. .'.rVT iV5 FT v"-"t.- f f - . V:.'.. .3 ill-' - K 1 .:;. a a it S NO.1 42 r- B. 1 - I V I Y I I i .. - M V1 X. T i - - i r . ' ' , " a; ..; :i in v i .- i-i- li 't'i : i i I M -Jt-i-.i' j-.-;f. i. ;- r-i-; fr it ' ft tH1"-! fit ' t m txi &cl ctlAXtti. Editor & Proprietor,' 1 .1 L II T n I: ll lr 1 I I II .. .. ilublitted every Wednftday m6riilii, (Offiertli1 ' KewOfiic Wi"'.' .s-. - j Twa Tli AtUntic" will b published weeUy, B sheets coataiaiD 84 columns, Ijt ' entirefy new -.jvpeMirf mflimpr9TedBtrle,fof2'00per yew, if 1 bid in Adrince it paid before the 'expiration of six months f'i 50; And8 CG- wiU b.tjie nountof 1T payments made thereafter.! U. , f - Ji Batbs .or' Awriimsrao : -i-" 'ivi -.f 1 f I square li insertiotti; i . 1 . .. , , ,, . T. ; 50. centfi i il l 2 insert ions... t.V..... T " iTweWe lines constituting a square. r . ji ! r I Arraneeraents wUl be made by the year or 6 months "with permanent adrertisersg at the. lowsst jpqsbibl 'ATS. , ... 7 -- . : -1. . i '.. . !, 1) , .. . ! JlIaTin? new and -exlensire M9Mrtnwni, oi Jos -ffrnt, (a good as can be found in the ' State,) we are. "rrepared to execute L , 1 JOC WORK ; " with neatness and despatch ; such as handbills, circu fers, cards, blanks, books pamphlets, etc etc. ,w jj, ; ester Jiaii. : From Goldsboro', via MfScles Hall , and Kiitston. 1 I ' ' "I.'--":-, ' 1 Amv8 daily, except Sundays, by J Leaves ?4 'r ;4f- ' Closes' . " : Saturdays, at 9 p. M. 3 A. M. 9 P. M. ;;;!-. v J Ifortlieirii Mail. j - ; ' From Plymouth,' via Washington and Swift Oreelc.j - '-:-"-1 . - . ".' hArrves Tuesdays, Tliuredays and Sa turdays, by - - 4 r. m. V I;ies Mondays, Vednesdays and Friday, at - ;l - ! . - - - 3 a.m. : 1 Closes Tue?d-.vs, Thuredaysandbun- days, at P. ll. Dcnnfbrt Mail. " V Arrjves Tuesdays, Thursdays and Say - turd ays, by - .; - i -'!'' . 5 p M ! " Leaves Sundavs, Tdriesdays and Fri- t , days, at , . - i' - 1 - j ' . $ " i r!lnic Tnilnv. Tliursdavs and Sa- A. M. turdavs. at 9 P. M. and : From Stricklands Jepot, via Trenton Pollok'sville. 5 . ' ; ! I i i Leaves Strickland's iDcnot every Sa-, turd ay, at 5 x' M UArrjvus at Newlernm;xtHlay, by 8 p. u. Y Leaves Newlcrn. ejverv IFednesday, it ' : . '. - f ; , - ' - 6 Ai M. ir A rrivs at irn lilanids same day, by 8 p. H. Hw'ldiinda verv Fridavat 6 a dv, by, '" -."-,'-r :' !' ' , ;8 r M- Leaves NelKirn veiyi Monday, at o a. m. . Arrives at Tren tow sami (ay, by 1 p. m. LeaVcy Trenton ery Tuesday, at. 10 a. m. Arrives at:Ncwle-n. same day, by ; 5.P. M.' Tiie maii for S waiisboro' is to leave Ppllqfcs- jfille.' on Murida', after the arrival from JNfew- i ternl und return from Swansboro', in time! for the maii.irpm irenipn, on ,i ueuay. .i Ni' B.-A11 letter should be in the othce minutes before clbsinfi. - DR. THONG'S Compound SanaH?e Pills. ThfMi Pill '''are, entirely Veiretable. and are a most rtf Medicine 1 in the cure of all Billious , Com ' . i - nlaintnirtiill and Kevpr. DvsDensia. CostiTeness, Li- ire oi t SDensia. i'er Cnmnlaint. Jaundice. Sick Headache, Scrofula, " alt Rheum, Terers of all kinds. Loss" of Appetite, Ob structed and painful Menstruation, and all lineriufr diea?eB. i j ' ! . . As a Female Medicinej they act like a charm, snd Mphen tsken according Uil the directions, they never fail ' 4 cure the jworst rses jpf Piles, after all other reme- 4e fai . - j - 4 ! ihThev -purify 'he Tllor qualize the circulation, re store the Lirer, Kidneys, nd other Secretary Organs " tone and action; an4 a4 an Anti-Billioiis Family 31edi- cine thev haire no equal. Irtce 25 cents per box. Also, k OK. STltOXCr'S PECTORAL STOACH i". '?: t j ' - PILI. ; ' 1 '- ! Croun. iSVhirfTinp-CouirhL -Asthma. Consumption, Ner !,- toim Djseas'es, Dyspepsia, Costireness, Erysipelas, ,Dis 'ease of jthe Heart, Inflaniation and Pain in the Chest X Uack and Side, and alj diseases arisinjr from a de ranpedlstateof theStomscb, and to relieve the distress Hnd b&4 feeling Irom eating too hearty food, in weak snd DTjsiectic habits. ' j v WAURAXTED TO BE PURELY VEGETABLE , !' Thee.i!ills act as an Expectorant, Tonic