. . ,. ..-7,... . -. .. .v y'."-;.. rwp , , ,;r . -' .:.p"T' , p ... , , X-.; Vj .- I .. I p" I- - -,.-;VV- ; t; p .1- V y: ; :''7 p'' ; ",l ' " - ' f - I,, - hi- , n-g i - - - . ---.i. ...... ' 1 l,lJjW,W,j 5 - iazrr TStL JrJj JJuod oo-BYail-oYf - ",r .DIB I J: lodinoti. .?ogfii"i-i:f s-I T(...r rrM rnot 1 fi yiti t?i vJ evci t.an y.nibUu' n tag w j-fgd bar. jTUnUrr:- bene. fd Wjai'Pq yonrrw .'m b-'h.'o nn nib!r ! loodba j h 111! 1 1 F I II I ! t a mm 1,r-iiWt II v i t&J$! 5ri Jebs&mXfo&'if 11 i IroiuX i t I II II 4 I - -. t.i 1 4 " f ' - --"i'ViTi i i"ii'rnr in Tn -in--1-' ' i i . h.. RP.! J J.- i 1'? I" iJ. MUSE, UiiBrfSHl-Vr & PROPBItTOn rlTfi8ti'itfill be publillied crcryiMo luvi atSS pefnnuni, invarIablt , fin. val? MnJ f ,7 vf -a -o otmvA t.li a Pnst Office. V Y a, UC 5. i Auic 9uwo p5tiStnS Rates : . 1 HV t i insertion. - - - - " V t VS UrirTWTO linR"censtituting a square.,. . ; T L x-:Za niade by the fear 6V 6 months tZggSS aJjettisersat the x.owkstbossxbL, . ifi -v.r!xtensiTe assortmeilt t bf XTob TP4 .(as good as ean.De iouuu Wr.OK WORK - w IflhL and distich ; such as handballs; Cirou iira iardiblUks, books, ptunylilets, etq.. etc. 0,Hi,, j iferj All OpmjnuuicMtions itUn3e&4pr IAL;on Twa Union, must bo accorapa- -Vie4 by'.-thjst writec'a name, and directe(IMo ho Editor; p Ii ; ' .UvAhU pAii: letters on business, must ba d- ressed t?;lho tpnetor. : ti;ct;,brjH fi .4. , ' G li OR:5 K A L IjE N .j i- fi DEALER IN :A.NCY; & STAPLER i -1 ,-iir:Dr. GOODS -f . I I- f . y. iiAMnro'N'P,. , Oy-CKi SNATCH MAKER::: -I; ' ;pr IN E WO RTi N E. ,N . C, " OULD respect Fully inform aneijiiizens oT New berni" thai, hVbas opened ft ro"m tkvofloorfeaat ofthftlVPffice, wjiere lieP l areTl to cajry on; the aTipve .buwS in all . ite ltriiitclua. Wotche,,Clocks ana .yev.;.v i - kEWteER:yATllETY store; I WIIOLKSALE ..A RK.TAILDKALKR. IN" ' "- " DRiYi GOODSv 1 GROCERIES,-HARD WARE, mttrniture, k&c. 4&c illail -Jload Depot. ;r?rr; '.,;;; : !. (i 'S. PRIM HO SB, I : .P D"SAL"ER IN , &clejznd Fancy 1 ; 7r n-- nd Counsellor at Law, Y?i6m on Broad Stret sXodfl Woxr the .L P,.v.'. .. fl-ii-iiS:- r vhtwardiner- Merchant Tlr 11 WILJIIXGTOK X: C. - AOtt 30th.l354 is if .WI1XIA5I HAW ; 1 Hotise. "Sig land 1 Orrianiental f lift) LB BTt.EET,' OSE IKWfiS BBLOtV THE POST OFFICE JiD. Slicct Iron and; Copper; ware. AXD DEALER IX J3tvs, and Japaod -Wares, 1 COJINKR OF BROAD -AND MIDDLB HTBAJEp. . , r : flfnfi door South df the tJourt Ilouse- J 4Yi03& uDicfason.' Graves & Co . -Manacturers and Wholesale .DeaierB in : r &'it r-y j J?tir&. an &Jey Street1' '- ' ' J arj JONATH HALEY; KEiEPS constantlvon-handv arf excellent as . cUmert. of WATCHES. CLOCKS, and ..pWELRX. aM pittas. JJLU .workdoift "the. orieBli nvuce,ana in a woiivxuu-iin.c uiauuor. P.L:'"fT .-A'-i .1 1- . . . . J "WTTAT.FiV r.Sirrn the Watch. Grave SIffn the Watch, Craven street, Newbern. . ' H n. n T, TVS R O.R O' female QLJoileirci . n I next session oi .tins. insututioa win com i nienco rr: theJfirs - Wednesday v in fAngr t, jJ-l&rVi: fc!di4Jiial ihel Jd) biJ kX lAmplo ccommodationa are -provided" fpr a py HSmberHf Voiihs ftdfes; H rf ' ewdeat of theJaculty,, Jtef. J. 1. iiK4i.- w GtOTHINGr P .ELIZABETH MATTHEW, Xbachxb of J;7!a S; i'fJ- PbENCH fAKD; A88I8TA3fr; o ii 4 r iE POLK, Tkagbdce JortJbs p .! i to " Ty itfon in Engliafi per Sessidn'pf five 5 Qohtbs,'(payabU dimnfr ptmo' 15 1 iov? tually at the end f the session, . 