'It i CHRISTIAN.J3?(iCATE. c'Mn'K.tinn gflnuaU. . TEHMS. r " " 'ivN Amv.m-at.: i lun.Mu, wj. s! ivr annum ih a.lvam.v. If .... ,. . ts m...,ih. -5.iM, one c-i-.v, ix mont!, sl.rlo CLUB RATES. , -. cm-. sc.es. .'i.s. o:k- .v ivir, r.-e-eUe-l a! TEEMS TO PKEACHEK3. . -i. -.iaci-s who wall ... . . ' agem lor Anvoc- ,. ,v.v t. tho at ji.(bi ,)t.r :lilmlm TllO50 a -.-. .-.,t :tt $.. TW w... ,,.' us .,- .,;.. Hi'. rs l..r oho yo:,:- H ill ivooiw 11,,- . ,.Vt- , : : . . iii.mlli? tico of cluiiv.;. or a i.i. tjsi: Bivvi Tirn,. IV AI.kT. CAKV. ,,. i.iiuniiil i'H'iuro-i i 0:1 Me'iuor s 1. n ;lr.i forest, ; .. ? l i:ut!i t-osi oi all; N ' -iiiiOo.i o.ilvs oM.-n, .i:!: iho mUtictoi; ' vr tiio '..-ha goM.-n J1-.;: -i, ;-:.o.- lUo vtu. low-; ..- tic ni:k-'M: lti:t.- to "1" !'i":u i'a' 1'i'iUiMiit liojijo, ( :t:;.; .ii4 with tlio fiiniicains A-..I sti-aa;.,,' tiair go) .Jon e.bjo; V -: Or ;.io O.i.oj oil ll.c u;-ialiii V. 10 S.o i.ri-'i: ro-i l-c.rios lost; : u.'r :'. I'rvtty -owlii, L' i- : , to mi '"' o ' -t. I in-! UitV In other '.l ;;. ': 111 'V,;ii .Till! UOO., i: .-.; thai "i ion f..r.t i'.- i -1 1 hi p, .'o r.;.-rj.; : , i:.o ..;..-.vn of tho tiiisit.., i ::s t.io win-ls tlett Wow, IV t.., I tlioro tiio t-eatitilul jr.iiv.i T:.f "-I : H it hi r 0 T 0:1 :ho lii'.ls jjrow wo..:-, A- i oiio li.o Ant nun ti v 3 i :r : : r 11. - ' 1 'o 1 i -ili r A 1 i ' oll"W l- .iv. . .i. ; Sl'l.i; ivii ' i M; - is ill a HH. ;x Oil:! l-O-O. As " 'i-i-l of imaior'a: ' oau'.y y o'lir. 1 1 is f.;oo; 1 : :.o nrro" ;iiTi?t t I :n t::t- t:-.o-!o;-f !.r:s!it, :i iii sAiu:-i:o tca.ir.-, A.-' ; .. : T.i" i.ill.E "H Moui -ry"? w :"i. ; .. : .".it.i oid f r,-tt o 1 fi.'-. I'll' t: 0 ( .,:.;!;(,. A !,...: hu- iiv-ii .'irie--:;in;I;,iitM'. lo uu tha.k that 5r. llo!at!J:t is til whom ho h is deeioe l to secede ? 1c is siLceic and cuitci''u!iotist and ititf'jie 1 hold that Le is entitled to live oDo geueruiis aud eh;irit;;bie fet t'jutDt at tbo Lnnds of hii qaaudaiii bithreo. TLcy took a jaide in citlo 'Iil: Lis genius and Lis endewmtnts rlca he was at ill icith , and he is ig;i'tcd ami as brilliant as ever. lie Hi admired and respected for his in- li!;-, bis culture, his honor and Lb i christian character while he re- lilueu a ilethodibt, and he possesses .5e characteristics now. I hold that ttbodism can afford to be magnani iiis under such circumstancef-; and iy editor who indulges in an i-ngen-ous lliug at the young gentlenian ius Jliu at tue young genaeniaa i , t ,. i baisadoi'S have i.eiU . r ,: r-. . ; - D-'S not Irulwepresent .dethonism i . ,. , - . .', I - . , tions m nis iv.-ic-r :ne ;oj: iii'Lo; I Lroadness, its large resourec-s of iritual life and power, or its catho i y. May Mr. Holland's career be io ei eininenee in usefulness, in honor 1 : 1..:4,-. il.r. i.l,:.. r,l. . ,u Fp,aut,, : sngcsts ,b;it a life i ten K'uai noL iie4t.ti.tu oxn im".". j j ireflsn in the Protestant Episcopal j lurch, but do so with cordial pronip- tu le and genuine gladness. Hue Conjruittej of the ibiiish and jreisn Bible Society have ordered;', " "' - - ,' - .. a : win) enoiif H W mm i.i a iv . . .i.:i- riiwi ,c T7ia.- il . . , , - . , i ia!iu Qattn La-; !....! :.i-:e la.-io, io iioaal cwTestameuts tobeprinu-d ,. , -: - , , , .i , ., : ;t doL; tnaa sue ever uv.i io ito iuo-si. the beenuana niiigtiiige. uiaa.r uie , - , , f, .... . . noble and Lcroic h fairs nn nf Hi o iLev. it. aajiift'.. ,. S ,, , - ... t i Crofcs, who bad rceo!:p:.:.4?ei v edition of the oruua ew lest a-; . . , ... . , , . . . ; friumobs iii heat Lea iaaai ia eat JS aoout to ue t.-rruet. oanctioii : , ik also been given to tne priiituig ol : t,,icuoor f,g03 f-. :tr ero-.v-i an-' DOU copies of the li-K-k of Psalms j thvoue shall have- ge-ae io du.st. nl the saaiC nuuiber of the Gospel of j -to-i:-; ivM t Joha, in the Galia language with lhird,March UtU, iibarie ciiaracter;5, ut.der the care cf t Piev. Dr. Kvrpf. The AmLaric id Testameut is about to be revised 'Dr. Krapf, whh ih--j aid of soiae Jives, and an tuition of the Octa ach will be pj-iak'l from the revised It. Tin Os:L-a:iU Old Testanvut, rich is being pr. pared ly the Ib-V. r. Sclaiui'ller, of Constantinople, lias danced to tbo end of the Second iok of Chronicles. TLe Bibb; is as being translated iuto all thelan iages of the cartb. TLe baptismal controversy has arisen the infant church of the Ibiforraa m ia Spain. It is being carried on the papers there. It is strange that uistianity should be hindered by atentious about symbols. Churchmen are beginning to look the question of disestablishment d disendowment in a less prejudiced lit than forme rly. Indeed, same of B clergy are in favor of a separation Church and Sate. The Vicar of ilhitDi, in laigland, preached a ser mlhe other Sabbath from the words, fo everything there is a season," licb has been published in a local per. TLe discourse was occupied L-lusively with the question of dis tablishiuciih TLe Vicar remarks ii the age was one ol rapi-i aiiU mi litant movements men's opinh.ns ire clianging and Lad changed, and e position of tLe church had changed th them. " TLe result," said the uieLer, "is that the original grounds r niain'aiiiiug an e;-.t;d)bsbed religion t for the most pari, swept away." to Vicar also uttered these Aviso mbs, " It sterns desirable that we mild try to so prepare the way f -r ii diseasa-ion tlK.t as far as possible ia hi; argia l on its own merits, 1 1 i.