v. . fJ:K.-:::"'.P 5 'V 1 I-J t I i wf-4' T',H';3 --JL-f JLli , j ; V i . X-a , DOLLi.ES PER AH2IXr.ll,-. I ii! t ADVANCE. lit i : i :NE B-;&;jy!c!$:Q:S;ftRi'ft l'8'5 7. TV- T r I " 1 I. 1 V ; t ' - - '( . " 1 J . - ; VOL. f ' 12 THE UNION H J. ILrM II S E j ; . : Xiie Unt Kbit tviii te pnbiwlied ivcrj Mc day,! at $2 vancc. Office 6 ddors flWru the Pbst Officfe: , K Advertising Rates : 1 square 1 insertion .' I ' 2 insertions.i 3 " .. TWELVE lines cobstitntinp: square 1 00 1 50 2 00 Arraaxements will be made by tfte year ...monont adrertisers. at the , LOtl or 8 months LOWK9T POSSIBLE ATE 3. ' '" " ' " '.' . ! ' -ii-JOB PRINTING..; HaT-ins- a neW and extensive aSsdHtiienV 6f Job -rf f as can be found in the State,) we are prepared to execute . - V I JOB WORK with neata( as and disptch ; such aa handbills; lar.cards. blinks, books, pamphlets, etc., etc. U- ggr' All ' Communications 'intended; for insertion in The Union, must be accompa- '- 1 '-'.1 A aA Kw iKa wiitnr'd name, ana clirectea 10 the Editor. " ' v i $3T All letters on business, must be dressed to the Proprietor. ad- G E Oil G E ALLEN 1 DEALER IN - FANCY & STAPLE ; DRY GOODS r BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, II ATS, &0. NEW BERN, N. jC. W. II A MILT ON CLOCK ! WATCH MAKER. i NEW-13ERNE, N. G. ! TT0ULD respectfully inforjn tho citizens W of Newbern, that he has opened a room flooPiist of the To .t Office, wliei'e he is pre rt.nflflrrv on the above business in all its brandies. Watches, Clocks an' 1U Jewc'ry 'neatly a in i at slifirt notice. N&WBERN VARIETY STORE. TII03I IS . W. S I YRON, WHOLESALE & RSTAILDEALER W GRO CERIES. HARD WARE. I Thy-fib ri'nnra fiastt nf f.JiP, A. ..M C7. liail Raced Depot., JO. S. P R I M R O SE-, 1 Staple and Fan'cij i I & 1Y O P IV CHARLES C. CLARK. Attorney and GounsBllor at Law;; Offire on Cr-oad Streets doors bTelowthe V COtRI IIOtTSE.. . ! , J A M.E S E. M E T T S roTn-mission- and For-ttrardiTiff Mferfchant WILMlk'GTbN', -N. G. l - August SOth.1854 istf i WILLIAM HAY, Hotise, Sig and Ornamental MIDDLE STREET, OKE DCOR EELOW THE TOST OFFICE NEWBERIST; ; N. (C. : I MANUFATUREli OF Tin. Sheet Iron and Conner ware. I AND DEALER IX , if-" . . . Stves, and Japaned Wares, j COBXEH OK BROAD AND MIDDLjE STIIEES. One door South of the Court 1 louse. TAZLOR, Dickson, Graves & Co I (Successor to JfuCe, laylor fr Co.) 2ianulacturers and VVholefeale reaiersin CLOTHING, J iVo. 23 and 25 .Dey Street, ! o NEW YORK, o jj JO NATHAN HALEY. r ClocJcand Watcli Maker, ,VKEEPS consUntly on hand, an excellent as- sortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, and LW LLRi. of all kinds. All work done at the hortest notice,and in a workman-like manner. s ' . J. WHALEY oign tn v atch. Craven street, Newbern ! May 20th. 1853. - - H G O L D is B O II 0' I -ttJs n session of this Institution will com- jmence a the first .Wednesday in Augrst, Ample ccommodations y oung ladies. are provided for a ny lutomtion, Catalogne, Ac, addrew . u 01 lae Realty, Rhjv. J. H. BRENT . lf, , ' . Wr S.- ANDRE faTy llth, 1833 a9 t DRY GOODS boarding: & day: school tJ-v n. C XXIII Session. WIT H. AittoW. Principan ExJZABETH MAYHEW, Teacher oi ' t Frexch aitd Assistant, j EL POLK, Teacher b- ifbsic. U Tuition iii English, per Session of five 5-, j montns, vpayaoie.uunug v.iv . 1 tually Rt the end of the session, ; Tuitioh in English, board, washing, lightv anJ fuel; per Session of fire ironths, on? x;-oi;f Ad Fftnce: had the other du $12.00 ring or"at the end of the Session. 