Loi-is Napoleon. The telegraph and papers announce the death of this notable man. and deposed Emperor alter a severe and pro tracted illness. Faur years ago he was the foremost man in all Europe, Emperor of a leading nation that was rich in people, in resources, in history, in arte and sciences, proud of its power and its high culture, but now wasted after a desolating war. Napo leon was a man oi great brain, and although ambitions, was a wise and just ruler, and it was owing to his wisdom and love of pro greag and improvement that France attained to such prosperity as a nation. He was thought to be engaged in intrigues with pow erful friends in France to restore himself to power, and many believed that the French people would soon grow tired of their Kepub lio and recall him who was once their boast and pride. The past year was remarkable for the deaths of distinguished men. The two great, leading Journalists of America. James Gordan Bennett of the N. Y. Herald, and Horace Greeley of the Tribune, died, while the army lost Maj Gen. Mead. Ualleck and Gen. Anderson. The great American civilian. a leading diplomatist of the world, W. II Seward, tlso died during 1872. btsides Ex-rostmaster General Randall, Senators Grimes of Iowa, Davis of Kentucky and Walker of Wissousin. Al though some ot them will not be iorgotton, while their works last, still in the busy rush ing to and fro of the world, we will soon cease to miss them, and the tendency of Americans to the worship of living heroes will soon cause them to forget the bereavement they felt at the loss of their former idols, in the enthusiasm and admira'.ion of some new fa vorite. It is sa. .at Mabson the co.ored Senator from New Hanover and a Federal officer of the port of Wilmington has determined to re sign his seat in the Senate of North Carolina. Birmingham. Ala., is the magic City of the South. Less than two years ago the site was without much evidence ef civilization, now it is a city, noted for its beauty, with many thousand inhabitants, the terminus of four or five Railroads, with avenues, and graded streets, and extensive water works. It owes its wonderful ri-e and prosperity to the min eral wealth of the section which enterprising men are developing, and is an evidence of what the South is capable ot being and doing, if our people will exert themselves. Jas. Anthony Froude, the English historian who has been lecturing in America, has gone home. His departure was rather sudden, leaving se-eral engagements unlulfilled. Fa ther Burke, an eminent Irish scholar of this country, took Froude to task concerning cer tain renetions upon the Irish character and history that Froude made, and as between England and Ireland, America favors Ireland, it is probable that Froude concluded that he was better appreciated in England than he was here. New York has one hundred lady doctors. The Albany Argus says it is reported that Theodore Tilton will publish a statement in the Gclden Age, denying the domestic irreg ularities recently alluded to by Woodhull & Cladin. His statement has been ready for some tttne, but was withheld until the women were released from jail. One day last week a lady in the country wrote for a piece of music 'with sentimental words that almost silently flow the depth of concealed sorrow, revealing a sad heart's ten derest emotion in a tone that would almost melt an iceberg and crumble adamant to dust,-' and in a postscript informed them that her 'paugh' would be up next week and pay it. Two big brothers and a fond but indignant father are said to be on tha war-pth in Balti more after the unknown man who sent thoir sister and daughter a box of soap as a New Year's gift. Senator Sherman has introduced a bill in the IT. S. Senate, making intoxication, and the sale of liquor offences against the Federal Government. There were in New York city during the pa.t year.one hundred ani forty suicides, two hundred and six deaths by drowning, flfty saven homicides, and seven hundred and five deaths by accidents. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has decided that under the act of June 6th 1872. drawback for exported tobacco stamped at 32 cents per pound under the old law, will be allowed to the full extent of the stamps affixed and that it is notmaterial as to the district the tax was paid in. A lady in Richmodd received 210 new-year calls, and has the cards to prove it. Mrs. Partington said of a certain legislator that the mantel-piece of Daniel Webster ap peared to have fallen on him. He must have been flat. Mr. Greea, Senator from Petersburg, has introduced a resolution in the Virginia Sen ate with a view to suppressing lotteries. The Appeal intimates that Mr. Green invested in the Louisville lottery, drew a blank and hence his enmity to the institution. Senator Sumner Las introduced a bill in Congress, to discontinue the practice (now so prevalent) of placing upon the U. S. Regimen tal colors,the names ol victories obtained over the people of the outh during the war. Another fire broke out in Boston on the 1st instant, destroying $.50,000 worth of property The Fifth avenue Theatre was burned to tho ground on the night of January 1st, the fire being diccovered just after the audience had dispersed. The Pope's niece, Donna Maria Pia Mastai, has taken the veil as a Benedictine nun. James Gordon Bennett will return from Europe in March and marry a Booklyn lady. ill a r r t a g e & . At the residence ol A. G. Tally, by Rev. V. W. Russell, oc the 27th ult., Mr. C. Parker and Miss E. A. Tally, all of Stanly county, N. C. Married, iu Hillsboro, N. C, on the 25th of December, by Rev. C.N. Morrow, James M. Kirkpatrick of Wayne county, and Maggie E. Laws of Ilillsboro. Married. Dec. 3rd, by Rev. W. F. Clegg at Col. James F. Rives, Mr. B. C. Allred of Ran dolph county and MIbb Sallie J. Rives of Chatham county. Married, at the residence of the bride's father, Jan. 2nd, 1673, by Elder Henderson Hooutt, James J. Richardson, Esq., and Misi Mirtha H.iyles, both of Johnston county. Married, near Concord, N. C, Dec. 19th, 1872, by Rev D. It, Bruton, James F. Hud ion to Miss E F. Martin. At the same time and place, by the same, Charles W. Sides to Miss C E. Hudson. Married, by Rev. J. W. Jerkins, Nov. 15th, 1872, Mr. S. E. Morton and Miss Sue Coving ton, all of Person