r : v ;X tfJ ft I C- rl1: 1 . . . . .-t -. -. 1 ?, ' u-i- f tut 4 ; -i THE UiSflON. t 1 J. : H- M TJS E , VuBMSHER & lKOIltIJETOXl.; The Union vill be publiaBed crcrj Mon day Per annum, intariablt Inaa--rsitice. Office 6 ioors above the Post Office, r ' : ! ? Advert islng Rates : ' :" 1 square 1 insertion ........ .V r $ 1 00 ; i.'ft " 2 insertions. ...... w y ' ' 7 .. ,.V.7.7. ..V..V'M 200 , f WTOTTT VP li'nu onnKtittltincr it BQtiare. , . S i .Arrangements will be made by tie year or g months to permanent advertisers, .tnf--wwiwfWM- I Vsr JOB PRINTING. ! rr-t n1 extensive . assortment of Jo ' Trt fc (as good as can be found in the. State,) we are "WeDared to execute; .. 7i ;; -i f: , j i , : -;7- i JOB WORR 7 ; ' yrlth neatat ss and dispatch ; such as handbills, clrcu ?lArs.card. W tnks, books, pamphlets, etc. etc. . j : ' I jCST All,- rnrnumcatioha" intendeJ for i insertion in Tjxb Uniok, musi ' be accompa i iiied by tke writerV name, and directed to 4 All lett-ers on business, must bo ad dressed to the Proprietor. : i : 1 t -' l 7."'l! ; ' Wm I3itsxit05 Carte. 0 E OR GE ALLEN j DEALER IN - i!FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS BOOTS. SHOES, i GAITERS, nATS,i&C. 7 NEW BERN. N. C. W. II A MILT O N , nr nnr -:ur A TPLI- M A 7 , . J ,R y nihil MlHUil ;r ' NEW BERNE, N, c. ::: rSTTTOULlref:Mctfully infortn th citizens WJ pfNewbern,' that 1ms lias opened a roim iwo doero-eot -ef fee 1 Oi&tie, were Ue ia i V il w w , - " - - , : , J 1 i lired to arry -ba Jthft bv taswa in ii i ,s irtiMared at short notide. - - r r - - in : rj i. fk iii 3a 'All wrjc ffiffriHiKu. NEW BERN VARIETY STORE. THOMAS W. STYltOX, WHOLESALE is BSTAILDEALBR IN GROCERIES, HARDWARE 1 . 7 ... . I Wlirec doors Eos t o f the A & N V. i ffiml Rdad Depot. , v U S.- P R IM R O SE ! Sttiple diid Fan a O Si y P 0 P i i 7;: j; CHARLES C Cl.AUK. . : Attorney &ai Coonsellor at Law, Office ou KroaJ Sirct 3 doors below the i ".COURT HOUSE. 1 ' NEWBEKN, N. C. J A M E S E. METTS Commission and Forwarding Merchant - . -A . v ; WILMINGTON N. C. , August 30th. 18 54 ' . 13 tf 1 W itiLIAM HAY, House, Sig-1 and Ornamental j u " uau uoicyuuuo, 0.UAx.lf Bu-un mi ufj.v.js I NJiVVlihKN, N. C j ! MAKUFAJURER OF TJd, Sheet Iron and Copper ware, AND DKALER IS Stvos, atid Japaned Wares, co asm of b&oad and iirDDtE streets. One door South of the Court House j : : KEWJ5ERN, N.C. TA5TL0R, DicksoiL, Graves & Co I ! (Successor to BatesJ Taylor d: Co.) aJ, j ' 7 Janufacturers and Wholesale Xea?ersin y -a-i Vr. JL jl j a7 J i J ) : . JVo. 23 oin4 25 Dey Street, L o NEW YORK, o - a - i jo katb i Haley. VIC lock and Waicli Maker! KEEPS constantly on hand, an excellent as- tU3 sortment of WATCHES77 CLOCKS. F and EWELRYi of all kinds. All work - done at! the hortst notice,and in a workman-like manner ,: : 1 1 -v : :' : :; '-nr-Ma whale, t, p- w watch, Craven street, -Kewbern. i Slay 20th.'-1853; . - - - - . 77: '7-7:. ' r G O L D s B 0 K ON ale (Oolleire. .- r I" H E next session of this Institution wiil com meqce an the first ' Wednesday in' Ag,-' st, -ample ccommodatloi number of vouns- U1iAa . ? t . J. ror information nt-:i r . - j t DRY GOODS BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL KWBKIft a. XXIII SESSION. j 1 t71I H. UAYHET7, Principa'n , ; r ELIZABETH MA YHEW, Tachx o? - ( " 7 ,l?iiXCH AHD ASSISTA. 1 1 ' E. tOLK, TxACHxa or Mvsic' Tuition ia Ensliah; pair fieasion' of five h ,:, ; j V ' monthjs, (payablednringi or pone- ' j ' "inillrit Tthe'ehdW the aeaefoni- J ' $12.00 and Aor tavab ring or at the end of the Beseion. - w t;f- 75.0U rljistruction in Music,: perSessiun.