V' - , - , , ' - .i , -' . ; . Later Iron Europe. ! 'Bay River. " . . - ir I A.i.nuntv. On "exhibitors of "natural cuji- THETSJKTOIT. v H aliiJax, Feb. 14.-rThe steamshipurn,. !"i,.y,,..-J..:t' rX gentleman, bo has recently been pn ntr v. informs us. USia-TftS. '-i pa, from Liverpool, with dates to me j is Shawls." n VISIT. Ill LUIS BOtHWU J " anuary, arrived here to-day. The details of the capture of Bush lie by B'"",iV " - - . . . - A- iU conbty. Oa .iogers.dancer., lecturer.. kiSWSlrlN5 .N.' GAIMOLDIA 'that the ' town of J ackso , incorporated -hj Mr. Editor : .. i Ikn A to .mend the . x for ;tew,rdf In jour issue of the 10th insL, v.-- i r i tir reward, viu . mr tutu wMmyi February 18,-1857. 1f p on of the LreerJaiaiure. ia the English' haveu been received. Tlie city entitled revenue. IWe gra j haie1rinlcd ormr6ftax lists . ' .... would.be funny, male h , i 'i Kominoa town. The rise and progress of aii iawu - was defended Ibythev Arabs,.net the 1 Jfersians who losl three chiefs and a large number of ourt c 1 e r k -I iheplace Is unprrcedenterinrthis part -of biped, has befl endeavoriug to write .some thing against our practice ct gearing crino Tt sftema verv Strang; that the git Is only the Iterations ..u Ueht to each county: Act of lBoi-Co-tne pana uuv vuw.v rts not cptereu uu? . - - - n - Mb8lract to tbe comnlrol. tbeSate;'arici from what he. tell us, it wil "i mutant become a place -of cbnsv in men. Tie English loss was thirty-five. The latter ca jtured the Governor of the City, the Oommatder of the fleets and a person repor cd the Minister of War. Bushire has been 1 decrec fto be British territorj, and a fre port. Latest acounts state that the Cify; wa i t r. r still in.force.' On every $100 trorihoflanp, foe .lM."",. Jm ';8heW thereon uu -. . v .s 1 . ifjciw wJ rood Ar of nubile monev to cannot put on any article of costume.1 never including improvements tb fnfrivi4lnala who wimnosed the hitrbl V in-1 imtwrtanfcerIt teresting Bodj wbichas rlatelj adjOTrnedl people la ita sectiin, to petition the Legis mt Rnlpirrh.' PaDn situated in sections of I fofrA fr ih laviner off of adjacent portions Uibeof 'men particularly the scribblers for I I rwr- I -siivi ku,u -r"r. " ! w. t . " : tth sLate uiair aia dpi kci iu.iwe.,' o vraven ana xeautori. cuuuic. r . . v m- rra r ra Titrn. 11 i 11 in ifMiii lie i iim 'iuib urn, f . .1: .1 a . a. a a 1 a a. . iak m t a- a coii'j 'A. V : kio9 la'n'fl nnjirter sessions of U hb tounty. a I -'i: " ,!i iv'nW&r innmaTai-int-I Xr.nnf4- W JKonrt no orrnositi6ifrwU S5t on puu- j r"" "7: ir" - f.-" ' , 1 are gruw,lui " j 1 r-, quiet,' but rumor, . attributes bad conduct ol i- - 1 ---- --- 1 mAra iirniiii'iiii!viuua jUDCAWiiuiKvjMv.i inimriii icnu'ii'' viiimhis viuh s - 4 : i' 4 444' 4 :- ; - 44 4. : 4 - -4-4- ' ' '-4 VI .-4 4'4 4- 4:4-4-44n4 - ' 4 '--vt -- - - - , . i J . f - mm ..,.,..v,i.lv:i i. ' Ipvlpd for the Insane Asyi SnMndicr editors ana xuncu w , ... L';:,i 44,c ,v . r ., .jl., th tursp ke toll gates, io ; ".V the head ofem,)open in full cry again, he P , innovation as if- it was any oi weir vvsm-, - . , - . i 4 14' 14. i J ... 