75.QO Instruction in Music, per Session v 20.00 Tuitibtt m French, or the Latin Language, 6.00 The Session of this School wl commence on tte lst day of October next. , ' , " i I ThA tArm for bbardine. &c, it will be seen, are absolutely fcaeessary, in oraer wj bBYe.ouiociiw '-'';-:' i;" ' 1 ! 1 from loss. ! those who design decidedly advantageous to their fchildren or wjards, to place'them with the . teachers to t3ard as we feel a greater degree oi respouaiuiui-jr more interest in the improvement and the deport ment of such young ladies from a distance, as are placed under our -immediate jcharge, : Fupils who fencer the School at or near the commencement b he Session, will be charged from the commence ment, to the close of the session. Those entering when the session i3 somewhat advanced,; will be changed from the time of entering to the close of thelscssidhi and no allowance! will be made for ab sencev exceptih cases of protracted siC-iness. j . VawHa rn. A uomst 20th. 1 856, - 40 cm the Clarendon iron works. l WILMINGTON, N. C. Vanbokkelcn, Proprietor. ' nilE subscribe r having purchased .the eutire tEN DON , IRON WORKS," sb- X! in the "CLARENDON licits orders for , . : i .-'.'.., ,. Steam Engines, of any pdwfet or style; Saw Mills of every variety Mining Manchinery and Pumps, . ri-t lst. ' n.nA Flour M lis. comolete. , rjarker, Turpentine and other Walfer Wheels, Rice field Pumps and Engines, ? lieavitt's Corn and Cobb Crusher, Rice Thrashers, j ' Shingle Aachines, I ; Shafting Hangers and Pullies, if (jotton Gins and Gearing, Ii-on Castings of all kinds and patterns, lirass- - " :j; it :" Locomotive and Tucular Boilers, ; j Fthc and plain Cylinder Boilers, ! f I JJIacksmith worK oi an Kinus, ; Iron Doors for Houses and Jails 1 ' j I THE ESTABLISHMENT. TToino' hoo.n re-oisanized for ;the express purpose ol insurincr nuuctualitv of the execution of all or ders the public may rest satisfied that' any Work which may offer wi!! be promptly delivered accbr- dinirtd promise, and of such workmanship as can- notjf ail to give satisfaction. 1 1 3 i ; i j J i Trie Mecnanicai jjeparwieru. Beinj? fn chare'e of men of talents and experience I have no hesitation in sayind that the work here, after turned out, shall compare favorably; in eve rv resDect with that of the most celebrated in the .States and at prices which will make it to the in- terest oi all in want. 10 senu n . iueir omeia. t ! REPAIR AlTay d'on'e without delay fand having a jlarge force for that purpose, it will prove advantageous to any person needing such tq give meitlie preier- ence without regara -expense oi genu lug -same froiii a distance. , . .! : - I ! Qt'ders nll be addressed to darendon i Iron Works," Wilmington, N. C. j , : ,-i t j A. H. VANBOKKELEN2 tf j Otober 31st, 1855. ( i '. i .; j That delightful and refreshing Ap- I ATE OF MAGNESIA.! For saZe by j F. S. DUFFY. Newbern.! NOTICE nrSilE subscriber having sold out his entire stoc"k JL of Drugk Medicines, fcc." td Dr. A. E. Ricks, wished to clbse his businese irk New'bfern,.immedi fttely-, all accounts on his Book's may! be found) in the hands ot . X lhomas, as Uollector, until the Kewbcrn NbV: 19; '66. 2tf. illerclirtiil Bank of Newbern. HE Annual Meetings of the Stockholders of JL this Bank, will be held atl their Banking Hotise m Newbern. on Monday, the 1st day, of December utui, nil iu o viucii, ex. iii. h j r L( , . , W. W.- LARK) Cashier. Wov nth, 1856. i 2t. ;')! ;; : j' 1 scnboTTcE. ; IWyfRS. Jake Bbookfields ischool for the tuitien xTJL of children of oth sexes, will be re opendo atner resiaence on tne nrst -n jonaav m wciooer September 24, 1866. 