12.00 Tuition in English, board, washing, light and fuel, per Session ofve he onths, on Aaayable in "ad v'ffnoe3. and tbe other dui 4 ring o fdrjthe cod of the Sessigjv ; r I 1 o w jT ..Q0, -instruction mxuusic, peroeion, .t .t u.uu, J Turtion inFrcnchi or thfe Latin Lagtiage,"1 6i0a JThft Session" o - this .School, will , commence, pX the.1 st day of October nexlw rl I .. , " Theftermi for boarding- tfr,ri-will be seen, iro5 soxn wbJat increased-or rather,; the .terms ,ar re stored to. the same as they, were formerly. - Th continued high prices rf t)rovisi6ni, 'Ae., makoCthis absolptelr 4 aecesar y. in rder 1 1 save . ourelvea from loss.. ., , PM . Itls'eafnesfly recommended to - those "Who design to atiend the Sehool, that.tbey; copamejacej ifprae-, ticabje, at the commencement of the Session. "Parents or guardians who reside in thd Country, and who. wish to send to .this School., will .find it decideilv advantaEreous to their children or wards. to placet hem with the" teachers to' boai-d, as w feel; greater-; degree of: iresponsiDiutT ipr, h ana more interest m thiroprovemeht and the deport ment' of suchJTyoung ladies (from a distiince" i ar placedfindr oyv .iiumediaU .charge. . Fnpls .ha enter the achel at or.. nearPthe .commencement o htt session.. will be charged from the commenj.e- m'GiTf: ttrthacls of th' sessia. v Those ' entering .fhen, tb-eti Session Ma ipmewhat ayAnced, ;W ill-bo charged from Uptime oi entering, to wcius vi the-seS3ionpAnd'ri6 allowance wiU be nladfoFiabi sencPjBeepn pasaot proaewqK.c.nes3.t,. Kewberu, Aujusl 20th,rlo0b. - , tu am :Hi :-J'.'li61 - 0-f t'-f - i'V"-' v; IRONWORKS. - il'-j i-: p,;- -c ---v&iib'SKlle 'inE:'sVubscni)er having "purchased the" entire X in the "CLARENDON 'IRON -WORKS,'! so licits orders fori ,ii .,., i,N . - r "'Steam Engines,' of any "power or style, ' Saw. Jlfl Is- of : every "variety i - - '' J '; Mihihg Manchinery and Pumps, s , . f - G rist and Flour Jills, complete, .larkivTnrpentie and other Water .Wheels, Rice field Pumps and Engines, ... ,,-.t p , '' Leavitt's' Corn and Cobb Crusher,' Rice Thrashers, "" "" "P, ! ; Shingle Jachines, r . fl IpiU J Shafting .Hangers and.Pullics, , . , , , ; Cotton '"Gins "and Gearing, . ' - - - Iron Castings of all kinds, and patterns; t , , .. ,r Brass ' '" :- ' I ' ' ' 'V ' " Locomotive and Tucular -Boilers, - , : -Flue and plain Cylinder Boilers, ; . . ' , Blacksmith work of all kinds,' Iron Doors for8 Houses and Jails I " ' - THE ESXABtlSIIMENT. .... : Having been regnnized ttinthVif!?1' purpoBw ol irisunnir mi.ictualitvof.theexecution of all or ders the publie mhv rest satisfied that any work whichrmay offer Vi!J b er promptly delivered accor ding to promise, 'and of uch workmandiip as can notjf ail to give satisfaction.1 ' j p 1 ' The Mechanical Department. : . Being in charge of men of talents and experience . I have no hesitation in saying that the work here, after turned out, shall compare favorably in eve ry respect with that of the most celebrated mine States and at prices which will make it to the in terest pf all in want to send m their oraers. :l REP AIR' WORK. 1 : - i i ! ; . ...... Ai ways done without delay and -having a large force ior that purpose, it win prove auvauiagwu!, to "any .person needing such to give me the prefer ence yitheut-regard, to expense of sending same from a distance. Orders will be ' addressed 1 to ' Clarendon Iroti Works," Wilmington; N. C. J i v.. r r , : A. H. VANB0KKELEX2 tf V- OtoberSlst, 1855. ; i ;; ' ! " ' " That "delightful and refreshingAp- ' - I It', I I Li CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. .For by : r -r ' - p F. S. DUFFY. ' , -.v-p-M- ' Newbern.