t .6- ( .-v . - 1 It " f f mm J ... '! I llii'lliiiiiii ::-'" ' - - .-. - I k . -ih -V 1 .r: , T-; v -:.--: 1 r : -;";: " """" f n - . , 4 -1 . : T . : i. ' t ---- I i I ' ' PUBLISHED EVEBlT il3)irESI) AY,; AT 170 OLIABSfPEB. AlTITTril, IU ADVA1TCE. C; C. CLAEK Editor & Proprietor. J. E. 1I00HE, ltisr. VOL. 1; NEWBEKN, NORTH CAROLINA, MARCH 21, 1854. W M L. 1ST0.;43 : I - In -1 i ;! j the AxAyc ; C. CLAKIi. cWilor & Proprictoi, il ublisted fcTery Wednesday morning, (Office on xhe South side lt PoIIMt street,; three doors abore the Sewp Uliice,lbx ; : , I . j i mj b. nooRE ; " ' TckifSv -The " Atlantic" will be publ wbed ' -weeklj, a sheet, contain ins: 24 colunns, bi entirely new : type, and in an improved stvle, for $2 00 per year, if J paid-in advance ; y paid before the expiration of . six months 50; ana (a cv will be toe amount ot all pay uaents made thereafter. ' l 4. it ifcATW OF J1DTKRTISINO : 1 square 1 insertion. ... . 1 ; t' i 2 insertions.. i l -J " .8 ; i: " - 50 cents. . ' 75 " Twelve lines constituting a square. . Arrahflremeat will be made bj r the year or 6 months Vith pwrniaiieot atlTcrttsera, at tbtf 'towssr rossiaxc Having a j new and extensive assortment of Jos f tps, (as good as can be found in the Jjtate,) we are prepared tft execute j '' ' nth IceatriiBiis and despatch ; such as ' handbills, circu- ers, cards, Wanks, books, pamphlets, e'.c, etc. Fi(hj fioMsfioroV vi;t MsJkv's Iktl! Arrivp hisly,u:.xfei r?unilays, by 9 f. M. 3 A 'if. 9 l 34. c " Sxitm.Is. at ' !oi llirn JInil. 4Tnih 1 MvinMilii. via W.-tsIiiuirion an.! Swift 4 K u. ri.i:tv. a 3 A. M. "i u-.si i y s. TIi u i .s 1 tps ;inI. u n 0 l . ,M IV"i:tvs, fI'iJiriav ni! Sa- i ,-.iVi .Nllit.i.fVS. 4.Fi-itit.SiI;tvs all! Frv a at ... - r (J A. jj. . Iitirsilnys and Sa- t If! ,'; . ft- - K':tLS(!i.-kIanr - 9 i M. 1 JM1, T;i Tr ntn atnT vfiy a- , ! , - ... V'iiv-c.s tl N;vlcin next tlav, nv ' o i:v.i'ru i-verv j JfrtMlm;slav, a 3 a. m: IIi ilaiHl :ina-i.vv, Iv 8 f ii. M.- -'J l..iav" JiiaiKi rv I4 n.lav , at t A. san.it lav-. 'Vi - ' - - - 8 r. m 1, ' r ii 'ov'-rv Morula v. at 6 a! ii "itvivs !a I'vcition, same ilav, Lyi- V i. m litivtvs 4 r-nt ih 'V rv J iis!av. at " IU a. xi it Nowln-rii s;!iii- dav,' ly .5, p. m ,5 i iit'M'avs an' MMMavvat y j. u if II- IH ii tV.i,SvaVi!,!'riis t ..-nve I'oIUtlcs- uUUni ii'iiuhiv, aH r ll a arrival from Nv ' cri.raB. rctiitti iVuin SvanstMux in time for - ; 'J. . I ... ... - . . lusul ircMii Liiiitti. iMIin-siiay. in. J.-Hraiii ivut iH sikiii.! iuMn me nine i l -i : a-vi.S 1 Sauaii Pills. ; -;These ."Pills sire eu'. jroly Vej?e!ablf, and r a num. uperi;r Medicine in i he cure of t.il llilliii ' Coin Iainf, Chills iit.l Fever, Ihspepsia, Coslivcness Li rvr S)hijl!i.n:, Jauiulice,. Sick Ileadaclic, Scrofula, Suit HlfUif;Fiver.s ('all kinds, Ijoss of Ajieiile? b- 'stftjrteJ iin . painful MepsiiMuiion, and ail lineriuu. disease.. ::x f ' " ' l .-- "j - As al Female Medicine .he.v act like a charni, 'and u:lien fuken :crrt-dinijf o the directions,! they never fail 1 curt . the nnra; rsses of I'ilcsafter all othcrf reme dl,! Jail. ! !' : , r . . Tliey jinn w lUof1 (jualize the circulation, re t stofe the I ?ver, Kidneys, nd other Secretary Wrpai;s it- iOths r in seiionj aim as an An' .-sitiMoiis rai-Mlr Aleai-. eii' tlley hare no equal. 1'Hoe 'J" cet?is .er box." Also. :J PILLS A reined v for-V.isrh.s, Cold. ' Ifarrh. . rironchiHs LCroiip Whf.opinfj X'oiilt, AthniH, Tnsiltnpt ion,-Ner- Limeade, liyspcpsia, v'ostiveness, rrysipelas, lh i tnrr'-ot' the ..Heart. liilnma'1ion and -Pain in the Che 1 nek-; jrd ide, nd' all diei'ses nrisipr fron? . a tT.