''.. '-- j .!;. j- - ' , .... pi i. j. eg fs .-. ' " t t,i V. mm mhm w .- ' 'i 1 1 nrj J ii in f, i i in ti f I T I 1 1 I I y I ! I ..f T"' 'i Ihiiiim'm W i ..,. -T , ,jt',.;. i;j '''- " p." j .r .j--r " J"--"'" ' -4 -f V m i; -V f V StUcieJ far th Atla- t1ie Aa AppeatiTo fce ; ph, UoW from ; abcwT: n,.fidore L. Puykr, of New-Yorfe tn v Tnorance Convention, ,. f r, o Young "S Srthe ' i.ni to Urd on the barnass auu a sword against all tbr .frical force, and ? tt'U written with fr0 J the tUriuu ; - . Intcrvlc w witli Oincr Paclia A correspondent of one of the London dai j papers describes an intervieNT with the Ot toman General ' L ' Omer racha sat o the ;i diiran, neat -. Ac fire, with long chibouk by I'f" rounded by papers and letters. At a res ,i:..ArA two or three Pachas, al- L with pi,, which, however in with Turkish, official etiquette th,y ncwr touched ivntil their superior uu - i -mnl? He at once entered mlo the , example. 11? . ksfluenl. conversaiiou m - ifw-r-: igrenuoua apini. - ---- u men to Five and twenty : years ago i cradles, o: were "Pf -e Jest quarter "o 8eein l.im was the singular ingenuity motherV knee. . But .do nng the n Qtd ?.,the Frencll ond EngpU artists, .rive uv--j "-.- vere in their ht,t with rather a strong wium.- IK 2&W S&IU HlU-firU, The fi.tbing t struck of this Century the mora P JT ""V of ZiC, to render his features . depcnd. upofl U.era, - ;e(, . &l - Ujfli n.uu.ng thai Ld rung out liejr ortraits so very nnl.ke ' "'S1"-' Via veterans) are, on? "V. - J Tim nirtir.HS &rruU. a sloivly poK bto to. An of them that have come under my no- i .-1 J 1 I t . in liri'MN III tomonfcs- of .rlh to 1 iZM b or the Czar Nieholn., . i I V 1 I II III' I1 I III-: MLMKM.M W " .. .boulder, tne a ' " I --.. . pro. - pac,lit. But mdepend. nuy o. u,e aal n VUtll ,; i f 1 . '' fi 1' Arlll'd rH ."Ji'SL" -rui bequeathed, to Awug T;r - v Reformation. eharg tne urs your false impressions which they i.aa "V. mind, I must confess that I found it some i:i;ffi..H tn realise the idea that I wasac- I I A. . : I reuouuinuivj for the hist , ix . xt ux r- , moTcrnent was resmo Thirty years ago, th moveme lf d t0 tVn oess their fellows, hal ra0ustachios, which half conceal ! utKffly dawn, before it anl the g, ay beard beneath i and eKinsW Thi first nation- you migbt fancy, at Jirst glance yourself taft- m llw iii the presence 01 i" .1.:,).,. mh hsa beu on everv tongue months.'" law a . luilf conceal his -XU Exultation After Tlie Battle of SinopcA v, ,tr,f atrinrlr Printed a crobd' de'al 6n the subject bf Sihope, but perhaps not the fol lowing characteristic, anctiotei The efHcef, whom Trince Men?chikoff sent from JUsa w St . Petersburg with the despatches announ cing the victorvjat Sinope,pareci -noenW to accomplish his journeyith unusual speed, Co34ERCfi orJoBiLE. -Itls' stated thai 220 vessels cleared at Mobile for. foreign ports du rihg the year ending 1st Oct. laat,carrying 345, 930 bales- cotton, i OF this amount only 10,470 bales wer. put on board j at the vharves, wXiy?M60 bales were taken 68 miles down thefeef in lighters. ' The cost of this extra vrttk '.rl shipment amount to over $$5,0d0l And for other articles ot . freight . taken by these vessels was" added $15,192 making a COMMUNICATIONS, n rrivinr At the capital, was, according to tofaj Df $Hd,289 for one item of expense on Russian customs immediately usiieiea into uw freights t own to ine sea. i presence of the Emperor, to whom he deliver er! l.U 'd(iiatchea.avin.toll-' bring your. Ma- esty intelligendo of the successiui issue oi j considerable action." .On . which the Emperor; much grattified,fook him with him into his cab- net, and seated himself to peruse their contents. When he had fiuishevl,antl addressed himself to the welcomi courier tc express his delight at the tidings, he found that the oflBcer, worn cut with fatigui had fallen asleep, nor was ha Krt oaii-.1 hkr jtnv -onlinarv means. With ,CV iJ 'aiwuuvu jiT --jy - - -y , with difficulty navigated with the' half flood. y I ; Tf a channel were diedired throtfffh Sabers and ' Howard sBays to Kew River 'channel- passina:a3 it; would through such a broad expanse of water as exists in these Bays with the tide ebbincr and flowiner over it. air? the waves-- from everv storm throwing up : eand. silt and mudj it would, in a short period of. time, necessarily filhup, an l the vork would have to be done over again. I ; ' Nor do I believe that the canal through the marshes,! before reaching Siiliers Bay, vvould remain permanently,even at the depth above named. A considerable portion of