- :1 NOTICE: To - the! Delitprs' and, ' Creditors of John FrEse, de d. r-TMTR snbsnriber having at the" June Te i m A. D. I i afi of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses slons of Craven County, taken letters of Adminis .4.: 'Aiwrilmff -to law on the Estate of John Freze, dee'd, hereby gives notice,to aU Creditors of said Estate, to bring -in ineir wwuua. .fvorr Trind -and denomination duly au thenticated within the time limited by law for that purpose; i Otherwise this notice will Z plead in bar of recovery, : ' - U ABO L T C I T Y. npILE Carolina City Company propose tf JL f sell to tne nignesi oiauer, ou iuu; oRth rfavof November mext: at City, a limited number of eligible Lota jn said city, inamediately ::: r- - i tVP '-Of '.-' ' --", . ' s -'-: 1 p; ;hBeaufort Jlarbpr.j : ?u r; It is hardly necessary to call' the attention o ' he Public to the -importance of this sale. - The proposed Cfty is at the terminus of the lcauroaa rnm Gol sboro via NeWbernto Ueamorv xi kt. .TOh f Ab i the errand . termini, of. the h internal Improvement system of North" " Carolina," amd d , Tho Citycompany-. oniy propose ted number of iots, to aiiow paruea aw fnothrtld nn' ioTTortunitV t& do so f another yill not : probably be giren soon, aa lh Uompany nas no aesjre to pari, wuu U1V. ' lil nmonnt vif tha rrdtertr:i j f ' f;; i ; Terms liberal and will .be made )qown at.sae i I -will give - Fifty 'Dollars for 1 the apprehend aion -and- delivery ;of ttei vaid boi to' me Qt lodcre himlinanr'iail.in; tbe State, so lhat I 'get bim" Vr Onef,Hundred .L)bliara. for is head JtT 'i!-"-? sl T.H-E Ei,ots,liios. aud ;853,.oii Qneea aad Hancock streets, in front of the Passenger Shed of the Atlantic & North Carolina RailroadV They will b-old on reasonable-and accommoda ting tens.!T They re themostr desirable loca tions irithevicihity bf the Eailroad" Depot for a ifoteJ,' aad jdimfetliBBs could :be .made yry' profita ble to ay one4who wishes to engage in that bnsi 3'ic,;; iW'u :MARY GOODINGi Nw.bernV Sept. 20th, o6,-45. ? cJi;-rri'A4 uti lo IPartiGulai' Koticet f iT: ' M. i nPHE Bubscnber gires notice to his Customers and the public in general that he has -returned' from,' the JS brta land s his rocelved ag44 rjL3 sortmentof , . , . WoiP Bocks.. & JSlatfewevy: n which ho offers for sal'.at.his Old-Stand; and he. would her,e add, ..that . in a " mv ek as he-, grea tly prefers "qufck "retufrnS and small profits,' that from and after this date, his sales must-bo. fob Cash, and Oasij .only. ' as hi business, haying !Cer ed so much' from the non-payment '"'ofthA ' many accounts alreadyion his Bobks,-he has,dciiermin5d fpr4he;futare o dor a Caw Business qn koxe an'd ill iherefore,vmake no charge to' any one, without respect' bf "persons be 3iey rich or poor ::ais it is impossible", for ?any man with limked means to keep up his' assortments land do a satisfactory bus J JFM. G. JALL, f ,;;m , ! Ppilock street, Newbern, J. Q. Octalst,J 1856:6: B.!$ppl$ Binding. ,don.e . yrlx. ,, nea6i.ess. .ajyi espatch', upon the above terms." "Yf". G"Ilj ; pT' oollc:j THE subscriber havn at the June Term, A. D. 1856 of the Court of Picas' arid'Qunvter' Ses. sions of Craven County, qualified as as Adminis.