i- - r j : " : - ; - - - " -'.'-- r ' " - - ; . - . . . . . . . - . . - - -- . - i , v. ' J , . -y. . . . - - v -.- -T 'Immm i i i 'r ' ' ' mi V, n , ' " 444 ! - SJj - - V - i: - ""- ""i;; ' ' ' " ' , 'K'- ttjm - " ""'J,,l ' wi. ' 'n i yiiwimi - -"" im" 4,". 'gaas. '. '; i'iuVihwiH V ' H'i - ' , ''jBni0jtu-''- - -''.",1' : ' : ' - ??sJ'-Typ-"z- . 1 y :r,r;-;'.-"-; '.:.:'-'.'."-' '."-:: r p -pr-. , -:: :. '. i-v . ! .. ; A'". . P r'fSj :-V-y rfe.'"; VV I, XL ' ' " 'y - ' ' - ' ' t i ' r ..." ' ' .. " " -' - . - - - . ' L - - 1 3? UB LI SHE'D E VE n Y. , TT E D HE S D AY," AT T 70 ' D 0 LL All S P EE' !A2I II TJ II; I U ADVANCE. C C. CLARK, Editor?&. Proprietor. III.; H. YEOHAUS; Patlishcr VOL. 1. NEWBERN, NORTH; CAROLINA, APRIL 5, 1854. NO. 45 i ..... -ft r ' . i .... . . , V r - -7- : TUE ATLANTIC CHC. CLAIIK, Editor & Proprietor, 1 r-' ' , . iif1tdlbed ercry Wednedaj morning, (Office on tbe ttoiii side ot i'oliok street,) three door fcbpre tb Xev OILce. bj ' ;- ' :, "... ;;,-'T )'; ii." EOMAfif. j ,r'r Terms. The " Atlantic" will b pnblisbed weekly, on k filicel, containing a4 columns, bv t entirel,)' new n-ilej fcndinfcri inaproTedMvle, for ooper. .vcar, if pid in!adrance ; it paid before the epuauon ol six uobthi 2;5M . and $3 C will be, the amount, of ail pa v!nieiits made tUereatter. ' i ' . - f. . 'I f : ; ;. ' Kateh or Advertising: ; r . '' "t 't: l!8quare 1 maerdon.. i.. '"; : c5' -. ""if'l S' ; jj insert kna,... ...." r- v i:.".: ':. ..-. jH -";;. J t : . ........ .. ...... . f 1 (K : - iWelre lineaoonstitut'npf ttaquare. - , t " : - Arrangement will bo made by tbe year or 6 months with eriuanent advertisers, ; at the , lowest posbiblb y : sn JOB ERINTINGr ifatifflca neir and extensive assortment of Job ,rTPE, (is pood as tan be found in the Stale,) , we - are prefearepl to execute Ml Ev ':x;-'U"5. job n ouii eatness and despatch ; such as handbills, circu- ifds. blabk. ' books, pampnieis, eic. eic. I - - - .' - : Sli j ; Western JIail. ' , " frroikColUsboro', via Mosuley's Hull - and r- WiVss d;nly, except Sundays, ly . ' : ! : iVortlierti ?Saii. 9 V. M. 3 A1. MJ 9 From Plymouth, via .Washiugtou an J Swift 'Arrives TuesdavA, Tluirswlays anfl Sa- tti!-lays, bv Hlays, ly 4 r. m. I'jliriHVh. W ty InesJavs ami i f iuiftyfi at ; -3 A. M. M (rt&ri ucs'h-vrr Tliurswlayf H t ' i t.;l .i , -: .. ' ; saiul S'un- O f. m. vt'S 'lAtcsd a s, Tl u ralyys and Sa- rr tu r Ijt'tivtSundavs, r tlnesciays aiHl hi- A. M. I. M. ami ri'iiiwlnvs. Tliuis!ars ;ml rfa- lUnlav loifu Stt: UbuKl s JK-pot. via 1 ruiton i.iiuk vii.k. -; ; S t ricllan I's Dot r t ve r y !a- turj;i at: -! . - . - . s a M. Anivys at Aculx ni nc .t uay, lv c li?av! K; wIkth;.. y v.: h'J :VtUw lay,. 1. M. at M-l-An i) a. m. 8 1'.. M. 6 A. M. .yrIy.. Li-avtis Uu lilamls evevv bnuuv. at Arrives at- "btricklam ! )pot same - 8 P. M. Loaves Nw!unn every Monday, at 6 a. m. Art ; i . " yes at Trviiti.ii same Jay, by 1 P.M. 10 A. M. . I. M. Leuv i s Tivitn every TiHilav, at Ar ves at 'cvlern siinic uavt b UAJk-uU fnd Miiflays, at 9 v. m. mail I'm Swau.boro. is to K-?ive I'oIIoks- ii sMotulav; aittr the arrival from Isev- m d i u i n frbnr Swanl -oroV in time for ii troni Tieiiton. on Tuesday. J.U-A11 lette.s slfouM be in the offie-c utes iM-toru eJosiiit;, ? lie -hi; i' '! I)i;STIiONG7S Compound Sanative Tills. Pills arc cntirelr cprt'Tjible, and ate a most Medicine in the cuiy ' H liillious' Coni - i supcijior. A : -i. 1 T . - i - . . - T : ( .t. i .... ...... r - 11 . - - , J; ?ir.-4-'Mplaint,- . Jaundicf, Sick Headache, Scrofula, Salt Jlbfijiiiii Fevers of all kinds, Lo?s of AreiUe, Ob ,trucled mu painful :K'nsif.Aion, taid all..Kngcrin? f TjisoiWes.'tl i ''-ft- ','- 'u-.-""f 'X - v :;- V--.: J . AsjFnjale Metikine ,'hey ac4' like a charm, and. j ivheriftaMu nccoiU'm" o ihe directions, they never fail. to cure-. tUe worst rs&es of -Piles, after, all other reme- I - Thcj.v purif w I wk J Ualtze the circulation, re sloreShe i-'y"er,v KidjicyM, iid oiher Secretary Organs to uilK.iS action; tind ilk an Antf-BiU'tous Farvily Mcdi- cTp tb v have no equal. Price 25 cents per box. j A lso, . i i - ....... KrSTUOX(r8 P E( T( )1 i A L "5T h C II for i Cpuhs,' C!ds, ('tarrh, .Itronchitia rouji Wlrtf )jing; Cqugh, Asthma, .'Consumption, Xe; oiis DisejW, Dyspepsia, vonnvenej-s,. hnupclfls, I) ' n'fe of ib"ei!'irt-;Ir;U'itMii v,th ,Ytv. in -he Che1 is II--L- atitl-il(. iaiid sill iist!n!es pi iinc: fro.u nT??l stntdof 'Ihe Stomach, and to relieve the tjistr i a ,.