4 with us in relation to our uress yy : 0 w fneVe content to see us dress- cents in any other species of trade, wh ifihfonnaiheV'iU'-llk at e carried on .with cash j or upon credil cents. .Upon each sulJtey, gig, j ouggy, rAn1fl 'i ckrriaee and other pleasure vel of the value of fitty dolsl and upwards,; one jTJ.en this lalster 'Shawls advises us to per cent, on the ; value thereof, x Upon gold it plenty of roast beef - and rAT ?P0BK and silver plaje and ornamental : jewelry,; ex- 1... i. J. . L Pmoe. f.n Kw fttmnlo of (Treat value do indeed i j I .1. A focTil Jrpfir Thet alwavs feel pleas- cents. Upon each sulkey, gig, ; buggy, ha- ed when they have contributed to our hap. uche, carriage and other pleasure vehicle -4 . ; - "f .1 -0?riA nf fittv dols and upwards, one rumored that the Chinese have apolo. 1 . .. .. .. ., . . 1 -. . . the Americans. ; lue upreviou- Mu MV"," --mr ' i " r 1 ia is still unconfirmed, j Ameri can Ire firm. ).,- - - learn (says the Journal bCoramerce ) Russian agent is on a visit to thi coun- dxamine our most approvjea bu u-mv W7 v w w of the State,' pedlars, brcker s. insurance torn- voured region. The opposition, jpress are 1 dealers in spirituous liquors, : livery stables, on each siK I countv registers, auctioneers, commission I w - . i tiAnA rrrrtcuousiwhat a simpleton as if mas cept that worn by females, ot as great value Avl,:utnt for lublic amusement tor rewardi f- .i..: - k.fM;n f frtvrl 1 hart nv t.liiniT I L &C o tar 1 14 OD the Value thereof On 1 j,.iLL- : :t.irtii 1 ImnftisJl! llverv to do with one's enbonpoint. Talk about acb crold watch, in use, f 1 2o ; men areJ watftk 30 cents ! on each harp, j meichants and i . ... . , ...... ' 'j :-.-Lj :h v :t. '-..-it-i' vt en. .ar.h for -.which- he ou meddling witu our ousine&s, wieu 01 ypz ou ; on eacu - jiauu-iwve, v t v" tending to theirs! Just to think that this pistol and bowie knife, $1 25 ; on dirks an? audacious individual has taken the signature word canes, 65 cents. On licensed retailers of 'Shawls' shawls indeed 1 Very appro- wnes spirituous liquors, fco, 30 dol. On priate Tiarae bye the by for these effeminate J0d beaded walking canes, 50 cents ; on siN -i-l'iL-5 f l.ihl-a inrnrnorated out of I - - lii2l illifU.r.: I- i?un-w' TIm can ; b tdone ' bv 'rXt'iHi".tJdtt ttHilidate for the Vice -Presiden paiues, ivHww.w.''if. -r r r j j llie Illvie picayune "uairs are iioti w uynu-, jujics livuij , " . - f i ' l,w T" . v" T V V ' i thA:tate." exhibitors ct mensceriesi singers, ss'tJ.; ,i ' Ioh t ws4irf tiio;ta. ti. ..InznL without a cent of aid from'the cy, wak frjbbed otJ the 5lh insL, on the steam "w . -r . raunuuw., mV.v.--.r " ' r . . . ri,-r 4nU PUhm . from Nashvil e. ut a Urltll. Ull I'cn.. vi)v." ' 7 lars ;bil a gold Watch, dancers, ethiopian serenadersi perfo. mers for 1 '. ... - 1. . .: - . reward on musical instruments, and on other lent necessarv to write a readable satira , are exhibiting ;their contemptible one-horse pow- ei Oi flDUSe UpOD UeHIW'l: iwwcio, uuiv they have in afJrit of duty, exposed their on any and alt other subjects principles 0 and exhibited the whole con a I ........ t 1 ; - - .- a f - I . . II ' ii. fc? J .a-. 