-, tratrix of WAI. DUNN, cloc'd j hereby notify, all persons 'having accounts or n emands ot any kmc or denomination against tho estate of the said de ceased, to present them to her for payment within the time -prescribed by law for that purpose, or tbis.notiee will be pleaded in bar of their-recoverj; r All persons indebted to the estate of said de ceased will please make immediate pavmenU" . ;. , , lARGARET J. DUN IS, Administratrix. , ' Newbern,' June 10, 'IS o L ' S0 tf: c ' a rglTJE subscribers offar (or sale f-orao 'G.'OOO. Tt cres oi uue luurENTiNE LAxns ijing.on S: MaTy's RireV,' Charltoti' County, Ge'cria,1 to gether .with twP first rate Turpentine ! Distilleries now in operation immediately on the lu vcr. Ihe fixtures are all iri splendid- repair.' ' As we do not expect any 'prdonlthat. withes to. engage in the' bu siness, will purchase without examining our land, fe distiliirics wead-'ise them to d(jso,a. we VilT sell th n oil : better terms than can be had else whr?. Information ciiu be had by mail if required, or by Wja. II. Jones on prmi:-oi;. --i " ; ' " p-LEE EVERETT Lyon's magnetic . Powder and Ra . Pills. . FOR the' destruction ef Fleai ?and fBea Jgs A'oachea, Ants.&c, &c, , . JFor sale hy I. DISOWAY. ' SAjVD'S, Bull's & Bristol'st Sarsaparilla; For salo by T. J. HUGHES BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS; FOR romovin Tan, Pimples and Freckles. For Washinc, shaving, or cleansing the teeth and petfuminar the breath. P ' '- IT HAS XO EQUAL. p r For sale by F.S.DUFFY. THE subscriber having lately returned from Eos i ton, wodd now inform his customers and the public that he has just received a full supply of the best qualities of the various kinds of Cotton and Flax Twines V' Also ah assortment -of - ' r NETS : AND SEINES.1 . : .'::; He.is also prepared ;to furnish at short .notice any kinds of Nets or Seines out of the usual dimensions all of -which will be warranted to give satisfactioti to the pumhasar, both ih material and manufacture, bv hand knitting.. He .will also take' this method of infomuns the public generally, that he has a good assortment of pDry Goods, Hardware, bnoos, CROCKER 1'. GROCERIES except LIQUORS. --FLOUR of best and good qualities, and a lot bf first ! rate r New Bedford, il'ERJU. CANDLES, war ranted pure, all f which he is prepared to furnish oil the most favorable terms. P . . " . GEO. F. FISHER, . , BERNARD'S CWLERA;MEDIC)IN,.j T ADWAY'S Rkady Relief, Dav p,,, Tv'7"' ' XV - - : :P For sale ' - s FaJo UI r i ; 1 S JOES ' : 'AND GAITERS ; - A full assortment of ladies Slipp.rs,Ties, Buskins and Gaiters, also . -. I '. :..:- ChiMrens Shoes, and. Gaiters just received from fhilladclhia, 1 1 trtiOCtihi ail. - . f v j ; - ; f - ' -r j : 2b the -Turpentine Makers - WORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA THE subscriber haying .taken thepremlum; a , at the late State' Fair upon Turpentine Tpol (Shippers, Ronndshaves; and Hackers,) would an Uoxmce to-the public that they are manufacturing these Tools extensively." f5 Their werkmen having been for many vears Engaged in the above busi- pess, are unsurpassed by any, in tne qua my ana proper construction of their tools. We will deliv er these tools at any points oh the N". .C Wi OR. and W. fe M. Railroads. - TFe warrant these teois to be equal in quality and superior adaptation for Work to any Northern manufacture, and ask -a li be ral share of patronage, trusting thai liberal southerners wiir give preference to home, rnanu fecturesr. M :p;'--H-'--V 'pp- J J prcers directed to us at Jericho, a.C. l. w. & ui" WnrrFiELD. f Jajips.rs:5i.6tJ855f. WITO'OW'GliASS, PUTTY.'A-er! 1 ' -jrorsafe oy - .