-. 20,00 i iTuition in French,'or the Latin Language. - 6.00 The Session of this SchooV will commpe ta the 1st day of October next.. 7 .:. -t;. r , ) , The terms for boarding." Ae it will be seeb, are aonwwhat increased kr raUier,.the term are ref stored to the same as they were formerly. , The continued high jp rices of provisions, tfcc , make this absolutely necessary, in order, to save ourselves frpm'loss. - : . ... :., t , 77-', 7 . :. It is 'earnestly recommended to : those who design to attend the School, that they commence, if prac ticable at the. commencement of the Session, i " S" Parent or guardians who reside in the country, and who wisa to send to? thisSchool,; will find it decidedlv advantageous to.their children or wards, to place'them with the teachers to board; as we feel a greater degree of responsibility for, and morfl intATftst in the improvement and the deport ment of such young ladies- from a. distance, as are placed under our immediate charge. Fupils who enter the SiAoljfttpC;iietJ?':5Wmencelne?lto' he session, will be charged from the commence ment to the close of the session. Those enter ing wKaI the session" is somewhat advanced; will be charged from the time of entering to he close of thA RMinn.' und no allowance will be.made for aV 8enc4 except in cases of protracted Biciness.; '4.. f J !Kwhm. Auerust 20th. 1856. 40 m the Clarendon iron works. WILMINGTON, N. C. Yanbbkkelen, Proprietor. $ pHE subscriber having ' purchased the entire X in the ''CLARENDON IRON WORKS so licits orders for t . - ' Steam Engines, of any power or style, Saw Mills of every t Tanety, V . Mining Manchinery and Pumps,, , . 7 ; Grist and Flour Jills, complete, : Parker, Turpentine and other Water Wheels, Eiee field Pumps and Engines, ' j ! Leavitt's Corn1 and Cobb Crusher, f Kee rhrashers, - t, . j i j Shingle Jaehines, ! Shafting Hangers and Pullies, - J Cotton Gins and Gearing, 7fH Iron Castings of all kinds and patterns, Loeomotive and Tuicalar Boilers, FIiU and plain CyHader Boilers, Iron Doors for Houses aa&VJailsl . ;..'. - THE ESTABLISHMENT. Ilaving ben Wgaaiaed for tlie express purp ot insurinjr rruacixtt&tv f the xeutioo of al ose or ders ih pnblw may rest satisfied' tht any work whfeh mayrer wST be prompfly dliverea ocor dmgt preinase, 'ad f eoh rkaaaskipas can notjall yessaS 7:.7 Jv toe Medfanfcal erprrmntl t Beiner in charge of men'-'of talents and exrnce T Yin no nn i iwi? tjit iS in sft vinar that the work here, a aOer turned out, snau. compare: iavoratiy m eve ry respect with that Of the most celebrated m ine states aadiat priees whictv . Will make" it to the in- teres! ol all in warn, w semi u i vneir wrueis.. : 5 H EP AM Always doa without delay and having a large forcejfor that jwpdte, it will pie advahtAsous to any person needing eh to, giv hie th 'piij fcr ence iwitihout regard to Expense of Ietid4g sirtiie from' distant. 7y; i . I Orders will be addressed to Claireturou iron WorH" WUmington, N. 0. ,! , , 7 7 A- . J , , A. IX. V AN KJLiKJN V X I That delightful ahdrfrstiihg.Ap- ' cnent. M CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. Fora&foby ; : F. S. UUrrY, Newbern. - - NOTICE; nnHE subscriber havins sbldut his entire eUick - JL ; lof Drugs. Medicines, ; feci to Dr. A. E- Ricks,: wisnes to eise ms ousinese in neoern lmmeui-t ately, all accounts on his Books may be found in the hands of F. D Thomas, , as 'Collector, until the lst january 185 after' that timS thtey will be piacedin his hands as an bthcer. - I - ; - U ft WUUJSUJSA.U, Newbern,,14ov. 19, '56; 2tf. . . j JHcrcliant's Bank of Newbern. A THE? Annual Meeting"! of the Stockholders of this Bank, will be held at their Banking House in Newbern. on Monday, the 1st day of December next, at 10 o clock,' A 1 M H j ? 