Jio xil)S ta t c;:o x tp t r ; " i"P: f b 4- ITTHLISEEIJ; .II ' I tolvl NEW B E It N, N O R T II C A It O L I N A, I) rr B i jgf 1) 1 5 i) :rr - : 1 f . :;.-! , :; U-- K. , ..; ;:- 1, I - r- march :a i 8- I .f ,i t I i i , i . 4 f 4 H. 51 USE, Editor & Proprietor, L r m faolhed errr Wednesday mornin,(Officc on ib j OTia siae oi i t'ouoi Bireei,; inree uoor-' aimtb ine tJitrii tfcci't'i ; ,;.;.. ;.;.--' I.J-Xfi' ri f i- J'tii T ''Journal" wiH fee 'ptiblUbed. vreclrlr, u sheel, conuuiiin 24 coluains, bf entnelr WW mud in art improved vie, for 2 per' jear, if id ta 4rue ; it paid before tbe expiration ut ;x fjaonth and $3 CO will be the amount of all -ajriatata made thereafter. f-?-'- ' - '"'"- , l aqnare 1 inftertton -50 cecU. 2 insertions. ....1. 7 ? ! S ....... .' 1 OO r iireirciiDea oonsiiia'iojr aquwre. A . ,j j Arrantsnents will be made by the year or 'J nianlhs nflPi-liituieDt ad rert iters, at : the Lowutt pogsiBLc iar JOB riirNTiKar ! j llarhija new and; extensive, aAsoxtment 'of Job . T Tpa, Rood 'can be found in the State,)' we are jrjred to execute r " ' ' ' " j i JOB WORK r ritH neatness aud despatch; audi as handbills, circu frt CJrd.s, Llatits, book,. ' p.inaplilets, etc., etc. , j IGdldsboro ifoinalo College. 'FMrr (nstitution eotiimence its econ 1 e8ih 'JL i ! under the new organisation, on the 1st. day if Mac, and will c!oe the last day of Xovenil-er I8i. Iir'rtJa.n- H Hrent. AMI. President, wllh a fnll n !eooi patent faeultr. f 70 per session will cover fie enti.-e expense for tuition and Board in the Ool'e iat mrse, and will entitle to the'fn? I course siid ill Ihe ornamental branches. $0 will cover the xpronaes tor Hoard and Tuition in the Primary De- pa.imeiit. Ornamental branches extra at t be usual charge. Half payable in advance. The Roa-d of Stockholders liave taken frrrit pains ta -.rocuriur facilitirs i'or firing a thorough edtea:i.-m, uHb l;c; a share of patronage. tStudents re-eived aar time. . J"r further information address the President of the acuity, or the subscriber. ! WM. K. LANE, I M rrttt. Board HUxli.oldtf. i Hm 1b. 114. . tf MIT iTCCKS in Weed and Paper Bixee. For saU I. D1JSUSW Ai. WW's Aill- irATlVl!, LOWlMliv'S C MI TIV1, man N AKU'S t l. 1 c CAR- Vtfc'py, and many tKer medicine" for Sprina: and SurTiier ue to b had at I. lISO YW A'S. , . - j - j SALAD Oil a superier artiele For sale bv ' III . S. lUrT rTY. May 17th 1854. Watijie, Jewelry . T?TK Jsutcri!r hnn jt li (licJur, ' Jticrlri- Jf-. l..uiifs , iirid u f' iivi! h' (iold I.eer 'A a.iisj ! Silv r LjVt'O, .. :f :' si jjjVirve tf : ln!d u rd Fob, Vst. nnii (ii.'.l E.r and" Fiti-er ilui-. IJr-uiir 1 in-. Cuff" r'tlf. :" iVre fo'd nnd ilvur Teixjl's, with IctW. Goi i and Silvr T' i'nble, Snuff, aid At t-M: Ih i't a.isrtu!. nt ;t,led..Iion.-. .; ;n. Go!t. and i;!ci'! lute: r. :er; I'vO AH. :.H lrCTK FoU :Hu Vf.r t ( h tif.H ; .Si'-w irds aid Ki-y Jri.-S8 r arid f" rnyun &c. c I-Ijit W-HrpC'ittor .nd fike hi-kv. j Cd'nJ!!? Slu-kf, &?f.i:f!tTa l.d 'i r;ta, t I f'at 11js5j'1. ritMk.t.&f. ' I (Jli.ckn, V tc ' ea mm Jfvp'-y. e? : ird -A'th r3-arf nrtcle.ifir. an d return tm..k- Jr i-rrl j;r lute wnl hoj' by strict a?teition t- 'jfihi-t- merit a ctmtiwu ntutl Iho nv- JON. WHALEY. i Craven Street. NftwWru, Sftpteniber JOtf .1864, II 8 : NEW GOODS, i I SPRING TRADE. ' i: W I S P II E L P 10 ESPSi 1 fc'ULLY. inform bis ruomers nnd l.e Vpbl' t at he ha just returned from - th iNrrth witha cho . selecti-d assortment f SPKiYG A': SUMMER GOODS. 1-Olt GKNTLEMEVri WEAR, Consisting in part of Black, B . rowu and (reen Broadcloths. black nnd a icv Casinierca. Plain PUck a .d Fibred Silk Vestinffs. A lai's asojtnient of light coloioured Silk and MarseiHt's Vefiijfs. A beautiful assortment of I'arty Vestino: and Par ty Cravat?. ' A good assv tnent of gentlemen's HoMery. Ib --i'dition t i he above be has an e valient assort went ef HE A n' MADE CLOTJIISG. Consisting of '. Blaek Tress, - ck and ck Coats. White l inen coloured Duck do. Plsck I'a "mr e lineu Drill Pants. St5r, Siik and reilles Vests, tc;, ic. To f.ll of which m M ould call the attenkn of buyers. Having in his einf'oy excrienced Wol kicn. Cvd iT he n: ad e up t .V-e shortest notia. en rcasuuaU t UiS, iin.l in a wv rk manlike manner; . 