VW -i ; tJ V " ' " Of, ; . . ;. Z- ' . -, ;- T--: i- . : i ' -r'zr.:. - . : ' V- - .- v' . VI T? - :, I -. ' " . ' " ' " ', ' ' ' y 7JI11" ' r 1 "V"!' mmm " . '.' 1 , . ; , .!, y -. , - -LL I I I ! 1 1 I Mr -XJlL. -LL -LL-ZI JVj- X M ? -LL LL o, 1 1 I . . tXt h: n. nT.AwW. CrfYt.ftrfHtnr?f V, '" !: PUBLISn'-RTl l?7T:ilY3' WEBHESD AY.; AT TWO DOILAES PER IU ADVAWnT! ' 7" i ... . C. CIAEK, Editor; & Proprietor. PUBLISHED EVERY "WEDITESDAY, TWO , DOLLAES NEWBEEN, NORTH CAROLINA, : : xuixans, iruousner. ViOL. 1. Vte 1 i -. ZZZ, Z I- i" : ADVERTISEMENTS ' THE A T L AN TIC C. C. CLARK Editor Proprietor, is published every WedBesday morfiiri, (Ofllce on the ooiun siae . oi rouojc street,; uiree fooom above t&e , - ITJ. II. YEOMANS.- Tebm3.' The " Atlantic" will be Published weekly. oa 4 sheet, containing 24. columns! bv entirely - new t jpi, and in an improved style, for $2 00 per year, if Piu mttuvaucej pam ueiore ine expirauon oi six uioutna $2 uo: ana $3 c wUl be the amount of all par ments made thereafter. - . . , , . j Uat3 of Advertising : .1 square 1 insertion. ........... . 50 cents. 1 ; ; 2 insertions.. .... ....'.'. ... 75 - " , ' 3 i-i -........ ... $ 1 0..- Twelve lines constitutincr a square.! Arrangementavwill be made bjT the' year or 6 months with permanent advertisers, at, the; lowest possible ELAT-S ' ; ' ' i ; iC5T JOB PRINTING. ' JSS . Having a new and extensive : assortment of Job Type, (as erooa as can De louna m tne btate.) ;we are prepared io execute a f. .V , .. JOB XVOHIL wit neatness and despatch ; such as handbills, circu lai cards, blanks, books, pamphlets, etc., etc. NOTICE. ,1 A IT a meetiup of the Board of Directors of the Neuse x River Navigation Company, it was resolved that an assessment of ten oer cent be called for. navable on the Ht of March next,being the fifth irfstalinent amount ing to forty-five ; per cent on the Capita! JStock called for.1 j Z , r ' ' -;l - I Also, resolved that the becrefary publish that part of tle t'hurter which relates to delinquent subscribers. Sec. lo. lie it further enacted, That if any Stock holder shall fail to pay the Instalment or Instalments required Of him bv thel'resident and ) Directors within one month after the same shall have; been advertized, as aforesaid, in, Sec. 9, it shall arid may btj lawful for ik - "i x L e a i I " a. -j uie J 'resiuenianu -uueciurs, or a majoniy oi iiiem, iq sell it public auction, on a previous notice of Twenty! dayn, fori Cash, -all the ' Stock, subscribed :for ' in saidj fontpanv. by such Mockholdters, and convey the same' to the purchaser at said. sale, xmd if said sale of Stock! do hot woduce enouch lo pav oa the expenses oi the saieiana ine enure umouui une oy such oiociviioiuer io 1 4 . 1 J . V . J. - - 1 1- ,'-Ji l.l. . i aid 6'ompany for such subscription of stock; then tbei President and uirectora may recover the balance-o: the origuTal proprietor, or assioTnee, or the Executor o administrator or either of them bv suit in any Court o record havi.nr jurisdiction thereof, orlbv a warrant be ford a jhsticu of the County of which he is a , resident, and any purchaser ot the Stock of the; Company under such sale by the President and Directors, shall be sub- jjectj to the same rule and regulation asi the original sub- en ber, V' ("."' I I I r R. N. TAYLOR, Secretary. ' . Newberh, February 15th, 1S54. . Sa tf HAM READY. I M rjw fully jrepared to contract for ar d manufac lure . any kniQs -and quantity oi i Window WINDOW BLINDS,1 PAS XEL DOORS, BED Cots, Cradles, jGVib's, v ashstands,, ISjed btead I'osts, Tables tihishedy and Table Legs, " aid Coffins of all jkinidV; aud iu the Undevtakrng psirt of my busi iies, aiii pre'paied to. furnish Collins sut veiy. short no tice.' Peisons in the country having tihe misfortune to ueell anything f this kilid can1 be; furnished at the khob-test: notice. ' . S - ' 1.IETAIAC COFFI -Vo. fMvfays onhand,sofall -sizes, and having the best of Iworkinen, will clean aiid repair Furniture cf all kinds,- h.i short notice. Call ianrt see lied fateaas as low as 2, W u piece. 