and Aper ent. One 2 cent box possesses three times merepow er to cup-e diseases than Js one doli.r , bottle of any of V the Sy nips, Balsams, or Sarsaparillas that waa evel made, ahU a simple trial 0f only one box win prove inis ihipoTtant truth. ' . L ' - " They promote Expectoration,1 Loosen the .Phlerm, . and clear the Lungs and other Secretary Organs of all tnoibid matter, and there is not another remedy in tbe Materia Medica capable of imparting such healing pro Tierties to the Lunirs and Vital Oreans, as these Pills. They cure Cost iveness, jrroducfe a good, regular Appe tite and strenetlien the System. - i 4'rice scents per dox, containing ot w c , cine, i j;. )"-.. . , ' -. . :- - i - M Call on the Agents who sell the Pills,' and get th Planter' Almamue gratis, giving: full particulars and certificates of cures... . ' , i ' ' . t Both kinds of the above named Pills are for sale to Kewbern. by James W. Carmer, 1 Disosway; 'and F.S.. 'i)uffy i whalso keep asnpply of ' - -: j I i f l)B. SPENCER'S VEGET.ABLE PILS. PR. nULL'S CELFBRATED PILLS. which stop the Chills arid Fever the first day, and de ut sicken the stomach or operate on the bowels. - TXAVINO recently returned from the North, where I. XX he purchased a complete assortment of -Drugs, -J, Medicines, Paints, Oils, DyestnfTs, Glass, Putty, 4cV Ac, will be hsppy $owait opon his customers at-the ! did stand,' ! corner v of Pollok iand Middle-Streets. j Every article sold by;;bira will be found of th best j quality and will be disposed , of at the lowest market : .fates. : i . , " - ' ' . j- ' L - ; Ntwbern, May 10th, 185. , ; 4f : GROUND PLASTER. ;TfJST receved and for sals by SAMUEL OLIVER A;B0N1 VswVern, April 17, & KID GLOVES! IOC FES. Just arrivwi par Schr. "IIVGTVrz. f -" OK KIDDLX STRXXT, OKXf DOOB BELOW Tint jrOSX OTWCJ Orsaiust, TcseDfr or risns-t orte, Elelodloa, vtsua. AT H. . CCTl-Ka S WASHINGTON rOTEIfc 28 tf aESXAlTDlSE;!! JTCHELB. nsrciscs igext axd CominUsloii Meririhaiit v MANUFACTUIiER. OF i TO, SHEET IROX AND COPPER WARES, Stoyes, and Japanned "Wares, CORN KB OF BBOAI AND UIDILK STBXSTS. One door South of the Court House, SITG REAVES ATTMORE, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, JOSEPH ; W. JONES, Inspector of Naval Stores, . wiwiiimiNi, n u T. L. HALL, i in Foreign and Domestic , '., iJeaier llats, CapsJShd Umbrellas, , Parasols, fcc, M . - - -' - oi.lok Street, My w laic wmiganiiij, ROOMS AT HI Cf. jcUTtEirs WASHINGTON HOTEL, Newborn North -Carolina Ma?24th 1853 1 S-12m i . 1 CHARLES C. CLARK. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Offirf on the Soatti Stde of Pollok, Between middle , and .Hancock'- Streets. WILLIAM 1 H. OLIVER, ' ATJCTIOHEER. itf SAMUEL OLIVER & SON. General Commission Merchants, JONATHAN WHALEV, r Clock and Watch Maker, KEEPS cwnstnntly' on hand, an excellent as- fusAa sortment of W ATCIfES; CU)CKS, and JEELn V. oc ill kjnds.- All work done at th shortest notice.ajid in a workman-like maimer. ' ''-.. j !r -. J. WI1ALEY.'- Sign of the Watch, ?aveh street, .Kewberm . July j0th. 1S5S. 1M I j Y ATTENTION, FARMERS ! Bargrains to be Made. r J. R G. BARROW, Broad St one door ttelow , the Farmer's Inn RESPECTFULLY Informs the Citizens of Newbern and the Surrounding Country, that he has received and keeps constantly, on band, a new and excellent Stock of Choice j , T. . FAMILY GROCERIES,- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, (which cannot be beat with respect to both Price and Quality. ) Ready made Clothing, Strait? Goodsl Zfmhrel las, Boots, Shoes, Hard-IVare, Cuttle- ryl and Saddlery. ' Agricultural Implements A- d a variety of other articles, suitable for family and p sptation use, which he will dispose of to Customeis on the most resonable terms for cash, or in exchange i c .i omi c ur unier rroauce. iMewbern,iSept. 13 th. 1S53. 19 Cm A New Establishment. ! thallE undersigned would respectfully announce to M the citizens of j Craven and the adjoining conntrV, w f he has purchased the Store, corner of Broad and niddle Streets, formerly occupied by Samuel HVrnvt, here he will carrt on a general Manufacturing Busi- e81 of '.'