4 ; 1st. 1854 f 1 VERMIFUGE. - J7Arl"ST0CK,S WrLeanV,Swyne Pose'eLor . f den's, and Pern a Vermifuge. For sale by TOBACCO & CIGARS. liARGK let ( the aboTe articles auperior quality juat reA-eivedand for sale ly I. lilSliSWAT. .1 1 i C UT Wine, Madeii a W ine, Sherry W ire aret X , C hampaign do. t)tri, Duping &. Oo'a,f 'ogi;iae Karrett CaV do, Scliapp Sebi Maru Gin London farter, aud icoteh AK lor sale by K a PUFFY. May 17th U&4. 7 SARD1S ESj' In half a hf quarter bores, (or ( aaU 'by : F. S. DUFFY. ! piIK Lands belonging to the Estate of Wm "X ' Bidila, dccU. re f. r sale. Those srlshin io purchase,' will please all and see them. v 1 -'ff i -'.J-V'-i-? . : HAJ4UEL S. BiDDLE s '' i t i :i Hi k - . w ihCAri Mhrasbrs7T Grain iCrdle , Bca Heeks. ire. Ite.. fur sal br 3 he car ie s " 46 H L L 9 5 Cor Pollok and Craven Streets, NEW BERN, X. C. C RAVEN II O TF L :. I. K T .'. . I AR'i LCISE & SI ABIES A Jgi. 4 JT, Tt. O. BAREOW, t i IS toad Si reel, j ' NE WBERX, N. C. ' J yA AI E S k M E ITS, Commission and Forwarding; Merchant : r I WLLMIXGTOX, N. (.' Augnst 30ib,18o4 15 tf , WILLIAM Ii!AY, House, Sign Ccacl , an i Ornamental OA MlbbtK STfctKTj ONE lioK TUS fOiitomCJ ALi7XANDi R iil . CivELL. ueaLek in ! ; ASlUANti: AG KM AU i Commission Merchant. MANUFACTURE OF ! i i 1 TIS, StIEET IUtt AM) CO.PPCB WAB.E. SD PEALJCE IN; f ' ' . j ff 1 Stoves, and Japaned Wares, COKNEB OF BROAl AND MIDDLX STHSCT8. One door of the Court 11 onse. DAVID i i i W. BELL, ! NaYiil 4torcs. EEilBEEX, N. C: 'nspector of t tf T. LHAI.I-. j T)ealer in. Foreign nnd Domestic 9 !I;ts, Of jsT Shoes. Umltell:s, Parasols, etc. Strket.' NEWBERN. N. C. 1 1 WILLIAM 11. OLIVER. AUCTIONEER. 1-tf (p. SAMUEL OMVEU &, SOV. if. i General Commission iVTerchnnis, EEWJiERX, C. JON ATI? A WriALKY. Clock arid Watch TlXakor, KEEPS Mntntly onhnnd, an excellent as- sorrrrent of WATCHES. CLCCKS, nnd .IFWFI.RV. of Hll kindsi AU' Work done at the shortest nntiee.and in a vvorknion-Iike manner. J I ! :' - I J. WHALEY. Sijrn of tbe Watch. jCrnven street, Mewijtrn. duly 2ttlt. -1853.! ! j - - . . . j . " A Now sEtaWjshmont. ''I ""HE undersigned would respectfully announce to 1 the citizeus of Craven and th adjoining eotmtry. that he has purchased the Store, corner of Rroad and Middle Streets, formerly pecupied by imi! Lb-n t where he 'will carry on a jjreneral Manufjcturin Rusi ness oi i L I i 1 - TIN,- SHEET IRON -i - r ani. ! ; i COP P E R ? W ARE. He will also keep on hsmia pood assortment of ook iug, Parlor and Ofiice Staves, (i rates, Fenders, Fire Irons, .lapn-.n! Tm or eyerv' description, and all ar ticles usually kept in an establishment of '.he kind. It is the desire of the subscriber lo establish a jerin ncnt btisinesis in Newberit, .one 'bat est n not fail, if suc cessful, to promote the interest as: well of the huveras ! the sailer, and he therekjjre wishes everv citizen f Craven to call and cxamiuei his stock, and saiisfv himself that they can. purchase at houif innumerable articles which thev have , hitherto been accuniomed to order from abroad. Merchants and Pedlars supplied a. N jv Vorit whole sale prices. . hr i."-1-arncuurj aireniion win ot paia to Konhn?. Guttering, and all kinds of Jobbing. A. II ART. 1 Iv Newbern. May, loth, 1S53 1 SMALL POX. 1 ; i 1 U&T revived bv the fubscrilx a few t-eab fresh ana reliable Vaccine Vin s J. Ur. f MEW. Feb, 22. 1854. iwiiivi saisn oi ptiv PMA-ltiAV v BRUSHES AND SOAPS. . V fine lot'ol j Hair, oolh and Xail Brushes of sajerior quality a.nd unique styles. Also a quantity of fancy French: anl English oaps expect ed per eiir; L. E! Johnson, to whiei the attention of the public is respectfully invited, bv I f ! L DlSOSWAY. June 7tli. 185 L' ' ' still t: lEVCOME! M0RR .NEW" GOODS ! ! TU5T arrived and fr sale bv KM MET CUTIIBKRT. 