kkk : ! k ;f k- -;: -:.k! iix 'v1:;-;;- f:,. -J J 4 ci ,t-r-'' ; n.U ? t-pAf? . VOX.. 3 IN E W B E R N N O K T H THE UNION. THOMAS RICHARDSON; EDITO It. ; ' 1; PUDLISHCB & PROPBIETOIt :Tte;iTnIon;Wilfie-; published ctctj Mcnr .t 2 per annum; invabiablt. h. y Taiice. Office 6 doors above the i'ost umee., Advcrtisiiig BatJS;J t .nu r 1 insertion.....; x.w : t - ; o inaort.innil ............... "0 . TWELVE lines consfitutin a square. ; . ; It Vrranment will be made by. the year or 6 month I ,-i ' . - . '. - !. r H ! JOB printing: jes. . ' Havlnn' a nevr and exterislre assortment of Job Trpfc (as good as can be found in the State,) we ard "nreDa red to execute prepare JOB WORK .with neata ss and dispatch ; aucu as handbIs, circu Urjj.cards. bl inks, books, pamphlets, etc., etc. S3T' All 'Coinmuaicntions intended foi insertion in Tub Union, :must beiacompa-. nied by the writer's name, and , directed, ti T " - " k , - 1- tlio call tor. j j All letters on business, mast bo ad dressed to the Proprietor. ' i G E OK G E ALLEN f ! i -DEALER IN : ,; PANCY & STAPLE ; DRY GOODS BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, HATS, k( .W. HAM i LTfx L - U. NEW-BERNE, N. C. v WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Newbern, that he Las opened 'a room j two doow east ofithe Post Office5, where he is pre ' pared to carry on the above business-in all its branches. vvatcne3, UlocJcs ana veweiry neauy, repaired at short notice, " r , All -w ork warranted . F3 . NEW BERN VARIETY STORE, THOU AS W. s rYR0N 5 WHOLESALE & KETAILDKALER IN -Gfj o cgniEs, Hard war Three doors East of the A. & N. 0: c;4 s. pr imrose; , Staple and Fancy V j " ( CHARLES C. CLAKK. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Offire ob Broad Streets doors below the cbuui HOUSE. v ; . -v ' NEwiiEnx, x., a ; J AiM E Sm M E-T T S Commission and Forwarding1 Merchant ' I WILMINGTON, N. O. August 30th.lS54 ' - ' ' 13 tf WILLIAM HA.1, House, Sig and Craim811tal : . PQSiraiPJ MID (BOILIDiJKIiljo " KIDDLE STRKET, OKE DC0K BELOW THE POST: OFFICi! , v NEWBE11N, Ni C.: ; ... atIa n ufa jure n of v Tin, "Sheet Iron and Copper ware. : ' f - : . t - : -.. AND DEALER IN v ; Styes, and JapariedWareisV OORNSB OK BROAD AND MIDDLE STREETS. One door South, of .the Court lloose, i .X rt : .-l-.&O jP". Tn,1r A'r'n 'i turers and Wholesale XeaZers'in ro.!i3 onl4 25 2) Sifrerf, - new york: a - JO DALEY. . Clock: an d W"a t c Ti M a k c r V Vy KEEPS constantly on hand, an excellent as- sortmect or WATCHES,' CLOCKS, and EWEf.RY; of all kinds. All work done at. the nortest4iotiee.and in a workman-like manner." J. WHAT,7?r.--Sn x u Watch. Craven street, Newbenv ; May 20tk 1853. PM-------------W-w-w-iii ! ii i fn"ll G 0 L D jj B 6 R 6 ' f vz:; ' - - '--- .-. T P Ei next session of- this Institution will ebn4 ,f- toencUn the rs Wednesday . in Augr stj, fOOO. . j !" 'I'" ""' - . - . ' f ; j Atmlo ccoramodattons ' are provided 'for a nj n n rr I . - i . M 1- a . For information, Catalogue, Ac", 'address' 5 h CLOCK DRY GOODS fw..ui, oi uxaouity, JKev. J.