VOL. 3 : ' - ' ' vSVV f H i r i; 1 V i it ' 1 f THOMAS IlIGIJI ; ; if- j ; J. .11. 1 D S E V . I.- t Vpsdnr Kt 92 : Annum, invariably lliaa- Uinctr o uuuimjuw" vu-w - s - ltwV'LVE lines constituting a equare.t . jLt. vfll b made by the rear ot.K months f.T.na " t, -3- at ihe LOWEST POSSIBLE p.erinansnt . adjertiacrs,. av - . - JtvTES '-cL '-rtTiT"rv'A''s.iei - f - JOB PItlNTrNG. Harm- a new and extensive aortrnent ofJon rrs. (a- ood as can oe iouuu iu " - w 4ith'neatm hs and ajtch ; such as handbl,tcu.. lirs.eards. bl inks, books, pamphlet etc., etc, .r- ;v: :-f : . I i : ; " .' .- :-.-'r-j:-V- 1 X"! AH ; OrtiVimnni(;nt?ons intencledr for, phsbrtionim Tws Union fntist b aeempa rjied by' the vri tor's naine, vaud Jjied t Ih.b Editor.- - .' 7 - , -.V; ' ; - Yv'7-' V';- ' , I j3T k 11 letters oji -4aisiroST-mu'st bU iresseil 'to the INobrieVor. - 7. ; Y . ' I 0 E Git. G E A A L' L E N -l f -HEALEU IN- FANCY STAPLE .' . ;U: jiR Y aoom - ;. boots; isnoKs; gaiti3u$,- ii.;.rs,'J&p 'a - A L-o .h.'or-i enst of t-ho Fo-t Onko"" where he i pre iiareu 10 carry cue uv ir'anh Vntdies, (locks anJ Vewe'ry' r.eativ' Ef n'aii-cit at shor t rtotiov .: it shor t notnH. : All work war n -3S All nftrlr wnrffttitetl . IvEVBERM RIKTY STORE. TROrtilS W. STYRON, : WIlOLF.SALE k. 1! 5". T A I f . D E A L K H IN" . 7 1mrs1 "7- VTAtl GR D CEIZIES, HA RD WARN, IFkiFfiitiire, Q'hfce doors East of the A. & X. C. L'o.H; lload Depot. .;";;: CJS. P R yf R O S E, - ' j ''7. i?"ALKn IN'. .:. - L) Staple and Fancy . CHARLES C. CLARK. Attorney and Counsellor at La, CRlre o Broad Street 3 doors helow the ! COURi HOUSE. ; NEWBERN, JS. V. 1 J A M:E.S E. M;li l i bommission aid Forwarding Merchant 7( r' WjtLlIIXpTVX, X. V; August S0th.lS54 ;- ; S- . I 1 tf " ; i WILLIAM HA W IIouss, Si and . Ornamental ' - lUDDLS ETBEKT, bK l OC R SH.OTT' Til E TOSTf ; OITICK NEWI5EHX, N. O. ; i r 1 SLANIJFATUEER OF. TiD,ySliCt Iron and Copper ware, " f 4XI DEALER IX'- -' ; '7. S tvos j arid Jap ane d JWar e s , CtKNEnK r.UOT ASP MTTILE STTiEETS.' : J ' ) One iloor ; South of the Court House,. ' 1 ArLOB; Dickson, G raves & Co r - j Successor to Mtte$, 1 qylor & - Ck) - " 7 .' r ' 1 . 1 nn l .j" l t: 7 1- ;7 ' - I juanuiaciurcrs anu noieatue xciucsi" i JONATHAN ..IIALEr. .' - : G lock and Watcli Maker, :; i 1EEPS eonstantlr on hand, an excellent as i-8ortmer.t 4of WATCHES, CLOCKS, and iEWELRY. of an kinds. All work done at the hortest hotice.aud in a workman-like manner. :.- IV Stern 1 1 G O L D B O Jl O' female Collet r j 1 II E next session of this InstitutioHi will oom j JL mence u the first Wednesday -ia . Aiajr st, 1855. j. ( " , ; . ' "j ;. : ' , Ample-ecommodatioos aro provided - for a oy number of voting ladies. ; 77 ..." ' j : . Foy information, Catalogue tc., address h( xenidcut of theFaeultyi ' Rev. 7, H. BREXT. .-., : ; ' 1 w: - : '' ; .; . w:u anhre if-. 1 a . . j , f: - n r ji it n rk - . - - j, WHALE Y - 1 r jJiu!-mp;iun m Aiv w yvmt.', . soumcrner3 wmi g'.ve. preierence to noniemany rf:- Watch, Craven street" Xewbern: .- fTn.HE Lot J with ;.SfdrK House al.d all other out-1 factnrear-, r ; .Vr -f :.'i :.. ..' May .20th. 185S. - . ' v- V. ..." .JL- houses. attaehed;rrecently ofecupjedby A-. rcrcersvdireetedt naat JericliiNf.C ' : -- y -r'-.' "f" "'' st " VFcthertntonarid feituated just abovej W: wia hieietproniirtiitentiohj -r - " v 7" V , v . 1 .-. -..-'- i .7 Fifcat theorncfTof iBrad and -Queen IStreefs- , ' Xjf.