SATURDAY. iCKTRtst. 1853 . ' Business Prospects. Wrc "penned off-hand articlo on "The Times" for our last nmnber,': but extended our remarks, unwarily o far nponono view of the subject! that V were compelled to 'omit a few ucattioea. tli&t it Lad to us to make upon its more practical aspect. As we pretend to no other than common very day sagacity in regard to so prolific a subject, n few words will embody all that we proposed to any upon the Times, looking at them' in a business point of view. Taking tlio periodical tide in the money, and business transactions that hare, since the establishment of bur present constitution, al ternately elbed and flowed throughout, tho United States, as a criterion by which to judge Low long before the present high tide must suddenly subside, it would be prudent !o conclude, that tho lima e;tt. not be very fur distant; It. lias been rarely, if ever the case, that more monev has been ailoat in our cuiiitrv, , than during the last year or two almost for '"a wender, the complaint of a scarcity of money, except as regards silver, and small change in particular, is now rarely heard. There is undoubtedly a very large amount of paper money afloat in the country, and gold was never so plentiful. Thj latter, however, bears an immense disproportion to the former. The effects of the facilities for command ing capital are seen upon the business trans actions of the country, generally.1 The fa cilities for borrowing money have no doubt given an unwonted impnlso to enterprise, and trade, and in many cases no doubt ,to what is- ptcpsrly -.deEss&insted. -ttpeeMlatitm The public pulse beats with almost a fever of enterprise. It is visible in the eagerness with which individuals take hold of business ope rations of all kinds. In merchandise in all its varieties, in manufacturing on an extended calc, in lli shipping business, A-e. all over " the counlryncw Louses a5u new firms are constantly- emerging into notice. It rises from individual enterprise to larger opera tions by conipai.ies,tiy communities, by States Tbis unwonted spirit of enterprise is per bops seen, to operate, most plainly, and on , the largest scale, in projecting and construct ing Railroads and establishing extensive and costly Steamboat lines. It evidently how , ever pervades, the whole community, in an i, uncommon degree, and is every where seen to adnata all" classes in enterprises of great er or less extent. '. , ..(;;,.' " tnean not whether or no prices of provisions, 1 " of the great staples of the country, of goods, ; f Ubor, of real estate, and of property in r general, wiil ke-p up to the present mark,.or oocasionaily advance or recede to a certain extent This, as a matter of eonrse, must in any event be expected. Variations in prices of different articles, of labour Aa of course fluctuate as temporary causes effect the de mand and supply. But the important question is, can the time continue what they are for any great length of time, or may wo' not reasonably calculate on another wide spread revulsion at no distant day f The question we suppose resolves itself "into this. Is the present condition of the coun . . try one of sound or only hollow prosperity, Mid if hollow when will the hubble burst 1. t .T8 kaTe rrived at an enquiry, w con fess, in regard to which, we are conscious of some indecision of mind. Judging from the history of tho past in our country, we should have no difficulty in coming to a 'conclusion, and 'no-' hesitation in ex pressing an opinion, were it not that a newt le nient has undoubtedly been in operation . among the" causes that have contributed to 7 produce the present condition of things. TLv 'it will at once occur to the render, is the un- nsual qvajjtity of g.jM' tlitt L.