1 . i - ' c 1 . t .. J 1 - i , in' Equity; , - . ...- . s . . ri-nnM Iv? Warrea. I an Infant by his next friend and KlaEqmtj Rnnr.i;An JamsaO. Gaskina. . 3 1 JtSfor tl County of Craven, I '"will exp to TrvT? ,tn of a Decree x x" ,Vv- t nKT?i cnl lit the Court House m ewuernj, ou vVyW.sdAV the lit day of Api-il, 1857,'aeeita'n tract or parcel ofjand situate, lying and beiog in the Couiity of Craven,' u Palmetto bwamp, Jud-4 KSnelnir Lancaster, and otuers, i.ininitWif. i u7 Aeres. ' " f .,,. f month. rlit, I-otw willk Bp Cl'k fc Mast, in Equty. j ) HAYK YOU 'SUBSCKIKFI) : ' IX THK . ' : . j Cosmopolitan Art Association i , FOll T H E Jird . YEAH! ; SEE'- TJIS RARE JND VCEMHNTS f Tbe man. agement hare the Measure of announcing tb itjthe Mtltinn of Wrks c.f Art rieaie-ned f or diftn bullion among th sub&cri bers, whoso names are received re- Tions o xne zin oi jwniijf y " f tlv than on anr Drerioaa yenr. Ansostr th kadimr works in Sctilptaresrexefcul ed ' in tbd fihsst J6frb- is Tie er i nd beatitifiil Statute of ,the H l oo U N Y M I' ll ' ! -.- The Unsta ff tha Thrce Great American Stalesinen CLAY, W EBSTEU, & C A L I ! O UN, ; Alio the ex qn brie Ide l Bnst, ' '. ' S 1 11 1 s o,; ' " APOLLO AXJ) JDIANZi. IN 1IAKBLE, LIFE SIZE. .it,' Together with the fo!lt wing Groups and 8tataes in Carrara, JaarsA' of the YESU&AXD AllFLE; PSYCHIS; MAGDALEN i UlllJUU of t& iJLA ; JAAVUEiVUJS: 1 CA PTIVE BIRD; and LITTLE TRUANT With numeicns works in Eroyze, and a collectiotn of strrernl luindred . - I I 07 Icodincr rtiss; . , i ( The whole of which are to be distributed, or allted i mpnt thi subtscribers w ioae names art" refleied hie- ! fous to tiro ! 1 Twenty-Eighth q( January," '57, nhen the- Disirihution will take plaee. i ' ! ' TERMS of Sulviriptton l 1 Ercrv enbsc iber of Three Dotlar i entttled to j A copy of the splendid Steel Engraving, p'Stiturday R ihf'ora copy of any of the following $3 lIcgaMDes tar vear; also . . i . I :- I A copy of the frt Jjnrnal one rear, and ; 1 A Ticket in the AhnuaZ Distribution of 17oits of An. : : - ... -.. i Thtia, fir every 58 paid, a person hot enly gats a fceautifal EnraTiuff or Jfag,zine one yearj bnt al?o reccivea the .4rt Journal one year and a Ticket in the Annual Distribution, makinr four doiars worth of reading Rafter beeides the ticket,. by which alva rraVe painting or piece of statuary may be received in addition. ,i . .. 1 j ' Those who prefei' Magazines in the engraving 'Saturday night,' can have either of the fo&oYving o year: harper's .J-ngazine; Godey's Lidy's Book United States Magazine, Knickerbockcrl'Uagazine Graham's Magazine, IJIacknoods Hagazinie, Souher Literary Messenger, . ' 1 ! ' No person is restricted to a sing e share. Those taking Gve memberships, remitting- $15, nre entitled to six iugraviDgs, and to six tickets in the distribulion, r .my five ot ihe , ilagazincs one ear, and tix .tidketH. Wl: j A'--- .fcrfons, in remittins? funds for membership,- will rleas registe. tho letter a the Post Office, to present tens; on receipt of which, n ceriiiieafe of Membership together ,wi tli tbe Engraving or -agazina desired, nri be forwarded loaoy partW tbe" country, ' -f ' L i For farther particulars, see the Jforeniber -Al t Jour nal, sent fre on a; plieation. " ' ;' , . For Diembership nSdress C. L. DERIiV. iAL A.. 84 Bropdwa.v, N. , Y. or Yetrn OlBce, 16Q Water ' ' . JA'& STEPHENS' . . - T - 4r 4. intjstrated New. Alontbly. Conducted by Mn. Ann 8. Stcpliens , Anthir of Fashion fc Famine, Vld UomesteaJ,' etc. )evo ted to Tales, Kom.nces, .Illustrations, Art, - iaud General Literaturcl Kach .number bfttil.ifuljy erobellishetl in the finest style of J Food Illuetra- . tion. '- ; ; ' '- j ; Ii This Magnzin is different ill iabnd cHaraefer frotu any other American periodical. Its size is thafof a Brnall quarto, a grade of pageg peeuikrly adaye-l 16: the introduction of Kngraving of a LargciTKl Imposing character, in hich depart Kientespa pains will be taken to mate itl su Eerioi-to anything aver offered to the pnblic. The est artists are cn.,-aged npon it, and its illustra tions will be of a character to cminentlv beautify the work.- . , J i.Tlie most distinguished AmeriJa:r Aurora are engaged npon its lit-erary department, and the editor large exerienee in the wants a i popu lar Magazine, will secure the production of a penodical, varied, fresh original.' euperior--its contents especially' provided with the view of j cwHiujs l n lines ana tirades throughout the .country ; anu ot rendering it distinetly J ! jf .AN AMEHrCAN MAGAZINE; i njthe first July number was eoramenced. with hyJrs. Ann S. , tevens -also the first new-novei Chapiters OI.JLOVE IX 76. hv anfhor c.f 111 o . t... J -. Airs. r. Lllet, the celebrated authored, havino been engaged will ei)body the rsVjfe of her labors jn a eerie? of pa pew. to be tailed X'hk FiftBsiDri'or Thi RkVoxutiox; whirh will be oommencedin an M,f th' WafeiBef .3d or 4th, and be WftutiMTv .illn.trntcd.bv Dallas.; These papers r r u.USa.jic in America and we are .. mwmi e sny, equal - to the best. : j CLUB TERMS. " i i Tliree copies for one vear $4,00 The iWasrazine mav 1g fi.OO f enod ica 1 A sen t$. or th I n hi ;cv, tu -. ' .eonslttuted agents. Subscriptions tnnvUimin.. V ' , 1 IllMSLl.f.f-11 with any month and continue for anv length of time. Specimen copies sent grafis toiWtnTasters orf Agents. Agents wanted to procure subserip tiens, to whom liberal term? are extended.! OfiSce ; Pubheauea, l2rKassau st. N. York;. I Fa l l and Wi n i e r Hyle of I-EWIS PHELPS, I 7 a. x uuorms nis numerous a.A'tomcrsand