-F.S. DUFFY, -Newbern.; fX ifARGE Yot jjuli reivecl, SilkV, AlpW Tl ca's Muslins, Gingham's &e.for$are oy Wbj hcedV bfrive'and igb foV wkltfr t-J 1 ffefcRt me strength and bealtii iiA spirit glatTanid frdo ; - ' vi: at ': Grateful tbes 1 blessirjgs " rebmye,1.'" CJ ' ' t''?rat j'n 'at Worn and eye; " . " ; " j On" softie, what floods of riches flow ' JTouso) herds and gold ' have they, ' " Yet lis best jojs thoyvnover Jcnow, ..f" But fret their. hours awav. v , , ThoTnioro 'they' bate, thev soei tmtiehw," ' alo iaf tear s1 th is. worl d iu'ej- call- "' -' ' ' Ifc .countless pleasures Jath or all, And notio-denlesd a shnre. - r THeJlvttle bffds tm ne wfladed wing- ' And insects revel" in iKe sprint?.;. l - For love of us,; bills, woods and plains In bautious Iius are clad ; . . . And lirds;siijg far and near sweet btrains, ' -Caught up ;by: echoes glad. 'liise,' sfngs thcfridfk;'fbur fasts to ply?. . : Tbojajghtingale sings 'Iullab j j ' '. " i . , A'id when the golden pstin 'goes fortB, And all. like .gold appears, . p ' , . .' . WUen. bloom, o'erspreads tTle glowing earth, And fields h aye ripening ears, I think these glories that I see, Xly kind' Creator made for me. " ' y!THe following .obituary"" notice' taken from the p'Sunny 'South, printed at Jacksonville, Alabama, has been handed ns for publication by a prominent citizen of this town, who was an intimate friend of Mr. Hbko The date o the paper is August iGth 1856. ; A TRUE MAN GONE; Die, at bis residence, near this place, on Saturday night, at 1 o'clock, tho 10th mat.; Daniel Hoke, Sr., in the 83d year bf his age. Tlic deceased was baptis'ed'.an'd confirmed in the German Reformed branch of the Christian Ctnrch, and without ostentation, tried to load the christian's life, in the faithful discharge of ail his duties to God and his neighbor. He if TElct! "in Lt6aring III 0" Holy Scriptlires rea alodd to him. after his sight - failed him even until he was too weak to raise his head. A short time before his deathwith several mera bers'of his family, be bad the satisfaction o partaking of the Holy Cramunion of the Body, and Blood of our Savior. Conscious tha his earthly career was drawing to a clos, he would calmly and freely converse upon the change that was shortly to take place eyer trusting in tho merits arid atbnerOenl 'of Him, who died that" we might live acd who is now at the right hand-of God, our intercessor and advocate. . , For several weeks, without any acute pain, his physical powers gave way, so suddenly that the falling off could scarcely be discerned. Ilis mind and memory, with an unusual stea diness of his nerves, remained to the last. He recognized bis children and grand children, even after those around him, believed his eyes closedfor the last time: So calm, so-gentle, were his dying moments that none could tell 'when be breathed his last. - Death seemed to approach him unarmed with any of his usual terror?; he died without a single struggle, and the placid smile as it lingered upon bisclos M.ps,;ga.ve evidQaco to all that it is sweet to sleep in a, Ban'or's arms. , Daniel Hoke, was born at York, in Penn sylvania, A. D. 1773.. His father dying, when he was a boy, .bis mother, three elder brotheia a sister ; and himself, disposed ef their farm and removed to: Lincoln county, N, C.wlien in Pl-796 he married Barbara Eamsour, with whom he lived; in happiness 'till seven, years ago 'having raised seven sons and four daugh ters. 