. t . . , . ; , , ( , ; " s , ' . . , .,, , ". ,----Z! . j..."...' ' li.l.i.5-llrri.iii..iiii,i ' I liu.- triy,.-fn-- Nil II .' I .11 I lT-r I " I iT "r n ----- - ' r rmr ,,.. - -"..1.;., . - J, ' ' J. I .. ... ., . ; "-"TTTTT!: J , . mTt " 4lt4J fs i mil .41 . .'TUT C3b2 , . .' i id vijtfi 1 . .'Mr s.fc1!-' i-f mi i i,.r "t. r H'fn 171 i.i'f ... (i i i i i , ! tit ii m v i - II x , - i i i j. ',, v I f. i - " i i i t ii i ii . i i ; ha i it .11 (fill .-I T c. . II i III A ' . ' 1 I I In I I I , I I Ti wl I I IH' v 'N. ' U A . Lit' Cr; I AV. "- M --'i V'Ll ' ? ' ri A V A.V B'- rOtS i ill I ' ' .1 i 1 1 i.i .I-. ( i. rr Ha 1 1.', i " :i..r: i i i, i i (.. r I ". - I iv i l- I . i v 1 1 I i ii ia,i.a "n jl " i . . U;.l.? l B .J 1.! ffi " . 1 1 ii i ni ' i run i 'in ii yr. ifcmpjjuzi, piti:lisiieii Aip piionirroiL tag mtzir uim ; ' i rjintsnep tTkBY'titOtoAT," 4T f ' ii 6? p3r Aaaaai, in advakoo T'rt.. . i . J . sit t7ILLIAr.I3. J. bifi .o oo to onth iMc of Polhr Siroji, eve i' doontauovtt puaais ouwi. Hcfca of ncrlising. 9 50 K.irana , ..... 3 -' do. ," I 00 1 95 Conlrnef wilt lo rnnJoby Uit teas or fw honor litno, vitbor for iwriD.iiiunt ftilverline iq i!iti or lo ba run -wfd at ill opliop oftlie mt vertisor, v.d Fit ' DuxiaeM Card, on k-rm the mosl advMta jou. AdroniaomsiiU tent to thU.OflSco JioulJ have 11m Dumlmr of iiwortiom nurke4 on tbaoi, or the will lurleJ until forbid anil ciutrgud mcordinjly. , . . .", Iluvini m iruotl variuly of Job Tynt a can ha founi in thti Suie, we ore prepared to exe- ute nil order in tM nuove Urnnen in Hie neat lUliaOiVpncaiuaaWe jrm, nl t tlio aburkwt IllOlUie. . .. 1 " All lottcr oiUruaiied to the EJitor ncf be poet paid. i i t(, ,i , t The following btile nf PosUm, under the new U. t it j. Canada. tlttrs owl their v.igkt. 3 33 Cl. !a. UlllX MR MID. Ci. Cti. Wtlifhiii!? ft or, or nJ- .V W .1 . . f fit v ). ft oi. and out over I ..owe - - . ti1 18 'art Kh'ur 1 enneo. and not over II on.ve m m so "18 4A vur 1 1 miiM-i-. niul not .... . ...i 2i it JOi 60 net 'J inraii(t tut over 11 ounce . , ; I .19 6n 75 wucr rr rstriD. rei'il g o. or under vijmz the Mtnym mto. " 10 r mute, and not oror I oti ioe .- hi 2fi i.rr I firt, and sot over j -' I (ounce 15 ' 3d 3a 9:or ll ou him. and fiM '' over a on- ' 1 "! anHM.nniTnut over Otieawi t'CJi.'inis tl '- 6 I n ttrj.il u.t:ui;i mi !. r'ii i"1 iV:iu:il 0(fIK-1I. . Iliv-iimfJabO 1ijo!, to be prepaid ... i . i . . i m i .. ... K ll lift -Itt. .... ,.v .. Tn J.iroui'M, tl -.rminf ) by lircrnan lMe, m UrCii-iViiiuiil uption-il. Hy KnflUh Steam li'iiiH, a fPilK. prH i. iimviimi O. A. XX AXIT, MAKl-rACKHKB Q Tin, Sheet Iron an! Oappar Wares, 1 ... . .. . -M ..... . ' .'-' ...'.'-i. AMD DKAtKR IH : - roves AMD japa.nXeo warm, conxifA ov nnoin axo middib tTitiT, O k -"r S"'A .' t'Mri .., .." " T ' ' .. ? K O. soncE. l!i S4';ribr will build .r rfpiir, (it a slum 1 - nftffrd or c,iiT-Hunt,uo. h hMt rtvli4li in l'i bid iBMifier aa l OisIts I ft T. J. I.th-.m. PJOtes. C. ii .nW L. Uiiwwior J mbov P. I-itham, IIyJCo. Vi. kl Whi--VL" .. T?,":i."i7 .k. bo sttsadwt t, ana wor oe-;. w - ;: tll,.vBiatd gentlemen to order. . , . !. AUOISTUS LATIIAM. aift Creolt Bridge, Csaven Co, N.U, Nov fl THE LARCCST SILK,, RIBBON jTMVMSU HOME ItiSEW YORK Aim n'TTfilTAS G. STEARNS, Ut i Jotisr of Silkf, Millinery, and Fancy (rooai, patOB8 A MB OBANTKD PY AT SETT CASH - ADDISO INTiaBST. ' ' ' , 162 Broadway, New York. TI IT AS now in Stow and M daily reeeoiv.ag IHI J Jn ttha L0WBST PftlCBS, a .;?;f 00odirt hi. li..e,eort.. sistingof- ' . . , MareelliM f loroncej Shawls, T'iimJVJ , Bonaot Ribbon, Taflstaso4 SaUn Ribbons Dress Trimmings oi nu 1 B,Dbroideriss,:Frenh and English v cmp Uue d Silk Crsvats, . .,(. , aiovwaf1! Wnd, ,,.;, ' . , Silk Mila,B.vego, L-ie. . , , ..n :. rAm Hnilut. I.. I;. UnktS. -1 Th iindonsigneft w m "(nft,f Pf tbWfloSl J-" W West wlsa 1. thto ,ity, tofavochmiwith a sail and samip, bis Sloeb before ' I - Between liberty strot, spd Mwdonijanoy NEW.YpRK. r 1 ' 1 1 ' - LADLES' OAUZE MERINO Tff. rrf - ii i i i y-i -- ".J ..'