i 1 1 , -n-iWW-i i- J i tftaaau . ;. ' - : -! ;''',..,',"',' .-, ,.;,'. .;.,v,... -i .... " . .. .' ,'J A.. ..' '. . i. gaS; , , ; ill H IWallBSililiM 9:!li V 1 '! Ol Mill i JAM .YAasnj !1 ,'.J).if v J-J' 'Jul I '.' . j i- , it t, v, f t'K'P 1 i i 1- fcrns-Tvro bpliiBsxb year, m adVatcll TiinTnwnrin ,111 f i, !W V ' '- i. ,TZ1 UII2LV CIU3 " : fit 1:-. IT.1! '.- j ic irt o'A aUV jMWr. 8ttMt,lN ' , aeon aoot uaaw mttu s to so i r. 74 Tor ,t 4 .. 1UJ V U! IV. ""f,:I 140 piMr Maw, , 'ii,- oii jnm mJL tt aivaatajoaa, , ' " , -,'-. , ,u ' M be inserted tU ferbM ao4 ertarrW Tlr3 93SSrrS9a , i Ilariaf ae gaud a rariei of fob Tpa te eaa l mm la we B late, ana are prrparea M ee- M all rdera la the bs Branak la tba neet ieaaaaj waieajibli lataw, aal at tae hartaet ftiaa. t ' .t; an idea in--- -v'" 'lU ; AU letWn pUrianl to Urn KdUar nn ka J UKAKllAi, UUUiCTOillf. . tow sot uaMurr. jba D. Wb'ttAird, lalsadaat PoOce, . tC. Jvatice, 1 I Meoswar. ' , f. P. Moore, v r' Matthew Nalthewe, f Jslia IJaaeaek, Tawa aMrfeMri, L INasawa, Tfeeewrsr. lrUrirtMsr Uww aa Um Teaa Com isre af fiarigatisa,; WsaMnsaM Dr. Ales. Twtor, Port Parakaaa, Willusj 0. VVsahingti, Tot AUoraey. f raac( eUe Are) Rerwe Aeiltmy. Osotm K. Atuaure. Iue ' W. liechsa, W. R Waafcinjtoa. Jna S. Stanly, Jaawa W. ilrian. Wot. u. vrya Dam set . vaaseaaa, 8. Btaraaaea, ; h -; . tuptaon i n JVoeal Storm John U.Oliver, . Dennard Ilantoek, . Cliarlse S Alla, Joseph R. ITrsnklia. ; Atctimem. m VTilQiua H. Olir. David & WUlia, ' : . . Wlilianj Dana. ' . , Public NwtariB. WUIUm W. Curb, . , John IL Drran. rrwlorkk 3. Juaes, Joseph Fttlfcrd. , Ve Department. ATuaTtcOmraar. No. U Jwha & Flaaner, foreavuit Arches ounpeoa, AAL. loreaaat Xm. IL Utrror, Hilary ; L Uiaoesay, Tree, lfioas County, No. JL. James W. Carmer, ureal ; Aadrew W. Elnwr, Aaal. Pomun loha 8. Gresa, Sseretary) Ckarlos 8, TreaaMrer. I Umoi CoMraaT, N 4 , Jaaaea E. Msrria, 1 VlKB Waotawmaaj Oaas, William C. Tryan, J..bn U Planner, lUrdjr 8. Lass David JL Willie, Charles Slew, Jufca U. Oiirtr. I Kajer Philipe, Keeper Psoas IdCTTKR PtWTACB. Tbe foVeertng table at Postage, wader Uie aew dUt, WH We WMul fur gsoenu reference: . 'i d U. 8Utec! 'titltr 4 tktfr vigkt. St H ER . wan ratram. Cta. Ida. hCts. fCt. Welghluff I e. sr " " being the single) rats lOj It 30 4A I sa. aad Retorsr 1 12 drerl aid not erar ii II 84 0 rer 11 ounces, aad not over 1 ounces. 11 40 90 II 15 30 41 0 71 la I leer t usneea, and not srer lH osaess m. - waaa mot racraia. tMftrtnif ot. or eoder i bang um ingls rats. Iver oanos, and not over f 1 ounce . 6 10 15 80 U 80 ver 1 oanoe, and not ever Uouooea 30l 30 -I "I er HouncM. and aot orer S oance 40 &0 ver 8 oaness, tod not erw If eaaeee ttnlultura to California, the single rata ent prepaid and 10 cents enpakl. " T Ursftt Britain and IreianJ, a cents, pre payment optional,; j . i ' iTe Havana, (CubaJ 10 seats, to be prepaid blVsA sent. aW t Ts Bretcn, (Osrmany.) by Bremen Line, M beola, prepnyment optional. By English Steam Ships, 5 cents, prepaid. By American Line, 81 aants prepaid i in an e I ease.. DOLXN& ft F0TIiL r noumiKciTnw MPtu'iiavTa i vaaiwavi f m a nwsisiww.n sfcoy : V NEW YORK. iUbehl edrMaaa mad oa OeaslgeawaU aral8tore, Cuttoaka. . . "t ttDou,a. . O.Pom. h rebrsary tb 1881, , 4 1 . t. : ' : . NOTICE. I ALL person are hereby forewarned (roio reeel iIiL i2 or trading for a note ( mlsplaeed or lost) fives to John Pearson oa the 4th of March, , ISO, for too urn of Arc hundred dollars, by vaoiM.uraot, principal ana craos llenily eeu r: JOHN PEARSON, ay . H. C. JONRA Aaaat, IIM terdtogf, STOVES I STOVES! STOVtS!!! IN Variety 8 tor of A let tliner. 