7 : i r ' I , j W. W. HLARRV Cashier. Kov mh, 185 6,--1 2 1. i ; :- . - ;. SCHOOL IS 0XICE. v 1 1 If RS..J4.NX Beookjdcld's Ischool for the tnitieh ivJL of children of noth sexes,! will be re onendo at her residence On the first' Monday in October iptemDer.24I8o6.--4ott - i Cambric Handk'chiefS A GREAT variety of JTmbroidered HandkTs. L3Neto Svw nnnted , orders. 7 - i ; Ladies JUourning Ukfs. both Pointed and t Em broidered, to be had at ii - i 7; -?A ...a: U a PRIMROSE'; 36 Pollok'sl.- MSAL ESTATE FOR'SALE In the IVtra of Newbern. HE Lot witlr Store House a iid all other out- houses attached, recently! occupied- bv J. T. I Weiherington.1 and situated just abovel W. W onJ and situated just above! IV. f IV I Fife's, at the corner of Broad and Queen Streets is for sale.' TArbarfirain can: be made. For terms apply to IFm. P.1 Moore, JKewhern. "7 i 4 t r ?'4 -a- t Solomons ifetherikgton: 1- .if J AUg. 30, ; lo6. - V t ""s""i';? --'" ' S . f y; 4a ti. Htm mm tu&xmiwvAY&ucx jj-j ; -i , ER.' Schr. Ocean .Wave, Pork, Spgar, Butter. Rice, Candle. &cirl'&c':f Per L. E, Johnson,' Ten barrels thMpe Family - "Flour? (new wheat) Ipw Tprasi. 'T. WtTyRO ? ,,.;, , ; 7 : . rjy" A LARGE Lcviqat received an?for sale by i c ' . . i : v m m mm urn 1W K. lit avt&I. f..'3S PUk Stmt 1 :. T?0R romovine Tan, Pimples and rectJes. ; 1 or X Washine, shaving or a cleansing tae teem ana perfumihfirthe breath,-;, ; ,V. v4t..- tt, , tr HAS NO, KQUAJ.. mi For sale by T ' F.S. DtJFFY;' . ' ' . r, - y,r! uLi npHE subscriber having lately returned from Bus- , jl vun, wv4ju uuw iiiiuriii iu cuBwiuei? buu.uic ub lie that he has just received a full supply of the est qualities of the Tarious kinds of .. - : t , louon ana Max xwincs, Also an assortment of NTiTTS A ND 'CTSTWES: Ha' is also prepared to furnish at'short notice any. kinds of Nets or Seines out of the usual dimensions all of which will be warranted to give satisfaction ubil8 generally,? that he has a jj'o&l assortment of .CROCKER V.. GROCERIEB j. Jsxqtrr LIQUORS; , FLOUR of best and gobd qualities and a lot of first rate'TFew Bedford SPERM CANDLES war-; ranted pure, all f .whieh he is prepared to furnish on the most favorable terms. -7 i : .,: ; J '7!:--7VMj : i.? 1 GEO; P. FlSDER. 5 f BEKNARD'S'CiJQLEK A MEDICINE. RAD WAY'S Rkadt Belief, Davis's Pain Killer, i -A . For sale by- I - - . . :J F. S. DUFFY., ' j'1 w x 1 . 1 NORTH Alt D SOUTH OA ROLIA A THE isiibscriber having taken i thepremlum ;a at .he late State, Fair- upon . Turpentine 3T00I ((Thippers, Rormdshaves, and Hackers,) would an nounee to the public; that they are manufacturing these Tools extensively. 7 Their workmen having been for- many years engaged . in the above husi pess, ar unsurpassed by any'- in th quaity and proper construction of their tools. , iWe will deliv er these tools at any points on the N, C. W. i R, ahd W. & M. Railroads jTFe warrant thesu teols to be equal in quality and -superior adaptation,- for work to any Northern manufacture; and ask a li be ral sh are : of patronage , trusting that liberal southerners k will glv, preference to home manu factaresr. 7 . 