f-- t I j C. C. CLAfeg; Edittr & Proprietor. j f " PPBLISHEB -EVEBY WEDHESDAY, AT TTTQ J) OLL ABS ' PBH AnSXyXl ZU ADVAIIOll. r ; i r ; tITlr: fr yy' gf ;--;ol.;2. :j:;:;';;y,v.: "1854.-:;: , ;': i :t;.r- Vf : ;.iqr -If L a 1- ft "'I 3 13 1 i 1 ADVERTISEMENTS j THE ATLANTIC C. C. CLARK, Editor & Proprietor, j it published every Wednesday morning, (Office on the Bouth side of Pollok street, ) three door abore the ! Iievrs O&ce by - i - 4 i I a HI U. YEOaiANS. I Terms. The " Atlantic" will be published weekly, on a shet, containing 24 columns, by entirely new type, and in an improved style, for $2 00 per year,; if I paid .in advance ; . ii paid before the expiration of six i rnqnths $2 50: and $3 03 will be the amount of all Daymen ta made thereafter. - 1 1 , j Rates or ADVERTisiKa : 1 square 1 insertion......,........... 60 cents. 1 I r " 2i insertions........ 75 " ' - i i . c i an - "Twelve lines constituting a square. " Arrangements will be made by the year or months with permanent advertisers, at the lowest possible KATES, il l' 1 . - . ' LrJOB PRINTING. Having a new and extensive assortment of Jos fTr. (as good as can te louna in tne state.) we axe prepared to execute ' ' ilf. j JOB WORR : with neatness and despatch ; such as handbills, circa I Jar cards, : blanks, books, pamphlets, etc., etc ! T Goldsboro Femalo College. ripilig Institution com men cos its seconcTsession. -JL unIr the new organization, on the 1st day - "of fay,and Vrill close the last day -.of November 1854. Kev'd 'James II- Hrent, A. B. President, , with a full j and j competent faculty, f 70 per session will cover i . the entire expense for Tuition and BoardTTh the Col'e giate course, and fltX) will ' entitle tqpihe full course and jail the ornamental branches, f 60 will cover ihe expenses for Board and Tuition in the Primary De partment. 'Ornamental branches extra at the usual chargevl II; 1 payable in advance. I . ! The Boa-d of Stockholders hare taken great pains in procuring facilities for giving a thorough education, ana solicit a share of patronage. Students received anv time. ''!.- ' - V i jFor further info rmatirji address the President of the Faculty, or the subscriber. ' ;, , I i " WM. K. LANE, ; f j 1 ! Prett. Board stockholder . a" I Mav 10th. 1854. . 50 tf tATCHES in Wood and Paper Boxes.' For sale by; I. DISOSWAY. DG FLOW'S A LTE R ATI VF, LQ W DON 'S CAR 1VK BKRNARD'SCIiC 1 CPA RE XJMI'Al and many other medicines for Spring and Bummer! useto be had at I. DISOSWAY'S. s ALAD Oil a superior article For sale by ; - - - Jr. S. DUFFT. 1854. , . . . " May: 17 th m HEAT- Thrashers, train Cradles, iScyt Heap Hooks, Ac. &d, for sale bv ; j . i; ! SAMUEL OLIVER t SON. I AM READY. , I AM now fully rrcpared to contract for and manufac ture any. kinds and quantity of ! liWindow Sashi WINDOW BLINDS, PAN NEL DOORS, BED Cots I Cradles, Cribs, Washstands,, Bed Stead Posts, Tables '.finished; and Table Legs, and Coffins of all Itind; and in the Undertaking part of my busi neHsj'am prepared to furnish Ciffins at veiv short no tice., : Persons in the country having the misfortune to ' deed anything of this kind can be furnished at the shortest tiotice. ; . . J j M ETA LC COFFINS, Always on hand, of - all sizes, and having the beshof work.ien, will clean and repair Furniture of all kinds, at short ' notice. Call and see Bed Steads, as low as f 2,50 apiece. ; I have also put up a find ,. GRISTMILL. Tersons can always get a good article of ieal and Hom- mmy in any quantity at my blton. where evervthme inaniifact-ured by me Can be bought for less, cash, than . in any otner snon in xne .Mate. My motto is I : tl'LL VI IE A P A M) A HEAP OF IT. V 1 I return sincere thanks - to, my country and town friends for their kind patronage in past times, and hope as I have enlarged my Factory ; ana am now prepared to do four fold the work'J have formerly done, that they will branch out and come up and push me ahead ; just " recollect I am now ready Come ou with your orders. ; j ! SEASONED LUMBER of almost all kinds will be kept on hand and for sale by Ncwb Tn, N. C, Febru ary i'id, 1S54. 