.il ,M.!...d . r .1 ; TIK, SHEET IEOH He will also keep On hand a good assortment of Cook ing, Parlor and Office Stores, j Grates, Fenders, Fire Irons, Japnaned. Tin of erenr description, and all ar ticles usually keptjin an establishment of the kind. 1 It is the desire of the Subscriber to establish a perma nent business in Newbern, one that cannot fail, if suc cessful, to promotes the interest? as well of the buyer as the seller, and he' therefore wishes very citizen of Craven to call and examine his stock, and satisfy himself that they can purchase at home innumerable articles which they have hitherto been accustomed to order from abroad. .. J '- -:j. , .ri'" j; Merchants and Pedlars supplied at New York whole sale prices, .r .. jj ; , -j . r - . . -t . N. R Particular attention will be paid to Roofin?. C..A. HART, i ir Newbern, May, tth,' jgS, - f 106 REWARD. uaawa i irom the subscriber, sometime in Lf , the month of .August laat, tny negro man, -W. Fre, formerly the property of Wm.,Wyset deceased. I will, give i the reward to any person or r arsons who- will confine said ne?ro in jail so that can get hira. And I will give . the farther reward of one hundred dollars, to any person or persons who will furnish sufficient evidence to convict Any one of harboring! said, slave. . No person .will; be held responsible for any injnry received- by said lave in apprehending him.' Said negro is lurking m the neighborhood of Jas. a., ivhite, in Craven County. ry I ' ' J :. i--. .... ; JA&r Hr PRIT(3IET. , BmuwUV , Jtrao IS.- J? HOTCHK1SSW Verticle water 'heels furnished at Ianufaeturer prices W 3 sis ; ; - AiJHlXOLlTWtftSOXU Kf A Bushels Turks Island Salt, just reeeiv ' jJJJ d .doreet by bchr. Frances, and or J .r$&U-i-.-t IV .-Ti .MOSES Wi JARVIS, yORTH CAROLINA lIANUFACrunE. M ANUF ACTUitING 5QPMP AN Y. A HitTTTv nf fSitnn YtfrnSj'' manufactured bv th r XX. 'above CottpknV. will be kept constantly on band, and will : be furaisued ; to: mercliknts,t New York prices. bv r T , ; - ' SAMUEL OLIVER & SON, Agents. Newbern, April 27th, 1853- -., ! ' NORTIf CAROLINA LTFE INSUjilCE COMPANY. rjnHJS COMPANY xwa ir and ifess: -it'iol oJrI3S 3 tja ambers over 2500 4'olicies and has declared 65 per Cent dividends in the past three vears. '. ' ' , .j: . i,. . i t . , Wlutes insnred from 14 lo67 years of age, and Slaves from 10 to 60. : j - ; . During the past three years the losses of this , Company have amounted to $66,000, all of whieh have been promptly paid at maturity. The Subscriber Having been appointed Agent of this Company for .Newbern and its Vicinity, is pre I ared to receive applications on Whites for life or a term of years, and on Slaves tffom one to five year& the insured in every case paying for the medical examination of Slaves. - ;:' ALEX. MITCHELL, Agent. Dr. ED. F. SMALL WOOD, Medicai Dmminer. July J 2th, 1853. 10 ly ti ; : . FlYETTEVILLE MtTCTAL Fire Insurance Company. Henry Lilly. Avon A. Hall, J. G. Shepherd Wm. Warden, S. T. Ilawlev, John D. Williams, C. Benbirw, Wm. Mclandin, AVm Mfilntvre. . H. L. Myrover,; Thos. S. Lutterloh, John H. Cook,' D. A. Rayt A. A. McKethan, G. McNeill, . James McKvIe, A ' xsatnan A. fctedman.r OFFICERS. ! George 3Icreill, President. . H. J. Myrover, Vice President. J. G Shepherd, Attorney. . C. A. McMillan, Secretary. THE Above Company . is now in success- . .'. j-- .lui eperaiion. ana is preparea to taKe ap proved risks on Dwelling Houses, Fpr- ru t lire, stores, Jueruuanuisc ana on me most lavorauie terms. ' - , ! . N V' : - 4. ' - i' .: Application for Insurance can be made to . . ,. . Fi SAUEL OLIV EB & SON, Agents. Newbern, April ,87th. 1853. H It STATE 0FN;RTII CAROLINA, ) In j Jones County. Equity. George S. i?ebrule and wife, Amos Shelfer and wife, k " ; 1 " ". .:'" I- ' "j- ';' Daniel Harrison, Executor of ' Francis An drews, dee'd, Daniel Harrison and Susan his wife, llachael- Andrews, Catharine IFhite, John DJ Colvert and Lufany his i ; wife, and others. j ' 1 riIiE defendants