'AH, save too survived-him,:and were at h is bed side when 'his soul left its earthly tabernacle to nnitei we hope,tvith the saints . : y - - :P - ;.' j i;i"P'. I.i in glory. The loss of two dutiful and exemplary sons, just entering upon manhood,' on Wbohi he do-i ted, and a bosom companion, whoso whole life was a calm, unruffled stream of piety and goodness, spread a pleasing sadness' on Ilia brow that never left LimP ,;l)ut it was not alone in tbeeoeial.religious and privaie circles in which be displayed-his virtuesi He entered" the prinib -of life in the dark andgloomy period 'todr "political his tory, when the two great conflicting parties sprang into existence, udder 'theEIder Adams and Thomas Jefferson aconflret that seerned well nigh severing thepUnion; arid which, ever since,., under various phases. ami -great political leaders, is still raging and distfacting the -country. I n.uxus'A d: ': A lo.ithis'fiarjy; political contest bis country an4 State,.N.d as jverymearly divided. H belonged, to tbenJeflersonian SchooJ; and beitola;jw.pfljnflex of purpose and firinnes of character, he was Htbut as qnepfVtbe? RefUbHcaft; cacd ?m?f tl4 tkMw fifltotiatpn Jeglrfatiue 5pm7thatnperibd the partiality of the communitj'selectejdjhim J as. : fr 5 lPeptative ,in tha lo werllouse and Seoate, 4ome.ten or fifteen, tiracs, over.every oppositiefn. , ; Haviir:fenadettti.wilIi: tho. Jefiersb nian pary of '98,he never chaoged his friends, and, whther c dubbed kith the I euphonious v1 jn ?at Embargor Var JRepublu f;.BeJnt T XcofocV bispprinctpJasf ".fiWSP LSiyi rernajued-thasami mougu qnaDgea in name; , ? As a iriFate citizen hfc.wasia mos.Tigilan protector of the znorals of the community : ana wiiepever a depredation was committed m the neighborhood,: all. eyes seemed to be turned to 'him to secure the offehder, and so certain as he toticceedi bringing birxi,to Justl?Q ;-ftat even the culprit, respected? 'hi nrmness Since jsettlmg: in 1 Alabama, be5; has liveS a quiet, reiifed life; but .believmi-cbnscjeniV-' ly . that; i3 oarly political docti i pes ; wore tho salvatioxj of our aocial, poliiieal and-relio-ious bbertJe? he delighted to exercise the privilege- of voting for those whom he believed would carryfti4 his views. Acting, at all times, upon his own convietions . of right, ho tolerated the same inothers,and never suffered his religioo or politifcaLbpinions' to 'sever personal friend shin, a n tf 'in an xr of hiv f 'A ? r. A g3 were those who differed with him in political sentiment. ! :. ; , ; i In ' cm' respect ho was unlike most of men. A U h o upi h o vv as a rii ah of" unco mm 6 n p h y sical constitution, and know no . fear except,' 'the fear of the Lord he looked upon christL anity a jsuited for 'young men i in their slreDgtti-raeia who can look difficulties in the facepmen of stout hearts and noble cour agea well as, for tho weaker and more in firm, lie was trained fxom a chiLJ in the christian faith, and as Sti John said, I'have . -. i . ... 