40 ly : NEW GOODS. ST II I K G TRADE. .- . i 1: LEWI S PJI E LPS, KESPECTFULLY informs his customers and the pubbc that he has just relumed from the North with a choice selected assortment of . SPRING SUMMER G O ODS. UK tJLNTLLMEATS WEAR, Consisting in part oi 1 J'-i Black, BIim,! Brown and Green Brdadcloths. ; Black and Fancy Casimeres. J i : lUain Black arid Figured Silk Vcstirgs. ? A large assortment of light-coloroured Silk and Marseilles Vestings. '! A beautiful asbortmcnt of Party Testings and Par ty Cravats. ( ' ' : A good assortment of gentlemen s Hosiery, i In addition to the above he has an extlle: exelient assort- enent of . i . ! . i - j READY MADE . CLOTHING 1 ' '" j "' -Consisting of ' ! Black Press, Froci; and Sack Coats, 'j TNhiJe Liner, and coloured Duck do. ; t ,' .1 BlarJ; tL'assimere, and Linen Drill Pants, ' - fatip, Filkndi Marseilles A'ests, Ac, Ac. To all of which be would call the attention of buyers. Having in his employ experienced Workmen, Goods will be made up at the shortest notice, on reasonable terms, and in a workmanlike manner, ipril 1st, 1854 VERMIFUGE. T7 AINST0GKS,-MeLean'6, Swavnes, Rose'i s.loi -X? den's, and Terry's .Vermifuge. For sale by L DISOSWAY. TOBACCO & CIGARS. j V LARGE lot of the above articles of superior JlV. quality just received and for sale by " . i j. i a t b v a y. 'j K0TICE. ; THE lands belonging to tlie Fftate of Wm. P Biddle, dee'd., are for sale. Those wishing to purchase, will please Call and see tjjem. If"., f l. : . ' ' ; Executor. ayllth1854. ; 614m ; : S vT R A TV GOODS. I HAVE" Teeently received the following desira ble and seasonable articles: Ladies iStraw Leghorn,1 and Rutland Flata. M isees Coburg, Straw, and i do d Children's Straw, Xwhorn and Laee do Infant's Leghorn, and Pearl Straw do Boy's Fancy StrawKats, (Lined.) Gentlenienf8 Leghorn, PearL Manilla, French. JS'traw. and Falen Leat Hats in full variety andat m . . .. . ... i u prices, cau ana examine wa stock. ADOLPH COHN. BUSINESS CARDS, V WILLIAM HAY, I House, Sign, Coadi, and Ornamental ott lanpu Btsxrr ojtk door below ths post oma ;.: I E. POLKf j - OrgftalstjTeaelier of Piano-Forte, fflelodloa, TIoIIb, ' ( . r m J if. , :x - f e.. I ii E O. C'UTLEK8 WASHI! OTOX EOTXU ! ALEXANDER HITCHiiLL, : : ' DEALER IW I LNSIKAACE AG EAT AM) ommission Merchant. MANUFACTURER OF i M -. TI N, SHEET IRON 1XD COPPER WIRE, ! - I ' ' i i - . " 1 -i AND DEALZB XS jr ;-"-"T"r Stoves, and Japanod "Wares, CORKS OF BROADj AND MIDDLE STREETS. One door South of the Court House, r SITGREAVES ATTM0RE. Counsellor and Attorney at Law, JOSEPH I W. JONES. Inspector of Naval Stores, 9-tf T. L, HALL, I : ; Dealer in Foreign' and Domestic Ilats, Caps, Shoes, TJnjbrellasr Parasols, 5rc. FoixoK ;StRE3ET, ' j. KE WBERKi N. C. 11 PllNlTiflT t ROOMS AT II. G. CUTLER S . .