1 have also put up a tins . M; GRIST M ILL. , . r Persons can always get agbod article of JeaJ and Horn minv in anv Quantity at my Shop, wheie everything mahiifactured by me can "be bought for less, cash, than Sn tinv other shop in the .State. JvnMttois A ' 'SELL VHEAP AM) A HEAP OEM I return sincere thanks to my country and town v,al-ifl ff,r thpir kind oatronag-e in past times, and hope 'kuVthave enlarged my Factory and am now prepared to'cjo four fold the work 1 have tormerly done, that they will hranch out and come up and push me ahead ; just Tecollect I airi now ready Come on with your ordtrs. j 4- I SEASONED LUMliivi. of Ilroost all kinds will be kept on hanu and for sale by fewbern, NC.) February 22d, lS4i 40 lyr r ! DR. STRONCrS Compound Sanative Pills, ! i These Pills are entirely Vegetable, and are a most leuperKr Medicine in the cure tor ; aii uuuous wm plaint?", Phills and Fever, Dyspepsia, j Costiveness, Li tter Complaint, jaundice, Sick Headache, Scrofula, KafuRheuuv Fsver,of all kinds, Loss of Appetite, Od strjucted: and painful Menstruation, and all lingering diseases. . -. ; t l As ;vl Female Medicine they act like a charm, and Iwhen taken according to the directions, they never fail to (cure the vorst cases? of Piles, after all other rem e dies fcul.t I r . , ., - ' ' I .-. : "t'ber purify tho Blood equalize the circulation, re store the Liter, Kidneys, and other Secretary Organs lo lone a.ia action; ana as an .nii-uuiious xuruijr iucui ifciife thev have no equal. I'rice 2o cents per box. Also, L . -w y-T. . -v r r 1 i I'll 4 y " C A y 1 I T i. STliUMiS- i'hUlUKAh aiOiUAUU '!': . PILLS. i. ' ; - - A remedy for Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, . Bronchitis Croup, AVhooping Cough, Asthma,' Consumption, er jrojus Diseases, Dyspepsia, Cost iveness, Erysipelas, Dis- ipase of the Heart, Jnhamation ana ram in ine vnesi, lafck, and Side, and all diseases arising from a de apged '-state of the Stomach, and to relieve the distress arid bad feeling fjom eating too heaijty food, 5u weak ' irid Dvspectic habits. J 'I : - 1; WAlLttANTEI). TO BE PURELY VEGETABLE -T,liese Pills act as an Expectorant, Tonic) and Aperi jtnft. ; On 25 cent box possesses three times more pow er to cure diseases than a one dolh-rbottle of any of he Syrups, Balsams, or Sarsaparitlas that-was ever iniade, and a simple trial of only one box will prove this . noportant truth. . j I ! ' ' (Thev promote Expectoration, Loosen the Phlegm, utid clear the Lungs and other Secretary Organs ot all trioi bid matter, and there is not another remedy in the Materia Medica capable of imparting sueh healing pro perties to the Lungs and Vital Organs, as these Pills. They cure Costiveness, produce a good, regular Appe .Jtit ATirl Ktrphcrtlien the Svstem. . ! I - r - o . .: ' n- j r rrice 25 cent per dox, coniammg ro noses ui I Call on the Agents who sell the i'uis, ana-gex me IplaiiUr' Alnmuic gratis, giving full particulars and Certificates of ; cures. . . t ' 1 .1 .',-., , '-. 'I Both kinds of the above named rills arolor saieia Kewbern. by James W. Carmer, I. Disosway and 1S E utlv : who also keep ra supply ot - " ! I . i o-Lj t il : v;..z : AND ; f :' -i ' DR. HULL'S CELEBRATED PILLS. . which stop the Chills and Fever the Jirst day, and do not sicken the stomach or operate on ine Doweis. HAVING-recently returned from the NortK where he purchased a complete assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, DyestutTs, Glass, Putty 4c, Ac.,' will be happyr to wait upon his customers at the. old stand, corner of Pollok and -Middle-Streets. Every article sold by him will be found of the best aJU t.a -zn A'tnmnaA nf t t 1owKt market " i -I - V ' .-'- ... i BUSINESS CARDS. WlLIAMhAYt nonse, Sign, Coach,? and Ornamental 1 i I j - Oxt MIDDLE 6TBEETJ ON'E POOH BLOW THE POST OFFICE . .. . ; I ! IMlEWIiiri !Ma INI. : K. POLK, Organist, Teacher of Piano-Forte, JUelodloa, Violin, AT TL G. CUTLER'S WASHINGTON HOTEL. 28 tf ALEXANDER MITCHELL DEALER IX . ., LNSUUAXCE AGENT A.D . Commission Merchant; MANUFACTURER OF TIX, SHEET IROiy AND C0PPEII .WARES, AND DEALER IN , : .' Stoves, e nd Japaned Wares, COUXEE OF WoAD AND MIDDLE STREETS, One door South of the Court House, SITGR11AVES ATTMOIIE. . Connsellot and Attorney at Law, JOSEPH W. JONES, Inspector of Naval Stores, Ill ftf L. HALL, Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Hats, Caps; Shoes. U.mbrellas, Parasqls, &c., Pollok Street, NEWBEEN, N a 11 l : : i.-i ROOMS AT II.. G.. GUTTLER'S, WASHINGTON HOTEL Newbern North Carolina. MaY24th 1853 S-2m CHARLES C. CLARK. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ) I" Office on the Sontti Side of Pollok, Celwccn Middle and; Hancock Streets, i WILLIAM H. OLIVER AXJCTIONEER. 1-tf Vr3 a v.v.'u SA3IUEL OLIVE R & SON. -General Commission Merchants, ; , j NEWBERN, N c. JONATHAN ! WHALEY. Clock and .Watch Mak er, KEEPS constantly on band, an excellent as- sortment jpf WATCHES. CLOCKS, and JEWELRY, of al kinds. All work done; at the shortest, notice.and in a workman-like manner. r i ! J. WHALEY. Sign of the Watch; Craven street, Kewberii. July o.Otli. 185S. i 11 A Nc Establishment. CiHE urdarsigned would respectfully ; announce to J the citizens oft Craven and.the adjoining country, that he has purchased the Store, corner of Broad and Middle Streets, formerly occupied by Sxmuei. Blount, where he will carrf on a general Manufacturing liusi- ness oi - ! '"i - TH , SHEET IRON : ; I ji' :.i and . -- C O P P E II AY A R E He will also keeD On hand a ffood assort menif Cook ing, Parlor and Office Stoves, Grates, Fenders, Fire Irons, Jappaned Tin of every description, and all ar ticles usually kept in an establishment of the kind. It is the desire ofJ the subscriber to establish a perma nent business in tfewbern, one that cannot fall, if suc cessful, to promote the interest as well of the buyer as the seller, and he (therefore wishes every citizen of Craven to call and examine his stock, and satisfy himself that they can purchase at home innumerable articles which they have hitherto been accustomed to order from abroad. " - - Z- ;- ' i: Ii "', Merchants and Pedlars supplied ai New YorK whole gale'prices. - ; i ' !' ' ' ' f : N. B. Particular attention will be paid to Roofing, fiiitterinc. and all kinda of Jobbing. I -..-,:0'.-.. flh.-v:M.,v;'..; . C. A. HART. Newhern. May. 10th. 1853. L 1 ly $100 REWARD. J RANA WAY from the subscriber, sometime in the month 'oC August lar.t, my negro man, I red., formerly the,, property of Wrn. Wyse, deceased. I will fgive the reward to any person or persons "who will Confine fiaid negro in jail ; so that I can get him. And I will give the further: reward of one hundred dollars,, to any person or persons who will furnish1 sufficient evidence to convict any one of harboring! 1 said slave, VIS o j, person wm oe held responsible ifor any injury received y said slave in apprehending him. t Said hegro is in the neighborhood of Jas. 8j While, m lurking Craven County. . , .. .! . . .... ,- 9! 1 'i.. , JASl H, ,?RITCHET. Brims wick Ca- June 15. 1853 .7-tf - - SMALL1 POXi JUST received by the eubscriber a few c fresh anA relikble Vacein Virus, ;h f cabs of W. OiRJfRl : TeV 22, 1854 i . i - r v, WANTED IMMEDIATELY.) i FIFTEEN or twenty likely-young negro tnen, for whom good prievs will be given by :2 , j j 3asters t gardnerj Newbern. Jarch 28th, 1854. - - 44 tf , iORB NEy GOODS ! 1 (-t ji 1 T.UST arriyed and for Rftlby ii EMMET CTJTHBERT. Tbe public ? s Kereljjr raptjpaf jttat - . ' - i r - ! s GEORGE KAKCB h. left my employ. - AH persons are hereby forewarned not to trust him on'my account aVl shall not pay any debts he iny cntractj: Tber are alsqorbid to employ him, on my. ccoontJl aa I shaU hold them reeponsible. , ;, - i -j : . W. H. JONES. - Newbern, Marcli21rti, 1854. " - , 44 ADVERTISEMENTS. .-. - :U I . ' : XMoMtic Motel. jj THE Subscriber having become successor to F. D. Thomas, in the above well known and popular Hotel, begs leave to inform .his friends arid the comninnity in general, that he has made ample arrangements for the accomodation of all who may , favor him with their patronge. The Hotel being situated in a convenient locality for Business Men rand the Travelling Community in ceneral. he respectfully solicits a c share of their patronage. ' T J- 02 ARTHUR. ... Kewbern, N. C, April 1 Oth," 1854. .". ; 46 tf BLACKSMITHS! TOOLS &c. :TELLO.W Anvi4 Sledge and ZTand Hammers JD Files, iZasps, Vices, Tongs, Stocks and Dies to 1 inches.- Just received at . , , i i - MITCHELL'S, Variety Store. ice ! ! mm ! ! ) 1 CENT PER POtJNDi Th e subscriber Jiavin q purclt used ine lee uouse in this pjace lrom uen. Cutler, and having lately received a large supn'v! of this luxury from J3ostou. is-now prepai-ed: to accomodate all who may favor hiin with their custom on the above reasonable terms. Customers heed not fear any dis appointment, as arrangements will be made to keep a supply on hand at all seasons. He may be found at his office in the AtTantid Hotel, opposite the lee House, .from 1 to 8 A. M.J 12 to 1 P. Al., 5 to 6 1 M. i r : Tickets can be had bn application, i ii , .