&ti yt&ie m 'heSioniHch. :tv,d o relieve theidistr , . diatHetliiif froiii eating too hearty AH)d,iii wf" f.djPyf ectic hbhs. : " AHItAXTKl) T)!Mlt: I'URKLV VEOETABLK. These 1'iTlR. act as an Kxpectorant, Tonic and Aper f t)ne '2 cent-box itievhree times tnerepow- f ure diseases than h one 1 i..r bottle of anJ ,of iy .ot j eT5T i vrups, j tfalsants, or farsap- .iiirh mat was iv:aIe, ind n jsiiuple trial of on!v on box will prove ."Ufrij.nt :rnth. ' ' ;: . , - ftey promote Expeclfiratiow, Loosen thePhlefrm, nd cleifir the f.uncrs and other Secretary Orerana of all tnot bjdj inattef, and there is no( another remedy in tfse Wt-ria Medics capable of inipartmir such lieaJinz1 pro eft ie-tqtlie .iuipH nd Vital Organa. as these -PilU he ' 'it qjire-Tosnvepef's, nroauce a ffooa, regular Appc d strt rirthen the Svstenu ' i ' Tf .' cen s per oox, cnuiniiig ;- uomgs or .Mcui- V?n-HiejAgenfs who xell the -Pills, and get the J'twntn' gratis, giving ftu!l particulars and ftrj.j :f4tes of puree. . ; X niKipdH f th tbove ran.eu ruin arefor sle'i New et?. bv Jn:es W. Ormer, I. iHsoHwav and F.J Iifl "(Wftolto kw n supply o LR M FNt'Eirs VEGLTaRLE PILS. 1, " - AVI ' . .v11J-IlUL.,-CELF!ATF:it PILLS. Kb kU.y tk Cbillj. and Ferr lh first dav. and do f,cf scn-ach.-pent- on the bwels. I I tVlU recency returned from the North, where 1 flclefi i'aits, Oi, Dyet tiffs, G las., Putty, Ac., - olH 1 r haPPJ Jo wait tii .on his customers at the fWand' coruer 1 PtiUok nd Middle-Streets. :V on,rJ:"n'c,e,0,1 br Wni will be found of the best Md L disposed of at the lowest niarkei fc' "y ioth.185 , 1 tf i t; 1 UROIIND TOASTER. UST receved and for sale by .Vv , i ! SAMUEL OLIVER JL SON ewbem, April 27, 1853 i KID GLOVES ! , RS. jmt arrived per Sehr. "HUGITES." BUSINESS CARDS WILLIAM HAY. i House. Sign, oach and Ornamental ok middijc strxxt, ovx door: bsxow tdk post orncat Org 1st, Teacher f Plai-Frte, 5Jflod3oi, Vlolbi, ' " ; -'Y., f ' r.h- Art Jte. ;.. v'T,;'; L .'.:,". . '": ATH.0. 28 tf . . CCTtER'ft WASHINGTOir nOTEX. -, 4 A LXAITDPR MITCHELL, - PKALKRil? I3VSURAIVCE AGEAT AI 'It Coirmip??o,n Morcant. 1 KlTOSSIBKvM MANUFACTURER OF ; TIX. nEEl IRON AND CPPK. WAKES, ANDDEALKR IN Stoves, and J aps nnd Wares, . i ''"'J-.' I i l i - CORNER OK BWilAI) A!fD MIID.E STBEXTS. j i ne door South of the Court House, j SITG REAVES ATTMOKE., ; cnnellor and Attorney at Law. josErn w.jones. ,i Impector of Haal Store i. 0-tf , y , t. j. ijai.u : , Tealer in Foreign nnJ Domestic Hat a aps Sljofs.! Umbrellas, " . - ' I'OLtOK STKXjCT, . Parasols, dVc, :li-"" wriai vtejazan." , m. 33.- KOOMS AT H. G. CUTLER S, WASHINGTON HOTJtL Kcwborn North MavlMlh 1n53 Carolina. . wi'IIARLES C. f CLARK, ! Atiorner ana toimseiior &t JUaw,. CfHit ou I fie suutli Side of rollok. Betweeni Middle and -itanrbrk Streets 11 wb? sub?. szB ' , WILLIAM II. jOLlVER AUCTlbNSEll. l-tf r--.. SAMUEL" OLIVER & SON. j General Commission Merchants, Da iQck and Waich Maker, yV-KKKl e'onstnntly on hinJ, an excellent as- eortiunt of W ATCHES. CLOCK'S. nn.i J J-.l.LR V, ol nil kinds. . All wor k doae lat the sho test notice.and in a wofknian-Jike nianner. . - . r J. WHALE Y. Sign of the Watcli -aven street, Newbernl V -Jt.i rt'tiu i8rr,. . ll. r -' ". ; - - i :. ATTENTIQiSj FA KMEUS ! jl Bargxrins to be Blade; ! ! " J. J?. (ft rtAUIif Avb 1 ' UrfMrd'&t., one dourhqlow the Farmer 'sfnn RESPKUTFfJLLY Informs the Citizens of Newbern and ihejSmi-oundhig. Vouutry, jthat he has Received aud kees. toustan.lv on hand, a new. and excellent : FAMILY ailOCEJlIES, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, (which cunnot be beat with respect to both I'pce and Quality.) j Heady made Clothing Straip (Jwnis, Umhrel U's, hixii, Shcs. irJ iVure, CuUh- -ry, una &jddlery. 1 r Agricultural Implements A d a variety ofother articles, suiable for family and b . ntation use. which he willdisnose of to Cosrnineia 0 , , ne niost' resonable tortus fori cash, or in exchange for Na ral Stores or other I'roduce.! I L 19 6m A Notv Establisliment. . thallE undersigned would respectftilly announce , to M ' the citizens of Craven and the adjoining countrv, w heha! jui chased the itorei corner of Droad and niddle Streeis, formerly occupied by Sauel Blunit T nere ue wu carry on a general Manufacturing ilusi- ess ot ' 1 P Ii 1 , TIN. SHEET IEOH AND 1 lie will also keep' on hand a good, assortment of Cook It is the desire Of the subscriber to establish a rtertaa- nent business in Newbern,' one that cannot fail, if suc cessful, to promote the interest as well of the buyer as the seller, and he therefore wishes every citizen , of "Graven ts call and