16 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2008 ngg uid e dthhousingg uid e dthhi HlhAiioinn e dthhousin j hi r—- —* H Want a Franklin Street Address? _ _ By ** S FTmrfliiH i K 1 iJlSsfl&w m hill L—M | C JF' : Th e Retreat is a newly renovated 40-unit Nfe| 8 ■ condominium complex located near the Fi. 1 S **W jf® 5 ; .:% tt 8 B Siena Hotel and close to both University B , |f B *f£ Mall and UNC. These two bedroom, one . ,Jf J m K bath units are affordably priced with rents m 8 I from SI,OOO per month.* Si U HL4A 8 • Ki-nt in. Imlc. n.m-r. luu ,md \\in-l.s InUfrot Wtr \ mmui ho„ ■ properties . •-'.'-.H HHI Ii I 1 8 1720 East Franklin Street E 8 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 \ jj 919.968.7226 E www.millhouseproperties.com Filing V . ' cramped % H Q W+^lt^..®s. lyuiuGc# t. * &USII ~, v ,♦ s * y IQLjLid pteeeT^ BprpJp^wWßßßLt.. ** ■IfEEj |6Blfcht Khl e dthhouslng ssE * p H ng gu id e e dthhousingg ousingguidedtfthotisingguided Housing Guide (Thr Daily iTar Hrrl