-. FRANCIS HAWKS. ' Newborn, April Ipjtli, 1S54. j ; 46 tf Fi.TETTEVILLE MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company. i' . DIRECTORS. i - "Henry Jilly, . . - i Avon A. Hall, j H. 1 Jly rover, ' J. G. Shepherd Thos. SLutterloh, Win. Warden, !- John II. Cook, ' S. T. Haw-lev, D. A. Ray, ' John I). Williams, A. A. McKethan. C.l Benbow. i IG. McNeill. Wm. McLandin. James. McKyle, . Wm. Mclntyre, ? Nathan A.: Sredman. OFFICERS.! ! George McNeill, President. ! - ; : ; H. L. My roFer, Vice President. - J. G. Shepherd, Attorney. C. A. McMillan, Secretary. I ! THE Above Company is now in success- L.V ful operation, and is prepared to take ap- j l! It: TT . awr. , proveu iimvs ou j-weuiiir xioubl-s, iup niture. Stores, ilercnanaise ana on ine most iuvoraDiei terms Application for Jnsm-ance era be made to ' SAMUEL OLTVER & SON, Ag ents. Aewbern, April 2th, 18o3. It a NE W G O . : I - I SPRINGr 1854 nrpIIE Subscriber hr.vino; jbst returned from JL the Northern Cities is now his 'Store j. . ' . ' ! - j . A NEW SUPPLY OF PESIRABI.E D II Y GOOD opening at i for Spring and Summer. -Various . . a ? -. V;' . ; Consisting in part of the s"z z : : .. ;.; NEW STYLES DRESS GOODS. Both for Ladiep and Gentlemen, among which may be found -Summer JSilks, Barages, Barage DeLanes. Challys, Plaid and .Striped JusflS ftlso -Printed Jnslins from 6 cts. to 50 ctsi per yard, do, Calicoes from 5 cts to 15 cts. Xinen Handkereliief from 10 cts to 5 dollars, Parasols from To cts to $3. ('rape,' Barege, and Muslin isluWls, traw Goods, Hats. Caps and Bonnets, bonnet R'bboris, iShoes, Hosiery,; Cassimere and Vesting, Jewelry, Umbrellas, j Sleeves, Collars, and other Embroideries. Wall and . Cnrtaln Paper, together with a variety; of Fancy Artic'es, usuallyj kept in a Dry Goods Store to all j of, which he; would invite the attention of his customers and the! public in general. Z- t I ; L I1 . ; .. j : t. l. hall. Pollok -Street, Newbern,'. C. April 10. 1854. ' ! I Zl. ! ! 46 tf Grand Royal Arch Chapter of North ! V ;- ' j- Carolina. - ; ; 1HL Kegular Annual Convocation V A ot this (.xrand Chapter, i wUl be hol den in Wilmington on Monday, the 5th day of June next. Subordinate Chapters under this jurisdiction, are requested to send Delegates ana returns. ; i By order of the M. E. G. H. P. I' V HENRY P, RUSSELL, G, SecV. All persons having bills against said Chapter, are; requested f to forward them, ta the U. Secretary previous to t lie, meeting. April 5th. 1854. ;46 2m JL r NOTICE. fTHE Subscriber at "the March Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the County! of Craven having qualified as Executor of the Last Will xand testament of, J. 11 IDurand. deceased h erebv gives notic e to all persons indebted to said I Estate to make immediate payment, and all hav ing claims against 6aid "estate are requested to pre-i 6ent them properly. authenticated within the time1 prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead id bar oi their recovery, i i t j ! i JOHN D. PLANNER, Executor. Newbern, March 13th, 1854; ! 44 2m Bar gains I Bargains ! ! Bargains ! ! - W. S WEI N STEIN, ' "CORNER of Pollok and Jiddie Streets, has just re Vy turned from the North, with a large and carefully seitctea stoc ci ; . ;? . u - -s. .r - ..Z i i ! Dry and Fancy Goods, -CLOTHING . of all kinds, Jewelry,5 Hosiery, Boots an4 Shoes, Hats and Caps, and great many other articles too numerous to mention, all t which, he will sell cheaper than ever. His'clothing he'can afford to sell at very reduced prices; for instance, Coats for 73 cents, Pants for 53 cents, and Vests Tor 50 cents, or he can furnish a full suit for $1,50 He has also.very line Clothing for $30. ' . J . " He returns luff thanks to his numerous customers, ror"? their (past' patronage, and invites them, and the public generally to give him a call as he is determined, to jrive satisfaction both as regards prices and quality Newbern,' March 21 sty 1854. . 43 3nij N'OTICEl ERSOKS are hereby notified tht the l3e: xlouso win noi oe openeq on ouaaay.! Those desiring a supply for, that day cari'ob ta.nit Saturday aiterooon trorn 5 to o.o'cioccJ i " KAKUIS HAWKS. Newbern. April 24; 1854. ' 48 tf V. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, V NOTICE. 4 ' ' j. "1" - ETTERS 6f Administration on the Estate of Louis 1J. Jfissilhtr deceased having been' grant ed to the Subscriber at the Jarch Term .of Ci-aven County Court,Notice isbereby given to the Creditors of said .intestate; to, present their, claims duly au thenticated within the j time, prescribed by law or this notice will be plead m bar of their reoove- Iry and those indebted!. to the same are requested to matte payment wit.n a.'l possible dispatch 1 to either Alexander Mitchell, who is authorised to receipt for me or to myself. . : 1 MARGAKET P. MISSILLIER. . 'i i Administratrix of ZL. H. MssMier, deed. Jarch 27th, 1854. ' ; . 44 tf - BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL. NEwrEiLX, -N.a, VIII Session. ; ' WM, H. HAYHEW, Prineital. ELIZABETH ilAYHEW, Assistant. A! F. BAUDRY, Teacher of French I-. POLK, Teacher of Jusrc. Tuition in English, per Session of five months, . ; I r . " . 12.00 iuition m English- board and -washinsr, , i o e i i , V per Session of live months, payab e in au,- i i vance, . ; . : .: -. Instruction in Music, 75.00 . 20.00 per Session, Instruction .'in French, per Session,- 12.00 The School under the new arrangement JFib Ham II. " Jayhew as Principal, assisted by I Jrs Jayhew in the Domestic management of the Board ing Scholars. Will " be opened for the reception j of Boarding and) Day Scholars on f IPednesday the first day of March next.' : .1 .MissE. Jayhew. will not commence her duties in the School until June next. : ; j This School having acquired a'high and firm re putation under Jiss Joore's system of manage ment, will :be!condnt.pld nndor the ssittia svefasni f discipline and instruction as heretofore, so t far as the change of circumstances admits. " j .; : TheTenchers of French and Music in this School, having some hours at their disposalwill be happy 10 receive a. lew private pupils. . j KEWBERN FP:M A LI? SEMINAR Y. i MRS. MARY L. FINCH, Principal rT,IlE exercises of this Institution will' be iesum JL ed on the 1st of October next. Primary English Branches, $10.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 r 23.00 Higher .Lnj-hsh A ncient Languages, French, ; . Music and use of Instruments, Newbern,' Jarch-SthJ 1854. n A Tf TT7 TT T7P Q' A'"NT7 TF A TCAfTT'ITC V.li lX iJXI 4.XjlkJ illljy AJJ. VXkUiUX X : i TOOLS, &c. fec. " i ! i "O RICK, Jou1 ding, Screw Arm, Rabbit Jat XJ and other I anes. Jill Cross Cut, :and. Tenon, - Pannel, and ; Compass : Saws. Jill V Sjw, Hand Saw, Tenon .Saw, Cross Cut,! Blacksmith and Cabinet Files; j Wood, Shoe and Horse Rasps. Common, Nut,;. Rafting and Ship Augers and Auger Bits House and Ship Carpehters and? Coop ers Adzes and Axes Co'Iinsdi Co's and oilier makes Af-Broiid and Chopping Axes Hinges of every .Varie ty, Iron and Brass Screws, Coat ! and iat Hooks Brads, Tacks, Hatchets of several sorts, Nail, Sledge and and jammers, Pin Jau Is Coopers Stock Croze, owe! and B'ock Plains,1 Compasses; Squares, tc 1 ' ' ) ' . j , ! at MITUHELLS. Variety Stare, A NEW SUPPLY I MILLINERY GOODS MRS. L ..Mc DONA LD, OFFERS to her To wfi and Country friends, the largest and best selected assortment of Goods in her line, which -she has ever brought to this market. : j - J . Besides her asual supply of Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers and Trimmings, her stock! embraces an unusual number of Ladies Summer Hats elegantly trimnied,iii the latest style; and a large assortment of Wrought. Collars, Uhdersleeves, Chemisettes, Ac, drc. ' ! ;' (.' - j I I . .- She will sell at Wholesale to the Country trade on liberal terms. . I I : Dress Making, Pressing and Bleaching, in all . their branches continued as usual. Newbern, April ! 