-wj flowed into , the United States snd into England wiihin the last three or four years from California ; and more recently,. ir,to England, from Aus tralia.". Wtrj it not for this fact, wc should aing ont lustily, look c-ut aloft and below, anci all around, for a sudden "blow up" soon. The grand source of our danger is, the xcess of our imports over our exports. We buy from Europe and other countries more than we sell to them. This muit nd does leave the balance of trade agaiast us, nq of course an m,Teanng debt that must In time be paid. This would, in all probability, pro-luce a general revulsion .after a while, gold or no gold. But tiilthe gold serro wore than a Xeuipoiary purple, at beV in jwttting off the evil day evan if it continues to cmne in as it heretofore It appears to m that just tn the proportion at tlie golJ remain in tlie c!untrr, as an ad- ditioaiii security or bajs for the oundnets of our paper enrreneT, jut in'tbat propdr TJon will tlie crisis be deferred, ui,!ess it comos in - in sufficient quantities to answer tbis purpose and also to lessen considerably the debt that is ccumu!atu) auust us, ia con-nence of our..eooss ofimpcrts ouer our exporu. Does the fold that i coming in do this! Without .bavin; lately looked into thede it, we feel certain it does not On t!i whole, we cannot resist theimpr.. .s'. tlmt tliere is J-inyir of wiie-prefi 1 n jrnr r r -T ueuuve mas wo prooaDiimus ro m u w m coTitinuance, with some variations of the pre-: sent tunes,for cno or t we years, and a possibility mat xqeyrnny taai, ioyuve. ;, f "V f. Susie hata Caanas., . ft W e were quite enchanted a lew day ago, while passing the Music Store of Mr. John F. Uanffou Broad Street, directly opposite the Washington Hotel, at hearing some most de lightful music, discoursed, accompanied by the XTelodean, 'an Instrument, wo presume, entire ly new to the most of our chirrs. A descrip tion of its Melody would hq-vain for us to at tempt; but Urn much we will say, that when touched with skill by tho fingers of the gentlo fair and Accompanied with her soft melodious voice, the effect is exquisite. Mr. Ilanff has introduced, in tlio establishment of his Music Store, a new feature in the trade of our. town, and we doubt not will it prove a successful one. By reference to his advertisement in anotner eolutnn it wilt be seen that he keeps a great vaiiety of Music and Musical Instruments. Ca'l on him and look at his l'Linoi if yo u want to see something splendid. WC yfilllj nll tka ait.Mliil ,f..Jliwl.K f our farmc-M to the advertisement of Messre. Oliver ,t Son's Agricultural Warcrooms in to-day's paper. We were surpiised a.t the number and variety of Implements, Ac. offered for sale by them. Our Fanners will find it to their interest to xU'C them a call. jt?T We learn from a letter by Thursday night's ninit,;frora a gentleman resideut in New Orleans, to a friend in this place, that the Yellow Fever in that city is ste.iJilv ou the decrease. We hope, ere long, to announce the pleasing intelligence of its entire disappear ance from that ill-fated city. Colby and Siaiii again. The Fayotteviue Obwrver of tlio 20th inst. -eontatr.s-t ie-fteiY1'''"' sigj.'il.uu of Joliii L. Colby, one of the late firra of Smith Si Col by, which took nearly all tho stock in tho Fayctttviilo s:nd AVestern Rail Road, in which he suggests to his feliow stockholders, the pru dence of abandoning at once both tho Wes tern .Rail Road an 1 Peop River improvement, jlr. Colby giv. as a riasuii for making this propositioir, the attack upon both these works by Dr. Elisha Mitchell, l'rcfessor of geology an! Minrology, at Chapel Hill. The Obscr ver saysthe letter was, upon its first appear ance in the Raleigh R'."gister, regarded in Fayettevilleas a hoax, by sonio of tho Chapel Bill students, but that there h reason now to believe that it is a genuine letter, and that H manifests an intention of Messrs. Smith & Col by not to tnako good their subscription. The Oheorver say that tho g-mnral determination is, notwithstanding any such unexpected oc- Sum in MM Ea. EVESSTT'S LETTER. Thi Hon. Edward Everett late Secretary of Stato of the United Sutes, h.w a;ldresseJ a letter which is now going the rounds of the public prew, in reply to I.rd John' Rus sell's late despatch on the Cuban .Question, which has been piibiislie.1, to Mr. C'rampton, the British Minister a Washington Citv. Mr.' Everett's reply is of con.