i i , -L : IL L. 1 : . - y , 1 - ' 1 . - - : . ' If, MMIPMMWMMWMWMPW - MB ssaaaaaa - .- . . . - - - AKD 0 MMER CIA t . 4 JfJ! TISER . , WILt BB PCBUSHKD "f -. r-- m '-r-. :. it WTll w T fc ;T-. 1 - . OF THE " v - ' WEV ERA, ARD CO.MMEfiCIAL ADVERTISER. i v - J 1 Vor tlir Wecly,;;f InJa4rnces I .f2 50 4 Cm dare. fast insertion wcent eecond do.' 6ne nionth : r V. ' " i twa fawmths: . v . T ' ' . , g MOJTTHS. One wjhare n inch, i $ S 00 . 5,00,.. 2 00 Iteak. r.-.'S 8 DO 00 " m an . . .t 14 oo -:;.t" ' . . t 00 ...:.... 12 00 20 004, ..... 12 00 :oai aqntxe ...I ... . f tfS.i.: --7litll0 V25 00 r- Advertisements inserted j,8pe?l or, p5hop( Notice are chargedjone-half more tban tbe' above rates one inch ? Constituting a squr?.;. : -' U". ;I - ! ra?Wbere "tfte number of insertions are not expressed :;nea adreHisements are Jianded fa the will be IwerteS till forbW, and charged 50 cents for the first iasertitm and K ta. for eacb ; continuance! i ' v. j, , fT sgge A liberal iiscoant to jrearty:dTrBA:;r'i; G A R D Si DE A L E It IN I NAYAL ;S TORES , ! I COMMISSION IN PORBT; ! BACON, r"ttlS ;AD :sn6Ak, Corner East' and Soalb FrbTsts., f N.B$ The Trade mppltedat a discount . 3-tf , j G E0 r i G A L Ii EN, ? i t . DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE v-;j: ; DRV GOODS; .;-L Boots, Shoe and Gaiters, IIat9,.ete.,' ' poixocb: stbect, f A' WBERN uV.C II A K T & B RrTH ER, Tini Sliect Iron and Coppei4:Varej : ( I Stoves and Japanned' Wate," f Cerner of Broad and Middle ' trieti i l i ' ; . i I" (One door SotUtt vt' the '. Court -bouse) T. L n HALL, J i FORMERLY PROPRIETOR OF THE ' GASTON HOUSE, NEWBERN, , Nl C, ' . , - NOWAT TJIJB .. , :. ...r r3; ; COURTLAXDT 8T. (NKAH UROADWaY), Where Vie will be pleased to Tee Sotit hemers in gene-. I '' , fral who visit the cjtyt , -wly DIBBLK & OR vTHGH, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION : ! : 'hi: A,'': '.V ' ; -! " ; ':: '-' . r.WBEll, N C. -'ASH ' A'liVANCKr made ou consignruent to be Bold here or tb' Warded to Northern markets. C5 ( 3 5 iiT-hi And Sheet Iron Worker, ; DUX Li:il IX ' ' -STOVES, lDDLi: STH; KT (between I'ollt.ck. d , t Soulh . Front sreek)K JieR.; ygin$. Turp- ntinc ' a? llJucr "Stills, rr..K- m n laired on inodeiate retms. 6:lv - " i - - , V JAMK8 B. A VElv ITT, v ATTOilNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ' ' i NE WB ERX, Ti.O., ' Will attend THE "ourts of Vi a veu, Jo e and On slow; and will promptly 'attend to all busines en trusted to bin care. ' 27-ly ':.j.,--HyTbLjXir ;;' HOi'SE, siGX-jtND ORKAitENTATy Pai ii 1 1' e h iid G i I (1 c rr MIDDLI SiKKET. J"-':- . .1 (TWO l(?ORS BELOW POLtOK STREET), 1 ; ; NEW BERN,.S.C gkouu ; Bisn p, ; jrizn'iiEitjyy .v. r MAXtTTAi TURER OF 1 WINDOW SASH, I ?JJLINDS, i ; 4 PANEL DOORS, SHUTTERS, . - " ',' ' 1 ' WOOD MOULDING?; . M cvi 7 ; .BRACKETS, i BANISTERS, 2sEWEI.ETa; v Also manufactures and keeps constsuitly on hand? A large Lot of bino! Furniture, :) j " of eTery;clescription. 1 ' ' ' : 1 Sash arid' Blind Factory on Broad street. 14 i Warerooin oit micldlc'st. ; MILLINERY:: CARD; Wrs IVEY and Mrs; M1SSILLIER Ars now ,ExiNQran elegant assortment of Sprixg Millixert, to. which thej invie the attention vt' their" friends in town and couutr-. Bleaching anti iTrim tning dorie in good styfo and at7uirt riotice. ,v Dressing in all its branchesi' Cu tifag and' fit-, sing by measurement ; ; . ;y..-i!v 20-tf ' ' Establi;licd In 115.' ! ! ! V, GOODS H0t,Sf. . no 49 'tit. POLLOCK : STREET, ' . OPPOSITE THE EPISCOPAL CnURCH. EMMEI UT0B RTx! - :.! WOOIKSAI J AND EETilL 'DB1LKR . IS ' AMERICAN, EXG I.IS1I, FRENCii AND GERJIAX r; 1 buy goobs, j ; a :; ALSO .SURGEON .DENTIST Tctnabeuily loo'ate4, in the .Town of N'ewbern. -I - , . 