1 Democratic exchanges appear to be sorrief trtteU me ioiks on ue .u uy what BiLEiiatthefoUureoftheirpetsbhemes. to .a. trial of their kUh , ft. -is presume fire Departing uti We ltarn. that Saturday before last, the r3T'A .COU le of lawyers of Lu firi-mifn belonsrin? to Atlantic Fire Compahy. I n'pnVi Viro-" ' ' Va' , Messrs. Steedwell and Lee, ioufirnt .a auet "ear vv au- From the N. T. Com. Advertiser, tatc from Iwibciria. t- . . . ; . j ' By the barque Shirley, which arrived here creatures- I would not be-at all rurprised if l:wAeA canes: 25 cents. On all keepers with a cariro of palm oil and cainwood, Jan they.were to turn oat soon not only fully Q!r bouses of public entertainment, whether in uary 29th fifty two days from Monrovia, Li TJn. . i tn.npd out .with their eiiirine and Wkarfs nit schemes to a iriai oi ieir : s&ui. . inj uiuiw Tn,ja -4. bad tnste ! wb would not this engine , is now in good orderf as we are . ... . v I .i.-i laf ; frrpui Ihft water ihrouu the have been very badott, alliio' too uegisiiur iv.v.. Lv v , had refusecl us our little lift. No indeed ! hose a disiincof some isards, and over ... j .Jn tLa tliroA Rfnrv hriclc store of -Mr. We might have peruaps maae a wry wuo ui Wr V" ivf f " - ----- . they.were to turn out soon; not only iuY 0rbouses of public entertainment, wbetner in uary 29tli, nuytwo a ays iron, - . w' ouW aU 0f us down hefei M. W. Jarvis. The town has at Hast One shawled, but noopko also m the very extreme tD or country, whose ? receipU . amount to beria, we have letters trom oape x aimas to . i.. Qrglnized Fire Company. , f..i-s: ; m..;r,o.olom lflr ond lonriflrl J.. , . . r ..fi.l . nf 1 nor OotAhAr int l.inod COIiniTi J.lOV. llu. nuJ i - . : , I .e . .f. thai N oi lasoiou. iui' 2ins-ou.-.v6 i 3Q(j dol. or more, ihjl ui uu-i"v4 r, -l w'-v' . t, persons would be very roueh improved by LlenU qd every public billiard-table, 125 dohi Monrovia Dec: 7th. usinff small hoops in their pantaloons'. The t . OTA t;"'ora' than cue kept in the The Ship Elvira 'O weir arrived at Cape weight of cotton they are obliged to stuff aine r00m, and in that case a tax of 65; dol , palmas September 19th, and, after landing their CJOlues wun .in oruqr io ieuci iuch same room, and in that case a tax of 65 dol , Palmas September 19tb, "d after lancnng corner ftl y with any Legislature pete with Sts revivified nval. on each additional one. JOn private billiard, thirty emigrant saiUd or the 23 rd tof Cal- assemblcd at the State capital- ing like a (generous rivalry i ies, 25 doV each. ,Oriea,h bowli loa: The America nj J? Certainly there has never ben one, that has business. .... ". I n.,r informant states, that, Cio . is in a Wa aaa mar in a rpnxiu scuiiuu tucv l - v " w - - . ... , , i ! 5 UiMfA rtfdioman zatioiJ. We trust that this have aaoptea iuie sendiiMo vwuiac -- - , . y tt:i,DVi.;.;;. T;I,,iire as a bodv. company will benabled before long to com f V WCI ICIO tiian , . ; -. . tn fliis Rneeies b - 4. beseech them if they hve any value for their ethereal person, to abjure whiskey and to J ior strops, toothache rented ies, ! kc., a tax of 4 1, :I On H opdlars of natent medicines, razors, ra I wood. W I- I I . . ; r ' bacco ; go to work and let the girls alone, jo dols. for each county j in which, they iped Or, uiDie" themselves by wearing 'hoops' in de. "pn persons putting! up lightening rods, their