-u. be made the war cry of politi- lniti.s." Other cif-rgvmen Lave K ' ii uttrracee to similar views, and vol. v.m. i i. it is rrobub'c Shi 0:...u-fli :irul Sf.iic will be ib.-:,r.mv-f..-u !,,. t!sa,i caJli-s Lave fun ir c jnivc. The WcKy.uts oi" iLi, u.v,-n h.ao t:UCS-II f. VIliW.. 4 . :i i. ... , i " h i'li.el!:i.::-i!iV. nf ' ;.. Collego. At a w;(.!h.;;0f i;.:..1 ofTrnskes, bt-UI u rcw a.ivs bov. Wiu. Morley l'u.uhtm ;,,;. ualod :ultl !iC JUH-epk.l the hiviiu- tract a marikt;e v. Inch i.s ilk in Engliuol, but Lis iui.a.ii.A,!,,, sucklenly a fov uv :A aiu vc- movea nil iSifiieuify in tu-av of hi return Lome. Tiui lvUh ook aJvautago of ib;0 u . : bun h r the Proi-ivleiu-y t-I'thtif C-.-a.-e :;u-.l Lave saccccdeJ. li p ;n., ; ;.J.;-C.;;- S ! i tli- "XT'.. !'... i .. . "o". 'JLjiuii V. ;;iv i ;u ill . :i i l:i ;r exereiso, eeei;uiy -iiuc- i'Ui. u-i:,h (:,!. lee Las beca sacoc:,. Li)y c-. iaUbbe This id a isur,tali..-. iie ; j-i.il Uio :i;na for the College. Ik- ui'.i intjvne its l-rospcrity, ami ra;.-;o I o u ., ;Lu oAT.i.y ia -i:; :. to ; ; i i. iiot it Mr. Arthur's 1 1 1 tulvi-c-J ai -u un luexpcriei eid :r,.i man ii-to the Prei ieiie- . tUiioil. L .yUifti ;. i'e . i. ei.c. t- asiieal asc-Jiiblfs as v,. ;: ,.-. :, . ices for tho liia: :;jjouit::it of rLl.riwt.s iiia-ters and edue.iiiuual i. iicctei witi, il e c-h;.!vh. 1 ' the iiiteroti.: o; kA, -r. I bUll'ered in Uus e.i. . ! iio. i::fa!; . ?! . a u!...i'iv; I; r I. 1 :ire if . ; i - " ' v . . e . i :.'r.-- ' 'i'4. '. j f-ie ti. e:io:i ir. I; 'the 1' e-: : : ! el- :. ; ab..r.l to v;;e, ; h j will enter on J ti.s dulL ' in July liex?. ri;o great : . . ; . - ;., lt- weeks Las been eee ;,-.ioii.. t by a d ! The auhijiti Loll ies to L :) a Lu vaii. His ltaiue is -Ia-Ur ii'c'vlra'h. iit ir.is bfccii slICCesltii at i;t.i':u do;f racer, itiiii cariied uv.-yy 'he Waterloo cup a few weeks ego in .England. lie rt-.eiv- cd mi ovation ht u l.e firrlvtd in aei fast after his tiinini-h. Th-- thtee.'i Las his culture, his honor and LL- bt an end to IH.-li discikad christian character while he ro. jIoyaTby oKpre a --o -c AiaSK.T Aleilaia. J-i-J O.eg a.u.!ilti- teiviow with royaliy. Iho Qacn not only itccivtd hii.i ratior.iiy but J'a niiliarly, and ovdcied bli-i : : I c fet. She ulio I'rcseiitfd Li j ti'ahier with a Cold waieh. Tseiiie-i r t . 1 iOV. i' ii Mu- liot she iraiutr's i-vr Li'il i..' u.ii.'s, but Musier JleCaaiL'. V,'l-ot a great er satire on lnglisL high hie c;ud ha eonetivect : Oi;e parti- cav "i-:o.t;y conferred on hiai a.; a v .-. TLe dog is not lo bailee for a"! tills j'lierile ado ov; r his agi!-.- ba s. Ii.'C aatirc wbl net tinge Lair ;iody, ..,,! T o- i io-'l f,.i! f. : liif-ft . i:Ui 'it tbc :i:.led iCOiti i : iu-!ro ii wiiif.n avi liii .; '. miu o. -.u rf- To:' Hill C ill . ... -V'l Oia. Ei rr a.: As I rogated in reh ren--i: tif plan of colivc' in. c 'a'----'4.-' i,; b ith sehil : iii'-s; ib4-.'. ' an article ia y-aa- t .j to it, I will try to ;,rli: ait i i ni.i i a; reii 'i 1 : ;;0 i'iav b'e interested by a j laia e.t 'a:: iti a. When the school v. as organ!,!4; 1 (ia the open air undor an arbor of uak trees, for we Lad no bo iaa, ) (Ive yea a ago, we ntciled b jok-, aad a-: we li.t l no funds and as iiecossiiy is the :a all or of inventioa, we were j4 nl !o otit wits end to kiiO'.v whal siioaid do; and lirst we were prompted to ask iho comuinniLy to give us money, but then a second thought; was to try ai lirst to help ourselves, ho the wh.be school, teachers, seho'-trs aa-1 all w..re requcated to bring each ou the next Sabbath one cent. This wai readily agreed to, and all responded to this proposition and ca n ; prepared Su (he next Sabbath, and astonishiag t.- tell from that day to Ibis not a sin-la ex copfion baa occurred o.i aiiy Stibb-atii, and every scholar and evi ry att( a- lan; has always given the e ... er eao.-'-t S tin day when th'J eolbcUoa v.a ; ia'c-n up, . -.. I . I,;s 1 a-i- iim is never on:;' ted. rn tiiis way we have always, .boa. the. commencement, bad la -a y i o any any books we have necde.b and his', year we paid a deb:, en the chuivh oi' near $100, and now have m ao ba:i :r-i(0 in oar treasury to a--jist io bioi-aog a new church, as on:- ;:iv..eut a,o is too saiaU for our congregation; and wo fcel almost pro ad to Lu ov bom iavts ligition, that abh-' igh the c -r.grega-b-ou au-t school is one ef s-o poorest in f iu-tidy means ia the Siaa : v.