11th 1854. VALUABLE PLANTATIONS ;:FpR.SAliE. ;: . THE entire Ibody of laud usually known as the Clermont and Ferry Plantations, formerly the property of the late Governor Spaight, on the South side of Trent River opposite to the Town of New bern is offered for sale. These lands extend from the mouth of Green Spring Creek; below Newbern to Brices Creek, about three miles above the Town,; Trent River, Neuse River, Briejis and Green Spring Creek constitute their boundaries 'on three sides. The two (Plantations are separated only by the road leading from Newbern-to Beaufort' and do not vary much ir the number of acres containing together about eighteeh hundred acres. There is attached to each Plantation sufficient wood & timber land for the use of the Plantation. The cleared land is in a good state, crops having been; taken from no part of it ofteher than every alternate year. On the Clermont Plantation is a good and commodious brick dwelling House and all necessary out houses a Gin House stsbles and a large and excellent barn at which: any -vessel comingto Newbern can load. ' On these land rire beds of marl, believed not inferior to any that can be found either in quan tity, quality, or the facility with; which the marl can be used, as it is nfar the surface and in the fields, where it can be most profitably appbed. There are other material for manuring, such as Mud fcc. in great abundance! on the farn a. . - - . The Ferry Plantation immediately fronts the Town of Newbern and has attached to it a Ferry to the -Town, with the best channel of the j River and Brice's -Creek bnithe Plantation side of the River the whole extent of the lands. On these. Plantations are seveial Uine beaches in good, order. The Bridge across Trent River bnj the Beaufort Road Hves easy access from both Plantations to the Town of Newbern. ' The whole conld be used as one pfantation.b f a person desiring that quantity of land, or it could be separated advantageously as two plan tations. and the contemplated Railroad to Beau fort or its vicinity cannot approach near Newbern without crossing'the body of the lands. The whole or either Piantatioa is offered for sale and accomo dating Terms will be given to a purchaser. Persons desirous of purchasing art invited to ex amine the lands and correspond with the subscriber atWaington or ..Newbern.. g - - Newbern, N. C April J8th, 1854. . 47 tf ... , . . LEA YITS1 . Great Western Corn & Cob CinsJier. For sale by i OLIVER & SON. Agents. 1 ' SUMMER SILKS. . Bu the Latest Arrivals. PLAID and striped Ulacc nayce- Foulard Silks i all colored and choice patera, just received mod for sale by J. XL F. KABRISON. j j iN.bj VV AD V ERTISEMENTS. NEVr BOOT AND SHOE MAKING. THE, subscriber has recently obtained from Philadelphia, a first rate , FASHIONABLE -WORKMAN, who executes all work in his "line in the best ahd neatest manner. He also has received a fine stock of the I --I-. -, . . ::; l ! BEST FRENCH CALFSKIN and is now fully prepared to mate HOOTS AND S HO E S of all kinds in a style not to be surpassed in this or any other Town in the State. . J Grateful ..for 'past patronage, he hopes to hum e a Continance of the same by his efforts to please in every respect all who may favor him mil,.' IcalL b. Y. FISH FT? On Middle Street just above Disoswav's. Newbern, April 17th, 1854.' 47 lm ATLANTIC & S. C. RAILROAD. V'" j i - "ISJOTICE is hereby, given, under the authority XT Of the Board of General ConjMu'ioner that books will be opened forireceiving subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the Atlantic and North Caro lina RaH road Company, on the 18th diy of Jay next, under the direction of the Special Commis sioners named in the Act of Incorporation, and at the following places, to wit: i In Beaufort, at the h tore of Benj. L. Ferrv. '? " Newbern, at the Merchant's Hank! 4 -.Kinston, at the Store of Washington fe White. M Goidsborough, at the Store of Andrews & mJ IFashingtOn ; 'f-Waynesborough, j at the Store of Richard I . '- Washington. j ; 'i Smithfield, at the County Court Clerk's Office. J Raleigh, at the State Bank, j " Jacksonville, at the Court House. " Swansboro', at Glover's Store. " Snow Hill, at Henry H. Harper's Store. ? And the said books will remain open for the space of thirty days, and continue open thereafter until ordered to be closed by the said General Com missioners. - i . 