1 ! ,lrtpv . 1 n PinpT rjiSj"f Ttt'P il iTP'T'--'-T-TI 7TKTT- - '-- - -jj-u. , -7.".r,:".,:' ..,:.-,.; r-;-;jLJ: - i - -l , 'ZA i UiJ . : ; Nil' ; :.n J ' . ' 'r.;:. :. -p . - "'" : "" ' h. ... , . . . r,.tu .;',-,'-L:- . ' ': --Av', .t-y -r - - - -,. . ;. . -t- t-;, 5 f P XJBLISHE1) TTTESDATf AT TWO PpAJLSj ?El AHUXJII, III ADVAUCE. r? vol; 3; , NO'48 ll TOE UN1DN Irs ,.UI i - J . xl'V JM U O H f - - 1 PijiaisncR 'A jpropkietou Xlic IjAlou -will be . published crerj Week" ftt $2 iper anndxn jnvariabj.t "ill : ad. varice. Office C doors above the Post Office ;4 Advcrtiingf Ilatos t 1 giUire I insertion.. 2 m ex . .. $ 1 00 TWELVE lines COnsuijiHBB-qnar. 1 LnWT.M.nt.1 will be made by the year or 5 mjnthB JOB PUIN1 ING. -er u Jnr n. new and exteaslre r ansortment of Job TI;1( Ji s cao be found ip the SUto.) W are ..PWaUd to execute , - - -Mtl, nFeatB( s and dupaurn ; u w "w-" ;- ra. cirdibt mka. book, painpbiets. -. c, I G E Oil GE ALLEN t H DEALER IN - I FANCY & STAPLE I ' J)HY GOODS BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, HATgv&C. i NEW BE RKt N. C. r JAMES B. AVEU1TT, A tfprney and' Counsellor at 1 T I T. i nltend the Cour a of; Craven, Jone III and OnttU'w, anjl will "in.iiiptly attend to q11 bueuie88 tntintbted to liis care. z iy POETRY. TA2X0B;; Diekswu Giwes kCo '(ttccwor tojSate paylor, & Co.) ' ' Jfanufaeturers and .Wholesale XeaZersio " - : JVo. 23 andf 25 tfy Sirf, - , 'o NEW' YORK.' o f : WM. C. WII1TFORD,; I - ; j N GENERAL' , C i "x INI MISSION MERCHANT COIIM.H OF EAST FJIOMI k UXIO& STS I i m:v-bkunk,' c. Wire llousfs and Wharf for Storage. Goods,' o.lbte. JNaval Mores and LtrniW received &U forwarded. J . Jjiie of i. loit J'acK Aj: en? tor Smitli" trts. 18 3m. JunaV Smith, M. 1 'kttit ... ..'j N E W-V 6 UK; gST Cxsli a'lvaiices imuo oh oufiiium 1; t 23 fm: j " ' ': ' " ' " s " 3Si:WBi:ilN MUTUAL 1 FIRE INSURANCE ' Company i now in suCfuI operation J and insures property nj oti ts e moRt favorable piii. 1 AddeU.T.CAUIlAWArvSec'ty, .jS'cwlierne, N 20. ! J A C U B C fl H N . fWTioleale and Retail Dealer in V 'FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC V) R ' Y GOO 33 S :XEYBEUN YAR1KTY STORE. TB0.1IAS W. SilR0N tN J WHOLESALE i HSTAILDEALKR 62 (7 V.ER1KS, HARD VA R TTV T 7CT X GOODS Xh-ee: doors East f -the A. JC t ' Jt ail Road Depot. I C. :S3. ii Mlt.O!SE, 1 SlajpIe gM Fancy L. SCOTT & CO;'S ' :, J ' 1 " REPiil NT 'OF T1J E " liisii-eyiQ die a' Is,'" ' ; "- :. ,1 tsp tub r :" ' J if' a r w e t vs Guide . ' ' GREAT KEDJi tlON 'IN Til E PR ICEK T' "'' '."'Cy the Latter ' Publication. L. ScpTT & Cp.,JN'ew York, coptinue to. publish the foZ "owing leading British 1 eriodicalsviz: 77e London Quarter? f.Ccnsorvtive. - . :, ;!.' 