100 RKVVARD. R A"N A WAY rrom the snbacriber, sometime la the month of August lar-t, my negro man, r red fortnerly the property of Wm Wvse, deooaserb I will giT tjle reward to any person or Fers-jn who will confine mid negro 1n jail so that can get him. And 1 will give the further reward of one hundred dollars to any jerson or person who will furnish sufficient evidence to convict any, one of karboring said slave, j No, person will be held responsible for an v injury received by said , . "4 i . i i..'t.i.. suive in nppretieuu..,- uu o-.wrv ia n tlie neighborhood o,f Jos. Sw White, in Craven County. Dl-aasTrici Juoe V-'..: - v:.;.J'i jas. a. prrciiET, j TPciobcr, 1 54. NEW FA LL & WINTER GEORGE ALLEN i Having lately returned froiutlte ort hern Cities with a. a ell-tjeieeted and comp ete soortment of N E v GOODS. - lias optned in the Uric Store, formerly oceu piel by r.tnuiet tithbert, two oors east of J. (7arm r's Stpr', w bete he will l-e pleaseil to his former friend aud 'purchasers generally. 11k has an EMIUI.LYLW TOK, i.nd a very larc assortment of tasbiouab'e DUES- GOODS. ' IllffcV and eolofed ilks, Juslin Delaines black andVo orcd xlspacis, .Frenctt nnd 1 -nlish Merino; C'ulicoes. a j;ivnt variety, i-l.tcic aud colored ; Uib btn Plowers. 'I l iinminsi?. J c .Vve!r. lioiserv. j II juJLiu'chiers, shirts, t'oilars, sleeves, Cliomizcttk. Laces;' E-rjrinjrs, Ioinesties, TrtHiks, J1ATS AX D CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, i Umbrellas. Partsols ' anes, C'.iri et?n-te. Ac. Alo, n great variety of o her H ooils uuall kej.t in la Retail A'tore. ' 'v- Having bouarbt the larjrer j oifion of my GkmU for ash,- and having had considerable exf e rreice in the Ify Gto,jls lnuiiiie.-s. 1 feel confident that ' ean make it to our advantage to give me a call lnJbr purchasing. wb!ln.iV.C! 5'Qm. HERRI NO S. 7 BP.I No. 4 O forjs!e by 1 Whole Herrings in fine order GEO. F. FISnKR. Near the Old County Wharf. 49 tf May 3d, 1854. BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS &c. rELLOWS, Anvt's, Slelge and and Hammers, ) Files, A'asps, Vices, Tons, Stocks and iea f to liiiichea. -Just received at MITCHELL'S, Variety Store. CARPENTERS AND RL A CKSITIITS i TOOLS. &r. Sec. ri RICK, Jbu'ding, Serew Arm, Rnbbit Jath j and. ovher p anes. AiU-Crois Cut and, Tenon, J&uwieK and V-ompass Saws. MiJ Saw, IInd Safw,TeOoni Suvr, Cros Cut, Blacksmith and Cabinet Files; Wood, Shoe and Horse Uasi. pniimon, iut. Ratting anl Ship Augers and Aijtror Bits ,,iLsei and hip Carpenters nnd Coop ers A-'zes and Axes Co's and other makes v.: liroad and Chopp:nr Axes Hinges of everv Varie ty..' Iron nd Br:f, Screws, Coat mid at Hooks Brds ThcVs, Hatchets of several sorts, S'ede and and Tainms, I'in Ju!s Coojers &'tock Croze, owe! D'oek P'ains. Compasses, rvjuares, ore. HELLS. Variety Store. P it'.i Oil :irt d I LaII tl. stock of i'jiitit, , wns on itaiitl aul tor ( i and Varnish a! ate bv I. JlSOSWA" erald of Penmanship, ;0 D NKVVS F C h I Al V.J.iUl S Ear Yiun:j Men goitttj into Business. LAPItS ! CHILDREN 1 ! AND SCHOt)LT 1 ! ! You enn now obtain, for the first time in the wor d, prs 4 c:l Hndwr mg, sdapted to business or corves pol-.o-ifce, irlik a mu h vt-itaintv t a child le-:rn to tp..Uc ; and without, as well as with, the aid of a master. MticLaurin's Curr enfe Caiamo R.tpid Pn) -vtent rurs this necesse.rv art in :he 'd.wtrof all. WITHOUT MISTAKE ! 1 "Byasetie or j MANUAL fMMNASnO EXLUCISE, enurelv new in their ds:g;n, i'. ".akes the chum oft" he luuid, arm ami tingei.-, Miakes the hand perfecilv at home on paper, 4id con bines the element of RariLiTir wi.h Bai ty or f.xtct Tiox. It begins A lli'VOitilthn in the Art of Writing. Such as has neve" before taken place, and will qualify ?hbu.i.nii f youi nien for gotvl posi'dous us book keoers., a. eounf .u..-, copyiis. ivn have fa. led Jo le-.iu io write we'l m;der ever other vstem. His equ-by adat leu So Jeachmif a i-apid aud elegiiut ladie' ! : 1. - ! LF-IN -TIIUCTIO V SE IEs" r V JlS. IK Iv.