examine his stock, and satisfy himself that tbe' can purchase at home innumerable articles ?which they have hitherto been accustomed to order ; trom abroad. '- -1- - Mercbants and Pedlars supplied a ew 1 ors whole sale prices. ' -I N. B. Particular attention will be paid to Roofings Guttering, and all kinds. of Jobbing. A i C,A. HART. wewoern, Slay, 10th, 1853. .1 it U0 REWARD. j RANAWAY frohi the subscriber,: sometime in the month of August Jaflt, my negro man, Fred formerly the ipropertv of Win. I Wyse, deceased. I will give th reward to any persoa or Ferson who will conlinC said necro in jail so tliat can get him. And i will give; the further reward of one hundred ' dollars, to Jy person or persons who will furnish sufficient evidence to convict- any one of harlioring said slave. No person will be held responsible, for vny-l injury received by said slave in apprehending him. . Said negro is lurking in the neighborhood of Jaa. S.J Vhite, in Craven County. ,r j ( JAS. .XL . PRITCnET. Brunswick XVC June 15. 1PH ; !-f LIT OTCllfcfcWW Vcrticle water . heels furmshe4 MaQufaoturr prtoet by : -:. "J . ? o ; UEL OLIVER dt SON. SAJLV I SA L.T. 2 ! OXf( Bushels Turki Isllnd Salt, just reeeiv AJUJJ ed direct by ssca. i x ranees, ana or ale by MOSifc TV JARVI3. ing, i-anor ana umce stoves, urates, renders, Fire Irons, Japn-tped Tin of every description, and all ar ticles uu.iil, kept in an establishment of the kind. KORTII CAJiOIJNA MANUFACTURE!. f JOHHgTOir LITTIilVER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. A Supply 'of Cotton Yams, manufactured- by th XIl. sbove lMnpany, will be kept constantjv on nana, and will be furnished to merchants, at Nej York ; SAlftJEL OLIVER A SON, Agents. Newbern, April 27th, 18ft. , - I NOBTH CAROLINA ; IIXTTOAL- i LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY) rIllI COMPANY is now in active find success- JL fulhaperation.' It numliers over 25,00 Policjes and has declared 65 per eent aividends in tlie past three rears. f , ' " I i Whites insured from. 14 to 67 year of ge, ,anJ Slaves from lo to 60. During the past three years the losses of "ibis : Company have amounted to f 66,000, all of which , . r, i ... . . . .. ' i hav been prnnptly paid at maturity.- . H The NpbscrLer having been appointed Agent, of this Company for Newbern and its Vjeinity.is pre- 5 red to receive flpplications on Whites for life or ' a term of years and on Slaves from one to five years the insured in every .case- paying for the tnedical examination of Slaves. r ALEX. MITCHELL. Aeent. Dr. JSD. IF. SMALL WO D, Medical Examiner. July 12th. 185S -10 ly j - ' ' I ' ! ' i j F.TETTEVILLE MUTllL Fire Insurance Conjpany. DIRECTORS. '-; i--. Avon A: Hall, Henry Lilly, ' H. L Myrover, Thosj. S. Lutterloh, John H. Cook, D. Ai Rav, A. Al McXethan, G. McNeill, James McKvle, - J. G. Shepherd -Wm! Warden, S. T. Hawley, j . John iX Williams, C. Benbow, ' Wm. McLandin," Wm-Mclutyre, A: Stedman. ; Nathan j- OFFICERS. V George McNeill,. President. 11. L. Myrover, Vice President. , -, i : . J.. G. Shepherd, Attorney. - I C. A. McMillan, Secretary. THE Above Company is now in success lul operation, and is prepared "to take ap-i proved risks on Dwelling Ileuses, Fur-! niiure, Store, Mercnanaise and on tne most iiivoraoie term's. " ! " ' i' t x Application for Insurance can be made to j . SAUEL OLIVER A SON, Agents.' Newbern, April 27 th, 1853. I t STATE pF NhTII CAROLINA, ) In l Jones County. Equity . George f" X)eDrule and wife, Amos Sheler and wife, ! ' ('." ' I ' v. Daniel Harrison, Execntor of Francis An drews, jilec'dj Daniel HarrisoiJ and Sii3an his wile,! Rachael Andrews, f Catharine White,! John D. Colvert "andLurany h;s I wife. nn? others. HE defendants John D. Colvert and Lurany JL his iwife iiot being: inhabitants of this &tate, and not leing feresented by any Solicitor or At torney in ithis case : It; is ordered that puhKcation be made for thirty days ir the Atlantic a newspaper published: in the town of Newhern,1 notifying' th said John IX tblyert and Lurany his wife that the plaintiltis jin thj Cause will proceed to take the dep ositions of witnesses in this cause to be reail on the hearing thereof at Fryer's bridge, in Pike County, Alabama on the 16th. 17th. and 18th davs of March next. Witnesv' Roscoe iBarrus Clerk of the Court of EquityMor Jones County, this 7th day of Febru ary, A. IX,X1854 ; . I . . 