.1-1 I1.1 111 ( tufi i i K ,., w u , t: ; ; , m- W Broadway, ' ; y ;s , A few Doom abort Spring Street. . t '", DENTISTRY. "' M ; ' VtT. H. i WHEELER, r " " BOOMS AT H. O. Cim.EB'l WABHIIIOTOB HOTEL) 'May 37tli. 1858. j t " ' ' ,.,-., T-U ll.I.l,tV"i. - : H t' Mn ; j. WAlj,B ft' e- ..; c - ; ' V STAPLE ATfD FANCY , SHOES, IIATJB, CAPS, ,. Umbrellas, Parasols, Jewalry, &c. , June 25th, J853 , .. , ,u ,N. C. ; D0LUTEE & P0TIER, . jCOAtJJISSIOJT MERCHANTS, Libornl a4vaneea mad ea Ciatlgnamta ea It DpU.IB. , t . , ;0. POTTII. FcbrowT IStb I8.7t. ' J r, COLUMBIAN INK! . ;. il Columbian Ink; lir quart, pint, linll pint, and anullcr Mil,' Blnek. Jte-t art I Blur. WM. IL MAYIIEW. March 11th. 1813. IIKRE IS VOUR REMEDY t KOLLOWAVS OINTMENT A MOST Ml RACUIXMJ3 CUUK U DAII I.KHS, 5 ArTER 43 YKAR'rJ SUFFERING. Exlraet of Ottnr Irom Mr Wrn. G.ilpihaf 70 :. tit. Mary'i Street, WeyiuouliyUled iJsj I5tb To I'rofrssor HotLOWAT! , " ' 8ta 'At the am of IS. rar wife fwlin i now 01) c0(rlit a iolent eold, which ettU-d in bar Irg. and crer uneo (hat time thev have keen i mM l.. mA U.tl.. tnjtl. A i 1 1 aonM were h:nimg , iaa 10K oiomiih togeth er aho wti deprived eatirely of rest and slevp. Eviry rvmody that Die.lioil man advird,-iw rUJ, but without effect her health nWcred ficverely, and the ttnte of her lrg wn terrible. I 1-ad of ten "no .d j-onf advertisement, and advioed her to try yoor Pill snd Ointment i and, na a laat r aouree, after every other reravdy h;id prove J nuclr, the omaerttod io do ao. ; Si ciMniiien cl six weuk ago, and, trange to relate, ia nw in good heiltn. Her leg are paiola, without uRin nr fur. find ncr aieen nounu mi unuwmr bed. tould yoo have witnessed th suiienng 01 1. J 1 .4 1.. rK M : Anil 1 eontroirt Ihent with her present enjoyment of health, you indoed fool delighted ii saving been the manna of en RreU iilluvUtingtliesaQorings of a fellow-creature. (Signed.) WILLIAM GALPIN. A I'tHsos 10 Yi'.ars or ao ft cubed or a Bad Lec, or 30 Yeh STAroiHO. " ' Copy id" Ttt from Mr. Wm. Abbs Builder of Ua UIM of Riiliolifli, near HmldernfieKI, HaySlsti 1851. Tu rfofrasor Holl'iwat: ? ' . r--,r I wirtered fv a perwtt ol imnv yenrs from si bad I02, tho result of two or thn- dittt' .1 . . ii i - llT.li HMIIIIIIIMnlMl rent ncciwinui ni io - by scorbutic nymptom. I had recourse to n va advice, without derivlnir any be nefit, sad u-im even told that the leg most be am- IMltHk'd, yet, l opposition W inn opimn, yvm I'il I and Ointment have fria complete aufc m ao short a time, tkit rw who had not witnua. sed it would eroditthat'-,',, ,, Anno , (Signed.) r ! t ma VP. im... ...f. nflb stiilein 'iit ran be veribed by Mr. W. R England, Ut.-nit-i, Miarsei siriwi, ii ...1.1 r.,.1.1 1 1 lltliitii 4r rw.mm. Rvn RnT-Asr r?tfeOI.1 05B MOUTH iR!trrtofa Letter liom Mr. Frederick Turner, of I'enhursti Kent, dated December 13th, , . 1850. . ft- Tl-r- Tift? f VtlTAV I s ., . ,. t . . Dear Sir My wife had Ruflered from bad breasU more than i rnenlhe, und during the wholo period had the beat medical attendance, but nit to no use. ' Having before healed sr, awlui wound In my own legs by your onrivalled med.