- il. 13KENT. ft,.U- W. S. ANDRE IF- llth, 185? S9 1 ..'ti ll '- - BOpMlAg SCH 9 Oft !."- ! m-r ' ' ,T '.St. W I T C! II . ., ! I -IrWM 1IAYHEW, t .Principan i. i hi v , K U A i B7X H MA X HL VY , 1KACHEK Qy if- :r .n '1Prkch;aki i Assistant. "j Tuition in English, per Session. of five .. te - monthsJfpayabie' dvriAsg' to sponc- J ''M - tually At the end of the session, f ' $12.00 : Tuition in English, board, washing, light i and fail, ' per Session of five nronths, one' 1 half navable in advance, and the ptherdu-f " ring or'afthe end of the Session, r- tt..- t JIo.QO "Instruction in Music er Session 5 i 20.00 4 Tuition in French, or, Jhe Latin Language,, ;, 6.00 J'TIie Session of this School Will commence on the l$tiar' of October next; :ri& fylV' ." , ilje terms, for boarding. d:c r.it 'will be seen, are somewhat increased or rather; the terms are rer stored to the. eanie' as they : were formerly. The continued high ricfis of provisions, fec , make this absolutely necessary, in orderj to, save ourselves ww,:..' v -i ! :: -: It is earnestly recommended to j jthose who design to attend the School, that they commence, if prac ticable,) at the commencement of the Session, j larenU or guardians who reside. in the country, and who wish to send to this School, will find it decidedly advantageous to their children ; or wards, to placet henj with the . teachers -to-,1: oard, asj we feel a j; greater degree of responsibility .for and more interest in the imjprovement and the deport ment of such young . ladies , from a. distance, as ara placed under oiir i.iimediate charge. 5 Tupils who enter Ithe School at or near the: comraeneement o he session,, will be ; charged froni ,,the commence ment, to the close of the session.' ; Those! enter ing when the session is -somewhat advanced wil? be charged frai the time of entering to. he close of the session, and no allowance "Will be made, for ab sence,! except in-;' eases of protracted sictt'essl " 5 f 1 ' Zfewbierii, Aueust 20th, ,1856-1 t 40;m the .Clarendon i ; IRON WORKS, d wrLMiNvrTON,: N. a, - . . ms jiur?nase'i i!,r enure uyie, i i- Ira 4-t: "i I c.-pM ateittine and other; Water ItVheeTs ' 5 - ' (our Jjilit. compieLe nice; neiq Jrumps ana xungiu .j Leavitt's Corn and Cobb Crusher, 1 " t IT T- . I I " .'. . . f . - Rice Thrashers, - i Shingle Jachines, , . r I ' Shafting Hangers and Pullies, t Cotton Gins and Gearing, "Iron, Castings of all kinds and patterps, ;j Brass : - " '. 1 U 4 ' j Locomotive and Tueular Boilerv r ; " Flue and plain Cylinder Boilers, 1 4 i ;, ! Blackgrnith work of all kinds, 1 , U " Irott JOoors for -Konses' and Jails U z" 5 5 ' ' ' i . j .THE ESTABLISHMENT: .: .. Having been re-oiganized for the express purpose oi insuring, puactuality of the execution' of all or ders the public may rest satisfied, tht an j wok which may, offer wilt be promptly delivered accor ding to' promise, and of such : workmanship as. -can-notaittogivesatisfaetion. i. Vij 5t iV.