'mr found the Ufgert inrtmwit of Parlor. and Cookin Stores in thla Mnrk.t. at prieei ftill aa lew u ru be bonxhl fur at retail. t tat JfMafaetnnr,)- Taa Ceok Store ar all of the aioet 4einbla fataraa and all aw wayiMe. 4 ae represented ; 7 w T INENS fiwfl Aantltel VSllikVa Cheaa pmQ la Store N. 3MChetat 8thtk PUuletphU. Hare oo nana at we variety Store a full atoek of Sblrt, Pillow, and T.bfe tirwHe tin fine 10 by l 8tl M(Uai ar Tabic Clolh, " lduiaa Sattr) donVlf Dainaak Ifapkioa t aaatekit Maw -2W. ' J ?''. . f doaee Wea 8birtrala,: . ' - , " X Wje aawtawnt af Liaea Ildkh. Plata aad Printed BtfMatValM 1 doten Lancaster Qoilt and W riaoA Praia PtaJd, Cnsrk, Strips 1MI and ws XtAlintu. Cheap ftr Ch at ' ' , ALEX. MBjLEES. NEW GOODS. i oies Teas ai rar pa band imv M ka Variety tore." ' ' CAkKIAUeS, UAENJC8S AND SADDLERY. BUCKHESf of difirent aoaruies aad Patterns, I lorktmy.-' J s"" n - A spWrto aeaortsjsat at Plated, Brass and Black Mosntsd Stagto and Doable Haraeaa, Riding, Waeoa and Cart Saddles, Bridles, L'ar UanUs, W kiaw, Trunks, dU, Tsr eaJe Cheap at 'j H.i; ! OljtTARS.' ' f ; Q RUPE&IOR tsned .snd lauliel Spwush i Guitars on hand and f eala very low. A sapertor lot of VMine and Strip Tor all kinde of attiagrd awtrwaMata at the Variety Store. ' ' ; IELLOW, pink Crad Planting aad Red Mcr. cor Potatoes. fr sale at - A. ttlLLER'S, Variety Stora. B UKNINO Plaid, AJeohol, aad Camphine For aula at " A. MILLSA'8, Variety Stom OOLUltBIAN INKf. t v. ... TU4T rrcetvej end for sals HsrnWs best fj Colembba Ink. la quart, pint, halt pint, aad aawlicr boitlsa.. Btacb, Red and Bias. ' WM. U. MAVHfiW. Ilareli lltk, 1153. , , JfOMB and liraehe. Teeth, Paiat, U BemeUaw WaUeeraah aad other er BraaWes i aadFuM Coa.be tarsals br "Whs piaavare eaa eteeed The araakiaff eT the Ward I ' 11 5 A let sf Cigar ef V4riom grade sad prleee sls mm las aajsiiiog aad ehesinff Tohaota, fur tale by . t I. Ut308WAY. INSURE YCUB PROPERTY. I N ftfJIt ANC B eaa bs sffeetsd br the North CWroliaa lauraaea Coaipaay o llouae Furaitare, Goods, sta, by appiieatMa to ALEX. MITCHELL, Dr. :,;';;:-. - . Old County Wharf. TO TIMBER GETTERS. , WANTCU parobaoe 900,000 sr aivrr feet ef Tea Tiatber ef the beat qsality, foe which the highest cash price HI as oats. TAYI AYLOR A HOOPER. Jane lit. 1 051. ' K wtf MOLASSES. , JCST received and for sale 80 Ilbda. prima new erop retailing Molse. ' . . .. i , - DIBBLE t BRO.S. v March let 1813. .r,;. tt Srjpg CARS. BOD A, aaJ Titurle Aeid In general ewe fr Bsehaheat Cakes, , jest at aad sad far sata hf - , ' ' - IDISOSWAT. Mm dew Watch ee and J ewolry, Clock W. just received by JoaTMa Whalkt Gold Watches, Clock, Gold Chains, Koala Keys, Ear Rings, Cuff Pin. Ring, fins Brace lets, Gold Spectacle ale a sapsrior quality af Di"c ptated Pen, Hpoons, Lic Pleoss aaU and csaaalos ths 8t-k. . .- T - . JONATHAN WUALEV. V Cram Strsst, March A, 1W3. . tf ; ' ' PLANTING POTATOES. OA A BUSHEL Yellow PlaaUngPtrtaUee, 4UU W " Hnw - ii bbla. 8apcr6os BalUmora Four, SO Hiddlinge Juet received and tor esla br ; . . A. MITCHELL, OU County WJrf. March 4th 185$. r ' . NOTICE. AT a meeting of ths Director of the Keuae , River Naetgatioa Company, it was Rrolr ed that aa aserssraeotor IU per eonl on ths aab acriptisn to the Capital Stock bs colled lor oa las let day of May next. s , j , RICHARD N. TAYLOR, ' ' , 3TWa w. ' j Naw-Bsrae April 8,1891 10 It, C. R HATCH A CO. ;v : ; ' BURvrACTvau asu wroaTca or , Gentlemen's Toralalilxxjr Ooodi- No 07 William 8trect,' Midway between Maldeo Laos and John Street - r MEW YORK. ElalTidudiH 1844, A rf MERCHANTS wtll And at thU eatab f A Hehtnen a full Maortment of ths latent styles (embracing ta most approved Loa aoa aaw rn 1 b,. j s m huhm. Stock. Cravat, ' YTi Sd.osndtn. Line Collars, Drossinf Robes, Art Hosiery, HandkerehlefK Coder Ganneata 92 Money Baltl,Glorha. Shoaloef Braess, ' ;-;;.r.T"s wft,to h&alth. Olil I ifW.f nwivta nn r a CURB OF A DISORDERED UVEE AND -;t BAD DIGESTION. w fJOPY of A Lettfl Awea Mr, aV T; Kirkua, v vnsaua. 