1 w jirLMe-ssiuuui eervices io ine 1 i ---citizens bfewbern and the " , eorroundancountry. i" 7 - . officb oil isoutn nsojrr sTr i Opposite; the Gaitbn Home. f VTn ; r fr birth' of a sweet .-little the middle of ts thickness! 2 . ' ' -S " A M v'-"lw ,1,' -"uvio, uaij li trj'-T j . j Juj oiocK is.iarg?, oew oa ii-asspxieai anq. will be UJ, - i .--.7r r.rt't 'T'iei . . aeCiqea inai. a R F A n V. II 1 n R r r at n i r )- soiu ai moaeraie prices.- r ; uwuc ' xiwu nine iciier - ui ill- - . , : .-, f. k ' j ' ;-.S l . nf HoH .if .e.ry4 Jrmoii Carria' - i? , ,us;.anQ ? . -e. . . . I. ; R J0 I" ff??S R - I ipahiss V. and the i miiwWare Baskets ZYunk,. c si6 't"i tf - 7EWvS - i Harrelll . . 1 he writer signed his name to influence a- child's vmmd by jnculca.M divorce "'This'" ;m..r7c rtUr,Tv - - . "."- 2 ' ' : . '1 "? ' f J ames Dotiglas,' aridrstated that his vvifetink ppinionjbelpre it sbuld-have come t. i ...:! r- -..- r - wuivu O' '.UAl1 r iiau icxt uiiu, auuui mp iiuiu llie llllie tt J UST -RECETVEPjj frtwn fthepufiliher5, Oak , A. of 2fw, Yprjc, the fcUowin2 j splendid Engraimgtt-'.'i;:.- VV'.' :f l ; v- :'" I: j -'v"THELsipi I ti . : . TriI; j PALACE AT WElKrilL' 1 "t -1 ' j'P, WALTER fSOOTTS toNUilEitf :J- i l : ; CITY OP TITEGREATt KING -I ":-lf r" " t J K RiOBERTBtTR g-fVins PRAISE THEE-JOOD-rlil fllUi3' wAYibS, at this Office, .,.: r XJfU V WAU-Uy XU l'ULrllUS, jr. II: MU S E,.'i,;jJ , , t. f: .- . .": BATCHES h WATCJIES SWATCHES! i . r ' hsis Aunt . rooei veA the t f 'X -.lamegt Lot' of 'V , WATCH. S and! 3EWELUT tlbat Tfas-ttis been5 exposed fof sale in .this mirtetlAmong his fetok mky be found awjrf ! j OO. frafcAea,- olvartoK pattern,, price and i . deter ipttoiifj; J sweur y ib jproporfcion ; GiOJ-D CLwrKH-b-Duv i,.i.s.irur; w. u UcAiaH - . jiND 6IXVKB cHAm roB, G0Acr .si test; uo not suppose reaaera. .inai ,.we. are k-ujz vL--. a - : ".tT' x" ! -'-ir.-'--:7.-r--- -tr--r -- rsti-'-;if ' : ' J . ; -11 ' wiuuvv WiiS Llie Wlffi OT .lampc I Intinrlac ' opoonK-fieua ware, r""'. . - . t ; . -1 tier name - was Chaclcitfp Drii1o-la anrl SPECTACLESr-oU, Silver, Kteel nd German-SilTer; haye given this ..'.article a caption :sonae-f : T);: a s : V - QUd7 ana ; N. AUKimAm. AEHLrox ;wKat . -like:. those" ,we; see, in;;iyhat . are'L Ss,. has sued , for a L .'SielSwSSsSW are next call.-cr to their advantage tu call and examine his' bi-oek before purehasmg e sew here, -i;ashe iadetermined to sU low.: Vl& ana, Waicte Repaired at. shrt notice ''i.?:'UW'reawfom.:; ; -1- - -'-I. would return thanks for past patvbn Age, "and hppe for a continuation and more of the sam ,''; JONATHAN whaley, (Opposite John Brisi lngton's) CKivjat; Street. . Dee. 14 gpi Gazette copj , ' rtr Winr.TtWc.:-.nT'k ? -rrrsr.'-n ! f 'SoM SiltSitverWcirtl W " - : r:-i ? J.. iVlj; f f;T as just' REMOVED " t.oHtne ) lai-ge. brick - I I Stxre. on Follock. street, nenrlv opposite the. Rpiscopal Church, which-iha& Temo.Mle.I; and , refitted, and where Jie is; now opening, one of the" largest, ana oesr. .siocks oi jewelry, . fii verwaFe, tfec, ever brought' to this mar Vet. consisting- in pari of the,; following: , - v ; : Magi CAe Gold .Vatchesand Watches of every; et-crition.- too; - V eot. ana . tjiard ihiiins: La die!.;, (iohi; iecklaces ; Kevs,; breast i'lns; bar giu,duuui uuVcCdls r, iici.amc Ring-j "Fihier 1 :ing, WeddingRings. (a snperior- a' m'd'st interesting ' child, V vvhdm she article) 'Thitohie off JtioM - r'largrva- caU,d Emma, very sweetly''''." 