-na biji ..leelimrjrom cam:g um neany wwNm ws nd Divcti(C habits. rf , . .,; ; .';! f eak WAjin.vxTni) t() un pui:lv vegetarle.v J - These. I'iljs act as an Kxpectoiant, Tcnic and - Aper. Vtjtl : '."'One eeui box irfeeA "hree tiiiien nierepow- sv.o cure i:iK"nes than- a oi.e a ur, oouie or wi t Fie" Sfius, lials!ims, or Savsiip iilhiS: that , was ever hiadc.'Und simple trial of only on box will, prove this important truth. ' ': : '.,'' V . , The4 nroiMote -Exnect oration, -. loosen the Phlegm, and clear the! Lungs and ther Secretary Organs of 1 noibi(j njatter, and there is-not anoiuer remear in ine ilateriii Miedica capable of imparting such .1 healing pro perties! tohe SLungs and Vital Organs, as the:e Pills. 1'hey Vire Cojriyeness, produce a good, regular Appe iteand strengthen the System. , ' VPrice 2 cents per box, containing ? doses of Mcdi eiiie. . v i )!. ', -,,X:- -.:. -. YT - Call bn the. 'Agents who sell the PHls, and get the I'btntet ' Miriamte gbatis, giving full particulars and certificates of cures... - : , .1 - . . Bothi kinds of the above named Pills . are fofc sale in Kew berni by James W. Camier, IDisosway and F.3. JJiifly jjwhoalso keep asnpplv of " : ? pit: SPENCER'S VGET4ABJJ: PILS. ; u ' - f!-'4- t -!)- - : -PR. JIULL'S riIELF131 1 ATED PILLS. whtch'stop theChilla and Fever the first day, and do UA Mcken the stomach or operate on thebowehu "AVINO recently returned from the North, where I.- . -y : ' i ... i I ; ' : y : ""f . I i i 1 m,!,' ii iiii,''vini'ui' mi ii 1 1 ::Ltl" Vl1,lti'lJli,wj!ij)t.rH'.-.-' :!; I . - - - J ---. - . 1 l j- .T vwiiuicn; lueui Illicit I' Jedicmjps, Paints, Oils, Dyestufis, Glass; Putty, &6.r - " ,c: ul.be happy to wait upon, his customers at the V tand, corner of, Poliok and Middle-Streets. , i fcvery article sold by ,him wfll be found of the best "aaiity and "will be' disposed of at the lowest market V- ; : yewbera, May 10th 1853. - . ; ,t . . . 1 .tf U J ? GROUND PLASTER ' JUST; receved and for sale by ' H - f SAMUEL OLIVER & SON.' ewkarn, April 27, 1 P58 BUSINESS CAHDS WILLTAM HAY, v IIoTiEe, Sin, oaclv and Ornamental OS MID1IJE STREET. sOXE DOOR BEtOW TBI BlSt OfFICB K ,PpLK, OiaalstTMfher or PUBO-Fcrte, Me!dlcn, VIIb, I" " AT n. O. CTTt.ER8 VAfmiWOTW nOTlO. 28 ?f : P n p't ? (r e rr; ? - - "I..- ! , 21 u AOk U riiiit OF TIA, HULL I IkuA Ilk l UiVk'EH W ACES.' t AlDAJ.Jli IN ' ' ,' -" ' Stoves, and Japaiiiied Wares, tOUMK CK B&OAU AXlt HWULE STREETS. ' ' One door boutb of the Court House, 1 03 blTG REAVES ATTM ORE. oansellor anfl Attorney at Law, 4 JOSEPH W.JONES, - j Inspector of Kaval Stores, 1 9f 1 !NI0 1- T. L. HALL, Dealer in Foreifijri and Domestic ' ! ' riats, Caps, Shoes. iUmtxienas, Parasols, &c, Pollok Street, i 1-1 y KOOMS AT II. G. CUTLEK'iJ, WASHINGTON HOTEL, Newborn North Carolina.! Mav24th ...... S-12m ' I , CHARLES C CLARK. .1 , Atrarney and-iConasellor at Law, Jflkf ou the sontli Side cfi Pollok, CitMeeu Middle aiid llanroffc WILLIAM H. OLIVER- AUCTIONEER. 14f i - SAMUEL OLIVER & SON, i General Commission Merchants, ' JONATHAN I V HALEY. Clock and Watch Maker; f" KFFlS constantly on hand, an excellent as- soittnent ot VV AIOiLS. CLUCKS, and JFELRV, of nil kin Is. All work done at the '-shortest notiee,and. in a vvorkman-like manner. ' J. WIIALEY. Jijjn lot the Watch, "aven street,.ewbem. niulyl-IOtlu. 1S5S.; ATTENTION IfARMEKS I -; Bargains: to bo Mado. BARUOW, i - i - - i j . J. I. G. BAIU'OW, t J Tfff'U i i r j j-.Jt 1 ordf iSJ.. ove,doot tchno the ; Farmer a Jfin ESPECTFULLY Inform the Citizens of Newborn itM'i-.tjTr uiiWV intorms and. 1 he SniroundinvT Cpnutry, that he has received and keeps couslan;l v ovt baud, a new and excellent vj.,.l- ck. . I i 1 ...... .,...,. FAMILY GROCERIES. Foreign ard Domestic Drv Goods, (which cannot be beat with respect to boihPriceand Quality. ! ; , r; litadij mitde Clothibfj Straw Goods. VnibreU : , Boots, Shoe, Hard- Vare, Cuttle- ; , r, and Saddlery. 1 J , I AgricTiltTirar Ipplements j d a. variety of other arficles sni'able for f amilv and t ntation nse which he -will dispose of to Customeis o i the most resonable ti ms for cash, or in exchange for Naval Stores or other Produce. '" i ' -Ncwbena, SepL 13th," 185S. 1 - 19 6m ' " . ' : . - , I. . I . .' i : fv 'A New E$tabiis!mentl i thallE undersigned wotild resrectfullv announce tn M the citizen.