-vuot fii':ia!, but mainly in defence ofhis letor, r.o'dresM:d to tho British Goverr-nifnt on the samo oubject in iVcftebcr 1SS2, and uLich wasthesubj t ofLordKusscirs attack. Mr. Everett's letter is attracting conquerable notice, and is in fact regarded as a triumphant reply to tho rather discourteous letter of Lord Eus:!I. It eiiilr-s;a2so- a ma-teily def. nrc of fa United Sta'.cs in regard to" iti foreign policy, acqnisi tion of tcrritoiT, Ac. The ietter is rather long for insertion in our columns.but is worthy of an -attentive perusal by crery American citizen. e may give some extracts f: extracts from it next week. . Important if Treo. It is siatwl the Russian, 1'iussian and Austrim Governments havs protr-oeii againrt the cr,n-!uct of the Commander of the Ameri can nocl of War, at Smyrna, (Turkey,) in Uie late 'Kosta affiiir. The National Intelli- g. accr also says, Uiat there is a rumour, tLat England and France have also joined in tlio protest .Secretary Marcy hai prepared a very voluminous reply to this , protest, it is said, conaistiag- of eighty manuscript pages. This was to have been laid before the Cabinet soino days since. , - Literary Notices. Graham's Maoazixk. This nopuUr Tcri- odicsl for October La been received, Lefs attention to embellishment,--, an la much great er quantity of reading matter, of a more sub sianoial character, are marked improvements pi Graham. 'Blackwood. The September No. of Scott df Co' reprint of Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine is at hand, and it contains as mual a number of able and intcretin-ir artiele : ' Ths Farmeu'b JocnA! -The Farfter'aJour. oal for 'Aa-t au-1 S. ptember lias come to" hand. Our readers aro aware that the enter prising Editor and Proprietor, Dr. J. F. Tonip- ains, bos removed we publication of the Jour nal to Raleigh. The Journal is enlarged and mucli improved in typographical appearance, as well as in matter. VV'e trust (be eflbrta of tae Editor to advance so important an inter est a the agricultural imVrt of the State, will be duly encourage! and'hTs- pntcrprUvand x- ertiu b raur rewar-lml.- ,i'm.ii-' Proceedings of tlJ$Wrlef cii&tfs- v MnrniiT iseutemrjer vo. lHait At the regular mooting ofthe Board hold ibis even ins were present ouiiiL. uuuuru juur- Iutendaut, Win. r ioora anawatioew mm- .!. CnnmMtumiflBl mamr.imm. 1 The iroeeaittflML roml mi. I annroved. The following accounts were examined ana allowed. v. ,r; Richard B. Brown .91, 23 Moses W.Jarvis, 22,75. On motion, the Board adjourned. t - - . STEPHE3T B." FORftES," ' ,'. " v ri. ' : Cltrk. l L&TS FA02S EUROP Nsw York. Sent. 22. rThe steamer Africa with Liverpool dates .of the 10th anI 1 j j uaa sentrer arrived this evening. . , , , ,; ' Knolakd. The fcnglish papers Tepriat from the American Lord John Russell's mani festo on the proposed tripartite guarantee' bf Cuba. Tho doeumont is a surprise to the Brit ish public, '..a . f- ' j "t The Eastsrs Question. Nothins decisive has yet occurred in regard to the Eastern question. The Cxar's reply could not arrive by a courier for some 'day, but the fact tllnt be hesitates to telegraph his rcplv has awakened symptoms of renewed anx iety," an I d?pre sod tlie Trench and Briiisli funds. ' ; It wis stated at Taris. on tlio authoritv of the Russian -Embassy, that the Czar would re fuse to aeccpt any modification coming direct ly from the Porte. , Fras'c'e. Tlio Moniteur publishes an an nouncement that tho Government is not buy ing up corn. This is a most extraordinary statement, it being notorious that the Govern ment has purchased" immensely. Tho country was quiet, with tho exception of some insignificant bread riots at Bois le due, fco. The Emperor was still at Dieppe. Liverpool, Sept 10. Market. Cotton has been dull all the week at prices favoring buyer. Sales of tho week of 32,590 bata,.of which speculators took 2 id'J an J exporters 50 ju bah. Fair Orleans 8 7-8 a 9d ; middling 6 a ft ys.1;Cir Mobile (1. 5-3 J..!mdi!Ursg A 1-S&k fair Upland 6 5-8d, middling S 7-8 a 5 15 XOd Stock, 761,972 bales, including 509,741 bales of -American. Lrtadstnffs. The market for breadsHiITs was lower in the early part, if tins weol.' but had partially rallied since the sailing of tho Arctic, and closed with a decline since the previous Friday of 3d. per bushel on wheat, and 6 lal. per bob on tlourl ' Cora had advan ced Cd., with a good enquiry..;. 2'- -LU8 ,Miu Astor's Taxes Ths City Comptrol Ic'r of New York, gate notice on thenrst inst, tli at he 'would deduct legal interest on all tax es due the city, paid by person priow to tlie return dar. and the next morning Mr. Astor sent him bis check for $42,000, being the amount of his tax bills. . . ' inrr r Skizcre of Fisiiiso VKssKiS.