-fotu;! "iirsi of tii-i St-.-ie nsisri t Mac? ay riri s Sisiem of Manual E In Fie uiubei si accon i.anied bv u book of Instrue- ti. siix books in . tojrei -er wi:h six F he Mac Lam in i'e..-. and a hohl. r, ut up in one ; acxajfc.uud sent to any p.:r; of ihe United Siaies by uiai with tht postage paid,! ai One Dollar. (The larjrer I'our.te is thj same as the proceeding, augmented by the Series of Six Round -and Fine, hai-d Copy ixk and a Exercise Ruled Rook, tor ad dinonal practice,; maki.i tiiirieen books in all, with Pens ana1 Itirtruciion iiok, at Two Dollars. (The book, containing a full Exposition of the Sys tem, with Direct io i s, will be sei.T separate to any one orderintr it ttud lnciudinca ist:.ce siamo ui.d twelve aiid h.iti ctnt. i ThL wid iive. sa full kimwlcde of t.n.........i, ..rii.u.rQiai.i i.rr n.lirm and enbie ihe iver to nroceed unoarst iudti gly, if not altvadv aware of the uature ot the iiau : which is TH AST Or WBJTIXG RAPIDLT FKOM THE FIUST, UDU Ul - . me time well an art never rer before taugat either - -. . the Schools or bv Writine Ms,,r:. . . . bXTBA. i. f ruaarr cook oi totr exercises ior mnu ! - r. -t.-. . j.j . m b i i - j a ? 1 M dren from four years old upward, and useful to ail. 18:54 cents. 2. : Boek of Mammoth Capital Letters, for extr a Gvuinastic Exercise during the whole course cents. These two books also indispensable in Schools. 1 ! ; 11. - THE SCHOOL SERIES. Teachers are respectfully informed tat MacLaurins System of Gyinnastic Exercises. Being a complete Course of Gymnast c Exercises, de signed to give be grea-est possible command of the pen. j uDiDeu in six nuroocrs, price ij MaelxLurin Round-Hand Copy Books. Id two parts, price 23 cents; and JfacLaurin's eries of Fine Hand Copy Book. In four parts, price f0 cent (are now ready). The abore lit books constitute JL'acI Turin's Complete! vries. rnceai oo lor tne set. MacLaurin 24 s Writing Tablet. For, Children in Families and Primary Schools, 6 centa each : sent bv mail in in packages of or 2i. (Amtainingiba Bir Exercises oa aiiff boards, for pen. peucil or at vie. Just the thine for amusing and l8,ractillJ-.ale chiUat the same tiuVe : combining the toy and the took ! !l - CHARLES D. NORTON, rUBUSriFllj 7l!V HAMBRS SjTRKKT-N X i m m m m w m r i . ii rfwaw !;:; i ; & m ariv rt , . v .-. : . i , ii h . hS A heavy article 1 yard wide, at ALEX. VOTCHELVV JalvSS, IH. Old County Wharf, i 4 Marshall's Uterine CkUholicon.4 TT1E original and genuine article has be i dtceit nr mice and auw aeUaat $1.50 per battle. ' A su: ply just received by I. DISOSW . I June :2th. 18.V4. I bO WbOl), Red WoovT, Yellow Wood, anil Copperas, Alum and Annatto, for sale 1t f ' I v. F. S. "DUFFY, f SEINE NET AND TWINE AGENCY. 1 rpiIEsulscriler hain lately returned fronfBoi X. ton. would now inform cuitoiiu-rs am? the public, that he nasjut received a full supply of the best qualities of the various kinds of f Cotton and Flax Twines, j Also an assorttneitt f i f NKTS AND SEINES. I lie is altso prepared to furnish at short notice any! kinds of Nets or Seines out oi the usual dimension all of which will be warranted to give satisfaction' to the purchaser, both in nutlcrial ;.nd inantifaetui, ly baud ktiitting. j : He will also take this method of informing the )ublie generally, thut he has u jjool assortment f Dry Goods, Hardware, Shocoj C1U CK tlii . GROCERIES except LIQUOrK FLuUU of best and trood qualities, and a lot bf hrst rate .New Betiford SPERM CANDLES, Wr rHtiieil pure, all f which ho is prepared to furuhjh n the most favorable terms. 1 GEO. F. II HEP. ! ; Fast side of Craven Street near the Old Couniy Wharf. Nov. glh 18.13. 