2 . ... The Edinburgh crc. WhigJ. Tie North Bri.Uh Review Free ChurchJ. . iretfmtfMfrr Review (Liboral;. - v - j - 6 ' Blackwood Edinburgh MajrazinY Tory. These . Periodicals ably represewt the three great political parties of Great Uritaru Whig, Tory;? and Kadical,- but politics krm. only one feati re x?f their vcluiractor. As Organs of the most profound writers o'n Science, Li teiature Morality, and Keligion, they stand, as they ever ha v.e stood, unrivalled in the world of letter being consider ed indispensable to the scholar and the profes sional man, while to thy intellectual scholar and the prolessionai man, while to the intellectual reader of evt ry c'ass theV furnish a H.ore eorreet and satisfactory record of the current literature of U day, thrOughoot the world, than c m be possibly obtained from any other source. - EARL Y t OPIA'iy. TJia receipt of advance sheets from the Brit Tsh ptifili-V,s gives additional. value to these lie pt in Li. inasmuch asiheyan now be placed in the handn of subscribers about as soon as the origina editions. ' ,l ! TERMS. .. I ! : 1 . Per Annum. For any oneof4e four Reviews $3 00 rYr-any two of theur l'eviews 5 00 For any three th iur Ueriews : 7 00 For all luir of the Keviews 8 0u For Blackwood's Magazine S 00 For Blackwood and three Review -9 V) Kcr Blackwood nnd the foirr bev'iews 10 00 ravine' rs to he na'le in r II cases in f- ance. Money in ren4 in ui State v here ' ) issued will 'nce:v"ed at psf.. I CLUBBING: ' ' A discount of 2i5 pe etrt. -from eh l ov prices 1 wtLLf be allowed- ito Lriis orugrMig 4 - or -more .copies f any one or more of the;above wofks. Tlms ; Fnir copies of Blaekwor , or of one UevicV, willhe pent to one address for $9 ; 4 copies of the J four lievieafvs and BLck wood toi f SO ; and so on. P O S T " ZZ 1 Ix all the principal cities ana towns, hese works wall be delivered, Fret of Footage. When; fent by -eiail, -the Postage 'to any part of the JJ. Stales will be but 24 '-cents : -a year for "Back wood," r nd but 1 4 cents a year for each of the Reviews. A".- W.'1 Thejaricc in Great Britain of the five iPe . riodical above named i about $31 jpejr .annum. ' The Fanners Guide 1 TO ' SCIENTIFIC & PR A ?TJCAL A&mCSJL ' irUIiE. . By ITonry Slcphens. F. R. SLof Kdinburgh, and the late J. P. Norton. ; profes or of Scientific Agri- j culture in Yale College, New . Haven. 2 vols.- Uojiil OctAvo. . W6Q0 pages, 4nd numerous, wood and Steel Engravings. i Tliis is, confessedly; the most complete work on Agriculture ever, pnhlished; and in order to give it a wider circulation the "publishers have resolved to 'reduce the price to , r" ' j $t5 FOltTI IE TWO VOLUMES ! I, When sent by mail (post-paid to California and Oregon the price will be $7. To every other-part of the Union ..-and.to Canuda post paid-$6. j:his work is not, the old ,M, ook of the Farm " Remittances for any of the.abeve pubtications should aways be ; addressed,, post ajd, to - the Pnblistiere. i, I ,i- , . , r . 5 tLEOXARJ) &GQTT & CO.: ' S! j No 543ld st., NT, York. . Cambric Handk'chiofs. V GP.EATNvariety of Embroidered UandkTs.- New Styles Dvinted oid ere. ' i Uidiea' M6urning II kfs, both Pointed and ! Em broidered, to o had Kt Z. PRIMROSE'S. 36 Pollok st. Common Schools, 1 T ' ' ' ' ' " . OFFICE OF. THE LITERARY BOARD, ', l The' President7 '63 'tifectorii' of t be Lherart- Fund, haviui wnde disinlmli. n if the net inr come of said fund, for the -year 1857, among the several .Countiea. of the State for.