1 . wntteh ,to pyou'young ; men because ye are. s!.rong,'he did not wait to obeyl b:s admonU tion 'til old ago and infirmity crept upon him, but early ! approached tho table of the Loid and partook of its promised benefits'' ' The Highest Mountain in the "Worud. The principal topb of conversation at Oalcutta is the discovery of tha bighest'moun lain, in-the world. At a meeting pf the.At- Iatic. Society of Bngal, on the 9tb August, Major huilliet announced that Col. Waugh purveyor Ueneral of India, had completed, his computations in the positions and elevations of the beaks of the Himalayas.. The. result f was to depose the mountaiur Kanchinjinga from its throne as the highest' point on the earth 's jsur face. That distinction belongs for the preent to a peak 100 miles from Kan cninjina, and between that mountain and Kanmandoo. This peak is ascertainad to be I 29,002: feet above the sear level, Kanchinjin! ga is 2?,I56 feet, andDewalagirl, the moun tain'wicn: "schooL geographies'' pereist'in callingt"the highest mountain in the known world, 1 is only 20,826 feet.' : The mountain; has nofname intelligible to civilized .men, and Colonel Waugh has therefore ventured to denommate it "Mount Everest,'' after a form cr surveyor general," A Cfuaious Lake. The Plattevilie (Cal.) Amerilan gives an account of a peculiar lake on theleast side of Bear River Valley. It ia an immense pool or spring,rather than a lake, a liltlelover one !, hundred yards in length, a long tHe base of the mountain, and nearly th same in width, but extending "in" one place under a shelving rock that nearly touches the surface of the water for many yards. That it is-an immeuse - spring - issuinar-from-' the mountain is apparent from the fact that any floating siibstance thrown under the shelving rock, il-mediately brouV: outward to tKe opposite : bank. -There is no visible ouUet to the -witers? except that the - m argin js little else tbsariitck,rwith inntimerable fissures trav ersing j iC m ' every direction, Jaad through wbvbj witb no ; apparrentj current j at the surface; the water undoubtedly escapes. - Thy surface of tbe rocatihe jedgeof "the water,1and? fbrj-severaf iidieabove and ; 'teiowf -m coated ttbickvwith.a substance close, ly re4nbiing;sulphur, but I without j its prc nerti'eftlcbeiner-" uninftjamable; Not a living r . 1 volcanic mudj n.fcarlyhardened that makts a portions of bankgreat?number of fisb1 from two tp sir snches in lerigtbare found f imbedded plhereip, . ;p?rtcctjy petri- nod. f cell Satrfuet' Swarlwiufi 'ililgreat defaulter. died a! day or two since ..zu, jtu uouvvN age. it j ii t lw t-iv?;,, ?" fp doso, when'the act destruction jeopard )zlhepTopbTty of anoihJriiiD-K ;mT - bWds. blocFof 'bnildin1 bftj7 a million, and; immediatefy'in the vkifrVf lhat property is theweilrng of i ;pbrTtnaii the lavJioldsrtheVrminonalre -iubject to ils' Wyerestirniltiirbelbhiewn ij thereby destroying the bufjiWe-dWellinfrof hja neighbor; The rule holds 'goba in jK!iticilv jttrispradeoce;!' sjo 1 - '111 IHt; H-ti ' roT of more slaves than all tle ifemoxraiic le&ii6n execution, in; the event oho destruction of his hundred jslaveswould deprive the hum blest J citizen; in 'the, land of his little' prop-erty.