- cine. 1 letenmna wn w Ointment, and therefor gave them trial in her case: and fortunato it was I did so. for in less it x .w a fii-riwr. s-nre was eiiwwui benefit that various other branches ol my fcm.ly have derived from thei a-e, ia really fstomsM ing. I now strongly recomowntt mem o an iuy friends. kt- rrtnvp.ri.; (Signed) ' rK.n.uf"-; Vh? ahou'd be used conjointly with th Ointment in most of the following eaaee : Bad Let Chttblata;. 'fe Su., Bad Breasts, oosppoa nnnu., - : Bums, . .Corn (soft) i, ,-, mgs Bunions, . , Cancers, , ; Urn page, Bit. of Mosqui. Contrwtod w4 , ft.. i.H mill HlBS. Ollll JUI'I", vm" "I CocoBaVi v.innhsntiasi: Scalds, , " i Chleffotiiotir C5 A. la Fistulas, 'k Sore Nipples, RRlftdlseaseat Scurvy,: ' ( Temom,!4' uf Uleers, , Wounda. Yaws...' I'. -., QUI" i.7aras. Sore HuM,' . . ... . . . near A em' p,r?. aaa oy - -. 6o 1 1 .. Arthft 1 1 hiTivi nuui. bTthe' Union, and .";HI C' SAND3, New'TorkiandjMri MOR8Y, Wtinn. for the1 guidance . tfti4l ya --' ,7 v., , t. , . - Sol, AgsW, Soldby th Proprietor, ?44Strand,f near ie ole BarJ London, and by ajl rf wcMibl yljr of PaUnt Sfedifline, throughout th Brlah Em in out - - MUr-gSBBS, Cpp CiCCLESA, CAICZ31YV 8ITEnSS& 13 IT AHYE0DT8 BDSHJES3? 'WW 41 (The following fa iubtnitted, for thq congjde rntion of all whom it may (Soneern by u mem. tornt th Mind Your Own Bmnaena Socitty,'' with the hope tbat it may bo prodoetiro of pood roaulta. j ; ., f . la it anybody's buaioeoa ",-. 't.; .i If a gentleman aliould t hooao ' Towaltopon a lady, " '''"'' 4 ' If the lady don't refotot "'J , . '.to Or tu pe B mtle plaiher, " . That the .veanlogall may know Is it anybody' bnsincM , s , , ..' ' If a lady hps a boon,'. ; If a ncraon'a oa ths sidewalk. . Whether great or whether ma)lt I it anybody' bueiness ':, , Where thai peraon mean to call t Or, if you nee a person ,. An bt'a calling an) where, . j la it any of your buainroa HTiit hit bunlneaa mny be there f The substance of oar query, i .. t Simply alald, would bo thus; , .. Is it.anybody'a busiooaa ' ,j . . , W hat another' bualneas Is! i.." Ji it fa; or if it ia Isn't, 'J " - W would really like Jo know, Fur we're certain if it isn't Tfeernws-iaie-whs -safee-SI-sor ' If it is, well join th rabble, : 11 1 And seta noble part- '' ' Ofthe tattlers and defarmers Who throng the public nurt; t' ' ' But if not, we'll act t!ie teacher, . Until each mcdleriearn ... ' U were better in tb l'uUr4 . . ' ; . To mind his Own concerns.' THE FEYE&ED CITY. . . T BET. CHABLESW. DESISUB. How little reck we, In oar honw of esse, 1 Fanned by thn mountain air, the ocean breeze,' Of tho (lot breathings that are fidling now, In blight and death oa many a southern brow! What gentle winds around our dwellings eome Waring the boughs that shield our happy home1 The whispering leaves lixp anui'ie to our pnnes1 Where we ait listlessly and count our gain ; ' Tho dimpling wave laugh its they pass as by, Andbird,ln troop, sweep gitily through the sky( The Ttot d b brP trompel aound Where dancing circle sport their, mazes round: Ojs hands ndmnnm iwrfMiwl . Wi:U cJAnoor loud ana loug.pass in review i : Our ahips, with pennons high, and pitiinna sprwd, Bear forth the living, heedless of Hi desa 5 And the great ear of trade, for woe no thought, Rolls on ill ceaseless wjh; Juggernaut! , Oh ! ye who brcatbe amid no fevered air. Think of your woea jour southern kinsmen neart iQh! ye who sport along Atlantic's shore, I . Thlbk of flint perished host ye meet no more! Call up those silent streets that lone levee And the uuburied dead, sni to tne nea t Q6 to; that funeral pyro, wliose fl.imea aiii ; To Hght with horrid glars the