pantaloons, and 'shawls over their go dols. for each counly. ! On daguerreoty- Tlie palm oil crdp was coming in no foa(rA of President Benson to the le- l U AM Ww-wsaw " btit have been mindful net to involve the ' Stale needlessly ifi d'ebt.j We speak in this , V instance" regardless of party distinction,-, fof iafm bell is much wanted, but it is that this deficiency will be easily by private subscription and ddna, tions from Iuaurahceolifpanies. SrrTT vnn OamaOesA case has lately hJan rfpciiled in the United States Ceiirt at nrrtiln p.it.v on aLUiuaY itiao, Threk bloodless shots were exc lian . . grA fire occurred recently-ih Mob lei which destroyed tJroperty to the, amount of $80000, one 'X i half bf which - was insured. Oh Lou river. - ; new city, by the name cf De Sotd, is expected to rear its walls : j: j and turrets, in a short time, Qtl the hi siana shore ot tlie Mississippi -The coats. HOOPS. rio Amltrotvnirts. And! ohoto?raDhists. 10 dols. for each county in which they take li ken esses. On each mortgage deed, marriage wwm i n..iJ.t W.naiin m . thU IO. I .... 1 KoAn ine JUessaKe jrnmuiticuvu . . j;, nntmnpnte w will nlWaV i'wn.vw. .- - . " . i i o . ' . i. i . . i rr-i ma n&mb a 9 r r i.ri mi:. m. mm nci.. i . ... ... ... I ULU. ik iiHTD w... as a body, withcut distinction of parly, has Tmnni.tniit nnri.tnn in relation to cbutract and deeot in tnist,n dol. On mar . i Usury. riawe licenses, 1 dol. each. Taxes imposed ! An important principle: has been decided retailers, ordinaries and iunsr and tavorn by Judge RoosevelViothe Supreme Court o peepers, peddlars, billiard tables, bowlmgjaU New York. A draft drawn at Chicago on leys and livery sUbles to be paid in advance New York was discounted at Chicago at 10 to the sheriff. On everyj merchant, merchant per cent, interest, that being the legal rate in tailor or jeweller, one-third of one per cent.. Illinois. Thef"aceeptorcontendUat, as 'on all goodsr wares, &e.j j except readyade Ins contract was made in New York, the law cTothing; and ot the amount of purchases of , of that Sute restricting the late of interest 'ready-made Nothing, whether for males or to 7 per eent. governedr and rendered the ac- teroaPes, one per cemf j.jvn -every mercn-uv, ceptgnce void for usury. The court held other. ; apotheeary, druggist or other dealer, copsigrr wise, and that the law of New York only ap- ee or agent, selling at .wholesale or retail, plied to the rate of interest which the ac spirituous liquorsr wines-iof cordials, five per captor should pay by way of damages after cent, on the capital employed. Agents sel default. Two of the associate Juldges ct the i ling patent medicines to pay 33" 13" per cent. .4 ,1 .-"' C f 4 M tl vlna On f'riiTm;5?rva, merchants. Jnc. Seys, was st.ll prosecuting nis mission . of lhe pe0. . i . . I ' -liJ' TT 1. ,1 m. a A V rT . I W I i ' . . 