John D. Colvert and Lurany JL his wife not teig- inhabitant of' thtt Atate, and not being represented by any Solicitor or At torney in this case:. It is ordered that publication be made for thirty days in the Atlantic a newspaper published in the town of Newbern, notifying the said John D. Colvert and Lurany hia wife that the plaintiffs in this cause will proceed to take the dep ositions of witnesses in this cause to be read on the hearing thereof at Fryer's bridge, in" Pike County, Alabama on the 16th, 17th, and 18th days of March next. Witness, Roscoe Barrus, Clerk of tHe Ctoiurt of Equity, for Jones County, this 7th day of Febru- ary, a. jj., .1854 38 30d ROSCOE BARRIXS,aC. Jf. JS VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND I FOB SALE. HE Tract of Ijand lying between Trent and Pem broke roads, containing 9 acres tne property oi Cap't Alexander Mason-is lor sale. Any person wno wishes to purchase it, can find out the terms by apply mgto GAB A WAITS TBIAL. JUST, received the trial of the f REV, GEORGE W. CARAWAF, . BAPTIST PREACHER, Fdr the Murder of CLEMENT H. LAS' pITER. Schoolmaster ' - ( together with a sketch of the Murderer's Life and "the! Tragical termination of the trial, his attempt it presence of the Court, to shoot one of the Counsel who appeared against him in the Trial, a nd then killing himself d-c Vtc. ( - L. ' Price 50 cents, call at the Bookstore of f. ' . , j . . , r Wm. G.HALLL - Feb'ry 8th,lSt- ' 33 t f Yaiaablc Town Property lor Sa T)Y Virtue of a Decree of the Court of Equity Xj for Craven County made at the October Terra, 188, I -shall expos to public Sale at' the Court house in Newbtm 1 on Monday the 13th day of March next (heinr the Monday of C.aven County Court) the follow ng Ijots in the Town of Newbern late the .property of Mary Duguid deceased, yiz ; part of Lot No. 21. on the No.th side of South Front-street, with the Improvements, situated East of the dwelling of David W. Dudley1. .Another part of the Same Lot (West of the dwelling of D- Wp, Dadley,) late the residence of Mary Duguid dee'd, with improvements. Another part of the same Lot, and adjoining the last mentioned parcel on the West, with the Improvements. Lot No. 261 on Broad Street unimproved.) d oining the Lot of Eveline M. C. Russell. ' Terms, 6 and 12 months credit, ; with interest from the date of Sale.' Notes with approvetl securii tyrequired. ': '.' ' -t;'! ,r W j r WM. a BRYAN, G M. E, Newhern, Feb. 1st, 1854. - I S7 6w LARGE AND SPLENDED ASSORTMENT ir or TFATrnES AXD JETFELRY, THE Subscriber has just received from New York an excellent assortment of Watches and Jewalrr Plated Wares Ac. &c Gold and Silver Lever Watehes, Gold and Silver Fobs Seal Keys Vest and Chatalan Chains Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gojd and Silver Spectacles Breast Pins, an exeel lant assortment of Cuff Pins, the best lot of Gold Pens ever offered for sale. v . . J FINGER RINGS, T of all kinds Ear Rings. Braceletts Gold Guards and Keys -Pencils,, edallions Collar and Sleeve Buttons Studs Silver Table and Tea Spoons, mada to order and will hare in a few da vs. a lot of Plated Ware Castors Bnufferr and Traya. CandU Sticks, Cake- Baskets Silver Forks &c -Pleaso eatt and examine for your self, t -, - 4 t- He returns thanks for past patronage and hopes by strict attention to business to merrft sontinuancs f thsame.lr ' - . ; .u Watehes Repaired and 3Tarranted. ! c it XTewbtn. Dee. 20tb, 1E5I. ! new advertisements: : , SEED OATS. S TE Subscriber iscaily expect in g ZZ& bushels No. Ca. Seed Oats.which will be sold on reasonajbla upon arrivaL . . WM. P, MOORE, a E. Corner, Stjnth Front and Middle Straets. Newbern, February 15, 1854. S9 4 w. NOTICE. A T a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Nense JTX. River Navigation Company, it was resolved that an assessment ot tea per cent 3e called for, payable on the 1st of March next.being the fifth instalment amount ing to forty-five pereent oh the' Capital Stock called for , ; .:;', v l" ' ":" h. -' J Also, resolved that. thtySecretalry