1 ' N. B. Xo subscription shall be received by any of the Commissioners, unless five per cent upon the whole amount subscribed shall be first' paid in cash,-or secured by a good note to be approved by said Commissioners. ' : i April 13th, 1854 i 47 tf- 1 ; SECOND SUPPLY ; - : " : '. OF 'j . f- Dress Goods. - l Y I , BY ADAMS & CO'S EXPESS, I am just in receipt of the following desirable (Jods. . ' Handsome Figured and Plad Challies,- . superior quality. - , - ... . '' ;. : Blue, Pink, Green and Orange Colored De Laines all wool. : " i I Barege DeLaines entirely new stales, from 16 cents up fo the nnest goods imported. Beautiful Plaid Satin Striped Tissues and Robes. Blue, Pink, Green, Tan and Brown Bareges. ! Superior quality B!ack Italian! Lustrings, all prices Plain and Plaid Silks in great variety, very cheap. India Silks from 60 cents to one dollar. Ginghams, all styles from one shilling to SO cents. Muslins of entire new patterns at all prices. Plain Striped, Plaid and Satin Striped Muslina. ' Jaconet Cambricks, b'wiss Juslins &c. &c. Corded skirts, Dimities and Corded Muslins. A splendid assortment of real French Embroideries of'all tle entire'uew styles, the most varied assortmen that cah he found. Ribbons, Trimmings, and Buttons in endless variety. .Superior quality Black Mitts and long Gloves. - Real Thread and Lisle Laces and Edgings, jluslin .'dgings, Insertings arid Ruining. - . A large assortment of Silk and Cotton Hosiery. ; Blue, Black, Green and Brown Lace Veils and Ba reges. . ; . - i . Parasqls and Fans at all prices. i Whieh together with my former extensive stock of Goods recently puf chased,, renders my assortment very complete, and I shall add fresh importations every week throughout the seasou. All of which I intend to dispose of as usual at the lowest prices, and shall be pleased to see, my friends and customers, be ing wt 11 assured that I shall be able to offer them such inducements as ciinot fail to give entire satisfactiod. j A. COHN. Newhern, April 19, 1S54. L 43 F -E& A IL -3E E N T . OR R .14. . : - rp it JL Fr n; llouse ami lot on routti ront street, next fr Mr. P. llol land's, and nearly opposite the store of V. G. Bryr.n, Esq. . i 1 ' For terms, apply o the subscriber. J. II. MUSE. Newbern, April 2G, '54:! 48ti. NEW GOODS.' S P R I ,N. G T R A D E . LEWIS PHELPS, ESPECTFULLY informs his customers and the publ'c that he has just returned from the North witn a cnoice seieciea assorxmeni oi SPUING & SUMMER GOODS. FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, ' Consisting in part of Black, Blue, Brown and Green Broadcloths. . Black and Fancy Casimeres. 1 Plain Black and Figured Silk Vestings. A large assortment of hnt coloroured Silk and llarseilles Vestings. M Z ' Z, n A beautiful assortment of Farty Testings and Par ty Cravats. " .: . i . i A good assortment of gentlemen s Hosiery.. In addition to the above he has an eiel lent assort ment of i ; READY MADE CLOTHING j ';.;.;.. Consisting of Black Dress, Frock and Sack Coat. White Linen and coloured Duck do. Black Cassimere, and L'uien Drill Pants. Satin; Silk and Marseilles Vests, &c-, Ac, To all of which he would call the attention of buyer. , IlaviDgin bis employ experienced Workmen, Goods will be made np at tke shortest notice, on reasonable terms, and in a workmanlike manner, pril 1st, 1854 . .( ' j 1 I i A. . C , w BEAT Threshers, Grain Cradles, Scythes, Reap Hooks, Ac. As., for sale by J ; ' V SAMUEL OLIVER A 5QN. PATENT CnURNS. i JUST received -db & PATENT CORN SHELLERS. IX Parker' Patent ;Corn Sheliers, just received, and for saZe at manufacturers prices bv j i - SAMUEL OLIVER A SON. - HERRINGS. PT BBLS. Xo. 1 Whole Herrings in fine order O for sale by : j I - Ntar the OM mty Wharf. n x ADVERTISEMENTS. NEr GOODS. I For Spring and Summer trade ! ! CHAR L ESS, ALLEN. xrjyxK jsaL,x intorms His numerous eusto- j-u mers ana the public generally, that he has jatejy returned from the. Nort hern citie with k large and well selected stock of goods of oil di aeriti tions usually found in a Vamety Stock. ' ' .-A large assortment, both Fancy and Staple. . ! READY MADE CLOTHING,' A good supply at prices that can't be beat in thi L place, or onyjother. , " . ' .Z ' j ;' IIALJS, BOOTS AND SHOES. .; Umbrellas and Parasols, t HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. I i Blacksmith, use and Ship Carpenter s Tools, Ag ricultural Imblements, Guns, Colt's Revolvers, le. G 110CE.R IES i Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Houi, and all articles usually kept in this line. He will sell ut the loweU prices that they can be bought for in the place. . i Call and satisfy yourselves at his Vaikt Store, Oh the Old County Wharf. ! " Newbern, April, 1854. 