it, would have to be cut through a serai-fluid of i THE ATLANTIC ;f?'r - JSElFBER3r,;l?0RTn CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY,! FEBRUARY 22 1854, The sickness of the Editor must account for the errors in this issue.' i Read the axIvUrtfsemenU of Rev. " W.j bl:.ck mud, di ough which an oar was thrust Hawks, Mrs. tMhL. Frach. and Mr. W. II . down 14 feet, without finding a firm bottom ; Mayhew. NewUcm we are proud to stiv 1 . , ,i .1 i r A. - otters as many advantacta to nnr. t ' ' For the Atlantic Railroad Subscription TliftVffoft is now beinff made, to ascertain what amount of subscription to the Atlantic any Jredgedj channel : as has bqen the case &; N. (X Railroad Company can be raised in w-tt tne old c-an. U i:ut many years ago, the County of Craven. 1 On this, movement, jfact portions of them are nearly bare now probably, hangs the destiny of NcwU-rn its at" low'tide-'l progress or decline. It is a serious mutter, . It appearl then from the foregoing state- and let us teiiow emails, kp " ov" '" ment that nd iKMieht, uroporuonate to uie oir attrintion. The time for logic, and rhetoric jay wo jd fesult from the excaVaiion of the many .advantages to parefttar and guardians who desire to secure for their cfiil dreu and vards-a finished education, as- an other place in the State. Mr. Uaks ao estimable gentleman of talents, character unxl exjeri rnce ; and jto no oue, cou.'d the training that quick apprpiai rm,rrhlv ':Sn has"g,ne by-our understaaidings sufficiently canaXaffid ngadepth of only two to P and education, of young ladies be, ntrustel liar to the Czar, ho called 1 out ioughl -o J .f own j.uesU will not . n 'J,,.' ft 1 j ' with irreater confiLW hn m Mr ii..ua and so, your horses are reauy, ana u,-. act1on conrkr at oni:er$tartel up; to ins sup poseu,. m T . aKJutelv tv Th Emneror then inamred-ot hiui:,wia.i ,h . :j , , - Pll to QT1M .We may reasonably at Pn the certain- ut wa:i favorably impressed with tlws that the railroad homi IxOUlsooro 10 oe.iu- roate; But I have a plan to suggest by which be construcieu. rru r4" Lbe'icvethij JNew Kiver interests will b mv IS SO-f-liou itcj ; r- - - Pr,1 llot ifeaXqnt adoption of the mi th wltll0ut the smallest want ot di spirits alone-the suosequen y ashinffton ' Q a onver acquaintance you discover . . tStal abstiiience pnnc plj-thej VVa g n y Ot , a lo n l tho impres. movement-the ioimatiuIf " no,. nf V tt .Ti n,,.! even of audaci- !l3Ithei enactment of and their is; a . about the nothing save uoi-c"6oi' . j A .. I hor( J te n . i . . .1 i.ar I .. . i .Ut !nn wniila sav inai i r M'AiKmf.pa" afil ine eu-iui-i""- - ty, anu meir Ii,ffln are hut tbd successive stages of a tflth timecouM 1 to be fbmdjin the extensive formation of ovstr rocks about one mile and a half, above.. .New River Inlet, nor that -you. aro often obliged to lighter at the rocks, and even then persue a tortuous and dangerous channel through tlUu ilooking-lf &mmon end. An hoIe intellect was gedin his forehead and ea h i cjnfined ta a few sa in moments of excitement, when hi ejes -abstract principle pcinneQll. to the ;?0?ni,JtUn- ,vr of his large eyebrows, eious minus . -r. -fiye sovereign somt tinges do even in iordmaiy halls ot ieg.M"v.r f . . r i.U anoeaVaiiue reminds one States it now uj . roused lion than any. man s i everi $rowneu wi" "'r-"1 kw kKa histDrv r.. tt; ....r U that of a polished gen- r mi h y i A i Aira : . " ! "orm fiom its-oAdh, and ha. guided emlliis courtesy u .tiring: h, pat.enc v i.rrd U.roTh- its most critical Iperiods. inelhliUslible. ! His observations, even upon ' TXtounl mef of our time' it is commit- t ic8 wIlich one wold suppose possessed 't hTITrial and a trust What is it JtHttIe interest for him,, bear WW and .humanityi demand- ot ...- great acum- and varieu won ... -y " vrnJi the zreat question for our pracucii. ,urprised by his accura to Ki.ow.Luy,- ul . - !l!f0 ! nXs we greatly err, that ques- ,,,4 homo' poliucs, though when speakmg Ts-shall vfe, by' JelKvah's help, tllc !u,,ject with an Englishman he .I.o. ' destroy S traffic in intonating poisons, .or ,ome dffiJeJnce in- pronounenjt an oomion, .- r destrovusj- Shall we lay alcohol and gVnerally throw, his rema.ks into an in- L--'-: ttTfi' 'im toI a myriad terrogacory.form., Regarding her (omgn i ' Lrf Sdes intl.eirow.1? ! Shall. we port- h as might 1 o.pected.M eaks 1 and expresses ins . conuueuv in sent , to uac Li r ., . , j a ci,n ? .mi i . rtvtinornished f . pnaii timnr.'rr lib ST11I.