the public yenrnlli?' that 1, ICUS- inert- .4 , r . O 'J t " US has -Vj. VU1 LIJV e Northern Citiesj where he j ru.i-uj,cu ana is now dnenimr t KfoM.i a 71 "re,?t larg ortmcnt of , ! ( ItilADY MADE CLuTH NG , - of the very latest style and superior make ' tnderShirts Dress Shirts. Drawers, Collars, ,. ; I i vats, Mufflers, Silk Night Cups, -and nearly all the articles found in a Ueatlcman's furnishing store. . . . ..11.11 , . I ai,JOUiUShHIlU ! A vva avnuu me has also received an extensite asEortthetit of Iftrtlr KPnnrn PL I .i , . . i "Ia:1:" !V 1 oeae up m the very fcest 1 srriSes; "j ?. flatters hiniself -"..uj, yracucc- m ma ime of busiries " s-vu-hwcwwukvcs mat ne hasioirm versai1' "Macon i , warrants him im inviting caUtbciore imrehase elsewhe L? thicks very body cau be suited kt hi esi re land tablibh l . J-fi - ll,c 'e style, . uu warn tti Tin inno. i,i.r. r . . , . ' Blank' tdn nts for- saL nt Mil Office. , - " : Sale of Lands -BroT71' BJue Gr3en ni Dshha Clothe Hain ad figured Black and Fancy' Casslmeres Hush VtWet. plain Black asd fir,.,J ;iv v".fiJ 1 SELECT SGHQQk fTX ILL re-open his School on the 1st el Oct. 1 VV . ber, in the Odd Fellows jlTall, with superior &avantagesoi aceommocuuiou. uuu itrwuwo. Thorough instruction gcn in all branches of Entrlndi and Clawioalstudy. preparatory to enter iiigCoPege or mercantile pursuits.,, ., j , .,--. lie refers to He Rev. - Horatio Potter, D. P., of Kew York, and to the Hev JI.tF Greene of Christ Church, Newbern. He is prepared alio to present Other reference of a high char acter, j -i r-- . September Sd 186.-"' . i I" 43 tr - FOR A IL" 6 a ii To tlie County of Cra en. Xaccordanjco with the proyisions of (he Act of I Assembly, incorporating tho "Atlautie and JS'orth Carolina Kail Iload Company,! the Jovnty 6f Craven has 'subscribed to theNCapital 6'tock of said m.5anv, one hundred and lifty f thousand dnllar - tV;?. ' -S! v! 5 f !; ' ! '' ) In Crder to meet. the instalments which may lo due, and which may hereafter peeora ape onsaia Subscription; the said; County proposes to negoti ate a loan, or loans, to be securied by .he bonds of the County . ' .. t:K - . . '!; . By the oi-der dirceting the issue o said bonds, theW will bear interest at the rate of six per centum per "jraim,pavab!e setniahnvully at the "Merchants Bank of Kew'bern" or at the "Fulton Bank of New York," at the option of the holdr. Xh,ese bonds will be redeemable on the first dayj of July one tlionsand etizht h'uti died, and teventy foiir, aud not Uefbr7 without '. tlie 'consent of j the I holder. A The oonds will be issued writh Coupons attached, which will render the cdllection of the interest pimple and easy. ' I "'-l 5 ,'';v V':':''' I'i-. : j ' . ..." ITie security iipon which said bonds will be based, will be real estate and taxable polls of the (ponhty of Craven. The .present assessed val ine of the real estate of the County, is one million dne hundred Qnd nine thousand eight hundred and t'ff6ney-twodoUarz, n(l the number of taxable polls is three thousand jive hundred and, eigldy-htp. Proposals for said loan will be received; and ail dther neocsaarv informatioi upon thh eubjeet ; will be furnished by the subscf-'bers: on cpplieatiejn to tihem at ISewberrfi' . " :r GEORGE O KEEN. "I- .Agents for GEO. S..STVUYEJNTN. f Crayon Co County. Newbern, Sept. 15, 1854. 1tf COPARTNERSHIPi NQTCK. 'j FIIE tirrderBigfied .would respectfully announce X to tne citizens 01 ewbern ana surrounaing eountry, that thej have this aav ertterca into oopartuership under the name and farm ot where they w ill carry on at the old stand former ly occupied by C. A. art, a general rrianufactir. iHng business of Tin', Sheet, Iron TiVarts. v ' ' v'i-'" and Copper -hC. A. Hart. - " " Horace Hart. Persons indeb-te'1 to Q. A . Hart ei JlJl tbor by No'e or accoutjt vrill please iome .forward and settle up, and tlio?6 having plains will present them for payment before ijhe 1st of u!y, as I am desirous tf settle up foy indivdnal buisidese bv tliat" titr N. C.i MUTUAL LIFE Insnrasice C"oMp;9y. ' -. OFFK'E, RALEIGT, N i 'fFHIS Company insures the lives bf lindividua's L forone year, a terra of years, or for life, tin tlie Jutua! Principle, the assured for lifi participa ting in fhe profits of the Company, for, policies a;rantod for the whole term of life, when the pre inm ! therefor amounts to S0, a note may be given fbr one half the amount of tlie .premium, bearing i nteresf. at 6 per cent, without guaranty), The prompt manner in which all lpa?9 have been peid;by this Compaoy, together with. tlie low rates of premium, present gret inducements to such as a re diosed to insure. : : ! i j ' Slave's are insured for a terra of frpnj one tofire enrs, for two-thirds their value. ' '--AH losses are paid within 90 days after satisfae- t pry preof is presented. ; y DIRECT RS. ) fjliar es E. Johnson',-' m. D. Haywood, jjamesF. Jordan, (ticntin Busbee, I. W. Ousted, Trh. IV. Holden, Wm. D. Codkt R. If. Battte, Trm. II. Joriei, IV F. TescndJ Wr H. McKee, Seaton Ca'es. -Charles B. Root. Dr. Charles E. Johnson, Presideut.; Win. D. II ay wo d, Vice President, John C iniliams. Secretary, ; Wm. 11. Joues, Treasurer, l II. W .Busted, Attorney, harles J. Johnson, M4. William iK McKee, M. I).' Board cf . Uation. ' liichard 11. Harwood, M. D. GonH R. II. Ratte ) W. w. Holden, I V Execu&i&s oniikitUe, C. B. Root, J. HER8MAN, Gtnvral AginL For further information, the public are! referred the pamphlets, ond forms of proposal, which mav be dbtained at the Office of the Company, Or any of its Agencies. ' ; t . j : Communications