midnight akiesl Stand wbero the putrid hap Oegrim tne ooa, Whose trembling souls, unshmcn, have gone to God! " " ' Toil.with th Howard,mid thetrowds of rooms, Where dying shrieks and groans pierce uirougn tlia frlooins 1 .... But eek y not the dead ; seek tho3 who live, And of yosr substance, qttotft'oli i!quJcklyglve ! J.n Interesting Tale. From tht American Banner. , THE BRIDAL WINE CUP. . iti.i.. with wine Died tre with wine, cried the young . and thoughtless Harvey Wood: nledire with a-ioe,' ran through' the - , . - k.4lsAtt SlWlWii. ' 1 ': 1 The beautiful brido grew palo the decw vo l 1.-4 ; Rh nressed her white Bands toeether, and the leaves of the bridal wreath trembled on her pure brow, her breath earae quicker, her heart beat wilder,. t a i f Yea, Marion, lay aside your scrapie .for this oncT Uie juago, m ww fd his dautrhter, the oompaay e- JL t ultenat M- seriously infringe upon !... .,. ,.r .i;,.Bunt b fftwws borne act as yo pleaaej bat in mmq, " r r . . . 1 .1. !n n.M tll.UlftA , .1. v..il t..-- . wits turned wwarus w twf. Marion's principi- -- r V? ' w-4 k . v ivalist but oflote his . 1 i.ll k-iin. tnenos nowu ' o ' . . .i.. difference in his habite-and to-n.ght thev .i.Kl him to see. as uiey biwuS.j ... .:.,i jnn in n woman's opinion so It no was hw " " . pouring a brimming bedcer, Aey . cjdit ftir niles toward Marten. , She Wltnempv...8 7 ,--. Was st 11 very paie, uiougu a .. vnd shook not. as smiling back, she lie, th .iiftil the ervstal tempter and she j- rv hand was arreston.. by P0"" ..r:..i..i!nn of -oh. , how tern ? -What is W oriod one and ratber; for she had slowly earned the. glass as tnougn ,1 w. ---- - . . 1. .i.-A hulnnilS OPiecu r: j AWaiV she-anworw, r-j-- tio-ht shorn from ber dark eyes, ,'y in? ldescnptyoMni , ft i3fSlott mpunlus crooned with "" ;:: 0 1H', - runs through, and bright flowers grow to the water's fidgo. jThre is s tbick, warm j mist, that the sun seeks vainly to pierce. Trees lof ty and beautiful, wave to the sir ' motion of birds; but there group of Indians gather; they flit to and fro with something like sor row ,npon their dark brow. , , And in their midst lies a manly form but - his cheek how deathly, his eye wild with the fitful fire of fe ver,' One friend' stands beside him nay I should say kneels; for see he is pillowing that poor head upon his brenrt. Incr 'brow! why should death mark it, and ha so young I " Look how be throws back the damp curls! see him bow he clasps his hands 1 hear bis thrilling shrieks for life! mark how he clinches at the form of his companion, inrtplor ing to be saved. Oh ! hear him call piteously hi father's name see him twine his fingers together as he shtieks for his; sister his only sister the twin of his soul weeping for him in his distant native land. , 'See! she exclaimed, while the bridal party shrank back, the untasted wine trembling in ber faltering grasp, and the' Judge fell, over powered, upon his beat 'see! his arms are lifted to heaven he prays, how, wildly, for mercy I hotferer rnshes thTOUgh Jtns... lh, mend beside him s weeping;.' awe strickenj the dark men move silently ' away, and leave the living and the dying together.' . -v t.r , There, was a bush in that princely parlor, broken only by what seemed a smothered sob from some manly bosom. The bride stood Tnriwrirnr"WlV and tears ; stealing to the outward edge of her ' lashes. tier beautiful arm bad ioRt its tension, and tue glass with its little troubled red waves, cams slowly towards tie range other wuon. bhe spoke again; every lip was mute. Her voice was low, faint, yt awfully distinct; she still fixed her