1. . with unaoaiea araor. no uu i.o; .. l.liio-A ftf the tind j i uiv. uau on? o , and r . ..... f' . ti within our remembM?yc'e. ltns iacn is vn rovia rations into the interior from Mo Grand Bassa. and had, when the SMrley sail ed from Monrovia, gone the second time to the interior from that place. His reports so far were favorable to the St. Paul's region, and he thought he sliould succeed in finding a good site for the interior settlement) Some efforts were beteg made to clear up the col lege Hill,' near Clay Ashland. The -Rev. J. Bambo writes from Buchanan that the stone and other material for moling a good- fpuri- dh"tioa: foT a monument oyer the grave ot Gov. Buchanan were all collected and imrae settled. There are, however, excopuons. on bot sides; The majority of the Dtmocracjr and the minoiity of tlio opposition, are inclu- ded in this our appreci?.tiou of services. There are certain A&ie wl.rcii might as well have been left t-NPLATRD, such a the .i t ir'rtHrrLt,Ta l?. nT nnd on the servant CbCIKIIIv i.v fcw v 1- . due to Fayetteville, and the Trent river. ap Ut,t:. We booo the y! will nave better diately to be laid, inf expectation of receiving I lttcls BeSt time. the monument from America thrs ssotf. $22,000 damages of the 'Bicbmornd and Pe tersburg Railroad Compai.y, tor injuries, sus- tained ori that road by herself and son, i nos t- and also for the loss of a vafuaKe Tlie argument H in ; the case 'was closed yesterday, I and the case given to the inrv. Who .after a brief retirement, returned into court afid gave a verdfet in favor of the i.laiiui& ifor the following sums: To Mrs. Purnell, 4,158 lor the injuries fehe susUined; 2 408 for the injuries susUmed by her son other hand, there are other ecctiohs that ha Thomas and .600 for the loss of the not been attended to, as for;, initancu thoVant, with interest trom tne unre oi Ct RE rOR Fk LOKS THS Fl N C K KS . Scieftjrlc American says : - 'r t 1 - "The fst yvar we h ite kitown: lhe spinal marow of art ox. or cow applied to three dif ferent persowhh the most satisfactory re-' sulti. in VolieVrng' pain and curing' sores of tbe?f felcmev The firpinal . - marrow shouia I . . i .1 . ..' . . Fa I IVrt . be ftappueq ipr. every j iour iiuur wi daya. . .4-. From Sinoe county we are gratified to , i f . . , I learn that affairs are improving, on the value. On comm ssio merchants, ca' u " r & two per cent, on their k com misskms. Some ork. ttv Jams H. K ucey, of Jones county cident, to the present period. Wil. JoUr. Later from flavaiia, &c. i Chakleton, Feb; 13 The steamship Is abel has arrived5 from Kty West and Ha vana, with dates to. 10th inst, Her news is n iLyoTir mptherirfother j was; ; mvl mother's aunt, , what relation tfobld yenir grand tatneT s ncpnew be Ha my eldeT brolhefs sori-in- law ?, ' " ' '4V; ' ft. i '" s r USf OF LETTERS Vot Office at New born. N. C. :r W!e valld for please say hh are advertised. Fb y 10, 57. TTto ern iiuiMf? in the U.mV is very Anc The message ot l-resiaent isenson . . .ti.. miicn in ins torm. oi one oi; wur uwu jt ie tioneers IO pay 9 percenu :to iuo yt wr -.-. ; , . "! '. ! - . ... goods sold by him wuW siieh goods 1 r& dent' message., it beginning with a reveren- j 8DnL It is esiimiited that this specimen of brought into the Stat; by noH-resiaents. - nuunicuuigu. v i - porK wiu.weigu wuow ..iv. Merchants to pay their 'tax to sberiffs on the and direction. of the Almighty, arid then pro- cutting up eight or nine hundred pounds. 