pahlih that rrt tf tbeTiarfer; which relates to deliMioent anbscrroers. ve. ;10. Be it further enacted, That if ,any Stock holder shall fail to pay the Instalment or Instalments required of him bv the President and Directors within one month after the same shall have been advertized, as aforesaid, in Sec. 9, it shall and may be lawful for the President and Directors, or a - majority of them j to sell at public auction on a previous notice of Twenty days, for-Cash, all the, Stock subscribed for in said. Company, by such Stockholders, and convey the same to the purchaser at said sale, and if said sale of Stock do not produce enough to pay off the expenses of the sale and the entire amount due bv snch Stockholder to iSafd Company for such' subscription of stock, then the tresioent ana directors may recover the balance of the original proprietor, or assignee, or the Executor or 4mmistrator or either of them bv suit in any Cburt of racord having jurisdiction thereof) or by a warrant be fore a justice ot the County of which he is a resident, and any purchaser ot the Stock of the Company under such sale by the President and Directors, shall be sub ject to the same rule and regulation as the original subs criber. t .j I R. N. TAYLOR, Stcrttary. . Newbem, February 15th, 1854. 39 tf OCEAN QUEEN. t CAPTAIN ANDERSON. Beaufort and Newbern I ijio. THIS large, commodious,1 and spl end idlyfin shed Packet, will again resume the duties apper taining to her vocation, and for which she is so well calculated ; beginning Tuesday, February the 7th having had such additional accommodations made as are indispensable for .the ease and ; com fort of passengers ; and fixtures better suited for the protection of those things damageable by water. -Kow, if you wish to take a pleasant, pleasurable, aftd delightfojtrip. to Beaufort or Newbern, be sure to avail yourself alwayt (when the weather is not inclement) of this desirable and picturesqus rster tour. She will land you safe at either place, cer tain, and with a favorable wind will bijat the stage, at;? least four hours. There is no changing or run ning away of horses "on this Line. I would say; ft& as a hint you know,, (and plainer the bet ter)' is necessary sometimes that there are no books', open, and consequently no Book-keeper and hence the necessity,-and the great necessity, and not only so,' but a great, accommodation will it be, j (at least to the Captain) if you will just hand j over the cash as you leave the Boat (be fore you leave .will answer) for freight or pass age, and the Captain will thank y on kindly, and Will always like to have you with him, going or coming. ; . :h . -; .4.asas .dlif--,lfltiehV' itw-':i48isrd-- Culdren and- Servants half price. Freights.-. Bar rels weighing 200 lbs. and over, 80 cents, and bbls. weighing under will be never" less than 25 eents. i PATENT FIRE PROOF SALAMANDER SAFES; JUST received several different sizes mads b Messrs Aterns and Marvin, New; York. Al though subjected to the very severest trials as the -variou eertincates will testify yet "not a Book, Jnor a : paper, nor a dollars worth of .property was ever lt in one of the above safes.0 A agent, we can surnieh any size at manufacturers prices. ' ' , c f; ' SAMUEL OLIVER k SOtf, JLgtnl. i -Newbern, ieb. 12, 1854. JUST received and for sale low 10 bbls. 2un mington Ground Plaster lor manure. ' 10 hal bbls. lleckers, self raising Flour, a new1 article. 10 Half bbls extra family Flour. 10 half bbls. super fine Flour. For sale by. I ' ALEX. MITCHELL. i SALT! SALT! f SALTJf ! : I !'.-' ' r ' .- .-. I... AAA Bushels 5ALT just received per Schr. tJJJJ lone, from sale by ! , February 3d, 1854. the IPest Indies and for WILLIAM DUNN. ! 