7, ireecoti pusw, Mearp eel, emisd To Professor Holloway ,,, .. , t, i : S sYoar .Pills .and Ointment bare sldd ths kighest oa par bale list of Proprietary Medi eioes, for aocoe years. A enttoaiee. to whom I eaa refer for any esquiri, dedree me to let yoa know U pankalare of he ease. She bad bean troobled, foryear witk a diaonlcred near, and bad digestion. Oa ths last ocrasioa,BwsTer, tnO riolenca sf the attack wa so alamiaa. and the IrrflammaTioa set In o aevcrely, lkt doubts Vera MierWidied 0f1.erffo able ia Ivur an ier it) lbrtan4W she Wa induced to try year JSIIa'asd she inform e0wt after the first,' aad e-cb socessdis? doss aha had great relief: She eonltooC to take tjienvuid ajuioagf din aaaa'aalr tars Boies, aba U now in (ho aa. joymeat of pettart health. I onld bars cent you many more cases, net uie above, from me ss reritr ef the attack, and the apeedy cure, I think apsaks arsch to Ikror of year a oniahing Fills. (Btgneoy :' at. rr. auttaus. AN EXTEAOZDlNARV CURE Of RUED. MAT1C FEVER IN VAN DtEME.VS ' , . ;--(,t.l LAND. . ' Copy of a Letter inserted is ths Hobart Town Cooricr, ef the lt of March, 1851, by Major ;J.! W.fch.::;;- Margaret UcCbnalgar. nineteen yean sf age reniding at New Tow a, ;iad been sufivring from a riolsat rheamstie fever tor opwardsof two atoatna, WUtch had entirely deprived her of the one of her limbs; dahag thin period. h was aodrr the are af the meat emment medieal men in Hobsrt Tewa, aod by them her eaas wae eav idered hopeles A friend prevailed opoa her to try Hoilowsy'e Celebrated Pilla, which aha eonasoted to do, and in aa incredible abort epaca of time, they snooted a perfect care. " CURE OP A PAIN AND TIGHTNESS IN ' HIE CHEST AND STOMACH OF r 1 A PERSON 4 YEARS . ' i ,-..- ,tii OF. AGE, ,,);' ai hit . I From Messrs. Tbew at San, Proattotors af the ; lnn. itt ' .mi ii.fce.il.il. Jowkg sUterasntAotfOat 84, IUI To Preftasor Hollowat: " ' ' " Sib: 1 dveire to bear tssdmonr to thoeood eneeta of Hollsways Pilla. for ink years 1 scarred sererely ttom A paia aad tightaeaa in the stomach, whath wa also accompanied by a thortnesc of breath that prerentad ms from walk, king about , I am 84 years of ago, end notwitb atairding ary advanced atata of life, these Tills hive so relieved mc, -h.it t am dciiroM that others should bo mads acq minted with their virtaea. 1 sa now rerxWrvd, by their mesna, comparatively active, and nn take ezereise witn- ... ! . . . L ' 1 , I I . . wu incoavciiMHtco or pun, wnwa (.ceusi aot so before. -; (Signed.) . . . ) HBXRY COS, , ; , North street, Laa, Norfolk, These celebrated Pilla are woadevfulty cdW . ciooa in the fulloAafeg complaints. -; Acne, Femsls IrrefularitM. Rwestioa of Urine, A-thme, Ferere of aU kioda, Hcronila er kjaa KriL BiUioa Ceoiplaistis Fits. Ssre Throats, Blotches on the 8kia, Uost, 8ione sad Oraval. Bowel Com. ptaiata. Head sch, Sccoadary Bympiam,' Calks, ladigstioii,Ti Oouloarvut.ikxutipatiun ot Dowala laHunmatlue, Taaiesis, Conaasipllaav Jaaniiee Ulcera. Debility, LUet Comptaioti, Venaraal At feetion, Drepay, Laabaco, Wanae of all kinda Dyeeatsry, Pile, Sryaipelas, RhenmaHwa,Weak. aea from whatever CAnee, kfl Ae.v" "- Bold at th esUbllahment si Professor Hoi' loway, 824, Strand, (near Temple Bar) Lo.tdoa, and by all reapeetahle Drnui.