1 " '. ' netv of the fnost tashionable Seti of Jeweu v, con- y-,-. ':'.-. v -.J .. ; ;; - sitting ot . Cflineo . FJprentme, Modaija. imd41'Jain.", ,A'lew days after .her. arrival, a messen ' .ets;' v J , ; ; ". 1 - . . , r 1 ' gery carne to ,.our. office, and, said' a Mrs. .Also, i nne, lot ,f solid Silver vvfire, Cotisistin' ' TV" 'JlUw.' XTil IV r ot4 (iobleti, Cups, -Spob,: Forks, Butter' Knl va. U?ley?PW to C; HIStV Fnu't Knives, kd. v ; f . r -' j i j- i . ed to see us, and on enquiry; we- found u Also, the largest and best lot of rGoldPehs everf .thatit, vyas the interesting; little widow offered in this .narket, toge therewith, a, Jarge num- j thathadi Brrtved ' in ? town a" few !. days ber of other articles . usually, kept by Jewellers, too- . , r , , , ,. numerous to enamerate here. r ; ,r f j previous ' Ve obeyed the summons and ! ; WA rcil REPAIHING' ' -I Were sodn in her presence 8he told us jlavibg svrved n .rgnlar Apprenticeship to the,' biTpine-s tne ulwciiLer flutters- himself that he is able .t;o . gi,Yfi tho rough! satisfaction .to' all . who maV j lavor UHtti .wiiii; tueir patronage, in . reparinff TatcTifet Gtocks. arif?;jewelrv of evei desciip- Hon. ,? V'.""-'4,. "''v." r "V- . U - .,.0 -.,, . "VM-with much modesty and mortification, money, returned. . Deft. 14i; ; , . . t : - "... i f told us she. had been tenderly raised ' -v '' : 1858"s' ' ' r hii'd mafned,( at sweet sixteen, a young FALL -AND WINTER STYLES. 1 Englishmaii,.'vbo bore the name of one l' i rWiL 'pn i pc ' i ; y of North. jQarolina's honored sons mi . -X LLu JS il iliuLr , t Ex-Goverporjthough he-was in no way ' MB H t JI A XTr 7tT.H'Wj '.'! tcomiecteci- with the .Governor that the- EPEt'TFUi 1 Y antiouWees to the eitfzens of. fruit of ?the; union . was the; i .interesting 'IV ewbem nm vieinif nt i lih? redeivel little girl. Emma that misfortunes came his FAX,?, Ar WlTEH sTori OF' J?Upon, them and they -were reduced in rr- -t tV y . i-vii if r; t c. oTlhe Ve.- 'hi! est t it- "and "giij.erior iVaie. ( . lliio'ek co'ndi-ts Jn .art' of sneiiorREss I kock t'o s Hvsis Frocks; ack' t locks. ness Coats, Subtouts, -. aglas. &c. : AIo, a splen-1 did artide of Fers; style and. variety. . .. ; .. . i ; i i He lias aiso received an extensive assortment of saj,errorl4iack- Rrowij :''yn Finejv and Fancy Cas-imere8.--Ve8t.ings of all 'varieties and styled eiich a Plain ..Black '.ami Pluslx Velvet,-' pjaio Blaeknd FigaredjSilk and 3ati?. i ' to aid Kef iiitrodueied -her into a re ,JlXlit"'Z "fedVr friends. fairto beVuited'at his establishment:, ''tie solicita .to,spatrojilZf her, and through . US . she his oll friends and-customers- togiveihim MlHe- excijedsther the -sympathy; and friendship fore, putfebasixu? elsewhere. ' ? In' , 1 ' .!', 1 ?hf ntKorc - ' very beat style, and at-reasonable orice3. JlX. x., ijpoua luruisiHju.wrij ue umu nu iu me ' North side folhtck. street, ; r.-A K EW GOr- DS. : : .Fait of rlSSS. II ' sthiaue'ntiono t? a t t: a TeTi-'tTKrPtT ' ' Invites (rt iiDRY GOODS r SILE,"meriSO poplik,)Alpaco A5?0h PRINTED. . .';-: D ESS GOODS, 5IANTU5S, - scatu?s? t; : 'M. -H.:i"2''iBROlUERlES,",'J-' ; -'i' " - w'V '' K, 4V.,.-('f.-. ..-F-: ' ' . : . TiirvriNGs, etc. Also, a very Superior Stock of 'r:-"-' l"" n . .. ; BOOrS,:HQES, GAITER?;: ' : ' j Carpets, Trls;:iIaM; Cloves,-JfWelryV r ; ', .- Also, line assorimeat of : .A THE STATE OF N ORTH, CAROLI!tfA, .4';: . 'Juslfform tJu'Tress'i' ' , 7..; ' r; ; . CORRECTED AND IMPROVED ; -s, t; , And fojfale by the sulcriber. i 3-.