- Common Schools, have directed the following; tabular sta etnent to be puUisbed, showiu the Spring and Fall Distribution to each count v, and tUo'qiii totI diitributed JMring the year. ? . The amount of the Fall Distribution-will be i paid to tbe peron&. end tied to the same on ap plication to the TreasiirV l)epartmenU ' f t; ' " ?I( The countit of JaLksouMadi-on and: Polk will Veceire their 'portion qot otf the amount distiibuttd, froin the counties ouw of which . thej were repHCtirely formed, there havjagbeen up report fropi said counties Ubder tbe law pf the list General Astm' Iy. ;' ' - ; . ' ; --: '' ": -' . THOS. BRAGGr" "ri; : ''' -"- '-' 1 ' Jrtxid Pulasci Cowper, Secretary to the Boon..; - - Fed. Pop. Spring Dis. Fall Dis. Tqtal pis. Deduct for Deaf & Dumb. - ! i WbERN, N. C.. X REAL ESTATE FOR SAE , In the Town of Newborn. .; TJUVL Lot with 'Store House and all otber out houses attached, recently occupied by J. T. Wetbcringtou, and situated . just above., Wi W Fife's, at the oorner of Broad and Queen Streets is for sa1 A bargain can be made. For terms apply to IFm. P.-Moore, Newbern. 1 1 - Aiig. 3o. 1856. ; I : i" ".; ; ' M AK UFA CTU RER OP ; Tin Sheet Iron ana gopper ware. gtoyes, and Japaned , Wares, , CO iSS KR OF B ROAD AND MIDDLE STREXTS. . I .i- Qne iOOT South of the Court Honse, ' ! ,: cUARES C,. ChARK. ) Attorney and Counsellor at t Offireei Bread street 3 4oors belw the I v r-OTTin HOUSE f , i - I - , -w -w -w - - NEWBERX. N. P. - I nousei Sig? and Ornamental MIDDLE STEEET. OKS lH)OK BXLOW TUX JT OWCJ! f - JONATHAN WilALEY. " , ' iClock and Wat aj:rj KEE1S constantly on hand, an excellent a. sortmect of W ATCUKS, ; ana "EWLLRY. of all kinds. All work done, at, the Jaorteet notice,and iu a workmaa-Jike manner. , --r-.'J " -.,-iv-. :':-v- J. "WHALE Y Sign ih Watch, Craven tMt;2few"bern. ! 'I September 20h,1 133. : '-'v H f A'anifn-e Alexander, Anson, Ashe, Beaufort, Bertie, Bladn, !Uiinswi-k, Buncombe, Burkt, ' inliHnu?, allwelV Oatndf n, Carteret, Gas wel I, 1 Calnwla, Cliatham, i:hekee, ('how an. CleaVt-bijid, CoIurjUms, Craven, . Cumberland, Currituck, Davidson, Davi, Duplin, Edg. combe, Forsvih. ml Franklin, Cast on, (rates, (iranviMe, Greene, Guilford, Halifax, Harnelt, tlavw""d, J h'ndeison, lien ford, ; Jlyd.s Iredell, Jckont. Jolnvston., Joneft, Leimir, Lincoln, M ailison, Mt-Di'Well, la on, Mfiin. Mtcklelihurg, Montgornyry, Mooie, Nash, Ni Urn over. Northern ton, Onslow, Qrangre", l'-'Vqttotartk," lVtqiiiniaus Persoiij Polk, Randolph, Kichmon'J, itoue&on, . ivockip.jriiam, Rovan, Kuiherford, Sampson, Sturdy, Stokes, Surry , ' Tyrrli Union, Wake, Warren, . Washington, Watauga, WaViie, Wifkt-s, il&on, Ya.fkm, Yancev, AMII.Y I Herrings M, i Slips, for sale bv . Near tb- Ol Coumy W Neiern. Apri! 1G. .57. ''' - and Swee- 1'otatoe G. F, FISI'EK. i&rf. oi'LEND ID-AfebOliTMENT j i oth, Cassimtrs, Vestuigs, Cravats fc Scarfs C. S. PRIMROSE. No 36 PoWcek rttreat WANTED J MM EDI.. TEL Y.. A r-iNFXlRO WOMAN that is a aood Cook, I. Wather and Ironer. for 'the balance ; of the year.' 