38 2w Commercial Bank of Wilmington. A DIVIDEND of six per cent; from the profits of tbe last six months, will be paid to the Stock holders of this Bank, on and after Tuesday, the 14th in stant, i ' . . : i - Uv oraer ol tne isoara. T. SAVAGE, mAV. February 4th, 1894. Leti IL Cousins, Y Superior Court of Law, I S w 1 Fall Term, 1853.; 1 Sarah Cousins. ) Petition for Divorce. IN this case it is onlered by the Court that pub lication be mrde in the North State Whig, of Washington, and in the Atlantic of Newbern, for three months, for the said Sarah Cousins to appear at the? next term of this Court to be held for the County of Beaufort, at the Court ouse in Wash ington on the eighth monday after tha fourth Mon day in March next, and plead, answer or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be entered against her t Witns, Humphreys G. Jollie, Clerk of our said Court at Washington, the eighth monday after tbe fourth ATbnday in September, 1858.; I i II. G. JOLLIE. Washington, C Jan. 26.1854. 38 3 GR0CEREY AND COMMISSION ''HOUSE.! -'; H t OSES W. JABVIS, at his store on the Old Coua ty Wharf, offers for .sale the following articles just landed from the schooner ?Mary,' from Nstr York, viz: .-., T .. !-,''" I - i "..'j " ' :" 70 Barrel Superfine Flour, t (Extra.) v :yjjo l:v. ; -44 . '; : 5 , f Extra Family Flour, aO 1-2 Barrels Extra Superfine Flour, 5 Barrel Refined Coffee Sugar; ilO ; " : City Me Pork, 10 Bag Rio Coffee, ' f 100 Sack Liverpool Groutul Salt, . ' .KAXXS, BCTTSS, BTC, TC. .lC- ALSO,: -r-i l- HE offers his services in he sale and shipment P'roduce on Commission; also storage and wharfage, and receiving and forwarding goods consigned to him to be sent up the rivers; to all of which he will givs Jus particular attention. , . " ' -' ATewbern, Dec 5, 18.-1 V. . '..7 t;-y-: r.NOTicE.:- r pflL'snbscriber win receive proposals for orsinin J. tha Onam Ground nrairie in Carteret County, until I tiie fcmrth. day of April next. All estimates must bo per, CAime x aro. ic-a aaa decurxxy wui do jueumrw ln.aJl eases of Chutraet reserving to xdj tZI 12sm NW.ADVEtiTISE3tEi!fT5.r s wnssa , garden seeds,. I a received. , i or sale by F. S.; DUFFY: 4- i IIOOFLAD ITIEliS; THE; genuine article, just received. For sale by M i F. S. DUFFY. . LANDSALE BY .Virtue of a Decree, of the Oonrt of Equity for Craven County made at (he Oetober Term, 185S, 1 shall expose to pubrus ale "at the Court Hous -la Newbern on Aloday the ISth da tot ilarch bingth Monday of Craven" County Court Ae following described tracts prl. parcels of Land lying and being in th County ;of Craven, late the properfyof Moses Ipoik deceased, fix: One tract situated on the! North side of 1 Swift Creek and East side ef Bear Branch adjoining the lands of Alonzo:T. Jerkins, Charles I pock, containing aVoui 56 acres.! ; . : j . ' '. ' . t ' One other tract on the West side of James Swamp uv kviui w owiik threes, aujoimng tne lands of heirs of Ann Wright Alonzo Jerkins, and John T. Lane, containing about '40 acres One other tract on the North side of Big Swift Creek adjoining the lands of Alex, .Willis and the lands of he heirs of Ann Wright containing about 8 acres. J 1 ' j" -Terms made known on the day of sals. I I WM. G. BRYAN, C M. E. . February 1st, 1854. 37 6w -.Ma. EniroB. . .. . . . -. -'. , ' You will confer a favor by published the follow ing ' V' , , ' . . CARD, v WINTEB TRADE, 'if ,1 " 1854 f ' : ' rT,HE subscriber , would respectfully inform . his JL customers, and the public generally, that he continues t receive goods bv almost every arrival from the northern citie. Which enables him to keep histock complete for the . 1 ' j WINTER TRADE. . - ; " They will find on hand at all times a complete as sortment of ? FANCY, STAPLE, FOREIGN j AND DOMESTIC , DRY G0QDS V i BATS, OAPS, BOOTS A Sno.SZ j READY MADE CLOTHING 1 UMBRELLAS, WALKINO CANES, j JEWLERT&c, &c. with every other artiele usually kept in retail dry goOds stores, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. ' - i J. M. F. HARRISON, 1 . . S. Fire Proof Building. 