-i-The schoo ner James Rix has arrived at Boston from the Bay of Chaleur. Iler captain reports that the American schooner (lazwie, of Uctinis, a) so three ressels oiTCaj) Annuavebacrtseired v th" Pr'tNTi 1T SStSiri -lt I ,- , io aUair has caused no stuall degree of excitement.' ' K The Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F. of the Uni ted Stutcs clirvd its nnnu:.! session last Situr day having b: tn in otventicn during the en tire week. The session of 1S51 wilt be held at Baltimore. Every State in tlie Union was represented in this body, and much interesting bnsrncss was transacted, which will in dilo time be laid before the subordinate Loilg The whole number of Odd Fellows in connection at this time is about 230,000. and the receipts of the last year were nearly $1,500,000. -;U The Grand todga made an appropriation of-fiVe hundred dollars for the relief of tho luf-f-rersat New Orleans, and two hnndred and riAy dollars for the same object at Mobile. Tue II we or IIesrt Clav Ahlan l.'die residence cf the lato llenry Clay, containing 330 acres, near Lexington, Ky. whs to have Wn sold at auction onTuef frry fast- At an early day, it belonged to Daniel Boone, whose fame is intimately associated with tho early history of Keulucky, and whoso' name is cou pled with many of the thrill'mi? and fearttrl gends of Western adventure. Col. NKlhaniel llart, who fell at the battle of the river Raiseu, afterwards purchased it, and it subsequently descended to Mrs. Clay, whoso maiden name was JLucretia Hart -' .;- We insert a notice of the Treaswer of North t arolina offering t500,000 of six per em State Bon'ls for sale. Tho length of lime at which they are made payable; their exemption irom taxation, me sujwaMinJant secunty ot ferefl, besides the resources and the unsurpass ed honesty and good faith of the old btate herself.must command tbaconfidenceof capital- snu, we snouu suppose, a ready purchase uj perons wisning w invest r , Nalioital Intelligence, Maisi Elbctiov. In 294 towns the vote tor Uovernor stands: for FiLUury, (Dera.) 29. 423; Crosby (Whig,) 31,762; Morrill, (Maiue ukui.I v,or, nonnes, rreesoii,) 7,347, The poiiticial character of the Senate is doubt ful. In the owe of twelve Senators there is no choice; and it is not vot certain hi.iW nigs or Ucmoorats will have thp majority of those 'elected, by whom the vacancies will ne Ulied. ltio tlouse is clauuedhv tbn Dem ocrats by a small majority, counting Morrill ii;iiiui u(iwu uemocmt, :. . -i; iue Stats raio. Tlie nreiKirafiV..1 f'n Fair, which will .commence on tlia'8lh of pex luonta m tins City, arc going forward vigorously. , We are aswred that ample ac commodations will bo provided for every thing which may bo brought hither for exhibition: " maiur. llolt, of Lexington ci- pecU to exhibit soma fine Devon cattle. D JI. is one of th hat farmers iij the Stato, an has 1 een en ine'ntly successful in raiding Wood ed stock. Our old friend Soth na, will also, we doubt not, bayefopie if fait bert stock on exhibition, . ; 5 .M the interest ia the ir is constahtlr increas tafr Tke attondance will no doubtp Un nd the results in eveey respet1eMBc1al to the tarming and industrial in(rcs& cericrsITy, j Bv the way, who is to ..;iivr the AJdres. on tic occasion lSlantirJ, . WnWinjbfuwd by Uietnastor of the Gen-J ...I Yti.'. 1 :iai 1 ko f, J; i -:..I,,...t..w. T,i -h1 Koinelfroin jCalifornU J tf Jackso; Ciuntyyi bi-bim. - Anothc psnon lppeued to be .1 . J 1 : L. : ti-n mt Ooming luai way, iki, umin (ibhiku.ju v- traexea y ,mo nois- a gun, wuivu imwu drnggine his vktiiajnto Jue. busLevJiiUpeJi atolv upon beinir discovered tho muMorer com menced re-loading his gun, but before he suc ceeded the man ruhed upon him, knocked bitn 1 down, ,Wy VAiSK'IU BUIIlIVU Hit Ul i ,hms7an3 prrvafJohsortne gild uiggors for the sake, of a little rhoneyfcn 3 r . ii . . j , i t a 1 was uruwiy xuKrwrou tor ivwoenwiuun. m sicrht ofhis wife and cliildren bv one whom he regarded as ,hi friend. v : i ,!V ri I Tub Fall or Table Rock. The New York Commercial Advertiser says:" We bavo con- 1 i ..i .i ' .! i.r. ':f: verseu wun a genuqman wno wuu u wo was a few minutes before it tell on the exiruwo prei jcting point of the Table Rock to the fcrry ana was about mm way across me nver wucn the rock fell.with a nolso resembling "abroad- ci.Ia V.iI a fvtrrntA jlrAT.1ii.