1st ef ril. On pedlirs of indiog Vehicles ceeds to freat of the domestic and foreign af. Enough lard and rjotk for a srtrafl1 femily. manufactured out of te State, ,40 clols! for he Liberian republic in their due or- 8nlfl AfYM,eli ' . !L 1 Th VAnnA of tfV lat fiscal vei f Sale oi yesseis. eacu, county: on an norses ana muics urougui -v.. -.r.r-. . , " ' " rrt vili beloncinff.-CO. Win. " - ' - I I .- i- r. :.J..l .!- ' i. J. .1 A iviiunii't . - o - into the State for.sale, $12.50 for each coun- statea io- imve exceeueu ,uu . tu pru.ug were s'old Hst Wednestfay tv. Both these items to be paid in advance year 25 per cent, lhe receipts and disburse- r'a ; J 4,Vff fllRt. 4 i l F . 4- 4. . . xi . r.- unde a deed. 01 iiusi., .: . . ; . - . tl,. .TAtiff lrv! nerson. whether bv I men is ur un uutciuiucu. w iu.u. J- agency or otherwise, engaged in-buying and endet 30th September, 1856, are stated as lliny vehicles, not or the manufacture of 1 roiiows . t . .: . . . I I ... - ': . , ;, m,rr fit of. 1 per cent;7 on the 1 iteceiptsr . ; v On .monnt of nnr- ! 1 Disbursements, v rXCess oraisDursemeaxs, 1 o, 4 uor o- The sutrr of $14,000 for th-e rent and pur chase of a- President's mansion' iVimituded in rr cent, non the sums ot 1 av"J, ww.ww-wi had a horr in town last week whicir measur- j unimportant; A lllogr.ph company has been p 1 A SDABP CONTRACTER. ; j Speaking of ice admits of a good story a jlact, by the way told of a noted contractor in Brooklyn , He , obtained a contract from -4 the city to fill up certain sunken lots on Third I Avenue, in tho Eight Ward. The contract was- taken in the Fall of the year; and the 4j lota were ccvered with water to the depth of severj.1 feet p the first cold snap caused all j thia water to turn into ice-the Mr. Confil-ae . ter covered it over with dirt, and before the h 4iiip x o a - 1ieMiAVAi1 AAAtrwt Tua v w itiiap 1 the contract; following Spring he took! lh,a State l f I -.t.. .! ...e,,- sum of their purchases. s t .r.i 4:. i-i... .t,: chases of parts of such y ehic!est rough t from r1 .1 i , , - abroad, one-half of 1 per cent. All!manu- ? compelled to act on the square ho could af- - m ... , - 1 ... - i 4 ford to 4 4 j , facturers,-of whatsoever calling, to. pay a tax i.V3;U ;4im4;; ! tueir purchases made ot ol itiic ! Oa -it being Payable in aaoual insulments of .4. ' -'! i ' --tS - V - - - f v.1 dentists, physicians, lawyers, State and counv $1,000 would leave an- ctcess of about :rir ?Pi?r M ty officers; Vons in the Employ of o IOOOabave the receipfelThis$14,000 was, , llou ; of R presentatives of Indiana ba flA nfI nrivate ccmnanies. land all persons, during- the yea reduce to $,000-, which K ed" sevetf arVcJ af hlf feet Tn ctrcu'mferencer, j. mA, l'i alf- ditto, from tail to KUi CIT3.cn aim M - 1 44' formed to lav a cable to Eey West . . ... .. Advices fromlCarthagena stale tha ne Krkish will not carry into effect bfocde of the New Granada ports - till he faction of the Congress 01 vnai repuuii y Dr. Kane's health has improved. , . 1. ... K K rr Rev Wm.M v Rerrnedy MissAM 6 1 Kirkman Miss J E Kooh.ee S W I ;r'. : L :4; Lawrence Miss L A , , Liulwton Mrs Naucy Lewis iiiiant ; m -IA ttreton Capt J ohn f -:. .. V,M Man John 'James . v- Mason James If r Me.ars John T ' 2 J MeDaniel VVnr '3 iforieJas Conner Miss Sach'L A- . ' Iff Curtis Chas A r4 : 4-W6& AIs JE.libMu' CbnneV Witfifred ; fi : ;;.Miss UannahUrow.rf e'lietfnut 4 - Pa ot Uannat? dton Jas W ; : ' : Neal , D .4 !.