7 J : . . ,'t ' 7' A' ISI A11 ore ers directed o us at Jericho, K. C, will mt'et prompt attention. 7 ' I L. W. & B. WHITFIELD, i '.7 Int tiory 81st, 1855. 7 ;r-- . ; -1 JUST received per schr. Charlotte Ann, 20 bb!s 6f City Mess Pork 1 ; 5 .: Oct., : . 7 T. W.7YR0NV Valuable Town L ots for Salt. TH E Lots, iros. 848 and 353, ox. Queen aad Hancock streets in front of , the Passenger Shed of the Atlantic A North ' Carolina Railroad. They will be eold -on reasonable; and accommoda ting terms. They areth most desirable loca tions in the vicinity of the Railroad Depot for a Zotel, and doubtless could be made yery profita ble to arv one who wishes to engage in that business..- op. Jr i ( , . . I'M ARYj GOODIN G: Newbern, Sept. 20th, '&;-45 i 7 4.; Lyon's magnetic Powder and Rat FOR the d estructioh f Fleas f and Bed I, Jgs bachea, Ats,&.; &c.'t . ij ! 7 . ; . . 7" i (For sale by"1 ; . 7! r ( : .-. . ifn L DISOVSTAt "4i 7 PAINTS; OILS, COLOURS WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, '&c. i...r-: if- 1 For sale by i , ; , , I F. S. DUFFY-, Newbern: STATE OF N, CAROLINA, ) - Itv : Jones Countt, f WHERE As - complaint ; upon oathi hath this day been made to us, Adoniiah McDaniel and John N'. Hymani two of the' Justices of the. T- - ' r 3 " " A U T7V lit' t-- w : L . I said county, planter, that a certain-male slavte be ' ngme to him, named bam, hath absented hitnsel o m his kiasters services'fthd is ldrkinW abbut in saidcouhty,bmmikibg a'cts f ftjoh and'c.ther f stnt, to commahd the said slave, forthwith to sur; , render himself and return home to his master, and wedo hereby require the fcheritf of said coun- SSSSSSESS' prohend and secure, so that he, may be eon.veyed to his said master, or otherwise discharged as the jaw directs; ana ine saia onenn is Hereby au thorized and. em nowercd . to - raise ian A t a t wi fh' him such power of his-countyy-as he shall think it, tor apprehend ng the said wave; and we do here by, by virtue of .the Act of Assembly id such ease provided, intimate land declare that if the j said. slave,; named' Sam, doth; not r,8urrencer hnnself and retnn home immediately' after the publica tion of these" presents, that any person may kill and destroy the said slaved by such meaps as he or they may think fit, without accusatidn , or . im peachment of any crime or offence for - so doing, and without incurring any penalty and forfeiture thereby! , (:;: :!,.: i -. : Given under our hands and seals, the 29th day of September,. D., 1856'. ''"' ': L i. A. MeVAXIEL, J, R SEAL, 'jt AT Tf'rnfj i& T T T. 100,00 tfework I v?ill give Fifty Dollars for heapprehen n and delivery of the said boy to me, oi sion lodge him; inany jail in the State, so that I gethimor One Hundred Dollars? fori his head. 7f7 HARRISON; . Oct SPLEND ID AORTMENT ? fc, oftV Cassimera, Y estinge, CravaU j&'Searf a rG. ,k tTat-ii'ii' C S.I PRIMROSE. J;, TT a young man of good moral character, a -'XJsitaatioh'in'a)' stbre-Dry2 Gc4 stahhb )tnnt preferred He.has apmltla.eperied in htebusines, and can epme well recommended.' Enquire of the Edifprrof h 0ni6n flo .7--. --'U-t i . : 7 - . -T-i 4 A-aaaortme it josteceived of ,4 JJx MAEY T. T. TUCT3BR. t f n ' fc- . Obi I'Jl teiljouof a fellow, n. y 1 ' i-; . ..Of a fellow I have seen. Wbofja neither w bite' or yellow, ! ;15ut is altogether qresn ! : Then his name isVt cbarrniri;; - t.-I V For: it's only ?cornttioD,I5iU, -jf.j-, And bewjsbes to wed him, id- ' ; JBui I hardly think I will ! 