-: have raistd nire m.Oiiy in our sehoo; iiian any e.th. r that- we have beard oi in t: e Sa'e. J5at tboii tbo iniiiry -om:.'S, How bus ;Lc t)!:m been ciri io ! out . v.c will try to c-xi:.luin : L iit, each chiM i.s iiuresse 1 every l - with th virtue of b,-nv leiie-a, and that Christ himse'f was a bee gib, and that tluae eta be ii.. le bgiou with illiberal feelings. Th; u during (he week they (the sehol ira) g (o work and gather up rags, iaeas iind anything they can get to sail bra few cents, and lay up the atuou.'tt for several weeks ahead, but i.t case any .should come without, the amouiit, .about. 20 pei-sous have agree 1 t bona in to the school each Sahbalh ," e-.aits a piece to s ipply any tint -n r --.t... without the amount, and also lo as ast i'i increasing the treasury, and i aeh Sabbath before the eoaec'ion is tele:4 op the hnpei ia ten dent goes lhr";;L the sehoil and ascertains who ia de-il-chat and snppbes them. Ti-is plan a ,vj .i.t.-...! .t..,nn..: a. i .. i .ouaLvi 0..'Jt44 l-illllg 1 , Lliia VoJ 1' p . 4 will be adopted by ever.- seho i'i in the State that may be deficient io g.-od Loi.ks. We do not refuse l.irg-4-r araoun's from any aUentbmis. so ibai we have freqnrat'y enllcete-i baon Sa to :-l0, and on one Sabbath in -rohig oar collection was $22. i'iease publish this, which will save me I he trouble of writing to d:liesv:d iniiaiiv rs. Tr.lv airs, J .So. . I a i i4, i'iiolur ui' Calvary abssio4:. r.r !:, ei.r,:-:: a: -. !. M A It . beeatiag war, (:i jasbbi ib ds cab or b-.-h.-giaug for it, D. C. pr. n li'H ji wtiab I i-nt'i'ose, he would to ii giva-i4 principles, th-it h;- :: -;ti.- tt ih:ak are somehow or other involved "a ; be subject, lie a.unie the eoshiou tiat', the aboliticm (if war vo.ai'd de str y natioratl security. But to my ma. a ;!;at is th; very tibmg that vvosild gi-a- nadoiad seeniir.y. If every nat iou tip-ii tinsii wool! rc: olve jiu-ti-: !:'' .v'tu'i'it, neither ! i.iJ.--.-upon any other nation, nor fo do tlait which would necessarily impel its encroachment, s upon its rights, ia order to maintain its national orgaub labbia; then, I think, that every na tion could rest under if sown vine an 1 Sgtrr-e without fear of inoletation. Or if God should make wars cease nato the ends of the earth, and to iho end of time, would D. V. tremble for national or individual si eiu it , ? The presentation of this argument by D. C , is an illuslra'iou of the case with which soioe people mistake great piiaciplts, and ', heir application. 1. C. did not see, or seaa to see, thai he had. mistaken his subject, ilis posi tion is correct when properly applied; bal be makes an improper appia'ata n. If any our. nation should resolve ttau sac wai not, untier any provoca.iou engage ia war with another nation, then she would bo at the mercy ef othtr blooel thirsty eatious. If Pros sia had determined not to war with France then tho French would have laid her splendid country in ruins. Bnl if France and Prussia had de termined neither to make war npa the other, nor to so trample upon the rights of the other as to provoke seif- tlefeuee from the other, then so far as they arc concerned they would have been ; eeure. i 1 is other principle - it v.- not soiled i i j i ta to many wonts, out, mo latere nee :-; v-;eh 5s, That God nap-ires v';:,.s. Ibis I). C. undertakes to prove by i -r - ,1 : . -1 I -it i.aas jouiat in me jjioa:. !. giics the c;ae of Abraham arming -UKJ yvaao'g men and going oat after a band of robbers that had been committing depredations upon Lis community. ALrahaui succeeded ia recovering from them iLo persons they had cap tared, and the property they Lad S'oleii. As Abraham was rclurnbag home, Melchisedec, the King of Salem and Priest of the Most High God, met him and blessed him. 1). C. tries to make the impression that those simple facts prove that God sanctions w ii-. If we sanction a thing we muse, saaeiiuii all its adjancts. G id, and all good men sanction what Abi'i ham did, and approve heartily what Mel chisedec diet to him. But neither woaid God, nor good men sanction the acts of the robbers that made it necessary for Abraham lo chastise them, and drive them fr.m tho coun try. Again, bo says, Wars are a ne ce.ssi'.y; for the Scripture says, 'Th-a-o shab be wars.' But does not D. '. know that a prophecy that a thing s.aill take place, and approbation of a thi;:g, are not synouj niou 4. Ti e sarao ;-:aared writings deal uc thai the Okriohns shotdd be cruelly persecu ted; bat that does not signify that God approves persecution, find will briag it about. The Sc; ipln; e j hi both instances are -showing what will i:;ko place not what God approves, or sanctions, or would bring about. War is an unmittigated evil. It baa t.o redeeming characteristics. In hs coarse it is worse than famine ami j esliicnce. Whoever it breathes, it IvAiiEKMi, K WKDNESDAY, A PHIL iaais -whenever it gives iaspirabou, il is thai o,n ia ' e 1 b -j . f era. by -wh-rever u ia ii. blasis, it raiiis.it d. s'n'y4. i baa! ui blood, smiles at ha . i aaariug, rej aces over the . . , , - -IT... s-a-ai jaiiii a e: I a. s ana cutiulnes n i- r..ri rotes it has deaf roved. .O i e i a iibi .!s an 1 nations soon -beuoM how goad and ; o 4 i ' : ia jei'ii-ua It i5 i..r brei-hrci) t . r , 1 1 . ... .;-v i! I . :.