- 4t Perry Mrs-Yictoriar ; Artbrir Mrr Raclie'l Aunoine Abraui Ai nul Allen Ada nis Peter ' - - B': . . I3ikr Bryaw l Bn ii Jame'3 : B'jownr Jaiu'e Brx-k Allen J B a m7Mii Francis B own Mrs Sarah ' B ock Mrs Strsan B B gbie k Schr. NapofeoB, was bought by B. BLaney for $5500,001- . . ; , 4j 4 Sch r. I;. E. Johnson,- purchased- by J. W Johnson. !for6250,00. - !;4 K 3-4 of Schr. Howard, by W. r ovrers, lor $445o;ob. -'!. ,4.44.4 4.-1 41. i . - v; Schi. lone, by B. L. Perry, for $2005.0f . Schr. SabineiVB. Bi Lane, for $1200,00. 3-4 of Schr. Dolphin, by J. Oliver lor V ftom Mexico twt r.nr x. i Vi T?h - 9. Dates from V era -CrM t the tfa-msiau,, ; i , ii ' v mi.Ahll Alfred briin City of Mexico dates -to thetu Henrietta ' Pitt.nair E H Jiantrart;, .;. . i .'- . 4 flembsey Hugh- 4 irifeK Vm:A rwA.AUtntrV wa in a distracted state R,vur.oo - ' Polk E fi,a 5Fdtn;f insurtreits had dispersed, but flrJlljnrt,art Hardy : Parsons Mary A Lower Californ ia from San U rancisco-. passed a bill securing to married women 4 v4iose husbands have deserted them, either - , yoluuUrily or;by the compulsion, of a judi' cial sentence in cases of felony, all their own! , , property; . real and personal,, all . they may j make during such desertion,. and-all the pro-j 4 reeds of debts due their husband) for the tiipport-of-themselvei and families. j ly O incurs, pisuua iu iuo eiuiuy ut wijjwi - Vw,wtw T -T -----r . . . - . k aaire thjiicu . mwu.; - ate and private .companies, land all persons, during' the yeailr reduce to $,000-, which Messrs. E. J. Hale & Son a-copyj of the Ad -?-. if !L:JrtUi.Lji;'U.wi---L mitt t.Ara Vrt HA try cancel, t&is vear. so as j t f PjvAttAvilla mimsicrs vi iu vjusjoi tAtcpwuj ttuudo t ttt uv w w , ....w r 7 . ' j areas OI jjamea uauu, ui -- -t i:. ..t.r;.''nia oil rf tnmi I ifrottir '1 1 trt awnirl TtinA veAtS interest. 4 !i4 1 1 iu ii T tr.l U, rl.ovoi.for rtf Flora McDoO - ... ... . 4- j-.'; i ij ' ! ' i ' . : 1 L '. I ! ' ' .. . .-. ; ; ! . -'.- . '. ',: ? I i. . . ' 1 ; -- ' - . 'I. f. t'":j -": i-' ' ' ' ' -VI1 T.li.l I. . af Venn. "I- i.- -r r .. - -. . p- . I ... . , ..11 i ttift-j it is an exceiicai. shall yield an annual gross iocomo of $500v-1 a tax of 5 dols. and for all sums so received 1 4 over $500, a tax of 1 per cent. ' On torneys licehsegranted 15 dols. f0 Public' opinion is modesty perteni- j hawlsontely printed. f .1 each att) fi4j44y. never speaks fi rstl but waits to be- On all ittJ l'-LWi-ui".XAii!'ftii-:f Ud : viAtvi If i iiiiiii ciutviaa w-. w , - . - 1 i . . . . - . - -. ... .( .c . .tl- address and very r f i- II II Amur's Witr. We lave received N; cl P:rsbtteri ak P a pes. '-We inci dentally - learned that it is proposed to t& lish a- paper in this State to be deyo tea io iue interest Vf the Presbtejiaa Oh urch jnorth i ! ti" :2- kA! V efokk cohibany. and CJaTOiiuav i t - . - . , . - . the paper wiif probably- be: located at : Iay nMilli. We believe it is, contemptated to seeuKf the services of Rev. H.' W. Cunning- u.f cklenbur2asiEditoT,Mf .'P1?16- iathe-shas bed. lisenhauer Adam Radchffe Sarol C F , ; r . : ; Rentfraur-Wirnes iX ptchpr CaDt S B 3 Rhem Mr r urnitold osaue Lewis isber Michael H, uUofdCapt Saml roy T Dudley . G feardner Joseph Gintries aml Gray 5am nel S the first three nnmbers of the above paper; -; unnnoA rnmnftnioa Mi thift Stfttp. 