38 30d I ROSCOE BARRIIS, C. M. E VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND ' ; LFdlisALR, r"rIIETract ofj Iand lying between Trent and Pem ; 1. ' broke roads, containing J" acres the property" of Capl. Alexander! Mason is forssale. Any person who wihes to purchase it, can find out the terms bv applv ingto. , I ; JACOB W. JOHNSON. TT CAR A WA NS TRIA L. JUST received the trial of the REV. fJEOROE W. CAR A WAN, 1 BAFTLsT, PREACHER,'- For the M;tr:Ur of -CLEMENT H. I JSITER. Schnolmaxter, j together with a sketch of the Murderer's Life ah the Trngiqal termination of thtftriaL4trs-attempt it presence of the j Court, io shoot one of the Counsel who appeared against him in the Trial, a ml then killintr uiriiself tc tc. j . " : Price 50 cents, call at the Bookstore of r j Wm. G. II ALL. Sth.1854 1 s , 38' t f Feb'ry Valuable Town Property for Sale, j Tin equity. ' l BY Virtue of aT)ecfee of the Court of Equity for Craven Cpiiiatv made at the October Term, 1853, I shall expos to public "Sale at the Court boose, in ! Newborn on Monday the 13th day of Mare next (beinsr the Monday of Ctftyen County Court) th follow ng Lots in the Town of "ewbern late the property of Mary Duguid deceased, viz : part of Ixt Nq. . 21. on thNo.th ide of South Front-street, with the Improvements, situated Ea6t of the dwelling of David ;'W. Dudley. Another part ofitbe Same lt ( West of the dwelling of D-.W, -Dudley,) late the residence of Mary l)uguid dee'd, with improvements. Another part of the game I of. and a-Tjoinina; the last mentioned parcel on the West, with the Improvement. Lot Xo. 2G1 on Broad 5treet (unimproved.) ad pining the l ot of Eveline . M C. Russell. V Terms, 6 and 12. months '.credit, with interest from the date of Sale. Notes with approved securi ty required. ' ! i WM. G. BRYAN, d M.-E. . Kewbern, Feb. 1st, 1854. f 37 6w - LOST! LOST IlE Subscriber lost, some time daring the latter, part of the last year, two promisory notes, one inst John Blactwell and J. C. Justice, for $200, oted 1st, ;8.3, pavabb? 12 montha after date the other against Joseph Rhem and AmsRhem, for $11 S dated J"an. pi 853, payable 12 manthsatter date. Said notes were given for the hire of negroes. Any person finding ths same, will be suitably . rewarded, by re- i turning them tp the subscriber. : . ' ', ; January 24thyiS54. ' , f , , . , . . 3 4w NC; STATE AGRICULTRAL SOCIETY. .A called meeting of the State Agricultural ocietv of Nor h Carolina will be held in Raleigh on Wednesday the 15th o March nest.' at which time it is hoped that the members genncrally will be present. . . ; - ' - -'s-'fv-; ; By order of the President 7 , . . .J. F. i TO JPK1 JSecretarv. . ; ;.:SMAiJ;'TO.t--;;;: JUST reeeitedbv the subscriber a ew scabs 'nf fresh ana reliable .Vaccine Virus;. f 1 . J. IT. VARMER. Feb, 22, I85t - v . WIND OW Ulassand Putty, for sale by-" NEV ADVERTISEMENTS. ' SEED OATS. ' . rpHEibcriDrisIanj expecting 500 bushels. No. JL Cs. Seed Oats, which will be sold on reasonable iem upon arrivaL , ! . WM. P. MOORE, H S. E. Corner, Sonih Front and Middle Streets. Kewbem, February 15. 1&54. i9 1 4 w. NOTICE. . 1 1 T a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Nense 11. Kiver aviga River Navigation tbnipanv. it was resolved that aa asseaantent ot ten per cent bo called for. navable on the 1st orMarch next,beinir the fifth instalment amount inir to forty-five pereent on the Capital Stock called for. "v : ' ' ' r" .' . l ' ' ' : Also, resolved that the Secret ry publish that part of the Charter which relates to delinquent subscribers. Sec. le. lie it further enacted. That if ant Stock holder shall fail to pa.V the Instalment or Instalments . required of him by the President and Directors within one niqntb after the same shall hare been advertized, as aforesaid, in Sec 9, it shall and may be lawful