-'b ia niiUy : Ji is ni-.e a - ''.it ; );n'aia;OC anon die bo ia, than raat down tq:n the beard, ev.ai A-tr -,iV. b-ird: that went dawn Lo the a;;ai I,m garments: As the dew of '1,-naou, 4iad a- lite dew lhatde .,, j-, ,n moti'itaitis of Zion: f v :' a.4 ! beai ceaeaaadeo1 tho !!!' f aaaa i. j:i-re.' . i: bu i:nil' with 1 jo. b.i.iii i'. -. evt a -a i. (' , Caa;- Ti ;).! i-4.u- I i t 'ai ! -! i-l!t A'l V"i tti:-SiO-,ii4 .ui i'a-ii rilm- b55j. fhatoa: -Iv gr.i'iiyiag io ra i many i4o:a:'Oises to .-! urgent . i ehalT ;' the itbssioaary ontt r .1 the Citaaah. Tho apiiba of ca . v ea.. p-i- our pcapk- are reviving, and with the ivtiiru f o.-.a;-o :' pro-.pcrby they will contribute tu tho ea.iso of Christ with gcn4 rou-4 hearts and liberal h a.! a M.-ss ;-i irg.irel GreiiiOier, of Wil aa:.-oa v.o., acne . the han. Is ot B v-4 : the a ,;.a':.- :. v.. : . ;.; -:. ; tod n,. "ia r bay a eaack foa ' Juim: )! Sac is a y d an 1 iieiria, bat if i- v,. y b-i i and bis c tuse. ia i:. . I. ;-0 ior . .. a.::-, bee;, ti He a; Vioa g-:ve her ti e ability. A':i-.f4.v xno room to aebaoabalg --. tba follo',viag r.. spoil ;e:4-: ' liati-iTOiia, Oiiio Co., Kw ' Tu ill-- li e. J. ii. M.-Fi-trltt : Please uce-ep '. Fifty Jb .liars, atiosioaary iijolie;. . a no obligo i'Avie A. aiiaiaaa Sou.' -.i:.i..x .... , oiitrca i, I S il. 'bV r. .. ;. MrFtrrin: You will hud iucloicd the sum of $10, in answer te opo.a i.x i tie Kichmouel CUirTi lian Advocate - ha' the boTabl oi' iho ints-doiatry w.-fk. cm ! j it a- la iiy, rJo.-i.l'H tl'illlu' "iJi. oa.'-oe V. , March 0, 1-S71. ih: J. !. 31. I:n-Ln- -D-'ur ,S7,v Yoa will hi.-e ibid inclosed live dol lais,whi; h io wiil pleace ar propri.it o lo the e I't-.e of Foreigii Mission:-", aad much eilaigo A Fin end oi-4 vara BoAan.' J. "V. M mi -.iy. (ireeawood, S. G. aeiais ia:,; dedlar for our brother in Chi., ', ! -lev. Youag J. Alien. 'baai vei.i.i', ibwsvooa, Co.,Tia:.x. .. .-. J. II ?i'-F.;m,v h-'ir II roll t ;: k a wil.' 11 ail inclosed a check for live hui-.diod dollars for iiibsiouaiy purpouas, which I sea el you. I wish il applied where it will bring glory to God and good fo the people. It is a thanksgiving olbhring to God for his goodness and bis mercies to myself and family. I have been living with a beloved wife Tor torfj-iivo years; wo have bad twelve children, havo raised all of them; throe of our so' - were in tho army; two of them in Perry vibe light, and several other hard fought batik---; a-li of them got home unin jured. I v.4 s .aided by Presbyterian pauaas, a lid v- aa con veried at a Meth odka c.-tiup-meeUug the rise of forly uu; 3 ears p.vst. I aa a alethodist ef the old striata a lover of class and love feast n.eeiiag a When I reflect a re,; goo ha s 4 of God, and bis mer cies, tho r spouse of my heart is, G lory to God ! You will please ac kuov.le Ige the receipt of this. Your brother in love, F. B. Kraut ' March lo, 187b Such responses greatly encourage our hearts and strengthen our hands. J. B. McFiouax, Sec. Twiivi v Points or4 Piety. The fol lowing short aee.auit of our duty to (.lo l an. I our neighbor was written aioio ihau three bundrcel years ago, ia i.""7, ! a, good man called Thoams Lei o r: I. To pray io God eoaSinuaily. To leuin to know him rightfuliy. To honor (lod in Trinity. h lie Trinity la uniiy, T;i - Fat Iter in his majesty, -. S a ia his humanity, '"'a- 1 1 - be tiho.a's benignity: Tiae j persons, one ia Deity. T ' ai rve biiti abvay, guilelessly. to -a: i: biai ail things, needtiiily. T.'i oiaise hiai ia all ea tapany. ft. 7. To i ;e him a! vay, lmariily. S. To dread loot abvay, OJmstianly. t). To ask hiai i.a.-.iey, pen'leat-ly. 10. To tnw. him alway, f.tithi'aliy. 11. To obey him tdway, wibingly. 12. To abide hiai alway, patiently. 1:J. To thank hiai al.viy, th.ankftUly. I b To live here abvay, viriuonsiy. 15. To ai-o th;,- ueighboi" honestly. It;. To look for death still, preseotly. 17. To help the poor, in mis. ry. lb. To hope for heaven's foiieif.y. It). To have faith, hope, and charity. 2 i. To coat bb' hut vanity: Bi: l'OiNis . r CiiKisTr.vxrrv. t.iis'rnt? AVI, fHn..t f T a ,t -1- I .v .. c . v .v x b i . lb Kim KiOii.n.vi , ... ,, . g;ti,si. Siva: rxwvzttK .a4 ?!r,TJIOf!4S?l. J:' ia -a-- O.a U ' tbo.iiatb jfeihoibiu is liriw,!. ..... a iile.it. f; , v s a a- i. as hon;,h 1: iv. i-a ';. sever;,! y s of aV aa Chare! i akbh i i .4 r ( t.ai.- siu-b, aaj-,ng us-, to ab a: agree! g vi;h ihia ia lie prhao sentiala of th Christian .ebgi .a. Tho common ground b.dwe a us is the great i labor a ef th 't 4b4ba e.,-.;. Yet iharo a. : pi.ia'.s e i' d a-a ia d divergence Vihieb, while they do a b-disfra;:hi-:e others a.i tia: ia' : ; ilaaca ef the Church L'alttoba. at the same time neerra iia!e, en e a-- a',- i tious grounds, a s'.