140'dcl. ': I 4 7 ' , 1 r. "4 ' . t.lt' J j' LL-.-Vlhe i and all agendeV sclimpanies incbrpoH nnnahoiiey irtm- with PP ?rnS??D' rated out of the Staler j 100 dols. for j cacti rflntem 1 1 FaioBTrri, staw or Affairs. A repor county in::; which ; an. agency. roay -esUD ' has recently been submitted to the board ,ished a genc?esof 1B iacorpora di4 education in New York city .which estimates! w out ol 5. a tax ot f SOU. I On exv euucanon in new rone cny,wnicu estimates! " - 7 :r . 1 ,7"4" ..' w " i j muti or ditamisu vuim. jmts i - i .- . ko' for a. ' u satisfacterv wounds' that there am hJ Ies compames lO ;:; Ween thirty and forty thousand children in1 whicrrtbey may deliver actis. jbn 4 spailislr VOUi? a tlielDniJ5 - ti..i -r... lx.i- ' t.u ..r-i- -:-L. cases and menasreries. dols- for each conn-1 o-.fi-l;i:AK rtftt:iWif.fut,t ! N .. 1: r. : j ' 1 1 tv. in which thevrmav'exhibif nOslatre and i?t.2Hr2'5rUt! single copy. NeYork.- Address -Harper jfc Brotbefsv The BnrdcirXrialv ,,,.N; York; Eeb: 14.-Tlie jurr.in TVnwlMl pase will tma verdict thiaafternbdm t iSaodgrass has been arxrf lras-,ben committed to prison us one xVf xiie tlHclgal&; 'V' l:-1 I r iMr-'--ln: rhi 4i. -j-t' ? Wmtm -heingl about- disappear --4 .-' r: this weal- Smith Mrs Rebecca Stanley John Sawyer Timothy. . St Clair Daniel 4 Stanly Mrs E E Rnruill' JS- . Snruel) Mrs EHzabetW v. i . ... . I Green Miss'C a Stanly Miss, wary a 4", 11: dwiih"w Hill Miss Eliza ' T; s Hukgius HH .'. TayJor? Mrs Jane, r HarrisiJ - 3: ' layior wuo v Hiffins Darid B . : : ,w ' Hunt John , We Senon o flolion Mrs MT A Wain Airs r,nzaio WAtsonJones -j WynnJH;; I -Ward Miss Maria : Whedbee San I W Utley Rev Jacob- " auna . arr v rw is- Liin ni' ua uwc bihi Bixirfii i i ,;i . . k w mini. . i i r- i m i . t. v -.. ' . . : : - ? ? i ' ' "I fr in whlh thA"navchiKif: 440ifa cTrtt tot?2ni-U : viuo are growing up io ignorance ana vaga-n ' : J. " " "f !T v' 6 " w.uarters,o L. cenui ; eiaus ut i a'cb uocs iuuowu-wj Ionrlifim ftnH fitiinrr iIipmia vm t o tv iKo f.iJ I tbfAtrfrftl f fimnJiniM. , TfinA.ilfln(.n TiKfAf I lam as 11 Q-l fl of d ftlYf.PPTl tllft nf T. P ncrmin for S COOV OtllW Speeca a . , - - I 4 f i . .fv. ; j ! V'.' - h ; '! "4vtfU!.r.Y:i-4 '" - V: ivii v;yjuvuyi;0i ; ,;Xia. .' 44 Vi v4 . -vt ' ' '': v'-:4 "V- 4-c"-V ' 4--. V.;; . .' i j. 4 - -V; .4 ' : j-' . V: -.".4 !. V " '' 4I44 4j':':-'.:4' " V: '. "" 'f , .4 , '' - '.,44 ;V;4. jl - ;s : : .v V; " .: ; . . .:r . . - , - j - f :. V V- : . ... -- V -: ' - : "-4 . ,. - ' V - V;-'.' i4 V , V: -V V .r . 4 .. --V .: ' t '-Vvr 4"C- -v-'-',- tV'V , .vrVc'v.V"-:-"- 4-; ;; ,::Ji..;..::.;;: .4. 4 V.y..',y44'' ';:4-4iVf;y--y-', - 4.j-."..r :4"4-V:'' 444' -- , :--V VVV' 4J-;4.J;"t;4. 4'f.::--:4:-': V.'t-U:4'4'4 v'V' -1 J14::: V- :44. 5 . ' 4" ' - ". :.:......4 44,.;.,..l: ;, " ' " " Harris George W r Home W U, Hill CaptE ward Uones Mrs Hepsey Llones C A - ; - I Jones Bions -.' - Messrs, Johnson & rou bg V " . - i . T i i ?

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