sorrowful glance upon the wine CUp. - : . . ,'lt is evening now; the great white Moon is coming up, and his beams lay gently on ' his forehead. He moves not; his eyes are set in their socket; dim are their piercing glances; in tain his friend whispers the name of father and, sister death, is there. J5eath: and no soft hand, no gentle voice to bless and soothe him. Uis head siuks back! one convulsive shudder! he isdeidr ' A groan ran fhrourh the assembly, so vivid was her description, ao unearthly her look, so inspired her manner, that, what she described seemedj actually to have taken place then and thcre.,They noticed also that the bridegroom bid hfeiace in his hands and was weeping. "4 j Dead!' she repeated again, . ter lips 1 quiver-' ing &Btfir and foster, and her voice more and more broken; nnd there they scoop him a liim down in'that mKi'Khrfhiu-; only son 01 a prouu ihuibi, io r,- ized brother of a fond swbir, , And lie sieq to dny iu tbatdistaut country, with no stone to mark the spot, , There ho lies my father s son my own twin brother'.-ra victim to this deadly poison. Father,' she csclmmc, u ru in" suddenly, while tears raiuuu uu.i beautiful cheeks, fatlier, shall I drink now? The form ofthe old Judge was convuiseu with agony. He raised his head, oni ' mothered voice neiatusreii . in flvt' nam A HO. She lifted the jittering goblet, and lett ing it suddenly foil to the floor, it was dashed m a thousand pieces. Many aiearfnl eye watch-. d her movement, and instantaiioously , every wine-glass was transferred to tne maroio wm on which it had, been prepared. . T' ? looked at the fragments of crystI, sbo t urned, to the eornpa.ny; saying, , 'lot no friend hereaf ter who loves mo tciapt me to peril mjfP foy wine, Not firmer are the everlasting hills tbnn my resolve, uod neiping m, . . . .1 . ! 1. ! ... A riii his touch or taste mat icrrioie pim. to oihom I have given my hand who watch ed over my brother's dyiiig form 111 , that bust iv1.rvn Iiaiiv nni 1 htirind the dear NNuift.,----, , .11 .:n T there by the river in that in:ia oj goi... . trust, sustain me fnul " J , not, my husband r. ... His glistening eyes, nts wiu, .-. - was ber answer. The Judge left wo . and when an hour after be returned, aoa wiu a more subdued manner tooit pa in me en tertainment of Uie bridal geU; no one could Ml to read that he too, had determine w -nish the enemy at once and forever from hs princely bine. ;s . -, ; ,r that wedding t 1 . uose wuo .woro fiw"" mn ftVer forirot the iropresiious so solemnly made many from that hoar foreswore social glass. . . ' the Agricultural. JlSUia AND FATTENING HOGS. Mr. Editor I am trying the following ptan to raise end tatten nog. wn ..-,... of corn I hate planted one acre of Potatoes to evert twenty-five or thirty acres of corn, (not among the corn, but to themselves.) Ia the corn I shall plant Peas, the usuat way, anu fcbont die firstflf October, I expect - to pull field of com, then select such hogs as I intend to ahwffhter th next winter ana mm ... upototn Peas and Potatoes; Hthem remsm ten or fifteen days; then pull another field of corn and ttrrn in as above, and so Mjmtil through gathering. About the midd h 1 of No vember I intend to seleot one third of the best hogs and put them in a close pen; then by cooking A 4 food, t expect, In eight Jor ton days, to haye them fat enough 'S8nw ARehichMe another third in flie .- nIl tVion thn other. . .". . Wit'1iTtiE th vm and potatoes in several diftVent fields, I think hogs will fatten faster and with sess waste oi.teeo, , --' " ing in thetoek hoi .