-lXV: '&m WHTTpflOl ' rSl'i A rtlJl iMf fflw,! J A vYv;ISi ii-i ill II. V ; ; - - W1I J;iaAYHEW.v Principal ,i: -trally, at the en4 jFheioi."" $12.00. ; ' Tuition ini EnglUli, board7Pashn , Li . arid ?fuelt per 'Session of .ti vr 6nlL . c .y half pajaiblein adrArieeJ.and:Hhe.vctlierUu- ... ring or at tlie end of the Session, i " "75.0O ."-7 InBtructioii in Mas - per SesaianT. - 20.00 ICTnition in frerieK or the Lalin Lmage. j .t0 The Session eff this i School jill -commence v'h he 1st day . of October neifc -8om w hat a nercale J--oi,l rat her,3 1 li& terma "are re- -wj vV m aiuc -ah riufiy-wei e jiii.riijr.u cotm;ed.hi?rh-f ric provisions: Jfccj mke4hi absolutely "necessary, .in nier 'It .save otirselv'es .irmx?s It 13 earnestly recommended to .'thbse who design tcr attend the School,' that thev commence, if prac ticable,- "at the commencement -of the Session. --t i J'arent orguaruianwiw tcstue inahe eountryj and vho Visho c send ko 'this Scbool trilr find it' decidedly advantasceofus to. their children or. wards, to , place them with the teaeher titoard. as.we i-eei r greater oegree -roi- responsiunuy joi, sum. more interest in? the improvement ahdllie deport ment of such yotfng 'ladies from a-distamce,'s-aTe' 'pkteed under "Ktr "-irninediate' .charge; VFttpils , who renter jtheTichoel, at or j near, the commencement 6 h e session, iwill be charged from 'the commence ment, to theleles of tlit .session': " These . enter iag when the'.6C3SK)h is sSmewhat adyaneed, - will be charge'd.froin;thtime of entering to he close of the sessipnand bO alloivance will be made for ab sence, .'except in- casea of protracted si cjcness. . , ' . Njwbe'rhiAugu's lQbh; i85(j. . W $aa , T HE Ci REN D ON; I TRONT iSVORKS. " x : WILMINGTON, N. C. 7 ; Vanbokkielca, Proprietor. ". t T.f E siibscriber having purchased the . entire tr, in the f'CLARESDO-V 1EON WORKS," s- iieicraer;tor- f.- 7 : " 7? - . ' ; . ' Steam Engines, of any power" or style, . v . ' ' SawMilla of every yariety, 7 - . ' j. fining anohinery 'fend FQmps, J t , .7 Giiisst anrJIoiir JiIJs, complete, 7 lirker,; Turpentine and oth'ewV ater Wheels, -: RJieeytielad'iimps'anA Engines, . '..7,- - ; Tieaviti's torn and Cobb Cru&her, Rice rhrasher.,. - ! ;- . " . ' . .. Shingle Jachines, - V " ' - fcliattih'a Hangers and Pullies, : 7 . - ; 7 Cpttbn AJl'jjis and Gearing, ' ' ' i fon 7a.st ing-'i of all Jiinds and pattern, ' .'IJrass. oh'- ' j " ,; . . . '4;' lkcomotve and Tucular -Boilers, 7 jjlue ahd plain Cylinder Boiiers, 7 ' Blacksmith work 'of; all hinds, j -' Iron poor? for IXeu?$3 and -Jails 1 - THE ESTABLISHMENT. 7 " :K '"1 - 7 ': - k f ' - t - ' J - Ila'vngbeeti re-oiganized for the .express purpose of insuring putictuality' of the execution of all er dev,i the public may rest satisfied - that any work which may er will le promptly delivered accor-' ding to '.pronise, and of such workmanship as can not f ail to giyfc satisfaction. 1 " ? ':TJte Jlecliahtcal' Deparlmevit . Being in'chatsre of mea of talents and experience ; I have no hesitation in saying that the Vork herev after turned out, shall compare favorably" in eve ry respect with that of the most celebrated in the States and atj prices which will make it to the in terest of all iti want to jsendm their orders. REP AIR WORK. " Always doriei without jdel ay -and having a large force forthatj purpose, lit will prove adVaritageous to ay person neediuglsucli to give me the prefer ence. -without regard. ti expense of sending fame froin a distance, ''' ''i:';'.j;'t ' t . Orders will be. addressed to. ' Clarendon Iron Works," Wilmington, (K. C. : " 7 ; - : , AJ IIVAJNiJOivKE-LJNv ti Otober 31stl85&7 't. ..." - ' " - at deliglitfulfaii d refreshing Ap- J crient . CITRATE:OFv MAGNESIA. For sae by F. S. DUFFY. " 1 Kewbern. Cambric Handk'chioife. 