-a and Denlera in Medicines tliroughoul the British Empire, and by those of the U. States in pot and boxea at 37 J ecata, 87 eenta, and SI 60 each. .Whole al by Uie- principal Drug houtea in the Union, and by Messrs. A. B. it D.SAN US, New York, and Mr. J. HORSEY, 84 Maided Lane, New York, j-- "; v : N. B Directions for ths gaiJanee of f a lienta in every disorder are affixed to each boa. For ante by L DISOiWAY, ., . &Aent, , - New-Borne, N. C. New-Berne, March 5, 1853. eow ly. CIRCULATING LIBRARY, THE Sunecribpr give notice to hi friends and the reiuiintf. public generally, that in compliance with many aolieitdtirms, he has es tablished at his Book Store on Pollok Street, a library of Select Noveia, and the best period i csla of the day. Subject to the rules oaually re gulnting circulating libraries, he invito tha lovers or light Literature to call and select for them solve. Teem. For yearly lubscribere S3 each, paid la advnnco. . For leading a Periodical, of Novel (lite for mer to be detained not more thin thrss days at any one time and the latter not veer ail oayi) live cents, payable In all eases at the time of draw ing Uie book from the liinvy, . WM.H.MAYHEW. Ncw-Berne, April 8, lMX , , 10 , NOTICE TO DISTILLERS Ws Will be eontantly'supplied with a G w Attioli or GL0i direct from the Manufacturers, which will be furnished to Dbtillers at New York prices, Jvfl 0UVEa A80N, ' New-Berne, April 3 1st, 1858. - ' , JUST RECEIVED. I HE BUBSCRIBER has juat received at kia Gallery oa Craven Street a eplendid amort maot Of llaguerrcotjp Stock.tnclitdiag avsry variety of fancy and common Oases of ths ktast French and American atytos. Hs h lrrtfeMed his fksililieS tor taking PkHarec and wilH rfiahy tbadka for the alraady liberal batroWagb ol the ... , 'ally -Mil'??: 1Z3bth.Al-' fw raox oosTBS. "!;- EAXTT,howra4aadnetIrrgt'' . ' Vw.ink at. ..; ' 4.-W 111 t am aw insiiaa hibj aaww . Eavioo. aturkywehUwlmle' beating, Come end Wither WetT flower. CaallattayaMirhMdan';"';M ' w C.- fla4afllt.hsii; S j , ,uVhich fho aatuma atoraaa namsjaUsn, i AtvlwhocwUtietkawMa ? 1 ' tteckerf than' WWyAf' j ' Itufckly'wieiteB tb pwawts'ajwiai't I. i ' fbeaa tf ripen will begVVi i'At tjrJr i. , ,i Let tkf others bloaaora there, i ' . i: Thinkt thy valei of joy the giver, - Clumgtt with eeeb shower sf ram; : ! In ths some tranaparent river "tf Thoa wilt aerer bathe again. c Thou thyself art erer chanRlngt .. rt ' Form i that how before tlics rise, , ' places and wall blgk ranging, ; ... , Thoa bshokfat with aker eyes. , . Vanished ar Um lip that gladly : ! , : dace Waved lore's fond embrace, r , " And the Voot that boldly, madly -'n Trod the hinted moontain-chaao. , Aad the hanl thstlbr thy nrolbe'r ' Nobly worked m weal and we. Ersrything is new swefAer f ) t 6wift they come and noiaelcM go. All' the form that bear thy name. ' ' Standing now where thoa hast stood, j ' Like a ware of ocean came, ' And rejoins its astire tuod, Te bcgirmmg let edmpleUon ; : Fottuw in hannonlou rhyme j ' Let thy sptrii' lfl fmUion Yet ootatrip tlie flight of time. i;- ;GifU for ays thou msyest inherit, ; "Mortal ot the Muses blent i , . , nTbtf ideal before thy apirit. i , u' ilZhsnward m iliiis thy brestL ' Few Words vs.Long Sermons ' The oratira of taa besHtifut sequestered lit tle nanletof Ambermead, Was ah ytd tfentle- tnaa of unobtrusive and orderly habits, whose peculiar taciturnity had obtained for him the familiar cognomen of Two Word. Mr. Ca nute, si is Two Worn, dwelt oa the outskirts of the village, tended by an ancient bouae- koeper, almost an chary of speech as her worthy master. It Wat