shoulu be. addressed, (post paid) to ' dOtilN ti. V 1LLIAMS, secretary. Application mav be made to the Sul pscriber, Agent. AliE-M. MlTCIIEJjL, bo o 4 b subscriber havingjnst, returned from the I is orfch where he ha- thorouahlv rcnlenished his itockof Drug, Jedieines,Paint3iOn3,Dve-stufiTi?Per- i fnmery Glassware, dre-Vand made arrangements to " ecu re his future supplies from the rhost reliable sources, ojters the same - at the most reason able prices, and on the most accommodating tierms. His policy has always been to make small & frequent importations,! thereby insuring at all mes a fresh stock. ' An .experience of almost fif een -years in the above b uisn ess, a t( bis" present bcation, enables him to Judge of tlie wajnts of this jctiori of country, and his supply will always be. 0 end adequate. to the' demands lie begs to re ti rn his thanks for .tlie patronage hertofore so L beray extended, and resDectf.ilv. to solicit iti ntinnvne e " . i - ew u Vf O R G E. A L L EN H ' no in; store a large-stock of IaI5 & W iater Duv o o 1 s,!-viz: Rich Dress bilks. Pepelins. 'Merinoe?, He .nines, TrimV inings, Ac, longht on the best tenns ; tO which he invites particular' attention. ' , , -j Having enlarged my More, and crrea'tl v increa d im stock, I teeleOufident that I can 'offerfroods I'jicm uai, win pay iuy eustomera to continue uicir j uterai patronaire. , - Oeteber 2, 1856. CELLING at Cost and no humbu 0. S. PRIMROSE. C. S. S.2rJ E20SE," offers his entire Stoek of staple and Fancy Drt Goods at i 1 1 . 1 4 ' ' ;XaJ - V I- - i I llll IIW I JE WELR Y 'JE WELlt 1 r- -1 - iT IJBT ' opening for the. inspection bf ; J the r.ublie,; th largest, most' tho-. roughly assorted, and ; complete lot of Jewe'ry; Ac.' botV.a& regardfiifelegance f etyle;, tittish and ibtrinsi'o-YaJde of ma terial, ever before ered". to thia com--Having ieen purchased from the IMaxu- rjtcrrnEua themselves, the subscriber ha& no hesi I tation in saying that Ida Prices cannot' be eompe ted with except in wholesale; establishments in a large cities. Persons buying to . sell again, can save Insure nee, Freight -&e.j by givingjliim a eal VST ALL . GOODS WARR ANTED JfOJB WOREL executod promptly, and in the most workmanlike manner. - A' thorough ex perience in the business in all its details gives the subscriber i uii assurance, that oi tboser who- em ploy him none will go av ay dissatisfiod. j..'.- , P. S. The times beingsomewhat stringent, good bonds will be taken at fairrates Jn exchange fot goods whenever it will be an" accommodatjon to the purchaser. . Olo"ber loth,' 156. ..'v jS tf MUSIC! MUStC!!gMSlC THE subscnoer; respectfully Informs the citizens Newborn and adjoining counties, that he hus opeo ed a Piano Forte Ware room on Broad Street, opposit the Washington Hotel, where may je fouiid a hue as sortment ot Musical Instruments, consisting of Pianos Melodions, : Violins, Guitars, Accordions, concertinos. Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes Clarionets, Flageolets, Tanibo- rines JJanjos &c. Also a large collection cf. Sacred . : tw a.i-j TT xr. i j ii munitv usic W'n1 ( cal that this remedy is - really deserting. the great ce Boston Academy, southern Harmony and Musical I , ,u,.:fjl .?.... . Companion, The Shawm a Library of Church Music, Instruction Books Hunters instruction ind Betits method for the Piano, Primers for the sajme Schie ders Practical Organ School Whites instruction on ths Melodion. M. Carcassi for the OuitaH also inatnic-. tion books by different authors for all kind of musical instruments There may be found among the sheet music, all the new. pieces and: having made arrange ments in the Northern citiesj shall receive all new music as soon as published a small stock of Station afy, ail ot wnicn will oe soia i ai isew iforK prices. He is Agent for Messrs. Geibe and Jackson, ant Bacon . ana Ravens, Celebrated Piano Fortfcs also George A- Prince & Co., 1st. premium Melodions. Persons wishing to purchase any of-the above will do well to call and see hint ; -i j Be will also give lessons on the Piano Forte, cora menc.ing.ou the 1st of ...October. ..Terms per Session of 24 lessons, , ' . i 12 00 Na-t b crn. Scot e mber 20th. 1S8. 20 tf SAND'S SARSAPARTLLA. IN QUART BOTTLES. For Purifying the Blood, and for the cure o Scrofula, Rheumatism, Stubborn Ulcers, Dyspepsia Salt-Rheum, Fever Sores, Erysipelas, Pimples, Biles, Mercurial Diseases, Cutaneous Erup tions, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Consumption, Female Complaints y Loss of Appetite,. General i Debility, &e. IN this preparation all the rvsstoratire properties of the the root are concentrated in their utmost strength & efficacv; but while Sarsaparilla Root forms an im port ant part of itseombinatio'ri, itis.at the sruneti..ne,compound edwith other vegetable remedies of great power,& it is in the peculiar combination and scientific mnnncf of its preparation, that its remarkable success in the qurc.of disease depends. It acts siftiultansouplynpon the Stomach, the circulation and the hou-el, and thus th ? froces?es, which are ordinarily the result of three erent kinds of medicine, are carried on at the same time, through th instrumentality of f ft is -one remedial agent which gently stimulates while it .disinfects and expels from the stomach and lowels nil fliat is irrita tibg, and at. the same time restoros tlieir visror and tme. Many otker 'preparations imitd it in beaiing the name of Sarsar arilTa, and in that their resemblance ;ends, being often prepared from worthless and inert roots, and. ot course possess