-p4iaie -.fgaiij-.; ea-isk.m-e. This ii precis, iy the ease with us. Mai hodism is a Uecc-saity. 1. Metheeli a: h--.dd.-i thai iutcrpro tatioo ii the oiaa ef redem;:iio4a which is eaile ; Armiai.ii:, ia epp,;ii.-n to bad which ii c.lh.d Ca!viai..a. It hhb that b abt i erapaafa i'roai any reso-ietivo pioaa.ae in ii;e taind ef God from all cternhy. by wkk-h ca-y :- 'imitcu number --i .ae hamaii family are included ia i". . savhig pro visions; bat that it ceat'aias a !.-',: ij Jiila atoae4ae:it I a ail men, v.4l-o.. by irti.e cf ito iaShi'lo mtti'i, ate i hue 1 in mi acta by salvabl.! e-a.ilai.ai. it. i. Ma tb ii there is no at. -. -a... : ina'.ioa on tho pttrt a-f l-eo iner from bis d.-ciee or bo4..! ae- e.i 'b i.y , .. 1 y .-. ; '- ! -1 .I-.. .'. !i ,.) sat or ike a; b- lwiOU tie-:- 'via- ball b . saved by Chris-, a-.-'; -1. -.- . a cons-: "q'teiil p-: le . ab :;1- a ar v. ben, w'i! be c u. iaie ri.o : iaakaa I4, maabeOe; kaa Ue of Chri; was a ball, perr't ea, r. llceal oti'ifaciioa eh: abu sins of the v, Lt4: hi vvo; i V ; thai the v. hob; world may ii: that tho loss :A aav :.o .: be . la e 1 a a.aa d by a cannot i e a.-eiiOi.O lo t i i . j fact a..a u-i t no. lui, i4 v was ever made for it, or to au ctc-rn.-tl purn.ose of e bc-iAi'GaB jTy of the of rTTaeiaptiV.' Ju a'.oat meat, Methodism unit. Ou ;hisdo'aa: a perfect lieuaO in tie- ay nature aad aau-aoa ca.-ad oi the at; lie man', Ih-tkeab.aa hi any slands. There- is avt a; an ea oao'e of uatiiiiatoaa aare.4a;ual in tins k:ada- j moahd pie.-tii.a on rceo a. ai otai r Chinches are t idar ie.r-1 bb cr 4ih..l'!y Calviaiatio ia bills ro -pact, av a,v' t!iy and caubdb, a ibai-ai j vio.;h hy logical consequent e btebab s '. ae dam nation oi" a ctrhuu fa;4.-? of haf- iiis.--Mothodiiim r-j-cbi, -totally and, s statially, tho entire Cal'.ini.ia the. ay on this iuihjaet. and preclaiaio a fall and fiee tai .-alioa lo every child of A data. These two aoabaia. .-4 .a . tl.'-o-ieigiaaby and t ail; . y I k.. iiy laa.igoa- isiioto each other, and hc.aea the Anaialaa i beery I: -'h-a '.- ' a- -i it. 2. ak-koahm In.-hb- the -.iversal freedom of the Lam.ai will, c rres ponding with the univeir al extent of the atoneme nb It holds that through the abundant grae of God in .Te-.-us Christ, tho Holy Spirit imparts io nil mankind that measure cf eaeclual in fluence by which they arc roud-'red capable of compbing with iho ttrms of the gospel. Thoao who ad pl the Calviniaa theory, bc'iovo not only ia a special selection, bat as a c-om-c-queuee, in a specially eiil-a.eious mo tion of the II-. ly h pi fit iq i the thtt atone. Here, ban, is a raob-al tha-.-triaa! dilioreiice :s to the opus. ion wliclhar all mea are iavi sted, by the economy of salvation, vLh the alahiy to choose or refuse its obbr of clm-to 1 life. Methodism bobby and uai-q iiv ocally maiatains and c.-iahalhy pro chdms the afarmallvt. Tbtae v.lto adhere to the dogma, of ait ettrmi'.ua eouditiomibpersoua! elect it n, k f-.iguato it, by eminence, as the etoe'jiae of grace, and charge io ai tia ir op ponents, the heresy of Ikl.iglus; that is, a denial of the doctrine ef total de pravity. Caivinisaj arc act aaao thorough believers ia bio eaithanoss of human depravity lhaa Moth sbsts. Their doctrine . f the ir.adota of Iho will and the capacity of sdvatioa, ii fonndel exclusively upon the iiu-rit of Christ anel tbo grace of fie if ly Spirit. "J. 3fotho.lis:n hold.-, agbu-.t all formalists and ri uab-ts . hat :a ever, the absolute maa s by tb rpbi-ual i generali ai: that there U no sabsb'aaa for the now birth aa t i b,T -..a mess by the Holy Gaosa A irga Protestant Oluistaadto explicitly or implicitly deny that docriae au 1 teach only a s neramcttla! r -t ioi ata.l reg-aior. lion. Oar elocaino is an aa eomprombi igpro'o t against t a a f aa -tlamcrj'al eleluoio.a 1. Methodism held, as a doelriae, tho direct witne-s of li e Holy Spirit as the privilege of all beli-a ea s, .and as, in fact, ia some degr. o, a; aaaaariiy praceoeiit to all other evidema s of ac ceptiinco with Gtnb Other tv.sitg.-.i-c.il deucminations, vdai.: ada.ii-ing this doctrine ia parucubi.r iiasiaaces, do not maintaiu it as tho invariable o, 1871. proi:-i -.,n e-f .ho go-pel for al! who ac cept of Cbri.it. Xoi less evangelical loan wa, their Jisbiiaaiy ta this great question is less explicit than ours. The uniformity who which il is prc sau'td and urged i., clatraeterisfic of Methcdidiu. . Melhodiam 'lahis specili aliy the de-e'i-ine ot C.abiiaa perfection, and 1" ' eayal-icd a- one of i-s eculiuri ties. Wl a 'ever be rite, dtiiareut modes ot eApbtialng it, it is neve! ilteless one of its doctrinal b at ares, founded, as it ia lir.tabus, in tho very terms and in tent of ibe gc..