgesfromriwastestedin in-vitro mutagenicity assays bacterialptate incorporation mutation assay, CHO/HGPRT mutation assay, chromosomal aberration assay usrig cultured human puflieral Vmphocytes) and h one in-vivo test (rat mtoronudeu6 assay) and found to haw no genotoxtopotenhal. See WARNNGS Section. 11. Pregnancy: (Yegnancy CategoyX See CONTRAINDICATIONS andWARNNGS Sections. NaUgestromin was tested to its reproductive toxicity in a rabbit developmental toxicity study by the SC route ol administra tion. Doses and 0,1,2,4 and 6 mgfkg body weight which gaw systemic exposure a approxi mately 25 to 125 times the human exposure wfrh ORTHO EVRA®, were administered daly on gestation days 7-19. Maltormations reported were pew hyperttexicin at 4 and 6 mg/kg and paw hyperextension and cleft palate at 6 mg/kg. 12. Nunlng Msßiars: The effects ol ORTHO BRA® in raising mottias have nek been evaluated and are unknown. Small amounts of combriation hamonal contraceptive steroids have been identified in the mill of nurehg mothers and a tew adverse effects on the child have been reported, ridudhg jaundice and breast enlargement, h addition, combriation hamonal oontraceptkes gken in the pcktpertum period may interfae with lactation by decreashg the quantity and qualiy rt breast mile, long term follow-up a infants whose mothers used combriation hormonal caitraceptives while breast feeding has shown no deleterious effects. Howeva, the nursing mother should be advised not to use ORTHO EVRA® but to use offer tarns a ccnfracepticn until she has com pletely weaned ha chid. 13. PkdMrfc Uoa Safety and efficacy ot ORTHO EVRA® haw teen established ri women ol reproductive age. Safety and efficacy are expected to be the same (a post-pubertal adolescents unda the age al6 and ta users 16 years and okter. Use a this product betae maerche is not indicated. 14 Geriatric Us* This product has not boon stud ied in women ova 65 years ot age and is not indicated ri this population. 18 Sexually Transrrfrtted Disease* Patients should be counseledthatthkproduct does notprotectagahst HIV riiectton (ADS) and otha sexus hr transmitted diseases. 16. Patch Adhesion: Expaience with mae than 70,000 ORTHO EVRA® patches wan lot cafrraception tor 6-13 cycles showed that 4.7% of patches ware replaced because they eittrer let off (1.8%) a wae puffy detached (2.9%). Similarly, ri a small study a patch wear undu conditions a physical exertion and vari able temperature and humidity, less than 2% ot patches was replaced to complete or partial detachment. It the ORTHO BRA* patch becomes partially or completely detached and remark detached, insufficient tfrug delivery occurs. A patch should not be re-applied if I is no kngu sticky, if it has become stuck to itsok a anothu surface, it it has othu material stuck to I, aif it has become loose a (alien off before. Ia patch cannd be re-appked, anew patch should be applied immediately. Supplemental adhesives or wraps shculd not be used to hold (he ORTHO BRA® patch in place. It a patch is partially a completely detached tor mae than one day |24 hours a mae) ORI the woman is not sure how tong the patch has been detached, she may not be protected from pregnancy. She should stop the current contraceptive cycle and start anew cycle immediately by applying anew patch. Back-up contraception, such as con doms, spomicide, or diaphragm, mustbeusedfortlrefiret week of the new cycle. INFORMATION FOR THE PATIENTS See Patient Package Insert ADVERSE REACTIONS: The most common adverse events reported by 9 to 22% ol women usng ORTHO EVRA* in clinical trials (N= 3,330) wae the fokowrig, ri order a deaeasng ricktence: breast symptoms, headache, application site reaction, nausea, uppa respiratory inteeffon, menstrual cramps, and abdominal pari. The most frequent adverse events leading to discontinuation ri 1 to 2.4% a women usrig ORTHO BRA* ri the trials included the following: nausea and/a vomiting, application site reaction, breast symptoms, headache, and emotional iabikty. Listed below are adverse events that have been associated with the use a combriation hamonal contraceptives. These ae also likely to appty to combiralion transdermal hamonal contraceptives such as ORTHO EVRA*. An inaeased rt* of the tokowng serious adverse reactions has been associated wfrh the use ol combriation hamonal contraceptives (see WARNINGS Section): 1. Thrombophlebtk and venous thrombosis with or without embolism 2. Arterial thromboembolism 3. Pulmonuy embolism 4. Myocardial rituction 5. Caebral hemorrhage 6. Cerebralthromboek 7. Hypertension 8. Gallbladder disease 9. Hepatic adenomas or benign kva tumas There is evidence ol an associatian between the fokowrig oaidtlone and the use of combria tion hamonal contracefAkes: 1. Mesenteric thrombosk 2. Retrial thrombosk The follcwrig adwrse reactions have been reported n users of combriation hamonal con traceptives and ae believed to be drag-related: I.Nausea2.Ybmitlng3. Gastrointestinal symp toms (such as Uxtomria! cramps andbtoatng) 4. Breakthrough bleeding 5. Spotting 6. Change h menstrual flow 7. Amenorrhea 8, Temporary iiterffkty after dkoonttnuation of treatment 9. Edema 10. Melasma which may pasist 11. Breast changes: tenderness, enlargement, seaetion 12. Change in weight (inaease or deaease) 13. Change ri cervical aoslon and seaetion 14. Diminution in lactation when given immediately postpartum 15. Cholestatic jaundice 16. Migraine 17. Rash (allergic) 18. Mental depression 19 Reduced tolerance to carbehydrates 20. Vaginal candidiasis 21. Change ri comeal curvature (steepening) 22. intolerance to contact lenses The following adverse reactions have been reported in users of combination hamonal contraceptives and a cause and effect association has been neitha contrmed na refuted: 1. Pre-menstrual syndrome 2. Cataracts 3. Changes in appetite 4. Cystitis-like syndrome 5. Headache 6. Nervousness 7. Dizziness 