1 y . . Pollok Street WN LOT FOR SALE, , -M .VT IN EQUITY. ' . BY Virtue of a Decree of the Court of Equity for the County of Craven made at the October Term 1853, I shall expose to public sale at the Court House in the 7bwn of Newbern on Monday the 13th day of March next, being the Monday of Craven County Court the following described pro perty situated in the Town of Newbern aforesaid vix : ai part of the Water Front of Lot No. SI an South Front Street containg 78 1-4 feet Front and running South the same breadth to. the Channel of La wsons. Creek, being the same Which was convey ed to Frederick Harget by deed dated the first day Terms, made known oh the day of Safe. . . a ! I ! ' WM. G. BRYAN, CM. EL. .-. Febiuiry 1st, 1854 j ; . ; 1 6 !? NEW MILLINERY GOODS, !;1 .'LATEST AND MOST f ' V: ML ; , : mrs l. Mcdonald, ON Pollok Street, offers to the Public, tbe latest and most fashionable stylas, as well as aosmplete and very carefully selected assortment of all Goods rt her line of business. . ! ' " " She makes all Articles of Ladiei Apparel Prssses, Hats, Talmas, Cloaks, Cardinals Ac Ac, in, the neatest; mamier. and on the. shortest notice. She alsd does Pressing and Dleaching. Her -charges being moderated she fancies that she can, in every fsspsct give : an tire satisiacnon. Newbern, Jan. 24th. 18S4. tl ly LAND SALE IN EQUITY." TY Virtue of a Decree of the Court of Equity for t JLi Craven County made at the October Term 1853- I shall exroe to public sale at the Court House in Newbern on Monday the 13th jday of March next, being the Monday of -Craven ; County Court a certain tract of Land lying and being in the Couhty 4f Craven on the South side of Neuse river in the fork of Sloenmbs Creek, joining the lands of Oweni Chesnut (formerly Spaights) containing 225 acres more or less, it being the property of Eliza D. Rows, . 1 . wm. o. Bryan, c m. h FebrmAry 1st, lt4. r-l M; ft tw LOST! LOST!! THEWbscriber lost, some time dnnng the Utter part of the last year, two promiaory netes, one aKalnsTjbhn BlackweU and J. C. Justice, for f200, dated lt. 1853. payable months after date tb other iurnst Joseph Bhwn and AmosBhem, for $115 dated Janli 1 1853, payable IS manths after date. .Said notes were given tor the hire of negroes. Any person finding -the same, will be suitably rewarded," by ya, turning them to the subscriber. ' L- -WTUr PHILEMON HOLLAND. Jaanary S4th. 1854. . f MEBi NOES, Shawls! Bhuk Silk Velveta,!) Laines Cashmeres, and Black and Coloured Alpaccas, just received from the Northern eUiet hv I - 1. s I A. COHN, A:. LARGE l4or Embrtidenca, consisting o Ladies Cellars, Inside Hdkfa Cufis, Insert rra. Cvabne and Swisa Edginga, can be found r t; -p-1 - ; - -- --- JUST re eivd at A.. COUNTS. Pollpk trea. a beautiful aasorUbeaL of UastlUaa, Cloakt. andVLsettcs; also a baodjnme lot of Ladic French Worked Collars, of the latesi eljlea. Drc.2d.1852. - --I ' N: C; STATE AGRICTH-TRAL S0CTSITL ' A called nestbof tie j?taU Agricultural Society cfNcrih Crel ib will be held ,ia IUleh on PVdatlay C?e ll'Jh cfllarcii pert.' at which &ne i h tcpsdCsi ceaberi cciatrillywiUbe - I order ce ths President , ; 1 NEW ! ABVAmilSEliENTa STATE OF motVTll CAROLINA, .) In ' mvyu xk. vroora, xaecuior O I rKiliicm Ji. IFhitfield,' dee'd. -!.,-.;r"'-r - A.f.v. iv,:;i7,-( Jesso Jackson end 'Elltaboth his wife, John Parker and Ma ry Jan his wife, John G. Da-, yis audr Rachael his wife. Da- Original Bilk fid F. MeKinney and Eliza hisl wife, Henry H. Whitfield John K. Wnitfiild, Lewis . . Whit- field, lancy IL IKhitfield,' aad irniiamlL'IFhitSeld- IT being made satafaetotflr to appear that Hl ry H, Whitfield, one of the defendants n this use is noac intoatutantoT thisStatsl IV is or dered that publication be made in the i !Atlant,". a newspaper published in the town of 1 NeFbern; for six weeks, notifying the said Henry IL Bint field personally to be and appear before the Court of Equity to be held for the County of Lenoir, at after the fourth ifonday or March next then and nere w pieaa, answer or demur to the Complain ans said bill of complaint, or the same will 'bo ta. k -en pr04Ofifeto. mnd heardaeeordmfflv. i mtnk Jobn F. Wpoten, Clerk and ; Master in Equity of uus ioui aay oi reornary, A. 1854 I wuufl jr. wvuiw; C M. K February 22, D. A. 1854. 