- of Craven and the adjoining eountrv. ...... . I I .u t.J j 'I t vr he has pui chased the Sove, coi ner of Broad and ni die Streets, -tormerlyj occupied by SumuH BUmm, here he will carry on n. general Manufacturing Busi ness of -". : " -. .--:.vM u-Vf- tr;?;; '':' ' " - V ' 1 7 .: : TUT, SHEET IE0H : He will also keep on band a good assortment of Cook ing, Parlor and -Office Stoves,! Grates, Fenders, Fire Irons, J.-.ppaned Tinr of every idescription, and all ar ticles usually kept in an establishment of the kind.' . y It is the desire of the subscriber to establish a perma nent business in Newbern, on$ that cannot fail, if suc cessful, to promote the interest! as wfell of the buyer as the seller, and he therefore wishes every citiren of Craven to call and examine his stock, and satisfy himself that they can ; purchase al home innumerable articles which they have hitherto been accustomed; to order from abroad. l.j . ' H; :-.ir., '.. ., Merchants and Pedlars supplied at .ew brr whole aale prices. , ' rn ?- . .-- -il--i- ..wf.r, ii N. U- Particular attention ivill be paid to Roofing, Guttering,' and all kinds of Jobbing. ' r; ' . ' 'b'iV-.'r C A. .HART. V eTrern May, 10th..lg.3. s j -y j . J. lj- r r. el- y v i ob ; teTOtBD. -s: & y ;- RANAWA Y from the iubscribw-i someticB in theluonth of . August lar.t, 'y. negro man, F red- former! v the tirobertV f Vr no. . Wvae. eeease. r will give the, reward to any person or r?rson po wui connne snia, negro in jau -bo uiai can get bim. .And IkUI fetlutfjirther reward of oupffdred dollars, to, any person or persons Avhd eAirnisli stifficieht evidence to convict any 'diesof bArboringVaid slave, j : Ko person will be held responsible . for ' any injory received by said Blave in apprehending him. Said negroes lurking in the neighborhood of Jas. S. WTbite, in Craven County.';; ;y. ' .'. : - ; jas. u pritciiet. U Bmm wicV CoJune 1 5, : 1 $S3 - 7-tr HOTjCUIKKKV.Vcrticle yater"heels farnhhe4 r Manufacturer prices by . . . I . SAMUEL OLIVER & SON. ! .. : . . ... I', .... - At XORTli CAROLIJf A, MAHUFACmJRE. , "J0HHST01T LITTLE RIVES MAN U FA CTUMN G COMPANY. A Sopply'pf Cotton-Yarns, mannfioctured by tha "above Comnanr. will be kept constantly on baud, land will be furui&hed to merchants, at New York pnces,bv - - - SAMCJEL OLIVER & SON, Apenta. . Newbern, April 27tb, 1853. :1 . ' ' NORTH CAROLINA, T" life iNsuii mm :compa Y; fHIS COMPAiSY is now in active and nuceess-JL-ful operation. It numbers over 25,00 Policies and lias declared 05 percent dividends in tlie past three years. . -v. ? . ' :j . Whites iiwnml from 14 to 67 years "of age, and Slaves from 10 tqOO. - ; . J -fD.uring the past three "years the losses of this Company have amounted to $66,000, all of which haAe been prormptly paid at maturity. .j :i ' , The Subscriber having been appointed Agent of this Company for Is'ewbern and its Vicinity, ispre- ared to receive ' applications on Whites for life or a term of years and on Slaves froni one to ! five ye.nr te insured in every case. paying for the medical examination of Slaves. ' i(t . " " ALEX. MlTCnELU Agent. ' Dr. ED. F. SilALLWDOD, 'Medical Examiner.' July 12th, 1853. 10 Ij F.YETTEVILLE 3IITIAL j Fire Insurance Company. ; DIRECTORS. Henry Lilly, A von A. Hall, , J.'G. Shepherd Wm. Warden, S. T. Hawley, -John D. Williams, C. benbqav, Wm. Mcandin, AVm- 'Mp.Tiitvrp. II. L. Myrover, Thos. S. Lotterloh, John 11. Cook, D. A Ray, .. A. A. McKethan, G. McNeill, James Mclvvle, : iNajLtian A. i teaman. OFFICERS. -George McNeill, President. H. L. Myrover, Vice President. J.j-O. Shepherd, Attorney.. C; A. McMillan, Secretary. t. .'. . j --t . ,TIIE Above Company is now in success- ful operation, and is prepared to take ap proved risks : on Dwelling Houses, Fur- niture, Store, JJiercuanuise ana on ine mosi luvorauie terms. . -.iii, -i'."- y :.; Application for Insurance can be made to ! T SAUEL OLIVER & SON, Agents. ' Newbern, April 27th. 1853. : - - 1 t ; , VALUABLE TRACT W LAND i 4 f FOR SA LE. THE Tract of Iand lying between Trent and Pem bi oke roads, containing acres the property of Capt. Alexander Mason Ls for sale. Any peiion vho wishes to purchase it, can find out the terms bv applv in? Uy . . JACOB W.JOHNSON. . . . . 