8. Hirsutism 9. Loss ol scalp hair 10. Erythema muttitorme 11. Erythema nodosum 12. Hemonhagic eruption 13. Vaginitis 14. Paphyria 15. Impared renal function 16. Hemolytic uremic syndrome 17. Acne 18. Changes ri Ibtdo 19 Colitis 20. Budd-Chiarl Syndrome OVERDOSAGE: Saious ill effects have not been reported fokowrig accidental ngestion of targe doses a hamonal caitraceptives. Ovadosage may cause nausea andyomitrig. and withdrawal bieedhg may occur in females. Given the nature and design o! the ORTHO EVRA® patch, it is unlikely that overdosage will occir Saious 111 effects have not been reputed fokowrig acute rigestion ol targe doses of aal caitraceptives by young children, ri case of suspected ovadose, all ORTHO BRA® patches should t removed and symptomatic treatment given. ORTHg^cNEIL ORTHO-McNEIL PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. Raritan, New Jersey 08869 © OMP 2001 Revised: May 2003 631-10-660-2 B “It is a good thing that a Latino is that high up in the government. They could do something to help the community.” ALMA RAMIREZ, el centro latino “Just because someone has a Hispanic name doesn’t mean repre sentation,” said Karen Kaufmann, a professor of government and poli tics at the University of Maryland- College Park. “The notion of a singular Hispanic community is untrue. Mexican Americans make up one half of the Hispanic population in America, and they do not really relate with Cuban Americans, Venezuelans or Puerto Ricans.” Kaufmann also said the appoint ments will have little effect on the Hispanic vote, which traditionally goes to Democrats but in which Bush made inroads Nov. 2. “If it was as easy as appointing high-level positions, then African Americans would have voted for Bush, who appointed Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, and that didn’t happen. “The kinds of issues Latinos care about are the kinds of issues every IB Visa Reform Act on Nov. 20 for the 2005 fiscal year in an effort to admit educated foreign workers into the country. An Lrl, or intracompany trans feree, works for a company that has locations in the United States and in another country. For example, an American company would be aUp Batlg 3ar Utel American cares about —a strong economy, health care, education for their children —and Democrats are perceived as better on those bread-and-butter issues.” Kaufmann added that the nomi nations of Gutierrez and Gonzales were not about gaining votes or tokenism. There are simply more qualified Hispanics to fill top-level positions, she said. Experts say the nominations of Gutierrez and Gonzales are a step in the right direction for Hispanic representation. “As the cycle continues, with more Hispanics going through the education system, there will be more qualified Latinos to fill prominent positions,” said Tina Siragusa, executive director of El Centro Latino. Contact the State & National Editor at stntdesk@unc.edu. able to recruit an executive from an overseas branch with an L-l visa for three years. According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Web site, “The 11-lB is a nonimmigrant classification used by an alien who will be employed temporarily in a specialty occupation or as a fashion model of distinguished merit and ability.” In other words, a U.S. company that seeks a specialist from over seas can hire someone for she years as an H-18. The legislation would maintain the yearly cap for H-lB visa holders at 65,000. But the first 20,000 applicants with a master’s or doctoral degree will not be included in the cap, allowing more people to obtain a visa. In addition, the bill will no lon ger allow L-l workers to be subcon tracted to third-party employers. They also will be required to work for their petitioning employer for at least one year, instead of the six months previously required. Gerry Chapman, an immigra tion and nationality lawyer from Chapman Law Firm in Greensboro, said that the improving economy allows employers to hire more workers, but that the H-lB cap already has been reached. But he said that if there are not enough qualified employees in the United States, a company should be able to hire specialists from overseas. “With my own experience, every single H-lB or L-l who has come into the U.S. has had the effect of creating jobs for other U.S. work ers,” he said. The bill is a trade-off between supporters and opponents of increasing the number of H-lB visas issued to foreign workers. “(Opponents of the bill) are missing the big picture,” he said. “They are seeing it as a zero-sum game, but (the visa holders’) pres ence in our economy has an expo nentially beneficial effect.” But the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers-USA opposes the bill. “We’re against the fact that (Congress) granted the additional 20,000 exemptions,” said Chris McManes, senior public relations coordinator for the organization’s U.S. branch. “With an abundance of American workers looking for employment, we don’t think that additional for eign workers (are needed).” A report released by the IEEE USA on Nov. 19 states that unem ployment in the United States dropped between the first and third quarters this year after the Hl-B cap was lowered from 195,000 for the 2004 fiscal year. “You have to look at the people who lost their jobs,” McManes said. “(In addition), when you increase the number of workers in any field, you can suppress wages.” He also said the institute is con cerned with the unfair treatment of foreign workers. He said it does not want tempo rary foreign workers to be abused with insufficient salaries or the threat of losing their visas. “We’re not against foreign work ers; we’re not anti-immigrant,” he said. “We just feel that if U.S. com panies want to bring in workers from overseas, they should be given a better opportunity to become U.S. citizens.” Contact the State id National Editor at stntdesk@unc.edu.