-l,f ntlttlninttHfr UII1U (B II IUIII'IUIVI vi..v. (, the pathwnv that leads nnder the great sheet of water. The fallen mass is of that magui ludo that it is supposed no effort will be made to fbrowTt intoibc fiver. Indeed, the prevail ing sentiment at tha tails wasjflecidedly against its rainataj, 8 it is evident to every one who knows the locality that there has at all times been bazxari in goi ug, ulur. the jjtct-t , , , ' .Three masses fell fir4 the slialo theni tho largo j'wrtion of the Table Rock,' and in a few minutes after its small remainder. ' There was no person under the sheet pf water when tha rock fell, but several persons wcro dressing for tho expedition. , . : Saa Fraachoo as 11 is To-Day. A California correspondent, under date of tho 13th ult, thd 'latest received, says: ' -'' ' San Francisco contains somettiing over 60, 000 'inhabitants. ..There are ten o twelve riv er steamers running daily to Stockton, Sacra mento, Wrysv!U;, nua otlier places. t We ho re ks beautiful a bay as can be louol , any where, ami plenty ot gixvr Wharves ulled wiui slipping. The streets aro itud oat ot right snl.s, running east and west, uorth and south. Montgomery is tho fifth street up from tha bay, running north and south, and Istlw Wall street of San Francisco. All the birnkers and, money exchangers are in Una etrent the banking houses of rag Ba.ion i: &-, and Adams A Co- ara built of C bin use cut gran-j ttiv" Builders do "not any liervi (Voin this State, iw the can get it frtorn China mncli ohai)er,.and in forty . Jar's time. AU.the buildings going up aow within the dro' hmits are bmlt of bnck, the first story either of gran ita or freestone, which is quarried thirty miles up th Sacrropnto river, near Bcnicia, the caj)i'4d oQl4,ertRtc. .' ' Yott Caa g t no -.'insur rfi bw, 4 tW wtioi nascnlwhy' tht-y are bniUmg lw proof tt'Kte. - "' ,j ''. iTLo wages !r mechanics df all trnds are day lsbtweek, and in some iusttnoes got ,t; for there aro hundreds of stoves, and one or two hotels, under way hur, and alraon liin cen Point, Happy Valley, tlo -:Unitel States M:inne Hospital, a rry largs briek struc ture. T Tiierc is plenty of silver cbangCj but noth ing circulate less thun a dime, anil that goes for a bit Nearly all the 1 in circulation is minted at the United States assay office in t5, 8lO,t20,-and ?3D pieces, which are called slugs. Yon bid good bye to all bank-rags when you leave the Atlantic States, for here w bav nothing but tho pure metalic cuirenev The bankers buy g)ld dust, receive deposites irom un reiiniiis, mocHMnr, ana OUiers, but IS ir? no bills, except bill of exchange on all parts' of the world. M the last steamer. -one housj (.lone, that of Tug", B.T-on & Co., sent one tmnion UbJara el tr .'.-.sure to New York. 1 Ther ore fliree marble yards here, but the do nil rtie Work, pretty much thrmseives; there are also three freestone yard. I have worked Kincc I arrived here, '12 1-2 dam, at t8 fx r day. Board is from tit) Oivwants tx.r week; washing 3 per d-wen; drinks in the large whiskey nulls at 2 bits cauh; segars tlie ' Tna Mkbcv vr Gon in Ick. A writer the Philadelphia Register is eloquent in the praise of ice. Physicians, wo bclievo, will at Uit tbat Uia at tide will bring rslief to the diAtased st( mach whon nothing else can. The writer referred to, ay3: : i' "la the langour and eAbaustion of accent illnes my mind dwelt much on the mercy of uou in nr. as it quenclied byantingUiirst or as if cooled my burninff brow. I came to the conclusion that, to the sick, it was a queen of cuniiorw. i rgoijea mat tiavo outhved that ancient prejudice against its use in sickness I wish that I could write a psalm like David's in its praise. And I thanked the holy chil dren that in their " Baled icitc. omnia oner Domini" they had rem bored Ice: "O ye ice and snow, bless ye tlio Lord: praise him. and magnify him forever!" I then remembered that, to the poor sick, this great comfort was luxury rather an iiunoswbilitv. And it oocured to me, that if I wero rich, I would found in ono of our great cities an ice house for the poor sick. - As I am not and never ex- pert to be.tbe next thing is to suggest it to tlmse who are. And.if thev hare f. Jt hs I hv. lb. mercy oi i-od in U-.o, tlioy will hasten to com memorate their gratitude in' providing f.r tliusa -his bretliroii ; "Aud' whososver LhuU . 