surmised that Mr, Ca nute had seen better days ; but though hi means were straightened, hia heart was large, aad hia countenance expressed great benevo lent Notwithstanding the brief mode of speecn wnioa raiarweru uiui vu w vw arans, the advioe of Mr. Canute was easily acnlght on every subject whereon it Was pre sumed advioo could be profitable ; and the cimple rustics of Ambermead perhaps rained k.the more, because, though delivered without a particle of potnpoeity, the terse nee and de cision of the Wonk expended, left an indelible impression, which long sermon often tailed to convey. Mr. Canute lived on terms of inti -a .a -t 1 T It . raacy wita trie umur at tna oia. uuui an intimacy cemented W early association, for Mr. Harwell aad Mr. Canute had been school -iellows ; and when a painful and linmrinB- Olnett attacked the squire, hi an cient frieod and crony felt deep anxiety as to the ultimata fete of Mr. Harwell's only child, the good and lovely Clara Harwell. Ths disease was aa incurable one ; though the suffunnir nwht be protracted, there was no bone of ultimate recovery, and an air of jHoorn reigned owef the tillage of Ambermead, where onoc the sweet sprintfand summer tide brought onlr snort and deei Ambermead was noted for a profusion of rich red rosea, exhaling de licious frasranca : and for the song of innu merable nightingales, whose harmonious con certs resounded amid the umDrageous groves, theltenng ths hamlet on every aide, and ex tending beyond the old Hall of Ambermead. But now, although the roses bloomed and the bird sang, serious tatts looked from tin cot tago doors; and while the younger villagers forgot their usual pastimes, the eldera con versed apart in whisper, always directing their glances towards the hall, as if the sufferer within those thick walls could be disturbed ly their conversation. This sympathy was called forth not. only by tha circuirUUutOG df Mr. Harwell being their ancestral landlord, the last of an impoverished race, but from his al ways hnrlmf lived antonif thetn a a friend 1 ..j " - ; -A ana neigaoor reepeewju v duji vn . beloved as aa equaL Their krioWledge also of . . a a . ,1. .a. -1 k. J the squire's decayed fortunes ana mat on n death, the fin oid pUot nlust become the pro perty, of a stranger, whom rurrfour did not re port tarourably ofgreatly Snhanoed the oon eern of these hereditarr cultivator of the soil : nl mini Krirlit ores ireW dim thinkinrf of poor Miss Clara, who would so aoott ba tW lets, and almost periniMs; me estate oi aar waa atrtrily rrtsiied in the mala una. and the next heir was of dials til liiff. tcf (he Harwell. A oombinatioa of aisfortunes, and mi draihtdf imnrudence m rears long-by-ffona, had reduced tha present proprietor to tha verge of ruin, from which he wax to find re fuge only in the gWve. The Harwell family vaA for oanturiea ia Ambeinaad, Tbey eem so much to belong- to their poor weigdi bouit, who always ynrpathued most fully in: jVa. w, andwsof e "Hall folk," that now, when there was a certain prospect of losing then forever aa it aeemea, toe parous; 1,1 - XMiic a. ivuangcsa,. ..u Ii m 1 ttin m nanklHW aal ttttwaxn landlord and tenanl, between rich and poor it wa tha partuig of endeared mend. , They watched and waited for Mr. Oaaate passing to and fro. a ha did eeljr day, and more diaa ones a day l and oa his two word they hang, a if life or death were involved in that snort bulletin, '.--' ' J',;n v." ' " '.' is 'How is the Mdtra traday f haht Wle.' 