- U l"Cr . . , more boldness, belief that any we permit the fair bridejof day tobecome. grappIing with tllcolita widow of tomoriow ? Shall we m lhe strugg stand idly by, and i therhoodVo down to dato-.and the tliernoou go T .. , - -fft fl;nritf Shall we autfer tin, tnonsue j . w , - e . ?f , 3" l The destiny, of millions hang,, upon our answer. ; : 1. - The determination ot H ros,id. Sr.eplainr trno speat earnestuess in action. L-et us it i right out. The press' that is silent on th.s tonic deserves a place i the cellars of Her topic, aesei . I J , not stu hesitation she shows s 1 Russia ! now is but postjon- e to !a period where sne will finl herself 1" r-1 tnr -" aua win pehaps have to meet it idone ; for he does not ntertaina 'doubt that two powers represent; ing 'principles so opposite to one another can e,M hv MiU- without - a collsion, which must end in a combat a V entrance, - ' - - -v t ;. j j v - 1 i i r Austrla. .M' ..-. THE OUTRAGE ON" AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. jio eloquent persuasious T also grained a toute icross from Rear necessary ' that we circle tlii-ojifrh th Moss Pnn.1 Pprfwin to Kiihsp-nbe larcrelv. r j itS.i ir-,v.,u ri -Nr....- i;Ar - , 1 1 n :.. i hvj twin nun , 7 r i . .. .r.. w 7 : . . v - . - ... raillf lie nau! lvapiuni. r . adjutant in attendance) bring me a pair ot eo- aulettes; I pronjiote you oii the spot o be 1 od- ...... inolikowickf Liefutenant colonel.) Embrace me;. ; -.t- Krnhri't Tt is more than probable, tft - jj,, lfittl . if -orritd ot hay is almost certain, that the answer to this would gra!lv facilitate the present trade from query, of vital importance 10 us uepcuw that prmstrctive reg'on, and Drmf into roar ice-, on, the amount of our subscriptions. It is n vaiunble Timber and Lumber trade now wis in us so to" consider it We must take a IOparativlly locked up. ! J snfficient amount of stock to control the loca- you do not require to be told that the chief tion ot the road, n weuo, we " , obstacle toithe present owwiaej navigauon is i- ' . i i .... tti'n l.iOf 1T1 I 'li,1!. .1 ... ' ' 1. .I . . do. not, our interests,! uie io oajr iu ... i.otovi! - T this not so ? Is it not 1I1J llllllv "II It imui" more than probably the; tiuth ? Wkatamount of stock must we take ? live h'undreufhousai'id dollam must b securel. Let rio marKsay, the effort to rai-e this large sum is hopeless, until we have made, .a vigor ous trial.; ' 1 j Knw Rufort is in the same dilemma with ourselves. Her fate depends upon the loca tion of the road. She is unable to subscribe for a majority of the stock, and alone, her vofce would le feeble in c-bntrolliuff tins loca tion. Grant that alone, Kwbern is too weak. Then I Newbem and .Beaufort must .,?f n,i;thrrptlipr we can locatoHhe road to suit the interest of each commun to eriect, m alreadv ettected. s9nn ooo She fl.gay ot. hp wn-r-pi .'V: r . . mnPrt the town of 'Beaufort a a corpooration will subscribe $100,000, and the town, aided by the citizens of Carteret generally, and these gentleman who are in terested in Gallan:s i point, and Lennoxville will individually subscribe $100,000, Thus $300,000 is left fori Graven. It is proposed that Craven I as af County shall subscribe Aim Afih.' rriiia mnsinm will succeed. The and when the lastonishedi officer, had availed tins rare distinction, the Czar kissed him on the chdek. Sincd then no jutular ra zor has been allowed to profane the cheek hair lowed bv the Emperor's ilips. Berlin corres pondence of the London Chronicle, - : "" I - '" """s- " ""' '" -" v " - Library Association Eisliop At Kinsou. The fifth lecture of the- season yv-as delivered in the Hall bfjthe Librariv,on Thiirsday i.ight, by the Ru RJy. Bishop j Atkinson, of North Carolina. Tne weather was fine, and tli'e audience, therefore,1 crcjwded. The Bishop selected for hjs subject 4Hhe reign of pharles II.M and entered intora wide and mieres-tifo- notice of its varied. knd striking charao" LJ?n 'TL mno-e ol his stateihentsi and- i . -..I . t -.. . . r i t arguments ein braced some oi lue -mo,- "uer- esting domesiic evem oi uw.-mi mi.j durimr the period of thsjt-monarch's rule, and he treated thm'with giieat ability. He dis- cusseu i-ue imm1 chu-o .y -r c i ... . ! f. ' L-J t J .. a, .:. nin.T.l tliia imifin. it is VH'onosed tnrtt iirnn the cause OI ! otieuwtiuu- ". -- , , , ( religion si4ke' of thelcorruption and pro- understood to thb Court 4of the tragic!