45 tf. ; : 1 Cambric Handk'chiefs. A GREAT variety of Embroidered HandkTs. Keto Styles nrinted .orders. !. ! I Ladies' Mourning Hkfs. both Pointed and .Em broidered, to be had at O & PRIMROSE. 36Pollokr8L REAL ESTATE FOR ALE i In the Town of Newbern. r IHE Lot with Store House iand all other 6ut- JL houses attached, recently occupied by T. Wetheringtonj and situated just above W. .V Fifes, at the corner of Broad and Queen Streets is. for sale. A bargain can be made.- For1 terms aiply to IFm. P. Moore, Newbern4 4-1 -"-'. bULUJiUa r tJTHERINGTON. Aug. SO, 150. - ; -v 42 tf.- ; : ; just uEcEiVEd. ER. .Scbr. Ocean Wrave, , Pork, Sugar, Li E. Johnson, Ten barrels vJtuuer Avme, vanuies, . (xc4 T. . . , tj; t-y .it.. lil fec. Fer choice Family i Flour, (ifew.wheat) low for cash. T. W.STYRON j I U -: -;; l : I A LARGE 1a t list receded and for site by i i av23ftV No, R Pfil0V HtrMt BmewHat increased or rather,, the terms are re- DUblid cenerally.: that he has a good toted: to the same as they were fomeriyJThe jy GoodsHardware,iSh continued bin ? rices oi provisions, so, uia.V r-T?nrn?FR r GROCERIES ' except It is earnestly rernmenuea w f ST ranted pure; all hf which he, is prepared tb furnish to" attend Ule Scfaobl. that tHey commetibe, if prac- cthe; abst favbraUe terms.- j ... I i ! Ucable, at the commencement of the Session. j j j GEO IF. FISHER. 1'arenti or guardians who reside in the country, :-- , , . ant nTlirt w!Ti to send to this School, will find it -o tt i -vr nmo rs zrrt t tT?TTi'kT-E i xd xi . t r i.i.4. ai. jni v I 1 placed iH his hands as an bfiicer;. . .. , !:' J ... i , 1 l torWidea: iiitimiiie and .declare, that if tn mis. January, ioui, aucr iuuw time luey win i uy, uy virtue ui iue aci oi Asseiuuiy in I t?. B. WHllEBEASt , slave, named Sam, doth not surrender T TtX O y6u-want td purchase Silis tbc latest style,-1 T)M BALM OF A lilOUbAMi FLOWJSltS. , .TrpOR romorin Tan, Pimple and .Freckles. ; For X: Wa8lims, s Having, or Cleansing me teem ana perfuxninir tho breath -' m , : ' ?!N - ; f"" IT HAS KO EQUAL. .JgJ For sale by F S. DtTPFf. THE subscriber having lately returned from Bos ton, wonld.;no-w;' inform his customers and Ahe ubiie that he has just received a full supply of the best qualities of the various kinds of ' j ! fTotfnn and Flax Twines. 1 Also an assortment of , T ; 4 ! NETS AND SEINES. He is also prepared to furnish at short notice any kinds of Nets pr Seines out of the -usual dimensions all of IwhlcK will be warranted to give satisfaction to the purchaser, both in material and manufacture; hvhand knittiner. ; it ? L i - i - . bv hand knitting. lie will ftiso tane mis method of "informinsr.the assortment of oes. FLOUR of Vest and good qnaliiies; and a Jot of LTOnORS first rate New Bedford. SPERM CANDLES, war- T AD WAY'S Ready Relief, Davis's Pain Killer, E'drsale by F. S. DUFFY: To the Turpentine Malcers 1 ' ' ' " ' . ' ! r THE subscriber having taken thepremlum a at the late State Fair upon , Turpentine Tool (Chippers, Ronndhaves, aha nnbkcrs,) would an nounce to the public that they are manufacturing these Tools extensively. Their workmen having been for many years engaged ini the aboVe busi- pess, are unsurpassed by any in the quality and proper construction of their tools. Wei will deliv er these tools at any points on the N. C. W. "j. R. and W. fc M. Railroads. We warrant these teos to be edhal in quality and superior adaptation for work tb any Northern manufacture, and