for the President and Directorsr or a majority of them, to f11 at JPub)jc auction a previoua notice of Twenty JZ ' I subscribed for on said torupanr, by such Stockholders, and eonvev the same to the purcliser at said sale, and if said saleofiStock donot produce enough to pav off the expenses of the sale and th entire amount due by such Stockholder to said Company for such subscription of stock, then the President and Directors may recover the balance of theoriirinal proprietor, or assimee. or the Executor or uuiiuisimioror eimeroi innu ov tuii m any uun 01 record having jurisdiction thereof or by a warrant be fore a justice of the County of which he is a resident, and any purchaser of the Stock of the Company under such sale by the President and Directors, ahall be sub ject to the same ule and regulation as the original sub criber, ; V U i E. N. TAYLOR, Secretary. ! Newber, February 15th, 18. . 19 tf v A.Z-Z. . . 1 m. 1 s . w I OCEAN QUEEN. . I i -9 CAPTAIN ANDEKSON. J I Beaufort and- Newfcern I ine, rIliIS large, commodious, and splendidly-finshed JL Packet, will again resume the duties apper taining to her vocation,' and for which she is so well calculated; beginning Tuesday, February the 7th having had such additional accommodations made as are indispensable for the ease ' arid com fort of passengers ; -artd fixtures better suited for the protection of those things damageable by water. Now, if you wish to take-a pleasnnt, pleasurable, and delightful trip to Beaufort-or ewLern, be sure to avail yourself always (when the weaflier is not inclement) : of this I desirable and picturesque' water tour. She will land you safe at either place, cer tain, and.with a favorable wind will beat the stage, at leat four houre. There is no changing or run ning away of Imrses on this Line. I. would eay here, as a hint you know, (snd plainer the bet ter) is necessaiy sometimes that there are no books open, and consequently ho Book-keeper and hence the necessity, and itlie great necessity, and not only soi, but a greats accommodation will, it be, (at least' to the' Captain) if you i- will just hand over the cash as y oik leave the Boat (be fore yduileave will , answer) for freight or pass age,; and -the Captain will thank yomjcindjy, and will always like. Jo. have lyoa' with him, going or5 coming. : j - '-, s Passage $1,50 which is one half stage fare. Children and Servants' half price.4-Freights.4 Bar rels weighing 200 lbs. and over, Wcent and bbls. weighing under: will be never less than 25 cents. O PATENT FIRE PROOF -j SALAMANDER SAFES.! JUST received eeveral.differect sizes. made b Messrs Sterns and Marvin, JSew York. - Al though subjected to the very sev -rest trials as the .various certificates will testify yet "not a Book, nor a paper, noij a dollar worth of proerty was ever lost in one f the above safes." As agent we can furnish anv srze at manufacturers prices. j ; SA'MUEL; OLIVER t SON. Agent. , Newbern, .Feb. 12,1854. j j J UST received and for sale low 10' bbls. 2un min-ton Ground Plaster for manure. 10'hal bbls.1 Heck'ers, self raising Flour, a new. article. .10 half bbls extra family Flour. 10 half bbls. super fine Flour -'. For sale by 1 j. ! 1 ! ALEX. MITCHELL. SALT!SALT! SALTl ' 1 ff( Bushels iST ALT, just received perSchr fj myJJ lone, lrom the H est Indies end for alcbv ! t . WILLIAM 1UNN. 1 . FebruarvSd, 1854.! j ; 38 2w Commercial Ba nk of Wilmington. DIVIDEVD of six per cent, from the profits of the last six months, will be paid to the Stock- rs. of this Hank, on and alier Tuesday, the 14th in- V l., 'tki Dv order of the Board,' February 4th, 1854. iievi 11. Cousins. ! Superior Court of Law, i ; Fall Term, 1853. ! Petition for Divorce. i " v SarKh Cousins Ti this case it is)rlered by the Court that put- M. lication be mrdeNin the North State IFhig, of IPaBhintfton, and in thV Atlantic of Newbern, for, three .months, for the sahlSarah Cousins to appear at the nest term of this Court .to be held for the County of Beaufort, at thepurt Zouse in Ifash-r ingtonon the eighth monday after the fourth moil dav in March next, and plead, ahswef or demur, or judirmeht pro confesso will be entered against her Witn'.