county, N. C. By the same, Dec. 2yth, 1872, Mr. G. T. Hurdle of Sanderdale county, Tenn., and Miss Mollie A. Burton ol Caswell county, N. C. In Eliz?.bethtown on the 1st iust., by the Rev. A. McFadyen, J. Graham Blue, E-q , to Miss Mattie Terry, daughter of lhe late Col. John A. Richardson. Onthe2r)th of December l67i. Mr. J. E. Davidson of Baltimore, and Miss Fatiuie Menifee Huston, daughter of Rev. L. D. Huston. Deaths. On December the 20th, we laid beneath the sod, with mournful hearts and unwilling bands, the ouoe loved form of Mrs. Mary Alice Taft, the eldest daughter ol Edmund Hoover, a local minister In our beloved Church. Her life was ot short duration like the morning dew; 6evere afflictions assailed her on every side, but the gentle and loving hand of Jesus, the son of Mary, was with her always. Can it be that Alice is gone? what word is more sad ly mournful than gone, gone from our midst? It is indeed sad to know, we shall no more see her smiling face, nor feel the grasp of her loving hand. There is no cloud which so shuts out the sunshine from our lives as does the shadow of death, but what comfort we have in this sad desolation of heart, she in only "gone before," she now stands on the margin of the ''smiling river and beckons to your fond mother and lather, be not weary only a little more wonderiugs on the lone snore of earth a lew more temptations, a little more of lites trials and heart aches, and you too will be gone gone to meet her. Not long since .she was quite sick in New York and Dr. UeeuiB with that, great loving heart of bis, felt for her so tar away trom home and the loved ones that he went, frequently to see her, and prayed with her, which prayers she never forgot, and iu intercourse with some kind Irieuds in that great city she learned that sweet little hymn called the Beautiful Hiver" when her feet were almost pressing the brink or that river, she turned to her devoted father and asked him to siag he being so much grieved told her he did not know it eho then sung in a low sweet voice. "Soon I'll reach the shining river; Soon my pilgrim age will cease; Soon my happy heart shall quiver With the melody of peace." Long her happy soul plunged through its delightful waves, she laid her stuff down, her pilgrimage was over her joyous soul winged its flight, with an envoy of bright angels to the besom of Jesus Her memory is sweet to us all, her loving ways won me when only a little child. May each one of sisters strive to die like her, and at last wear a crown. Fare well sweet Alice. Let the Autumn winds harp on the dropping leaves a solt and sweet requeim to your memory, let winters purest snows rest spotless on your grave, let verdant spring entwine a bright garland for your sa cred tomb, and summer's suu gild it with her mildest sunshine. May there be more like thee Alice and when death shall close my eye, may thy sweet spirit guide me to aims oi my loving Saviour. Maooib. Died, suddenly at her residence near Mt. Gilead, in Montgomery county, N. C , Mrs. Lucy Scarboro consort of Rev. Wiley Scarboro, in the 70th year of her age. She had been a professor of religion and member of the M. E. Church, South, for 62 years, during which time she seldom suffered her seat to be vacant in the sanctuary unless providentially kept away. It was there at prayer meeting her last earthly Sabbath was spent. H. M. Scarboro. At his residence. Eagle Rock, Wake county, of Pneumonia, at 4 p. M., January 1st, 1873, Mr. Thomas R. Debnam in the 67 th year of his age. Mrs. Susan Midyette of Hyde county. N. C, died very suddenly on the 7th of Dec. 1872, in the 77th year of her age. Sister Midyette had been for many years a member of the M. E Church South, walking worthy of her call ing in God. She lived to see a large family o1 children all settled in life, filling the place of good and worthy citizens, and mostly mem bers of our church, three of whom are now stewards surely this must have cheered a mother's declining years. J. M. Watson. In Jacksonville, Onslow county N. C, Aug. 7th, 1872, Mrs. Cora Jane, wife of A. A. Troy, and daughter of David F. and Sarah Flowers, of Bladen county, in her 23d year, leaving a kind husband and three children, an affectionate father and mother, and a host of friends to mourn her loss. She lived a con sistent Christian, and was enabled in the hour of death to exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Ghrist as her Saviour, and to feel the comforts and eonsolation of that religion which she had confessed. She was a kind and tender com panion, an affectionate mother, and an oblig ing neighbor. Her sickness was of short du ration, but she endured her affliction with Christian fortitude, and we have no doubt that she has gone to that happy country where sickness and sorrow, pain and death, are felt and feared no more.' A. M. McN. Died, in Gaston county, N. C, Nov 20th 1872, Valentine Derr. Esq., aged 77 years. In the various relations of life, he was dis tinguished for energy, integrity, and kindness. For many years he was a consistent member of the Church, and died in hope of a giorious immortality. Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord, they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them. A Friend. Appointments. RALEIGH DISTRICT. FIHST ROUND. Raleigh, Person street, Jan. -12 Louisburg, " 18-1 9 Cary cir. at Asbury, ' 25-26 Raleigh, Edenton street. Feb. 1- 2 Smithfleld cir. at Corinth, 8- 9 Granville cir. at Bullocks, " 15-16 Tar River cir. at Franklinton, " 22-23 Henderson cir. at Union, Mar. 1 2 Rolesville cir. at Pleasant Hill, " s - 9 Nash Circuit J and j- Sharon. " 15-16 Wilson Mission, The District Stewards will please meet me in the Methodist Church, at Franklinton Fri day, Feb the 21st at 11 o'clock. A. M. W. H. BOBBITT, P. E. Cary,N. C. WILMINGTON DISTRICT. EIRST ROUND. Elizabeth cir. at Elizabethtown, an. 4- 5 Bladen cir. at Bethlehem, " 11-12 Cokesbury cir. at Cokesbury, ' 18-19 Smithville at Zion, " 25-26 Wilmington Front Street, Feb. 1- 2 Whitesvflle at Liberty, 8- 9 Wilmington Fifth Street, " 15-16 Onslow at Jacksonville, 22-23 Kenansville, Jlar 1- 2 The District Stewards will meet in Front Street Parsonage, IKilmington, on Tuesday, after the 1st Sunday in February. The meeting will organize at precisely 1 1 o'clock. IK CLOSS.P. E. WASHINGTON