- late ot tort unucriawb i. ,ctJll onrl fnf Sidnevi and in a ti autitui ikuo-ivii : j t r episode alluded to the (blessings ot onr ovu Goveinmentjand the horrois of Disunion. -We regret that we carjnot enter into an ex tended revieiv of this lecture, but as. we took l. . ' . ... ! no notes anil have a vry..impenecv uieiixy. j - i 1ITA Vlrt .m ivisi i to hazard uouisr v . Mrs. Finch is a lady, whose ability, and former succes in teachiug should recomnnndfe to patronage. She taught school Ju Raleigh several years, and acquired an amiable lep- utati u throughout the whole State, ller attentigh is conjiiud today scholars." - Mr. Mayhew j has recently . purchased the interest and buildings of Miss. V. S. Moore, We certainly cduld not say more of this school than to fx-ress our belief, that it will betsjn wucted as heretofore. In fine, no one need c-mplain j of the; efficiency of the schools in Newl'crn. - - - Cant. roolf.iar. We are authorized, by Capt. M. R. Good. Then, pother obst acle is to be found in ing, to state, that he will cdrrob rate the state the chariKter of the Bar at New lviver Inlet. rai.nt which he! has made in reference to the which cUrigesand varies with every great conduct of tlie. Officers of the Wilminctoi. and southernlys storm so mucn po, uiai 411 fMl ,,, . v."v i i - .. i t - r. , 4l. I viuii lesion times mere g-nas oeen louim jafneei- u"u inc Bar at 164 lide, at others, anas is th ease most genepdly, there is but aljout 4 to 5 feet at low waer. The first obstacle, to wit : through! l3ie rocks, can be imp insure i j . i . , nr ... . l a straierht ana surnciennv The passage roved so as to wide and deep chatinel through them, t o answer all the purpose! of the trade of New River. Austrian officials I have been committing another outrage on a citizi-ip ot .the unueu cuiaueum. .ibi ti on," is unworthy States-the ,ev. Jamas UooK ot KM-fi W died the, code of pro nbition j , f u . AnKlo-0athohc. Church 'presbyter of ihc of tl T . . . i.a "-Mpr is to aim ins uiw- and one oi me wp point n ? . , , 1 .:. i r. numbers. The orator T. .. ' ! -i : rv iliror't. MIS 1 Vwc ... a ii... n hi i on i.r i r-fTi nsii .. . " v .... i . . v.- : iots, anti mo yu.. r4..,ja l,U ns. the r.a'nS;,ir anonvinous etters to be nfiAvta straiff I iuvntu? v. 1 . . .. .. j ondents of the Dady After setfini-the police to watch him, written to prayerful efforts straight -.n,l mnfiil OUStlOn of tl le age. him, and, he believes, opening his correspon dence,, he was on the 25th of December wai- to rlr unoniiwe do not injustice"to lhe LSislie-p by any nuen.p at a summaiV of what he sai I. Ilia lecture. .u;,.i. n..nAiiA dont An hour in the deliv- erv gave C'iat satisfaction to his numerous hearers, andjtho service wnicii ue Tici. Axrctr rn, ta nrft not of a hard and . lltuv-VJ'"1" " compact Character. It is not a difficult mat- r to djiife a stake inLo.niem,f)r woi. u i nxvn iritd them from four to five -fret, they woiddrealliivTield to the Dredge Boat, with a pro ft Ay: constructed scoopr. and JY thai-l means lollld be taken out to anreqnired depth and JvMth. They can removed so as to secure aNdiannel 50 fft wide and 5 to feetdeepUt a ccist not feeding $11,500. The btli6robstacle,tawt; tne cnaugeaoie tli- Si earners, so soon a? he cau oh- -i tain the affidavits of t e gentlemen wlio were preset. t, j at the time the couwrsntio", here- I tofpre publisljed, occurred. We earnestly 1 hope, that sonlething may yet be brouirht to i . , i .- I " J J . 0 . .., :t I'gbt, tp preserve the reputation for beiievo- i lence and charity, which the Company have i al ways sustained. If the charge,, preferred t by Capt; Gooding, be true, a dark spot will- : be the effecj. j Ca)t.J Gooding is.amnn, too, of undoubted vracitv ; "f lv" ' - projerxplaj '"' f , , a are too alive td their own interest to - The bt irotetacle,N --h , c..a.,s eti't 1 ff. do not intend by its failure, characte of the bar, much more d o'demonstrate that we deserve our fate- cult ,.11 J?? is nmoerfcu 10 airo l t- i. .A.. It-- K., ..11 l. A''f-il tuliv appreciaieu iv ioem ami ""-Jjy r interested ir the progress, and success of, the excellent institution they have founded. Pet. 'r a; Proposed New Tariff. 11 . rwrtrt Now the question upon w men our bucce hinges is can ice htf private subscription, raise' $1 50,000 .in this 'town arid county ? IV, .mtv but i onl v in one way,andj thati is, by the united efforts otf all of our citivens. If the burden, is tin-own jupon a few the enter prise will fail. - Every1 ' man must feel that a .on him ii portion of !the responsibility rests. i i i . , ''' , i i.- rhiist tin Torcroi.ien. . The Journal of Commerce has be-n tavorea wiyisioi s prtjuu. .--- - - --p Mith a copy of the Treasury project of the Young Americanism,! Old fP le nlw tariff "Low before the" Committee of representatives of necessary principles m are- new iaiii , " .. ., j . .