, i'-- - ' ' ' 1 -- ' , ' ' . - j - r. : ' - U . : '"- 'X. ' S'''S '-' - r- ' : -.V"."""-V,'- r'- ' . -V - !." ci'r " - : I ' - ! I - ' " - .! t " L ! ' j ' f ' 1 ; ' ' -1 - - ! - - ; - - . . -. ' : . : , -. -: .. . , . "T - i . , - - I ' 1 - i I" f .-iwj,t Li.il Ii,r J4I VrirJ' " M-Ivr XrBZ.I.8H3SD'rSYE& WDHESl)AYV"AT - TWO I) 'OL LVe ,PEE "ijTTMlir '"ADVANCE i. v.i . : "7 : ' .- r ;,i iii.t , ;r 1 ;S ; i : - i. ti-. f -, .,; - 'f . ; . . -r ; . .,,..- 1 , - - - - ' ; s t r .t .. - . ti ,'"11 , J' " ; I " .'."! f'v i? r: B : i u ! I J H. MUSE j? Editor & Proprittdi'j 1 gjath ide of Pollok itreet,) three doors abo ihh 1 5rs Otaccv' 1c"-"5 0' 'f'f 7 I Tms. Tournar will be. ublisbed weekly, 1imL Rontainin? 24 columns; "try Entirely iwsw i type, and in an improved style, for $2; 00 pet. year if j payments made thereafter. j v-- - A i 1 cnuarer 1 insertion.. t f 4 T6i beiits. I 1 2 insertions... .,,.. ..- 75 " Arrangements will be made by the year or 6 months rntii permanent advertiserSi at the., to west possible I ! isr JOB PRINTING, iffiar--f f flarin" new, and extensive- a83ortmeni 01 09 IfTra, (as good as caute fouud in, the .State.) we are prepareo. to execuie if JOB WORK - . it itk neatness and despatch ; such as bandbtlls, circu lars eard, blanks, boots, yampuicis, etc., vie. THE SEWING GIRL. BEAUTlULKETCilI. " Annie Linton was the best sewer in Mrs. Roy's fechoftl ; and the miastrVss declared; on inspecliug the first .shirt sha.inadeor her father. 'That the Dukeot Baehlrueh, him- self inight Uejt )t !' fJ his vi as "high prais for littleriije, who was ouly eleven years of age i and sbe her er ' forgot it; lie r work wis th cleanest - and neatest' ever, seen. ITln she did it so quickly, her mother could. noc teen.pace whij ner.cuur uemanu ior somo ! l..wiali Amric would take her, buok, said Mrs. Uiuton! (e her 'husband, --.But i U ws j u'e . clear iba t ' A n n ijT wou r! iiftver' take her t booi ; she hkd Utile eadiag-atid Idss ; spell--j-ngl -and ' yet she could 'maik' (with fotteh' j all IthedtjUcri cif the alphabet, asif'.lio Hras fSoraethingro sew: eagerly demanded 'Ann .nie.-'f'- j: 'Vjlt any liuowinof come I to, -this r swing asked lier father, witlj 'a -.Very ' natural 'rtftcjj(1rt Htjft .pUS. ; i i- i I : 1 f lidi wli& do udt serr ? hnll not reaT, paid iiuu Annie, lorcr.ty takuv-uj nar ; iHliiei: s tneatrfnff Hnd her wotk-bn;j at the srhe timp, astI;o .vfliJsktid.pa'ii.Xtiui ip- far of- be lag; Ioq. Ulte!"fbr isohod!;- ' '-H' -hu j j Three j wck after ;., u . leai n ingj to J e . a sciwl ar ' said -Mr. Lif tou ; 'no more - d e tiiatids forv sv w I n g.'. ..rfTh a-('a f ei noon j :Ati li fe claine bounding into Uio1 bouse fjrom-Stfhoo-sat uponl her faLhurSi kafee, opened her work uacfi wliicli iMMiif over-htr arm: and tHHi!ii :i!cKwtid. ud p.-idriiito hishand said: 'There's It ' 1 -,it in owing.' . ; !Hcr fathrtndid the paper, arid found j fi? urinal ft: crowns. Annie, - qtiestibned her fftlier; 'wnero did this come from ? ' ! j 'ijiom tlie; sevying aiisWerd!;Anijie,daugh lag delightedly at. his surprise, she escaped flora hU .knee, and ran out of tliroorar to a little longer the: solution of the rid- e.i iVyife,; said John Linton, it is impossible that-Aridte co'tiM. earn all this by the b;t ;.of 6faild's pKy girls call work ; and 4 whom did lie earn it' frpm ! ' '.'I'm afraid' -there's some thirig wrong?' And, ta telb the trtith Lnhie Binton was practising a little ', dinguise ; . nor bad. she given her father U the "money she ,f- badrearned.' Thosnm'originaliy was twelve iiC'ihilljngs.! This wat ..all -deMgnd for br father aldne rbut a prior claim bad come in thfe way. It was cold winter weather,. and tbefchildreu of. the school brought their forms la a sort of square, around? Mrs;!R7y't' fire,' . . . ..... . ' .1 " " i -Axxn. wno was a ravorue oi tue ; mistress, olurvvs nrinnil