1 . A . V 1 CAIiA WAN'S TRIAL. . .. JC3T received the trial oftiie . REV.U.'EORGE V. CAR AW AN, -I- f BAPTIST PREACHER, y yt For 'the Murde r fCL EMENT II. LA S ' SITER. Schoolmaster, j together with a sketch of the Murderer's . life and the Tragical termination of the trial, his attempt if presence of the Court, to shoot one of the Counsel -who appeared against hinYin the Trial, a nd then killing himself Ac te. ' :.' Price 50 cents, call at the Bookstore of . x -" ."!'":' ' ."-. ' : Wm.' G ALL. ' F eb'iy Etli,Ifc;4 -II 38 It f NEW MILLINERY GOODS. y LATEST AN b MOST mi . i ; 3irs. l. McDonald, ON Poliok, Street, otfers to the Public, the latest and most fashionable styles, as well as aoomplete and very carefully selected! assortment of all Goods in her line of business. ' ' - - She makes all Articles of Ladies A ppar l Presses, Hat.' Tahiias, Cloaks, 'Cardinal Ac. Ac., in the neatest niaiiuer, aiid on the shortest notice. She also does Pressing and Bleaching.; Her charges being w-odera.e she! fancies that she can, in every, respect give entire satisfaction. . " .-j ;. Newbern, Jam. '24th. -1854. . y "6 ly ' 51a.' Editor. ; ', t ' ; - You will confer a favor by published th follow ing CARD. y v WINTER TRADE, : ; -'.- ' y 1854 - :- lIIE subscriber would Jtespeeifv.lly inform .sLis ' J- -customers,, and the pubnc geneniily, that (he continues t receive 'goods by almost ,every arrival from the northern citie?, which enabled him to keep his stock complete for the i i ' WINTER TRADE. ! -r , f t . Tli ey will find on .hand at all times a complete 'as- sortment ot i . - ; , FANCY. STAPLE, FOREIGN: . : ,' ANU DOMESTIC . ' ; V dry goods; ; HA 7, CAT'S, BOOTS &t STlOSE ' READY MADE CLOTHING i , rVMBRELLASt WALKING CANES, JEWLERY&C&C with every otlier artide usually kept in retail dry goods stores, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. J. ALF.'IL4RRL:ON, . j Fire Proof Building. . " . i .Poliok Street. I " : '' : i' ' "' '. " ' .; Ne-wbern, i. CL -i DAVIS'S C ANAtf A u PROLIFIC CORN. For sale by " - ' '" ' ' - - - i . y-.y; -. f I SA JHEL OLIVER fcySONv ; "y:ky NOT I CB ry - - p; THE subscriber will receive proposals for draining the Opem Ground prairie in Crteret County, until theftmrth day of -April .'next. All estimates in usi be per. Cubic Yard. Bond and Security will be Required in all cases of v C&ntr ict , reservipg to my -rif the right to Reject. jv. . .: ( .;'., a -1-:J yJy'--y:i : :-J$OXAS MARSHAL,! v y?; V'T i. vVvVi'-- '?v": iuprintendaitt,! -H ? ftjMT b" '4lth.mZ4- "J; ' --y &r; u -2. TVT : a STATEGRrctriJTRAI SO?IETY.i--XX . A called meeting oT.the State Ancnlturkl iSocietyjof Korth Carolina will le held m Raleif h on Bednesday the 15th 6f March next; at ' whichn ume it is nopea mat tue memoers gennerauy will be present. , ;; y : "; ' -y f ; v ' ' 'By order of the President ' r ' '! ' ' - J. F. TOJPKIiiSi JSecretary.l t SMALL POX. ; JUST rccei ed by the subsribcr a 'ew. e cabs of fresh and reliable Vaccina Virus. . ' - ... . -, . jjr.-CARJfffIL r Feb, 22. 185 '. . ' INDOW Glass and Puttv. for sale bv i -IT . S. DDTTY ,; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .-"aSSED"- OATS. '; , THE Subscriber is daily expecting 500 bushels No. Ca, Seed Oats, which will be sold on . reasonable tern s npon arrivaL ' - i . WM. P. MOORE, S. K. Corner, South Front and Middle Streets. Newbern, February 15, 1854. 39 : 4 w. NOTICE. A T a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Nise XA Rif er Navigation Company, it was resolved Jhat an assessment ol ten per cent be called fr,payabte n the 1st Oi March next.beinff theJifth iratalment snmnnt ingto forty-five per cent on fhe Capital ittock i'calkdi Also, resolved that the Secretary publish - that part of the Charter which relates to delinquent subscribers. Sec 10. IV it further enacted, That if any Sloelr holder shall fail to pay the Instalment or Instalments required of him bv the President and Directors 'within one month after the same shall have been advertized, as aforesaid, in Sec 9, it shall and raav be lawful for the President and Directors, or a majorlt v of them, to sell at public auction, on a previous notice of Twenty days, for Cash, all the S ock subscrib d for 'in i said. Company, by such Stockholders, and convev the same to the purchaser at said sale, and if said sale of Stock do not produce enough to pay off the expenses of the sale and the entire amount due by such Stockholder to said Company for such subscription of stock, then the President and Directors may recover the balance of the origiual proprietor, or assignee, or the Executor