DISTRICT. FIRST BOUND. Warren, Warrenton, Tarboro, Tarboro, Plymouth, Plymouth, Columbia. Scuppernong. W'illiam.iton, Williamston, Jan. 4- 5 11-12 18-19 25-26 1- 2 8- 9 15-16 22-23 1- 2 Feb. Portsmouth O. tc Ilatteras, " Washington & Greenville, Wash'ton, " Mattamnakeet, Soule, " Bath Bath, Mar. Roanoke, Ebenezer, " - 9 S. T. ADAMS, P Warrenton, N . K. C. HILLSBORO DISTRICT FIRST ROUND QR. CONF. Hillsboro Station, Jan. 4- 5 AlamaDce cir., Co. Shops, 11-12 Durham cir.. Durham, " 18-19 Person cir.. Roxboro, " 25-26 Leasbnrg cir.. Leasburg, Feb. 1-2 C. Hill &U. River cir.. GedarCrove, ' 8- 9 Vancyville cir., Yancyville, " 15-16 Deep River cir.. Spring Field, " 22-23 Pittsboro cir-, Pittsboro Mar. 1- 2 High Kock cir., Haw River, S- 9 The District Stewards will please meet me at the Methodist Church in Hillsboro at 9 o'clock A. M. on the 24th of January. Be punctual. W. Babringkr, P. E. Greensboro, N. C. FAYETTEVILLE DISTRId. FIRPT ROUND. Buckhorn, at O'ive Branch, Carthage, Centre, .lonesboro. Mi rris Chapel, Robeson, Betbesda, Laurinburg. -t. John's, Cumberland, Camp Ground, Rockingham, Green Lake, Pee Dee. Mt. Gilead, Fayetteville Station, Uwharrie, Oak Grove, Montgomery, Union, Jan. 4 5 II 12 " 25 26 Feb. 1- 2 " 8- 9 " 15-16 " 22-23 Mar. 1- 2 8-9 " 15-16 " 22 23 Breihren will please observe the driles, and not the numbers iu order The District Stewards, viz: W. D. Smith, Juo. Buie, Wm. Davis, Col. Roper. Clay Wall, H. M. Scarboro, J. C. Skeen, Pas cal McRay, Farrar, and B. W. Brown, will please meet me in the School-room of the Church in Fayetteville, on Friday before the 2nd Sabbath in March, at 11 o'clock A. M. E A. YATES, P. E. Fayetteville, N. C SALISBURY DISTRICT. FIRST ROUND Q. MEETING. l;!1' St" at Statesville, Jan. 11-12 Statesville cir., ' .Salisbury Station, Mt. Zion circuit. Jonet-viile cir. at Jone:ville, Mocksviiie cir. at Mksville, Salisbury cir a. South River. 18-1!) " 25-26 Feb. 1- 2 8- 9 " 15-16 Wilkes ct. Slountain mis. at Eschol, " 22-23 Alexander cir. at Taylorsville, Mar. 1- 2 Iredell cir. at Turnersburg, " 8- 9 Mt. Airy Station at Salem, " 15-16 iISonC,fcalDb8-' District Stewards will please meet me in Olin on Wednesday. January 22. A full at tendance is imperative, as business of great importance will be brought before the board. They are. J D Gaskill, S Henly, B F riumrow, DAG Palmer, E P Lazenby, B F Lunn. W Turr.er, JM King, R F Hackett, Miles Long. M R Banner, M G Reeves, and J lSnody. M. L. WOOD, P. E. Olin, N. C. CHARLOTTE DISTRICT. FIRST ROUSD Q. SI. Monroe Station, Dec. 21-22 Pineville at Pineville, Jan. 4- 5 Pleasant Grove at Pisgah, ' 11-12 Concord Station, " 18-19 South Charlotte at Hickory Grove, " 25-26 Monroe at Zion, Feb. 1- 2 Calvary Mission, u - 7 Charlotte Station, " 9-10 Ansonville at Ansonville, " 15-16 Mt. Pleasant at Mt. Pleasant, " 22-23 Albemarle, , .,. , Stanley, ' Albemarle, Mar. 1- 2 Wadesbore btation, " 8- 9 Wadesboro at Pleasant Hill, " 15-16 The preacher and official members af Stan ley circuit will meet with the Albemarle Quar terly conference, Let every official member be present at his Quarterly Conference, and the Recording stewarus witn tneir books. Tne District Stewards will meet in Monroe at the District Parsonage, Jan. 28th, 1873 at 11 o'clock A. M W. S. BLACK, P. E. Monroe. N. G. SHELBY DISTRICT. IsT ROUND O.B. MEETINGS. Lincolnton cir. at Lincolnton, Dec. 28-29 Sheloy, Jan. 4- 5 Shelby circuit. " 11-12 Double Shoals ) and Fall's Factory, 18-19 South Mt. Mission, ) Rutherfordton J and at Union, " 25-26 Columbus Mission, J Cherry Mount at Oak Crove, Feb. 1- 2 Marion ) and at Marion, " 8 - 9 Upper B. II. Mission, ) Morganton at Morganton, " 15-16 Lenoir at Mt. Zion, " 22-23 Happy Home, Mar. 1- 2 Newton at Newton, 8- 9 Rock Spring at Mt. Pleasant, " 15-16 South Fork, " 22-23 Dallas at Sanders Ch., " 29-30 The brethren concerned, will please inform me by letter at Shelby, where the quarterly meetings are to bo held on those chcuits, left blank, in the above list. SAM'L LEARD, P. E. NEWBERN DISTRICT. 1ST ROUKD Q. MEETINGS. Kinstoa Station, Jan. 11-12 Everettsville ct., Dudley, " 18-19 Lenoir ct , I Newbe-n ct., J Wayne ct., Thompsons, Newbern St., Trent circuit at Newport, Beaufort Staiion, Jones ct. at Oak Grove, Goldsboro Station, Snow Hill ct. at Jerusalem, Wilson St., " 25-26 Feb. 1- 2 " 8- 9 " 12-13 " 15-16 " 19-20 " 32-23 Mar- 8- 9 " 15-16 Neuse cir., 1 Swift at upper Broad Creek, " 22-23 Creek Miss. J Straits, " 29-30 The District Stewards will please meet me at Goldsboro on Friday morning, March 21st. at 10 o'clock, at the Methodist Church. They are, J. B. Webb, C. F. R. Kornegay, A. B. Thompson, Warren Wheeler, J. A. Suydam. G. C. Bell, T. J. Whitaker, Wm. Hay, J. A. Edwards, S. W. Latham, Dr. R. Leffens. J.P.MOORE, P.E. Goldsboro, N. C. ASHBORO CIRCUIT. Ashboro, Sunday Jan. 121h at II A. M. Union Factory, " " " 3 P. M. Cedar Falls, Sunday " 19th " 11 A. M. Franklinsville, " ' ' " 3 P. M. Randolph Ch. Tuesd'y, " 21st ' 11 A.M. Rocky R. Ch. Wed. " 22nd "11 " BethaniaCh.Thnrs'day," 23rd "11 Bethlehem Ch. Friday, ' 24th " 11 " Old Union, Saturday " 26th "11 " Hopewell, Sunday, 26th "11 " Prospect " ' 3 P. M. Carraway.S. H.Sat. Feb. 1st 11 A.M. Ebenezarj Sunday, 2nd 11 " Glenco, " " " " 3 P. M. JOHN W. LEWIS, P. E. Special Notices. To be taken in the place ot Quinine or Bittera of any kind; the dose is small, and its virtues undoubted. It will be found cheaper (mil better than any other reme dy for that purpose, and also as a general Plantation and.Family Medicine biiumonn' Liver Itegnlator has no superior. Very valuable on Plantations as a preTentive for Fever, Chilis, etc. Simmons Liver Regulator will keep the hands healthy, so they may lose no valuable time during the busy sickly season. Jan. 15-lw A Warning. There Is no case of Consumption that did not com mence with a cough. Therefore the slightest t.Hld or Cough saonld receive immediate attention. Take at once the great remedy of the age, DK. TUTT'S EXPEC TOltANT, and thereby save years of suffering; per haps life itself. Adgdbta, GA, Dec. 31, 1S70- Db Wm. II. Tutt: Dear e-r My little son, aged about three years, was attacked with pneamonia last winter, which left him with a violent cough, that lasted till within about a month since, for the eare of which I am indebted to you and your valuable Expectorant. I