- ' ; TN ORDER -T Of GIVE. EVERYT FACItlTY the 'United .States- and- eTerv Lawrer. Doctors Mer- chant, Mecbanie and F armer should tioW embrace this opportunity to At$mjoti&ist t;. ti.'tirs? - 1 ne price 13 as low as any the State Map,nd U canpot sold for; less, k,.f H .-r;t? - Send yonbdes to the subscribe at once, and they sjbajl'.tie.anedied SO iwUi libpttcte'Ot 'iii-4it , , Prices for So. 1 VliG R O from 1 ft H .1 fi years t g r Those hating any W seU uffl do well Newbern, Aug-; i6;185S-tf : ,. 10 sena iae MAr, securely done up,. to aT uointtrier Eirairessr free 'o(icks) 'tt 1 i .i'oi . ,TMsMfci w-certainlT.the twst STATE MA1 in UUALftlil-ltjr-, UUJiOA l1 wxvj,xtrxi xxi r o, xxiiXS.A U xilli, - AVltlU U U J- i J '-- . - ' 0 M M BR C E - ; ; ; ! ; NEWp ERN, TUJJSp A Y, ri;Xlie,sL.acly;Io-IllaQlti (V iioii? tzre came to be a untne& in two U--r'r.:'' k ' ftn5rce" stilus. ""ta'-! J 4 - w i ii ! a raiTv . liiuc w i. a3C- iix - w iiuu ' ui u - - oi, - - f nmorpsi 'l.itorr-V?ra?e early HitJ wc,f uavvuau.a ouib. ui nuuoi , of being used as a witness m any court. ?Tk fntr Wnmr,aUA n turA Xk-llxxt'MK' -. : and answer every -irrevalent question which th6 gentlemen of ' the bar choose ifo, ask4 dswe x have :always abhorred. ! l-Axii Winiv w t.1l wo . w, . T-'.fj- r " came to' bk witness-in ' one of the;: r unpleasant of ; ajl suUs-Uivorcc In the autumn ot. .1 856 there arrived iourrliU towxin .the Seaboard road j .from :Weldon,; a little woman, whose i I figure was almost; penecr.,fonauetor VPrentis; jassisted her out of the cars, ; and j she .enauitetl lor the Houseroin a mailifrniii dnr:tf.Arr A rA w;t vno. rm' Kilhv strPt whh had Wpnt.lv T j ' .. ; iK -r " . , . i She-was dressdd " i n deep mourning arid Wore a black veii,"which concealed, in- . : ULk.Xf.fWA RWoSKo Kttl , ? ; , - . . ; ,-, ., -. . ... , that she 1 had ofteil ' heard 'US preach in Newbern, andv'mentidned the names of persons who' wtire ' her friends, .persons whom Weljkriew, and Knev' them ' to be ofthelii6st repctablc nm.t.no ..ani ,... .ut ot tKt- time,-death's icv arms were laid around ; her dear husband, and he died. 8he was Ia-.ieft aie in Wilmington, and-had left . , i . cj.uriw to commence 1 the business of : Dress Making, . among: : strangersV 'where 'her former 'position WM be unknown 'and she could earn .& IlVinfOl! herself and child. r Her Story. ; enlisted our. sympathies --we promiseds In a few r, weeks j we .noticed that the -subdued appearance and sad countenance' which: she- wore on-her arrival ? seemed to be passing away, arid she seemed very contented, arid even cheerful and happy ; . Tt. was snhn jwinounherl: hv thft know- ins dries that u younp mechanic of our A the vounsr widoW. Youiisr . Joseph J.si 'Harrerandthe'widdvv" walked the streets cHurchtbgether, ' a luiie t xsmiriav was wen. suppiiea wnn ; candies,', fruit and otner good- things, - j He courted her she. consented .to his prpposaiTr-iue, uav was spi , . ior , ineir marriaire, and wre were;invited-to solem - . nize- the.rites vve swere , present-rofn- l.ciated,. and the. two willing hearts, were .ioined-in one. AH .went on -pleasantly i for "a season." e: supposedi all was v rights and-dream ed of iriothing: else..: A year passed and .Mr and Mrs. Harrelt widow arrivecl in ' Suffolk, ' takino-. his" child wrtfierand h.ehaiiriearheci. that sne was r married in Suffolk' The .yhple jru marHed 'another'-. man's, wife to '. vounr J:HarfellTtTrHarren , learne A Zttie ; fact -a eparajipn(ooKpiace4.2SVUv,Jtor. aiyqrce was entered, and a tew. months. )nce .weyera yaitelupon and. requested to appears oiki give i our aeposittom tnau on such, a :dayeimitecln4h:holylties of .rAiatf imony Xh e 1 aforesaid vneTsons-TiWe agreed to itelHall weknevr arid farther ' man carrying a green baj.and were also S KIK O." FEBRU AR Y, 1 , 1859. . 