-j. 1 Tlte MecJidnical DppprtmeriiZ Being fcharge of men of talents and experience I have net hesitation in saying that the work here, after turned out, shall compare favorably, in eye ry respect with that of the most celebrated ; in the States adat (cejrVhich will niake it to the in- . ! r .v. . T , " t terestot ali in. wm. to. sena 10 gcneir oraers. , ; : . ; 1 Al 'ways! done without delayand having a large force for ihat purpose,- it will prove adyantageotis v 10 any person needing such to give me tbe. preier- ence wimiout regara 10 expense 01 , genuing same from a; distance. ' . H - . f'' '!-i:r - ' Orderslwill be addressed to .i VClarendbn Iron Works,r Wilmington, NI C. r j : j. fi A. H. VANBOKKELEtf Otober 31st. 1856. " ' ' ' f I : : . T That delightful and refreshing A p CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. Forsaehy 7 F. S. DUFFY? I Newbern. j 1 ' ii i, NOTICE, f "1 "rtIE subscriber having sold out -his entire stock: i JL of Drugs, Medicines, tc, to . Dr. A. E. . Ricks, wishes to close his businiese in Ne"bern immedi ately, aJl accounts on hi Books may be found' in the hands of F, DThornas, as Collector until the i si January, 18D7, alter ' tnat time , tney win oe placed in his' hands as an officer. r j : Kewbern, Nov. 19, '66. -2tf. f H Ti't fjaul's Bank of Weivfeern,; 1 Hi Annual Meeting, of the Stockholders ot thii Bank will be hela at their Banking Housje n. Newbern. on Monday the let dayif December next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. j 1 .1, I Nov 17th, 1856, l-2t. . , ! . r; : srnoor. rR xTX of - , r -ooKFiitt school for the tuitien 1 . AvtuMre-Z t.oth will be re onendo t Pher Residence on the first ' londay ? October ' Cambria Handk'cbleft. . y GREAT variety of Embroidered HandkTs. : tLNew SuZcx)rinted l oiders. " -- . i' .nrlua'i ITlAiiin.n') T I l-fe Ktl PNnfrl a nr. T.tT . 'jroidered, to be had at . H r- I V J 3. PRIMROSE'-ST. SSoHok'st. T I REAL" EST ATEFOR SALE In! the Town of Newbern. -TTIIE Lot with tore Hons a id all other out- I JL houses, attached, recently occupied by J. T. Yetheingt6n, and situated just above V If Fife's, at thecorner -of Broad and Queen Streets is for sale. ' A barirain can be made. 1 jVor terms i;Tlv H) (K:s, r, aHii?re, .Atwurn. 4 v fOTX)M-:.. IFETaEBINGTON-. i 356. ' ,- '.. - -;; v a - 42 tf. ! -1.. .V; ft? r". b .:i Viive.;! I Pork, I , Sugar, 4; X V (-'tw- .Tea l irrela1 eAotce Family ? Flour; atj low for eabh. i i.T?;W. ST Jt RON r ! j IWmming 'Ilfbboils; Mr' -r,Ti - ' '.' ''TtJP--Tj P . ft .-i i rZ3r A liAaur. ax t lua reccirea ana ior -io ur . -.. S. PRIMROSE, i i " application. jri;;..1' WILU be made to the General i Assembly for confirmation of B. D. S. Bell's title to 22 acre of land, in Csrtftft Gimtyv dee 1. BALMOF AJUOUWE T?OR romovin Tan, ,rimptes and ,-Freckies. gror jl v v asuin., naving or - cieansmg iae veem ana For sale by FS. BUFFYL npHE subscriber having lately returned from Bus TL ton, wonIdh6winfoiHrhisu public that be has just received full supply of the best qualities of -the various kinds fx j ... , Cotton - and Flax Twines, Also an assortment of ,'v','Y'' -'" V' H is also prepared to furnish at shoft 'notice; any kinds of JNeta 1 or. Seines out of the usual dimensions all of 1 which will be warranted to give, satisfaction "': - t ' -L !.. -i :'." : .! w i 1 1 to ine purcnaser, doiq in material ana manuiacture, by hand knitting.' '.'4 w;.