ask a li beral share of patronage, trusting that liberal southerners will give preference to home i manu facturesr. J 11 crcers directed .to us at Jericho. N. will meet proinpi ateiitiop. j. i y. & is: w niif l el.d-. jlfli vary fiist, 185S. 1 JUST received per sehr. Charlotte Ann, 20 bb!s of City Mess Pork I Oct. 8, ! T. W. SrYRON. Valuable Town Lots for Sale. TH E Lots, nos. 848 and 353, oi. Queen asd Hancock streets, in front of the IPassenger Shed of the Atlantic fc North Carolina Railroad. They will be sold dn Reasonable and accommoda ting terms. Ihey are thrh,qst desirable loca tions in the vicinity of the Railroad Depot for a JVbtel. and doubtless culd be made verv prefitaf ble to arv one who wishes tb engage in I' that busi- ness. MARY GOODIiNG. Newbern, Sept. 20th, '56.-48 Lyoirs magnetic Powder and; Rat Pills. - TTOR. the destruction ef Fleas "and Bea ' Jgs A'oaches. Ants, Ac, Ac , rFor sale by . I. DISOivVAY. PAINTS, OILS, & COLOURS WINDOW GLASS, PUITY, &c. ! j .jt'brsae by j F. S. DUFFY, Newbern. STATE OF N. CAROLINA; JoES Cb U NTT WHEREAS complaint upon oath hath this day been made to us, Adonijah McDaniel and John N. Hyman. two of the Justices of the Peace of said county, by. Franklin B. Harrison, o said county,, planter, that a certain male slave be -longing to him, named Sam, .hath absented- h Imsel from his masters .services', and is lurking about in said county, committing acts of felony and other misdeeds. These are therefore, in the tame of the State, to command, the said slave forthwith! to sur: render himself and return home to His master', and we do hereby require the ."heriff of said coun ty si Jones,-to make diligent seairch and pursuit alter tne saio, siave, ana mm nayuig ipunai 10 ap prehend and secure, so that he inay be conveyed to his said master, or otherwise discharged as the paw; directs; land the said bheriii is hereby au thor ize'd 'arid empowered, to raise and take with J him such po'wer of his county, as he shall think it, for apprehend ng the said slave ; and we do here- e said himself and retu-n home immediately after the publica tion of these j presents, that any person may kill and destroy the said slave, by such means as he or they may think fit, without accusation jbr im peachment of any crime or offence for so dpinar, and without incurring-any penalty ahd forfeiture thereby; ... - , . . '. 4 . . I , .. . Given under ourhands and seals, the 29th day of September, A. D., 1856. ! A. MeDAXIEL, J. P. Jij I vill give ifty Dollars fbr Ine apprehen sion arid delivery qf tbfe iskid boy torne, or lolge bim in any jail ih the State, so that 1 get him, or One Hundred Dollars for his head." F. B. HARrtlSON. Oct. 1st, f56-ft6-t.f. STLiEND ID ASSORTMENT I Joth, Cassimers, Testings, Cravats b Scarfs - a S; prlmrose. Nb 36 PoWcek Streat W anted; f BY a young man of good moral character, a situation! in a. store -Dry Goods Establish- ment preferred,- He has some little experience in hte business, land ctfn coir.it -well rntirnrndr,AtkA Enquire of the. Editor of the Union. J DRUSS GOODS, A E aawrrtnie it just received of JTX. Jilapf nd FaneylTress Silk . , - - - m A... i W W W&.A .W I Hi, I . umm - . r v.. wo. joju iciaines, Alpacas, 4C. ! JAlso a largftaastmeat of Cahcoes, sale cbeap -.... ' , I r i . . ' : OEORQE ALLEN. call on JMF HARRISON, m wom, uasaiaares, or, a , , -t THE W TO SAI IT; - fit O bow bappy are thy, - s;.i - . Who the printer do pay, And bavfe squared up for dne year or inore ; Tongue can never express The great joy of the press, h ' "When delinquent have paid the bid Scbre: ' - , . .: ', !.. Printers all the day long-, Labored for a sting . , ' ! 