-s, Humphreys G. Jollic, Clek of our said Court at Washington, the eighth roonday after the fourth ionday in September, 1853. ! H. G. JOLLIE. Washington, N. Jan. 26,1854. 383 KEW GOODS AND READY MADE CLOTHING. Fall and Winter 153-5 LEWI S PHE LP St; : MERCHANT TAILOR, - 1 citizens of Newbern and the surrounding coun try, that he has just returned from the North with a carefully ael acted assortm ent of , f c i -LOTUS; CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS of the latest and most approve b styles, which be prepared to mske up in the mo fashionable manner, with superior workmanship, and at xhe shortest no tice. V-V " M r ,-. , ' In addition to the above he has purchased an exoel Yent assortment ot : ....... i . READY MAD5 CLOTHING, to which he wonldfcall particular . attention ; eon sisting in part of; v .' Dress Frock, Sack and Oyer Coats, r ' Pants, Vests, Drawers, Quaker Net Shirts, Dress Shirts, Ac, Ac -All of which having been bought low will be soMat corresponding prices. s Newbern, September 28. 18"i3. . . .DR. JOHN PULL'S SARS PARI LL A. A "uly jntt Uttd and selling af Reduetdfr vCA-by J. VT. CARJER. Feb. 221854. GRATES AND FENDERS. .hoTS JUST reeeived at number of Terr fine Parlor and Office .Grates; also Extra FireBrick, Coal Hods, Pokers, fcc, For sals low, by - ; a AktiLCLtviAeoy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RESH GARDEN SEEDS, ", ; JUST receivad. For sale by ;;!.-; . . Tl ILj-- : - I i t. . . P. a DUFFY. " . IllOQFLAD BITTERS. rpiTE genuine article, just received. , For sale bj . & DUFFY. - LAN!) SALE. i ' IN EQUITY. - BY Virtue of a Decree of the Court of Equity Tor Craven Countv I mniU t. th ! I Tomii 1853, t slijM exose to publie sale ' at the Court House - in Newbern on Monday the 13th day ot March? being the Monday of Craven County Court the fo!owipg described tracU or parcelaof Land lying and Ieing iii the t'ounty of (Graven, late the property of Moses Ipoek deceased, viz: One tract situated on the orth side of Bitr Swift Creek and East side of Bear Branch adjoinine the lands of Aionzo i" Jerkins, Charles I pock, containing abowt 56 acres. ' ''..' "'!" .- -"; f-": V One other tract on t le West side of James Swamp and Kortjt $ide of iJigl Swift Creek,! adjoining! thr lands of eirs of Ann! Wright, Alonzo T. Jerkins, and John; ?1 Lane, containing about 40 acres . Oneothe jtract on the North side of Big Swift Creek adtoininc the land of AlexJ Willis and the lands of the heirs of Ann Wriirht containing about 8 acres. Terms made known on the dav of 'sale. WM. G. BRYAN, C. M. E. Fbrua7i lst 1854. Mr. Editor. 1 j '' - ' H II You will confer a favor by published ths follow ing .. : . I .-! .!. WINTER TRADE, V . ! ' " 1854-. - ' rT'HE subscriber would respectfully inform his JL enstomers, and thje public generally, that he Continues f receive goods by almost every arrival from the ijojtliern citi. which enables him to keep his stock Complete for the il ' 1 r tiATER TRADE ... " ' . K j - ' 1 , 1 ' They will "find on hand at all times a complete as 8ortmentf .jj ' AND. domestic; DRYi GOODS I iJIATS, VAPS, BOOTS ce SHO,SX j READY MADE CLOTHING UMElitLLAS, I WALKING CANES, UEWLERY&c. &c. with every other article vanallv lr. nt in rMnil dry- go6d stores, all of which will be sold- on ! the most reasonable terms.! I- i! J. M. F. HARRISON, 1 if Fire Prof Building. ' :'h Pollok Street ! Newbern, N. CL" m WN LOT FOR SALE, IN EQtfrTY. ! J i ,- , B Y Vi irtue of a Decree pf the Court of Fauitv for the County of Craven made at the' October Term 1 853, 1 1 shall expose to public sale at the Court lIouW in, the Toiwn of Newbern on Monday the lath day of March Inext being the Monday of Craven Coluntv Court the following dPMrihl i.