ahr Daily uar Wrl Nobel winner gives winnings to 4 schools UNC funds will support speaker BY BEN BADS STAfF WRITER UNC's NoW Prize-winning pro fessor has defied to give part of his award ba to the institutions where he wofed and studied. Oliver Snthies, a professor of pathology art laboratory medicine at UNC, andiis colleagues. Mario Capecchi ofne University of Utah and Sir Evans of Cardiff University, *re awarded a prize of about $1.6 lillion. The award was given in Swedish krona. The three sci entists were rec ognized in the field of medicine for their work with genetic targeting that began in the early 1980s. Their research focused on genetic target ing. in which Professor 4iver Smithies. giving hislobel money to >ur universitie mice gen are modified to deter mine the fleet this alteration will have. Smiths has since split his part of the a/ard. about $530,000, among tfc four universities where he has vvrked or studied. Each will receive pout $130,000. The diversities that received money fere Oxford University, the Univertty of Wisconsin-Madison, the Uiversitv of Toronto and UNC. "All bur places had something to do dth it." Smithies said. “Each in diffrent ways have been part of my gong to Stockholm, and this is a nice (cay to recognize them." Smthies received his master's and lh.D. from Oxford, then did s 1 1< v \okin i AuiM ivv . “Allfour place* had something to do with it. Each in different waps have been pari of my going to Stockholm.'' OLIVER SMITHIES, unc professor and nobei prizewinner The Nobel Prize money is given with no specific stipulations, and each university that Smithies is giv ing to. he said, will ultimately decide how the money will be ased. “It’s for the benefit of the univer sities, not for my benefit or anyone else’s," Smithies said. Bill Marzluff, associate dean for research at the UNC School of Medicine, said the school will use the money in the way Smithies rec ommended it be allocated. “He wants it to be used for the students and postdoctoral fellows to invite a speaker every year," Marzluff said. He added that the only other stipulation Smithies asked for was that the speaker be from outside the United States. “It will be someone we normally wouldn’t bo able to unite." Marzluff said. Paul Cantin. associate director of ROOKSALE Thursday, Thousands of books in all s _ B pm subject areas, especially art, Friends-oniy history, biography, fiction, preview sale and classical music CDs. (may ftm m the door) American Legion Building ,1714 Legion RJ.. Chapel Hill MARCH 28 9 am.-8 p.m. Ample free parking I |Sr| 50% discount for pre*K-12 teachers with ID SATURDAY, www.lih.unc.edu or contact Lira Terll, MARCH 29 919-962-4207 or liii_terll@unc.edu 9 a.m. - noon All booM s3