'inquire at thxsUface.' ' '" '- ' 10.166 ,003 TO 756 8 529 II 715 9 973 8.02f 5,951 12 338 6,919 8,674 5.836 5.174 6.208 J2 161 8.334 1 6,055 6 703 5.252 ,697 -5,30,8 I2.2 10,634 6 257 n m 6-998 11, HI 10.018 10.627 .9.5 iO 7,228 6.878 17,303 320 18,480 13 007 .08.9 6,907 "6,883 6,656 13,U6JJ J 1.1 49 ;8.-985 ?6,181 6.94 5.741 6.169 6 961 11.-724 i..lbO 8,552 ( 7.905 14.236 10,731 .7,040 14?957 7.7b8 6,03;u 8.825, 10,745 15,176 7.936 11,08 12.363 12,329 12.388 12,311 6 348 8,490 8,132 4.452, 9 258 21,123 10.366 4.780 3 348 10,317 11.642 z r I I S l,2i0 92L 1.219 92 $ 600 36 1,290 72 1,024 6 1 405 92 1,196 70 962 8 714 i: 1,480 5( 830 2t 1,040 8 7i'0 :i 620 8' 744 9 1.459 3 908 1926 il 804 3- 630 24 1,163 64 9t 1.479 4b 1,27 06 750 84 1,694 7t. 39 76 JJ333 32 1,302 12 1,275 74 1,141 20 867 36 825 36 ,076 A3 638 62 2,217 60 1,560 84 850 70 828 Pi 820-90 79c 72 .790 20 .4,56.7 44 2,337 :92 .472 2u 741 84 830 8b 688 9'.' 740 2v 835 3. 1.406 8t 739 o( 1,026 2 .948 &l 1,08 3i 1,27 7. 844 8( .1,794 84 924 723 6 1,059 00 1,289 40 1.821 J2 952 32 ,1,329 (0 1.483 56 1,479 48 1,486 56 1.477 32 761 -76 1,018 8 975 84 534 24 1,1T0 90 2.534 76 1.243 92 673 6o 401 76 1,238 09 1,397 04 710 45 1.141 32 908 10 600 36i 1,290 72 1,024 68 1.405 92 1,196 76 962 88 714 12 1,480 56j 830 28 1,040 i8 700 32 i 620 88 . 744 96 1,459 32 9b8 08 K926 60 804 3f 630 24 1,163 64 636 96 1,479 '8 1,276 06 750 84 1 694 76 839 76 1,3:3 32 1.302 12 1,275 74 1,141 20 ! 867-36 ! 825 36 2,07-6 36 j 638 52 2 217 60 1.560 84 85 70 828 84 Qo OS:. i .1 7W jt 4.1 790 20 1,567 44 1.337 92 472 .20 741 84 830 88 688 92 740 28 83 5 32 1,406 -88 739 56 1,026 26 948 58 1.708 32 1.287 72 . 844 SO 1,794 84 . 924 96 723 60 1,059 o0 1,289 40 Wm. Keck. Peter L. Raj, Wm. Covington, 2439 84 1.200 72 2 581 44 2,049 36 2.8U 48 2.393 52 1.925 76 I 428 24 2 901 12s 1.660 56 fCatli. L. Fisher. 2.081 76 Iah b Fisher, 1 ,4U0 64 & Moses Fisher, 1.141 76?nomas Aierf7 1,4-9 92 2.918 64 160 00 75 00 IB 1,976 3,853 20 1,608 72 1.290 48 2,327 28 1,273 92 2,958 96 2,552 12 1.501 68 3,389 52 1,679 2 2.666 64 2,604 24 2,550 48 2,282 40 1.734 72 1.650 72 4,152 72 1.277 04 Sarah Bushel 1, Caswell Cobb, 525 00 7 5 00 75 00 7v m i Wliat's Trumps ? fLazarons Crow, j Jesse Holder j 11 A. Striek I land, and Jno. R. Strickland, Ellen Johnson, Caro'ine Pratt, Reb'tW. Wyles, f Jas Ilarrell, W. i . it" 1 1 ' . Mary iturt 1 701 40 1.657 68 1,651 J92 1,580 40 1,334 88 2,675 944 84 40! i 200 00 75 00 75 60 75 00 1 225 00 75 00 1,483 1,661 .76 Mary Flowers, Euuice Gurganes, 1:37 1.480 1.670 2.813 84 59 64 76 ( Annie R. Shields i & Chas. Shields, 1,479 12 2.552 521 r- . I t,y to i chtis. B. M6rMs 3.4 iG 641 and Wm. Tlly, 2,575.44 .1,689 60 3.589 68 1 R4Q 02 Pene. Pendleton, Ll,447 20 2,118 00 2,578 80 1 75 00 75 00 1,821 12 952 3 2 1.329 60 1,483 56 1,479 48 1.486 56 1.477 32 761 76 1.018 80 975 8 534 24 1,110 96 2,534 76 i, 243 92 I 573 60 401 "76 1,238 09 1,397 04 710.45 1,141 32 968 16 5 642 1 1 - t j 752 542 $90,45 04 $90,425 40 180,850 03 I 150 (Q0 150 ,00 75 00 24 1,904 64 2.659 2L 2,967 12 2.950 96 2,973 12 2,54. 