- 4 : ' WASHINGTOl? HOTEL. Newborn North. Carolina. S-12ra Mav24th ' 1853 CHARLES CI CLARK, f , Attorney and Counsellor at Law, i Office on the South Side of i'oilok. Between Middle and Haneoc It Streets, WILLIAM 1L OLIVER. r1 AUCTIONEER. SAMUEL OLli'ER & SON, J- ' l-tf General Commission Merchants. ! j KEWBERN, X. C. JONATHAN WHALEY. Clock and Watch Maker. KEEPS constantly oh hand, an excellent as , sortment of WATCH ES. CLOCKS, and JEWELRY, of all kinds. All work done at the shortest notice.and iD a workman-like manner. ' . : J. WHALEY. Sign of the WatchCraven street, Newbern. July 20th, 186S 1 A New Establishment. TIIE undersigned" would J-cspectfully announce to the citizens'of Craren Add the adjoining country that he has purchased the Store, corner of Broad and Middle! Streets,- formerly occupied by Samuel Blount, where he will carry on a general Juanulacturing Busi ness oi I TIN, SHEBT IRON , . -AND! : . C O P P, E R w ARE lie will also keep- on hand a rood assortment of Cook ing, Parlor and Office Stoves, Grates, Fenders, Fire irons, Jappaned. lin yoi every description, and all ar ticles usually kept in an establishment of the kind. 1 . It is the desire of the subscriber to establish a perma nent business in Newbern, one that cannot fail, if suc cessful, to promote the interest as well of the buyer as the seller, and he. therefore j wishes every citizen of Craveri to call and examine his stock, and satisfy hiirf'u that they can' purchase at home innumerable articles which they have-hitherto been accpj'tomed to order from abroad. . 'If1'' Merchants and Peilars supplied at New Tors whole sale Drices. t- .! i N. -Particular attention will be riaid to Roofing, Gu -raniruiar anpn i in enng, and all kinds of OUUUUJg. C. A. HART. Newhern, May, 10th, 1858 fl 00 REWARD.; j I RAN A WAY from thie! subscriber, i sometime in the month of Augusj.. lat, my j negro; man, J red., formerly the property of j Win. Wyse, deceased. " I will give the reward to any person or fersons who will confine said negro in jail so that can get him. And I will 'give the further reward of one hundred dollars, td any person or persons who will furnish sufficient yidence to convict any one of harboring said slave, j 3So person will be held responsible for anv ijij'.iry received by said slave in apprehending hlm.j Said negro is lurking in the neighborhood of Jas. S. White, in Craven County. .!-: -; . ! Ji' I i JAS. H. PPJTCHET. Brunswick Co.. June 15,! 1853- . ' SMALL jPOX. "f U 5T,f c-ceived by the subscriber a few scabs of 99 fresh and reliable V accine Virus. I J. W. CAliJIElL Feb, 22, 1854. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. - J i . ' n ; - i -i EIFTEEN or twenty likely young,nesro men, for whom good prices will be given by I JNewbern. Aarch 28th, 154. I - 1 ' 44 tf I STILL THEY COMElj ! ! MORE NEW GOODS f TtJST arrived and for sale iby EMMET CTJTHBEBT. ! NftTTORt The 'Public is hereby notified, that 4 -.( X I , III. GEOT?Ok NANCE has left; my employ. All persons art hereby forewarned not to trust him on my account as I shall not pay any debts be mt; contract. They are iu.-u turbid to employ, him, on my account,' as I shali hold, them responsible, j - (; 18oJ.- W. H. JONES. 44 tf ADVERTISEMENTS. oflltlaritic Motel. THE Subscriber having become successor to F. D. Thomas,- in the above well known and popular Hotel, begs leave to inform his friends and the community in general that he has made ample arrangements for: the accomodation of all who 'may favor him with their patronge. The Hotel being situated in a convenient locality for Business Men and the Travelling Community in eeneraL he respectfully solicits a share of their patronage. I V i J. G. ARTHUR. JSewbern, IN. U., April lutn, ibt4. - 4t u BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS &c. TELLO VS. Ahtlls, Sledge and and Hammers, X) Files, i2ap, Viees, Tongs, Stocks and jDies J to 1 inches. Just received at , v MllULlJULL'S, variety store. ICE H ICE!!! 1 CENT PER POUND. The subscriber having purchased LUC AUt5 J1UU9C 1X1 H1JO piOCC HVUl VJlCil. vuuci, cuv. having lately received a large supply of this luxurj' from Boston, is now j prepared to accomodate