had tried most every kind or medicine roccommenuea ior cougiis, out none did any good until I tried your Expectorant, one bottle of which removed the congh entirely. With ciany thanks tor your valuable preparation, I am yours truly, JOHN M. WEIGLE. Dr- Tntt's Hair Dye makes the old look JanlWw. yUDS- A. Card- The subscriber Is engaged In the publication of a Monthly Mag acini. It Is designed to be religious and literary in it character, Methodistlc ia sentiment, and generous in spirit. It Is the only monthly Jour nal in the state, and perhaps, the only one in the Southern States. It ought to be, and can be made, a Journal ol high literary merit. Will the brethren as sist os ? We not only want subscribers, but we want well-written articles on ail subjects. Terms : two dollars per annum. Ministers who will act as agents, will receive the Magazine gratis. Any one sending us five subscribers, at two dollars each, will be entitled to an extra copy. Ministers, wishing to receive the Maganne regular ly, will please notify us at once. Address Rev. A. K. Mitbcihson, Statesville, N. C. Diseases of the Scalp produce gray hair and bald nees I The use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian hair renew er will reitore it to its natural color and promote its growth. Our Treatise on the Hair sent free by mall. R. P. HALL & CO. Nashua, N. 11. Proprietors. Jan 15 lw. Wanted a farmer in every town as agent for the Collins Stkil Plows. For terms, c, address, Col lins fc Co., ai2 Water St., New York. Dec 35 3m Best andOlksbtFamii-tMbdioimb. Sanford'tLrvt InnigoroUor. purely Vegetable OathartU and Tunic for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Debility, Sick-head-ache, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements ol Liver, Stomach and Bowes. Alsk your Druggist for It. Be ware of imitations Jan 8 12m. The Markets. Ra I uigli Market Retail Prices Jan. 14. 1S73. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY A. Q. LEB k flu. COTTON 17 to 17 BACON .Baltimore smoked, 101I " uusmoked, 9 lit " strips 12 l-200 " shoulders, 10 11 " N. C. Uaius, iyW BUTTER per lb 25&30 BEESWAX per Jb iia:iU BEEF on hoof, 1U&15 COFFEE per B , S0(a30 C'HEKSE pertt !4.i25 COTTON YARN per bale, 1T5"0 CORN Derbuahel 9c3ii IS CHICKENS-per piece 2535 suus-pcr aoten, a 535 FLOCK per barrel 7 7S&S"U FODDER per hundred lbs., . 1 U031 10 MAY per hundred lbs., 2 50z 75 HIDES gruen, per lb., 6 7 " dry, per lb., 1?15 HERRINGS.N. C per bureL 7 50aS 00 LEATHER per lb., 3040 LARD perpound 12uO MOLABBBS per gallon, 8850 MEAL per bushel 100 110 OATS per bushel 86 1 00 " per 100 Sjs 001 00 ONIONS per bush., 751 CO PEASE stock, 1 11 20 '- white, ." 1401 50 POTATOES Irish. Der bushel. 1 7.Ma2 50 SUGAR crushed 2i!a 00 " extra C, 116 " P. R , 15 00 " -common 12 00 SALT per sack, ; 2 J5tfp8 08 TALLOW--per 7 & 10 VINEGAR per valion, .". 40 SO HENDERSON WAREHOUSE. FOR IMF. SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO. llEMiEititox, N. C, Jan. 14, 1873. Primings $ 2Ja4 Common Red Lugs 5a6 Red Leaf gaSi Common Smokers 5a8 Good 8al2 Fine " 17a21 Wraopers Good 15a-j Fine 50al00 Markt-t active and all kinds wanted. W1LKERSON, MEADOWS & HOWARD. Fayetteville Market. Cotton 17i00. Virgin turpentine 4 50 0 00: yellow dip. 3 250 00, Rosin 2 75 5 75; Tallow, 1010; Nails. 5 to 7: N U. Bacon, 10 to 11; Western Sides, 8 to 10; Pork, 10 to 00; Beeswax, 27 to 00; Butter, 30 a 35; Beef, 5 a 10. Flour, Family, 8 57 a 0 00; Super, S 50 a 0 00; Fine. 7 70 a 0 00. Wilmlnqton, Jan. 14. Cotton quiet; mid dlings 18J Baltimore. Jan. 14 Cotton firm; middlings New Advertisements. THE MORNING STAR. DAILY ED1TIOX: THOUGH ONLY FIVE EARS OLD, HAS THE Largest Daily Circulation or any newspaper in the State, and a circulation in Wilmington fifty per cent, larger than that ot any other paper. WEEKLY EDITION; Now combined with the Carolina Farmeu, making one of the best Family Newspapers in the South. Circulation very large and rapidly increasing. SUBSCBTPTION PKI0E: Daily Stab, 1 year, 7 00 6 months, 8 50 " " 3 months, 2 UG Wkekly Stab, 1 year, 2 in " "6 months, 1 00 - 3 montas, 50 It may be sofely asserted that no newspaper ever established ia North Carolina has made such rapid progress as Tub Moening Star. tr Send for specimen copies. Address, WM. II. BERNHARD, WILMINGTON, N. C. ST' OO EACH WEEK. Agents wanted everywhere. Business strictly legi timaie. Particulars free. Address, J. WORTH, St Louis, M. Jsn. lo-3m REPORT " Of the Condition of the Citizens' National Bank of Iialeirjh, North Carolina, at the close of bus iness, December 2'th, 1872. RKSODBOE3. Loans and discounts $302 081 78 Overdrafts 6,SO0.00 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 100,'ii0.00 Due from Bedeemiug and Reserve Agents. 71.91S 43 Due from other National Banks 1,9 , a 2o Due from other Hanks and Bankers, 10 751 98 Banking House lasoil 0;i Furniture and Fixtures, 4' 500 00 Current Expenses 4 '1(4 70 Taxes paid l87a00 Premiums...... 6..-,5.00 Clin ltflin Inflnlina- atasmn. . , rw. r... BIlli of other National Banks 23,Sfr.00 fractional ourreocy . 2&1S44 Iegal tender notes, 33,500.00 LlABILITJKS, Car,ital fttnL- noM in u.u ,u iUV,V(UW Surplus Fund, 2,700.00 rront and Loss, 16,693.79 National Bank circulation outstanding, .... 8S,'960.00 Individual Deposits, 856,950.04 " " OM1I1B 9 I OO.U-i Dne to other Banks and B.tnkers 21,850.61 $590,792.4S I, P. A. Wiley, Cashifr of the Cltlsen's National Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement la correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. P. A. WILSF, Cashier. Subscribed and swora to before me the 6th day of Jan. A. D., 1873. A. W. HAYWOOD, . Notary Public. Correct Attest: W. E. Anoeeson, 1 P. A. Wiley, J. Directors . Kemp P. Battle, 1 Jan. 15-2w. REPORT Of the Conditon of the Stale National Bank of Raleigh, N. C at the dose of business on the 27th day rf Decern her, 1872. KESOCRCKS. Loans and Discounts S190.175.69 Overdrafts 3.873 34 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation.. 