7 " ' He-'has toM me of a cottaffe. - ticHv-iai' -i Of a cottage aniong ibe treea --l , ? , And don't you .think .the gawkey , Tumi 'led down upoii his knees! wblle ihe tears : the'crtUre lasted '"' iJyi wetB enough toUurna min j fe- H fu:t And.;he begged rneito accept him;, if 7 ; But I hardly, think; L wilMJ ,r f , v v ' . . Ohj be7wlijspered' devotion,-' ,5 .Of devoiion pure and. deep, . : if . I3ut .it seeraed o very sillyi J hat I nearly reii asleep ! i - . " And he thinks it would he "pleasant, Y 1 ' As we journeyed down the hill, : 4 o To go-iiand in hand-togetherrr:h, : But I hardly think 1 will I ;f - tie was here last huttoeV;"''; Ahd he made so long a stayi j ixi. ,'? . I began to think the blockhead -7 5- - Never meaut to go away ) - - X C ;T J L. . a.i ui icarueu w JJ8 ie jaiiDiS f; ,11; , And now I bate him still . Yet be urges me to have him ' But I hardly think I will I SUA ( , T A 7 7 7t i v I arosure I dnldnt;cloof e hiih But the very duce is in it . For Ire sas if I refuse him, ' 1 That be couldn't livej a minute .. And you know the- blessed Bible s , . s Plainlj says wemUsn't kill, So Pve thought the matter, over, "And I rather guess I will J . VtOCI1IG ilCIIEWT. ' A correspondent of , the Metno dist .Protestant,, after alluding to the attacks of the Northern religi ous journals oh slavery, relates the following lnterestingtanecdotej j " Being in Siirrj county, Va., in the fall of : 1850, I attended a ; re. ligious meeting held in an old col onial church ; one of trie reliics of bur unioh-with England. 5 A fter a warm sermon, an invitation was given to seekers of religion to ap prbacli the alter of prayer. Am nion g others who availed them selves of this invitation was a gen tieniah IjtiSge, of forty-nye years of "age. I'here seemed to jbe much sympathy felt ibr him by those pres ent, and I judged, him to be a man well thought oifiri the neighb'rhood; which -I learned was' a fact. But I was particularly attracted by the manliest sympathy ot an aged ne grO in the Congregation. : 1 judged l- f "U0 Q mo tVv-- him t( bG man : 0t GlgW ;tV erS ; his frame.jiorice. athletie and erect, was now bent beneath the acciimu- , , , c - , 1 j ltitcu. weigut ui j'uaia. icameu tt tie relatioft of master 'and slave subsisted between the.peni- .- b -f r 1 - S " .7 " ' - ,f " -'( - V - n -..: J J . (-.' , J tent:at the alter and . the weeping old man at his seat ; whiph was near to, the end! door of the church, ST he penitent, truly agonized in. prayer, and i bid , Jeffreyr fqrjthU.wa.-.the nameof.themegrpeyidentlyjoin-, ed with, i; deepifeeHngiihe-prayerof the wrestling mourner. It wa.nbt long? ere. a; shout, as from thpse vie- tonous in ; battle,, went up .and' the, walls of the house resounded with the praises of the victor ; the .wrest ler, had prevailed i-prayer. wasn- swered,;arid the, happy convert was now here and, now there, embrac ing friends uandni recelvingtheir heartycongrMulationsBnt-none in that housi werempre ioybns than old, Jeffrey, and praising hini- sell on his stan wnicn gave mm sn pi port, he. made his way towards his happy yoiing paster, .as healled him.) arid the iriaster b, tbetsame time? making , to ward t ;, his stave, tney;mt2Q and thB-convert ,fl on theneck rdi.Ueryant wept inth ioyrin tfr islelbif4 the house of God and iniha.faceQL.the congregq- Uiori.. -Arid wprds Jike these were stn rnn 4-T.ct lnr 4-trTm ' - ! -. toai j SL.Thefe Isr ho ; fact more wuiuu&ueu mine nnvsin n- gy of man; than this, that the 'brain ' expands'its enefgieXand itselfdur