-rr. perty situatetl in the Town of Newbern aforesaid viz: a part 01 the w ater r ront of Lot Ko. 81 on r-outh Front Street containg 78 l-4 feet Front and running Sou :h-the same breadth to the Channel of Lawsons Clrejfk, being the same whicbiwas convey ed to Frederick Harget by deed dated- the first day 01 iuanii vsf'? VJ "liiiam 4ennis jr. Terms nade known bn the dav df Sale. WM. G. BRYAN. C M. February 1st, 1854 87 6 . . I LATEST AND ilOST j Mrs. l. Mcdonald, ON Pollok! Street, offers to. the Public, the latest and most fashionable styles, a well as aoomplete and very carefully selected assortment of all Goods in her line of business, i-. . -m ; ; . She makers jail Articles of 'Ladies A ppartl Presses, Hats, Talnias, Cloaks, Cardinals 4c. Ac, in the neatest manner, and on the shortest notice. She also does Pressing and Bleaching, Her ! charges being moderate- sjie fancies that she can, in every respect give entire; satisfaction, j . ( j I ' Wewbernj Jan. 24tn, I8,"4. Z6 ly LAND SALE) IN EQUITY. ! X Y Virtue of a Decree of the Court o F Equity for ID Cray eii County made at the "Oetoler Term 1853, I shall expoe to public sale at the Court ; House ix iwberrt on Monday the l?th day of , March nex, jbeing the Monday of Craven County i Court a certain traet of Land lying and being in the County of praven on the South side of eue river in the fork of Slocunibs? Creek, joining the! lands of Owen Ghesnut (formerly Spaights)! containing 325 acres nore or less, it being the property of Eliza D. Rowe, If iU. st, 185 Trrt G. -BRYAN. C. M. EL 37 ow cbrnar NOTICE: H TPHE subscriber will recspive proposals for draining 1 the Opemf Ground prairie in Carteret County, anttl the fourth day of April .nex All estimates must be pr.ubic Yard- Bond and Security will be Reauired in all eVaesfof a 0ntract , reserving lo my elf the a r.H .w 'VrJi TTTOlf 1 C-V 1 17 en 11. I r 5uperintendant. tb 41th J854. -"."-: : i " ' VARIETY STORE. ! i TO ALL! WHOMi IT MAY CONCERN. JOSEPrieW BAXTE, having some weeka sine parchaa d the entireStock of L, IL MisseUie consisting of DRY GOODS, ! 1 GROCERIES 1 Ffll M INO V T EN SI L 8 , riIady MDE CLOTHING ACv ac takes this Whod of Informing " the Old Custem sr. and Publie fmsraUr, that he will endeavor to "4.-.T-- r.nhn Rkn vlNS. as thev can desire i . mt 1 i.t th m ill all pive him a call before ma vr thfi- nnrrhiiM. u he is oonfidont. ; hs C --j. I . . 1 - ... . . giv.T en tirf satisfaction. j ; j : , : j k . -; , Janu ary J5Ab, 18.4. 1, ? :i ;.; ; , .', t.,: )J- ;V:; i" p Bhl BachV Family Flour. " J, 15s Bbls. Extra Faniily Flonr. 100 Sa:k Ground Salt jui received by Sch XS.'w fnr aale brlt :-- '-.'' -v ' J . ; h: . J- 71 7 J -MOSES W: JARVIS. T!f cfen X : S i Not 4lifno Jaaar? ;S IS54- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. bi'ATE OFNOHTll CAROLINA, I In ' ! i. ? . Lenjjir Countt. - f Eq'ty; "Kua xk. vroom, rjcecutor ox I William 1L Whitfield deed, , 1 .-.--! V9. ' ' Jesse Jackson and Elizabeth his wife John Parker and Ma Ty Jane his wife, John G. Da? vis aud Rachael hts wife, Da vid F. McKin'nev and Eliza bis wife,,IIenry II. Whitfield, John E. IPhitfield, Lewis . IPhit fiehl, Nancy II. HTiitfield, and IPIiliam U. IPhitfield- , Original Lift. I T being made satisfactorily to appear that ITen - ry IL IPhitfield.pne of the defendants ,n -this cause -is not an inhabitant of this State. 1 11 or- tiered that publication be made in the; rAtlant,'' a newspaper pubJihcd m the tow A of I Newbern, for six weeks, notifying the said Henry II. HTiit -field personally to be and appear before the Court of Equity to be held for the tknnty of ! Lenoir,: at the Court House in Kinston, on the third onday after the fourth Monday of March next, then ah4 h ere to plead, answer or demur to the Complain ans said bill of complaint, or the same will be ta lc en fTOQfmfeup, and: heard accordingly.! IHtncM Jobn-F. IPboten, Cerk and Master in Equity of said Court, this 15th day of rebmary, A. !., Ifr54 . !. JOHN F. HDOTEN, C. If. E February 22, D. A.! 1854. - j 1 40 6w - V v - 'j : , I; AM READYj a - I AM now fully prepared to contract for and manuikc -ture any. kindsd quantity of '," t I Window Sash!, WINDOW BLINDS, PANNEL DOORS. BED Cots, Cradle, Cribs, Washstands,, Bed Stead Posts. Tables finished, and Table Legs, and Coffins of all kinds i and in the Undertaknifr part of my btisi. ness,am prepared to furnish dffins at vciv short-notice. Persons in the country having the misfortune to ' need anything of this kind can be furnished at the " shortest notice:-!