1 - -Ar. OREA v ririety of Embroidered Handk'f's. J:Xcw Styles vi inted ; oidera. l.-aJies'" Jloiirning .IHvfs, both Pointed and. Em brmdered, foi te had at V':-.?. ?IMR0SE'5, S6 Tollok sb i- l V 0 R SA ti E ; ' tv . - Lot,!Situ&tedin aj desirablelocation, on Cra- yei :Street,'"nxt to Mr. Lacy Phillips's store. Apply -sionvto '4. JAMES JSiUfetL. , ire-wbern,;!OctoberJ3th, '5Q. 7I7 : -:' -: 3UST iRBCEIVED. "1 ER. Sc2if, Oc ejn TaveV" "Porir,'- Sugar; JOT' Butler; .tice," . bandlea" - fec,' &cv ;.-Pir Li E. Johnson, .Ten.-bafrel3 nhoict Family Jlour, (nw wBatjJow "for $asli. ";; Tr W. ST TtON. ,Tp tlie I) ebtd r s and Ore di tori . o f Joiin Frese, de'd.7 - piIE subscriber ha viiita the JiraeTe;jn A. D. X 1 85G of the C6uri,.of Jea and Quarter Ses sions of Craven rVmtv, taken letters of-'AdminiA- rlon aciCocding to Slawofi th Estate ofcrjosbf I xbeze, uec u,iuereyyijit;s iioiict xo aii vreuitorgoi saad'Estate to bnng- in , tfier 'accotints'and 'de mands of every, kind land denomination .Ijduly-au? flienticated iv-itliia'the time VliniiteJ -bv -taw- for that piirpbie.Otheil Wise this notiee will boplead iri bar oi recovery;?-'; u is' ' 7:'. u 1 : ; 1 , . - 4 is for salel .. . A , bargaki cah be- made:, - Forl'ierma Aug. ap,.i83(v r , ; 1 !i'45 tf,'-'- ' .W'-A'N T--E'l)V;e . Situation aa a l Teacher, by an - exrieriencod -f-persoBi one fully competent.-to Nteach. all primary ajui mos&ewiie mner .orancnu 01 lin:zusu,utogei4ier;wun tue ruuinjencsoj u iREAL-ESTATB FOUSALE 1 1 . t ; : attti at 1.1 nmnam - '- ? ,.-"i'7L '.'. .- ';--'..',r.-v- -irS y,, - . 7. J V '- . ri v- - 7 "- - "" 'f - ,- .... ; .',.'-- .' f !- ' ". " . ; 7-"s. ..--7.--- - 7 ' '.-! - -v-; ' .. ' ' ... ;- V"- ' l-.. "f r ;-".'. "'.--' - " vy "- ""- - - - . .',-' - ,"'1 " ' '"' " ; .4 . v - ..." - - . ' - - - . 'j - ; - . ' 1 ' 7 .. I .. v - , . j . - 7 7 ' . ' ' . , . . . "c " I ' '-' : 1" j -' - ". " ;-7"? -." !C r - ir7." "-;-,"'- . . 7 -"-. - " L .-". " , ' ' C - - - - ' ! : .- . " ; : - . .' - -I 7, . r ! ; ij -! rt " " -:f -. ... ' ;- - .L-. .. ; ... . - - , p ' . . .'. .-.': ' .... - .. :f " . - , s -, -t:-.. -.; . ' 7-" - . r"- 7v ; , " -.-T - -'-.7. ' . . 7'v .j ' ' ; : 7 Vf - .-, .'T-' t J.;l -Valuables Town Lotfor. SaU - JL -; .Hancock, streets,' 1 n 4ron t - ot ; - the 1 as senger -Shed pf the -Atlantic & '2 ortlvCarolina . Railroad. ,TheT7wfllIbc eold oa-rea&onabie'and accemmdda- F mg; erms'.Thej.are niost desiable : loear. Ttwna in Tae tichuw 01 me A.aiiroaa-'jJeTotMor a iotel; arid 3oubttesseould be made Very .profita- T A K E: 5 0 i t- " I TlIFr cubscriber: gives notice to .hf sCusJtomers --LamLtte'p&blicJn general that he lias fetnrned -front the Xorth,' and -ha;. received ar general as eortrnent of - "5 .7 "k- 7' 1 -' -ir- -Bocks & Stationery, , vt i which he offer s for sale at his Old Stand ; and lie would hei.add, that in as' piveh as -he greatly prefers "quick- returns " iind small profits, " that fromj and jafteithis" date his "sales: must, be. for CASit;and CAsn bnly'; as JiisbiLsiaess hayirtgsVr ed so much" frpni the non-payment of. the many accounts a bread j, a his Books, he lias d&cerm'ined for the future to do a CAsnrBDs6ftss- or-xoxK,rard .will therefore, make n'6 charge to any one, -ithont Tespeet rf: persons be tliey. rich r poor it .13 ltupossioic-ior any inaiisvitJi rJjuiiie. laeaiis io keep uphSs assortment, aiid do a satisfactory bus iriess, .when almost every article sold is charged; : .z-.'jf.:: . t '- . Avii. o.