0. that all their bard fate could but see They have worked night and dav, , And of course want their pay, . ' '. To buy sugar, and coffee, and tea. 1 I 1 Qrie bardiy would belieVe 1 What few dimes they receive, I , For the paper addressed to each naine ; 1 Yet, 'tis farther below Thau softie people knofr Or they'd pay up for fear of sh amel ( CiitAITlITl Alt IN RHYME. ! 1. Three little words you often see Are articles a, an and thee : 2. A noun V the name of anything I As cbool, garden, hoop, or swing; j 3. Adjectives tell the kind of noun- As great; small, pretty, white or SroVVh ; 4. Instead pf Nouns the Pronouns stand , Her bead, bis face', your, arm, my band. 5. Verbs tell of something being done To read, write, countj sing, jiim ji or rtin. 6. How things are done the Ad Verbs tell As slowly, quickly, ill or well. ' 7. Coiijunctionsjoin the Words together As men and women, wine and weather ;J 8. lho 1 roposition stands before A Noun as in r through a door ; 9. The interjection shows surprise -i As-oh ! how pretty ! ah, how wise 1 The whole are called Nine Parts of Speech, Which Reading, Writing, Speaking teaeh. I3 A Washington correspon dent of the Montgomery, (Ala.) Advertiser, describes a touching scene that occurred over the dead body of Hon. P S. Brooks i About ten minutes after hB death the venerable old Senator, whose locks are now white with the frosts of age, came into the room, and upon seeing him cold in the embrace of death, threw himself iipdn his bbsdm and wept as if his heart would, biirst from its bonds. Judge Buffer had lavished the attention "and affec tion of many ye&ris iipdn Mr Brooks and he seemed to be the important object bf his solicitude and existence, arid while the death sweat still stood upon the brow of the immortal sleeper,the old man ailed td the fleeing spi rit in tone's of sdrrdw,that moved the pitying hearts df those who stood round to tears "My boy, my boy, my boy !" and such a scene of mourning and sorrow, as was witnessed there cantidt be comprehended, much less re peated here; Mb; BRbDERiCKi This gentle-. veil wasremdyed-, her round, ro tilari, who . has just beeri elected sy fabe turned directly toward to the United States Senate fori mine, and in the clear and bright six years from California, was - light of a. frosty, moon, the toll formerly foreman of Engine Com- j was taker! for the first time in pahy No. 34, in New York. It 'Hisi life by. Dr. Meadows. Soon is isaid that when h started fdr California, seven y'dars ago; he had just, enough money to take hitn there and $25 over. He re turns now with about $ 250,000. i " Oeiicral Summary.: Preachers in N. York;-i Cler gyinen in New York and Brddk lyn couiit hp fetrbhg wheti all are enumerated. The Observer pub lishes a list, from which We leiarn there are 96 Episcdpal, 101 Pres byter iaii, 44 Dutch Reformed, 54 Baptist, and 34 Congregational. These five denominations numr ber 325 clergymen in the two cities. The number in the other' denominations probably equal; the above. Piety. -"Sal"; crie-d a Voting girl looking out of the upper sto ry window df a snlall grocery and addrdssing aiiother' girl who was t lying to enter at the frontdoor, "we've all been converted ; so when you want milk' on Sundays yon will have to come fin; the back way ' ' ' ' ' I f President Pi eice's Cabi -net remains as at presentconsti tuted until the 4th of iMarch nesit, it will be the first