ing the; Koufs of 'wakeiulhess; and' that these are5 recuperated Jduring sleep if the recurperatiorr ' does' not equal? ;the?1 enpehditure,the brain withers ; this - is insanity. Thus it ' is, ' that in early 1 English: .wyjij yciauiis who were com aem maniaHhus fit'HsoJ- thaYhdse1 who arei?starvefli tpl death becorne tical 'infef ences are three:" t ; Those Svho think most; who do most' brmnwork;ivTequir?e ihdst That timevea" ? from nec wHSflw t ' t,l v A w i : rti ttiI; a bou.i jr oicc io luiaiiiuiy ; uestruci ive " to mind, body knot estate; r -'!fJ. 3. Give" vbrMeltf vArThllrT rv servahtsfgive fallH wh6 1 are uiider you; the 'j fullest "ambuht 9 bf Meep they will take, by Compelling them tojgo to bed; at ohie; regular' hbur, anjd to :; arise Jihi'the? mbiWiiSfthe inoment they aake5bf themselves,! and J within a- Jortnight - nature, with aim ost the regulari ty bfthe rising sun; will unloose the bonds of sleep, 'the moment enough 're poise has been secured jbr the waiits of the system.' This is the only safe and sufficient rule ; arid as to the question how much; sleep ; any one requires, each ; must Be a rule for himself; great !Nature !wiir nev er foil to write ! it to r the bbserver under the ! regulations just ' giv- en4 Journal of Health. ' o ' " u- ' r Interesting - from Japan. It is st "a1 ted that a grand con vo cation 'of tne aini,i,aries oi me empire or da pan nas?deciaea: to permit nofbret igiaer to tisit tKeln teriprj ; there- fore the effort's of the English; Kus- sians arid Americans to open trade witn teat no avail, bur vesse receive in country have proyed of ' I hey . simply supply s ivithTjhecessaries, arid payment; only; gold and silver. T he Dutch on the contra- ryj are in high favor, and. eiy oy a mdrioply of foreign traffiek. The Japanese, lit is said, are making a pid progress inynaval knowledge, arid they have'; appropriated two Millions and a half of dollars fbr getting up a fleet of vessels , of war on the Eurbpeanjplan, to be cbmriianded by " Dutch , officers. l?our of the vessels are to, be screw sjeamers. HBingtjlar' ' PtJNisriMiiNT. Iii the middle age?, in France, a person convicted of being a calumniator, was " condemned I to ' place himself I oaf all foursj and ; bark" like a dog 'fol a1 quarter of anhour. , Iftnis custom were adbpted at the pres ent day, there would be some bow- ;woing. 7 ': . . . ...7 7 :": i I Heavy LdssESbeventy ves sels were flost at" sea' during the tncfrith ?of January16; ships- 7; barks. 18 brirs 27 :shooriers, arid 2 sloops "Total: ' value $2?195J400, tp;whicKris to "be added, ; saysthe Jdtirhal of Cbmmerce,r "about $200, 00) fbr cargoes tibt ascertained; r-. 15; Vessels are also reported as yet missing. V " 7"; ' '.;:The loss of ' life has; alsb been grpat. ' 1 1 is" estimated' that at Ibb st brife iiundred sQiils must have been bnlboard bf the 'vessels recbi'ded as ffiSing: l wHich; r ' added', to ' abbut forty lost' with , the " wrecked Vesr sefe wiirifsupROsed tKelmiling" nre n ft veii heard of - makfttlOToin htne, monm ,as iar ia yev; uiim. OI4 .7-' Do vou! mean to. cballcngs.,tbe jry f wbispered a lawver to hi Lish client ia Can fornla. fciot of iCtoPv" - ,;,.