-pcl plan. WLile it iiobby w ith others, the doctrine of a -;r avdt ia grace, it aba holds that it is the i rivih go of ilte thihkxn of God to b ' habit imlly saaetiaed hi sou!, hotly, fiaa. spirit. " rdcihodisiii holds the doctrine of una! npo-lasy, hi biesense that a truly regenerated pe rson a: ty so fall away as i.. p. ; i-li cveihibkgby, aa 1 that the eternal salv: rioa of any believer whom God permit;; to live, U not settled by any preo.-te;"mhr.kk.n,bat is depondent by his g-raco, upon a f iithbd eoutinu aaee hi aelbihlag. it uiid'y discards the boe'roic th .t eaje who has been truly ngaaeaa'ed can never be loz-0. The...o dociiinal views are i niiueafly diainelive of M. Lh.di.aa, and consti tute, so far, a clear, consecutive, and poi foe-fly taijasied t-ysiem of faith, ch 'i-acba io.-d ba toe imanhaitv with wbicb It . bat . abb - ' ;aal the aiifaiteritig . : ii, t , .rotai'anced. ;:v ia:v. n. a. r. aa.. a. m. k-a. ooa, b;.oaAXii, leb iikh. lo7f. Sr-'-r-rt-j!! ia ids Fid'-ib A;,: :o:-: . very American wito spends a Sabbath ia this city goes to the Tab ernacle loho .r Mi. Spar- ccm. I went early, ia order to : tcare a seat, aad, ay mean; of a ticket kindly presented by the gaald, wa-, absikio i into the spacious strnelt. re. It is a plain, uu i.retea.iiug .edifice of stone, solidly built, L-ut witlio-afr afcliiicictural bcau- fty. eiujinal " or Tateraah There'' is nothing about it to cadtivate religious taslo aad in:: -ire devo'ioual feeliug. lis i,!.e.:.i4. e-.ei-a iiayaessc the bohoil aa, bat da.:, ;-pacl id elice rftilntss which retobaa f.tio saoctaarv conaro- aiai i-, waating. The prominent feature about ii b its ca.paaliy. At blast live tlaaiaaaa pe -pie were as-eiabletl with' in h - wal's that morning. There are Gvo rows ot circular galleries extend ing a: oaad l':o cadre aadieace room. Tilt pulpit is elevate 1 !y pillars, so as to be nearly even witit the lirst gallery. This arraii-paaent p rod's the speaker to be di-liae'dy hear-1 by 11 o e in both gab- rit-a. ikery part e-f the buii dng was elan a i v d aad . d. Any oae might voo gatlu iCO t to k . b :-l cheat ::i ! ..-4 '' a.': . I ih-.. i . .1 caa -e a hy :a:eb a joalbUi-ie :rt", whee6 no architecture ab i he eye aad aeknti'hj or- i (harm the ear could be lli a ideal iiee, the reason found. WOpbt the ma bi cev.raa. Th; ro comes ei tla.t attracts the people. He appears en the ' hit form, and oners a hi ief prayer. A hymn is then an nounced, aad the whole congregation uiiiies in singing ii. Mr. Spurgeou reads iho verso, the cieak by Lis side stalls ilio tune, an 1 the vast throi.g follow, aiahlag a n-asc hbe unto ' the . a 1 ia -ay wab j'a." Tia: morn iag h.i,son was the f atiay :' c aid c'.:ap kr of alateiiew, iui 1, daring thu rtad iag ,f '. e aaiii'.ais io aitif.ii'g pas sages wore aa.d;.. ieaa- i i .g this t xer cise both iidf-rediag aad profitable. Then came another prayer, longer and more coa.taeae.islve lhaa tho lirst; next an suspiring hymn, and finally the sci men. The text was Matthew 22: 2, :J, d, and the subject the laavriage of the king's son. The sermon was unique in its amngeiu'.u aad fresh in its mat tar. Combined with original ieh-as there was clear iihi it radon. Mr. Spurgeou makes jd dbp'ayof rheloric or iogi ', but le-Oit alittp'e ye I forcible language. Oae secret- of his power is evidently his earnestness. Ho is completely ab -".orb-i-d in his tiieme.and aims at the eon eieuces and sonsibib hies of his he.ircr3. They feel that he is sincere, and defires to do them good. Another element of his power is his devotion to g -spe1 trut'e lb; gives gn at jiroaba aiee ta the bind i mer.tal docfrir.es oi Christianity, es-i-i-eiabv tint of the rkonoai ut. Tho ;.: t-av: t ri n:-; .b.o-oar on i tiat" 4, , - j , ' i ...i. uii.l o ... : .ii . liOii- t.red his ai ia too ro.haapSa a of the v,-n b!, i-'ad -bait men f.hould pr.rtako ( i tbo boaatif'al faist of divine love. Mr. Spr.ig-on 1. vs a rotia 1. fill, and pleasant v iee, which penetrates every part of the In go room. At 'he c-nc!usloa of the public ser vices, ha invited till evangelical G.ri ; lians to remain and participate in the Lor.Vs Supper, which was held in the bsscraoat The commodious chapel wa? bed. Ha- paste r.wi; ii bis elders around lata, sat on a platform. Be-fr,-o ;i ;i diiit; ii.ation of the f k in-nts Ivik elders. ! g ' 1 banks In a very i eprt s ive ? i to ae lyitfcrrh.g fr -ajnen -iv ike f .aiO. ) )ia n of in bis text, and urging ab io ha ve on the wedding garment. During tin-; service, a deep WHOLE NO. 218. religious spirit p i v .ded the aisemhy, and we shall r- o.-r f rget tho scear.. No one can i siitaaao the moral in lluenco of this soec-iy upon this citv. Tho fact that Mr. Spurgeou h,-.s labored here so many years with in creasing popuiari y indicates his ex traordiaary ability, l ino cathedrals, emineat ministers, and graad musm abound in Ijoa l.m, aael yet this practical gospel preacher draws thous atds to his plain church, while others are thinly att ndvd. Ia. thin desert ol ritualism, sr.eb a fountain of soiritinil life must be refreshing to true worship pers. This rcm-.uk.d-'e man is an hidef.Ui gablc worker. At the beginning ol f.ach mouth, be .