instance in the history of the; goTernmeri t, where; i Cabineiijhas , remained entire during the wr hole of an Admih- listrat oii-LW, fw;i i ijLLJi . " o ,r- -7T ... i - j " ' OT In all out readinff wo dd not recollect ever having been so much gratified at any piece of similar character as at the follow ing Simple unaffected narrative; which we I repaid 'as;: inimitably related. "It 'first appearedTn Harper's Drawer, and, has pretty generally Haken the rounds' and we publish, it.again fdt rthe1 sake ot any who have been; so unfor tunate as never to have sden it and those, who Aarc; will, like our Self, not regret a ecdnd perusal; We were so much pleased with it that we 1 have a notion of enca sing it in a gilt frame to be hung at the head of our bed. ; Doubtless there are many taamb kiris whol could have as many Meadows to themselves if they pursue equally . artless means. Try i t and see, young ladies. Taking Toll. It is Summer, now, but it was Winter, clear and cold and! the show was finely packed when Dr. Meadows was one of a sleighing party j whieh he describesj as far as he arid the young widow Lambkin was con cerned, in the words following : The lively widow. Lambkin sat in the same sleigh, and under the same Buffalo robe with me. Oh, oh, dont ! she exclaimed,, as we came to the first Bridge at the same time catching ine by the arm, and turning her veiled face toward me, while her bright little eyes twinkled in the moon light. Don't what ? I asked, I am not doing anything. Well, but I thought you were going to take toll, replied Mrs. Lambkin. Toll, I rejoined, what's that ? Well, I declare ! cried the wi dow, her merry laugh ringing out abdVej the music df the bells, you pretend you do not know what toll is 7 , . : Indeed, I don't then, I said, laughing, j pray explain, if you please. ! Yoii never heard then, said the widow, most provokingly, you never heard that when we are on a sleigh ride gentlemen 'always that is, s'ohietim'es1 when they cross the bridge, clainl a kiss and call it toll. But I never pay it. I said I had never heard of it Befdre1 ; but when we came to the next bridge I claimed the1 toll; and the wiadw's struggles td hdld the veil dver her face were not enough to tear it. At last the we came j to a long bridge with several arches : the widdw said it was no use to resist a riian that would have it all his owii way, so she paid the idll without a niiirmet. . . But yoii Wdht , tdke toll for' eve ry archi will you ddcto'r.? ; the wi ddw said sJ archly, that I could ndt fail to exact all my dees, and that was the beginning But never mind the rest. The Lambkin had the Meadows all td herself in the Spring. Fond of Sdoar: Anldng ihe statistical acts elucidated by the sugar discjdssjpjn is the statement that d very mam woman and child iii the" Union consumes on an a verage 29 pounds of sugar a year. E ening Stars. The larger Planets now; visible in the even ing, after sunset, are Venus, Mats Jupiter an i ; Sat urn i Of these, the three! first mentioned are to be seen in the western sky, attd the last iti the eastertL w ' ' r An Irish Judge said; when ad dressing a prisoner fconvicted;df murder, fYou are to bd hanged and I hope that it will be a war ning to you.' " 'il.v-' . j - ,-;' .