- uall, i 'H. - ' p- Pollock street, Newbeirn, "N". C. ' Oct. 1st -18 56. - v. . 7 .. - .- - . -a ; v ' " -I--.--' ' . . , 1 1 m ! iVj j. l'ook Binding -done with Tneatn ess arid - espateh, upon the above terms.' 7 -W. G. H. THE'subscriber having at the June Term, A. I. 1856 , of the ConrtTof Pleas and Quarter' Se siofcs of Craven7C ount!y;,""qualified as as Adminis tratrix of W AI. DU N, doe'd i .her eby notify all persoris.having account or demands of -any kind or denomination against the estate.of. the said de ceased, to present them to h'er for paynient within the .time prescribed ty law lor ..that purpose, or this notice'will be.pleaded in. bar ottheir recovery All persons indebted to .the estate of said de ceased will please make immediate-pavment. -' - ! v MARGARET J. PUN, Administratrix. Newbern. June 10, 1856. , i - v L30 tf.J - F b i are; f P lIlE subscribers offer for sale some 0.00Q seres of fiue Turpentine Lands lying on St. Mary's, River, Charlton CJonnfcy, Georgia, to gether with two first rate Turpentine Ibstilleriea now in operation immediatelv on the River. The .fixtures are all in splendid repair. As we do not expert any person that wishes to engage in the bu siness, will purchase without examining our land, -fc distill iriies we'ad-ise them todQso.a's we will sell th m on better terms than can be had else where. " Information", can'- be had by mail if required, or by' YFra. II. Jones on premitos. , 7 : ' ) LEE EVERETT & Co, Lr6n's knagnetic Powder and Ea . ) Fills. - I" OR the destruction ef Jleas "and 'Lea - . Jgs . y.'oachea, Ants.&c. &c , - " . -i fFor sale byl j I. I)IS0SSrAT. Q AAT'S,BhU's & Bristol's! Sarsaparilla; O Fir siilo by T. J. HUGHES : " BALM OF. A THOUSAND FLOWERS. FOR roxruovinV Tan, Pimples and Freckles. - For :;Vashinr, enaviug, or cleansing the teeth and perfumiris: ibe breath , ' ' IT HAS NO EQUAL . JgU .17 For sale by - , : . F. S. DUFFY. : np'HE subscriber having lately returned from Bos .i ton, wonld now inform his customers and the public that he has just received a full supply of the best qualities of the various kinds of Cotton and Flax Twines, . "Also an assortment of I " v - 7." f NETS AND SEINES. " ' - '" He is also prepared to furnish at short notice any kinds of Keta o Seines out of the usual dimensions all'of.'whhMywill be warranted to give satisfaction to the purcjmsei, both in material and manufacture. bv hand knitting.. " 4 " "" . . v-. .He will 'also take this rrieUiod of inibrrning the public gen?ralTy;, that hei has'a Rood apsorriient" of ; -Dry Goods, Hardware, Shoes, CROCKEitV GROCERIES; "ExcErr LIQUORS, FLOUR ;of best and good qualities, and a lot of first rate 3vew Bedford SPERM CANILES, war ranted pure, all f which he is prepared to furnish ou the most favorable terms, ; r ; - - " ; . . v v -L GEO. F: FISHER. "r BEHNABD'S CH0LEU A MEDICINE. TV AD WAY'S Rkadt Relief, Davis's Fain ' Killer, XV For sale bv 'ir S. DTJFFY. ; .shoes .. and gaiters.- A hill assortraent of ladies Slipp vs,Ties, Buskins and "Gaiters, 'also'" " I t ' , " .Children's Shoes, and Gaiters just receiv'od from I hilladelhia, GEORGE ALLIEN - 1 nnilE enbsi1r",lmviiig;taX ' lhepre"riilunl-';a-As- Ja,t the late State ;Fair npoxtiTrjrpentiire .Tool (ChipreKS."R6nhdshaveP, and Hackers.) would an noiihce td-.theptSS'iie.-thit theyare, mamifacturiBgH . tnese i ooiSjeitensivei v.