all who may favor him with their custom oh the above reasonable terms. Customers need not fear any dis appointment, as arrangements will be made to keep a supply on hand at all seasons. He may be found at his office in the Atlantic HoteL opposite the lee House, from 7 to 8. A. M., 1 2 to 1 if. m... 5 to & r . m. ; Tickets can be had on application. . Fit AN CIS HAWKS. Newbern. April 10th. 1854. I 46 tf II E R R I NG S. , rjfZ BBLS. No. 1 Whole Herrings in fine order 4 D for sale by . ! ! GEO. F. FISHER. Xcar then Old County Wharf. Mav 3d. 1854. ! -P 49 tf CARPfiNTERS' AND BLACKSM THS TOOLS, &c. &c: BRlClT, Joulding, Screw Arm, Rabbit Jatrh and other Planes. Jill Cross Cut ifand, Tenon, Pannel, and Cdmpass Saws. Mill. S&w, Hand Saw, Tenon S&w, Crdss Cut, Blaeksmithand Cabinet Files; Wood, Shoe and Horse Rasps. Common, Nut, Rafting and Ship Augers and Auger Bits House and Ship Carpenters anl Coop ers Adzes and Axes Coilinsdr Cos and other makes of Broad and Chopping Axes Hinges of every Varie ty, Iron and Brass Screws, Coat and at Hooks Brads, Tacks, Hatchets of several sorts, Naili bledge and and hammers, I Pin Mavis Coopers jStock Croze, owel and Block Plains, Compasses, Squares, fcc I i i at MITCHELLS. Variety Store. ; f NEW GOODS, ' ' : :t . SPRING 18541 THE Subscriber having just returned from the Northern Cities is now opening at his Store " A NEW SUPPLY . OF DESIRABLE DRY GOODS for Spring and Summer, Consisting in part of the various ' : " NEW STYLES DRESS GOODS. Both for Ladies and Gentlemen, among which may be found Summer Silks, Barages, Barage DeLaneSi Challys, Plaid and Striped Juslins, also .Printed 3uslihs from 6 cts. to 50 cts. per yard, do, Calicoes from 5 cts to 15 cts. Xinen Handkerchief from 10 ets to 6 dollars, Paraeols from lb ca to $3.' Crape, Barege, and Muslin Shawls. Straw 'Goods, Hats. Caps and Bonnets, 2?onnet Ribbon?, jShoes, Hosiery, Casehnere and Vesting, Jewelry, Umbrellas, Sleeves, Collars, and other Embroideries Wall and Certain Paper, together with a variety of Fancy Articles, tisnally kept in a Dry ; Goods Store to all of which he would invite the attention of liis customers and the public in general. T. L, HALL. Pollok Street 'Newborn. N. C. April 10, 1854. 46 tf iinmiiaiiiiiii!iitiiiiiti!iiiiiiiiffl!tLL"!;""-i DRUGS AND MEDICINES rpHE subscriber having just returned from the I North where he ha thoroughly replenished his stoek of Drugs,edicinea,Paint8,Oila,Dye-stufEs,Per-fumery Glassware, drc,1 and 'made arrangements tp secure his future supplies from the most reliable soorces, offers the same ( at the., most reason able prices, ; and on the most accommodating terms. His purchases are made exclusively for cash, the advantages of which he will be enabled to extend to those favoring him with their patron L LISOSWAY. "junejlth, 1854. , 1 x Faint, Oil and Varnish. A LARGE stock of Paint, Oil and Varnish al- ways ob hand and for sale bv L DISOSWAY SUMMER SILKS. By the Latest Arrivals. T LAID and Striped . Glace Rayce Silks. Plaid JL onlartf ilks ; all colored choice ' patens, just received and for sale by J. M. F. UARRISOJt. NOTICE1 P ERSONS are hereby notified that tie Ise House will not be orened or Sundav. Those desiring a supply for that drff can ob tain it Saturdaj afternoon .from 5 to" 6 o'clock : tr-,,-'-j"iiiiHliiV!;niif; ! FRANCIS HAWKS Newbern, April 24, 1854 : 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration on the Estate of Ixrais H. Jfissillier deceased having been grant ed to the Subscriber at the Marth Term of Craven County Court,Kotioe is hereby given to the Creditors of said intestate to present their claims" duly u thenticated within the time prescribed by lair or this