i warm nrnr liiea t r I ? v. . . , . - , ; --. . ' ' . . : ..! Oww bif f chair. Orf the day irt Question. J Mrs.f Roy happened to hi oui o the jroom- '"YTt'X- s ; .i X-'tX" -''i's-' ' - r iril change "seats with , 6u, Jessie TVil$on if you're coId.? said-Anhie, addressing - a lit--tie girl, -a very bopk-w pr'tn ' w h c4 t lad in a thread bare printed cotton gowns'. sa sniver? - H , "v. :' - ' . J "t ; ' : - Ing ovei ber4 lesson, v , v f t ( Jessie thus invited, came 4i r little inear f ? ; t - 1 ! feuUbbuld :iputon' a "w'oolen u frock'1 like ana .ytarp jQUTielhweJl atisyQurmoth pbxerlytruek appearance bf the girl. Jo ''.T fi fotb gayl Hp!iedJes.ieMat ibe'ds d"' ? v j SU-. iM iii it: t'Mii 1 r, arid sWcan! pay ioAbbtri". "fe" f X Xa rfJp1 mother , no fire at ftbomeTlbis 14 ,w,eaUit-r? 'iake4 -nniii ina-riaiemeiiti ! 1 CO I I j'.'No said Jessie, j 'Ijvjsbed Idare bring' : Jiei yrilb )ne he ref-i t's , warm er, .Ur an at honi. Acd;Ijkiiow.mQtber;is ill, thongii sherv. won't '.till me: ' c'1"i,:,,H:.f V: " - "' -T"i it hefe, said. Art niej. placing Jessie in her vraim cdrTrefyaruIdohV go oiit bfschoof j That -afternoorf.ihe I two vgirlt i went- bWd irri?1iano-JwsieVdb I Hare yqij plenty to eat,- if routve .no fire "j era fir before ;you come - to -schoolthese1 break; fast.'i said Jfessie,;jbartging down ler, head,; as. L if asbamed f of the cbhfMssion.' t j 1nere,V8JtitiWAnniet aftier afstiglit pause, untwintmg the paper iiwliteb" .we'ppsi ted her firfetarnu.g J 't tvo.ii't go in with jptf,- fbr joxxi motjiei- miyrliV iuptlike to tak it j from arlittle-girl like Hie ; hut ami,hetput two tlitlling ;fatq jeisij s AhanQtbat asrto buy -you eometliing to eat,, aiid a fire, and, jf your m oth e r cnn se vr' ai ,w e II as I can , sai d Annie, with pardonable; vanity, 'I can tell her j "..!(' i " - ' i . how-to get .plenty ol jmonej' to ?T or both: ! t ;-r;.;.:: - -..'i' ---rll-Jjri ir Na wonde.r Annie's rsche Jncreased ; the first jnvestmant was a theless the' concealing o good -one. . Nerer- f it. from her. parent. he knew to be wrong ihe feared Ihejf woujfl disapprove ot it ;,and she added to her little riraver atrbiffht. after 'the usual.- endin? of God bless father, and mother and ( forgive. irie for keepings secret tha I helped j. J essitf J Wilson.' Could tbe.Rejiqiding Angel carry up a purer prayer to, I leaven. . : ;;-.;) ; - i j Of course, Mr; and M s. Linton very sool? discovered that Mr. Seanwell, of the iReadv j .. . made Lin-n '' ?WareIiouse,J was the grand source of Annie's wealth. Ilesaidj there was; no'orio wbb coald' work iike j her, and i . I - .i; i , saidf that he wouhrgive eighfecn pence each for the finest description kf shirt-malfing -his ivas nrt great payment for Annie's ex qui ?at.e stitching, thirty yeais ago "it (would have-brought her three and sixpence pI shirt.. But ylnnie. is of -the presept, riot of 'the past, and as she could. complete a shirt a dav, her fingers flying svvifter thar a weaver's shuttle she .eained'niiVe shillings a wefe'k. "' 4G ood4 wi fw,.'4nid Mr.; Lintopj 'we are not so poor, but; that wt can panintain diir daugh- J ter until safe's the present Tate .wentti and bv- that -time; al-; of her eatniwgf, she wilf hare a little, fortune in- the bank,.1 .- 'X But thift litOe-fortune Ininassed but slonlv for hinie fetdom hsd nine shillings, at. the cud of thfr weck there tt-ere ?other 'Jessie. Wi! son's I uVrenuired fobd and fire. 1 1' ' ', llad Ahni been k po st , she would' as'sut-5 edly have wuttenrriOt ,thg ,stng, bata!, song of the' shirt, for once when she was .question edf as to the dull monotony of her work ; 'Dull ? 1 : D dig!tful !' said 4nnie, in advocacy of ' her calling. 'Why, with tL is, rare linen and fine thread, my. studies leem,, like: stiining Mttle pearl alonijy the -wrrslbands and coJJars !' What; an aiiti-sjiig, of ! the sbJi t might not Inriii have 'written 1 ! 