40 6w I AM READYo Aa now folly prepared jto contract ibr sndmanufac wre any amas ana quanuty or - . Window S&ahJ WINDOW BLINDS,' PANNEL-DOORS, BED Cots, Cradles, Cribs, Wahstands,, Bed' $tead Posts. Taoies nmsneq, ana Table legs, and Comas of all kinds; and in the . Undertaking part of my busU: ness, am prepared tofurnUb Coffins at veiy -short no tice. Persons in the country having, the misfortune' to peed anything of this kind Can let furnished at tht shortest notice, t . I"; METALIC C0FFIKS. 1 .' ' Alwsy on hand,' of all sites snd tnivig the best o 1 workmen, will clean and repair Furniture of all kinda' at short notics. Call and sea Bed Steads as Jow as a 82,5o apiece. 1 1 have also put una fins ; ''I XGRI&TMlLtfC v Parsons can always get arood ortfels of Ifsal and Honv miny in any quantity at my Shop, wbete everything manufactured by me can be bought for less, cash, than in any other shop in the A'tate. Mr motto is : ' , - , , SELL WEAP AND AEEAP OF IK rU I return sincere thanks to my country and town friends for their kind patronage in past times, and hops as I have enlarged my Factory and, am now p repared to do four fold the work I have formerly done, that they will branch out and come np and push me ahead just recollect I . am now read Come on with year orders : . - - 1 ; v j 3PAS0NEP LUMBER j . j' .. of almost all kinds will be kept oa hand and for sate by , t i I ! ; ALONZO Ji WlLtl I Newbern, NJ C, February 23i, 1853. i l ; 40 ly - ONE GROSS.HOOFLAND GERMAN BITTERA 1 .Just received and Selling at - - ' : !.; , ' -I''' ir .-j j : n- y ?? X' W.. CARMER1 PAIN KILLER. . - i; :-. I'M. : A few Gross of Peffy Davis & Son's rain Killer. just reeeived, sale by. direct from the propistors, nCd for. K (CARJER, ; Feb. 22, 1814.; COAL TAn dr STRYCHNINE. As the season has arrived when the abqvc articles are wanted by planters to protect the corn' from the depredations of Crows a supply can La obtained from. GARpEN, CLOVER & FLOWER SEEDS, L The subsiiriber hsi received has niual supply i of the above articles and will be pleased to wait upon those who may wish to purchase ' i ' 1 r i )- -; :.- I. DL505WAY. ! COAL TAB. CO Alj. TAR. A few bbls of Coal Tar on haoxL' afid fot'sele XjL in quantities to suit purchasers by ; ', j Druggist, Feb., 32. 184 l SMALL ?OX. T UAT received bv the subscriber! 9 fresh and reliable VaccineiVirus . J. W. Feb, 22, 1854. rp Bbla Beach Family, Floor. 19 1$ Bbla. Extra' Family Flour. 20 half Bbls. Extra Family Flour. 100 Seks Ground Salt just rcceirsd by S kr . , Mary and for sale by N Ui!,'1 1 MOSES WJARVIS. New Berne, January : I8A4. GENTS. LADIE3 AND CHILDREN'S : 5 1 Boots, Shoes, arid Gslters THE Subscriber begs leave to announce that the JL Schr. Ptapet has just arrived with his Winder a lock 01 uoou) oooesaiMJ uaicers iwxuen are now in Store, opened and ready for sale; 1 I n JiagTlt'UfllBERT HKS . AND CLOAK TK1 GS- Received per late arrivals, I ( I l f - Black snd Colored French Gsloonsv Black and Colored Pointed and Plain Velvets. Black and Colored Worsted Shirt Braids &c k ALSO ArA Wliite all wool Funnels. Fancy colored, all wool Sack FLsnnela &e. EMMET qUTOBERX February, 4 1854. Coeciwnar.te3 Conecltonartes. t J. M. jAGOS TINE, TOULD wsjecifnny Customers fi" generally, that he has lateir retariied from the Northern Cities, with a large a&d earefuDy se lected stock of Goods of every decttioQ xahio Ixae; such as ! . ' ,.-'.: , j. - . 4 : j Citron, Ccrrants, Dates, Preserres,1 end JeiBes of si kusds. Dry5inger, Kckl, Capers. Olives. Psdoss' Saucs Cetsepa. ' - , t (: :" 1 x fresh Peaches. Lobsters, Sardines, Sweet Oil, Cor dials. WineaSyrtrps, SngarCrnsti end Powdered Coaeonuts, Oraches, Lemoca, Armlca. Snieee of all kindy llayearogj. Nuts of every dsseriptiosy Alx : UCCrm 15$ TLt T0T3, - 'PORTER, i : Bs! ktipa ccrsUatly oa fcsnd a frethaacrW .1 xrUzh he wiU tell by the box, st the lowest prlts Ail orcars irom umt Country promptly attended tw a few fcabs CARJfiTR. : ; -: i fc-i : , - i ii - '' 1 ,,, i ! 1 i ' i .1 ;; - 1 NfirbcrztfDtCr Cth, 153, WI7 1 il.'; it 'I v. . Pi ! i a : ;. : . h 1 . . j f . ! I (I: it A) J i il.

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