-4'frti 5 ye, be jabets," was he aqswer.l mey don't acquit rae,4 rnean tft.callenge, every j.'n Tiie Iuansrriratioii &e ' CoL WmSelden the -.Marshal' in Chilf of th e 'Procession tloT take- jplace'ht' the- Inauguration ot the jPresident elect' in Washington publisHed a1" Programme of the orr der, &f. js The ceremonies j wnr po veiy ir ip.)singif .anS'the. processibtf large. It will "move irom the: Na-1 tioriaV HoteV:af' 12 Vclock; arid march t6:the: Gapitol, tlie inilitaryi civic 7 Socialibns, &iy with flags; adorni ierits;-&c.;:but; no' "offensive? emblems of devices will be fpeririit to "Parity op Reason !NGrrLately, ft A- l f at "a'dii tBtntiont4 of .prizes in aGeit i man, llagea Httle-girlfn yeat' L old, 1 w lose paferits had just been i turned put ' of their lodgings bep I cause t rey had j faijedto pay . their feritjw j . ..-fV-Ht ve" you studied 'sacfedis " ?( iy?H),5?E Ae. ; history qf the crc tion?J w . t: M'J-t " ? - I 4 j EC- know than God . made y were ; Aam and ; Evp turned out of Paradise ?V. , tt , . - ,THe qhild hesitated: a moment; and thbn, fixing herVi eyes on th? examiner, rep .4?4Prbbably..';:;theyi;7ere turned out because ..they could not jpqy their .rmtV KeyvI States. The House of , i Representatives has : passed billp providlhfir , for the; : admission-of Oresror and Minnesota iritb the Unionv as states. . The . proposed State! Minnesota embraces 70 000 sqi lire miles,! leaving. west af 4.1. 1-. .- -ik'Ji O n - ff fi cr tt orr . tyii1"ci to be iJereafter erected into, a gov ernment under the Indian name. of DacotahL ; The population of Min nesota Is said to be 'about i75- 000. The National Theatre in Wshih arrnn i u,v was t ui re v ut:-r stroyed by fire on the attprnponv h irist. 4 The:building;wasT of the G si tuatedliiri the rear of the Union". . ,y - i . --57 ;i :i:i:Lij.-7'i-.;. newspaper printing esiaunsuuiui i and theiiaUerlbluildirig. was several r times b fire, but no serious mjnir sustain ecL . 7 - . , . 1 ...r Somebody who does ndt think altvavs as the books teach; as the world believes, "saW of.x?n orveh cohrntenance : it is not ai- wavs armark of frankness tq possess an oped countenance.' Ah aingjin fnr isaiieceitrur creature, and Vet he possesses ari bperi'cbunteriahSo . I . 1 111 . ,. t -ir . . .1 . I .... I ' . iu ; .1 jSfr'4' '9"PQc?vyip suit, 1 one.pf the coufcil describing the bounda ries p( thk client's iland, said, ja ; showinci thejplanj0i!it-: ... j-; '.rA 1 .Wejie pui this side, rniylorcU ;. The apposite council . then said :: fi.nd wfejlie on that side. J The xjhoncelior, vWith a goocLJaur mored'grin, observed:)! 1 ii .. If,yol lie r on t both , sides,-wh Qm will ye fiave. me believp X-.y ir i issH TL 5 Wfiiri rrt nri ' 'fifties lions : upon . minions ot. uw. muuett were frozen in our yu;r?j.: We saw ratts 01 mem ireuzu m.iuu, ice for fee Veral milesTtlown the, nv- 17. -ri5'7' 72i'j'd VuL.v er, and in some piauua ,iucy . tier deep. . t . , - , se rieticcriri the Baltimore Suri tlJat''the Kev.-. J pari ieP Biker bas 'res gned the presidency of A: stin Co leger Texas; 1 !and that the H6nrLl;"U,:SwainrofChapeV-Hni has be 3n clected'preside.nt ' therre- of, - We 'presume,-as -a matter of ppursci . that Presidents , prain , has intehtion.qfj ,; An ArMnaa. editor got mArvled MW' ISecorhe erithu- ,i " 'II I I I I II - - . bVinnfeiiJWW 1 world ' hnpnlocl i J . I 'IT. I'' r-. k if". : i I - , reidea of the Facultv. 'R I tt trt . I4 1. ' - i ,, 4 . ' W. S. ANDRE V; f I WAf m.;w.T.. iuiuBj-jajo jeiainesyAJ snoscription price was 950 per4Tban to it by the. stove pipe; and ttW youf v mj llLD.iBIIB - J .w vuasv uu4 v iw a. h j cat I a .-II ..,.- .- n nntorii. i aw a targe assotment I copy per annum. - ' 7; -" " . v Al .- y - -1 v 7: l !-7?l7 pacaaiAciljjrr,

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