- Aneir werKmen navin -been for mknjr.'yeafs engaged in 1 the above bo?ir p ess, a re: im surpassed , by. any. m the-quaity and proper- cottstruption iof their toolsP We will deliv, er these io&ls a tn-ny ."points .on the 2f. CT;W ;E. ttd'W. fc4M.Tlaihoadsf V- lFe warrant theiutooZa tojje equal in iquaiityancynperior adaptation for J wors w tui-jr, xioriucrn Jiianuiaciure, ana giv ft ib- . t . - -if - I . ' ',.t ' :- ' . '1 -e-'-yJ a f jftarSl 8t:18S..-Tr'i.5 PAINTSOl LS, - & 'CO LOURS i AYIND.QV: aLA$SJHJlTyc, U ;J T.'.K'ewberri," Sept 20th, 5$-45 -j ; .V p the 1 " . . - .... .. .. .' "v . : r-Uesainira-zi; ttr:fetia.luatUo-rw-.aM 5rverytiJF;i-.'"YT d - Iujv 3t cy euf -Jp f Ksj-' Pitp tli 'i all &KiiD'daniI TinttO itipiy'anil '; Lwi i; hw iwguir QauvT. ;;iiCJL.Xia MtrslinsvGing&am's ftcwwaie .vy i n.'W.f t omnia .1 'nf Meif. ? r z - - ' : -.1;- ". vr . . -::fc i-r-t. v 'tMtII?rlQt? - r vu tuauv; cuujiouj-iiw" s'?- . . "i: 1 v - - " 7 7 A SOPH M JLOVJC. 1 0 Twas'night", and.iD. tlU Muskrose hall, Ani"wHkthot- oWTcmimj-sawrLis dearest Siz," .r-r' ; -7.. And IoviDgly lie eyecT her,- . J 7 And ven said h edvpart iili nis ' " .'' t --i'-7 ' -' v1"' " J" -" '"''-i Tom 'xjWld'nt 'walHift-cbafkyaa ffet--; , In bis infirm condition, " -' - . And feared that if L e:ti ied ti'djet- II is papers o f d lsin ission . -; Hv But if his; sense was &ctiu(e ' j , Ilia features were dcuter.: '' 1 ", So on the whole he woiild'nt suit- ' A"-';. To be Miss' Lizzie's suitor. '- - ' 1 Ere long Tom's bead began to '-grow 7 A little safe and isteady. - ' ,7;t-- iAiid be, at length to rise and go 7 Arid talk to her made ready; 7: But who can teU how cruel hap May. spoil j each: calculation ; Tom struck her hoop and fell keslap, Overcome by gravitation. - v- . - - ' . 7 ; The scene was "changed ; I saw Tom next, On a prodigious bender, ' - 7-r 7 Haranguing loudly, and his text - V: 7 , . : Was hoops and shins quite tender. -A I asked him h ow he liked those skirts, ' ' He said, tTwaVt-them "that -Jbidred me, For.thouglv they're like tbeir wearers,-flirts; It was the stares that floored rat.' , 7 " My moral's short, ; and verbum sap, . . , ; If any Lizzie Slimmer, . j Has whalebone triggers to her trap, j Itemeraber Tommy Trimmer. . - V BO : A Copy of xi Inciter ; WRITTEN - BY V'l OUlt SAVIOR," JESUS 'CHRIST.' Found 18 miles from Inccmium ; sixty "five years after our blessed Sayiour's crucifix ion. Transmitted from the holy city, by a converted Jew : faithfully translated from the .original copy, now in possession cf the Lady Cuba's family at Mesopatamia.. This letter was written by. Jesus Christ ; and found un der a great stone, both-round and large, at the foot of tlie cross, eighteen. miles from In? comium, near avillage' called JMesopatamia Upon the stone was ytten or engraVid 'blessed is he who shall turn rae over.V People that saw it prayed to God earnestly I and desired f that he would; make known to them the meaning of this writing, 7th at they might not attempt in vain to turn it over ; in tlie meantime, there came a little child about six or seven years old and turned it over with but any help or assistance, to the admiration, of all the peoblc that-stood by. And under this stone was found this . letter, written hy Jesus Christ, and was carried to the city of In comium, and therepubhslied by a person beloningr to the Cuba,and in the letter-was written the commandments of Jesus Chri&t, sigWd by the Abgel Gabriel ; IB yeari after our Saviour's birth. To which is added Ktn" Affhtirua,' letter to our Savior, and- ur Savkrs ansyer ; also his miracles-and Leu tulus ep:stle to the Senate .of Rome. - - ictterof Jesus Christ Whosoever worketh on the Sabbath day, shall be cutsed.vr command .