-:-;,. ' .."..i.Knn nfnin mnsf. rtiill in harness together. IFavs andiMeansot tne uoum- oi iweo.cix- mu...... o,.., - i r ; tatives. TIE is bill proposes to subject all im ports to a (duty of itqenty-five per cent, ad valorem, except spirituous liquors of differe. t kinds, whicih are to pay- 100 per cent., and except alsot certain specified articles (a pre grand nioi - . M. In this warfare or.,.:, " , -I ' nmnia!UW of the genJarmes need of patience. ' i.ueru- - - - Ilnnarv. who intimated that one'whole generation be ore vup , - - f T' rmn tJj- l.iVlit authorities in trust m prohibitory law ue "i the slave trade to be a pira- he had orders from the i.igiiesi 1 Hungary to subject the whole ot Mr. Rich Cy. Opinions grow J: . The mon$ ' 01.a, cffectg to examm.tion. met ii trutn i ratnci v. . , . . i r . -, . ' - i.: Mr. Richmond protested again&i. sion of "Tht sacred rights- of -an American Citizen," and was then told thntbe must iv main in custody tuitil the. official, had tele graphed toPesth- for further ordsrs. suit of these orders I was, that between sinrl five o'clock oh. the . i, movpinent was uou ivruB rSyof.oneutherdof ago in a m"';7 ., . !' and torrether Hosts stood witn xi.hu ,t " t .r vnnatcn ior " tuey were u . , ,r ixAem,0m and against them, y ameu. . u , rroltimbus. With JUS COlopa, -,r May4it not bo also tnat closes, the Jaw of Jtfaine ns bed but! they both at last, .AA n their positions. Atnvnotbe also that before ,tne cent uiy by a gendariuo, wno ccmpeoeu " The re- four ............ I 1 I 1 J rm ion: lliuiumii i1"- ning of the 28ih he was roused from h . 1 O :!.. !, if S 11 ii.:.., past not to be in of numiKjrSi will become7 the law Keeskeeniet in a joky wagon and - amidst a from the I .Msdi.nt snow storm, and over, frozen roads, . IV' v I I I1VI V V v . . , 1 here he arr Popular selntiment breaks forth r;ved two hours before the midday tram, by torrent, arid swells into which he had voluntarily promised to leave. . .. ,,AWfKo(r ian- 1.. n.rioiic'J Im mm i not continue .his inundations, out Ly-r.mvM.v. - uui u - - , , . Vfnst lrutn. on me One hund-ed and fifty! thousand dollars is a large um. Remembe!r,we have in this Coun ty fourteen hundred Voters. Suppose that ot these, there are onejhalf or more who are un willing or unable to contribute any tliing. Say there are five hundre4 who can subscribe. Three ! huudreddollars each will, make the j I" a .. . i pii iioii i iikiwi inu vi i.i i ii. ii t Liiitkii isav most raw materials useu m mai. v,-v- J-AA ; . . " ,i nnd nUo dvestuffs of a 1 descriptions solely bably be aoie louuu ...-. - anci also ty cuius v i T v , , fi-,Ln().;fl,L to suhsciibe nid in cbin nos ng trye. It abolishes an ukhi who me cau. . used in ipmpoMUi, mjv , . . , . . ; ti ' A,o tlmt amount.- s. add' drawbacks on sa4ted-pr pioKieu .suu, out mev nnntv vou'e of its provisions aro designed.to And in calculating the strength ofou. county -.operation until the first" of , January :1e may add "to the number we J-ken IHUl .UII5 I .-Til VJIU . ."J : ty long Jistf withal) which are to be exempt from duty, la the latter class arc included bounties, and draw fish. iV i.o into ; operation " .! . I 1 Ut.i, , rt"u p . . . . . J... I ... . ',.;. U,. f nntriot.li. lellO WCltlZdlS 11 be-- entitled to the benon oi tne new more ae.ii w, . - in this great enterprise. Now a few . gentlemen have undertaken to One Jiundreo jrini.eu wi rates of duy.. 4 : ! - tli hall in motion. The . tfhited States Agriculture bociety r beyn provided sc(:ure sub- uill begid its session Iin Washington city, to- Y patriotic individual day, the S2iid. Th,i National ntehgen, OIie aml enl,st himself n the savs. Thd days of thb session will be devoted 1- ... accomplished. I Ci.l IIOC. LUU V u " " not an!iiikuimouiiabe one,aild that a proper study of jits peculiar features-h as the line" ofittie shorerthe direction of tnXpre ail ing vind, the drift of "shingle i and sarrd to geTlierlwIth the diectionand (character ofsdie River at kts entrance at the Bar, the angle. at which! it'ihfringes upon tho waves of th ocean, Would bring to light i ajl the data nec cessary to secure an ample, depth upon the bar atklj times, and avoid the delay now so frequently neccessary at the Bar. Net, stiver, at present has It wo outletsdead in! a! South east direction to the Bar, the'nai'igable outlet is now the INorth prong, where yls toast -survey sketch was male in November 1 831, the trad Avas'carried through the! soiitfi prong of the Riverj - The las has