-o range.44! a programme f religions t. rvk, s for every elay dur ing that peri--..!. The list of meetings is published au.l c'rcalated in the pews. Tiiese daily meeba ;a are varied, em bracing id I de-pa. t.-i.ents of Christian work. One is to be held for the b. n till of hu'rhrr.-: Yinu, iLe Tabernacle is mtale to resoaod almost constantb with the voice of prayer an I prai-o and froa. ii pvc -eats streaans of Chi is tian iaJlaeace that will tend to purify this wicked aa. troj.olis. In additiuL to bis miaisttiia: b.bors, Mr. Spurg- on trams a largo class of young men for the pastorate, edits a religious paper, aad performs many other public du tics. His well-de velop-d and piosar ved constitution -ai aaius him. TU:: M(ho(lii. two ii kis ' i:sbiT:i::is. As'roiitaiiei speak ef appaieat anel real magaiiu.b- of the sun's diameitr as aliout thit iy-e n m'niitts of a do grei-j the real n-ag'-itudc is t!82,(00 mlbs -- qai't a o i'l r. a. e, you see 'i e have :.L.,it ,-iad sans ia our sobhtnary spin re: ; and a very with eh.parhy olti u e.aihts latataa the a. emitig and the acttad g:-ta!nes:. id tlu.se luminaries, wia tiier in Church or ."obite. A .-tar . i tit-. llr..t niap.ii tude in the popular estimation i.ot iiafraqaeiitly j aha. Mel dies out wheii o licet princi b s :..ea ,tircmtijt are resorted to. And o a the other latuel, one that Lad appeared far tinaller aad very much less Lriiiiaut, has bttu fouaii to posse ss ti greatness incom lUiX'uJbly Lc-yiil llitvt of tUo ineiTolio'is ViiiAiTig fqyru,. v-X: r.pp-iiraisc- are often decopbve. A mathe-maii--,a! science dissipates the illusions of the eye, anel makes is acquainted with them".'; to a loaml ji'giatn', or Sound Ccl.iU.oll - e ll a hiiCoeeVrs the dihieieute bef-i.eea the various can didates for pub.k i.tvor. The tip- parent iiiagaita.ae w: one man a. pi'o ved to be only a -plemlid tham, a llasby impaa.i'im; upon tin; ttioiight-le:-s crowel; ivhi'e the apparent mag nitude i f another is proved to he iike the sun's, very btr short of the grand reality. In the e .vimatiou oi many, in the days of his caiahiy life, Jcsit ChiibL was no an ie tiaui a Man. lib. human, iovdy r; jh ; aance d.ceiveei diem. But wlaa we apply to his character the lest.) tf thoiasp'red vol ume, we behold ia hiai the very ton of righ tousucss, and the grand cva trai orb, which lbl- ah dungs aael en lightens and varais the uaiverse. 'Ihe doubter with va ion divimly cor rceieel tsclaiaiS,as he gaes upon Lim, 31 ij Lord i'ikI in- Hon', lie mes Jesus no longer a mere br. her man, bat one in whom d-.'.dt aii the- f ilbtess of the godhead bodily. o vi nr. ro:5 a v. it ill rsimv.u The Loudon .V- a - ray.-;: (hi.i ..f the most curious plaaif m..-aa ia -oaac-tion with coal mit -ing is txhibl'etl at the Bank Colliery, ia ar Ilothti ha-a, thepropt-ify eflkri i'it.williaaa Tbb pit caught lire '.!;:.- hnndrcd years .''go, and all 4 he cflor's of tic woika.en at the lime and subst ipa aily Lave bfeu quite iutb'eclual io i..fiagni--.h it. A short iime rgo it was a-ceitaiuel thai the flames were a; proathing tho bot tom of the shaft, and it was then re solved, if possible, !o shay their pio-grt!S-s, so that th.y ndoht not extend to other parts i f tbo workings. At h-Ugth the Sa; erh'hec'h lit of the Col bories, ?.h. T. Coopi r, coucched the idea of building a '.vs.! to shut in the lire, and in order to a --certain the best site for ibis wall s. veral of the onicial.s crept on their ban bs aad knees, through the b. us; if.aling smoke, as far as possible into the workings. Their t ilbrh were --:icce.-sftil, and a wail i.s now eompkttd neaily one thousand yards in length, and varying from nine inches "o hve ft et in thick He's. At do-knees v-rving from ; , ,, , i L 11. Li to liio. .ti.l.i, Hlti.u J-lio.- IJ.IOU been harried ia tins wad, which are securely plugged at the end, so tin t a1, any time.by removing the plugs.tLe s'.a'e of the air on the side of th.; fire, and ovea the position of the fire itself, can be ascertained. So intense is the heat arising from thi lire that people possessing gardens above the colliery 1"c!ari (hat the growth of plants is materially affected, and that they arc endi'e.l to obtain two and three crops ever;, year. Tne Biitish Got-erumeat has apprt pnated .j.)tjO lor the erection of de fensive wr.iks arouinl O iebec. ornc'E or ikc advocate coun: il CF HAEGETT AND D?.r20Il fib-.. KALEIGH II. C. RATES CF ADVERTlitUU. -io. 1-. 1 M-.Mll. '. M..N-. I Af i N l. M IVeu : 'intir.. -' .'' i 1 ."' - .". in i to i.i it- io .'Mill:.:.'". I.'"1 '.I ll ".M. 1-.IH,' a4. I'" Il -.i K.iv. .'. IO U 1 l.t . III ! I ... I J--.- . '' "" l."i"- lo.. :u iii .-.. '. t ..Mllll.. M ll IS UU "I" U !! 11. I. I." -.. ! n.u. -.0 t :t. oi a", no a mi lm in l Colaiur. :.i i' ,'mi in. oa im jtm mi j.j. i ,. A'!.