'i - -No' iMttofi fted Mr. ijaBttte mQdly. w1UrstaKl.' fiLix lt "And how Mint Clara ! rnqdired awMher, with deep pity in hk looks. ' - V- A "Very patient," responded the old man) still moving slowly oa with the aid of Ail atont Adeit r9eaW! aereml Toices when he 'Mntof laaaring. "Yes, yes, patient enough ; and uaater Canute xneaas a deal -wheA if ays paC-t Bleat her young sweet fitce ( there' pat in t'l if ever there Wat fOortaTs." ;, .., r.M . . ;-. ''( v M. Canute's Hte'nce was sorely taxed W erleatioaiair at all boat. . h w.vl.M nW 1 oy one, wen oy ainxiier.-Mj bis way from bis own cottage to the HalL tt with unfailing cockT nature aad Tromptitude. U iimri.Kl. aatiened allectiowate kVjIititvrJa rjt.M BWn. bte AeignboNtrs-it nm own qnaint wa- er-toJaly-never wasting Words, fet porfectty ! derstood. - V ! The summer-tide win Wan incr into Autumn. and the sqdife rjf Ambermead uded more gra dually than aataatn leavAea, when late one eve ninz a. wartarct flopped at Mr. Canute's oot- taga, which was tin tha roadside, and request ed pertmauon to Ma, asking tor a draught of waterfront the wett before the porch.. - " Most welcome," said Two Words, aean- ning the stranger, and pleased with his appeair- anoe, tor youth and an agrecaue eountenance are sure passport ; ' perhaps, too, Mr. Canufe discerned gentle breeding in his guest, despite iravei-soiiea naDmmema, xuu a uaau w ui tual recUessnem in his air. At any rate the welcome was heartily given and as heartily re sponded to ; attd when Mr. Canute left his dwelling, m order to pay his Usual evening visit at the HalL he marar said, addressing hi yawns; ' visiter, "Soon back f and turning to Martha, the careful housekeeper, adder, "Get sapper f while on stepping orer the thresj hold, wcond thoughts urged him to return and ear to the Young man, lon"t go," - " ' "No, that I wont," replied he, frankly "for I like my quarters too well, i ll wait till yoa Mma W1L bnveraor'f sHiTT hobe'Vou Won't be long, for my rnouth water! for tie supper f ou spoke of." ' . hv'iadnm time beside the sick man's bod, and bidding "good night" aad '-blee you" to Clara Har well, be retraced his steps nomewnras, anu found sapper ready, add the handsome stran ger so obviously ready to do justice to the fru gal fare, that Mr. Canute jocularly remarked, "Keen air to which the stranger replied to the same strain, "Fine scenery;" on which the host added, "An artist I" when the youth laughing outright, said, "an indifferent one, in deed." After a pause, arid Suffering his mirth to subside, he continued, "are you always so economical in words, airf Don't yoa some time find it difficult to carry on conversation in thi strain. "Foa don't." replied Mr. Canute smiling, and tmperttlrably tfood-natured. "Not L" cried Uie youth ; " and I want to ask yoa a half a hundred qnestiona. Will yoa aaiwer me V TUtry, "replied Mr. uinute. ; ; - " Tve not long to stay, for Fm on a Walking four with a friend ; bdt I diverged to Ambef mead, as I was anxious to see in I've had a curiosity to see it for a long while ; but My friend is waiting for me at the market-towni eight miles off, I think, and I shall strike across the country .when the moon is up, if you'll give me a rest till then." . "Most welcome," said Mr. Canute courte ouslyi . : s' " "Ah all t" quoth the stranger, "if trmts the wsy you pursue . your dlsoourae, I don't think I shall Warn much from you. I hope, however, that I may get a wife who will fol low your example a woman of llvo words in short; she'll be a rare specimen of her sex!" . i' ; "Ah haT ejaculated Mr, Canutei . ." But come, tell me, for time presses," said the young man, suddenly becoming grave "toll me all a bunt Ambermead, and the squire how long he's likely to last For, in fact, the friend I