-r.i- "'''V ' i -- tyT'iMi"" i The man who made animr ' '.. ; '.!..' ! .: , -' :...;; ....... no.' h-mt- - 1".. I r-ZTi . t V1 " queue j ua oecome a sjjiuuj stone gutter. :h 1" The. following remedy! -for jj the scarletfeverV is recommended 1 by.Dr. Lindsley, of Washington, as . the treatment ivhich; has been re sorted td With gr(5at success by Dr. Schneemah, physician . to the King of Hanover : , ,w . . : ;'." ; From the first day df the . illnes3, -and as soon as we are certain of its nature, the .patient must be rubbed. ? morning , and eyening,5 ; over ' the whole body with ti piece of bacon, -in such a maiitier thatj tlV W ex-, ceptidh bf the head, a covering of iai is every wnere appiiea. in. . or der to make this rubbing-in'some2- what easier, it is best; to take H piece; 1 oi Dacon ine size, oi inenanu, 4tnaii -we may have a firm ffrasT Itrthe soft side of this pte ce slits' ard td be made m ordrif to allow the tidzine: out of ih$ fat; The rubbing must! be thoroughly- performed and riot too quickly, in order "that the skin. hiay be regularly Saturated ; with, ; the tat.. v The; beneficial Tfesults of .r the application are sodn obvious 1 with a rapidity bdrderirig ioninia- . gicj all, even the most painful symp- toms bf the disease are allayed; . quiet sleep, good humor, arid the u appetite return, arid there' remains K only the impatience to quit the sick room. ' !V": ; ' Why Butter is High. Somebo- :' dy accounts for the high i price ot butter as follows H ., Thefe is a firie pasture all over the country ndW and thje price of butter ought td be dowu to a shil ling a pound. Why isrit'it ? Be cause the women and girls don't know how td make it; iFor twen ty years past the girls' t butter ma kin g education lias been sadly ne glected. ; They can play the piarioV but carinbt chUrii ; ; can dance, but canridt Skim milk ; can tdlk a little French, but ddti't "know how to : work oiit britte"rmitfe; The women who made the butter twenty years ago are passing awayy a&jd there are rione td take their places. That's why btitteris high;!; ; A man praising porter, said it was so excellent a , BdVrage, that though taVen ih te1 at quantities it always riiade Hirii fat. j,. 4I havd feeen the .time when it riiade Jrtm lean.' r When ? I should be If glad to kiiow,' said the eulogist. 4 Why no longer since than last nigh t -against the wall V h ;; 1 A man has declined being a candidate for office in one of the new States, 'because he is ; not a le gal citizen he has never paid a tax or, any other debt owns no property -can t read nor write is blind- has but :one leg-rhaslost lour fingers from his left handrr-has Id& chiiaferi, and; can't leavehomd for fear they will abuse their mo; ther. - ' ; w l " tlMay I leave a few trd6ts ?'' asked a missionary of an eldetly lady, who responded to his kddek. "Leave some tracks ? Cdrtainly you may," said she, looking at him most benignly over her specs ; leave ttiem with the heel towards the house, if you plasd !V James RoBiNsdtf,: the Circds ,Ri-p'BR.--The MiODelfatfs ihe fr gent of a Northern circus 'company has offered this ..celebrated eques trian $250 a week, for three years and to pay all his expencesin a European tour. . mis is turning a gility to? a good; account. ; i , : -..:-W' X small pockdt telegfapli has been invdntdd not larger than a tdbaddo box, whidh cad bd attach- ' ed to the; wire at any point : along the line, and riJdssages can thus be , senti - ! osb " . ' One pf the rich moej York has varegular, income, it is said, of upwards of thrdeV thousand dollars a day. W hat a chance for' the exercise of a generous beneva i leneeV sailor w : ; . xooking' serious in . a; cnapelin Boston, was askcrLi minister if he felt any nge 'Not a cent," repb Jack. - IS ; .4 ' ! . " i I r I ' ; 1 .. 1 r " ' " '" ' : ' 1 i II