1 i i 49 "lV' L a n d for Sale 10 0,P EE S OF 0 0 AC L A X l Lying on theiSt Ilia River, in the Counties of TeU fairj Appling; and Ware, in the State of Georgia. This Land is covered with a heavy1 giowth of Pine, val i able for Lumber, and Turjentir.e. It K also, valuable for Agriculture, and is'protluciire in the raising of" Corn, Oats Sugar i 1anf anoj i n irbduee of to a point 1 i; a ixng fctnpre or ea Island Cotton. The this land. can be sent down br Banres where the river .is-navigable for vessels. llio projected Brunswick y Railroad, connect ing w;ilh Savannah Branch R. Road, will pass through the land. One of more pjersons, wishing tolpyrchase the whole Taker, can do so by paying Onel Dollar pr. acre, Casji, for the land. Any further infor mation that is required will be given by app yiug toTlijpmas Sparrow, Esq:, of Washington, N. C, or to the Subcriber, who has a map design ring -the location oi tne land. ( litle indisputable. ) ' " : iOSkslYV. JARVIS. " - , ); L Atimt. ' Kewbern, May 1st, 1854. m i : ' 49 Ct Weekly News, Ne hern, Republican Patriot, Goldsboro', Njbrth State Whig, Washington, N. C will give the above three insertion- and send their account to this Omeo. " m ' ' May 1st. 1854. BEAUTIFUL GOODS. NEW & I HA VE just received by Adatns A- (Vs. Express, the following rich 'and desirable 'Goods. Superb French worked Collars and Inside. HJ'k'1. I)o : do j . do Lace and Muslin Wleuyeg. Swiss and Jackonet ilusllu lodgings .andTns.e'rtings.. Ruffling and Bandsu (entire new patterrn,) Thread Lacings "and Edgings, a eomideteUissortment. Bl'k Silk Lacs, Illusions, Tarltons, and ?ilk Netts. Long and Sho;rt Bl'k Silk iitts, and Gloves, j Ladies Superijor Kid Gloves. Fans and Parasol. Enibroided arid Plain white andcol'd Craje, Shawls B.l'W wliite aid col'd Lace Veils and Bariiges.; ; Embroided arid Plain Linen Cambric Il'd'k'fa. i Buttons, Gauze Trimings, in great variety.: ! Irieh Linens, sjuperior quality t be-t manufacture Dress Goods, of the newest designs, mill ;.ttyh--, comprising 6qme of the most magnitjeeiit patterns that has been exhibited in this market. . j ; Ladies Gaiters, and Shoes, a beautiful assortment which 1 am desirous of elosing out,' -eoneequeiitly will offer them at areatlv reduced -price. ... I A call is respectfnlly solicited from my friends and the public in general, being dtlermined always to offer such inducements, as will continue to meet their entire approbation, 1 ;'- I ' -Pollok Street SPUING SUMMEftP 0 0 D'S- 1 8 5 i . a M. 1 J. F. II A R R I SON WOULD respectfully inform his utomernf ani the Pnplic generally, that he is' jnow receiving and opening for inspection, the moat attractive imports tion of r ;.- H-.Jr:-. -ijv- i ' j Fancy y Siapley Foreign & Domestic pilY GOODS. ' Rver offered in thia marke'. 1 LADIES DBESS GOODS. Qf the latest ways on hand styles, of every shade and grade a complete assortment ot BOOTS, SHOES. AND GAITERS, Ofjthe most Fashionable Sty?e. (Jmlrellas and Parasols, r JE WFL P, y: Gold and Silver Watches, Breastpina, Ear Iimg t READY MADE CLOTHING A large assortment.' Carpeting, Rugs, Druggets, Av Trunks, Valices, Walking Canes, with every other arti- cie usuauy aepi m reiii ciores, oi vtaivp mu u sola on tne most reasonable terms. . Newbern, ifay 3d. " " v ; . $ X Q R E W A mi) O TOLEN fr om " the Subacriber, on last Friday 11 nirrht ftih inst in fh KUH T.'Afld nrjont Q . ' - - - miles from Newbern, a bay Horse, with one foreJ and one hindifoot white, short-bodied, with a toler-j able large neck, small ears and a blazed face. ; 8ai3 Horse had something like a wen on one side. clos to hia flank. He pace well under the saddle. The above reward will be given to the finder who j wm leave mm avioioens in aewuern, or wru word to rthe Subscriber or Colbert Newbern Foa OtSce, of hU whereabout. ! ; I Z , 'EDWARD WIGGINS. Is ewbern, May Sd, 1654. ' :. ': ; " NOTICE ! ! t .-T . . .... . . . tfY WifeGarkey HasselL has left ray bed and itX board. All persons are warned not to trust ' her on my account, as l wiU not pay any debts of Her contracting. - - .?3-LV: . ! ARCHIBALD HASSELL. ni Cte'fi, Oeixeapht April 24f '54,' 49 2t GLUE. jl, supply 0 JLiu. x wiuc jvr uis- tillers, constantly on hand and for sale at manufactu rers prices byj , 8. OLIVER & '0Nf Agent. Painty Oil and Varnish,. A LARGE stock of Paiat, Oil and Y&rnisl aV JUL -ways on hand and for eeie by ' ' ' T. DIS06WAY. fK . z ' A n A i ; f . i.i If k t: 'VJf IM l-vj 'f ' -. i r I. 5 ri! Zr .a 4 'T ' , 5 i l'i . T ' if! 'ales. .' . r N owtcra, l&zv l&b, 1353. 1 If