- P u-' p -p--' " ' ? y J own proposers, ana it Jail to! the ground. . mr i "',i' --":4-- --.ji" '. - iur. rtayner may own ten thousand slaves but for that reason, ha has no right. to nursue. a course which mjgU eventuat jnjhe jpss 'df the5 small' farmer's single'eli riivr. Car. , IUiroNArJA man' residing in a New'En- gland town, at some ditance : from t(:neiir re- laiive. received a tnestage one cold evening in -Novembely ! to hasten to his rosidencd, a"a': he was in? a! dying state. Wbdn1 ho arrived' ho Was told thnt-his reason- bad -entirely left him! . The ;fiick rrian "presently turned 'his' head saying, ia a faint voice Who is that V Ho was informed ibat it was nis relative wli e had been sent : for." 0h b oh Ijsaid he; Yes, oh, yes ! ; He must' be cold. - Make him a good warm toddy yes, a toddy L hot toddy 1 - i if, ;is.i ' i L i, v-.'I guiss lie 'aint crazy, said his j visitor 'ne talks very .rational. 11-' il- A looker-on at a gaming table, having ob. served one player very grossly cheating ario tber, took the 'picreon' aside and said : L 'Good hqavdns ! have you not observed . , . .-If - tf? . .1 . . . how villainously "that man has been packing the "cards! ... :. , 11 J, . " The otber, smilingly answered:,., ( . f Tray, don't be under the least concern a bout that; I intend to pick his pocket as soon as he has done playing" - 1 A skunk once challenged a lion to single i combat. The lion declined accepting it ' V 'How, said the sknnk, 'areyou sfraid - Yes,' replied the lion ; '.'you would only gain fame by having the honor to fight withf a lion, while every one who .meets me for a month to eomo would know I had been in company with a skunk.' ' ' " Th.Canvvss' Even the Israelites of old had a battle cry. "To your tents, Oh Israelis brought every man to his feet prepared for action. 'Ihe ainerent pouucai parues i 100 ' present day, have tbe .same.excJaniatipn prben ; they want to get every body into , the.politi-; c&ycanvas. ; Apx anu;ee psoiuier, cu uja.wm trary, when ho goes out to the contest, al ways cries out atent-6hun! iv. T. Sunday Times, .-. p . I . . ii i- : JPSTTheRer. Mr. Spnrgeon, an English. Minister,and only iwenty two years of age is now the clerical star of London. He talks rerv plain to' at nn art , "and ! recently5 assured them that "there is dust enough on your b bla 'writa Damnation with your Jin- ' -um : a i , '' -; - n . v iv -: "; ' r r '" :: p THE TREATY. . r . The treaty with Great Britain concluded by Mi. Dallas, and to which recent reference has been. made, it U. now stated an ived at , Wasbington severaL week ago. It settles all questions heretofore; existing relative to Central America, and,, all, , ether subjects of i dispute be twean, the British . and .Ameticau "Government .excepting, tbe .claims .Vy U udson's Bay ; and Pu gets : Sound. .Aicni- j turalcompanies,. relative to . .alleged Jigb under tbe treaty of 1840. :; -UnderTtbe: treaty negotiated by' Mr.' Dallas, the Mosquitocoast from the line it Ilonduras txi theutbern 'arm of the San Joan , .Biver, and including the port aua tawjx.oL.fcaeaaui un t j n zed to belong Cdf Nicsfagoir Ttfe03ritish. protectorate over the Ind iana ia i dropped but vith: the y understanding that :lho good Offices of botb.Governments shall be. used lo secure.for tthm' an' equivalent protectorate from..,' the :Governmeut of '.Nicaragua.. The pd;aps are to be provided for, ; with ihe con kentf JSrioargua, .by a small aniiut proceed ing fr om tbe duties oellected at San, Juan. re; ,ar , yfry; W of .these rretcbed beings, who are rapidly disapjMarJ of disease and general degradatwn.--Il. RiOt ian snau aestroy nis own'prdneftv or IJulyilth, 1855 . ' p t cl, 1st, 'oOr SQtf; ; ; v - -1S i

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