4 ' introduced to Mr.l James Douglas We were thenVpoiitely. requested to appear and testify to the same facts which we had stated before. ... v We are thus far through: The .little 'f ,orth: CaroUna, and -Harrell i - ' - . in q . " ; V, MUV,iua 13 a wiclow indeedJ h : - . TIIEy VvV a j Jii; O-tVi., v:. , - i, f ore sBakinS, cowardly fiendish than hey say, idoes not .exist.. i nar. universal scapegoat tZV "L who.l rnmmnnitv Vri, v.k w i i: and yet real ; intangible, and yet clutch-1 ing its victims with remorseless .power. ! power, i it ls unseen, arid yet trom an exhaust- ieSs' - quiver, win-s its pbiadrred arrows uJ. ' , , - " 9 ,.u.u ""cier. position pr sex escapes; nd sanctuary is too; sacred :: no home, is bulwarked against iik assaults.'" When one, base heart Vishies' to'; assail some pefsbn's': character,; or rnptives,. They say' is always invpked. . That, is the assassin who- strikes in , the cloud the Thug who haunts the footsteps of the offender, and tortures from careless word or .deed, and . excuse -.for. the stiletto. Men dare , not always reveal their , own feelings ; '.With smiles .and pretended friendship, they present; the envenomed shaft as j coming from ' They say Be sure, reader, that wheni some villainous tale is. told, ypu, sand the relator can notgi ve an author, more tangible . than 'They- ;s"ayfor tit,, the.:. slander is ithe? creation of the.-hearti by-your side, -and ireekfnir.. wit Ui the Doison or euvv and earnest with a wish to h'ive the falsehood of ' They say' bud into reality, and-become current coin in the community ' " ' They say,' we repeat, is' as coward ly as it is false and fiendish ; a phantom creation which smiles; " Wliile lettins f loose a brood of Vipers to crawl' in .your - . 'l i in--' . x . ! ' .rri fain, ano omsr oy tneir venom , i o r -Uql . .the stori.es, of ' They sayris to sf-e:ik behind an f intangible personage' and .' put . in .circulation , the - infamous hiuidoes. and-calumnies,' , which,, from raw material, are forged nearer home.1 The. Milky Way. This well known phenomenon is; a great "luminous band Which. every evening stretches all across the sky.! At one partit sends off a kirid o ti 1 branch,, which again unites with the main body, after remaining distant for about one-hundred and fifty degrees. This remarkable belt has, from 'the earliest ag'es : of which ve shave any record, maintained the sairie place amdns: the stars, and when examined through a, powerful telescope, it is, found to be composed of my raids' of glitterjngstars, scattered in 1 group's of, millions, like glittering dust, on. the . back grouikl of the ; general " heaVeris. Sir ;-William Herschel has divided 'it'into, a number of nebulous systems, or separate clusters - ... - t' i , - i . t ' ' I of stars, arid has described theirappear . arices and .shapes; ;-.but,, as - yet, ; it;, is to us but. the shadoyvy .outline - oi -another - f branch, of - astronomical research which . require "more povverful instruments t ana uiore.nuiuau gaiius'tuau io:-uuw command lor its exploration. 1 he same ! authority: above referred -to,! thinks that piieuuuieua ui mc iuimj yaj "o'- with -the ? supposition that' the stars of our firmament, instead of being scattered in ail directions indifferently through .space,-' form a stratum, of tmc the thickness"is; small -T in comparison with ' its' length aird -breath, and Jri whichN the earth occupies a place" some whereabout .yearsot... aiscrerionanaf oo; aom choose for: itself; T showed him my gar- den, and told- him- it was my botanic h ; jrTwentyHwo liule children were OnexpeOtedly caught-on ' a broken cake fcfrtce'W Boston- harbor the other day, as itfioate off with: the tid, ;t;were I r-'-i .v-i 1 i.ijr 'wiw irvo ffci l.