leen obstructed and is1 filling up. i; ' TheVeis- also a' sloo making out of Salliers Rav. and leading in a direction west of South directly -jupon the Bar during ebb ide, there is a rapip curreat through this sloowmen coming ju collision with the currents through the two prongs of New Riyer, operates to check tle velocity of all thosejat .the Bar there by" causing depositesand destroying the scou ring -ffeLt of the rivir ..upon! the Jhir. VVith thePdreted material taken jfrom the 'oyster rocks allove, one of the protgs of New River would le filled up, and alsofthe sloo above referred; to, this would concentrate the; force nf'thft vLlumo of water coining down New R- .lifoi.tlv nnnn the Ban and render availa - - - -, 7 J ... ... I T S"Geo. N. Snun lers.has been . rejected by theS;nntei as Consul to London Tf, vote stood 33f toj6.Sjwarl imd D u! ii do fending himj and Gen. Cass opposin.r iiim. The V iiig State Convention' of C nne. tieutj has nomin ited Henry Duttoii for (t.vjr:ior Alexander, II dly Jor. Liatten.int Govern r, ,and Oliver II. Pen y f x ; Secretary of . St Ate.- Resolutions 'were passed: in favour of a pr tei,J t.ve tariff, and against the repeal of iho Mia souri Comprfjrhise. ' uncan Ki .McR.ie haj een ' confirm by! itiate, as Consul to Paris... Wm. Px jndeii, sai'l to be a Whig aboli'ionist, lias beeji.K'cted .Senator -in Com gress frtnn MainXfT-C years from 4t!i o Marchi 1855. ' Gen Houston in a n thsnt lecture at Provi den ce said r"From earlyboyhood I have l'ved on the borders ot civilization, and have seen much of Indian life anl character : and never knew an . Indian treaty 'violated 'iilaf bul wht, when-sifted' to its bottom, itwasXfou rid that its first 'violators were :the' whiter meiu'l journey c At night he hoped to ret-t but three gen darmes burst into hislroom and threatened. to t - sudden : .1 no m mmor i" a u r,t the unbounded ocean, where deep calleth unto deep, at the vop of Jehovah.1 " And if the night of ignorance or prejudice corals , down o veil it for atfme it L still there, beating on jwith the same victo rious pulse, and waiting; for the day. ,JT ' a ; tn;ft Morious warefaro I. We are compassed about With a great cloud of . iinmsinitv beckons us onward. - AVe tread lipnn the dust of heroes as we ad-. xut Tnhod Love, floating m rata lrit'iec - . rni 1 air before us, leads us to Uie conntct. ne mon and tod him he was under arrest. shout of the ransomed are m our, xenuj auu jje was then taken to the guard room, subj tiicini"isi nf th association and ,j uie vl. i vw v" the discuskion of questions touching the most efficient mfeansto bejused for the, promotion of Agriculture, whille the evenings, will be devoted to Lectuits fjom persons selected for for the purpose by the Executive Committee. w , . . - ... -mr a : I . I m ble! sill of its scouring etlect. 11 oise ved tnat s t he direction of the dischargH of th& river now takes place, it is such as to act directly fciuse. To do this we shall have to maice seme tric -t -kt .' i J ...... ,.Ki.- y.on Kj iVtMine.d rmces. iso i nuunai" iinw. v . .. , , , , i. I .without lalor We must devote xo it a po.; upon; u,e y-y , i- ... . .i 1 ;. wi not trr torcfi being uie giciivci no tlOll OI Our liiiio aim wiV . n " . ! ,4 .. Lnurr T f.mr ff t h -pntemrwe sarnv ueacieus wcww iv.w..... - - r. . L All! . .". J t I i . " I i do to say, would be the I JII 4.vt v.. . . - - -. 4 - I . . .. j . . ! nnil am Wllllll'r to Miusci iuc, uui auj i -T- - ii -t-i ! i . river was uiuuui . . -The British will prevent mv going any time to the can- case it the vass." Men of business must . take hold of upon the ocean wave. , ( man wno iiuscouiu u uouo vj Jettie extended Work on tlie Central Hailrctiil The com jany commencetl laying the fill- persti'Ucturo at Uiis point on Thursday last. Mr. Sumnor, the Engineer, inform 4 u- that he will have his whole force here in a feW days, when the work wjll go on ap has i ross-ties enough to build the road vfir four miles, after which he will be amply sup plied with these along the Hue of .the roafi.4 - He ha railing enough here to carry the .oad twelve miles, and a large quantity more in Cliarleton, subject to the orders of the, Com pany Ji He has abouta-thousand.feet f ; tlie road finished, and is running two fiat bottx!n c r-c Cittt it Ska. i. , i .i i 1 ..i... i' ; ...ill toil A man wno ill is couiu ue uuuo oy ., ""-"'v , ...r r .t. . . r i ,k Thre Sisters, of Ulasgow,Siieci irom me u inauer or e .a.' tn w iii ..Av curved tbnn to the North of u rs 11 ". ww !.rB,,,Vrwiuuu 01 w,c "V1 rr.J. .14.. ootl, ftf l)if'pTritfr. at I is tmuvn t.fi Have n PUSUiesa w up r- - 1 1 ;.,!a f,h.,rlntfm IVL: . f OI uijgav uu nc . ' v . w-" "-T---- -- ;. . . . b.l --, . .. . .... - t -. r 1 711 u si oot him if he did not use. 110 iu .o.i-..