100,000.00 Other U. S. Bonds 60,100.00 Other Stock, Bonds and Mortgages 43,52i!.5S Due from Redeeming and Reserve Agents 95.291.55 Due from National Banks 3.039.91 Due trom other Banks and Bankers 10.059.77 banking house 25,000.00 Current expenses 2,3fi8.12 Premiums paid 9,974.63 Checks and Cash items, (Including stamps,) l.5.'J8 Bills ot National Banks 10,257.00 Fractional Currency, (including nickels) 1.011.20 Specie, coin !l!):i.04: Legal tender notes 34,774.00 $598,251.81 liabiliti US Capital Stock paid in $100,000.00 Exchange 4.350 98 Profit and Loss G3.037.81 Circulation 90 009.00 Individual Deposiis 288,215.13 Due to National Banks 31,810.22 Due to other Banks and Bankers. . 20,837.64 $598,251.81 I, Samuel C. White, Cashier of the State Na tional Bank of Raleigh, N. C. do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) SAMUEL C. WHITE. Cashier. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CODSTT OF WAKK. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Gth day of Jan. A. D. 1873. W. S. PRIMROSE, Notary Public. Correct Attest: Jno. G. Williams, 1 W. W. Vass, Directors. D. G. Fowlb, J Jan 15 2w. MINERAL SPRINGS ACADEMY. 3Ittle unci Female, Will agin open her doors on the 2nd Monday in Jim uary. Board from six to eight per month; Tuition troiu ten o Oftn per session. For particulars, please address, C. F. S1LER, Ore Hill, Chatham, County, N. C, Jan 8 lm. RALEIGH ACADEMY On the ISth of Jan., 1M78, the cuhsrrll.ers will com-mt-nce in this building an English and CUssichI school Tvrms of Tuition prr Session, payable qusrterly in advance. ,..M Primary Knglieh 'fr'H Higher English -J Classics and Higher Mathematics t'."0 Book-Keeping and French, each, extra, . o.M) j.'mIlovbjot. Jam S-3t ROBERT T. GRAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEiGII, K. C, Will practice In the Courts of Wake, the Supreme and Fele ral Courts. Office near corner of Dawson ord Hurcctt Streets. USB0KVS GriALN & FEED STORE- 6"0 Sacks Corn. 500 ' Oats 100 " l'eas. 100 ' Meal. 200 Baits Oat, Foilder, Shucks, and Hay, At i'rarie Building, Wilmington St. Ralis;h, N. C. Jan. 15 3m. Great Confectionary AND TOY EMPOKIUM. No. 16 Fayetteville Street, IUleigh, N. C. OppoMie State National Bank and Tucker's. II. J. MOSELY Now has in store and offer.' to the public, a large, complete assortment of XEW AND FANCY GOODS, consisting in pari of FRENCH AND PLAIN CANDIES, JELLIES, FRUITS, NUTT, FANCY GOODS, FINS CTCARS AND CHOICE CHEWING T0BA0C0, de . &c, including every artldu kept in a strictly first-class es tablishment. .French Candies made a speciality. 3fy Stock of Toy Goods is very full, embracing hundreds of articles for all apes. Parties and private families furaisked at short notice I cordially invite every one in want of goods in my line to rive me a call. Sly rates will be lound very reasonable. M. J. MOSELY, 16 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. Dec 1S-3W. E. fl. FRESHMAN. A DVERTISING GENT, C190 WKST FOURTH BT. INCINNATI,U. IS an authorized Agent te receive Advertisements for mis paper, lie has special arrangements with all ncugiuua, Agiicmiurm auu oiuer newspapers. nov27-tf P. K. I"KSCL I. r. F. l-Escri), jr. P. F. Pescud & Son, GENERAL Life & Fire Ins. Agents, RALEIGH, 2V. C. CAPITAL & ASSETS, $:!2,000,000. The Companies represented comprise some of the most responsible in Europe and America They represent the National Lifo insurance Com pany, of tire U. M. A. Old 1'ha-nix Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Liverpool and London Globe Fire Insurance Company. Franklin Fire Insurance Company, of Pennsylvania. Home Fire Insurance Company, of New York Georpia Home Fire Insnr ance Company Alps Insurance Company, of Erie, Pennsylvania. North Missouri Insurance Company, ot Macon, Mo. Amazon and Triumph Insurance t.'om panv, of Cincinatti. Farmvillc, of Farmville, Va. Jan. S-12m. 10,0110 Lives can be Saved from the Rava ges of Death innualljr, SMITH'S LUNG PRESEKVER Is one of the most wonderful discoveries of modern times tor the relief ef human Butterere of Consumption, Colde, CoiL'hs, Hoarseness, in all cases of affection of the Lungs and Throat, caused by cold climate or ex posure. The inventor made this discovery nnder peculiar cir cumstances, by the successful use of his preparation on the freedmen who, through recklessness and exposure, cor.trcted a great many Lung diseases within the last few years. Orders by mail, accompanied by cash or reliable re ference, will be promptly attended to, and the medi cine sent to any part ofthc United Etates by the single bottle or in quantity. Price $1 per bottle- Reasonable deduction made by the quantity. Prepared only by WM. A. SMITH, Concord, N. C. Jan. 8-1 2m. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE ! I offer for sale three tracts of Lnnd In the Southern part o! Wake County, containing One Hundred and Sixty-Five, One Hundred and Six, and Eighty Acres each, on the waters of Middle Creek, well adapted to Cotton and finely Timbered. Terms easy. T. L. BANKS. Jan 8-1 ni. C 1 HE ISTM AS HOLIDAYS!! W. II & B. S. TICKER & CO., Have added to their LARGE S T O G K, Many desirable articles suitable (or CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Ladies Winter Dross Goods, Scarfs, Neckties, Cloth Cloaks and Sacqnes, Gloves, Furs, &c. BUYERS YnE Kespectifuily invited to an inspection of our Stock. W. II & It. II. TUCKER & CO. dec, M-H. SCHOOL FOR YOUNG HEN AND BOYS. Apex, IV- C. The Spring Session will open on the 13th, of Jarnia-ryl72- This is a pleasant and healthy location 14 miles west of Raleigh on the K. & A. A. L. Railroad. Tuition per Session of 5 months: Primary English, $7 50 Hicher English 10 TO Any preparatory language, extra 2.50 Board lb.00 per month. II. W. KORRIS, Principal. Apex, N. C. dec 25-lm. THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company Is undoubtedly the strongest, and cheapest to the in sured. Annual Incoma near $10,000,000.00! S. D. WAIT, Gen'l Agent, Raleigh, N. O. Sept lS-f.ro WARRENTON FEM ALE COLLEGE, Warrenton, N". C. ' THE NPRHr. SESSION Of 1873wm beo-iu uii ttie i.ili January, mud continue 2u weeks. . FSoard (exclusive ofhshts & washing, SiU tio Tuition m regular course 25 00 Charges 'or Kxtra Stud es, moaerate. For particulars apply to T. SI. JONE3,Pbbs dec 18-3m To Consumptives. The art verti'er, having been permanently cured of that urcad disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy is anxious to mate known to Ids fellow sufferers the means ot cure. 10 an who uesire n, oc copv of the prescription used (free of obarge), with i tay. dire'etious lor preparing and usine the same, whihe