-i : : i De more cautious me uet uxuc- i 1 - l LI 7' ri-l . n't if to ri7- 1 garueu. xxu ou i -saiuuD,' ltt jhat1 juneanniy snoriup.nu uiuxiijng eredlith weeds.V H Oh-Ireplied- Aal th part;of;'the wife' may render the, busf-' bfisiretion'anafehoice.r 'iV'": : ' ;7i,' fi -i; useM'eji. the Ulfery gipSvj - : " - ;" y rano 1 inougnt. ,1I uuiair ux mo w iudice: the soil 'towards rose' and straw- ; Vnrkii - l U IvE, JilJ UUATION ETC. EDITO It AN PROPRIA TOR UV6. 25. i i CURIOSITIES OF THE EARTli: f .At the ;.cy M ".JSIpdena; in : Italy, and about four miles around it, wherever the earth s dug, whenthe workmen arrive I at listance of 63Tfeet they come to at bed of chalk, which' thfey boreithan augur, five feet deep; ;- They then with draw from the pit; .before the laugur, is removed,, and, upon its Extraction, the water ; bursts up , through . theapertufe with great violence, and quickly fills this riewly jmade well, Ayhich continues full, and isf not" 'affected "either by Tains or droughts: But what is most remarkable in this operation is. - the layers ;of the earth as we descend. . At the depth of fourteen feet are found the ruins of an ancient cityi paved streets, houses, floors, and different pieces ' of mosaic work. Under this ; is found a .'"soft; obzy eaVth, made up of vegetables, and ; at twenty six feet,; large trees entire such as wal nut trees, with walnuts still sticking i to the stem, and the leaves and branches in a .perfect slate of preservation. At t v enty eignt ieei aeep, a solt chalk : w round, ! mixed with a' vast quantity of shells, (and this bed is eleven ieei thick. Under this,, vegetables are found again . DREAM OF A QUAKER fcADY. There is. a beautiful, story - told of a pious Quaker ladyj who was addicted to smoking tobacco. ; .She. had indulged in the habit until it had increased so upon her, that she not only smoked her pipe' a large portion oi tneuay, but frequent ly satup in her bed 'for; this "purpose during) ; the night. ' After onefpf these entertainments ' she ' fell : asleep "'and dreamed that she died ands approached heaven. Meeting-an. angel she asked hirii' if her name was written in th'book' of-lifei - He disappeared, but ' replied on returning that he could not find'it!.: ' f ' Oh,' said? she,' ? do j look ; again; it inust be there .: s , He y examined again : tut? returned with k sorrowful face, saying that itwas not mere. . . ' f Oh,' said she, in agony, 1 it must be 1 there I 1 have an assurance that it . is there I Do look once more!' , . The angel was moved to tears by her entreaties,' and . again left her to renew .his search. 4 After ? a long- absence, i he came back, -his ifece . radiant with joy, and exclaimed- t , ; , ... . : ,. i We have found it ! .but ,it was so clouded with tobacco smoke that .e could hardly see it.' ' : JT Tffe good old woman Upon waking) immediately - tnrew ner pipe away, and never j;indulged in smoking again. . : - . ;; , ORIENTAL WIT. . r, . f A young man going on a journey En trusted a hundred, decnars, to .android man, jf When he, came back, the old 'man' denied having had. the money de pdsited with him, arid he was 'had irp ibe fore the khazee: -T'yi- J ":'':: Vhere, wjpjd, yqung rriari, when you.ueuveieu ,uiz iuuuc . J--- i-r'-l. V-f: ! ' i 1 