-you to go to Church, and keep the Lord's day holy; with out doing any' manner of workT? You shall not idly "spend yofir time in" bedecking yotrr self with surpfiuities of costly apparel and vain dresa,;for i have ordainaliay pf rest. T v ill have' that fey kept holythat your sins, may bo forgiven you. You shall not break my commandments, ; but observe and keep, tht m Wf it ten with my , own haudapd spo kei with 'own mouth YdiLshal ly fc tovchnrch ypiirself, bnt yourjnen-ser- yarits' -and f you r hi ai d-ser ran 'te, Vindobaef ye I myi words and obey . my-; .coxnpapd9ients.frT Yon shall "fmishjbur labour; verySaturday 1 n the afternoon by six p clock; at w hieh I im- pWpa lotion; jfbr'thbJtTglns. J1 adfeeyoajtost five Friday Viri;eyeear; beginning with Gobd-Fridayi VnH tcoa tjn5 ueiuie.,riuay JUiiuuiio it f gently ntpeaceably; labor i n. yopr respectiye ca Uiuvialwhich it hath pleased Goatp caU roK:: : YouhnlU'loyeofce aether7 with a .-r : ' f - -rf.',V- ?-Vv'"i - :"k. brotherly love, and cause themiuai are uav i,o'w?ao,i , v-nAmA tn t bnrch anxt receive ane 9knViiBaDtistbeLrd'a Supper,! 11-'- i- rf . I".", -" 4" -v i --;'I ? i r V arid be madd jnemhers pt ;tlJe-umcu.in f menwrancQvot tue uyo:;ujoo.wouHq..wMiu Iivi f9r .inar unpTafttaUerTwili also -end'J hardness-,-pf liaart npnlhenp, iintil Isee them imt-espff 1al jy ihjrxTi itent un elieyers :, II e that hath fflVeil Jo thft nrtW- shlL nnf -nrk..tf l.li limembe) jind teeVhyUheSahbatU dayV l'lLj.i: a a7V--.r:7r. fveuiir;aay JrnaveaKen to rest myi elfail that rhatli py oHthiletter written 1 th my own hand, vand, spoken with my own mouth' and" keep It without publish.- in? it fo others, shall not prosper, hut he that! -pupiwnaia u.ro others, snail be blessed of ae; Aud though; hiiC ains be in-nuniber ' as stars of f , hb ;oeJieTe3 In this, ilVsura 1 rItjII .Ivni' rk4viAna"r1 -'"a..V z r t. : 1?-. " ' ." " t w..... vvji;v, ttuu u lie ueneves - not m this .ting-:ind.thw Commandment' afidiill fcd my. plagues updn him and consume both him ad his children, and lira cattle, and;who- soeverjshMl have , copy ofu this letter, writ- ten .wipi my own hand, -and keep it in their nouseijtoUling, shall hurt them, neither pesi iiience, ltgntning nor thunder .shall do them any Imrt ; and if a woman be with child " and m iaoour, and a copy of thiaf letter b about her, ahd she firmly puts her -trust in me, she shall be safely delivered of her birth. You hall4aye no news of me, but by the Holy icripures, uuxti the-day ot Judgment. Al goodriess and prosperity shall be on the-ho use wher? a copy-oft his iny letter shall be found. - -i I L :-'" -" r :'-;-7 -' ; CHRIST'S CURES "AND MIRACLES ' He? cleahsad a Lepper by only touch in hi m.J iio Waled the Centurion's servant, bat was afflicted- with a fever, several possessed with fleyils; " A: violent tempest was stilled by him; 7 A'man sick of the palsy Raised a maid Urom the dead. A dumb man possessed with he levil. He fed above five thovisand with B fb loaves and two fishes.; - He' walketh on th sea". All the diseased in Gekesareth he kfaled by the touchof his garment. lle cured a woman vexed with the devil, "and a muLttudo that were lame, blind, dumb, mais meU, j&-c. He led above lour thousand with seve loaves, and a taw little fishes. 