-it: -i-iiioiits u ia lo i-!i:iii,-. oia-o ovory th. -, .!i"ii.h u:...ut a.;. lit: n...; ohar.-o. For i-voy ut it. i c!ia:i.,-i-t':,.. ro wii: l.o au o.t:a rharv of tu! -.-i-- jut itidi. 'i4ivoii'. -lito jioi -coiit. is a Uol (o Hi.- alio.. !.if f-'l- Oill'i ll..'.i.-o- ill I.-.l. ..; c- hllUi.. Si., . ;-,! cotiti-.i.-.s iiiaJ- on i. -ifom.! lo toi-i.. Suntiaij Scljool vLcarlirr'';. Dcparlmmt. Ax Axt.ix in rin; Stone It i-t rr. latcel of Micha 1 Allgelo, till', while walking with some friends ihn.tigL an obscure street in the city of Fieri ace, lie discovered a line block of marble lying neglected in a yard, and half bu ried in dirt and rabbi.-jh. irtih-a ef his holidty attire, lie at oacc fell to work upon it, clearing away its fill h, aad striving to lift it. from ihe f-'iai.-and mire in which it lay. His t ji.i pa.uoiis asked him, ia astoihshmont, vloii he '.va- doing, and what lie want ed with that worthless piece of rock. '0 there's an ange-1 in tlu s'o.i4',' was the -answer, 'and I must get it out.' He had it removed lo Lii studio, and with patient toil, with mallet and chisel, he iet the angel out. What to -ihcrs was bat a mda, unsightly m is., of htoao, to his edacated eye was I lie buried glory tu" art, A masoa would have put it into ; stone wall; a cart man woui 1 Lave used it for liiling ia, or to grade the streets; bat Angel. . trausformcel it into a gum of tu t, uu I gave it value for ages to come. What po. sibihiies of virtu an. I u-cfabnars may no: a good m.tn sc.- in a child? Do we know how lo gi t lb angel out ? Are oar childr. u lo I, only for Tilling in V Tin: I:aii:;",:.i a i r I. wis.. G..oi. FeiM; i ;..x. Foaonhit ions t.re hidd- n. It i- n- t the apparent virtue which ;ive staliility to ihar.ukr. it it not what a man tip pears to be, but da.l he is in the found-iiii ns This is il-h-stratcd by the hi-tory of o e of the hand -oiin s! chin ches ia Citicago. It was a magnilicent structure ; built thnaihot.t of stoat ; apparently oi ly liato tvtihl dettroy if. Yet hi Tore it vwis ipiile completed tht) worl.ni. n aha ii. Uiiied it, the sin i t was blockaded, the in'aabitaufs of the opposite houses feare-.l far their lives hecauac of it. It bivl tU to bo takou down, etono by ebble. "H'he fo'iihdalioVa v,ere imptr' feck Ii was admirably built but on sand. Many a man, good citien, kind father, gentro-ir, neighbor, hoaest tradesman, is admirably built but on sail d. What are yottr foundations '! Al e you rooli d and grounded in Christ V A Goon Bna.i: Class. The Sum toy S-lio hi-iriiw' says: 'A Bible class in Troy, X. Y., was commenced twenty two years ago l y a l.ely who is till ih. t atcht r. The original class numbered sixken, iiffeeii tf whom have died, hive hundred persor.a have btlonge.t to thi . cl ise; throe hiiudred i.flh. in have united .villi tho Church. Thi ; excellent teacher Las kept an acciir.i'.e history of each scholar, aad has al ways correspond! d with the ab e-nk She visits the regular members t ic-; a year; they vi.dt btr sociaby, and as a class by invitation. The .socrt -Is of her success ate these four: 1. Self consecration. 1'. The consi ciafi ii of her pupils to the Lord. '.'. VbiLaliu.'i at their own homes, with conversation ami prayer, h Social hifhieaco at her own Lome.' Maxi; Tin; Si iiooi, Pai:sM4 In Ilia model Sabbath school, everybody is kind to everybo ly, because everyb a-ly lovi s every boely, fa-.b-.s-is' sak-, win cares for u ; all, with sia.-h au bkhii'c tenderness. LverGody's face reflects :be beamiiig of his kindliians, in a way that ii altogether good an I pleaaaiil ; 'like the dew of Heaven, wln u the L rd commanded His blc-avsLi.', a-; n life forevtii- more.' CLildrcu are secialiy siis.:e)ibic to these ialhiaaces. They attract tbem as certainly as do p'Gty cl I'hi s, daiL ty foo i, bright 11 --.vers, or SAect anide, Th ;y know in'uiiive'y v.-hetla r your cor bality is f.hm. re, or whether yoti are coadescen ling and kind, f r no a icn-.e of duty. July tiie pi aiitai b; of thalo.eof Je.su-i c.;u mik; Sib!ith school woikerjg naincly t-ocial. AV lima'. Suiiiht'j S ii'inl T'-.ih-ii- r. C: a iiaaa Mosatas . i at: Cat ia n. Mr. Spurgion says: '1 have, during t he pa-t y ear, receive J f Ji ty or iii'ly chihlivu into churcli member ship. Among those I havo ha 1 al any time to cx la le from charoh fell j.vship, out f a cii trch ol twenty-seven ii indred mem-. is, 1 have never h 1 1 to exclude a sing'e one who w.i.i rec jive I while yet a child. Teaeiiers au 1 .siiporhi teii ku s simuM no. merely believe ia the possibility of c nay c Jii.erdoii, hut ia thu froquency of ib' P;.Avaaiea L'aai-Aitviios. There is a proverb which says: 'To have studied well is to have prayed well. However oaa mty ceeo iat for it, the best past ed' aad ehbetive teachers we k..e kiuwa were those who prayed much. Thoso who, withoat prayer, ot ; bed much, f limbic J ar an 1 on the sulfate of the lesson. T.iosa who wtr.- in the nabit of praying got right h il l of il 0 kernel of ia