1 . . ... . -1 - give drink untooiiertliese little ones a cup of cold water only in the tinnio of adisciple, veri.J V y umo you, no nai m tio wise Joss bis reward,"- ;, - .,-. .';, 1;1 ,,, ' 1 JTew Oblea.vb. Sent. fc24. Tim itti. t... th e bteamcr f rank in have hr-m mt.vA. ,... uy teiecranii, navinff n6c feet nnon tlm .ni.. market,iwhich ifi'duJl-d'Jes very suiHll.i Bu. incm woa ouiot, -wit , oegmning .to axsttme wMnewnw more anttrityi r , , Tho feyerjs rapidyvjbtinf in ouraty, ongh ( persons' at a distance are eautioned coming nero unui rrost Shan havo ap peare.1. Tlio epidemic Is spreading raptjly W. W 'T"' wry W UnTyninn dwrhs frbftt.fercr m.driUi..j, sevn from caues unknown Uliuots, a lev wijeKs-wnce, .-was hmv suori uiw tanoft oalWrpmchiS hoiise'by k"wrinof, who); utioVICarrhiir R3T "Kad nflhof riilkiBd r ob-1 ind sUcured him asa prisonof 1 he deW8S oMWeen nerTuni nvwni.nan. . lvt dot "t-"";" 1 was A qjan 6f eiffiily, hao.beermbHinon the result Hows so legitimately iro.n - Stkau" Th "TJW T.. l.-.i'Jt JLiiiivAi mmhim evortiona to attain the position .of the I .,,! uv . l-fW. ntimbt'f bf citizens, nddmsM Pr' rhaps, no city in ths world iliicn t Hits tiniA. i mokin? such raDid progrMt ! Jteilth' nni imnortance as New ic.,,: tinr ifMvenient bievenr kind is firoinir forwnrd ttjei r; Li rf.i. i. . .... t - - ii..iwt Uih. ax ar wufcu u uver vmu M'pu'VrT I lnatrv f aih v similar aietroDolis. and. which I 'totems Weros -UrtW eBaB0'Ur-t6lii oUttfom wspW at this unaiuc prosiriijraa4Ha mir nniirlilvor. and denrecate tliat central i-T -j wiiim North Carolina will exhi. aatioh-of trade ainOolt.h iiillgd she is endeavoring to eneci upon una oonuneui, i mercial encrgt, enwrpnae fndttelH?" n i ;CtTf t ffTTfT tty CKarlQl Utmost. the only causes QiR irecreartege-Jifferimcelir11" .p 15 . 1 jy, make resistance ilinir vastly r V.-l '. 'Mur. tiantii from all nuar- VWVI I""" . w . - , ters oftbaold ud'newarid are ftockingAliore as to a great central mart, -where capiutl, h skill, and industry,' may Bud the most advan tageous fieijbXojirjHs:iHi'u.ti iy ' imuwwp fcmign panarnicb are thusbrpugbt into direct combination with those of lief otvn ciiiienaKew- York is now increasing, Hh isnrnrtnnir ramdiHr. bet 'WiAsT and frosperity as an emporium." She is expending Cirmore monev than anv or all the otlMM'oitii tills country ujton eonuls aiwlo-! dHsuiqwl to con centrate as ftir as possible,"! n tierser? tne vnouwinu streams of island Commerce; ho is continual ly mulfiplylhrf tlie number nf the steam lines whioU e janilulg tier wVi tno ponw every oa, w,dOlikf V tiWfrjMte her metropolitan growui;na grawieur, auu with a fibrewj t:t ia provi.lUig , herself ,witU airtnsies which "nbtr oalr ttVa-i 'biit Chose constantly keep an unineasA transient pipuia- ..i - i i l : k.. tion wiuso i4 unii sue bbuw.uii8 tela whiob'are'pATacial in'tharactcr, increas ing her places of popular amusement, and do ing whatever ejs$ she tndj it; n!ccary. to do in order;tp pronjotq tp f ellare. . Ono great 'secfeti ot hex success; undouVt cdly, is the effor) to keep the world advised of what tier resources and attractions as a metro- tvJi vn - New York business men. aware of tho importance of the newspaper pros a a a?fcaail-fr- rajajns-a- -an- uuintegMH. notoriety have usei it with the snnn liborali ty'with wntch thry avail thenw-lves tevh: meankof rtL'rnadfem!t,'and are reaping the kenefits nf tkeirVwiso wouotty in this partieu- I , - ' s .. .i : i : :.. l... inr. in a paragrau upon iii nuojn; m w York Tribune reccnUy,it w:w stated .that the estunteni'u ff prtMlitnrc of business men of that city, in advertising alon", w more than two uiiTli'j:j of dollars, of which throe fourth are spout upon their own journals. "We,aount tliis," says tho article "among the influences which are steadily concentrating tho wholesale trade of tho country more and moWapon New Vork. . The remark w cer tainly a just one; and we regret that a fact so thoroughly appreciated and acted upon by the people of a rival city is so little understood and taken ailrai.tay ef, here, While New York jounmK crowded, with , the adtertiso "iriehts bfber merchants m lnroie. and man ufacturers, are dfculntcd fM'klr throughout th United Htatos, as writ-as ubroad, tl'.ose pt I'hilndflphia present, crwparaiiely ro ade quate exposition of our co.'ij-norcial ch.iraeWr i l, -J'l Hbai-k wpoa uie ousiuess pruperiiy cl uu cir TromtVilUchm-ini mi'." Mts-a Eonorti 1 jeii frfiii vour parx that Mr. iJubard, Lo Lust winter pr,ured the right to oat from tho Wavhiug'pn statue at Riclini m 1. h-w mado two of tiio.e cats one of which is -to tro to the Vv'orid l air, May I Stggt to him trn proiri..