or administrator or either of them bv suit in any Court ot record hayingjurisdiction thereof or bv a warrant be fore a justice of the County of which 1 is a resident, and any purchaser ot the Stock of the Company under such sale by .the President and Directors, shall be sub ject to the same nile and regulation as the original sub criber. .: ; h"1' f ' "'"; ' y R N. TAYLOR, Secretary. ! . Newber", February lf.th, 1854. ! ' g9 !tf I AM READY. I AM now fully prepared to contract for and manufac ture any kinds and quantity of I . i Window Sash, WINDOW BLINDS, PANNEL DOORS, BED Cots, CVadles, Cribs, Washstands,, lied Stead Posts,' Tables finished,, and Table Lept, and Coffins of all kinds ; and in the Undertaking part of my busi ness, am prepared to furnish Coffins at veiy short no tice. Persons in the country having the misfortune -to need anything of this kind can be furnished at the shortest notice. . j METALIC COFFIXS, i Alway on hand,f of all sizes,-and having the best o workmen, will clean and repair Furniture of all kinds, at short notice. Call and see Bed Steads as low as a $2,50 a piece. -1 have also put iin a fine j GRISTMILL. Persons can always get a good article of 1eal and ITom miny in any qnanlity at my i Shop, vrheie everything manufactured by me can be bought fiir less, cash, than in any other shorwin the -S'late. My motto is j SELL CttEA P A Nl A ILEA P OF IT. 1 i I return ' sincere thanks to my country and town friends for their kind patronage in 'past times, and hope as I hare enlarged my Factory and am'.-now pr epared to do four fold the work I have formerly dShe that they will brarch out and come up and push me ahead just recollect I am now ready Come on with your ordtrs. .?if':-- 'slSASONEDUMBER- of almost all kinds will .be kept on hand and for sale by ; ' AL0NZ0 J. WILLIS', i Newbern, N. C, February 22d, 18537 ; ! ; 40 ly GEORGE BISHOP. Newbern; N. C. y DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER OF CABINET FU'Jt N ITU RE, -SUCH AS- L T) FDSTEAPS Tables. Chairs, j BYirenus, Side ; JL-bosrd8 Poek-cases W rif mg desks, Sofas, afes. Wash and Worktands, looking: G!asses Pietnr'' frames Looking Glass plates f c. te. : Joss on &'traw Afatrrsses. Old Furniture I leaned an repaired to look as well as new. i- ' " WINDOW SASH, i :-y ! y ' i ,',: . .: " - - ' ' i-A'-r BLINDS AND PANEL DOORS ; of a Superior quality kept const.intlv o-n hand and made to order at short notice as cheap as can be bought in the ite, (or jperthnpe cheaper.) ? i. UNDERTAKING. I ! . t in this br.inch ef his business he will spare neither pains ' nor expense in giving entire satisfaction to those who. may f needs his services (offins for t,he Country made at short notice,) . ';' 1 .! .All kinds of seasoned Lumber kept onthand and for sale low; such n RosewooJ, Aahoganyj Cherrv, aim t,J optua ,ni;a I ire, y J.firi.fti n ; f 1 y ; WANTED IMMEDIATELY. V FIFTEEN-or twenty likely young negro men, for whom good prices will l e given by ! j Newbern. Jarch 28th. 1854: . 44; tf Levi II. Co tisius, ) Superior Court of Law, v - , V . . 1-all 1 enn, io.i. r Sarnh Consins. Petition for Divorce. rN this e-ise it is onlred by the Court that ;pul lic.ution be innle in the Nortii i-t:ite lFhir,1 of H ashmton, ami in the Atlantic of .Newbern, for three months, for th sai l Surah Cousins to aprpear at the next term of this Court to be held for the County of Beaufort at the Court o use in JFaah ingtonon the" eighth ' mohday after the fouitli mon dav in March next, and plead, answer or demur,' or judnnent pro eonfessu will be entered against her Witn?s, ihimphrys G. Jol He, Clerk ol our$said Court at Washinirton, the eightlmnonday after the fourth Jonday in fce? teiuLT, 1S53. I S ! . ;i -ry.y.:-y-:.y-;'-- I -:Pt ii. g. jollie. .- !-WasIiiiigfon. N. C Jan. 26,1854: 38 3 NEW GOODS AlVD READY MADE CtOTinXG. Fall and Winter 153-54 LEWIS, PJIELPS, , MERCHANT TAILOR, , RESPECTFULLY informs bis old customers, the citizens of .Newbern and the surrounding coon try, that he has just returned front the North with a carefully selected assortm ent of , CLOTHS, CASSIMEUESND VESTINCS of the latest "and! most approved styles, which he jS prepared to make np in Ine too t fashionable manner, witn superior workmanship, and at tbe shortest no tice. . " y In addition to the above h? has purchased! excel-, eh assortment ot H - - ; ;$EADY VLhVZ CLOnfLNG, ; to rfaicfa he would call particular. . attention ; . con sisting in part of j V"' - "-J- ' " 'i ' " , , Dress. Frock; Sack and Over Coats, ., ? . --Pants, Tests, Drawers, ' ' - . -V -Quaker Net Shirts, Dress Shirts, it, Ac. A All of whicn, having been bought low wUl sold at corresponding prices. . ; j . . Newbern, September 23. 