-. ldaded with Icopper ores, and bound, attend to. wdl have but utile weigut .i..x- ted, showed his passportscovered with S'gna- .V f 4 ' ,7. . A, 11 A. M. a smart breeze ring subscriptions. Let us be content to tiires ofAustrian ambassadors, and. pointing . ' ur,i . hic.h inithe afternoon increAed make'sr little present .sacrifice, : for a great fu- to the word "America told hem that Hie j Iel Lf wind rafcin(r a heavy cross sea, ture benefit. President of tJiejUnked. States had ueclrred io vcry 'much. At- , Fellow citlWs, the subject is before you, that the rightsofn I America- citizen shou d caus n tQ d determine wisely and act vigorous- notbe violated th nipunityybut, wuh W 0 at y. A crisis has arrived, In justice to the tal, vSflalr rise io raphl y tha',at.fouroV ,mory of tbe distil guished lathers of our earcnea mm, 1001- uwu i'"rr" v - , , 1 f 11, ! -,,,, .o mre ri . th s4.Rt interests 01 our - ClOCK On Uie IOUO r mii luwuma ""I " - - - , ioWU, 111 lU-ttvo v v.. v. .- I ' W ' ' . . ners. the voice of praise makes music amid our Dan- . ther d,' and .then, left ,to sleep, i . . j, ., i ' I . . . . . 1 . , . , 1 . . . l.ii:.. j ifsleeptie could,! amidst annmg, quaneuiu ai I r ii .... .I. 1 . .1 fnnvm!-tmii r - . i .,ot riAar- in tne morning utj ""oi,"'u ,w our century. lxus uv. w -- ---- American inbassa,lor in Vienn.i rerthegoal of human WSJ-J but.tliis was refused; Atten o'clock he wa. in Aiir tods an ever-exciting stimulus an ever, . ... i: iresh delight. So shall our in our tons anever-exciuug ." - T;,i:Jf, Kn hv5ntr ' tannine . r- , 1, i.i.. . rv I I I'll it. -iin luLhiubiowvi . w. - - ht. so snail our iaier-mi two w 1 - , ,,. . .4 , nw ou &uii out ...... i -urmM4 thft nossible conseauences of theso r MAtti r r Til 1 1 lonii 1 1 iriui v.: 1 imv,- -- r So .hall our posterity be! cheered by that sun proceedings oftered to Jore , h. passpo s i- r t- . .'Tl ..t,uin.i o 1 nml set him at liberty if he wo aid lininetli- ? 1 wuicn snail sinne wim occuwm tuauv, - - . - A the light, of sevendays.1 1 1, We sta- ately depart. . xuis oner vr.u iuacu. tailed account of. these proceedings has bseu frwrwardtj-t tit the. United States : and Mr. TheUS. Minister to Fa-iNCK, ted yesterday that Judge Mason,of Virginia, Richmond doubts not that the President will our new minister to France, had appeared at take immediate and decided steps in this im- the French court in full costume, although p0rtant mattsr. Mr. Sanford, the Secretary, of Legation, had .ni tl,. nvAmwln 0f .nnAannrr in . tnA TllAin I I . K . ' 1 4 - L1 t I Snrnm nr n PifiriC K k Il.RO A.TJ. MT, riwmm rr mrt American vii.iTfn. - in miiuriuuu i " with this fact we find the following in a McAlpine the celebrated New York Engineer New York paper": i has just furnished a survey anu estimate 01 .mc u L,.nn sf ni TreRAntin his Pacific railroad from Memphis westward, by - ' i'...i. r Mr Macnn mir I the wsv of Little Rock and Fulxm. . His , - M I ft. .f.A ftl. . . AnfJ IttfAl Mb A new miftiater to tbe court 01 u ranee, was iin- repori, biates uia. mu grauw oi w iU.m! tn thAFmnwiss- whoiconvereed with within Arkansas and Texas amount to 14,- him in English for about Half an hour, and 000,000 acres, the estimated value of which .ftwmrwlAd .him an invitation for wi l be $70,000,000, which sum will sutnee contingencies. the grand ball which -ook place atthe Tule for the construction of the T-ad and .aW!nwinmwnmf. iOna of the lmne- surplus or iu,vuu,uuu ior conun I The distance bv tais route to San Francisco Mil iVirriMMFS M M? MIIIJ VU TUT ScM-W JbMWw w r -- - tadoi to- tha Tuilleriea re-wnuuetea Dim 1 w1" w yyw umauu wo wumaicu iwt. I f A - . - W V t?o8 frm t , south west entrance to lhe in- tenuis. CAcirfeH htg. w . vw - let connecting -with the !5anK. 1111s ueiue would klso haVe the effectjiot arresting the course bf the shingle and sand rwhicb nbw travels North East along the ccast and is roped Plank Road, i We learn that steps h ve been taken to O. LI . . , . I I. . Tt t f l .1. Tl " .1 ... . TT : I ;i !. -4 into the mouth of the inlet, St would throw 11 ouuu a 1 iau iuu irom, naywooi, in uai.