no heaiinor or curative i properties, nndpr.tienta in nrnking choiecof which ther "j 1 1 1 l I'll J x ii should laKe no omer, oui mat oneenmiea to ineircon fidence, from the long list of cures it has ejected on living vitnesses, whose testimonials, and residence have been published, and wh arc still' bearing daily stimony to its worth. ASTON IS'niNG CUIiB. .Patterson, uV. 1, 20th, 1S51. ilessrs. A. I. A D. ands: Gentlemen, Having witnessed the most beneficial effects from the use of your Sarsaparilla, it gives me pleasure to send you the following 'statement in regard to my son. " In the spring of 1848 he took1 a Revere cold, and after eight weeks of severe suffering the disease settled in his left leg and foot, which aoon svrelled -to the ut most. The' aweli was lanced bf liis rhvsician. and discharge than eiever one time none re him so e leave h:-s b - -rofusely; after that no less i ned oh the leg and foot at five different ; Physician?, but much ; and the lant. winter found d and low that he was untble to ufferina the -most excruciatiag pain. During this time the bone had1 become so much af fected that piece after piece came otit,:of which he has now more than twenty-five preserved m a bottle varying front one half to one and a half inches in length. We had given up all hopes cf his recovery, but at this timewe were induced t o try your Sarsaparilla, and rith its use his health and appetite began immediately to improve, and so rapid was the change thatlcss than a dozen bottles effected perfect cure. j VV ith gratitude, 1 remain truly vonfs, , , DARIUS BALLARD. e the undersigned neighl ors of Mr Ballard -iheerfr.lly'subscribe to the facts of the above state- tnent. H. & R. . Havt, -Reo. T. Dean," A. 51. Town bridge, C. Eastwood. I Prepared -and. sold, wholesale and retail by A. B feD. SA3TDS, DrnggieCs and Chemists, lOOFulton t. corner of William, New York. iold also by Druggets geneally throughout the Lrnited States nd Canadas Price $1 per bottle '; six bottles for 5. For sale by r I. DISOSWAY, Newbern J. B: Kellv.Kenanrvil Andrews &, IFashington,' Ooldsoro' J. Dav Was?hington. 7A,5,EI an! active, honest mah in eaeh section of the -tate to taVe orders bv sn.mnle fcrr it A t L1BT 10 R'S IlOMCKOPATIIlf REME DIES.' To active ron a liberal monthly salary and fair commission will be' aid. Address (with etamp to prepay answer.) ; dk. j. s. McAllister. Jersey Ciiy, . 7 N. J. Feb. 2ad, ISSt- 3 4t i HO At ESTEA D FOR $10 ! . " , SECOND DIVISION. $310,000 worth of Farms and Building Lots. ; 11 the Goldregion of Culpepper countv, Tir gmia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers on the 13th of April, 1857. -Subscriptions only ten dollars each; one half down, the rest on the delivery of thf Deed. Evry subscriber wifl get a Bui'dmg Lot or a Farm, ranging in valne from Klto $25.000.. TheseFarms and lots are sol so cheap to induce settlements, a sufiioierit number being reserved, the increase in tFe value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked: ; . .' " -; - - A company of settlers, called The Bappahan-" a ock Pioneer. As3cciat1on,, i. aovr forming" and will commence a settlemn4. in fhsAX, ai- seouniv-wiu oe g rity will be given for the faithful iterformanc. faithful peiformance of contracts and ' promises. Mre Agents are wanted to obtain to whom ihe most liberar indTl cements wil be given. Some Agents write that they are making $200 per mciith. I.Advertising. will, b i 'done for every Agent where possible. For fulZ particulars, Subscriptions," Agencies, t. '-, . Apply to E. BAUDER, Port Roya Caro line County, Va. Oi to TH03. 'BICHARDiON WA NTED IMMEDh TEL Y. ' i A X" T r T . fw s-. , ' !i , i ywsnr." Bcrfjnire at ftisOSSesn l rnr DOCTOB HOOIXaOTS r GERM A N B I T T ER . . i : Hi. CU. JACK60H, Phila'd, Pa, : lirer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Chronic or .Nervtn Debility, Disease of th 'ICid-i . ne$9, and all di$tac art sing from tz , ' , disordered Liver or Stomach.' J ' :' - " " v'-':: - 'rf such " , . -.,"'. ; 1 . as Coastrna ; " . tibnInwarji Pilei - , , " ; Fulness or Blood to the . I- 4. . 'Head, Acidity of the Stomach, j . : v - ' Nausea, Heartburn, Disgost for Food, .. - Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour i Eruc tations, Sinking or I iutteribgat the Plto th Stomach, Sw rnmingoT the lleaa,uiurriea ana ouncu.it ureave ing," Fluttering at the-Heart, Choaking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, Dfainess of Vision " Dots of webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pa'o in the Head", Deficiency of Perspiration -'leliowness otine ouu auu jes, a aa -. . . ; n the Side, Back, Chest, Limns, ie, Sudden Flushes, of II rati , " Burning in the Flesh Con ' v.,.-. stant Imaginidgsof , Evil, and creat ' ; - . ,. . . : . : Depression of ; - j " . - '...' -', bniiits. , . i The proprietor invcailing the jaltention of tbe pub lice-to, this preparation,! does so .with a feeling of the utmost eoniidencein its virtues and adaptation to the masses for nbich it i3 recommended. H is no new and untried article, buf one that has stood the itest of a ten years' trial before the American pcop e, end its rcpwttion and sa!' ia nuriralled by any similar preparations extant. The testimony fn its favor given by the most prominent rand well Mown Physician and individuals in all parts of tbe country is lmuiense, and a perusal of the Almanac, published annually by the proprietor," and to be had gratis of any of hia Agents, cannot but satisfy the most skepti lebrtv it has obtained j Princiijbl Oulce and Manufactory; N. 