'V - ; j. - Abhie'sNigbtettiit h birth-day 'was CQi.ebm' ted by a tea party to, all seamstresses ofT' r Se a.unv ell's est a rjlishmen t, w here she was now orevoman- besides bein a ' cheerful,- kindr lie-irted- littla creature ; "beloved bv every bodv H was a' compliment; Jr'.' peHmweir'said", :she' well .deserved--4her .admiirable superiiitenr dehce of the department 'allotted ;bex -having increased his business tenfoldl ' : , Some time after ,thro was 'a day of re- joicing. in. the. firm of,.Seani iweii oc to The gather had taken his son a a partner, and the son took a partner fo.r JiJ"q -the indefatiga ble little seamstress, Ahnio Linton. There never was a blither bridal . Annie;; herself liavrn risen - from !the-.ranks' - had a present forevery workwoman. 'Tnideed it was a day' of presents, for on that .very morning, and in time to be worn ' at the wee diog. a shawl ar rived for .Annies-all the .way- from India an India -shawl,' that! aDuche" would have en- vied' !;l7p6ri it was pjfineda paper; pri w;hich -was.written : Wear this for the sae of one 'Ca .who? is 'now. rich and happy,:, bujt who t never forget - the services yon rendered to the poor. school girl Jessie Wilson. X ' ' h . ;.- . .. . 'Anni, saul youug, to rawed after the t marpiage,;:i: ieii in. ipve wiiji jouwnen j you were a child 'and caraec to pur shop.for your firsf sewing1 - I j-.Jso happer cd 'to3.be passfng1 whenyouave part of your first earnings to Jeslieilsbn; Lwas aioiy then, buifljsiiid to InyselC'IM were a in fin -I'd niarry Annie Linton ; but ;sha so prett' liere Annie blushed most becomingly not because she's sb.industrioutp but because she's 'so kiud- beartsd.' i f 't . - rr: . r. 1 -3ttTi-CA.iAErin4- UetasVa-U2tte ' bfl v.- -V "f Y .",-lV nsi dt i ablyOi nUretidand omeVoftiiVm a greattleal excited, in refeVenci td'a stfange u uui;.:uawKCiiui8 pauomenon tt lias occured in.-!thr watrs of the: Sri e-a Lake. f r During the "whole: of iJedneidav arid Jyesterday th ? waters iwouldti risei land falliiu spaces of. time Varying Jrom. ten1 tnib-"J ulei to : hutfan hour, : conti UuousTy U h roub tbose. days,lfromufive incb'ekrto'two. feetffl height. Just after sun deWji ontnWednesa day ercBing i'frnd of our .innd! an exact measurement of tbejfall lan.4 ;,tiineii:Ini-fif . teen minutes the water fell 16... 1-2 incln , 1 I -1. ... t gLGirls ihavo niore? strenoth i in ;i theirr dobli than we h are in our laws, arid more " iSbwcr in iceir tears man-r e jjave m pur arcuments. froced "to send- m td I spbool j w ithpu .a, A-1 'X: , HONVWIDCrWWISTBROpK TOOK the1 sheriff:" ' t V : ' BY JOHKSOS J.' HOOPER, ESQ. . ,r i? i '-. 'Bdu:e,year since. 'pVoissionaf business threw me, lmtp the c!rnnany, for a jpng days ridev through a4 ea.'pine-fwops cauutry in an'easterri county, -with Mr. Stubbs, its sher iff. . ;By theriniddl ef the afternoon -we had exhausted, as subjects of conversation, th particular , attach ip eiit case y Inch brought us together the political condition of the country, the prospe ts vf the growing ,crop, and several matters of perseaal' hjstory. ' In fact we had .run but td'lise a true but ex- prt ssive metaphor J when: ; suddenly Mr. Stubbs eye flashed, and a strange smile " flit ieuvacioss nis lips, ;. ne. reinarKeq T haven't told you, 'Squire, I-believe, how t got 1 liinatcj sarvin': the prbcesthe. sheriff -was not a Jeamea man, ana occasionally uiu 'miiplace theaccent) that evef'conaejintd my hands.' . - I : i 'No, let's have it,' I replied, turning half round in the saddle; i't cost you some money, did it jour mistake?' " ' Ah,' he ejaculated with a sigh'it cost a heap a heajiV ' .