1 1 i I" I . r II; bar daughter ;and -uVs litre Wm amend the jMcturesnue eminence which commands th Seven oClock Walk, ,Tho anient, bor ' ever, is almost without fatigue, thanks to tho winding path cleared along" the alojte of the rocic between two row pf oaks mixed with poplars and birch. Aa tiwyjroached thi summit, the sound f thf bstruuwnfobecama gradually weaker, and rwcniMed the echoes turnal joiurnc, tlie coachinnrt pished d liis norses rjrf voioo am; wiitpJ $xcitgd by Una stiimriou, added to their eagerness to feah tboMaUe, the horses became iritatod" and; un manageable, Tho drivor Vainly .endeavored tn hold Lllltfll njli'V TrtA uranl-'.i-vviaQ4rt..linft. those screnides Werir 'Dlind " ' wt wnicn oyron somcwncro speaks. I mt juriou "When they reached the ton thev onlv hnr, acrial chorda, almost lniTCi-etmtihln ,. like those of tho Eolian harp, with nothing rtMy-it. them. -; - ; "As they climbed the steep, attentively Us tcning' to the melodies that floated on the air, holding their breath, and treading a softly as possible, all preserved, a if by tacit consent, a &iaaH religious silence, Uattten waa the first tobnwk it . . ' Well, ladies,' anid he, as soon as they reached the end of, their excursion, what thmk you of my experiment r "That there can, indeed, be nothing more poetic and better calculated to favor reveries tfina this musical journey in the regions of the infinite ; but, Mr. Gaston, allow me to ask you this question, perhaps indiscreet. Is it possi y maa .liko yon can combine in so eftiuiehf "V dcetco two nualitins aravaritaitrff an I hhuwimu wmcn soars troin the earth to- TTigh ww closing In when they -started onf ofTtrylove,- ctrndadod lli-"as no "perceTveJ uw,ruii4w- uie wwn ai m rcqveti p: i NauemoisoiieiaJnrnn, whw-natf pftrtiaftyrsieie: Madame 411 if nay rather Uneasy f thisnofc- od the door, Uianbj0ct6f m lifo is yoner At inis inuuuerciaTi wtiicu reaucof to asucs uie wnoio laitieoi iiar Tircams,;fliium Dalbrun felt a mortal cliifl pass tlitouchj her veins; her temple wr -overed with fad icy dampnes. her eyes closed! her pulse ccasdd to beat, and she almost faiiitcl awnv oirths di van where she sat. "- Lsh;44 . "What ia the matter, madam I' cried Gas ton, qn soung her turn palo. w , f . . . Nothing, sir,: skid Madame Dalbrntt, with a violent effort to conceal her ngu.i$bv. onecouvuKiiveiy clasped the band of her daughter, who had rushed to her assistance. mMsJl.iwi K... . ...JJ., J t. linn ta.-..ut -it. r.. - . l SATiraD AMJ v mMjriu uu uiiuung oi aeparauoa from one we love.' ri jj . i : . "God forbid that I sl.ouil U d, VSi' furious. thevrn aviv. ilrncrcrinir thn lurlit. ; j . ' . - n - venicto in the. direction ot the ravine of JSau- -enieres at the end fihe toad thev wero M i ? - . . ... . . . owing, eeaiea at uie Dsck pt tue carringo, Madame Dalbrtm and her daughter-catr only part, of the , dancer, but Gaston sawaU, and meastrred at a glance the whole extent of tne approaching catastrophe. Swjfter than the wind, lie spurred on his horse, got a little be fore them, and there alighted. Atthfsat of madness the two ladies, who rose on seeing him start ofi; eagerly leaned out of tho cir ri ag and shrieked aloud. One shut her eyes uie oilier tell Dacs insensidlo on tlio cushions. As for him, firm and impassive, he'afc.-uted the avalanche, and, just as it was "'Anjiini, aimed a violent blow with his wK,,.. Uie no of the foamiuii horses. The! re friarht-1 .,i .;n; . !.- tj eneu ana reared, tiaston seized t Irems. and ,ii,, . O ' p o v ' "'You must decide, said she to her. ty to-reqniro such a sacrifice of you! "I have no, mother madam; you shall be mines Yon must never leave us ; you shall live near us, with us, in one family. The being I shall most love in the worl J after her will be your self.':. U:-f-,-,: ;.. l,rtf "Sho threw on Gaston bno took of sorrow i . :a i its 223, 1853. y j AY.OCI. with a nervous hand held them aWtill the dri ver, w,;ir8,dxa him warostlie unknown ; on tho other, that vulvar man hastened to his charoo. Maium' T1 1 . 'y n foi,.n,g , i.. matenirfanv which clinp to it by the monoina- bmu is pale and helpless; her daughter, still a lwofplayf t. You are rich, vou have no need Paler. Emotionless nWlm: Will. ...Jr,a. rT . money, ana i ao not think you covetous, tcrmg a word, Gaston raised her faintin? form .TIT V6 f""""" "ns soui hks fou play , without excitemcmL without ardor: carries her o hi 1 the funeral knell bf her last Olnsionf ' - " Voa lum sni fc. .i,.. T ' i;i- " 7,: 77. 