1??3. , DRTJOUN HULL'S SARSPARILL"A., -A ; vt Tlj ivt atiittd and selling a EeduaJpr : ; - . -.. ,.-r'jJW. CARJER. - Feb. 22, 1854.- ' - ; "grates and FENDERS. ' JTJST received ! a number of Terr fine Parlor and Office Grates falso-EItra Fire "Bride, Coal Uoc, Pokers, For eale low, by - r . - -'V-': ! ' SAHUiTLOUVES &so NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. FOR the removal and permament cure of alldis eases arising from an impure state of th B!ood, or habit of Uie system, just at hand an for sale by LDISOSIFAY. Jarch 22d, 1854. BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. I Bellows, Vices, Medges and Hammers, Screw Plater, Stoclsand Dies, Anvils, Files tcH just received and ior saieoy SAirtJEI, OLIVER A. STJN. .; ; IM POR 7 A Af r TO AI I LL O VVKEIiS. Je Janneiis Patent machine. The above Smut 1achine received the first premium at the North f;aritia 5tate Fair. It h is stoo I the test of : six fif tii an 1 fro n the perfection of its f perfor 'nance and 1 ir.ibility is reo n nen lei, as tlie best Jachine in use. ' Jbrethan 700 of them aret now running in this State. 'Fvr'Sxe at AT. laufactnrer 's Drieee n-v ' ' ' " I -' SAMUEL OLIVER k SON, -- ! !. . V ... . , Agents. : Newkern N . C. . ' . "' L- Boarding and Day School i Newbern N. C. . : . f,.; REvl WILLI N. IIAWJS: Principal. A. F. BATJDRY, Professor' of French JOHN F JUNIF. PicWrof Jluric. Tuition per. Aession of five months. ' i In Lnghsh Branches . i ji f 12.O0, ". ,' ,- " ioaraana Washing, Instructions in French :'!;' v ' " r " Music . " . 75,00 12,00 2(,M) Tnere is a Junior department attached to th is school uuuer iueeujervisioni ine rnncilai. - iuitiotl per Session in this Departmeu tin English branches 6,oo Newbern, Feb 2. th 184. : 40 . 4 NEWBERN FFvMALE SEINARyT" j jMRS. MARY Lf FINCIlj Principal. s riIIE exercises of this Institution will be lesum : X ed on tMe 1st of October next. Primary English-Branches, f 10.00 Higher English ) ! 12.00 Ancient Languages, ' ; ' IOlOO French, f ' ''"! 12.00 Music land use Instruments, . 23.00 Newbern. Jirch 8th. 1 854. I BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL fruit vsvm mizSy- ' NfiVBERV, N. C, yJi V'111 J-KSSION. 1 I WM H.MAYHEW, PrincipaL ELIZABETH 3IAYI1EW, Assistant. . A. F. BubRY, Teacher of Fkexch j E. POLK, Teacher of JusickJ Tuition in English, per Session of five I . months, f ' 1 ' . $12.00 Tnitioa in En gisli, I onrd and wrfhing, ! ji .1 : t t i n. per Session of; live months, payable in ad- ynnceyy;; J..0y-;- -: - :f' :yy u Instruction in 51u.-ick, per Session,; . Instrnctidn m French, per Session, 75.00 20.00 1 2.00' The fc-ehool tinder, theiiew arrcn2:emet:t IHI liam II. Jaybew as iri.i ;i,) . assisted by Jrs Jayhew in the Domestic management of tlie Board ing Scholars, willj.be oj ened for the reception ol Boarding and- Day Scholars on IKetlnesday the first day of March next. . ' i t . .' - Miss E. Jnyhvw n not commence her duties in ' the School untiPJune next. y-, : This School having acquired a high and firm re putation under, Jiss joore's system of manage ment, wjll be conducted under the same system of discipline i and instruction as heretofore, so far as the change, of circumstances admits." ! i : J . . The Teiichere of French and Musick in tliis School, having some hours jat their disposal,"' will be happy o receive a tew private purils. STATE OF NORTH v AUOL1NA, l - In? Lknoir Coitmt, f Etjty. Joseph R. Croom, Executor of irUIiam IL: Uliitfield, dee'd, - v. ' Jesse Jackson and Elizabeth his wife, John Parker and Ma-; ry Jane his wife, John G.' Da. vis and .Rachael his wife, Da vid F: McKinney and Eliza his wife, Henry 1 1. Whitfield, John . IFliitfield, Lewis . IFhit fleld, Nancy ?H. RTiitf eld, land BT.liam 11, ilFhitfield- ; Original Bill. JT: being made satisfactorily to appear that Hen ry II. JFhitfield, one of the delendnts n this cause is not an inliabitant of this Slate. It is or dered that publication be made in the "Atlant,' a newspaper published in the . town of Newbern, lor six weeks, notifying the saiiKHenry I Li IFhii. field personally .to be and appear