-' ' J his was said with te air of much suffer ing, and I 'tobi 'him,- if' It awakened painful emotions'; he must notihink of opening tu"e old- wound, merely 'for rxiy ' ' e'n.tert'aih men t. ' 'It's' all over now he sa;d,, ai I dou't mind tUiu it. I don't know how it wasbut just" at" '-his mViiitnt ' cau'ght 'siht of a shabby -fold of crape around 'his;' hat, and J -coiild not help asociating.it ' withf ' the sight ,the lugubrious expression Jaid- tha 'sarvin' of the first pi'dcets'.'' Aneili tiiar-we'shall dis cover something presently. Mr. Stubbs proceeded ': j ' 'I was 'lecte-.l the first sheriff of the coun ty; ai-d at' that time there wern't more'n 'tliree1 or four hundred Voters in it. To be sure, I was right proud it ; wa; sleh an hon or, likel'f '' " 'Th.is is S pur "second term, theH.'j , X ' 'Yes, I,ha"d".to miss one .; term pf sarvice on. the account of the, Jaw;but then I was deb'ty '".(deputy) in.der Stokes, and when his t:irie run out, lat 'Augu't was two ye Irs ago, I was tlected'again. '"But that ain't tellta' How I got'iuinated bv that writ:. Nb'v Its Reason'; ' able to stlppose, that the fii'St'ot'a thing ain't ! as easy, to ki ow as toe middle or the last. 1 ho w h u the lawjer down a t to vt n made o n't the first paper and put 1 1 in my ' h an d5. I was jist as bad oplussed' a ever you1 seed.' ' Yv hat kort of a. Writ was it' .'Nothing bttt the, common i 'sort, (ta ad rfs.:) I klipw 'em now; like a book: Et "I had only knowed upthen here another deep-drawn siglir'siippl "led the place of word?.- -'i toothe plaguy thing home, and ' 1 called iu .Bilf Stokes (which was she nil his self, after th at) and old 'scjuire Lu m j ki n ; to counsel me on it. ;Ae read It over three Or fuiir times;"' It ordered me to take the bod v of Hannah Yestbrooitf to re found--in mV :ounty and. her safely to kerp so that T -should have her to answer before the judge at the next circuit for debt she owed; rnd morn'n that, it 'said I was to' do" it witiiout1 delay" AND iT THEN " I G II O N TO'" FIVE MO.VtflS TBL Coukt. VV hat was I xo do wi tfi ; h et a ll tr at .time, and U'.) ifigri pt a jail br ibe county!' . 'WeM, ic w-is x' haVd looking case, but that was siinjily a f'o(m, and the writ might have been served by leaving a copy with the Jady. 'Oh, I know that mighty well now, but didn't know it tiIex. Besides, at the bottom of the paper "wa .writ 'No Baill,' and I know how that themj words mean no bail required; bnt l thought then it meant that ef she "war to offer tue bst se'curitj- in the State, I warn't to take it. nd h was the conitruclion that Stokes and Lumj'kin ' both put upon ii'.and the old 'Squire went so far as to ta-, ef., he was sheriff, he'd take that woirun and carry her home, and Jock ; her up in the wine room with ' hisself and his wife, every night' ,df his life, " ontcll "couit came" round.' , 'That- would h ave made 'it pretty asafe.' ' Yes",' said Siubbs; 'but . I knowed' that would'nt suit. me, for my ife""(ihat was then) was high tempered, and-, never! ' could bar ftrange people in the room. But,. however, .after coutiselin', I got Stokes to go with me, and I went up to the-wider, and told her my business. She was, .uiighty bad scared at Crst, Put when but got over that; she" r'ard and pitched, ! shouH jist" agin out and gone Mtid' resigned, buttokes quiled her ;t yjsayin' we could put her in jail, but ef she pkiiaved ueself, Wtt'd only take her down to my house and lecher stay till court. r; Then she turned in to crvjn and begginVime to take her n?? ro. woman and-keep her Tor , -security forahel debt, winch jt was only something; oyer a hunured dbHars'and the nrgge'r Was Ijkelj. Burl Jooked in my raper,' ahd read it obt "to her ; .'ro rKfi this b oxkt-of hankah AVest-. BR00K! v ; ... 