-'y.;i r..iT:'.ii.,45J; lie will also take this, metnod.of , informing the public generally, 'that he has a 'good assortment of . TN . .1 ..' TT1..3. ' . ft f : ury uooas, naraware, iiioes, CROCKER.. V;, GROCERIES . except. LIQUORS. FLOtlR, of best.and good" qualities, and a loi of first rate 4 -New Bedford SPERM CAKllLES; war ranted pure, all of which; he is. prepared; t furnish on tne most tavoranie terms. . , . a, ii j "basclea mdinCI; tM- .1 j iniAU Jvil, i.ailS a X Lil jJQLlIieJT, At; ; ,v.t . '-i k J!orsaie ny n ; NORTH Alf O SOUTH CAROLIR A HjIIE subscriber having taken theptemluni ' a X ajt.lhe late State Fair .upon TntpenlinerTooi (Shippers, Rouiidt-haves, and llackcys,) would an nounce to the public that they, are manufacturing these Tools extcnsiyely.. Their workmen having been for many years engaged in' the above bu?ir pess, are unsurpassed by- any ' in the5 quality .md proper construction of their tools, -rfe will deliv er these tools at any points on the 'K C. jW. j R. andW & i-iM Railroad. t'lFe warrant tReiC too?s to he -equal in quality and superior adaptation jfbr work 'to any jN othern nranufaeture and! ask a li beral share of;- patronage,--trusting ;thit liberal southerners ( will give jjreierenee to honfe: .xnaitu-l faeturesr. ' J ! j 1 11 -crcers directed- to us at Jericho, N. CV, 111 .... -. s-: ' ' wiu ixitet prom pi attention.. . . :, . I -.I." : 'i.' . t - T ' 'irr ' 'l- VlTTTTrtlrtYVl. J4. '. G, 15. Y llia.llJl,JL.JU. ' a 1 i.ni 31st, 1855. . . ; i ! T TUST received per sehr. Charlotte Ann 20 b t)l9 tXlbf iJity Mess Fork ? 1 :Oct. 8, , ; - , , ' - T. W. STYROm TawaSZe town tots for -Sale. , Hp II E .Lots nos. 348 and 353, pt.' Queen and JL Hancock streets, in front of the Passenger Shed of the! Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad. They .will be sold on reasonable and accommoda ting terms, lhey are the most desirable loca tions in the vicinity of the Railroad Deobt fori a Hotel; and doubtless . could he made vervrefita- x... , t. :. l; '. , . , uic luavv Ji-io wuu wuiu engage in- xnat OUS1 hess: f " MARY GOODIjNO. j,, Newbern, Sept 20th,.'56.-45 : C Lyon's magnetic Powder ancl Eat ! ' Pills. tK" FOR the destruction f 1 Fleas "and fBeo . 1 L tigs loaches. Ants,&c, Ac , finu i or sale by . !! ' - I. DisoaSvay: PAINTS, 01LSr& COLOURS WINDOW GLASS; PD1TY, &c. , S .J Forsae by ! 'J v lien. - F. S. DUFFY; Newberti. " STATE OF N. CAROLINA, P. CAROLINA, r NEsk County iM) ( H,-,ai Jon Tf 7HEREAS complaint upon oath' hath this f t day Jieen made to us, Adoniiab MeDaniel ana .onn x i njjnan, .iwo oi uie . unices 91 tue ' t l at i ' i r 1 : ... ' " . t t Ifeaee of said "County, by rrankiin said county, plan ter, tjiat & -certain longina to bun, nanted Sam, Itoth al from his; msssteirs s vices, and is lurking up said county.. .eommittine aots of felon y and other ! misdeed.' these are tferefbre, in theLmefofthe Stat, to.orhmafnd