notice will be plead in bar of their recove ry and those indebted to the same are requested to make payment with all possible dispatch to either Alexander Mitchell, who is authorised to receipt for the or to myself , MARGARET P. MISSflLLttitL ! Adminutratrix of JL H. MimUier, deed. JTarcb 27th, 1854. i 44 tf I BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL! fixwBn, N. C, XVH1 Sxssiojr. Via. H.ITAYHET7, PrincipaL 1 Mii;yirijci'll JUAYHJSW, AasisTAin. K A F. BAUDRY, Tkachxb or Fbxncs E. POLK, Teachxb or Mima. I Tuition in English, per Session of five r months, - $12.00 Tuition in English, board and washing, per Session of .five months, payable in ad vance, . L 75.00 Instruction in Music, per Session, 20.00 Instruction in French, per Session, 12,00 . lne bchool under the new arrangement TFil nam a. juav&ew as 1'nnciDal. assisted bv Afr Jfayhew in the Domestic management of the Board ing Scholars, will be opened for the receotion of T-. J? T -v ' . Doaraing ana uay )cnoiars on ivednesday the first day 01 March next, ' ... 7 Miss E. Jayhew will not commence her dunes iii the School until June next. This School having acquired a hiffh and firm re putation under Mies 3oore's system of manage ment, will be conducted under the same system of aiscipune ana instruction as neretoiore, sd far as the change of circumstances admits. ! The Teachers of French and Music in this SehooL having some hours at their disposal, will be hatDV to receive a few private1 pupils. KEWBERN FEMALE SEMINARY. MRS. MARY I FINCH; Principal. exercises of this Institution will be resum JL ed on! the 1st of 1 October next. Primary English Branches,1 $10.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 23.00 Higher Lnghsh " Ancient Languages, French, i ; Music and use of Instruments, Newbern, Jlfarch 8th, 1854. SPARING GOOES CIRCULAR A IP R I L 1 8 5 4. lEmmet (Cuthbert, INFORMS 'his numerous customers and the pub lic generally, that his new supplies of spring and summer DRY GOODS, CARPETINGS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, Jewelry, Umbrellas, Trunks, Ac. &c have fust arrived and are now opened and rady for inspee- tin and sale. :- His store having undergone extensive arid valu able alterations during the past Summer, visitors will find it large, light and comfortable, and most Conveniently arranged for the examination and se lection of Goods. He would add that his stock and assort aaent were never more ; full and cbtnplete than at present, embra cing the newest, most fashionable, and most desirable goods of the -Season which will be sold at extremely low .prices, i Newbern. Oct. 19th1853. i 24 ly 1 ; - m . . A NEW SUPPLY! MILLINERY GOODS! j mrs. l. Mcdonald, IVFFERS to her Town, and Country friends, the J largest and best selected assortment of Goods in her line, which she has ever brought to this market. " . i Besides her usual snpplv of Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers and Trimmings, her stock embraces an unusual number of Ladies Summer Hats elegantly trimmed, in the latest style; and a large assortment of IFrought Collars, Undersleeves, Chemisettes, dec, Ac. I - She will sell at Wholesale to the Country trade on liberal terms. Dress Making, Pressing and Bleaehing, in all their branches continued as usuaL Newbern, April 11th, 1854. ; YALUABLE FOR PLANTATIONS SALE rTtHE entire body of land usually known as the JL Clermont and Ferry Plantations, formerly the property of the late Governor Spaigl.t, on the South 1 . - A . i., . ... a il. rr r XT siae ot lrent mver opposite u wie iuwuw new bern is offered for sale. These lands extend from the! mouth of Green Spring Creek below Newbern to Brices Creek, about three miles above the Town, Trent River, Neuse River, BrWs and Green Spring Creek constitute their boundaries on three sides.