2 tfl WHITE WISE AND VIDEJi VIXEG R. A GOOD article of each at July 12 A. MITCHELL'S. Old County Wharf.f SPEISG GOODS CIll CUE All A P R I L 1 8 5 4. ! mmmvmmm. w my, jmmWjm 9f f INFlMiilS his numerous customers and the pu-1 lie genera ly, that his new supplies of spig I and summer. ; 5 DRY GOODS CARPETING, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, HATS, CAPS. HOOTS, SHOES. SHIRTS, DRAWERS, j Jewelry, Umbrellas, Trunks, lc ttc, hnve jtfst arrivel and are now opened and ready for insj cc ti in and sale. His store having undergone extensive and valu able alterations during the past Summer, visitors will find it large, light and com Tort a hie, and mdkt conveniently arranged for the examination nnd Se lection of Goods. . lie would add that bis stock nnd assortment wire never more full and complele man ut present, en '.bhi- j cing the newest, most fashionable; nnd most destruflc'i trods u tIie-Season which will btt old at extremeh ovv irices. - Xewbern. Oct. 19th. 1S3. t t JUST RECEIVED I A HEART'S ! TI WATIE ND S0VE DEPOT . i v i. . x . I . . i I . ir . . . a i j n n u:fe oi onmiirua leaniHH on ' n' - Also-.'Waiters of different sizes nnd stv& J. lly Moulds, Siee lioxes. Su-jrar Boxes, Deed lioe Toilet Pails, Cake Pan? of different sizes. Tin a$d. Glass Lamps. 71n Trunks, la and Coffee CaijiV Icrs. Candle Sticks. Ihist Pans, Knife Poxes. Ilri tannia ?vup Ladles and Hollow Ware of evrv descrij tion. Alo Tin Toy for Christmas presents, all of which will le sold eheap. j Please give us a call, corner of Drond and Middle Street, one door South of the Court House, NejW bern, N. fJ. December 17th, 1868. , S2 t . 1 : j VAU7ABLE PLANTATIONS FOR SALE. I IIE entire bodv of land usual'y known as lie Clermont and Ferrv P:atitiitions, formerly tl e proertv ot the late liovernorpaijii.t, on me roim side of Trent River opposite to the Town of .Nefw bern is otferetl for sale, t hese ands extend, from . . . . - . i 3 a the o.oulh of Green prinsr reek be-ow .Newlrn to ISnces tJreefe, about tin ee nines o e ui iojh, , Trent River, Nense River, Briee's and Green Irmg ; Creek constitute their boundaries oi. three snies -The two Plantations are separated ouiy b the ropd leading from I'.ewheru to P.oas.Jort and do .t v?ry much iu the n.imber ot acres containing to ether about ehditeen iiuudred aerei. there is attached ' to each llMiitafio:s..tiieifciit wox1 t timber lauu for 1 the use of the Plantation. 'Ihe cleared wild isin j n good "state, crop having been taken .from jno 1 it" oft ener than every alternate year, tin the (lermo'at Plantation isa'oo l and oo.umo iidus brick dwelling House and all necessary out'hoi.fees ii..,, i .s na.i a lanre - aim exeenent i... -ri.w.h .in ves-ei Coming to ewnern q tn I rd il Ii 1' W ---- - .-" . - i !::inls are beds ot man, heIitted 1 not inferior loaih' that can be lnni eirn r in quau Utv. uualitv, or he faci.ity with which the mhrl can be usei, as it is near the surface and in fhe l l.. it i be most profitably applied ............. -- . , ... .. There are other material lor manuring, such as 31 ud IZ.rTl'8. The Ferrv Plantation immeliateiy ' fronts ine 1 Town of Newbern and has attached to it a Fefry u... ... -- -- in .rru it. ! IllindllllOe Oil Hie Town of Ne Trtivn with the lost channel oi wie a' ana BriueV Creek on tli Plantation side ot tuc : i: . vtjnt of the lauds. in tlifese ..V r...-..- 15 mzrmmm a - a i J 11 ntaarmna arn rmrti hi rer nr iviiv- 7 Uri,M ac Trent River on the Beaufort . a .anA aMTiiiia ri u mm a a an a -bt- ! i -i-Z frn, iotn Plantation to the) l , ..v..- -.- - - . ,,1 . . 1 1 j , . .i i kn ! v.. nrv.irlrn Th whole Could ins use.! as one j plantation bv a person deainng that quantity of lajnrt,: ! nr it oouhl le aeparatea aT uiuNte.i j " I ; t;ona ami the conUmp ted Railroad to IbSau : r ;ta vw-initr Mttiiol M.iproach near ZMewbern lasrlt vl mm-v without crowing the bodvol theianu. ine wnoie or either Plaatation is fferetl for sale and accojno daticK Tarais will bo given to n purchaser. I mm sT ntiMuliMaih a-A 1 nvtf al f AAT ' - - ... , , . . . Persons desirous oi jmiwiw.. -m t.n.t. and correspond with the subscriber miuiuc i. - v. t Washington or Newbern. P. S. DONNELL AewUrn. N. C. April 11th, 1854. 