the saidlslave forth withO sur; ' render himself and return home to his master, and we do hereby require the heriffoF said qqim- ! ty f Jones, terbVake1 diligent seareh'and pursuit t after the said slave, and him having foiindj, to ai-;7 ,'rhend and secure! so that he may be eohveyed f to hisf said master, or otherwise discharged sis the j taw directs i and the said Sheriff is; hereby auy A thorized and empowered, to raise and take with ! himsuch power of his county; as he shall tli ink "f lf for, apprehend ng the said slave; and. we do.here-u byby virtue: of the Act of Assembly in "anfcii case Ilk i and destroy the said slave, bv-strch -m&-;na I !uJZ.ri kr im-1 WMtTl - rp?z j rUlfincurris. nenaltv and forfeitnra feiture t fV:'-' j . - --y - a - r- trreby. j , ... . .... : . J ' r J Given under our handsJandseala;'the 29th day bf September, ii; IX, IS 5 6. '- , . , - . Li - ij srffelOO.Od Reward fci 1 ' sion. and delivery ot the sa.d. bov to in ill ' i . i H . 5 ' lodgeihilnfinanyiaiiiHtheSlateJ! ,U gethim, or One Hundred Dollars re head, ij- -- - r H-'4-,- ; ! Oct. 1st, '56-56-tf. " SPbEND ID ASSORTMENT oth Cassimers, Veetiiigs, Crivats 4j iScarfs C. S. PRtMLROSET 3S"f S6 PoZcek Street, f t:.:fd to?siifj W an t e d ; fj ii4J BY yoongiriin -of 4?ood moral Jiaraiter W situation in a store Dry Goods', Establiah- '-.x if.'j -: " T ,. .'Tt.ir'i..,.i. -- it uie ou&inesv ana can come wen recommenaea - 4-Enquire of the-1-ditortthVUnion.-i 1 ; - ,Kov. .-;29.V56. ?2fc 'tVwt iiu'. DRESS GOODS. FINE assortment just received of .IHaelc . Fano-rflrAsa Silt: Handsbtte Wool be Xaines, U tfoofPiaids j Merinos. PJ ain Delaines, Alpacas, c. j f AU a' lar ire assotmeut of Cahco es, Yor" Salet ca eap GEOKGEALtEN. TAtTT4-.i -- i 4-1 ma f" -r. , 4 r1 n.n.Tn . kl. i I l1 slave, ,named 5am doth not surrender himsein t r!TI1UOllj IlnlUea' JUSL LO ee and retu-n home immediately after tbe publica-1 JI X COUid win her good Opinion.- -Hon of these presents that any person mW'Viri'l tt 1 li Jii i;ii'i-" i-Vl A man may have wisdom arid -wort , , And humor atfd'lifiail'- 'S 1 But what rioes these .matter on earth, - ti in? not; the wMrwithal loi' 4 -7His Jiomeimay-baicircle jwith friends j 'f If he only can keep up the ball ; JtJUt friendship soon chaDffes and ends. ' " Ifhe hafiot the wheretvUlx iM J..:Then seek: for tbe .wherewithal;! .01 j Make sure of the wherewithal, pbiksur likfe oonTend I (tf?;feeer Be always isrst inW raee;. ii',fj 4 ii'i i ;Who 1st first' with the whWe with al !r ! Some say that the8 higti'cabnbe .tnean '1 ...-om,!,?i''.lJ, lPe 8reP can be small; But trifles like these are not seen.vi uir.. fibfesmth-iheiwheTewitbaliJ .01 j - Thei sleek fr tfie wheirewitiial Ma ke sure of tbj wherewithal, - ' . c y r pleasure , u ve 1 nenustiip, soq a ends, t,lt If short of the wherovithat-, w. Love smiles, jpn tbe casement that shows' , ; A, picture within, to en thrall.; fu - .Iv.'iff When gold's in the heart of the rose,: ' f Ttoe's love1 in the wherewithal 1 -Svi" les; men may have wisJon atfd worth, I . pA.no hquc.and wit at their all -r But" what do these matter on earths ifi: . 