4 KING AG3ARUS' LETTER TO OUR .. i ': ; r 'saviour., ; ', ' I navo -heard of thee and thy cures. I Wro'tight by. thee, without herb or medicines for 1 1 is reported thou restorest unto sigat the blind, make th.; the' lame walk, cleansest; the leurisv, "raised the dead, healed those that i - r - - - - ... - . . . werx tormented with djsease of long confer ence having heard ail this of thee, I was fully perspaded to believe one of these things, eith er that thou art a very God and comest down tVortf Heaven to do such 7 miracles, or else thji art the son of God and-performest them; Wherefore I have now sent these lines en . ,r - - " 7. . treating thee to come hither and euro my disease, having hea rd that the Jews murmur a'gauist thee, arid contrive to do the mischief I .in jte thee to my city. Which is a little, onefindced, but beanliiul, and suflieient to en. tertlin u both. r : ' ' . ti j 0 wr-savio uws ajsts weiv Blessed drt thou Agbarus for believing in raejwhom thou hast not seen, for it is written ol ine, that they which have not seehmejnay belilive and be saved, .But -concerning a'irjat-M ter thou liast Written about, thcee are to he" ' quant-thee tliat, alL the things for which I am:sent hither must boxfulfllled and then I shitt bo taken up' to Ilini that sent mo, but after m v ascension," I - will send thee one. of my jdisciples; who shall cure thy disieirfpef 1 and give life to thee and to them that are w;ith the4 LENTtTLtTS' EPISTLE TO TlIE SENATE . ;'' . ' - OF : ROM E, ; , ' j. . CONTAINING A DESCRI PTION OF JESU " CHRIST- " 'J " ri"bere' appeared- ihdbese Ptir "days' a 'man of ireat virtue Valled"Jeus Christ and by, the pedple is called a: pfophet hut hift own disei- nWihalWl - Limtifl rott of God. lie . raised orl rinonrr- nf flkpaWS. fi with a reverend cbiin tehanceuch as the be holders "may both fear and love. Ilis hair is thef colotu of, rt chesri ut lull" tifie, d?wh almost .lit': (i liAtitailnnnwnrili. it is r B 1 1 U I III L Illllll LllEillLJVi x. r " - - hishoiilders; lin ihe mjdst'of iVead goetb; djovn a iei oiriitjig 5a:rithV;$Ure andTsro wth, usl faswUl?outfpo wjrlibeatotifpl y cdrjidi his f'omh:. fdriied;that:"no ttd ng :can bej rep reh end ed ; -his be&d Iftickrfiotw.fcBjrf.th hjl'0 hS Ss sever councilling cOurtedusV he' $erftplealart t gray n , it. cauuyt. -yp-jrytu w su w???y S - " 7.7 1 aave-ctbj, vftr. feceu iiiui ituii.' vu 7 1 f Jl7ll .i..i-i,,;IfM?n4Tv-Jii Kami "flnfl ?i.is:.vea p. V V-s - arms . arer-wiwiwiov-ciMy.iMAMji Jar feyceedlngul -Ife vds 4 1. - t -V ' ; QAMir MEETING TALlw . A cfcsp down Saiith Vent to a pam p meet- 1 l ITlfT. Mnrl riV tll- ilk Autnnt a.nneinM nKiinr 1 i bf a diidointedconversatiorf ho."heanl thcrei- -.Sv x'reaening naanptvPeganauu .promena ding was fn progress. V VtojkppnvenientV;i I: , tandv ancW tried to "ratcrCthe remaiks of, tho t ' Yf,,.indeed two ghls .'talking .of coiirsej i and my. brother Tom says that Henry Stoker , I "would "die i re ; were" to talk of me aa ' I thev so x( her' 71 make at leas t six h undred "barrisls if I make a4 ' f )eckvand cdnjeqaently V ' .- ( , "' i.-'JT-f - AVhat a spectacle thi.is,'to bo.swah,Chaw. ; ! ' Ah woudah H these people dern'tf pooty gul ; brages about th many' time - he has .kissedi herlriiiht in thei hioulli. and ah e oever elaps him all when, nobxuly' i by, and I'm , &ur. aint she build theyah own tentsawa hiwah1 ' f J men, -to "do it fbwah Vm. Mastlbe a-gweat 0,' boati to' ":.;:;' r ' j . . Juuv''f t : 4Io married in six weeks from last Tuesday j i , I heard ma-talking about it, but y6tr musnt i , mention it For tbe world. It is a great secret, 1- - 17 'Really now, and she a as ngiyras -';.. r Tho finest sow you over saw" sir. ' Purr ' " r - Ee'jTishire 'and has nine splendid jugs. It was ; f X the beet ' trade: 1 ever made, and V WohlJnotf f- r. ' r- .1 , 1 'li - "' r','-7m--f-'H : ! ' 1'V - - v take thirty dollars for ,..