'She said .4h'drra. an.i , aha had , hmr- rJA' . v ; : T . " r ' . - - 4 j vim roan saddled nn. anV! whil Stnlr. wi T1" tallnn' and noticm' she mounted hi urn and started offin a" lively - cauter- ot. the "Georgia end of the trai1. We mounted and gallopped 4'terberand.she had'tot , half a utto uciuio;hc uau uer. f xxieu S1I8 Cieu anu begged ag'ainbut WeTput a plow line around her-waistrjand twfc the end, a'ndater 'IeU ni uci ume uiieciiuuk iu ner iiigcer, y uuuiu.. oiy wire f, and ? every day ri gO'up home and look Her Wer corisavnsP Some une;rolled "on ; telb rid op. to the gate'in a ' powerful s rh u r v and calted-me ouf Xf ij- n-th . 'You've played" tnuWder;' saict Lei" 'X ; j 'HoW?'SaysL.,;'. 'j . . . ri 'Why takin of Mis iW-estbrooks. Its all wrong, a'nd she's ent. word down. to .the very lawjer that put out that' writ against her, ands go; two agninstyou; one to riiakeybu turn btsr Iiose,and 'iothet to. make ypu- pay twent tbousartd dollars, for takia beri . 4 , 4I sbn t ser'ems?ys 1. r. ... , ilakes "vio odols Tliiey'Te "done appointed a kurriner (coroner,) and he'll be up i mora :r TJi'fTf. tap l.-vlr irvti .'Well,' says I, Zrcken they've,, got you too. Ybu whs alonf; and hope to 'do it - 'Ohy yes savs Le, .4hut they've got me for a witness.' - ' j"..7 .'- X I sard -no' more but walked Vjoht into the house, andUhar:I:fonni tfievwidder -rookih' mighty pleased, and: 1 told her he; was - free to S9t ad I asked ber pardon aad stiQuldn' charge her any .bpVr4and .Ihpped"sLed come and see my olcl woman, and sP "on, and J5f fnrth i 'She went, I suppose.' , .. ,'he "did, a,nd ' the' jknrritier come; and he showed me how to" serve a writ' by copy". -I shall never forgit it. She took me irito couit. and there warn't nothing done- with-it the first lime. Before tbekiexi court niy old wo man died, .and -that upsurged every., thing-. What with her dyin' and the suit, thought would go crazy, to bo sure.' tI3ut you dian't.' .1 . ; Cr- , . No'; I bore it as w;ell as I could, and just before 9purt comes along the lawyerv-Jeu kins and says he to; me' 'I think" you and :mv client, --Jiss Westbrooks, " could cbmpio mige the case ef you ; was . to ualk.l together abo u t it,.I Jt ajdly wai ted for him to leve, before I jumped on my hofso and rode up -to the widdt-r. Widdersays l,kin we' i set tle ihatr caw?' ; X f ..u.).; 'i: 'She 6rter lauglred atid iaid tfYaV:be: 'I'll give yon a hundred dollars to drop it;4 says J' X X ' " ' ,. "'She frowned m:ghtiiy, and said that warn't the" way the6 yrktited to settle it.'-'1' I "will give twP said' l' ! ' 'She 'frownodLwoTse than before, and said that warn't the way she wanteds to settle it 'Directly somelhint-come right, into mv mind. I seemed to see plain, I studied. and considered. Than 'I cleared my throat, widder, says I, will you have me?' ... $ajs,she,.7Tw.id;.r(- t , . . . T give that rascalJenkins fifty dollars' for his shares and the wi'fdeV took bie " for hers. I had kept her a onUwf1! prisonef'for- high four raonths, but 'sqire, she had me onder a rest for mightey uige seven yars I. inquired ii" be tiad been at lastcompejled sVperate from hert ' IIo , simplv pointed- to I totiie crape on las jiist. me same birange . ff-miie flitted about -his nroutn; tie only aUU'l 'i iud-o she got a little more .than even 1 . . Souttirn l lines "Business,, Cards C G E O R G Et ALLEN v. ":-v : t-DIJALEtt IN ' , ycr FA.NCt - & STAPLE DRY GOODS,! ,. r BOOTS, SIIoES & 'CAITERB, ilJATS, C0KKLI1G SHEPHERD & CO" IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Staple and laiirT 7 DRY GiOODS,; 27 MURRAY & 31 V A R R EN -S 1 F. A, Conicling. C. A Shepherd. TV F. Bakboue : e.'POLK: TEACHER? of Piano-Forte, Organ, Melodioa Violin & Singing. . . . ;r,. - 'xv:&rm'2z - v; $ 12 00 . for . j . . . 24 Lessons. ' ' 10 00 l- -do c'riildren under 12 yeers of age. S 00 ; dp : ": Tuning Piano onc. 5 00 do f , do , by the jear. Reriairirig extra. ' Orders for JVrusie and Musical Instruments at- tended to. ewbern. Feb. 14th .Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ,; Offire on. Dread . Street 3 doors lr;low the .. coijRT HOUSE. C -RAiJi Muil U,T,it L. A D CART BOUSE & STABLES. r j, u. g: bak&owp . - 7- Broad .iret, " JAMES E METT S, Commission and Forwarding "Merchant -':;: -; '-' . WILMINGTON. N: C ; Aoost 30,1804--- ' - ! IS tf i v WILLIA3I HAY, i Ilonse, Sigar Coach, and Ornamental i Il V" U Gr IT E ; S ' o t necarie s -:'oj CchrXPolloh atid Craven Slreetsx -1--.- !,tsiiii .fyjii'? bi1ts , t ESPECTFULLY offers bis W fessional services td IV the inhabitants ef 'Newberi and ricinitv. fO- nde on uraven atree ,: oa e door above the' State Bank. ijKe wbern, Sept, tflb l5a- - - ' -" 5 tf i Alexander umitciiell, r DEALER IX V A R i & M O D a IXSURWCE ACEXT IAD n 4I Mmff ' : ' 1. if I: 2iIANUFAGTURER OJF x lfll!is SHEETplROX 1XD COPPER WAIIE, 'I'i-' .: :-;AXI-pEAUEa IS, ' I Stoves, and, Japaned Wares, : : : . COEXKB .OF'BUOAD AND MIDDLE ST71EETS. . - . ! - - .... " - - U - j "f . 9n oor SputE of the Court House, ; i; :' ' r . : f:; : : : I j keweex; n. c. . ! JONATHAN l-WHALEY- r i .3 ." -: , . ; p. lo c k. a.n d , ,Wa t c .11 Maker, VkfS T"RT.TS 'fmafn-ntlv- rn 1iti1 r orniill jnt o . sortnient of W ATCII ES, CLOCKS, "and JEVELRY. of all kinds. 'All work done at, the shortest potice,and in a workman-like manner. I-' X" ".. : J. WIIALET. Sign of the"; Watch", Craven street; Jfewbera. . i i July 2Cth, 1833. ! ; :4 ' . ';i ' ; - - t.'::.;: Wanted. A gpocl WorkMaii to build Rocka w ay Bodies at Swift Cfeek,"Bridge, Crlven Cc;,N.!C: i - " ... None but sober men need epnly. j ' AUj UTLliS LATH A J. Swift Creek, March 7 th lS55, Waekly Standard copy tf and send bill to subsri bert NET! AND TWINE AGENCY. ri IAlJ subscriber having lately returned fromBos 14 vton would now inform bis. customers and the ublic tliathe iui: just received a full supply of the bet' qualities of Wife various kinds of I Cotton and Flax Twines, jliso an assortment 'of - '- ; . - - ' - NETS AND .SEINES. jeiis also prepared to furnish at short notiee any kinlls of Nets, o Seines out of the usual dimensions allpf which will be warranted "to give satisfaction tj the purchaser, both in material end manufacture, lyy haml knitting. - - ; if e will also' bike tlus mettled bf informing the public generally, that he has a good assortment of ; j )ry Goods, Hardware, ! Shoes, - - I CR)CKEtU'; GROCERIES- 'except; LIQUORS,! JX.OLTl.obest an(3 good' qualities, and a lot of first rateew Bedford SPEltM CANDLES, war ranted pure' albof -Which hix is prepared to furnieh onfiiie. most favorable terms.; . , . ' " ' '" ? Geo. F.FiiTER.: Bast side of Craven Street near the Old Ctranty Wharfs : , , . Koy. 8lh 1853. ; 2a tf WHITE lYlNE AXD . OIDDli 4- YINE&AR, GOOD article ef elch at -A. MITCHELL ' R.. Old County W h.nf JUST RECKtVEI) AT C: A. HART'S A 1 1 INK article of Britannia Tea and Coffee Pots. ViiAlso Waiters of different- sizes and styles, .WlyJMoujds, SpiceIoxe3,.Sugar Boxes, 'Deed iioxes Toilet" Pails, Cake I Pans of different sie?, Tin and, Glass' Lamps, Tin- Trunks Tea and Coffee Canis ters!' Candle Sticks. Dust Pane. Knife Boxcs. Bri tannia Soup Ladle? and llollow , Ware of every aeseriptionr Also tin toys lor Christmas presents,' all c?f which .will be seld chqap. .;. i. ; Pease give u? a call, corner of Broad and iliddle Street, ine door South of th$ Court" House, ZeV- benN.-ai j :A -.:,i7 , v DfCfmhep lTtb. 1853. , - 32 tf XUABJUE PINTATJON FOB SALE. 4; " . ife entire "body of land usually known as the JL fGlermont and FerryPIsmtations, formerly the prop)aHy of the Jute Governor Spaight bn the boiith side jpf" Trent River opposite to the Town of New r or salt. bern? in offei-ed for TFrese lands extend from "yvi i n Creek , cifcti tute thei r boundaries iii tliree eide. The two Plantations are separated only ly the r jad leading from Newborn to Beaufort and do not vary rnueh in the mimbcr of acres containing together abu;i eijrhtec-ii.i hnauredfci cs-l There is a attached to feajen lyantatioii staneienc