Tk ke rhy eal a nd stirri rri bii tha tlree ,' er. a tree j.: said the' Judge. f: 4 Go, young ; man, and tell the tree to come hitherand the tree will obey when you show it my seal.' , Theoun manwerit'iu wprideh Af ter he had been gone for some time, the ikhazee said to the, old man:.., i ? " Ii H r : He is long- do you f think he has got lorai irof. ' No,' said the old man, ' it is at soma distance ; he has not got there yer. ; ' How knowest-'thou, old1 man cried theikhazee, where that tree :is V .,- U The ypungtmau returued, and said. the ' tree Nyonld not cpme;; . ; , ; t ,. ? ,4 J . 7 ' lie has been Here, young man, and ven Ms eence-the iriohey is thine. ' The ; Inawbn able Right of a,.Hc3 b nj to Kick his Wife out ofBeo.-- 1 he San r ran Cisco lsinci ypurc laieij uusuauu may aiiv .uu he. has, oause for s'ife has., no remedy to important decision v adf e; prepared" to sprawl, 'as f.fpair1tf!,ttaV:anv;'tiirie rir1 liWls of the husbands The- I same Court, at an earlier time, decide'd . i .. -v" ' . 1 1 ; : . ' j A bet way made lit AJbanr- tew on kWclnesdayilasti thaVrtjf & 1 a rnro 'i-a wd : nf . mnnlicants t ior .tlief,- at 4V4AV as w - . i 4. ihm officeldf Ibo -cerseer ofithpep?, at least half: a dozeri bad money in-the Saviiigs-Bank:; arid tOtest the matter, a cial4 SaVinffS Banlc :. iMViailedId an f instant thirtec hbstant 'thirteen of thbegarsZwere madly for the bank, in orJer to - thpil- monev from the wreck A : i -t!r . - 7 no v ss TirclTe ,lPor-TireBty-Copft4 w b tent the ordtr. Tmi: law ofc rrrrsr i rx-Tr-. 1- Satacribeis wj Lo swt give rxpirss otie to tb eontrs rjvare considered arirlsalng to ceniuine their sulscrlptioa. 2.' If solwrrlbert Order th dIseontinnDc of iUci news papers, tb publisher may contisus to seal tLcm until all aniesjsges are paid, i , . - . ',;-.. J A.;if suUeribera negSeci or fefase to Ute their oeirsps. pen from, tbe, offices to -which thty r directed, they sr held responsible on til they hr seuied the hnls sod order ed theas dicTntIniii; " , 4. If subscribers remote to other tUs Uhrnt informiii the poUishers, sad'ths nawspspers are sent to the former di rection, they are held' responsible. 5. The Courts oav decided that refusiair to take neDa- pers from the office, &r remoTing and leaving "them isncailed fcr, prima facie evfdenc of tnteational fraud. 1 J ' . The Uuitd Stales Courts hare also repeatedlv derided that a Postmaster wb) necleets to perform his dutvW viii. reasonable notice, as Inquired by the P.wt Office Department! of the neglect of a person to take from the offios newspapers addressed to htm, readers the Postmaster liable to th ouh- 1- TinmrtiTR rupTCTTtv i - . Christiana begged her mother to buy her; a canary bird.f Her mother said, V You.shall hae pne.when you become always bbedierit and industnous. but es peciaUy wHeriJbu give up your curiosity, which prompts you to' pry into useless) or even hurtful things.' Chriitiana pro mised she would One day she came home from sch-ool when her mother said, there is a little? nt V box on the table,, on no account whke er operi it, and do not even Tjnce mote it. If you obey me, I shaUoon1 gifeT joii a great deal of pleasure. , ' '. Her mother , then went out to visit her, little "sickjlgod-child, William , but scarcely was ehe out of the door, ere the ever curiotis girl had the box in her hand. ' Howligtit it is V' she said ; ' ahd there are! some little holes iri the lid ! What calf there be in itf ; ! ? ; he opened he little box; and behold ! tHeye immedilttely hopped out a most beautiful yello canary, and flew chirp- ling; merrily aftout the room. As she Was vainly pursuing the brisk little bird about the room" till she was out : of breath, and "er cheeks glowing, in walked her mother, and said, You dis- obedient, curious girl ! this beautiful bird 1 wished 4o give to, you, but 1 wish ed .first, to put you to the proof whether yo.Ujdeserved it.. But nbvv I shall give it! to. good iittle William, . who is more Alirw1 1 tin t nrf rinf cn riirirne ' a von' tr .... s - ; .'