mentioned, who is with me du ring thi Walking tour, vastly interested in all that concerns the place and property " "The heirl" whispered Mr. Canute myv terrouslri "We'll, well, suppose we say he ia: he' not altogether a bad follow, though he ia ooo sidered a bit reckless and Wild, iwi no nas heard of Clara Harwell beauty and goodness from hi cousin, Lady Poosonby, (she Clara' miuin inn. von know :) arid ha k reallt Quite m fa, thinW that auch a lovelv ereatur I shodld be turned out df the old Hall to make room for hint. II wants to know what "! become of her when old Harwell dies, a all the world knows he'a ruined. ! It' a pretty place thi old Ambermead a parad.se, I should say; I hnw what I'd dqftf I waa tVer .lnv.ky enough to call it miae." The yowth rubbed Ws hands-gleefully. "I should be happy dogthear "And Urent" said Mr. Canute srmlirjrf. " Why, then, Td pull dowuthe rickety old house up there, and build a pwaee fit for a rrinoe; I'd keep nothing but the eld wine; d hava lota of nrirne fellow to stay with me ; awd I shotild sptbtt tHe Snset boYw sml dogs in the evuntry." The speaker paused, out of breath. - . ' ' And ther said Mn Camfto dtfieUy, M Why. then, I'd hunt, and shoot am) ride, and drink, and smoks, and dance, ami keep open house, and enjoy HA to the mll-feaat-1 " How torjrea aw. .Mm m, look inVnWyear't and to yaari end the feast ' ig with ple-ed surprise into the open met bf reason and Uie flow of soul, you fa-frr""""? o!d Ambermead F ' u Why, lien, t suppose that In trine t shonlj grow old, like other peophs, and tase to care for all these things, so much a I did wLek atiwigtAkndyuthwfwlnitiei" f , V i ' " And tiwn f" mid Mr. Canute moire slowly. " Why. tnenand the atraninr hesitated "then. t impose, like other people," in tha conn Tor -nature, 1 sntrtild Jjave to leave sit tha pleasure of this life. and. like bthdr be plw--die."-r ' ' v J"' Uk-':' And thenr aaid'Mit annto, fiuhS hia eYeft, ' diuernijf' Hie diamonds, fcu the Totmgr maVa bee, which flushed un b ha exclaimed wiA aon hriUtion ';"-.;. Oh.' faanry our Ihd th'fVmP TU VU ' modki Is well so rm off. Good. night, and thank ron." And without further hswiex hf Started vjfi'-oar hk 'h!k otef tha L;iu . -ttA ir. itm.. -n.i i . . HH U. VUJI 1 9 wt fj waiiitivn Ml i rneeta Wresting figure, till in the Oeeb aha aowi of Hre surrorinding fyneWna tost to ...tivm. In. tfid woonlitrW. in Ur arknesk in the yaileyy And ton tha hiuaide, these worda haunted the wayfarer, and he kept repeating to himself, And then f . Thottrhts took pes session ttTm. mir that her before Ud rained entranca there, of a Mother ranged themaeiVeb in 1 seqWce which gar ui umuj a ire aicmucsooe. . - tu pass uie Prewa fadf fV, him thi. th final aa a cohereni rJin of events, exempilrymj cae aad effect I if hi. plant for the future U not at that m-Bt imy dcteittUbate change, he stfll kn repeaiinw ahtMihr and -inquiringly, at he waVed oA ih the moon light, the two. stmngeiKggegtiVe words; "And thenf". It prbved jaiAaiid atdl: some night's. jouraeY for ttnl travel ler ; tor he bad lett Air. Canutes itnw so hastily, thai be W omitted to ask for JL. art i ' ' I SUA landmarks on the hills leading to tha pirni wttitner newat bouhd. U consequence, the stare faded In iSt sky, and Uie rosy morn broke through the eastern mists, ere the weary man, from the summit of a high hill which ha had tortuously ascended, beheld afar oft, down in the vftttar, the fencing riVer, the bridgetand the cburcn'-to'vfef bf Uie town where hi! friend, in aome anxiety, awaited his re-appearance. During all his after-life, that young; man never foiWot the solitary nicrhtWalk