47 W. C0N. AGENT FOR, I j jt COLTON & Co, Map Publishera.1 j r .i nnrtinn of Aorth Carolina. .r- h ders taken for any and all kinds of map-, fiJb- ed at puldishers prices. Pot &tate im the Union. W, jL dro. focKet maps ui every BUIIELS Seed Oats, 10 Imperial Oataj fer I O00 BU Ji sale at A LEA. JIIir;ilri.u, i- - nl -A ;T s Old County harf. 1 1 COLT'S KEPEATEUS. j ivj A NEW aupply just reaeiycd nt . . Lh : OM Onn.W ef. -1A ' ? i r IJthTrrtoch Burr and other Mill Stones. An ehor Braud Bolting tSoth, iicAlannin's latent wiat Machines. K. i.oe tfc Co' Warrautetl Circu f Sn i -Mst Wl and otlier Mill Saws Uotehki,' Vertiele t. ater I IFheel. ili.l Castinua mL Mehin-rv of every kind furnished at manu facturer's prices by , j 5i OLA VEll d; Su. 8,000 Acres! Pine Land If F 0 R S A L E. "rEINO des'rous of making some ehanse in mv busnitfca, I offer for sale a part of mv land's Mi Ihese land lie on'the wa ters of Town Oeek ami Hood's 1 reek, hi-h and pleasantly situate,!. alKnrt is miles from H'lbning ton .ILere a eson.e 20 Tasks of Tun!! tine Uo- now ent on !n,I. H poit:on of which .Vo,inr". having J.een cut w ithin fonryears past. ty lhi-K is also a -Turpentine 1 istillervxfl 20 bar rel capacity, ooniiectin) . whh the business,: itimtel on Tn Creek at tlu hcid of tidewav where fiat j. any tize can load at any stsage of the water, ivMhoi.t thf cast tfitHcuftv. ' 1 j The Houses re all go. I,t ?ompri?inir a dwelling, mmiler of nerio 'houses, built tat winter, C.rn 'Cril, Stables and other jhoUse necestfaiy for such a business. 'I here is also some Swamp Lands be longing to the trac said to be equal to aiiv in the Suite i.nd n quantity of uplands, il elr-ared and putiin a tate of cultivation-, will pro-: ce corn, Cotton peas, nnd potatoes, j very abundantly, j Person desirois of purchasing wi 1 lo well to all and examine the premises." Mr. Hugh Mt j n, who is on the. premise)-',' will take pleasure in allowing the land to those who may call. tT . I JAMLS E. METTS. Uilminton. N 0., August 24th. 1854 13 tf N Til C B A1 LL Ponds and N.tps due tlie estate of 111 T .' uriv u. juni.'S. eM. nf aftcndH f i November next will be on or before" the 20ih of placed in the hands of an Attornev for collection. ! , i W. IL PEAHCE, Adm'r. - Newbern, .ept. "ath, 184 2 fim. Morse's Invigorating Cordial. r TST at band and for sale bv 1 : ! JUS. IV. CAnUFR Dc. 3.1853. i Brcocist. IERRVS Dead Shot, and Fahnestock's Vermi . fuge, for sale Ly j F. S. DUFFV. Buyt and JTurxciirds on. tka Bt Term, Drj GodJs... Groceries, Farming Implements, Eoob, a USICAL INSTRLMKXTS, CARRIAGES, FRUIT TREES, OI ilrmiM !! mi Cl. II liO M 1HI CI T If OF $ E W YORK, AT PER TEXT. COIIMISSION. Rrfern to lion. W.- A. Grsharn t4 Cadvr, D. L. Fwaitf. J. M. Marehd. C. P Mend utl .1 v rK,. . nr us ... ,: - ;". nuouuu.aiiaoiiieri. Vo.k, loiA. BRITISH PERIODICALS. KARLY COPIES SECURED. ILEpNAR!) S ri'JTtk CO.. New York on jfinue to republish tlitj to lowing Untisli lcri. :ilM-ilIst viz : THX JLONDOX QUARTERLY, Conservative.) ' 2 : THE EDIXBVRG RE VIE Y, ( Whig.) ;' s i THE NORTH BRITISH RE VIE W,Free Church.) I 4i . THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberml.) I 5 BLACKWOOD'S EDIXB G REVIEW, (Tory.) i The present critical state of European s flairs will j render ibesf publications unusually inteiesting du jrinjr the loriheo.uiug ear.i They will occupv a tnid jdle ground between ihe hastily writ;en news-items, erude Sj eculaiions. and flyi;e: ruiuors f the iaily jJoutual, laid the ponderous! Tinie of the utuie histo jriaU, w titten after the living interest and exciten a it -jof tlid fjrear jmli icai events of the sVall have ass ietl aw - It is to these Perio-.licals thai reader must ilook ior the only really intelligible and reliable hiaiory tofcarreiii eve.i , .nl a isii.'ii, in ad l.tio lo their twell s.tablihed lilerarv. scientific, and tiiolclcal ;i...