-ty of -nK!iiig tne otner to lUleigh,-where it wll be met by uiouiiands of joyful and graUful jwple. ,s , , i No;ith Carolina. ;t Strang Occurrence. Ta Cumberland, fa., a rtrsngo occiirrenee nappene a. day or two ago, yet no lessstrang i than Une. A j m m was shut ty Snak, got ua Smht in hit Iit " U. by 'the real bona fide "crrfter" itlf. One clay'knt week, whilrt a gentleman by th name cf Louman, store-keeper in Siddon.sburg, Vo.k countr, was out gunning, lie. discovered .l larffosnsko. aad in order quickly to secure' it from running away, tie placed tb lutt oriii ritle, Joade.1 with a ball at tho time, Upon tha body' of the snako, with kit W dirtetly acros Ut) muz tit. The snake in its writhintrs to free , itself. coiled around the gnn-etoek, and with one of its coils struck tho hammer, which ws down upon the cap at the time,-hard ennngh to dis chargo the gun, IhuubuU nis of which entered the ball pf the hand near tho'wrikt, an. I in a diagonal direction came out between th iune. tion of tho little fingir and tho one next to it. nappiiy no nones were br ken, .The most providential ivrrt the casualtv. was. tlmt Mr. Lotrman was jiiVf in ' the act of bringing the gun in front ot Imp Rt the purpose ofleaning on tho miuzle, the bi tter to enable liini to reach a stick near by. to kiil '. tlie snals w ith One moment's delay in the JiscWgo of tiie gun, and his life wouhl Jiave bcenibrfeited to his carelessness.' Htratieer thine hanpen in reamy man tno wmersot notion dare to in vent. 'nil Ledger, ;; 1-1 Riirra m Nrw York. -A New York cor. respondent of the National Intelligent, bat me toiiowing statement relative to the1 enor mous amounts paid for rent in New York : " I am perfectly atonilwd at the rate of rehta in mis rity. i snowi n aragle basement room on Wall trict, to reach which rou must do- ... . . scend tjve or six step from the Swtway, with a low ten foot ceilingand tho room not more than' thirty by twenty feet.' which rents for ?o,imjo per niimtm. A lot twenty -five foet by scvenry-fivn, as high np on Broadway as thu corner of Fultrtfl street, was recently Iensc4 for twenty-one years, ht 114,500 per annntn, at tlie end of which' time the'f round lnndloid i bcfiide to have tlie building which is now bt Ing erected on it, ami which will cost 80,000. t. ouiioing on JroaJwnr. ImmediateW ad joining Trinity ;chureli-yahl,' forty feet front aim mo luiiitrci.jieip, opching on a sido aj ler, and- cut np m'to, '.corridors and office onngs an aggregate rent euo.OOO jx:r an num ( and a gentleman who lias bujty .himself n splendid dwelling at hlffknt) nt Brbadwsv the neighborhood of L nion Square, at least two miles above theCrtr Halt.' tars he blsinlr sec ,that he mutt be driven awar in a few years), by v the encroaghmenl of hotels,' stores- ana mops, ana- tol.l ma he hal already been bfTered a rent (oft 10,00ft per annum for. his i 1UH il)Wvl.lif!"v- f i. U 8 cbvwusteLftj-eryAcar au to thabnsfiHiAictiVitBiM resour- PJA f53 Imojig tW Utcst disooverics if mines u onnrtrooua f. ..i, m Ulr JsoL wS.uihibidi fuk to U quite productive. htKleiCTof6 intti:iSx1 w,lh l,vur, Tli( ,eriiaf $4 mine ? t ,nnic,ced. TierThai klaf been? tifcve4 rich cop five wiles bast of MuitoYn ' coua. i five easi 01 r,u sfirM Biil thi CSTflie eoisir tern Wrong, If the IndicatSoi, a vrklfnaniouiiuis nave is- yhat baiiw1oft nainebrt im Winejw legion cvetmi -- - j 0 . .j Uanco of-nbldeedh confributin to dx proposed monuuient' fa Kntid Ivtson, tin Norwegian boy, w!io wai lately rowBcu dj aom rIjef ; uoya wr- ijawyuB "i Thrnr want 1 1000. " Soilil Ot bis older Com Sanions- held Jjln, und water until life ,w J txltnci, in oruer iw vwmi.. , ' sgai his repealed retnwiis, ro enter anu rou an orcband. 5 The editor of the Prttt ckno. edge tlie reccipl of bn letter euntaining v and another lontaiumtlOO, towards tii monument-A'rc'iK.jii $ i - - - . ( ' Geixo. The Bakiroore Corresuondent ! the Columbia (9. CWisiia,- r under date of Sept. 14, any t t ' .- . 