they will tind a suke cube for Cb.NsrarTioN, Asrch Parties wishing the prescription will please ad- dreE Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON. Wiihanuburgh, N. T. SepU188-m. Wesleyan Institute, For Girls and Young Ladies. KALEIGH, N. C. Th first seRsion of this Institution will begin on t;,e "Uln ot January 1SJH. The building is new, suited for School purposes, and is sittiated in one of the most desirable neighborhoods, in the city of Kalrigh. The Ii.struction will be thorough and systematic. The Course of Study will he well arranged, and may embrace the whole rcfinlar Collegiate Course, and all the Ornamentals, if desired. One of lhe Principals will devote special attention to Musie and the Fine Arts, in which the has ha I much experience ai d success. The other to the Lit erary and Mathematical Studies, which she has success fully taught for several sessions. The Boarding Department will be nnder the person al suijerTisiun uf the juuior teachers and their mother, who will use their best efforts to make it a pleasant home for three who may board in the shool building. Those who prefer, can get accommodations ii. the immediate vicinity, with excellent families. Miss Blanchb Fentbxss, I Prlnctni. Miss Mollib A. Jokes, pal. Miss Jinmk S. Johu, Y Assist, in Primary Dspar't. Rev. A, Vf. Maorum will deliver a series of Practi cal Lsctures, weekly or Mini-weekly, on Moral Philoso phy and kindred subjects. Other Instructors will be employed, if required. Charges per Session of Twenty Weeks. Tuition, Primary Ei'ttHsh, ... flo.oti Advanced Knglleh, ... jo.ttu Latin and French, extra, each, - - 6.wi Music on Tiano or Organ, - - 25. CO Music on Guitar, - 20.00 Drawing, - 10.00 Oil Painting, - 25.00 Wax W ork, ------ JO. 00 Hair Work. 20.00 Board, except Washing, per month. - - 16.00 Use of Piano or Organ, f i. Guitar, $2. r or iuriner particulars, auuress J. A. JONES, .Kaleigh, N. C. Dec. 25- 2m Williams & Haywood, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEUGGI8TS, BALEiGII, N. C. Have "in store a well selected stock (f Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Elix irs, Solid and Fluid Extracts, Syrups, Sugar-Coated Pilla and Granules. Orates, Confections, Oint ments, Mineral Waters. And all the popular Pharmaoutical Preparations of tne uay. Surgical Instruments. Trusses, Supporters, and other Apputnceg in store, or or dered at short notice. Patent Medicines, Fine Perfumery, Paints Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Window-Glass. Putty, Superior Wines. Brandies. Whiskeys, Porter and Ale. (for Medicinal purposes.) Fine Cigars, To bacco. Ac Ac' Ilavfng had lonir experience in the business, and rs- aessin - facilties fur geiting our supplies from the most rename sources ana on me oesi terms, we are prepar ed to fill orders to any extent, fron. DrucaisU. Couo- try Merchants, Pfavsiclans and others who are in want ot trood articles at moderate prices. Our Housekeeping Frienus will always find at our store the vry best Or sen and Black Teas all kinds of Spices, Soda, English Mnstsrd, Coxes, Nelsons and Coopers Uelatioe, Cooking Wine, flavoring Extracts, Baking .Powders, Chocolate Broma, Cocoa, Tapioca Sairo. Arrow. 1'oot, Corn. Starch, and manv other ; things that enhance tne comiorts or living and tive i re i isli to tne sick. I Deo. 18-tf. CHRISTMAS IS GOMING 1 1 We are now receiviug in Store the following CHRISTMAS GOODS: 60 noxee no 1 fire peackess. 25 KOI IS LATEB KAI9UNS. . 500 POUNDS PKOAH HUTS. 500 rorjens brazil hots. 500 POUNDS LONG ALMONDS. 500 porjtns filberts. 350 POLKDS BBA1D CASHT. 800 POUNDS BBOOELTN CASDV. 500 FOUXH9 ASSOBTED CAJDt (In lbs.) 50 BOXES LEMON BUISOlIT. 25 BOXES FArTORV fHEESE. 25 BOXES N, T. STATE TIIEKSE. 75 casee rarsn cove ovhtebs. LEACH BHO"S. Dec IS tf NORTH CAROLINA HARDWARE DEPOT We are now offering the largest slock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, AC, AC. ever brought tu tbe city of Raleigh, and are selling them at VERY LOW PRICES. We want it distinctly understood that no house in North Carolina ran or shall undersell us. Our stock has been selected with great, care, anil we ask an in spection of it, and feel confident that our Low Prices and vejy SUPERIOR QUALITY OF GOODS will ploase all who may favor ns with their patronatre. Mr. R. S. Burwell, of Charlotte, and Jimmie Wil liamson, of Franklinton, are with us, and will be pfeaBcd to see their friends. T. H. BKIGGS & SON. BDec. 18-. IIiLUPTRATKD WORK for January. IB7S, now ont. IssTied as s QnartfTly. Tht frnir i)TimbTBgnt to gpy address by mail for 25 cents. The richest and most instructive niutrnted and Descriptive Floral GuidjV"rissiuedmiTllyaJv Seeds before seeing BiiTr.r.R Bbq.'b Qr.aBrrni.T. IVecbjillensacompariwninr pncoa andsiTT-3 of parVpf.hir "Cm,kstiar n vavce Shfkt and PaiCB I.ibt TQB 1873 " sent f ree. Address BRIOGS A BROTHER, Romncrrga. N. Y. Jan 12-lw. are ofTered in Elegant New Styles, with important lm (nrovements; their already brilliant reputation will be enhanced only by trial of their merits and not by pnh llshintr testimonia's. Lovers of whatever is refined and proiireasive in music, wilt be charmed by the beautiful orcnestral effects of their COMBINATION SOLO STOPS. Purity ot Tone, Elpgarce ol Desi-rn and Thor ough Construction. Circulars with music Free ESAgents wanted in every Town. Address, Geo. Woods & Co., Cambridgeport, Mbs. Dec 4-4t. e. o. w. 52.O0O A DAY. We sre now prrtinir 2,(1l copies per day of our n Sunday -achool Music Kook. PURE DIAMONDS, BY JAMS K. J11RR1V, And are still behind our ord-rs. N'i hook of the kind ewer before puMNhed hm met wif such il.'Ci.U'il suc cess. OverM.uoo are now iu use. aithouch the book has been published but one mouth Everything new. orient and tH'autiril, au.l b such autliora as tieo. I". Root, P. P. Uliss. H. R. Palmer J. M. KicuVr, J. H Tennry, Lowell .Masor.. etc If von ui.h and best Sundayx'i ool Hsie B.N.k. cet ' Pt itB I'ia- mosi.s Price lo boardv, i5 cent.; $:i 60 per del ; I. .10 per 100. A Sample conr. in nair rnvern .mail. ed on receipt of 25 eeots. Sold by all booksellers. Catalogueof .Musie aent free. s. liKAISAKD S SONS, Cleveland, O. Aug. 17-12ui. ' LADIF9 who wih II T.ornhle Employment, address I. a Perm M am pa h kinu Co., Chambers Street, N,,w York, nov 27 8.11 