'v If they have not the wherewithal! V Then seek for the wherewithal- P''" AJike sure of th who.eivi.hn ; . - - -JI.. . fh or f pleasure, like friendship, saqii ends ; It uort of tha wherewithal-! Freedom of tlic Pre- , Around her waist. I put. piy arm - It felt as soft ascik ' - i . -. i. i 'Oh dear !' sa,ys she, wht liberty ... You printer men do takl' L ' !. 'Why yes my fcal, my charping gal - (I squeezed, her. some Igues".,) ' - - i, f. Can you say aughtjmy chibk agatnst V' "' Tlie. freedom' the press " y Is Kssed her some -1 did. by cum-r ?r, She colored like a beet, t ... ;L:a ;,. 2 .Upon my. living: soul she looked '"- : Almost tbbVobd to eat. lv' r 'T gave her another buss, and then . .. , .Says, she, 4o sonfes, . U)ih. i . 1 leather, iinder,. 6orte'like : i ' The freedom of the press ! - COCKTINiS OUT WEST. The "only; roMectioii, ever pacle. to,me in, this ere 'countrv : as atlem islator, was imade by the wimi-nf cause I war a batchelbf, ; aiidir neV-T er told you .afore why, 1 aeiiiaiiie in:a state. -of iiuniler one.it- f leiJ like me' who "all Ke raLl's deelar J .2. 1JI f ! ''! i: ti. " - i ": : La ' -r.. he "UlClB aS ha jay, .btwiy WS not flxill to . StaV. :alone if he COUld t. ;f T' A-A- .Ai, &i-frirA. help It. 1 did See a ere&tlire OIlde;. name Sofy JlaSOa, Up. the Cuinber-". i ":-jf - J ' -ft?Il1 ' '" rri "' lll. f nd, Tligh mtO Nash Vllle, Tennis SCe that l . took all Oriul hankering . i , i .j ., i. -i j ' -; rFf arter, and V SOt 1 IDtO" lOOkin ' anXi; iaflfe 'fo". matnmohvr aiVd SlXXtQ f - M v .v i.u u ' . ? -a. -- tiu D-j t g regllar tO meetm' ;aad tUK a ikeS-t 1 i i ' i J - - - . I Due UlU fiTO t " c of sly,: jest as a horse does at some tbing'e's scart- at,- i whenf arter . ; O . . , ' - ., t -- i rrS chambinat a distance for a Iided, up; tpjerandi.fcted q she say yes1 ;4bufc cuss nie4f d jknb w stbftr thatfwurtbrriihtnswer r,. - .. . . v-.-,. . i. little all the I way ta her, daddyX and!tHiiri imermmd. Iadamiiand ; raising tincbrn, new hat as pert and perlitefas a nnnisteTHoin?tanHhimet'sb W nnndrous-Idttcif wniggars andlived riSt-ainiif - imy1 placehilob th other side, lived JaJe bimmons, snekin'. cute 'varmint, who war n rA rith nrcial faiiser 4Tbr stimnneSs, And' no sooner:didHtMschse4 sar- imself to-ivork to cut me out. ? We and-thensild(Sbbrttedmethini Li i : VXr ti.L. -,i-i i,; , r,f;i of lastiJaketginnnitrym'-tobttt me,.andL toithinkiiiofdm tlllll' 5 else sJliJ.&jr liiii ii ' lJi!sT5.f i X- Our tfcrms 4Were -g eist tlie saii number of acres and we both owrii iianiggarg 4preca. 11 Jake 1-5-Jm- 1,--l :or! i . t . .-t . t ..'