64 1.523 52 2,037 60 lor. 1 aq f-arkin Snow, ( Pa jKi Patty Hall and tty Hali, ,06 S 48 2,221 92 5.069 52" 2.487 84! 1.147 20 803 52 2.476 18 2 764 08 1,420 9a 2,282 64 1,937 32 Dupree. (1 Wi thersnoon and J. Benton, Jno. Simpson. Margaret Prrj, 150 .0.0 75 00 300 00 75 00 73 .00 : - r I inhere are bo m&njr cards to play, - ' j; So many waya to chcose, In Jjovq and 'Politics and war, ' f Tb at forward ipg out views With lad iiS fair, witlr statesmen "wise ! 4 'Or men of lesser bumps, -Pefore we '' lead our strongest suit lis w$!l to know vrhafs trumps. Once, worshipping at beauty's shrine ; I knelt ip bondagi syet, And breathed my vows with eagerness, Ajid oflVred at her feet My soul, well storedewiihCupids wealth- A Iofb cemented Iqtnp ; A kin of diamond won the trick; My hert was not 9 trump. Raving to see my rival win ! Upon a s-ngle Kt?B, As he played the pEUCE with me, I followed with a cllb, -Tvo 'days within-a station house : Utflwrtinij on niy sin, I found, as otheis inay have dope, Plubs yory seJ'iom win. Grown wise by sad experience, ' ; I ceased to deal with maids ; I anvTfhPD youthful follies off, AnJ turned up jack of spades. Yet still I find as' dust is scarce . And smaller grow the lump!, That though the Spade's an honest card, It is not always trumps. But in a world ol outside show, Where mammon rules the throng ; To ease the litt'e jl?s of life, - And smoothly pas'alng"; To find an antidute for care, And stern misfortune's thumps, One card is very sure to win ; Diamonds are always trumps 4 landlord Outwitted. 1 1 I put them tliecjtfe pot, may it please j your honor ;; you W.ll fin them II safe,' ? t t - A .corresiwndent of the Philadelpliia Pieps relates the following anecdote of one of the citizens of Lock 11a ven, Pfc. Ben W. Mor fisou is the peon spoken of, and is said to be one of those free and easy good hearted, lumorou fellows', 'that are always : ready to orack a joke or perpetrate h 'sell. Some fifteen yeai? ao lien ivhs travelling n Butler couniy on professional business. The ioa-ls were intolerably bad and worftof all, the stagn drivers and the landlord at a pertain hotel .where they stopped for. dinner, bad an understanding with each other some thing like this. The passengers were to be aleu in to dine, and when cleverly seated, Jbe coach would .furiously dash up to the !oor, and the dr. vcr would call for its pas leiigers, stating that . he cotu Id not delay a ni;iutJ, pti'ccjunt pf Racing jiis .time;' they Would rush out leaving their meals'half fin jsfied, for fear, of being left. For the half finished meal they were chaiged half a dollar If he victuals were kipt for the next : load of iHssengers when the skinning , process was )--patel. Ben had heatd, of this place, and when replied Ben J with a curious twinkle in his eye. 1 - - -.!-?.