before the CouiX- to be ami apper oeioretne youn j ield for the tJonntv of ' ienoir, A ; in! Kinstonbn the third Jonda j Jondav of7 March next, then an j of F-quity to le u the Court House after the fourth Mojx h i, t. nll. ahsWer or demnr to the CWniJain OH liui VI vviuj'i.iiyu v lilt piii; j i . t i - i ' f i ttr; K2i nrwww), ana neani neeoniingiy. iiw" Jcn F. IFooten. Clerk and Master, m Equity f eaid Court, this 15th day of February. A. It, 1854 I JOHN F. IFOOTE'N. C. JL E, February 22. D. !A. I95L 4t w L TEN koLLA US: REWARD. : A Brovii olorel Horse, about tlit years o'd, a pacer and works 5ft arness,' was left sicli on Neusc Bond about one mi'efrom Newbern, at 7en. II. GCni er's P abtation on Monday aftenioon "astand during the for owing night or next morn mgC strayeil away, r - - y : Tlie above reward wil 1-e paid to the finder on the -delivery of the said Horse to Mr. E. Co bert in Newfcern..- .- .'.!" ji " -t - . A. CORN. ' . March 22d, 1854. ; - i - " : ! xs JUST RECEIVED. . AT J. IP. Baxter's' variety store c fine lot o ?l i- in b1. anl'hif bb ; aso bnckwhreat.f a fine snppy Butter' Cheese, rmoked herrings, Irish .Potit'?2 ial i fiiaot of niw Bci, for sae at the store recently occupied by L. II. Jissillier. - -. - j--' - AMES Long and short handled Spades and Shovels long and short; handled Forks, Planter's Cist steel and iron Hoes, Log chains, jnst received and foi raby i . : S. OLIVER A SON. TO ALL WnOKf-JT MAY CONCERN. 1 OSEPnW. BAXTER, ; having some weeks, sina i fj i purcias d , the entire Stock ofr L,lL'. Missellie consisting of '.-' ' 5'--" : - - .-- ".'. - - Si FARMINfi IVTEKRILRiy 4 . READYMADE CLOTHING fl, AC., y i takes thi method of inforiidng the Old , Custom ersJ" and Pnblie rn-rallv that. he wilLendeavor to give them as GOOD BAB GAINS, as they can desire Me iruis, tnat tney wu au give nim a can ueioreuut kiner tbeir nnrehases. as ' he is confident, he can give cadre satisfaction; r -Janasry 2illh. 18 4. ' ,.""""'.' .NOTfCiTOCORN PLANTER 3: 'k t -ySMyry r ' t-akdc--v-.;-vv:;v--4'' 'v' FARMERS IN GENERLs THE Subscriber wi?i pta-cfease, ary quantity, of clean; dry, sRp shuck. Persoo? harbJg the arti cle to dispose of will apply at Ids chl stand, corner Afiddle aitd Johnafon streea, t ,.- - 1 v. - ; ., j. nuNRY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.1 , NOTICE! , .' The Public is hereby notified, that GEORGE NANCE has left my eirploy. All persons are hereby lorewarned not to trust him on my account, as I shall not pay any debts ho ny contract. TbcT are also foi bid to employ him, on t.y account, as I ehall hold them responsible. 1 ' - ' - . ' 1 W. H, JONES. 1 " " x Newbern, March 20th, 1 $54. " 44 tf --:':';;; ? ; notice; : :i.v;y.y ": -; V rpiIE Subscriber at the March Term of (TicCor.rt , JL- of Pleas an! Quarter Sessions of the County of Craven having qualified as Executor of-tlie Last Wi 1: ami testment'of J. I furan4. deceased, hereby gives nbtiee to all persons indebted to said Estate to make immediate payment, and 'all 'ha v ing claims against aid estate are rcnfstud to pre sent them projjerly authenticated wit Liu Hie time presenbed by law, or thi notico will be plead ia bar of their recovery. , i - y.- i I 4- '! y ; JOHN D. FLANNER, iirWry Newbern, March 13th, 1854. y , ,44 2ur NOTICE! rmiEIIE will be sold on Thcrs.iav th fth X April next, on South Front Stfeet, a Vu.lr.ahle Turpentine Distillery, and a likely Kegro Jan, th Property of C'bas. T. Saunders, deceased." .. " j 'Ferins, six months credit, with i.otes and approv ed security, y I. W, HUOlIEis, Administrator l' Newbern, Jarch; lotlv 1854. I r I 44 tf ; t --:'--' fe--- - - ' '' - '-'- '';'"' ' yj - Di SIR ABLE PROPERTY FORI SALE. rIIIE Subscriber of.'ers for sale h?r Residence in" 4- Lenoir Cbiinty, consisting j. of J a large! cnJL commodious Dwelling ocse and ftllinectssai v out fouses; together with eight Lots, on three of v. hicjy are small Dwet ings, the whole fefttttiiiohe entire square; y f . ; -.;;-; - y'':: -;t .ff-;(-:. i I;' ;':r ;j ' ; This property is very eligibly j situWtel and ia . one of the mo t desirab e placos ii the Village,' If ; not told before the 18th April next 1 ing th 2nd., " day of Ijeiioir Superior Cot.rt it will on t hat day tej offered publicly prtHie premises. - y 4 ,!''; y "... i It w ill' beditided it' 4sired to suit purclrflsers j : For termi apply to tbe Subscriber on the premises or to J. C. Washington.: '; ' ' ;.; X .j .