wooa a tiroocriana tor the' 1444 of the 'liafetatitfiir 1Tlie'clebred'Miid ia in a gold state, crops , having; been taken from , no . j ; it oftener than eerj alteritate year. On, the !ermorft Plantation iVa good aid com in odious Lbrie dwelling Botse?and all.heeeaiaryoat hosifca a UjUouse suuies.jana .a, iare ana. excel lent. barnlat wFiieh'anv 'VeVset cofninV to Ncwbern can loaL fOa these 'da'nds areteds -of mart believed not jiitjirior to apy inat. can )m foandeUber in qiian tity, tjtialify, or tW faeJlityi with" which the mart caa;f uu,aa js r qear tne menace .nna .in tu tiel khere it.eap be rnost-lprofitably app!ie. .There i."re"othef materia! for taantiring,sIuc!i as'Sf ud iidsnJcrea a UunairecnTrt4riiTO;,j' s'i J t 1 Eft I iferrviMancatioiL immediately -iront-t. .-the to -tht-To wiaf- w ills theTlspst ! ch&iiiel of-th.. Itiver a'a4riceaCj-ce5.9.X th ?lan'tatjp-j.idet of th Kiver the whole 'extent "of the lands! On thee Plaiitaiions are several sixebejachM in dooJ order. The Brigi'e , across Trent Btver .on ,the . Beaufc'rt Roart mVes easV aeeea from both Plftntationsfo Hia 1 -Towi f Newbern. The whole could be ttsed-ffabfle plantlatioH by e person desirinjgthat rjuantity of land, or it loptdhe separated advantageously as two plati-, tatibs; -arid he?onteBlp!aied Railroad to Beau' fort ar its. vicinity ettanot -approKgli near Newjbem without cro-fcing theliody oi the lands. . The. whole or-either Plantation ii' offered for sale and accomo- -'2atu;fTernn -vpl b$ given , to a purchaser; If i;; Pefsons desirpns of parehasing arc invited to ex amin$ the lands and correspond with the subscriber at-WashiDgtoa ftt XcwbernJ , !,-,. - C: '. r' I , R. S. DOX2TELL , JWfvbena, K.' C. April 18th,' 185.-f ;V" 1 " 47 ' M ' 2X1X " : ! ' '" A COLT?S tfEPETERS--' 'A -JTEW si;p"pTr jit ieeelved at . I ii a sL;".- ;.! ;,-r.i ;::- ,;i. i-i;.c;. the,iOutii. of Xiiieen spring L reek ' below, 2k ewbefri to Bl'iees Creek, abSut three injles above the Town,, TreATvivef.I"eu3eltivi-r: Brice's and Greeti prrihsr BltANDY, MAPIERAl PbfeT: JilSTb IsHEBRY cigarof superior Quality jt reeeived bd jfor sale by , J ' L - . , r J trrrrsn-B. & ' j-'-l''-.r r I -'."! .-; . X' '- ". "XX Inffins. . -r ,.. -j T ' mt 8,000 Acres Pine Land . I" -O li SALE. l-c- :uc"lfu w maKinff some enattse in'-mt -a-J" -business," I ffer for aale a-part of mv La'jcd m Brunsw ick County. Th-e lands lie! on'tlie Wa ters of To-n Creek and Hood'a Creek; highaad pleasantiy situated, about 13 mile frem'-Wihalns-ton There ajesome 20 Tasks of Turpei tine Bwn es no w cut on the land, a Targe port!o vf . wluch areypufl:;, having beenf- cut within' foary ara past. ; There is alto a ; Turpentine DitiIlery;or 0 bar rel capacity, connected with th Lusin RUnfift on Town Creek at the head of tideway Iwlere tUU . Ul HllY can; joaa at any stage of JLhe water, without thest difficulty. . XI 1 t i 1 ; The Uouses ure all good, jomprieing a B welliar, a number of negro houses, built last wilder. Com Crib, Stables and other houses necessary) for such a business. There is also scime- Sn-mnn tana longing to the tract, said to be equal to nny in the State, and a quantity Jof.t uplands, if clrired ar.A r" " yi cuitiyatlon, t will ? prod'-H't corri j.cjts, ana potatoes, very "abundantlv." 1 11 Persons desirous of 1 rrurch.isin tviM ilkT,-ilT' call and examine Hie , premise. Ulr. IJujrh ' Me- "iijiutiprcjroises, take pleasure jn iauu io inose wuo in ay -eft 11 , u W'.. I' '-L "'-'i-.' ' JAMES KfiETTS: v limmon, c, Ar Lugust24th. 1854- Bonds and' Noferdue the estate -t- jll'a'rdy.L. Joiios, dee'd. not attOT ded toi on or-:DcTore-thb' 20fh of Xo vemher' nex U vWTXX piuueu mi me uauas oi an A ttornev for v!t ni'. H ; - ! 1 W. II. PLARCEAduVr Afwhtn .Wont'. 01. 