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL The light in the East. A oomf.reliensivi He!i-inu W ork, with tiOJ Uaut Engravings, einbrticirg THE JL1F13 OF CUIUS T. The Live it of His Apotip an I Kv-ji:t'lits. t nut-1 lift with the LUvs oi' tlio i.irc'.s rioiltii, ami of the mst eminent -:hntun Mnr:n, Frtthtrr ami Keforraurs lo nitit-u is ao'icti in ilisltir) of t'.r Kelivioa Deuomiuaii-m of tbe World, aucitnt and modern, witli miK'h nihtr V iluahl intittor. Biakin ii the iii out cumit.f h-t.iivt I,Vliv-i't tvrk ever tutIili ed. Send lr Circular, will, full dficriptum juhI terras, toAgi-uts. AiMnw N VTIONAL 1'l bLISll Uct. So dm. JCtOSAMLIS rni:n cnnT southern n mt ily for the inr of Srrc- tula, SSrn'ii!uuj Taint, Rheuma tism, While iS-'l.iri. Gout, Uoitre, C'lristiiiij'tioii, ltronchf- Ut .Nervous Debility and all clc (MSt'S arising worn na impure 0flS lit ion of ti e III 01 id . The merits ot tli is vuluaMonraMA :itioi.aresi wWlkimwiithat a pa.Tii nonce 19 uiu iUM'4.try to rem) ltd ti c reailt-rs of tin journal of tho norflKpi ty of alu nyn having a bottle of th meciicine itmoji their stuck of faCJily necessities. Ortuli at, s cm be present-1 trnm mat.y h a.lin rhy.ician?if AlmiRtern, hi ul heatlsoi fniauui Ihrouirhout tho jS'ituh, cnJ-TMiiinthe lnliedC Wrius i,f riut'i t-rtr-ntat A'i'hl:jr. Jr. It. W llwon Cnrrof lUlfimnro ays "he has uh1 it in cjrc ot i'erof- .11 a t.nri otni nil e;iscs Willi t:iiK jsat .si.ic.ion. IcommeriiU ir, to n i i-".""'' 1 ' Tinr wi'.u msea".iM li.m.; .-. . i-ei irir to any , ..i . :i!.d. llev r?:nr y morr M. K. t oni. r ttas li rnsi m'M'li !h ih.it he cim rrul.y ml his frit-itiU an I Craven 4i t 41., J " cvef Ulti 1 be it to C.nr. 'ImiMville, Y;i., 9tiy it iu ti uu liiiied to t 1 is'.M tiMii. Sn 1111 li. iIr Fnd.lrn, Murfrew- boro, Tennessee, s.iy it emed hiiuof Iiihpumnu -m w h 11 all eis inikd. Kosiiniis i-in.t HM-.TfttjiiiK k prep aration, iis iri-.Ti'iliejiT are putlinhed on c iy jia Ux .-'lnwvit to yi ttr ji'hysieiim hi m il tell mi it is ,C-iiii)-;f'd ill Ntn.i.ur-.t lt (;. tivt' lhat exist, uud is an e ilh nt HIimmI il'Liriiitr. Did our pi'-o a-lmit uo cou Ul j-'ivp 011 t"S' i'ii'nu Is from 1ev4ry St tie in t!in South and from persons known to ev. ry man, woman and rluiu c itii . r pet finally ur iy rep utation. Kosaualis is -ol.I by all Dniggistu liALTivour, Sole ProirictoTB, joiin f. henry; I No. 8 Cuu.kk Placb, Afw rk. W olttiUc Aixm July 1 12m Wesleyan Academy, EDCMON NTKKET, liALHOH, X EET. S. E. TEA WICK- Frincipal, With comjietcut assistants. Tbe tilth Acadcnii term or 20 wuuks will brgiu Jan oary 18th. Ib38. For trms and particulars apply Ilia Trinclpal. or tit . ... ," ... . ' $ t . . ... .auvu i, iui uiitui.ir. Dec 25 U. 1Q"70 KEW GOODi J I AJ .1CST I: VA K I V Ml AT MARBLE HALL A XI) Temple of Fancy! TTi3 -.ttivilIo St Important to Cuiisninrrs of Dry Guods I My House in uow lilleil to its utmost capacity with Now Fall anil V.'infc.T GooiIh. A. CliEKCII with liis wir.-.s of ('TiMTHfiirr. ainl io lite Salfsmi-n are diiiiy Hrltinv Hi -ni nt jtri-f whirh chaiu njre coiiiiteiiiion. j i is lino i I) It JG S S (i O O J) S embraces almost ovfTythirig Unit is new ami iK-Birul'lt. a,.A H.wn inmalil ttlll.iti tim lual I".. at ...if- ti'..tn ll.a ' . wtip,.. ......... w... - ... j "... .... best importing hount s in the OmMry, uml ladtus iu want of Dreys Goods will lind it lo th ir aivanUigo to call and examine he lure uwj u.g i-isewuere. Piece Goods for Men and Boys' Wear. Conistinp of Clothe C'i8piim r t. Tw Jcait, Ac my assort no'nt is wry luryv ai.sl 'inHfc, uenJ no house can or will olfer you rrt-atr iikMi t rnt-DtH, as tl.it department is one among uiy sjufialitica, tiid mill guarantee prices at all umvu to he as low as tuo low est Uip LO ()()( IS. Bleft ABro. nomcstica, Tickiirf, FlannelH, Lin pry s, Utaitketn, Carpetit. Ac, Ac. I'lici-g rilit, ao ivcolU-ct CKe.eC11 o al inc corner wncii you ttant tu buy. KOTIOIVS! JNOTIOAN! A fine stork in this line-Wf.il' (rootlf), lloffpry Glows, Huudercliielrf, Ltc Goo-if-, Hiht'ons. Kiutro:d- erios. Trimming?. Ac. Tbid beiii iite an inijtoriunt dvpartmDt for tbe l.adiui, 1 uul) in jil'-aBCfl to have Uieui call ana examine. Arei very pretty this seaaon nnd are l!!nff rabidly, have a filitendid assortment. Don't forgot that Creech's ifl U b -tt place in the City to u them au HATS, HATS ! For ladles. Misses, Gents and Iloysji st receled, and this department it) worthy of your a't. ntion. as yon will no dotiht llnd in it oue of tto U st HSHnitnientji In the eitv. and will be sold at price which will iruararr tee sales. Step in at MAIIl;LK JiALL to buy yoar llats. BOOTS & SHOES ! This is an irr.rt.int dejiartnn'nt. mkI ther Is no doubt thul I have the largest itnii nmsl ni.letc asnrt- ment in the City. No one thouM pass by Creech's who wauts to buy Boots or ritioea, as tliis is another oi my Specialities. And here allow Die to return my im i re tlisnki for the liberally increased patronage I l:e received at your bantislor tin (i3atyciir. :ml I am )iapy to ray that if my business still iijcre4iea ill pro. or lien, my bouse will soon be lhe Champion Dry Gooda House iu lite State, and if doins atraiphr-fura-aril and lejri'.imate business aoi r.'prt'tM'ntin'' ti.KMls Ha tlicy are will ac complish it, I siu just tiie reiia to i" it; ci'iue and see OCt lfi-tf a. rtr.i:cn. North Carolina Almanac For 1873. CALCULATED BY DE. CRAVEN- Order s-on $4 75 r hundred. Hymn Boo!-s from 5 ets. to 4 UO enrh. Photo"raphtAlhnms Irorn 40 cts. to 3 00 each. Gold Pens f'pun 1.5oto 5.00 cjcIi. Holiday Bnoka in "P-nt variety. Sheet Muic. Die largest variety in the city. Ail for sftle by T.. BSAJiSOX. liookscllcr, Raleigh, N.C. LADIES who wish to irarn fl:M.i a week, pleaia ad dress L Peki.k Maiiu.rcliiri?ig Co., VI Chamber Street. Sew York, nov. 2'Sjx Noutlicr u E I )U C AT J OA' A L It E VI E W. 1. To ai l all who desira well. qualified Teachers; 2. To reoreent Teaehera whi wi.h positions; 3. To (five Parents information of Schools; 4. To sell, rent, and exchange School Properties. Address, J A1IES S3UTJIGATK, Uillsboro, N. C. Dec H tm NEW GOODS. Fresh Currants, Layer Raisins, Citron, Dessieated fWnnnnt. Cora Staren. Flavnrinif iMracis and Ks- aennes, Gr.ea t.'orn Yesi Holders. French and En. ITiish MiistarJ,P1rwri-iTy Cuk:s.Gi.ift' r Nuts and Soups Nic Naes, Cream, Soda and yster Crackers, Buck wheat J- lour. Champion family rimr ttosnen ana Mountain Butter, lnp Byrup, Pulvenr-ed Hnear Ac. L D. W. K. WUMBLE, Wert Side fayetteville Street, Opposite Hark at. Dee2S4vr. jLji Police! ul ot- H.l n..T: J .A KIN II. V Mall Ir I ..... . t . i fl.