'Our, fanners, have nljuott run wild np the aubject $ Guano. The article (rerura is now iory; acarce and in exlraqrdinnry i rosnd. It u smiHx wnt difflcnlty that half lio applicants can be accotnmo.lal. i The :nironcr Where' It Is sold i cnpltft overrun. , Large premiUnw : are offered to k cure lots." " It fa astonishing io 'tb- that is mado of tliis manure by Jtir farmer- It sjIIs aT tl" pfr-ron, and tt -ein to rt 100,000 ton wonTd nAt lfifH-t tlie present ! in liuulv.X" Cr.nwr;; iT5;dtf (w;tTi:rt st, if V any means thry ci pr-x;uru a i;'!y. T Patagonian, Mexican and African guahti' also iu active? reeaeal,' but the liguu - It is Gcetho. we belUve, wki says sJnjJ-JlieinJ tain I nm that the great Jiiiercnjd brtwt men, thegreat and the insigitilicant, is eherr uiviucibld gvtermuistivn; an lion?-, p.irp. Dnce fixed, and t'ndt victory I I ha H:i! can do every thing that a4m doue.u th woria; ana no Qirctinianm'", iw vjnn.nnu will make a nina wmiouv u. - Mr'vrrAn McsrAiw Imhisst. TImum-w iJ eivrw snt rs aWnilies Hint aiRai eJter try is C4ns!nntly s(Wey in m-dirnl nwvi iw krillr)'' itrt. h)W TOtHlu-ivelf tiow erw iipeiir tlie new cnbMMHiin in the MmV LiitiinK-nt aro twni.i jirfrnr"'""" , " "" being tlie re.i!t l Ifr'st hW ill tliwW r ilvi; is llie rWi'en I h c'wt fwrM fitr ihe new prrpnrHt'mn tn n'd mialurrs t and u ihimrnne talc at it pmvri how mnek il 1 vskj br tlmie who hsve tisnl H, end know iti.t'iri In the enrnf triiln, siriiin. Mlliiiil. ;wd hsnd. brojscn brrsssa, swell. Aff o mm ny put jf lbs IkkIv. i H- advtriieaient In sntl'er e iunr. -if Rea l the Atlvwti mm' .m' ry I'ictnml. Theio sre atntfon lit m( o asry ! iiitrVl In nil m oi lorii.n. U to i iisii. f-n r" 'Mffli-Hit" Il cures. , i-. . Arrirali at the Waihiagtou H3tl J. A ll.irrn, P iS.'oi. J. W. U tpr, put. " P. I'.Oeu.ei.ts.ll A IV. CV:iia!i 0 vn, . iiv-fi, . Mm. Fn cli nl iVntiy, I. I,, i Vrarn's. d' ; W. i P... r Urvi Q. OVA, l!.i.ri-rt. A: J. Il inl y. , A ti. W. A 5rit, , i ni, J. A A .i-rr. Vfir , J. M4riiml, linen. . iv. l.i'fti, W, U. Wwwtli, . J. AljiUr-, d,. Criivrn, - J. tluumlirev. ! . i .... ..v.iii-,;, iiiiMii!i, ri. r.THn ;..J. NMt, d.. 'f. M,Wt J. (i. Ilcninj, Kin Jn. K. r. ViMt'toaMl do ris!t. if. J. A. M.-Pli?d ,11 U',akvt,.i., I- I'-Ws. do W. A fox. J.i D. tV. Saiide:t.Onlow.R. tV. Kin, b in if, X-At Averrtt, JrH ue V. R HAwn. Ht W. KhiMy, Jon.s. II. It. 11,11. f.r!,W'. T LI : .j -i. n ...... I. iiiriiu, n II r liMl.JlT I rr. K.f.Pw.; lo Mile Fny, d H. K flrsriH, Prat 1 1, J. K Amlrvivt. Jo:n, J. S. Wil'l :,,)., in. chrMer. K-; ' h ii. h.ui.v . a,, .. W. V..J 0 :i J. Rlumi. I -nmr. W. If. IK-AHi T f ' A J. II. Av.-Klf.t lii. o i, A. Im, Pair V- "'-," '"'" " . g 't it, U r., J. T. Freeman, U.-mJ Avi r. it, .lo-. 1. I). Pu'sffi, i'o I. H.irdm, Kr":t'ii. I). II. K A-ll, CanforU. n,n,l,, jottw. , CILDnvis. d , J. M, C'uilh rtll, d" ft. Hi. r. us, I'l-Hoksville X. q. .VUii,., rrt C. Itrown, J-mrs, J. jtmhroik.. 6nIoe, It. IlMM-a. Urwrne, J. (J flan, j M.JKohn, tnriti.inv, Mrs. iif Jt Jbi W. 1. Psrks and liJy, t.-, H,.;f; -Cnrtrr. t, n. c, 4ft,rilh ow. ( . Gray, Mwiirv H. Seoit, in J. R.iiii.-.y. Il-sulort, Ai J. Slurrell & J-J. Arrivals k'tio Atlantic Hold. J ! - A. J'tullips, piavw. Q : ... n. lie Binn. .... u. ji. iiaiianoe Miirl- S. tlarriii. . t II II . . ...... IUCK, T. n..rl..n d.. Julm W billy, Jon, W. 11. Koundtrrcj j t-. r yr , On T.CilML do nvir, T. Bland Ortfrtf,' " Major Smhh, in" . II.Kmlih, no - R. Umltb,?. '? ; Q J. Smith, , do i ll. Brynn, do J. &oCCn.vWt J. m bUnd, do i'Prt llnnkvdo IT. R.''HiH, CsrU-rtt, It. Scott, Joireo, i JI. Kvrtlt, do r. Hnrlley, (Vert, fc. 11. Kenn.c,' H. Nclsnft, jd Creek, , - ley, Olivers . 'I'lfr, do (L WillLunt. Wail wav. . iio ton. '!x "w ' S .. 0. Real. Craven. i. Pritfln-lt. Jones. J. S. Banks, da H. Fociie,' rio -' J.jTiHicejr, i art 1. Ulii m. Lenoir'. - 8. Paul, , dn " M. Arthur, Craven, T. II. Mostly, Xorlolk, B.Ariliur,, . d do r. Hoc' !':'j:,'V-!.rpHAwim In this County, on the 94th intt, by Job II. nichariJsoh. Esri.. Ut. Aleriimlcr Senrn oi New-Hcrno, 7f. (J. to Miss Samh J. Brock, daughter of Mr. John lvV"V. , ' Onr tfiaiiks to the happy ceuplq for the pice ji cako. .jBiay.mBir lives do a eominuen flow of blissful kappii;'v;'1)'--.'''.'' t In ,Waype cotrntr. en tb Badnlt, bf (?argei V CdllierJ qf; Mm. Jscoa O. Dc ton, to Mim.,i.uuithE. daughtof of Joht , ,-"V hrre Frismlship .full,. eerts her tofict (, PerfM M mhrmtihih7r N. . JI. 15.

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