-! r - - ( .7 'Scolloped " petticoaU enly looic, v Aty ! V ' . ; Nine flounces and hoops "in' the ba'gainj Oh j' 1- oops agamj Oh how 1 should love to' I Go to the picnic on Thursday ! Oh tbankfY j i.-xV your You don't know how I. would We tf, ' bo present, sir, I am o And of tl' exhilera- t ) ting danceybut-! father says' " . . ,j r .V- y j ." v l am truly gratified, my dear youn? frieB j 1 1 to leai n thatWpu are so dveply imprtseU; J vfith the necessity of immediate repentance, ; and I shall this day make: . , '' Y . H Ten yards of gimp for the bosom, an I ma- f roon veH'et binding for the heck, and ileeves, oh, ,Emlv' .;. ' "' ' '"'-. f 'i The finest baby VOu ever saw black eye ana large limbs, six weeks old and weighs' 'Sixty-oh pounds and a quarter to the bushj ; el. None better in the country. Free from I erric and cockerel and large' grained. I hold : itat' ; -. ' . - f-: .: (; u . 'Stiilopli?, n ext Satu rday, .13ob JlotTj by des, the iforiner -.''Cdrigressnian, will speak as ;h6 . Ah Mr. Pepper, you flatter me so ! Just t 1 i t .'ir.-j. l17M...i .' i..t ? '' see now uorrioie ivata .uiuuoi is uryssou. She will . wear yellow,- though it makas her ,J look like' ''')' : ' :1V-' 'Fever and. agy, X . believe. They've all been up with it, and th poor man a got'- jf j The sweetest bonnet 1 ever savr.1 vnere did vou get 'itj f I ; must commend my sister to your' ; , : ,;: ;v,,, , ,7-.;;; ? Watermelon patch. Stole every darned prie. Some of 'em 'bout half ripe. I swovr Til alioot them if they don't--t- v:i,;1 'Go tb tlie White Sulphur. It ia the best, place .in. the whole world mavam4 I've seen " some of the mest wouderfiil effects of the wa" ters. " Tom Holocaust was cured of "j". ; :'' 'Xwentvfive' "tounds p'f -btiiter a'' woeki" A nd .fliw'av rrrt a juarter a pOtind, anil somc- times : Fouf.eggs, two handsful of f)our-,!n db of veast. half tin cup full", of molasses and Jt j makes' ; iXbe best manure I ever ued siJJ TSly' J sunerior to iiuano, or superphostate. Two - Uundred and'flfty,:, V 77, 'ji , , : -V 'The handsomest woman on tne . grounu, I can see none equal to -Ler except Misi AlarJt and she's gjot11-- 7. ,',:' "v '--..ii .iH 'Botb' hind : Je.:'ipayioed,vAnd there 1 A ipeck in her right eye thafs bound lor ? '. Tliat;'biut!fu 1 girl i iV Black over ih ere , I never mw heVdtit but once before ;j and that was -air?.-.. - ...... ; u k i Mr."Iuggin'8 fa -Mucin's failure sir. .'And fc.e.liaa ta- wock how ..v' '"7'- m"' 7 .'..; 7 '" 7vj ilja h ead im d er rayjyra; an di waa- fdug ging hiin'in the mouth, when. W got hold o( .iHV I W - 4 -'Between th.e 20lh aihIi" L wiil jet my Jwlieat to tnarke ttiaa, huM bringj' .7. : 'lIfi3 gray ka;rs in sorro w jtothgraye 0bvit:i aw(jr tcahinkjow'rr j to be ashamel oif blrsclL andneTersidin nniliain wa born twenty-lira years-ago .last nce's&id h4 Presidingv Elder ant wq J I t . L.t' . 1 .. - , - - ' 7". . - It. l-'32.,-i I liThr Threa ; v-7.v-r -vv ,;" 'W-ii; Crafen Coixnist' "AVe'"hav HeaV p no othef 'f6te ' forLheTalhfindenrv ; J? ': Vi 'i- - '."'- 'A. Hii'-';'4r'.f5';- - ;'-'- 7 - --7 '' ' ' - " '''-VSr -irsf' ' '1 ':' ' ' " " " - . f ; . ! ' : ; -v,::H V 7'r: - , . ' .- :7 ' - ' . 7 - . v -7."" '7. 7-- ' - 7;.-' - ' ' " 7 "'." ' -, .. -U. - -11 s " l ; i ! it -"I'l X I !