-h , ai j nl 10 1 lu.. past, I'.'rr.lvii;.- ul 1" 4f. Km k liiil..u al 1 1 Killr. il at ll.tu, nm-t lior li. -n ti in . at Ili-iHlvrww at I.' -ii p. tu , . Hi,lt-f.y i (,.' . r rrnton al Litti. t. u at -J I I n I n wli Wrl.i..-i ,t. i 0. han-.- !. ,M"ii rt: nt .1 J a. m . M at 11.. 11,-n.l. rm t I .' .'. K..r. ' villr at n.l r rive in linl. wli at :i p. m. tUl'lla I-iviulit Trams i Ii iim i i;, r ivns ;.at Halrif.li uaii al fi p 111 . i.a I..i..ii. .. al a :t: ...i 111 " iui ni t a. m ir.,- !i'. W Mio, ilailt at ills. p. in . p. Kitirril.st 41-y.pa.s K.r..i. - - ........... ... m c m, i.in :ii ! r.'l.'ht I r.i, I....... lii. ... .... ......... . ..,. , al 4, B n) t rofslvUlr al ti 14. psaa II .n.t r.n a ."" ami ailtti tn W Idon at 4.X0 p. m. pan iravx n l.nn at 4 Ma. m . n.a II. i. I.tso at W 14 ami ariii n luu-ib al 4 :. m Mail trnins wsit lo mintit.. fur .-l. ..-.. c i..i.. trail. t ftiiiiin n, . iithaiiK. K -M iil Trains !. . r. tilv l 4 in ... 4 I - a ' . . , . , ' ' " '. .iirm iilhi ul ar al H 14 sn.l rrt,' tn I il, i-h at '. 4,.. fame irav.. (i, iBi, at .1.13 p. m., 1,.,,-h ( r at 3 IS Mrrv OakH af 1, i Sai.i..r.l ui A I. ....t J.... r awitrviUr al p in. llail v Frm. I.im . m. s:...r....i . o .... .. u .... ... - j . iiiiviuRi a tj ii. in . ai - rlvo in 1(1. in h at 7 M u. ,. Bame leave Kalnh ..., and r. h S in- ford at i lft p. ni Sewing Machines! fc'e;vin!r MachiiiBr! ull031i: Siirn i.ir Sntin 31a. Thin ia a MIUTTi.K M.M'IIINK. I.aa tl... NUKK KKKIi, ami maa.'a I! l.nrlv TI l' H" ui.ke i.ti laii'i ciilos. Iliaasl itiil.ini Plr-i- l.i.a Mii. l.u.r. ki. I ti e only low pri.v.l -.i k Miti-li'' 1 i.-lni,c in tl,f I I Sl iti-4. Ti,i M (.-.ill,- 1 1 v.- I f'i,. Ilnil.nii , ., i o,.. "K.lir of tin- two taliil'na.," Ill fin- Hv ul I l,.u ..( tr, N. t' . in 171. 5niK ABK M' lI.NK IS Ai:i:.t TKH Kult FIVK YKAKS. ur mi'iii,,. run MTiiiii.-fe Any laTHi.n mukintl up i.-iuli for T, mi, l ii,.'. l.l le pri .fi'ti .1 tin M i ii tin,. lUt inn i. inn AliKN I S UWNI Kli ,u....i.a. 1...I - i Liln-ml .1. ,ii, ii, ,n mi le ,i iiiiin.i.m of . t . . i I . Si inl Mump f..r ,'irnilara and nanipl.-a ,.f a, ii,,.. "'r v- "l.ll.MltlM, ..!.. ral A .-in l. i'rrt. N. i'. ! S."i t -.'.n. Oot. Giu. ArGrTiiir& co. WLolesale & Ketail (Iroccrs, COTTON FACTOirs, AND COUaiSSlON MEECUAKTS, Ani.ii,v tl e ..p. i,,,K f ihl. campaian.- .lis al klll.la ul LlSly grueerit-4, a n-lliplvt'.- S'lk of Hardware, Shoes and Leatlior, Willow and Wooden-Ware. anned Fruits, Doni' slice, Ginghams, ottoa Yanit, &.C., Sic. TLey solicit eonaignmcntj of all kind of country produce, especially vvmni. COTTON, coi:n, H.11, N. C. HAt'ON, ti ., ic. Special iittei.tl,,,, -iv. ti to h., f roll,,,,. I,,,,,,.. lions Closely Ol.-en,-, . t ar, ,.,y of n.,.,.l.,,, or slore fi.r iti.trii. tl,.i;, il rv Come and e,!l ,. ..,,,.1 ,, ,f , buy and en away Lett, r snti-li. l than Im ,.r,. y.m ,.... Hehaieno nrrain.. m. nls U, pa ,)Ur ,,,. ni-t riom t ie n alllil etuf ,.. le in nt. ly ,,f,- ,.,.. petition rhankliii i .r pn-t ;,.,r, oi,l,i.,ii. ... pert trom imr friends, . l.-.rK-1 in. ie., , VMl,Hmi!l.. Ltiverttt's Bo.t Cast-btoid Axes, u uliieh wc can i i. l-1 tbe i,i,uk, i. Heavy Surilard Baoin?, ehl-l.per than it ran l.e Um, lit ill l!n;ii,,r,. Wl)h pens, a ad.l. U ' oc t! U A. (J. LKE i CO. ,IT";K herel' efv. n that ui.plleat.,ii .m i. i? '"'; ''"';iM''oaehl,,; lialainre u, in.r,0. nit the vlliaKe 1 Aw . I.'. 1 Oct. lfrC. V.'-n' - w anled t All rl inn-1 ki i-i ft ..r.-itn-r .inc, .in. "l oli, rnal.e mi.r ,.y .,t . ..i k ..P ua in I !,..ir s,.ar momenta, or all t ,. ti,,,., t H ,, .lilf ,.Mf. tlcu ars lree. A.ldiv., u. hiii.son & Co., I'urtlaud. Maine et. is iJin. W rite for Larp-Illuatrab d Id s.-ri. ive I'rlw Mat lo GRMT iVTSTEFN PITTSBURGH PA Oi.lilV. Sin rle, M:iz!i m l lir. eh ,,.l,n.. it. II,., Si 'it tinnj. Kev.lv , ry. I'iit.. -" f .. i.f ivrv Hi d f..r mei, ..r l..... :.t very i.. i. i i-a. tim,-, j. l , . j I'irtnla, f I to fib. Iul If 1 6 ll e. O. W. ,111 "ew i.n.l h:-'ltiful, tor 1 J I I I i I f.'l 'f' Holiday pr s.-nt. t-tt w " w lien ilr.ii'iu. en. li s,;. .ft, -Is. a. Ii a follows: ".Mtciitli.r," J.t I., (.n.e.r, ' 'Vi-I, liiotti r," -(iod's A.-r.-,'' The l.iu'e Ii..,ii',i .r." JM;, ii. D-a't-.r ; a!ao. "Hot- m 'nt Kiiivn"' I'n.ss M-i Flower-.' llawi 1 ".. I ; s-.-" -K.-.i i I-: ' oili 11". i I aeli ; ni-., .Mi.,i.,ir'' aid - l'i -.n.l " Ii '''' '. i' i : eh ; - i. .),!... ,,f .;le r;.' ;' '. -1, le., ete. Any jilM,ve aeilt l.-p:ii i oti .-eeipt of prlee. or Ulle f e; ( lii oii.i, lr 1 1 St 1 :0 H Kite K Jb CO , Fui.M.hcrs, ( iucin i.iiti, 0. Dec l.v'iw eow. A situation as Teaetn r. I. v a lady who baa I a I wv- eral years ex;.erieiiee Ml t--a.-'i.. t?,e li.ie.i 1.1 .-'j.!! branel.er, L-iliti. r'reiich ni .1 Muic. I.'.-tep-nrea rx ohuned. olre, HU.tii. term-, Mits r'. .M. J., care fir. u. IJIVll, .Miir.i. e.-.ro .. i. , Dee. 4 lm. J i. Willi ms. I'rea I'nt. S jii-i:i.;. WiiirK.t'as'i tl. w . n. i KiUK.iae As--tcari,er State Nation.-il 13ank, U A I. i: 1 4i 1 1 . SPECIAL CAKE AND Alteiitica (liven to Collections. Collections made in this and all lhe Southern Stales, At Co-it, m.'l rfmi1' fl Ur in K-Urn Eclianrif,at th M'trkd't lintel. L Nation a r. JUkk ft thk Kr.ri pi.k.N. r. J tt&!)K. Dl'i:n'irf. Dec 18--tf WATSOIN S (JALLKIIY OF PHOTOGRAPHIC ART, KAI.FIfall, V Is one of f e tnost eo'np'ete and etenlv. I'hfito irripLic eat.-iillatimeT ta in tt.e oiilli: re ever .tvle ..I Fhotucinphic lik ii x i t-v.-cuud lr,.m tin- a allot miniature. t.i the larrf- I'orfalt colored In nil. If you have the likeness of a deeea-ed relative or Iriei d.you cau have it enlai-."d aid clore l t . i,.,teie. 'i. olo graphic All IIH1S al'd l'i':l re Fra.'.ea niwaa OO I antf, in Kreat variety, at low rle. VVi..-n vo l e-'i.ie to RaleiKO. do not fall to call at WA1MJS l.ALLKUV .ijd door abote Tucker Hall. J. V. VATS3T. Dec ls-12 A single fe-itleman. who has had s vera! years p. rience, desires . Illation as Uacl.er iu a prif ale school. For terras, c, address, W . TowniTiiie,N. C. Pee 25-lat Oc (in.

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