96 ARCH St., Philad'a. Pa. -r--' ' ''y - ,' Tcstibionj from North Carolina AstonHhlGg i fiV ets frcmr fcc Cernan Bitters-''. Certificate of Dr. TV. SMITH, of Pine Hill, Eich .i mond countv. N C, March 4 1854. ' ; v 0n C.il Jacksoo,hilad'a. Dear Sir, I have been a subject ief Dyspepsia in its worst form, for j tbe last five years!. . .Such yViia my condition er twelve monthe that the -Physicians and ail who saw me said I mnst die. While in his condition, I was carried to 'the watering-places io Virginia, Tennessee and North Ca rolina, but was not benefitted by any water to which I was taken. While on my iwav home,, I stopped a week at Euthtrfordton, a small village in North CaTo lina, to try the effect of some Chalybeate water iu that place About the ?R?t of the weck.1 went intoa drug store to get some medicine for my ehild and my self. There were several of the village phvsicians . m the store, and one olhem geemed to take some interest in my ca?'e, and after asking me ome que3ticus, said he had bcen a dvppeyttic. and been greately benefit ted by thi use f.f 'Dr. ocfind's4 German Bitters, "i firepfred bv von, and he insisted that 1 wouid try the Utters. . IIe,"aho, called the next day at niy room, and iusisted so mush that I would try them that I ask ed him to.get me one bottle. : He did it, and commen ced takinff it' as directed, ad I do say Was more benefitted by it than all then water andmedicine I had tTertakenijsilC 1 ' Afer reaching home, one of my neighbors came to ma for a prescription and medicine, (he a dyspeptic) and I gave him nearly all the Bitiers 1 had left; which effected much good i-, his case." He has often called cn me f r nio-e of the same kind of medicine, saying he was more benefitted by it than any other he had taken, but I have not beeu able to get any more for hini or myself since; will you, therefore, please ship me a dozei or mon as soon as possible f I - . W. .SMITH, J.D. GREAT CXJEE OF PILES. Certificate of IV. J. Ahcovd, IlunUviUe, Yadkin i jV. C., Nov. 1,1853. " : Dr. C. JM. Jackson. Dear Sv Allow me to ex. press to you my sincere thanks for your discovery of a medicine, which, to say the leaslof it, has effected- cure that all cher mediciues that I have taken have entirely f tilled to do. 'IooftandV Geima'n Bitters" have cvreiii m-e of the mast stubborn and aggravated case of tJie Piles that, perhaps, "ever fell to fhe lot of man. Sly case is? not a stranger to this community aa I am well knowin la this and lhesurronnding comities, and can truly say that my recovery has astounded all my friends and relations, as I had tried verything recom mended, ind nothing did me any good until 1 was pre vai!td upon to try the Bitters. You are at liberty to make any p?c of rhi s communication, for the benefit of the afflicted, you mav think proper. . Tnyyour, " WM. J. AT WOOD! Thes fiitters are entirely vegetable, posses ing great advimtnge OTer every mineral preparation, as they neveprosf ale, but always strengthen the system Price 75c. per bottle. bld by Druggi-ts andtore kcepers irt every town and village in the United States and Canad'as. For al0by JasJ W Conner, I. Disosway, F. S. Buffy end 1. S. HughNcwborn, N. C; W. A.J. Pollock, Kinston Dr. W. 11 l.uc,'noW Hill. 17"IKE Soaps, Starch, an dBlueing, for sale by i ' : V. S. DUFFY DR, H. F. PERRY'S Verniifuge OK r FOR WORMS. - A highly valuable Preparation, capable from Ihe Prcouptiiude of its action, of clearing the ' ! System in a few hours of every . - j Worm. I Ther is perhaps no disease to-whieh Childreji are exposed so common and fatal as Wormjs ; the3r imitate the symptoms of almost every other com plaint, ami often produce the most alarming effects before thy are suspected, 21ie Symptoms which are produced by the irritation of worms in -the bowels, ahd which with soine degree of certainty indicate their existence, areias follows : Counte x nee palje, tongne whitely furred, grihding-of the teeth, fetid breath, stomach hard ayl swelled, wasting ojf the flesh, sickness andjainjrinthe sto-, mach.'-bovrels either too cirtive or too" loose, great fretfulness, unnatural craving for clay, dirt or chalk, colic, convulsions, fits, fec., fee. , tore, Nottoway 'Co. Vd., May 25th, 1849. Gextlemeix: Your "Dead jhot" Vermifuge has been introduced into the practice oi some of our best phyfcieians, who highly recommend it for its valuable -Seffects in expelling worms. Its efficacy has also been tested by several of our friends, one of whom feaid to .us a few days since, that two tea spoonfuls jbrought away Oie Hundred and Eighty large worms from a child of hi3, twenty-eight months old. If necessary, we could give you the names, of several of the most resetabjeamilies in this vicinity, who have used it with the happiest success, and from our own observation and experi ece we can safely, testify to its uniformly gooa ef est. j Vours respectfully, j , JEFFBES & BBU CE. Frice 25 cents per vial. Prepared and sold wholesale ana retail by A. B. fc D. i AND, Druggists, 1 00 Fulton st., corner of William. New York. S : tsld by 1. DISOSWAY, Newbern, atidby Drug gist generally throughout the United St ates. f . - e- - -'' SHAD HERRING SEINES r - Drag and Set Nets. Mullets, Blue fiali. Trout, tc, in Bbls. Hairi Mo. Shook, and Hav Matrns3e' " ' r ea there, sc. ' - . nle low by ' GEO. F. TISIH.B. Near the Old County Wharf,' E. RI.CKS,-. DRUGGIST.' ! -t HAYING bought oat the entire stock of Drugs Medicines, Chemicals, etc., of Dr. CB. White head, rece'nt successor to T. j. Hughes - Esq., corner of. Poliok and Craven streets, respectfully anr oun ces to th citizens of Newbern 'and surrounding country.' that . the budness; will be carried on as heretofore, xnd he hopes by assiduity and prompt ness to business, , to merit and receive a ? liberal ohare of their patronage. "t . . , ; u - -, '. . :- erH" All prescriptions wilf be put up with care and dis patch, by his efficient Clerk, Mr. J. V. Jordan, To Physicians andMercbants". f the country; he begs leave to say, that special atteRtion will be given te their orders, with- the usual deductions. N. B. This .arrangement will net interfere with my practico as' Dk&tai.