- oast th entrance to the inlet, various liar- tBin County,! via Lockville, to Pittsboroughj hours upon the coasi of England have beeu 'mproved, and several ot tntm presentmg ma- XT....r L!u..v Tn ! f o tnAlin lost of saving the ship, and the boats were lowered. At five o'docK the capnm oruereu the crew into the bokts, and fifteen minutes afterwards! the vessel; went down. Officers and crew Were saved and steered the boats to Coquimlot where they arrived at 9 A. M. ime Jay. The teirgo is saia to ue, in- in the the same surcd United States. Tint Nebraska: Bill will .occupy, the t;me of CongreU for some' weeks, but it is believed will finally pass. YY e learn irom amm toh that tlie- friends pf the bill count on thir ty votes iii the Senate out of fifty six,the. num ber that ill be casti on its final passage, and that the Imaiontv in the .iiQuse "nil be tl . i . . larg . Immeksb flocks of Pigeons. The Wheeling . Intel iigemei states, that on Suft dav morning the sky there was almost black at intervals for several bours with flocks of rtirreons going North. - It is said that ; one flock whubh from the time it topk to pass iiit hav been over a mile long. They flew so near the earth that they codd easdy have been shot - on J the winti and made in their rapid flight a noise like the yoic bf many-wafers."- They" doubtless Vrae fromj tha immense pi gee n f 1 4 roosts in Kenfuck and TenneseeJ where for some time past tne ' wt$ds too Uto ircCiif besttii tuus- town, in justice to tne r r "l nvVeatures sinister to New River Inlet,amqug children, let us meet it like men. How easy. atort 0MrendeH, -Ramsgate it i, to say we w ill one and all thy to raise reJi,Darn JJarbours. Those the $150,000. Say this in earnest, and it is iS;.8?,, Enneers-Telford- accomplished. A. To J. A. A verity 1. and others. Saunders Rennin and Walker have perfected initio wnrk as sinnlicaole to rar nirnirn. which has resulted most favorably when they have apiiiea ivmu npueonciucu, The whole otT the stock has been i-subscribed. -.v i : I : -, .- i .- , - . I -, ' .- ; if , J .'-':.. the company has been organized" the officyr, electeil, and lhe survey i in logress. Tie , i ontra ts for grading are to le let. out on I the 4th lay of March next The i distance (is - '"' --if : . . - I ' . . :ji '.- 10 1-2 miles. ' !' . ;. . - t- Efforts are being made to extend this road j in the direction o fH illjboro si:bscritions, Gentlejien : Having completed the preliminary cxanu nations tor tlie proposed canal to connect New -River with Swansboro, through the marshes- which lie between the main land . .i ... , i it , 1 ..l -i... i.nd tlie outer Dames: iwuicu leueuo. iue. J,u.i ... .I, waves of the Atlantic . and -. theryby thefaeto project su.h a avbid the outside navigation tromew mm au a .3 - Tnlex. T avair mvself of my earliest Jewura acuu.., m.. to communi ite my views upon the subject Tli pfr would be n6 extraoidi nary difficulty ; ivr5iininy a. oknal of sufficint width and depth for rafting purposes, and for Boats of light draft, such as would draw not exceeding twenty four to twenty seven mcuca , f : : c 1 - fi1itri Ratr. but from irom owauawiw . w .... - y .. ' . - eU Saliers Bay, through Howards xay to . ."Tw. Z MWrik Cooeland. of move permanently, to insure a iuui Vr nd Jos WTashirigton. from gation for even the depth above named. For form "19a' the ! nsiderable portioW this distance th Gloucester ater is very shoally-sc 1 much; t oiTr Bansnee iron, bbit wfcSfca crew Rrte istsss k most fesuecifully biibinitted by the under- being; taken up for that purpose. ,. signed; that in bis opinion, Ithe fame system Wt; feam (uriher : tna; ifa s a probabili- with "such modifications as the peculiar fea- thtfoe pJallk Unad from Haywood to tures pf New River Jnlel ' J,,, wiII aLso 1e bui. This road will applied with success in this; case 01 course r . if it wbujd be. neccessary tt make accurate and be witniii 10 mues oi iwueigu ai us nca.p, minute surveys and observations, to collect po'iut- an(j we are assured that if the citizens of 11 1 ? .1. ...t.l . . An fnim this city to the nearest point on the Chapel J Ilill roa1 would be built, thus, by the Deep Rivef imiovcment, putting us in direct coni- 17.. ' T municatiou with the Cuathaua coal fields. bv vour obedient servant.. i -V. BEVERHOUT THOMSON. 'I ' i Civil Engineer. W r rAi. -.-!'-i.-;;'l'---.,'-i.' .1 '1 1-.:--: L - -. T-a tv T.TnicRiA.--Dr. James Brown, ' iy mW " . U m w ! Tr or a long Te are auohris,d to date. f;TT, .Hnprn'rofthe Liberia Legi:ature, died report that Mr. Giiffiin of -Kinston Raleigh Star. tliat the had the small pox, is false. i - Fiftyeight cars arrived at Portsmouth, Va on Friday, on the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, loaded Vitb produce from 2. )&::':' '-y--1 t-v i ''.-- ':.:,-.'' :1 "--v : j w