-r-, y ..Kc u.u U Uf..uc.. i . - iireaa.pgpuoi:c the receipt of EAoLV SHEETS from the british. Pjib' llisheif. bv which we are enabled to pirce Abb OCR iREI'UINiS in the hands f ubs ribers, about as soon Has thev can be furnbhed with Ihe foreie i co:ies. Ab though this .uivolres a very large out. ay on our part. r ;H4iI VTtfUIil.lIC It UIOU t llv A S UIVUta aav ! sauie low rates heretofore, vii : Per ana. ....tJ M . . . a 00 7 h A 4 2 UO ...i. 9 tKJ ...... 10 00 j Foianyon of the four Reviews ? For an v lwo of th four Review ti T.. .... il.nuAf ihabmr Urim' ytit R - four fif , w ReTjewj For" tS lack wood a Magazine. For llLckwooil and three Reviews For Blackwood and thefi.ur Reviews.. Tjjff" Paiments to be made in all easee im mdraniee j - mr 7 . . . .ma a Money current tn the Stole tchers issued tetu oe re ceived at par. i CLUBBING. ! discount of twenty-live per cent, from the above .e will be allowed to thibs iderit g frmr or more cop - ,.gr n or more of ibe abova work. Thus: Four eoriea of BJackwtaid, or of one Review, will be sent to we address for ; jtimr coj ies of the four lie views and Blackwood iorW Uoilars ; aod s on. POSTAGE. - . .--. - .1 1 WI AGE. When sent by mail, iu ptwtaere to any pari th.- rtnitxl Slates . win; oe wu iwt.ii biuua CENTS avear for "Blackwood," and but FOURTEEN CenHayearioreat u ui iur iktithi. . - Rmiit&ncea and cotnnmaicationa shovld always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, u Leonard Sc tt & Co.; f s :: 1 4 GOLD STItEET, N E W YORK. N.B.-L.S. & Co.. hve recently pubhshed and, have now for aalel the -FAKMEltri GULDfc." by Han-; t rv Stepens, of Ed. n burg, and the Ute Prof. ortoo of Yale College, complete m z vols., royal octavo, con- taiuing i6d pages, 14 ateel and 6s wood eogra viaf s. Price, ia uutsiin binding; Six iKJixaas. - r t r; j itt fgFITu ork is sot the old "Book of the Farm I aawcBoiT4TCn,W tktmm tttam ttmnrbH.' In all fnepnncipai vines ana j owns, mee wptm isbal'e ana jiire vwrw vmvi.vrr -,11 be delivered, ihroughl Agents, FK:.E UK FOST- !aud, German BitUrs, and WisUr Ii vaiu cf EW(I(0)(0)ID)Q? SA1 AUIUUKLL, Wi.he. t inform niairientlandthepubliein ftneraj, 1 1 ut liir pureuaaingin riew York, ani other !ciii-s fm r9nu dded largely t bi Mua.Jv j Fancy nd SUpla Dry; Ged ! Family sndsh in-OroMriea, I Crockery and Glass wara. Si k and Wool ata. I Fancy ana plain Cloth Cap, Fine and course Bot, Brogana, 0 j Ship Chandleiy, Cottoh Canvas, j Hollow Ware and Stona War. ' English American and Sweeduh Iran j Guns and Putl-iClU and DUnl and Srmk l nevouers, . j;. . j, ii I'M Cry enters, ciopers and Blacksmith's teefe liea negro lilankeU and Kerseva, i Grind-stone; Crahksnd KoUers, fete. 1 He flat tera himsolf, that his assortment i : is a r-cfu vunipieie a e.-.n be found anywhere, ttnd r 1th. he doe not deem it necessary to ttata what p.i: P iu purcnasea are made for C'uA he is li si arrangemenU enable bin ubuir as .f? any .one.nnd is determined to sail at tka invi'Li t i a ees of the market. IU respeetful ytolu ils a i tiwu no wuo wnnuo ouy in atr g 4 t tefU. j A -ic&ern. X I 1834. - 1 .-1 j ;i. Oreek Sl&v 1 Bitcrattto, Voiiik, Flora, Heu I ASD THE DAIVCIXG IJtSi G-THE above eelebratetl Statue t.v.-t- milii a-hitch ni.iiuoitC III UHJ.'.'f hundr.d 3T MAGXIECJCXT &AJX3JXGS, iorm the collection jof pri.-es to I Uistributea imung theimejnbera of the Co! tan Art Association at the first annual JdictilUut in .lauuary next. j j 1 j . j TU Cosmopolitan Art and; Li:-7 ; ary Association ij 0rgniztd for the Encouragement aad Genern J jion or nitrtuur ana the re Arli, en a neu a I j original plan, 1 Tl Committee of Managewant Lata the Sure of auDouiicng that the First Anatal fbution will tako place on the SOtk of J.Vii ,ou which occasion Uier Iwill ba diatribittii i lotted to members seyeral huodrad Works t f U among whiefi is the original and! world-ri'.