-', -;; r :' t': : SUSAN HOLLAND . Kinttom, March 25th, 1854. 44 3VV wk fd-yy:NOTTi-yy;i 4:-4y -Vr--4 LETTERS of Administration on the EaUte of; Louis II. Jflssillier deceased-having been grant ed to the oubseriWrat'the J.irch Term of Craven c County Court, is' otiee is hereby given to tke Creditors i of siiiil intesdate to- present their claims tdu'y au tlientic'hted within the tim i 'preseribel by latv.or ' this notice will be lead Vj. .bar of j their recorev ry and those indebted to the saaie are repicst!t j. to make )aynient with: all 'possible' 4lispntcTr to eitherAiexander Mitchell who is authorise! to receipt for me or to myselC y f f " 1 aiaroaret: Py MissitLiEft '.;,; j Administratrix of L. IL StUsillier, decd, ' ; Jarch s7th, 154. y ' 1 j !,; .' 44 tf -' ' NOTICE. 1- 4 1.L Persons indebted to the est nf! of E'iza Vail I V dee'd are hereby not itiel t. iu;t,k!- payment to f me on or: before, firsl; day Jav, or i'.oy will be' sueL UNO. N. WAblliOTO, Ad,nr Jarch 2Stli, 1854 Al lw CARPENTERS AND BLACJtsMITIIS . If . V J:- TQ?.11 t - l "' i'' --.-:"iT--?1 BRICKi JouMIng, ' Screw Ann. ' Rabbit, JaWi U and other P aine. J1 Cross 4-f?nt, 7und, ; Tenon, Punne, antl Compass JSaws MY 1 S"uw, 4j. Hand Saw, Tenon 6'aw, CrowtJtit, B ackstnith and I Cabinet ri es; Wood, Shoo and lforse Rasps, j S- Common, Nut, Raiting and Ship iAugers and ' Augcrjiits Jlouse.and Ship Cafjx'Rter and Coop ers Adzes and Axes Co iitts & Co s andyothcr makes of PrOad andjCliopping Aics Hinges ofevrt-y Varie ty, Iron ana Brass Screws, : Coat; an l Hat Hooks Brads, Tacks, I latchets of Several sorts, N aP, ft" edge and and auimers, Pin. Jliuls , Coopers S'tock Croze, oweij and Biock '.'.Plains, ! 6TOnipa.sc9, Squares, -dre. I . ; . t ' , : at UTTCirEL"L& 1 'arieiy StoreS : Barg ai ns ! Bargains I !j Bargains !f : W. WEINSTEIN, yy'-y..?."-;;,' CtORNER of Poliok and Jtddff Atrces, his jt re turned frQm the Jsorthwitha : largo and "carfcfutry seltcted stock cl 4 : ' i Dry and Fancy Goods CLOTfUNG f , of all kinds. J apd Caps, and a . mention all oi of: all kinds. Jewelry, Hosiery, Boots sod Shots, Ifts gi eat many other articles ton r.mierouf ; 1 which, he will sell chiWr tlnn evr. "cioiamr-il can auora to sen u verJ pitoees; i v'i ! ests for .io eerits. or he can furnish a lull suit for tK&o uc iw ai'o Tfry Hire vihiuiiil; I-1' j ' ' , . c He ret urns his tlnnks . to ni nniueron? cnn'tomers -for their past patronag and invites them, iind tbV pubh'c generally to give Lira call an he is defennined to gire satisfaction both as regard prices and q.iality Newbern, March 2 st, 1554. I 43 Cuy y'OTICKylj.' Illrcorartnershm of Merretf. & Adam waf dis solve.! on the 26th of Jamiarv last, by inntnar , rJ.-cVnt"i.The'firm'cjmduciel by Adajnt BelL " I'Ara i'ersons hiving claitbs against the 'said firm of Aierrett t Adams wjll present them jmm.diately ir aettlement. nd those indebtedyare respeetfulr ly requestel to! call and liquidate their; account without debiy.at the old standof Merrett A Adam -i ' ADAM BELL, j . ifarcfr lCth, 1854. ' , ANOTHER TRIUMPH . - ;4 - of, . . RI C HE'S "SAFE. A' 30,000 trorlh of WiilcftcsJctrclry y (NOT INt'REl),) v y. ' " PRESEfi veljnhichessfeJ I T'lIE folio wnV letter frem Messrs. Sa!ubnry 1 1 Arrowsm'dli, needs' no' comnAn ; it ihow (that the confidence placed iani Safes ia nevt vOen thtrd fliwr lv five. iSn,Sandav 4 Ioiiiitnel oarsstoci of jewelry, Va?na40,($ ttpm' Wflca iro insurance WMCiiJ,--we hut . the niost imp icit conSJenet it) the Safe4 :,iFhn A ti Out of . tbe ruins tlxis nftsrnoon'j tlie ijypear? auee of the Jewe'ryjprSVed that our ', contidence " was not ml stdaced. . The' entire'eon tents w er a witl i out a stain of fire, althougb theS'afe hzl bean six-x ty hour am6"ngrthe borain rnifia. ; Every:: watch, and everv piece of jewery 'is in the most perfect -order. Ve cannot p peak in too high .terms ofyour S'afe.' and shaH certainly never insure one dollar' worth of property in tnefav We will give yo' i plan for new Safe in 6 fetf day, anil rniaia . , ' Yoiirs respectful 'y. ! . SiAlSUVllY A ARROWSnTIL The abore Safes ara for sale, tnaanfseturtt prices by SAMUEL OUVEB & SON. ; Kcrbctc, N. CI tfeuxenWe haXwie tf Tpr-eTafa '.oni th4 4 oFowler Buildifrgswheii destroys ii?fi;:v- vniorin780th"clt. f.vf i::.-.'k-- i i -I- '7 V i ih'i' : - 'if 4 W l - . I .- i : I ' 'l ' I ! -?j - 1 4f-i 44- -.: '- -: V4 !. '4 '!