- TKa torn Planf nfirtnA AM SPnar&ted Onlv bv the TQod Heading from Newbern to Beaufort and do not vary much in the number ot acres containing sogewier about eighteen hundred acres. There is attached to each Plantation sufficient wood A timber land for the use of j the Plantation. The cleared land is in a good stated crops having been taken from no part of it softener than every alternate yfiaT. .On the Clermont Plantation is a good and commodious brick dwelling House and all necessary out houses a Gin House stables and a large and excellent barn at which any vessel coming to Newbern can load. ! On these lands are beds of mail; believed not inferior to any that can be found either in quan tity, quality, or the facility with which I the marl ean be used, as it is near the surface and in the fields, where it can be most profitably ppl'L--There are other material for manuring, such aa Mud Ac., in great abundance on the farms. I The Ferry Plantation immediately fronts the Town of Newbern and has attached to' it a Ferry to the Town, with the best channel of the River and Brice's Creek on the Plantation aid f the River the whole extent of the lands. On these Plantations are several seine beaches in good order. The Bridge across Trent River " h Beaufort Road gives easy access from both Plantations to the Tnii nfvvlurn. The whole eould be used as one plantation by a person desiring that quantity of land, or it eould be separated advantageously as two plan-, tatious. and the contempl ated Railroad tor Bean fortorita vieinity cannot approach nearNewbern th bod vof the lands. The whole or either Plantation is offered for sale and accomo dating Terms will be given to a purchaser. Pronn ddrAtis of nnrchasins are invited to ex amine the lands and correspond with the subscriber at Washington or Newbern. j R.R DOJTNELL. Newbern, If. C April 18th, 1854. 47 tf LEA TITS' Great Western Corn & Cob Crusher. N W ADYERTSEUENTSL HEW GOODa For Spring and Summer trade f f C HAUL ES S. A LLEN. ISPECTFtJIXY inform hi. numerous enste laSL" pnb? that he has lately returned from the Northern cities with a Jarge and well selected stocfcpf goods of all deserin tions usually found in a VamxttStc. DR T GO ODS. A large assortment, both Fancy end Staple, READY MADE CLOTHING. A good supply at prices that can't be beat in tins place, or any other. " H i HATS, B0OT8 AND SHOES. Umbrellas and Parasols, HARDWARK ANn nrmwv - --r- uuiui on tuLvoiTtru. ate. GROCERIES. Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Horn,- and all articles nnally that ttiMii U ZSXT. P -- j vvuuvr iu we piace. Call and satisfy yourselves at his Yarietr Stfti on the Old Gouity Wharf. btOTt Newbern, ApriC 1854. j 49 ly PS Tme $iTr7 Claret ,9 .P.1 & Co. Cognac v" y 9 oennapps, Btiiiedam Gin, London orter, and Scotch Ale, For sale by xrk j P. ST DUFFY. 17th 1854. gARDINES, m naif en quarter boxes, for . May 17th 1854. I . j. Wt mi Hill mr U- w CONGRESS Water for sale by May nth 1854; ; - ! Fi d. DUFFY. LI GHTl LIGHT! A NOTHER supply of Fttrm Lafs of various style -w iy '1 ooiw uunp uiassee -vaiupumc, oomr ano l une wicx, just at hand and Dec 8. 1858. ( . -1 Davooisr pFJttfpSDEAD SHOT VERMIFUGE, a sure C 7i?fiZ , V1"1 Wy constantly on hand ihd for sale at CARJfERa Feb 1854. , LIFERY STABLE, THE Subscribers would inform1 the Public, that they I have ODened . LITCBV flTin n Beaufort, and will take hones on thtt mnaf. m.iati. able terms; Their feed will always be of the best r";! "f" m Bccouunoaauons every way good co mu vemcies oi au ainds lurnishe wiui ext eyent sneiters from the weather ' i : I ' i - BELL k JONES' BeauforL Jfay 22,-54 . ; i QOMBS and Brushes, For sale by x. S. DUFFY. May;i7th 1854. TTLESH Brushes, and Hair. Gloves for sale bv ' : I ! f. & Duffy. May; 17th 1C54. X UBINS Extracts and Perfumery in gene JlJ sale by for f s. Duffy. May;17th 1854. 