-: 'Sold by ginger, by that ! darned -yankee; f i tiled ihe hndiord, whilst, the passengers reared with daughter, an Inputting the whip ' to his horse drove back resolving to give the f passen-ers ever after that ample time for dm- ner. 1 Affectiko Sckss in Codbt. -Th con , vietion of 5 Charles Cowlao, a clerk in the . Portsraoutfiify a post fjjee, forj robbing the mail, has been noticed. The Norfolk Argus iart: 'Jv.;j;: : ' J : 'The prisoner, wljo js only nineteen years' old, yben called upon to plead, arose, as pale -as deati', and ' for some time hti lips were sealed. I. At Jength, he said . fGentlemen of the Jurj, l lead gu'Ity. In an .unguarded' moraen 1 comniitted the act, and would af-' ter wards have given the world b id I. never have done it. All I can ask, gectlemen, is, -tha, asjl am jroung, it maj go-some way in, mitigating, my pun:shment Mr. Taz. Tayjor, his counsel, xnade some feeling remarks, sta ling that this youth was the darling of a fond -and donting; mother. . The court, jury, and bar seemed fmuch affected, and many tears were sheet. The j Jry found him guilty , ,l,y arrived at the hotel he set his wits to ) SUS", ""Aer it for half an hour, then. add vcrk to hee if he could not gf t the full value f two tab'espoons of paragonc. f pose-r-tca-of his inouey. The bell rang for dinner and spoonful three tinjes a dav. n j :jk i W ihs ctowd lushed in. They had scarcely got , f. ' x .1 .1. .1. .:u.i ;Ieyetly seatd when the coach reined up at he door, and the driver yociferously shout- ' Curing IIams. Hub salt all over them as . ; : , , FfK sale. r , ; ; R; U A! STUARTS Steam Refined Sugars C'ruahed, i'ovdered, White and Yellow, at J: WVST YROIN'S Varitty Stfrre. Jane 18. 1856.' -)-; ! 0 ly. ; . A RARE CHANCE. THE subscriber having determined to change Ills uusi ucoa, unci a iui bii; uim cuui o o .w a. u - Bttoki iStatiAuey PotU"- - To any one disposed to purchase the entirestock," a great bargain will b. given. For a man with capital were is a one, opening nere ior a 000& tore.'":-"- ' ,'t"i gtnrGmt Juae, 16, 7. ? P fj M1E subscriber having lateiv j-e.tirjiea froni Bus- J .L? ton, wo'ild now inform his enstomers and the public that he has just received a full supply of the best otualitiei of the yarions kinds of . f.otlin aid pax TiTincs, ' -' Also an assortment vf ; NETS A$J SEINES. r Ilfl is also prepared p furnish at short notice any kinds of Kets o" Seines out of the usual dimensions all of which will be warranted to give satisfaction to the purchaser, both in material and manufacture, y hand knitting. v.. . .; :t ... , ' J . lie will also take tins method of informing the pubJie'generallj. that he has' a food assortment of Dry Goods, ardware,:boes; CROCKER GROCERIES -except LIQUORS, FLOUR of best and good qualities, and a lot of iRret rate New Bedford ; SPERM CANDLES, war ranted pure, all f which he ia prepared to furnish on the roost favorable termsT ' r ::,; :; : . - . J GEO. F. FIIER. WM. G. HALL. 'ti '-f i -Ji . '' NOtlCE. it Js 7 JUST received,, from the rublishers on Sal, TA Free ' IViU Baptiel Uumn Book' a ? con taht supply will- he'reatter be kept on hand: . . t YY JUL. ILSLLtlJ. oitxn axd sovTnP&noi.jL pjlE "subscriber Jiavi.ng'tateja'thepremiuni n X at tne late State Fair iipon Ti ipenlme 1 ool (6iiil8, RoMndthaves, and Hackers,) would an nounce to the public that they are manufacturing these Tools extensively. : Their workmen having been for many years engaged in. the above bu pes.s are unsurpassed bv any in the $ty Pd proper construction of their tools. J.