- Scrgeos, which I shall con- tinueas heretofore. I mar.be found at all times Newberu, Nov. 4th, ..'at.: i '" "LET US REASO - ' lTtV HDLL'OWAYJS TIIiLS:. WHY ARK WE .SICK?. It has been the lot of the human race- to fee weighed down b'' - disease and suffering. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS are speciallv adapted to the relief, of the -WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE and the INFIRM, of all climes ages; sexes and constitutions Professor Holloway presonally i superintends' th manufacture of his medicines, in the JJnited States, and ofTer8 thera to a, free and enlightened people aa ihe best remedy -the world ever.satr for tho temoval oi aisease. . - t- THESE "PILLS PURIFY THE- :V ' " : BLOOD. 1 ; These famous Pills are ex)ressly. combined to ope rate on the stomach the-liver, the kidnevs the lungs the skin, and the bowels, dorreetingany,deran;ement in their fountain - of life, and. thus curing disease in all its forms. t ''' ': ' , v . ' '"-. DYSPEPSIA :'k tlVE C01II5L11ST. ;Nearlt half the human raee have taken tfcoset Pills It has been provedj in 11' parts of-the world, that nothing has been found equal to theni in cases of dis orders of the liver, dyspwpMa, and- stomach ctm plaints generally ' They soon a give healthy tenc to . hese organs, however much deraged, and when rail tahcr means have failed. ' r-r 5jJA x i : -,r : General DebiHt 111 Health. r ilanv of the most despotic Governments have open ed tneir AJUSlOm UOQse o iue uihuuuciivu "i Pill,t they may become the medicine is the best remedy iever known forepersons of deJieite heabh, o wherts tnen hus been impaired., as its .invigorating properties never fail to afford relief. ' FEMALE COTlI?I.AITTS: No female young or old, "should be without this celebrated medicine, it corrects and regulates the monthlv courses nt nil periods, actin In manv eases i . tiJ i 11.. Jk a. e like a charm. It is also the best and safostmedicine 4 that can be given to Children of -all ages, and for any cotnplaioti consequently no .family should be with out it Hdlloivaif s Pills are the best remedy laioivn itthc ivqi-ld for ' Vie following diseases : ; Asthma; Diarrhoea 1 Indigestion Influenza Inflammation Stone and i G.ravel, Secondary . Sjmp omi Iu w rd If eakness Liver Com -plaints Pifes Bowel Com- Dropsy niints Debility Coughs Fevsfnd Venereal Af Aeue fetions t;olds Ch'st Diseases Female Com-Worms of all Costivenes3 ' plaints kinds . . Dvspcpsia Headaehes L'wn'ss of " I ; . : Spirits. .. "5old at the Jfanufaetory of Professor Bollowat, SO Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand Lojidon by all respectable Druggists xnd Dealers in Medici ie throughout the United States, and the civilized-world in boxesat 25 cents, 62" cents, and 1 each. :,t -t&. There is a considerable saving by taking the rger sizes. r 1 . .. - : N. B. Directions f6t the guidsree of patients no ery disordered are affixed to each box. CJaiatlota.- -None -are genuine - unless the vroTdslIIolloway, New York and London," -firti dis cernable as a iccui;nark in every leaf of the beok of directions around each pot or box; the : same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one ren dering such information aa mav lead to the detec- j tion of any party cr parties counterfeiting theme-l-dicinee Or vemJing tli same, knowing them to be p,urious. ! CARTER S PANISH MIX ! ORE j TrtB GRKAT PKMFIER OF THESLOODf Tlie Best Alterative" Known! ! Not a Particle of Mercury in it ! An infalliable remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rhcn matism, Obstinate Cutaneous Fruptions, Pimples or I'Ostules on the FaccUlotches, Boils, Ague a r- I i-k- ana rever, enrooty oorc eves, liingwonii, or letter, beaSd-head, lnlaTg'ement : ndpain of the Bones and Joints, ; Salt Eheum, Stubborn Ulcers, . : Syphilitic Disorders, gnd . all diseases arising from . an injudicious use of Mercury, Imp! udence in Life, or Impurity, of the Blood. This sreat remedv. which has become so rapidlv and so justly eelebratcd for its extraordinary efficacy in reliering and curing many of the most Obstinate and terrible forbis of disease with whjch mankind is afTiic tcdis now offered to the publi2, ' with the confident assurance that no ilEnioAL oiscovert ever mane has been so eminently successful ia curing Scrofcla and all diseases of thk Blcod, as Cai ter's Spanish Mixtu-e. The proprietors are receiving by every mail most flaitcring ond astotiishing details of cure's i made in allpaits of the connrry, snd in jmo'st casea where ihe the skill;of the best Pbysiciafts had beeH tried in vaii. Its power orr the litoon i truly remarkable, and alt diseases arising frOm impurity of that Skat of Lira have been relieved and cured with ut a singl failure out of the thousands who Lave used it. Carter's vpanish Mhtfure contains no Mcrwry, Ooium, Arsnic, or any dangerous drugs, but is con.posed of Roots and Herbs, pombined with other ingredients of known Sirtue, and may be givan to the