when ha lost Bis Way beneath a bfehutiruT spangled summer sky ; the start teemed to form the letter, "And then!" th gttft, tugiitrfcreeit seemed to whisper in htt ehi, a And then I" . It ia trna tin ha nntwalnnrl tba intpUioxmca he so tight respecting the inmates of Amber 1 , . . . . i.i , ,i, t, .., it for the inspection bf Mh Canute ; and in re turn, . he had hstened fd no reproof no tin some lecture vouchsafed from fmy age to ardent Vouth, tnit tiniply two words had pe netrated nis nean, ana set nun a tmnking se rioc!y. Mystfc Mttle , words ! " Ar.d then I" For nearly three rears after hfh If.irweira decease,' the old Hall, contrary to gen ;ral an ticipation) remained utiteNahtf a, rave bir do mestics left in charge. Miss Clara Mid round shelter with her relative. Lady Ppnsonbt; though her memory was still frttehKna warmly cherished among the bumble friends in her beautiful native village. Mr. Canute, if pos sible, more silent than ever, still remained ths rillacrj oracle I rcl-linns more cherished than oflrttre: inasmuch as he was the ohlv memen to remaining of the beloved Harwell the old familiar . facs now teeU Bd more. Hi would listen, and Ikejf Would talk; bf days gone br; he felt the Um even tntfre thaH bitters, for he mottrHed t cdmpahlon and friend ia Mr. Har well, and Clara had been to the good Two Words at tut adopted daughter. f At length it waa rumored that Mr." Selby, the neW proprie tor, ' was soon expected to take possession of his property in due fond ; ndredve'r that he was on the poiilt of marringe; iitltl hat hit young bride would aceorrlanny' hitn. Ill rer porta fly quickly; add It lad been circulated in former times that Mr. jfeelby was wild and extmfagant, careless of others, selfish and pro fligate. Iildeed, Mr. Canute had not contra dicted auch reports, so was generally opined tbey were too true, And bad a legal foanda- lion. With heavy tha inhabitants of Alntsrtnean com their rural prepsrt- tions for the of the shuire and hit bride; green i arc! were erected, and wreaths of flowers Were ng on the spreading bran- tfhes, beneath ich the travellers' road lay.' It was the bf roses and nigbungaiea, . was in its gtorr ; and no when Ami er had the li red roses bloomed so proruse iiad the chorous of the grovas ly, and been more full and enchanting, than on the cummer efening wuea tne ow ana youngs or the hanfcftt, arrayed ia their holidny aUira, waited fa greet the new-comer. Mo? Canute stood at his cottage door; tha bridge ydN beyood, orer wXich the route eon dusted td tna Hall through avenues of green err, was festooned with rose: and a band of. miiidefts in white lined trie pctaresque ap- prosch. Tn strd Was .setting, when a ear- riaaV dWve crdicklt utt slactenuta? its pace at it eroMed the bridge, aad stopping at Mr. Ca nute s bam bte gate, two Words himself, bareheaded, ttopped forwards on seeing a lady alight, wtaoy in another triorrient, threw herself into ms arm,' exclaiming, -vsur nrst greeting must be front you, deaf, dear, Mr. Canute 1 1 need toot introduce Mr. Selby ho is known to you already.'',, , , V Spoochless froYri stowisbment and emotion, the old -man could only say,- " Miss Clara I" i hd gxxed from one 4o another, recogni sing in the gentleman the wayfaring guest who had departed! so" aUruptly on wsuong expedition over the moonlight bill, mora than three year pre notary, sjuung we nana which Mr. Canute ailently exteiiaed, Mc Set bv aaid witlt deen tlinir: ,; ' ' "It W toVr' iiistrumtntality that 1 ; vlL-.tj. . i', w ".t. . : .... my praHui - i Ml eahera, April Utb 183 a v.

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