.'i ... ' . - t " J Mark well tin truth; the prying mind .! Will lose far.cnore .tkaa it enn find.' j - frioW Job'n irre for Betty. Thei law of the State of Virginia pro- hibited marriage unless the parties are of. lawful, ageor by the consent of ( the parents..'.- V.tu -...!, . . rJohn ii ,.a weu-ioHtio rarmer, in -theValfey bf Tirgfnia,1 'was blessed with every 1 c d thfo rt .except " that desideratum et wife.- Jbnn cast his eyes around, but .'unsuccessfully, until they fells upon the forrn, ul pty daughtert ot . John Jones, one of! J the prettiest , and picjest girls in the whole country. Afler a cbuftship of six weeks, John was render- 1 ed happy by lithe consent of the fair Betty. I vjf " ! s ': " ; ; j.The-- next day, John, with a friend, went to Apwu to get thq necessary docu ments, ,w.itn;,(he t torrnsf, 01 procuring WhicnJ-Ke .wasliuo'st. bmehtably, ignorant. Being5 directed4 Jo the clerk's office. 'John, with'a'j good "dl?al -Of hesitation; informed the drbaner,-Mr. ! ; Brown that he was going to get Jjnarriedto Betty Joribsj and wanted : to k now wnat ne must uu to compass that desirable consummation. MflrBrowm in al bland, smile,, informed liim tliat aftJr- being satisfied that no legal impeaiment picvtuicu, r !A11vw-r'-H cnirl- RroWTl. to ask VOU a-,.ew. questions; Yoii are 21 years of age, I, suppose Mr, in . "..' . s fffYes saidllohn . - ! f , Do" you solemnly swear that Betty idnes; spiristerf, is of lawful age, (made nrl exacted bv;the lieirislature of vir- row V 1 ir What's thHt said John; Mr..Bi reDOated:' :yelV. 5ai(i!John, Mr. Clerk, I. want i get married, but I joined the church t'the last' revival, and I wouldnt swear for a'handred 4dollars., " . ; - ? iTheh;"ir,Vou cannot get married. si Can't getjirriarriedl Good gracious. Mrli Clerk; they'll turn me out of the church if I swear I Don't refuse me,: for Heaven's sakel 111 give you aiOif you letlme "off from .swearing, , ;; ; : a? itv 5tr - . ; . XI11 Art iMr i:inrlCi 111 SWCur I 1 could'nt giVe Betty for ten churches. Til ttar. maV I be d--d. if : hb- ain t ,13 lyears old-gi ve mo the license u After .the clerk bursled a few of Xde buttons off his. vest, he granted, the 11- cense.; .Sth t; ANfTriiEK Nut fob, the Aeoli- moNisTsTlbe , Victoria (Texas) Advo cate states, that Ned, a ftee mu atto--the -lVacalfbarberwho..-iBpcaks-;thc English. Spafiish and French languages nueUy--is a!Igood pnmanh-bas travel ed in the free .Statesr-is thirty yearsf age, and, was adetuuyacquaimu with the consequences pf his act, lias tfoneiito1 voJuntaW: servitude forlifc, Ind chosen Mr E: Clegg, of Lavaca,; for his master - - f -5. - Odd Fll4w8' TiUskscrVisfoThc Utiited' States Grand Lodge of Odd Tellowil'w the recent session m BaUi more; adopted the proposition,. jo,t a7arVth?26tn, day off April, ,18o?-r r'tHf Order.' to be .observed by ,ne lneSnind ofh the GrandVlge; StLtes;n:as.day of , thanksgiTing to Pmno-PrOTidence t for trxeiexampled I prosperity which has attended the Order I Imitn or0nization on the American . continents Ii -' . ;' -v ' '-: - ::-:'t "' '' v 1 f 't.j i r 1 1 ; " ! . il

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