&( n the fatten no v.r. mtd from each : field. ' 1 thlnl ti2utiim wiU beapreTentaTB agaiiist any Injury from the puai, nd one acre r,tjoei vr " ?r ""y-.-' 24. (SS3 will yield aa many bushels as ten aores in COrn.: ' 4 't "t .'1 ? iy "fil,i ' ft In sddition to the above I bare planted put three thousand peach trees twelve feet apart and so selected as to be ripening from the mid dle of June to the middle or last 01 vctooer; one third of them will, bear this year if we have bo more cold $ among these . tress 1 m tend to sow rieas about the middle of this month (April.) When my bogs get most of the small grain from the harvest fields, T expect to put them into the orchard, (which--!! be about the last of June,) where . they . will re main until I Butler corn as above stated,'; I expect bv mirsuincr the forecoinsr plan to raise double the quantity of meat necessary for my family, with only Ave montn reeding from the corn crib, sinee I believe the peas and potatoes will be uraoient for my stock hogs until Christmas. Soil qf the South. Common Schools. From the Haleigh Standard. . . To all Persons Interested la tke School! of North Carolina. ' The reading public will remember- Ui at " 1 have recommended, 'to be used in our Com mon Schoohy MiteheW Intermediate Geogra phy, and that I promised, in connection . with the lion. D. JU Swam, to prepare for it an Arjoendia civincr a more full and accurate' det crjptionofour Stato. hjetlnstitjitions ejuLTjot-J. provements, than could be round in any ideo graphical work. ;: ; ( 1 ..."i,rj . The matter has been in the hands of, die Publishers for several weeks, and, I am happy to say, they have entered folly into the spint Of the undertaking. I have just received A letter from tbem informing me that the work will be illustrated . with engravings of such 1 views as can be furnished; and that it will bt j accompanied with ' a map of the State, con taining all the tiew Conntics, and larger than any other map in the Geography;, m I have a copy of this map and pronounce it correct, ex c -pt as to' tlie precise location of the Rail Roads to be built from Salisbury West, and from Guldsborottgh East; the exact location "of which no one can now give.rtft "? it. :; ' - f - I earuestly recommend this work to all our Schools, Academies and Colleges, Male and Female; in fact it recommends itself to those wishing correct information, and to every trne son and daughter of North Carolina. - We havo long complained ofthe manner in which authors bare treated us; will we show a' pro per appreciation of those works which do us justice! The publishers sre JMsr. Jkomai, Uotrpermmut C V04 rhtiaaeipnia, and 1 am wor, ana nave n, tpu-n oy 1 contributions. L "The newspapers which havo manifested a friendly regard for tho case of education Jn North Caroliqa will please help to bring this aotioe to the attention of the public, i, C. 1L WILEY, . , Sup, Common Schools. Miscellaneous Items. Tub Public Bcitoisos at Washisotok. The oorner-stone of the CairiU- was, laid by. Gen, tied. Washington ou h 18th ofSeptem teniber, 1 793. The order of reotoje is Corinthian. Original design by Dr. W lUiam Thornton, modified by B. II. Latrobe, arehi teot, :mrmshed by C. Bulfinch, architect, in 1830,s Lengtk of building 352 , foot, breadth in ceatre 231 fact, at wings 121 feet, F Height to top of balustrade seventy foot, grounds en closed mid improved, thirty acres. Total cost of the building and grounds, $2,69050 JI. Rotunda 95 feet diameter, ao teci nign. ah. height to the top of the great dome 14 0 1 foet. House of Itepresentatives 90 feet long, 62 feet VI Lit-. Ulli w w v , feet long, 45 feet wide, and 45 feet hujh. ..V,i (. hirh. Sunremo Court room Congressional Library room 92 feet long, 34 feet 45 foet diameter, and 20 feet high. , It is well known that two wings to the Capitol (each 238 by 140 feet) are. in process i . . . ..Hi ;ni.lii.lii.i in the ot erection, out wese mu ...