1 SECOND SVPPLX ' : ii : . . i - , : i ! Dress Goodfls TY ADAMH h CO'S EXPESS. I am just its receipt IB of the following dssirabls floods I Hanasome Fisrured and Plad Chalues, superior oualitV;! i Blue.' Pink, Green and Orange Colored De Laines ail wool. i Barege DeLaines entirely new styles, from 16 cents up to tne nnest rooos importea. lieautiiui riaia saiin siripea a issues ua ooes. Blue. Pink. Green. Tan and Brown Bareres. Superior quality Black Italian Lnstrings, all prices. Plain and f laid suxs in great variety, very cneap. India Silks from" 60 cents to one dollar. Ginghams, all styles from one shilling to 80 cents. Mttslms of entire new patterns at au prtees. Plain Striped, Plaid and Satm Striped Mttsiins. Jaconet CambrickSf wiss Jftfslins 4c rjtntiH KVirtn. VtKttsta nA CnrAaA MtlkllnS. A snlendid assortment of real French Embroideries of all the entire new styles, the most varied assortmen that can he found. . I Kibbons, Trimmings, ana uuttons m enaiess vansiy Superior quality Black Mitts and long GRnresv Real Thread and Lisle Laces and EdgiUgsv Jfuslin Edgings, . Insertings and Bufiung; A lftrtre amiortment of Silk and Cotton HOtfeTTV BluejBlack, Green and Brown Laee Veils and Ba- recres. i -. '-,!' Pamitnli tuid Fuii at all nneea. Which together with my former extensive stock of Goods Recently purchasedy resdSfs my assortiaent very complete, ana x snau ; aaa iresa nDporuwDs every weex tnroagnoui tne season, au oi wucn intend to dispose of aa usual at the lowest prices, and shall be pleased to see my friends and customers, be ine well assured that I shall be able to offer them such inducements aa cannot fail to give enure satisiactioo. A. COHN. 48 Newbern, April 19, 1654. I WORLD'S FAIR LOCK. Rotating Permtitation Plate Lock, Commonly called" Jones, Anti-Gun j powder Loctf1 or Gie J "WORLDS FAIR LOCK. V rpHE Latter title was acquired in conseutfenee of this X Lot being placed on a sale at tne worm s sair London Willi f 1000 in tne rsaie, to oe tne rewara ox nn kn comM onen th door The Gold therein for the space of forty five days without any one being able to obtain it Bankers and others who de sir to hare these Locks trooa their doors ean hwr Oum bv 6tTisr to J Onver A Ron Asreats for Steams and Marvm who have the exclusive right to Jfanufacture said Locks m tne United n tales. Newbern, April 8th, 1854. 1 j TTEkRY'JGf Invigoratine CevdiaL A Tome 2Xe 11. didnefortbe removal and eere of phystea. prostration and the various forms of Diseases sor mis Class, on rvcnTtu asu w . 1 t DLS0STT AY. June 7th, 18i. ! I OLIVE OIL. TjAETOU & Gnertiers superior OTIre 43H . Xj pressly for Table use. just at hand and far site 1 UEW ATfgglTiRP.TrRic FAYErrEVXLS HUT UA L INS URANCE COMPANY, j x TTOB Company has been la toeeessfo opera X tion since February 185S. It has paid up all losses promptly without any assessments, and has stQl e small cash capital oa hand, The following sm m wuwiu rawaest ox ui urn Annual i&e pert ot the President and Directors to the Members ia general meeungj isy js, 1654. Policies issued up to 13th inst, 709. wrermg property to vaiue ox Policies caneelled and expired $1,151,862 00 289,684 00 Amount now insured 1:1 .. tS82,S2S 00 164,669 61 86,085 85 Amount of Premium KcUs Amount eancelled and expired. Amount now on hand $128,584 5S cent on the amount in Averaging 14 57-100 per sured. 