-' ;-' - " "I .'' I.-' . j M ETA IJC COFPIXS, Alway on hand, of all sizes, and having the best n workmen, will clean and reiTair Furniture of all kindn. at short notice. Call and see Bed Stepfs as low as a $2,50 a piece. I have also put un a fin . ; i f gristmill. ; ' - ; ,: Persons can always rei a good article of JesJ and IIoni : miny in any quantity at my Shoj, where everything manufactured by me cin be bought for loss, cash, than in any other shop in the A'la'te. " - Jfrraotta is SELL fJHEA Pc A .VZ) A JtEAP OF IT. I return sincere thanks"" to my country. and towns friends for their kind patronage in past times, and hop, asT have enlarged my Fact or.v and m now prepared to do four fold the wbrkT haveTormerlv done, that they will branch out and come up and push meaheod just recollect I am now ready Come on with your ordtrs. . : ' SEASONED LUMBER , of almost all kinds will .be kept on hand and for.sals by i ALONZO J.WILLI.V. r Newbern, N. C, February 22d, lSA34 40 lr ONE GR05S HOOFLAND& G ERAAN BirrKR. Just-received and iSelling at - - " J. W. CARMER . k . 1 i- . DruggitL . Feb 22, 1854. .1 . '. ; PAIN KILLER. . " t f - A few Grots of Terry Davis fc iS'on's Pain Kjller. just received, direct from the -pr opictors, and. for sale by- 'i I J. ir. CARiER, ' ' -1 ! Druggitt Teh. 22, 1854. . ' ; ,-':J-' yVii; j ::;, - tOAL TAR Sc STHYCIININE. Astheeason has arrived when the above article! are wanted by planters to protect the corn from the' depredations of Crows a supply can,, be obtained from. L ;J?I505WAYV GARDEN, CLOVER & FLOWER SEEDS The 'subscriber 'has received his ufual-supply of the above articles and will be pleased to wait upon those who may wish to purchase? ,1 - 1 - ' COAL TAR. COAL TAK. - few bbls of Coal Tar on hand, and for ."sale in quantities to suit purchasers, by J - J s j ! Druggist, Feb. 22. 1854. "M" Temale s.chooil ; 'pHE REV. W N, HAWKS, will re-open th L Fe male Department of hi School, at the 0AU Fellow's HnlLf on the 1st of October next ' Termr of tuition as heretofore i , j ! : Higher Enslish Branches, lO per Sewioa. Junior Department, .. 6 " ivnt TC1T ri.;r C1iaa.a trv malJ Tnrl ; i - 01 $ itt?t rT nrpb t SOS. Confectionaries ' Omffawrifyf us ; " . J. M. AGO S T I N Et . ' ""WT,OULD respectfully inform his Customers Vv - generally, that he' he lately returned from the Northern Citi, with a Inrge and carefully se lected stock of GofxU ot efry description nn hi line; such as , . ,; ' .'0 - j Eaisins, rig:s, Prunes,' ( Citron, CurrafthvPats. F'reserre, end Jellies of aV , kinds, Dry Ginger, Pickles, Capers, Olivets Pepper ' Sauce, Catnns. : -.vA .V. v - ' fickle and Brandy Peaches, . fresh Pcaclies, Lobsters, Sardines, Sweet Oil, Cor ( dials. Wines, Syrups, fcfrgar Crust and Powdered ) Coaeonuts, Oranges, Lemons. Apple. Spices of atr kinds, Maecaronir Nuts of evcrj- description. Alee large assortment of y -. 1T00DEX 15D YIS TOTS, r - PORTER. - . Besraxs of DiSbrent Qualities. Tie also keeps eonstanUy en hand "a frfcahessorfr ' mentof - - ' -. 5' - ! :. . Frcneh and Plain Candissf i hieh he will sell bv the box. at the lowest prices t All orders from the Country promptly attended tr Newbern. Lec 6tU. 1853. ; ZO ly GROCEREY AND COMMISSION - HOUSR t . M03E3 W. JARVIS, at bis store wthe OldCcsn i ty Wharf, offers for sale the followi eg articles . York, via:.- . .J " ' ' " s" - : v -:: :r j. .. : ; .-..-.v;" j 10 EarrtU Svperfint ftour, (Eatra.) 10' - ' . ' - 5 Extra Femify F7mr. T 10 12 Barrels Extra Superfine Flwtr 5 Barrel ReJLutd Coffee Sugr, 10 City Men Fork, 10 Bags Rio Coffee, 100 Sacks Liverpool Ctouvd Saltt ' i . Alta, . BUTTS, ETC' ETC - : BJ! c Sir a ia serriee ia the le cad taipneatt , Produce on Coaunissioo; also atorty and wharfage. ' nd receiving and forwarding gcods r4Kmsi3t ti him to be sent up the rivers; to all ef wtltd wUlfjnrt. Ft" Dec f,lft3:Ti I.-' :- 1 vi- -'!:; "V I 1 V i- t it 1.' f ' i - " ? -i t- I r e i: iv 1--' 0 i Kewbern. Jn. 16th.! 18M ,1

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