youngest infant or most debilitated invalid, without the least possible hesitation. .... . ' " . We have only room .rfir short extracts frni the volumes of testimonyan our- possessionand ail from pentlemen of. the highest, respectability, well knowu n their various locahtis. Please read for yourselves. We take great pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the merits of Carter's Spanish Mixture as a remedV for diseases ot the blood,' it enjoys a reputation m this city, unequal Jed bvaqy, other pre pistation; Daily Uispatch, ilichmond Vo. ; i - The Hon. Jno. , M. Botts, of Va.', says, he considers it a matter of duty to add liis testimony to trie virtues of Carters Spanish - Mixture, -from acibal pesoxal otisruvatiox of its' remarkable, curative "pmvers for tho diseases in which it is used. i We have been cured?of-a violent and protracted Liver disease bv Jusrter a Spanisn .Mixture. s we Know it to be all it professes. : j , : Ed. Son ihside Democrat, PefersbnrgT; VaJ We havefouud from pessonal tria', t hat Carter s Spanish Mixture is a truly valuable medicine. rd. Vergennes Independent, Vt. T - f r -; GBEAT. CURE QF SCROFULA. A pressman in our employ w8S.,cured of Scrofula fo a virulent cha racter bv a few bottles Carter's Spanish Mixture, ftev everything else had failed Other cures which have come unacr xror own oDservauon, pro iu u conclusively, that it is really a valuable medicinal ageotU We take great pleasure J if calling' the atffin tion7of the afHicted to its merits. ,- V -1 . . - ! ; IRichmond Republican. - SVPITIT.1S. T have seeir a "number of cures.of Svrhilis pirformcd by v arter's Spanish Mixture. I "believe it to Jbe a perfect antidote for that hprnble E. B tJRTCfN. oisease. d- Com. of Rivenne for Citv of Richmond."' '. "LIVER DISEASE. Samuel M Drinker,' bf the fii ni of Drinker & Morris, Booksellers Richmond, Va., was cured of Liver disease of several yeari standing bv onlv three bottles of Carter's .Spanish Mixture. OLD SORES, ULCERS AND OBSTINATE ERUP TIONS OF THE SKIN See; tbi , cure of Mr, liar wood, and others, detailed in ou Almanac. The num ber of such eases cared by Carters 6'pamsb Mixture, precludes the possibility of inserting them inan ad vertisement. .- "- :. ', ' EFFECTS OF MERCURY. See the cure f Mr. Elmore, .-j lie was eaten up t with Mercury, and could obtain no! relief. .untij; he took six bottles of Carter's Spanish . Mixture; which perfectly restored him to health and vigor - . - , NEURA IXJIA Mr. F. Boy den, formerly of the N; Y but more recently mnpriefor of ' . 7 . T . was curea oi ieurai- Since that time, he ore than a nunarea ca.es oi toe pis- ease in whichlt is used, fie never fads to recommend it to the afflicted. ,: '"' RHEUMATISM Mr. John F. Harrison, DruggisC of iartinsburg, va.; writes of the singular cure of a violent case of Rheumatism. -The paient could not walk. A few bottles entirely cured him. l. CR0FULA-r-Mr Harrison - also writes of a great! cure ofjiScofu"ay? in the person of a youag lady, (o tnree years standing,-) which all tbe doctors couldnot reach.; Six bottles made a perfect cure of ber. SYPHILIS Dr. R. T. Hendle of Washington, V CV. whd cured-an obstinate case of Syphilis by Car tef 'a Sriiish Murtnro, saya, "it acts sjetiaiiv a, Ja- the Exchange Hotel. Kichmona.: oiahv Carter's Snanish Mixture.' n - ' - . . has seen it cure m mond-now.of. Alabama. itara h ?. a. Spatiiflh Mixtore: administered in a number of iLV 77. v r , . v ls- "e recommends It m. the most efficient alterative in ue. .j " " -SALT BIIEUJk AKD SCROFULA -Mr. - Jos uA. binsoo. of Woester. .Ohio.- wn mwi) hf r...." r7 Salt; Rheum, of three years atandiDg, bv onlrllir Wn. S. BEEUS & CO - Pccp'rs, On Saturday, the 3rd fy.y of Janu - t - ary, 1857,:- ; ' nAKPER & BUOTHEKS NYORK - -' -: j- f , , - ' , i ....... w.: .. . . .! Will issue the first' number jf aWe'kly Newepa i berj to be entiiled, j . ' - , 1 ; 11ARPJE&S VfEEKLYj .:;. ;.r-':.-v ;; ' t'J.i . - v j- -. , . : , I ' 'i A Journal -of Civilization .-.i-r ..' - h. j . j J . . ' i They j will spare neither labor norexpense to roake it the best Family Newspaper in the World ' one whose cheerful ; and genial character wiui render it a wecbme"ri&:tor to every' household.'' ! while -its -onstant deTOtion to f the principles of -right and justice shall win the anm-ohst!, ! vise and the good. Ita object will be to set forth sound views on Political, Social, ind Moral que, tions; to diffuse useful information; and to cu'tii vaie uie graces ana amenmes oolite. - '. ', ' ' 'Hat; er's Weekly will coitain"a full and impar- tial summary of the political,' jocial, religious commercial, and literary news of the dar. itn chronicle the leading movement of tlie age re-l cord the inventions of geniue, he disc over inf ftcienceand the creations of art.: It will in a word, aim to present an nceurate and cem'plete picture of the age in which we live. . . . It will also give a due share of a!ention Aiil, taste, the imagination,: and the fellings, "ts regular comenta wui tmora .xaes, incidents of TYavel md Adyenturb, sketches of Character and social Life. and-Fsays upon Arts and Slorals. The. Publishers : have7 made .arrangements with the best American writers, who will contribute to the various Departments of the paper. The lar"- space at their disposal will epable the conductors o avail thernrelves ,pf jump"1 selection frotu the besfc and most -lieoHhTjl literature of tlie old world The-firet number will contain the commencement of Mr. Thackeray new Serial Tae, the publica tion of wh.eh, from early sheet? nurehfl a1 -.r iki. r Author, will be continued from week to wl- i n tiVits conclusion. In addition to thU they will Keep ayiguant.eyc upon th$i issues Of the Eirclish Y i-V-r d "oucai press, the best pro duction of. which .will be transferred to the paper under their charge. . ... (' ; -i HarpeY Weekly is hot intended in anr wiiy to supersede or take, the plaice of Harper's 1 Is tw Monthly agaziue. ,EaeI Periodica wiU confine Ifee f to its own proper sphere ; and no portion of tho contents of fhe one wil.liapjipar in he ofrher. Harper's Weekly will contain : ixtecn pages a the size o' ihe London Illustrated Aic. eneh num. ber ccmprising as nm6h matter as au ordinary duodecimo volume. It wid be printed in a form and upon paper suitable for binding ; r,nd the pages will be tlectrotypedllre Lack numbers enn always be supplied,'. ,o that subscribers wid b. able at any tjme dp complete thir file., Atlh cloe of each volume, nent and appropriate Covr wiil bj prepared for the convenience of thoue who wish to bind theypaper. j ' T ER M jS: ; Harper's Wekki.t will appear every Saturday Morning, and will behold at Five Cent? a Copy. It will be mailed to subserib'ers At the fbllowio; rates, payment being iiivari&hly required in adS- T!,..An n. i n A CI Ann. I ? 1 - 1 . vance : i . - v . One Copy for Twenty Wee Is, 00 to .o 00 00 o do. j qq. fbr one year ; . 3 j do for two years, v-'Five icooiea forone year, I '1 4 9 20 Twelve copjs for one vearj Twenty -five copies for one yejir, , lec. I V, fir. j HARP E NEW MONTHLY if Ugazine. I EacNum her - of the ' Magjizjo e' will cohtr.ih 144 octiiyo pages, in double columns, taeh ye.ir. thus .comprising nearly two thousand pages of the choicest Miscellaneous Literature of the day. Every j number wi'i eontainf numerous ,rictorial Illustrations, "accurate Plates i of the JFash ions, a copious Cbroiiiele of Currcntf Events, and impar tial Notices of the importantbooks;of the- month. The Volumes commence with the,, Number for June and December; but subscriptions may com ment with any number. f .. Terms, T-The . SJagazine Tryiy be obtained of Booksellers, Periodical? Agent?, or from the Pub lishers, at Threes Dollars a year, or 25 ets. a No., The Semi-annuai' Y'olnmesjja completed, Beatly boupd in Clolli,"nre sold at $2 each, and Muslin. Covers are furnished to those -who wish to have' tlieir back Numbers uniformly, bound, at 25 cenU each, jThirtocn Volumes are now ready, bound in cloth, at $2 GO e ch, and also in hklf"Calf, at $2 50 each. - : i f-- . ; . The publishers will supply specimen) : numbers gratuitously to, Agents ahd Postmaster, ad will make liberal nrrangementi with them for eirculr. ting the Magazine. They will al&o supply CJubfy of two persons at. $o a. rear, or five persons at 1C. ' Clergymen and Teachers supplied at 12 a year, . Numbers fromthe comnienctment ean now be supplied. Also the bound volumes ' i Ihe Magazine weighs oer seven: and not over eight ounces. The" Postage." upon each number, Which must Jbe paid quarterly in auance, at the Offieo where the Migaziaej is received, is Three "Cents.-i - y lj : r- ' . The most pop'nlsr mntdy in the world N. T.. Observer. ;f f-. , K: t o Jagazi rie in Enrop or America is so well known ; notie has half a jniapy render? ; andA we may snfely say, none has jcceeivedjso large a trib ute of admiratkm irpra thje (tjultiyflted classes.thfvt 'delight in a hfaftiry. diversified, "eltvating period ical literature. ;. It is the fbi oniost Magazine of the, day. '. The fireside never had a more, .deliglitfu". companion, nor the tnillibna n:ore entertaiiiirg fiiehd;then Harper's Maadnf-Mothodiff Pre- tesauf,m timore. -,f i : .;; - Twenty-five cents buys it i-llie cheapest, richest, , and most lasting Juxury tof Jbe rWfcney ihat wo kno w.. Three dollars secur-- )t for one year, nnd what three dollars ever Jwfent so far f Put . the same amount in cl othes, a3tingidrinking furniture, and how much of a eubstantial thing is obtained -If ideas; facts, and sentiments have . monetary , value abo,ye,Tlf if the humor that, refreshes, fhe pleasantries that bring ft gentle smile, and bright en the paasage of a truth to,your brain,-and. tho , happy eonibination of the real add the imagina-r tiv.e; without whlch'no. one aa life a. life above the animal, are to be put into! the scale opposils to dollars and cents, then yon may be certain.that if Harper1' were three or foarj times as dear, it would amplv- repay its price.; It is a Magazine, pjoper, j with the idea and, purpose of a Magazine not a book, not a scientific periodical nor yet a supplier of 17g'ht goswip and chatty nr.ecdotc- but a Magistrate that tkes every form of inter esting, dignified, 'arid "attractive literature in its grB..-Sovthrnlitnet f ; ' The volumes bound constitute of themselves a library of miscellaneous dreading, sueh as cannot: l . r. .. 1 l, inAnv nf her pub , i;tir.n that baa e.ome under our notice,-i?ofon Courier. ";'.. ;v PRIVATE BOARDING HOUS rHHE Subscriber would inform the eiti- .n3 nf ana in viciauv. iv fed that lanre and commodious, Dwelling House, on I-st f ront street, isieiy cu pied by Mrs. Thomas Sparrow, deo'd vrhere ho would be pleased to receive a'feWprivate 15oara ers," eitherby the May or menJTherooms are aS y ' tJ ; ... . so arraneu mav ne cau acwui'ww school children-: that may attend tft isewr...- Schools from the surrounding dounrry, as wea a few adult boarders, lie races ummei"u :;n...iiriince that: no nains will be spared on his part to give satisfaction to all who wi-h board in a pleasant and quiet ocHlj. , Jan'y. llS-rtxlj ; ft i v