1C( o- c ( . - SEINES!; SEINDS ! ! SEINES 1"? it R. Subscriber would iufora Us customer 'te Uublic thiff ho 1,b l itfl v ir.!i. u , - V 1 , osion, a pooa assortment of uUmt 1001 T. J- " : 'I " " ! f and these previously cnihand be thinks he vi rernujjani Miad Aeme Webs, wi .... .1 t. i t ! .. . h whlcfl ,-fi can shit any one, desirous of furni.liin; himseLf, w itlk a Seui of whatever mesbi or dehlh he nav want. T i .s J . He also. Leepsf jan assortment of had anil Wollct ISetsapd of Ojttnn-and Thread Twines, all iifh-cK , u. niu luiumi u-k iow uirj ana oq Bccoiriipoaatnig GEORGE F. FiailER Sot the Old Coiuity Krhn S' 'Si-iiTL: '.11 st-m j,.... " 'puyf and '-jLfoneardf tm ih Bt.'rmt ' , : CJRKIAG)eSr PRUIT: TREES . UIWB n TIJIT fill U in 1HI - C IT Y 0 r NEW Y 0 R K! . at sh ppRCEKT. commissi on: Ewaiu, J. m. Morehead, CP.I Meodcual), Ji W. Oabtrn, ' . N. W. Wodfin, and othiM. j - Nw York, UM. '1 : iiefera to Hon. m A. Graham. GK. Budirtr. n! T. i .-.:t I. . , . . - . ' L n ;;BRlTISli; .PERIODICALS.,' T- JLIAIIIiIl" OPIElS T7Itl3 LEONARD SCOTT & CO New" Yor con- tinue to republish the following British X'on oaicais, viz : 1. Z0Ai?Cj QUARTEULY, (Con$ervativi.) i TYi? EDINB Ull O RE flE Vt ( irA i.) - ; -v r i - - -r r THENpitTUBRlTISIlREVIEW,(Free(rhiireK' THE wESTMmsnm review, (z,iijLi.i . f .".'i"::'." v;; : I BLACfWO OD'S EDlNIi G EE VIEW, (pWy.) : ' : :$ : .. ip-i; . The present critical state of Enropefjt iflkU-rfll render iba. publications unasufdlv intcrfsdnf da ring the lorthcwmin Vear. They will ficenprT a mid- 1 .41 .1 V. . .L . I : -a. 1 . 'i crude S"?culatiTisl and. Cylm;, rumor., of i the -iakiljrj' .Jouruali and the pinderoua' Tome of th tutare histr-, rian. written after the living interest and excite ir e.it of the great jMilitieal events of the time abaJl tate bassf- t d awiv . It is td these. IVriodicals that reader must -look for iheonly really "ntel'ijrible-and rel'LIedstory : of cunpiit Tenta, uni t ucJi, in addUkrti in thair well-established liicmrj, scientific, md-llajU'ic&t , character, -we urgo tbeui upon tha considtfrtioa oi th readinja jHiblic.l, '--fi-;t! ..; -: w . .4 --.i- " Arrangement are ror pcxmaneoIr triad for -the receipt fifL'AKLV SIIKETrt from the Jiritiih Pub-, .hshers, which we are enabled o place ALL OtiK TiliPKIKi-S in tbe hands if tubncfibora, a)fjunts soon as tiiev-cau W mmished with ttoiarein copua, : AJ-?. though this involves a very larjfa onUaj a oirpart, w hali con inn jto furnish hV Periodicals j tt th ' same lowr raU; as heieUfore. via j -f '. ii -i'-;.4 -1 - :h ".y'-XTX- '- X "''. : 1,.:,,..&-i--:-uii;;Tcra.i-.-r! 'For anybBe'ofthc four rteviews L i S. 0 ,. I- . ....-.j .1 Z - - . I - For cy three cf tbejbur KeTiews.. . Jf i For aiTfour of tbe fieyiewV, . , i . , . .....I- 1,00, For IWawoo's Ma2iDeUv,i..;7. j. t'o) For BUehwood aod! three : Iter lews :;t tX.p.lV osr Fir Blackirood. and: the four Review.. V.J. 10 0.t' ti , 4-'iytnrnt to ue Tioe.in m cast, tn tavant j Idaontv eurrt 'in 'thi 'State xthen iutttd vs'dl lr r vJ A discount. of tventr-Cveper ecu t,. front the above , jriecs will be allowed to Clubs. irdcrwff .four.or more., i I eopie anrorwrnm of tbe above works."! Thus ; Foureoties of Blackwood, or of ona -Jteriew.lwill b Hn to onaddre-s for ty ; four yepies cf the four ttf--j I albthe prineipalvCitie and Towns 1 bine worls ' 4 CENT3 veai-for "JJlackwoodsnd bM F0URTlt t Remit'tancesand communications shoild aiwavi bo.' addressed, post-pa uie tMbUsiiens, y i , N. B. LS. & Co., have-reeentlv published sad . , iiave now for sale, the TAUMER'd (JIDB.' by Hen-. f rv Ktepen v of Edinburg, and thi l&U Prof j ortoa of xale Co) lere. complete in 2 vols., royal of rata, con WtXtll XX 1 1griJ'ai' """ "! wiltbe delirered throush Agents, PB OF POST- , jAQEJ When, sent by mail the poaiage to an rj part of., the-1 Cnited Sfrtet w ill be but TW"ESTY-FO!JK - ' M 1 f 1 1 ik ..it , 11 J-t:.;i-olj: -i'X::X L "

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