- - -dimensions above given. . , t 'd iiniTAB. Roman lonie;. cor 1:. IM 4Ai.tP.mber 18.1 793. James Uo r Knii;b n a a v v - - . r. rv "r cos of idsrd grounds 600,000. M1M foet,at end 80 feet, height to top of balustrade 50 feet. East or grand reception room ,9 by 43 teet, nd2i LthiKh. JIH of entrance 44 by 30 feet. " " . -fr TtTniKo. Grecian Ionic; cor- ner-stono laid September 7, 1 83C.-Dened . i .4 k Pr.iw.rt Mills, architect. Length of present building 335 feet, when completed to' beToo, breadth of centre 1 00 feet, 63 feet high, colonads 336 feet long, 15 fee widj and 05 feet high to top of Ulustiude- s Cost 1040, nOd , ni ,a' !! i i-V . au.ll USti.-.i . ) f . -..,.. T,ro.ian Doric; corncr- "v.":,::. v onai d stone aia cepiemur' ., 4 la by Towti and Elliot, modified andferected .. m;u. .rv.hitifiL Lensrth ol oehtr ?y..rw:""r.rv:";.i.Kn i feet iu ' fc-i i-. tM - Hi-nd exniDiuon iwuft o' . . . t .1-1 mam oo poei. mh " T ; ,vj.r,,r,iZ tr.u'.t win. n 1 AQ 4Vu.ll ftnrl in InflL lllleUi VA . In addition uie Iength375 fect,Mghtou. -X"o is 1WW in' process or erocuon, v v .mMtione.' r,,"J . ! ,.,.'.. ! lame S.s. corneMtona. laid May ao, fyy"Z LT..i Robert Milk architect Ihjrth Of Wldln. 204 'foet, bteadth at M Mire 00 fceV4B-t T?! dost $450,000. fpa at ends 70 feet, height 65 fegwl oorticoOS feet front Cost4?7,000; ToUvl dimension, of , ,ir "y - " pATiirr Ibnifctirx AvBTrjXMri,TS We are glad toperoeivB disposition on die part' of the press to make the Patent Medicine men pay as much for advertising their nostrums a merchants, mechsnios, and business men gen. erally, for advertising their business, ' W should think these medicine raesj might deem themselves happy to be placed on equal foot ing with the friend and neighbors of publish era; but eornehow itiany pubisher advertise these nostmms for almost othing-7-a laugw portion of them cheats and bumbucrs while they charge their neighbor regular pricesvr We know not how thev reconcile it to their consciences, but we are fully of opinion, not to be sjr-mouAe4siout it that it Xaw -hontit. Of course we do not blame the adver tisers for fiUinff their ad vertisements inserted s low as possible. vThe fault is with publish ert.vs The , idyeiMra ., all got rich make princely fortunes and publishers would starve if they worked for their friends and neighbor at the same rates they do for these nostrum men. ,,.,! ... m-.w 1 5. , 1; An agent of a Patent Medicine House in New York called upon us a Week or two agoj . ibowed us an advertisement and requested that we should write to his house stathur , bur terms for liwsrtuig it . one year, j.3y,,md to, and in due tune received . an answer, offering us just ttoo-fiftuot what weasked, and that after we bad stated to them expressly that had given, tbom our' lowest rates. : Now . all the barm, we wished the proprietors of that house, when we read their letter, waa that they should be compeiied to lake their owo meu)- cine. . .. ; r -..r We can inform 'them, and all such) Uat they cannot get their pills, syrups, dtc, advert tiaed in any paper in Salisbury for .less- than the regular published rates1, and if our neigh bora wijj join us we will add 10 per cenV.j0 those rates for the special benefit' of Medicine " men. Saliebury Banner. , ,,', . . Pacmo Road CoL Benton has pablish ed two letters