. uuao poijncf ' ner Kiaa Kept "' x ,JUI' 1W tu "lain enance. soltetthonglifcillid clearme?out by. .byi n o another nigger - but 1IJ ! al lowed, suitj yand j! bought loneHhe dayafterheibbught hissbhelhad nojadYantage tharihe then 6 1' a coaqdtsp didknd.th'eti; ''jusi'aT boixt: then,5both ofour purses iii u t pne Sundays o"mornragt-tI-!i wairk litilfe late id vmeetiiiV" andwlidtir1 sIf gotbar. the? furst thingibeed "Wai4 J akb Simmons sittintlose- lyang:up! agjn Sofy, in the same pew with her aaddy,Tr-I biled awhile with wrath-! an d turned, sour. I could taste myself; v Thar t tHey uwiir; singin hims out thefeame b6dka Je-e-Ai-ny j fellers, I war so enormous mad thait the new- silk bankrchgr round imymexJk lostit3 colore M? A r ter meetin'w'oul; iKejr walk ea linked arms, agmilinlan' lookin' as phased fas, a yGungioiipldlat hpr . old shoulder' ; to. me go brful,: tiat I wilted, i Hown and . gincrrighti up straight-ake had her thar war; nol disptn'At. . ;f -.r 1 I headed towards homey with my hand as1ar;iiimy:trousers??pockets, al c,ould pushriem swardn': alUthe way that she wur the . last 1 6ne. xh at would re.yer git a-chance to Tiieup myt-iieelinsii : Passiii'Aiby JakeV plantation,' I j ooked 6 ver the fence,1 : and fhar stood 4n explanation of the .mater rightblfaicmV'itheti.T.oad--whariey,ekry;.O.neJjSpasin?"icbtldee it, his consiirn ed cown waa tiednto -.a j stake in, the,? garden with a.most promising calf ,xalongide fionher.- rhe,caU;jest?spured Tnyjpailkj ; and made lhinkhat fejler..whp wur always gitiu't ahea4 JikjeJfeiko:; wur. a rigbtsma Jive- ly'SDand.jf'j, , it ' r" ioLnl tH ed Sugar's 4 voice, vAs v-soop assLi ience-, was i-ptiorea, p.-jagejaln5a,j solemnvoicewith,. one eye;0s.hut, ancii. nia.ipreunger ,pointeft .a-FiOAS. auditorviTT- k ,,,-.,.--t .JSur5 " , What a cusse d siisrht;..5Ypsser : thauf his gitinSpfy, waa th fact that.ihe. bprro f e d t tile, .calf the-night, befGe, mint got,Sofy pitched: be itold.te, joke all , over the settlement, and me ropj s: eyrsgeg njp, a; tgipra jas merfbejejitint ftlf?put.5,mjiiout;Qi' aL gaW uajpfectionf -I'd thQtjXak J. ! J 1 1 '. .1 1- J. X FXi i nft- gaia AaJTIgiiVM chose, tfeout beiij f aJq widr der, sp;iiolaoutnd-trayelleou-7rrJ I ve always thort sinc.etlenp boysjj that ;wiminiwura;2rbod.fdeaL like liQk.ej-I&i yon -ff lore'm witoo .bird i tliey-r aresure .do ithrQWiyGii sqnie Hsliesa lelte'r from.a.Svnan cqrres- FiwtuuoK Et Pf -rt a -1 1 1 'jiUivt torn u siioDosed discovery of the rums ot the lo wer BiibpTfTHe writer states that the disco very. was. made on the occasion, of a recent vlsi t to Consul at ilpsul, .whose discQVer isn nnnifint lMneveh have is made bis name somewhat prpminjBnt.,. J - L M. && oceani The NeW Yotk Couiier and EriqotreH says he iiwTnaIIdiibySUpben'IG. Bo- fierL.in3!the3-,Wcstervll rtllfiilwiaof upvJ$ojty2foa Wtb'4 aoidera of J2.4flCfetiiiis dl N4w; Ybxte Jatil ailThef scKoo4 -sp '-essei aiuviy f r , r J ! 1 1 : 4 i TYti. A.r,m T Npwhprn 'Nll Tier JU riatw;, ifrvr. t" -Ct -Tfir crvJ IWrf. nil frnst bitten. T)lSCOVERY. OF.THE XQWER OF ,JJAr. 1 nin bOek3 lt'lbtt'r1 little boys broke thrbteh the ' icd bh th e lake" near th'e-'S .hbolJ house1 in Water .ville Wis. !THeillagera fiastehi od to the spGt- bttheacewass6 thifi-tfiatcMeld Vemufe td'their aid:' 'm t: tMs monieial? rjustr asthe mpm'erl sinking, younL man 18 'fears' Of ageliamed ijohh'Ad atil forward -.Seized; fffishi iipe Slid leayihg'jmostbf " Bis clotb'es1 on J tlfe 'bank1; plunged into' tKWlatenc LfedtWJf! thebVi: ' He madeaiotiier