-iov tatmt oi the UKbta fiMVE. by l'oiri costing over jive thousand dollar I tortther v, it1 beautiful Matties of VEJvUS JLC('HXA"I1 J it.' BE: FLOR4. and the ILIA'CLVG GIRL: an f ! teen tutnetts jn Bronze, importe I from i'i ilso, a lan;e collection of tIL-PAIjVITA ;prisuii? some of the best productioi i of let a jtmcilcan, and roreign lrtits PLAN FOR THE CUBE EXT rXAL' The payment of three dollars. joiiti e Oil on a member of this .Association ,hd him to the Knickerbocker 1acmxina for! iand aloa ticket in the distribution of I fuary and Paintings which are. to ; members in .lauuary. I ? Persons taking ti e mrmber?lurs be aiiottd d nre ct.MU five of the anz-nes one year, au'i tO Et.9 tU. in.b tlistribution. Persons, on becoming members icn til Jag&ziue commence with any month ti.' and rely on its beinir mailed to thein iTir the fir-1 o( every month, direct j from : N'-s The net proeeels derived from thie saie of n-.t-n bership are devted to the purchase of Y'; , Art lor the ensuing year. ! I - I ook? open to receive names at the ; E;:t :r ifice, A'ew York, or IFestern office. SnnJ.: t he (Jalfcrv of -Li t is located at Sand: - A. v f s 1 j II estern omce of the .dissociation, i: ' Granlet Building have been erected for a i Hwliose siiacioussaioonB me spieiuicu cwoeciioa statuary ana l amtuis is exiumieu, iby becoming a member of this iociatio?i flte . 1st. 411 persons receive the full "ir, ! 1 subscription at tlie start, in the I Januine Literature. ! shape Oi Sl'-'illt g I 2d. Eachuictnber ia ! contrihuog toward rrr. -Ir: ! chasing choica H'orks of tima eneoitrafriii.:; tlia Ittsfs ottbe couutrr, disbursing thousands -i dji.-rs f through its agency. ; ' IK r , ! Pei-sons remitting funds tor membership. ! tnnrk letters, Iiegisteed.' and ;.stat tne ' n nn!.J ..:.Jt e. c - ) with which thev wishther magazines to comt: - - . 1 mm I ' i c nlin ihrir nost office address tft frUl. 02 1 Ji ct ij t tf which, a certificate of memlrahi . trt -:5- re with the magazine Uesneo, wiu pe iorar any part of the country. I will olaerve tliat by joining this 1 .lsocbtmjij th'y -receive the Magazine and Free Ticket in thehi u-il distribution, 1 at the same price they now pity Ur the Ma-jazine alone. I f , Must rated Catalogues of the who'c co!ci;m sent oh aplication, free of charge, j , M CSf- t ifllces of the A sociation, at the T-r.n-li-ker- lliose wno purcnase .airaiiu: . a-" "- lKK!ker Aagazine otlice, ! 848 Broadway, AVvr ,t ot k and at A'o. 1 66 Water A'treet,' Sandusky, V.o dres. (rtt either office,) for roemberabip, i. L. UKliHY. A.-tiiarriV! A. L. -id- A tJib Y 1A V bVft l'ain killer, Da lie v 4 b X tractor and Radwav's Kalv Keli .( I IV i. ' . i and McAlUter's ;intment,for 'e by K. S. 1 d ! L I G U Tl EIGHTH ANOTHER supply of Flcto baraof Tr: ns ; aiul prices, "an pbine and SUr I.anj' Cainriliine, " Solar and Tube W ick, JU-t ? e tea, ju- r"J JAS. W.j CAliil J 1 aaa Jfor jle bv !.. Dec. :j. 'l8.S. i ii . 1 lr.r.-i-r. f READY" MADE CL0THIN( t A x' urti-int Irent eonctantlvi on has J. and W. od um the tnoet reaaonalde terifi bv : J. M. Y. liARIUFOf. SALT. MOLASSES. SUGAH AND COFFEE. A SACKS Salt (Lirerpael Grad. WU 4 Mhda. Molaaaea. ! 10 Baa St. DomiBfa Ceflea. t Jjigniiis , de j. ..; j 3 Jara. (t anperiar art rale) . Juat received and far aaU by j h Ui W. JAJIY jTRANDY, HAPIEUA, TOUT AM) MUilitiT IX WINES. CHAMPAGNE, and a in r- ot .of. aiirara of superior Qualitr juat receive I o!i for j, T.J. m' i n. D AVIS' Pain Killer. Mustang liniment, 77" Clierry Pectoral. Sahiad am 5ehnn p I .... t.:.:.' ITi.M.. fm .t. Loaf. of HWi; c.rrrr, iot at hand and far aale b v rrr inat at hand and far aale bv 1 . i - . r i , T.LJ. HttiriKS. SEINES! SEINES ! ! SEINES 11 " rVtS Subscriber would inform tus cmtmers 1 bttlHK aM , i tv ' m in j ui- - i eney. r- -to. Boston, a good mor neist ii atoi 1" lus. of I ?rri and Ssuaa .eine n eoa, wrumaicn mud tose previously os hand be Hunts h oau not may one. deairooa oT furniafciag hiujself.Hf lib a Seine f whatever meh or depth be may Wuct. I. i lie also lee pa an aasestment ofj-nad and Hull sXeta. aad of Cetsoa and Thread Twines, j ml f which will faratsh at low rates ,ajad oa accuUiumdAta sawtmm. r - OZORGTS r. TISJI ER, ' n f Peer Old CnvWarC I - - " f 1. V ... . ! i . I a s: d to t X? H