1 i RECEIPTS. Cash Premiums received , tY.W9. for policies and surveys taken w i ! by President and Secretary 4?ft 25 ,$8,a58 1,250 Cash borrowed from Bank FayetteTule wworo jpnuoing umco Making sum of ' $9,508 I j DISBURSEMENTS. Cash paid Fire Losses, vix : 1 Joan is, Patterson, 40 00 urvu K JUllOVfe J. M. White, J. D Starr. Patrick Montague, ' 66 00 8SS 46 492 50 1000 00 1,000 00 550 00 200 00 67 00 896 OO 366 76 5 60 81 mm . S M'- Mrs; M. Hooper, Alex. Hewlett, John CL Latta, M. McKinnon $M17 22 s 1,600 00 45 15 E. Patterson building ofilce. interest, Deiance For Dremiums returned. 68 99 salaries Secretarv. President and Ex- Committee, n 1,829 00 Uonttneent expenses, vis Office Furniture. $7Q 70 Advertizhig 42 92 Stat'ry A Printing 98 80 rostage, envelopes, Stamps, e& . 47 08 Painting Signs 11, ! fress 8, fuel 2.98 21 98 ittinjr OSce for rent 10 90 ! I ' tX88 76 Cash in Bank, and '.ih: in hands or Agent 9772 89 . I -9,508 01 The Office Lot cost 2200: Buildinfl' 1.809. on account of I which the Company is indebted, $1. 450, out they are receiving for rent $200 per an num. and have a convent office for their own use besides ; it is therefore a good investment. I ' In conclusion, the Board take pleasure ift sta ting that they consider the Company in a condi tion to merit publie confidence ; it is so firmly ee Ublishedt that it eonnnt be shaken by anyadverse winds. I uy order ox theisoard. i . I GEO. McNEILL, President S. OLIVER & SON .Agents. G O ODS-1 8 54J X M. F. HARRISON! TTOULD respectfully inform his customers, and and opening fnr inspection, the most attractive importa tion or ?H . '.- -li Fancy Staple, Foreign & Domestic- DRY GOODS. Ever offered in this market. LADIES DRESS GOODS. Of the latest styles, of every shade and grade. Al ways on band a complete assortment of . . Of the most Fashionable Styles, ' 1 iUmbreUa and Partuols. JE WJEL RT. ' ' Gold SndRfl vet Watdxesv Breastpins, Ear: Ringf, READY MADE CLOTHINO. A targe assortment. Carpeting, Rmrs, Drnetsr Ae. Trunks." Talicea, Walking Canes, wftheverv other artl cfe usually kttrt in retail stores, a2 of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Jiewbart, JKsySd. CUT HERRINGS, Bbls. Cot Herrings in good order,-jot recttr 4 anil tn m.m K I ' GEO. F. FlSHESf. kKsar the Old County Wharf. ' 8 June 14th til DRESS GOODS- I Have yet remaining a magnificent stock of rici and fashionable Dress Goodsy eonaistin? of handsome Summer siUu, Barages, Muslina Jaco nets, Challey'4 Tissue Barage DeLaine's, white goods of eveiy descriptionv which I will dispose of at llxrvczD ajcra. ; A. uuiiw, i -I I j I Pollok BUHL-j BRUSHES AND SOAPS, A fine lot of j Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes cf superior quality and unique styles. Also quantity of fancy French and Engl i A 8cps expect ed Mr ttehr. h. E. Johnson, to which the attention of (he pnbbe is respeetfully invited, br - a . June tth, 1854. ' ' CARPEIXNG, ruggs, &0. 2. C ABJ'ETIKGJSnggs, Jatts &, Just received per Schooner PearL also Druggets white and colored Sheep kin end for sale at I JUST RECEIVED. A TEW aetelfiae Table Cutlery from f.10 te 25. by ALEX.iirrcnrLLv . i , i. um vouaiy ir nan. npHE attention of the Red, Greyed Diliheaded X is TmtZlxxVfr eaBed to the fact that the sub- Scriber, dnricgba late visit to tsKcrd tn nade eanpie provision for taeta, try percnssirg' s crts , intiT CZ 11X7 JLTfe, wcicn ean do aoia irca w a r v . . a - cents to el ; suseuairiiesxorasrrcs u varies ai-e atSSeenUto tt Ilease sail and examine thess. I I - j X. DI3Q3T7AY. TBJOTJnXXlTms. Ji fresh Xriustre- eeited frost the Proprietors, for sale by l I , P. S, DUTTY. Sole AieuV i i' " i I n ti ( Pollok Street 1 JnaeTth, 1854. ! Newbern, March 29th Tor sale by & QLSYKB EOS, Agnite. llay i:t5k 1854,