$ dhl-1- these tools at any roms on the , "o, 1 U. and W. fc SL Railroads. H'e warrant tlieec toos to be einal in quality and suripr adaptation for work to any Northern manttfactnre, ami, ask a Ji- 91 patronage, iruBuiijs iun .yv..w 'Newhern, July Sls work southerners will gAye preferelhonie mamw facta resr. " 1' ! ' . ' - i. -nt n t& 11 crcers directed to us at Jericho, IN. V., iu m W tn:B wnrrFiELD ; .?ai narv SlsU 1855. , . OA A AGENTS WANTED, either ladies or jUJ) gentlemen, in every town and cbunty in the United Statesto engage in a genteel husiaess by which thfV eari make from $1.0p tofOOO year. For particulars, address, enclosing stamp. fed. " Pas?eugers alfabpard can't waitbntfiye minutes. ,. I A general rusii was maae, dui ien sai lit ill,' and ate' his dinner very composedly. frho t-tage Iroye off and left him, but he kem?d to care very Utile about jt. I Having dii)os:d of hia dinner, he jyas en ying the luxury of a long-nine in the side Voom, when the landlord appioaebed him tsayiug . . y . I I I beg vour pardon, sir ; but did you jsee a set of silver ta spoons on the tible When you want iu to dinner. j I f id, si; ' I Well, they are missing tliey can't be Ifound. : ' I 'Ah, yes, replied Ben, one of the passen gers' gatlieied them upl I saw him do it. f 'Would you know him 'again, gasped the jatxllofd. - -' ' -' ' j - 'Certainly I would,' replied gen wih great oolne!s. - " V j. .Vll you point bim out to me if. I hitch Sup mv horse and huggy . and overtake the soon as! laid on, the table: the next "day I btush if, "ofr and pack it in a cask ;put on a pickle a foJIows : One quart salt to ,on gallon rate to six gallons, water, half gal lon molasses and tliree'ounces saltpetre. Let the haras remain in six or eight: wek ac coyI ing to szf Sinoke to suit, , an d pack awy in salt in a cask, and put in a cool dry place, and they" will keep i goo 1 1 all summer. -'f jsiao-f. (!?rtalnht I will. j Boniface was rea'Jy n a few minutes, and letting Ben in with him,, drove like f Juhu for seven miles, till he overtook the coach, tile drove jp'p alongside and hailed the driver. The coach sttppel, the driverlookcdfrght ined and . eveiy body. wonderey to see the Jandloid covered! witbimud and his uores Joming with bweat. 28w rox- lfii, PbiUdelphia, Fa. Ben jumped cut of the buggv and got Into 'theIsge, when the driv:r,f tinning tliat im Shad hired the Jandlord to bring hm after, lie was on the Kdnt of driving 'off, whn the flatter yelled out. f V . 1 I Is that pasenger in there I , ; Yes. replied Ben. ' -. - " Xrn voj sure ? j ' Yes tirree i slanted onr bachelor riend. Which one is itfV r ; :i Its' ra replied Ben with a-gnn. . ; Vou ' thundered Bon-face, what the devil !did yoa do with them ipoons. ; The National Che Congress wa brotiijhtto a- c!oe in New Vorkbri Thursday evening. Messrs. ra n 4uorpy,.wi:uiirt na, and Lot?is : Paulse?, o I?wa, were :tho contestants for the honor of the ,fi rat' prise. The win ner of the first five games Was to be the coniqueror. Tbecpre 6tCd,jMorphy 5, Paulsen one, and two drawn. The members of the Chesi Aiiatfon ajre'conS lent1 that Mr. orphy is not only the best chesR player in Araejrica. but n Jthe world ; an4 a"wil ling to lest lhe inaUer by a'match for irom oneto five thousand dollars. i : Mr. Moroiiy is only twenty years of a jj Mr. pauUen;twentyfpur. 