asHKand sHved thrtliif d: i amSksnoSrateost ehatfstred,;Btit -th mother ' of rthe' fdurtK'ljoy staiMingrnear;fin horrible age ny, and Adams said to her; 'uI will- 3ive'-y0u'r?lib5r-&1vdie." Ting a rdp ? strouhd his waisti he1 toldthoso i shore id pull him in if he sankahd cried out;' "stand "by the fopeV lm'gbihE: tohiriiv" vHe1 luen piungen swam out some ; tenrt)idsf Jiffaking the iice1 with tis1 stakihtr for-' the1' third time? carried hint1 f&KSrff and rdttirned himHo4 ihisrni6thWarms!" 1 u 1 ""-- of the Press.' The Albany Jbu? naZexpIains some ty- 1 blunders' .that have ;pographical crept in to-its . w - -w r columns; and adds' the 1 following gobd story : :i ... : f- ;1suIh?se .mitakea of. the press remindl ns df-i the misfortunes; that, befell SeycretkryiXobbin, about two, - jguiJ3rJiui;e,pn nis lYibiv 10, tue oriu.4 ;ben ties rdached ..Portland Me., l thp: tvjlegrap announced hii:arri yar ab nmvia tiq g his titler as, usual; 1 itftlrSec-y.Ps ibbin.' The dispatch wajprmted im the Bostoni papers 'S.Ucy's.Pobfiin, ahdin' the N;.j Y.t ones, 'The Steamer Dobbin,' while the iPhiladel phia; journals t gravely, announced at ;JLucy Dobbin , had . arrivedat Portland 1 1 The aston iihediSecreti ry of;the;NaVy -j-s when 1 he -read-iii3 .papers that might, foundihiinse transformed succcs- s.iv,eIyinto a horse,' a Iwomanand a steambdatV - i ...'i ir'' . : ' . . . . j 4 - ' One night! the city of London; was, .visited bv a most tremendous gale, i tberoa ring of; wbich;reached s the.aijriple.Si ot, a..; d?af genUeman,; much, tp ivbis . terror and dismay .-r-r: he.neda lUpon.proceeding to hi ,cpinting room, his whole mind; impressed ivitb the. severity, of, the aJU-(andudposiaffievery body was . talkine abuuKt. helmet anacquain- tancewboj4eCosted;;him -with the usuabgreetii ? "Good morning-." " Blowed hard blowed very.. Howtf i tlLiktb'hdv6 ldwed'md - oiit of 1 bed'bUt of -t jed." 1 T, '"3tl' . - j ; g3 AMrs. Smiley, living; neary ' Montgomery, Ala., . has.manufact- V ured' a- shirf tljQuf aseam. 7 1 1 is oye yefn(irp; -rubers not j?eing . tlie v , iiohqfi:. ; butipnsi0bpjt( piioleSv.Qllars, w.nst-j 'bahdsan erc particular; . about, ashir tas.wpy 3 jntq t it, jnaking.aj -perfcpt.andijf nished j uAlybunglac y returning latefromv a-:concert; 'as U was raining ordered'' the coachman to drive close to the pavemeM'butAvatill unable to step ncrbss- J;h n gutter. , fI can lift s youibwer itf siid coachy:; !01v no, Vs& to Oit heav f, : said she. j -fWby,; l:mariiFmused.to lifting- ; barrels, replied J enu,' f t b -i t . ady was asked;J thbf bther day : , why Ishe chosf to live a single lde:' UrlmnlV-fdrilied.-' VBtfcS&ser 1 am j gSjncb;K'ybutH;bldl I "1 . -..'' f-i.l 4-":T iT " fi iL t f. 1 11 viy.lfatt$i h Eagerly:' inquired uQAhJ make Bill Jones! - tifc!rill-;: w.J-- Y-rri Vi-..i4- iittifiTi inouin any oagvij itixuu o.Hjj ' Q.f w.hA 'W-lA;: t .iU ruD .i! rUr ttL Jn (Wfl(.'o ;fn. h .. tuaauiuL u j, iu uv-J.Piuv w v r -?J bales-were wltn girls in uisiue. UIltl 01;W T - A r . v A ; f--. " "1 .

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