from his exploring expedition, showing that the explorers have reached the threat Colorado River and found tne country good for a railway and for settlement. ' by the way, whilst politicians We squab bling over .the merits of the various routes for this great road, we notice that a company tot the purpose of building it aheady opgaaued. Northern Ca'pitelfetsjiave organized it compa ny for building road from Yicksburg, Miss, to the Texas line the Texas1 tefiMatur. Jiaa ohartered a oompshy io eonOnae tbef M4 td 1 Paso, and granted for that ptirpos 3,840, 000 sere of State landsr--Thee tww toads ' nnited, HI M 85? tntteft in length, more thaa half the distance to the Pacino CmmWw ,'? It is also said, that a greatPaeifle Rail BoaJ 8 . t -tr.l- .i n. talists, is orgamang in new a or. ject is to provide a substantial six feet guago road from New York tothe Pacifie Ocean, run ning through St. Loula, Missouri, Arkanw, Texas, Northern Mexico aad California; .The estimated cost te $100,000,000, which is lo be tho capital of th' Corilp-njfctt H aaid that thirteen of the InostTOSponsible doBtractora of the United States have offered to build 100 miles each, n tM rente above deectibed, and to take in pavment fiay per cent, cash, tweit- . . . t l . - a? A.L. t-.ift tv-five per cent, in tne oonos oi ui wi;i . . f .-. .' I- Urn li.V ' . and twenty-nve per ceuu m - Sasta Astka and thb Ukitbd Statbs , Santa Anna lately took a fiwewell of our min ister, Mr; Conktin, who has been'recalled, du ring which he said: , r , , . "It is with 4ep regret that I witness Uiede parture of your Excellency, and I hope you will r . i-i i it.. .nl,in.nt express tO FOlir uoveruurem. ,.-.. 1 . r ., T-l . ." . ll. ,bhft manilested by tne Jixecuave " that animate us to draw closer evsrj dsy the friendly relations between botn nations, par ticularly the prayers uttered for yoitr tjrosperf- itv and that ot me AmCTlci" rT. . . Aoorresponaeni " "- rune, however ; maintains that, notwithstand ing this language, Santa Anna has a deadly hate for tho United States, and would now go to war with us if he could, Ha is, however afraid to move. He can raise , neither, troopa Bot revenue. . He has the churca agamsi n. A powerful party, waiung oJj5; working tot overuirow. ; v,v-it L adds the orresponaeni, iu. w ,w--i- sion at uie msuww u wn v.-. - - Thra will be no adiustment of tne Messilla boundary question, Or any other that .l. ITn toil NljltM EJLGCUUVO UUI H.V ,WMI. .... .7! ... , heart Ytclit Race. n, n;iicr match between crack yachts took place on Monday, for the purse of I 00 the boats Bianca, O.'L. Browu, John & 7 ser, Flying Clond and D. !, ' WBeox. They started st 10, minttte past 10 o'clock, A. M, rromMaderson's whan KenMngton. and sotar of thebiMtt wryitttd wtiBg.prft'jEef: i day morning about 8 '. ' came In ahead, the iohn & Keyser batngabout half a milo behrnd-Ae ether boats giving tap the chase during the nightTk pomto tbe rtekwire Mow was the 1o- Marcus Hook, making' the ran there end. back about 40 miles. There was but little wind during the'whoW TimCirtdtha eomwtwas by no means satisfactory that account. The Bi anca won thd rtoond lwt:foyorable pos t on in the start do-n,hllehln, Sk Kersey had the filth and u-lwu.i awwow. . . . .';! n'l' nn'l lll'll - 1 1 s-W.1iiiTi. Garrett under sentaace of dart, for' ihe muHer 'of TtoBta R Cumbie, broke the Jni.lf rtonnaraion vu.ij IY; ahd' tnadw Ws escape. -The Jailor offer wwarJ of tlOQ for hint, and the GWuor of kA'ntM rtr the same rewryl :Tor ap prshense on; new su NewiDerne, Marok . IM, August 1809, b. VUllllcivi, if- f lust como to hand. - ' -4 '