's"vi !''-' j -' ' - - ---- - j . Theeanse wtdch led to the Joss of tlie steam ship OentrallAineiica are to 1 investigated; before a committee w Sew, Yoik. Th foU Iawing I A l-olnplete listof the names of the gentlemen who c -mpoe the tribunal; Corc inbdorelM. 0. rry, CbHirman ; Capt. Era Nve; Oapt. Chadea Fi. MarshHlI,, Mr. F. b. riuirbp, Mrolin L. Jones, r.AlfreUSeon Mr. A. A. IwCiptIexlV, Frase Secre tarj ; Mr J4II. Upton, Recording Secretary. V The wonders of India robber fire pot likel to he iooir exhausted. Lately, what are cabed ard ltdiagoodsVare, manufactured from a newly invenle.I c6raposiUon, which consists iryns: thOf rubUr.FrorQ 'tW results substance reaembling solid sfno as black aa coal." out of which ; articles rara made lidastioanaiegani, f finish, tutaxhibiUng as beautuui a . a a metal btusceptiDie ox.. fa: as 1-,. A Steamboat Newspaper. Among other innovations wUcb the mammoth ; steamer Great Hastern is about to inaugurate, will be the publication of a daily-paper on board for the benet of the travelling pubix the regu'ar fpall c of travtlb rs whom she may be bearing across the ocean. But this start ling feature il anticipated on the western wa ters of the New 'World, for the New Orleans and St. feouis Dackt steamer James R Wood ruff now sails equipped with the force and material for t lie publication of a regular daily paper on board during her trips up and down the river, "with a job office attached for the printing of bills of fare and other work.-5 - ' )- j ' " . The New JVork Herald of the 6th inst says, We have letters from Uayti down to the 14th ul.iin, (which: contains very interesting news. Captain Jasi A. Leet, of the American barque l. vr. i wa&iiuurn, oeiongiag 10 xnwit Khode Island, had been thrown into prison for driving a local trapper. of foreign seamen from ofJT bis Vessel whe engaged in tamper ing wi h his crew.? Captain Leet was very harshlyfde ijt witli, and ofjiJal appeals to" the minis er iu behalf met with no consideration. The Eiuoeror refused to see the acting coun sel of the LJnitei States on the subject, w'htcU had produced great excitement. ; : ' -" ? ! i -r - : - Ovster Soup To one quart y ot oysters with their juice, put two quarts of .cold ter, half a pint of milk, and a heaping spoon? ful of salt; let them. boil one minute; skim outrthejoystera and ad( half a tea cup of crackers ro'fed fine, half a tea cup of butter, and a li ttle Ipepper ; lj,t it boil J again ; then pour ovpf the oysters; " ; . , .... I ; - To Curb a p ld. Take the juice of two lepiinon, three-quarters of a pound of loaf - i i'j ' I :i 'A i 1 : 1

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