7 T .u " I ' Madame d'Arvijrhv stonned a mom frcnwhichl hrTwsTch Thef're 1' !!7 . : , ... If bedis hasUly p.pared for her in SSoV r- I V I O I I vw any aUIfcUJT rvWH. a iu uvt, wrn.iu, as iMumnivii cuouotxi nor u fier room fioinod novels m jt for iaoul ia unison with my Gaston, full of attention; went moraimr j i! but I fin want frt flJ Awin aLfi I AVAtii 1 . V ' w Him wuiiiqu v'vuiii" hi iiiiiuirs aiur iuav nni tsotih ka i . Ur up within tne feelinsrs deerjer than anr I nnCTess of hnr rrflrv. Tl,,, ..-u. . 'v.eI1! 11,7 ""H Profit by fessoii more lv hitherto felt. I have had. in mv tim. and the lonta f, .k ' . P,nl than the dwsreet warning triven bv caprices, likings-inclinations, perhaps, but pretext, at last made Madame Dalbrin look ItHZ r ' better SLleare reSTctt than e, Mver. My bead has some- tor bis presence as something necessary to her fZ . TT t . 7 ? T0,un" times been Captivated, but m v heart, ha Avar I hanninnu. Slio 1 1 .1 f. 1 "t. reLreat we awlain of a worid that now preserved its liberty. Let me find the being him as one of the family, and received him Lr"? AlWi?t fore Tnr aesunea to sulnuirate it. and. withnnt .t with a t inA .n.l fl.,t..: ..:i- J "w,u yor nanas in spite of vou. and take .... u - ' - - -- t -iiiiuk Mtuijuariiv. i r. . t . . . . . . i ' !caiJffi!!,-ij8Ksri-l "irreniy-wugrrtira WgenTwattertT , . . ,aa 01 Uluw "mrnatm-cnjoyr ilun fnrMrA. J., n ' , . .. 7 "."O I mentS Whll-h IWnror fnrtalfa ... till re " uucuraiiowea a snort walk. Tka voumr .ml i i- . - uwui. imre, adieu forever.' 'Pardon a union mn. np'uu uu.m n.n,... i -.nf i .1 -. . . 1 btemipting.the SlSS oTon siX. to Z?. uown; i feel, by the trembling of my daugh- As tuey went along they conversed w 1f. tcr's arm. that tha rhill r tn:Jl'.:. -vi ... frTT' . . wenttos T It 1 . - , , .b . v.. mouamu juiunin, wnat "S uer. news have von for i iw., .1.,., i. 1 ui r a . . . . I . . i- w nuu JklfUW u uiuu as uul ait wh cjim. i uuliumi' iu wiioi naccnc n ika i.i ii-l . w " I yXKfutl til VUU TV VI 1U I VI Hat replied Gaston, qmcklv. Care for health so are they doing at the Redoute 1 precious must stand before Uie unspeakable Why, madam, what they always do; they - r ".-1 uui in . wvuiruiA ui 1 i"iiu w unuoa aiiu mail rjin rm-f..n. ...t (n J -. " " vour permission, we reamy uiev amuse Uicmsi; v-hr nu ,m nu will resume the conversation. Nothing is ruin.' 0 sweeter than to nhiloonnlii T 41,0 t v. 7u V t" j vuwi r i uuw uocs loriune treat 1Ke -T8. roonl Spa, many and many Fortune, madam, I have no longer any a snot to at th miMi 1 1 . . u ... 1. r . . j most cortainly have loved to mntomnLiiA I "IIow r p 1 nT-T' wiU some day accept "'I have left off playing, madam-I sliall IBS as VOUr IFUMM. . . . lnlornnmn'..:i f l . f .ntr:.t. . . . .. : rj " unsiou, wan peculiar em- , " ensure,- saw Madame DaJbrnn, I phasis. . 7.77 f0 w 'guo- . it ns sit down, mother, said tlio conva- a camairH win ArunniA that a j- ir . itt-Ci-Si X 1 IlTTT:" .:. 7777, ,oeunS " 8naden I want to ..j, uauo mi mine wim me, I rest a moment. abl.1 lijw l-. i K 1 u 7 .77 I . 7. 7. .. . " . " ana soon ra- . .7777 "7r"w. M. Uia Uou " profound and almost c i 1 '.- . ' believe my experience, will mti t).m than those of vanity." very evening, Madame de Tourvillo i ball with the severe, hnt. lnmin r j . . . . lyMv. w n numan aevoioa 10 ncr matronly du ties, and answered the young men who as usual, pressed round her to solicit the favor of dancing with her 1 " No gentlemen,! have left off dancing; but here is my danjrhar. whom I recommend to your notice. I leave her my reversion." Greenwood Cemeterr. Baiftlsjk Statexqonentioto, ' itlMy eomtilbriwa jla'Anhiint'ScRsion in tlie Baptist Church in Now-Bemo on Thurs day the inst and adjourned on Moajar vcuuijj lug Biienuance 01 iuicgjiies was a fur one as regards number, and very . . . ( . .M. respeciaoie in point 01 talents, fcc mere weraJroni 55 to 80 Ministers in Attendance and number, of lay delegates, The Rev. Raines McE)aniet of Payettovillc, presided ovor the Convention. Considerable business ofimpor-, tanoo to the. interests of the chitrcu was trans- acted, we learn, in a spirit of great harmony As to any particular aetioty upon 'tho d'lfferent subject that came before the Convjentio", wo have no definite information. Tbo interests of Education which flio' Intelligent ministry and members of this church have a!wtys re garded as of groat importance, received thoir Cuthbert and Mr. T. L llall, now open and redy for Exhibition and sala TjbeyjRre ftill and jralfSeTeotcd, and are every "way f .unjla- tel fosifit dio fancy of every one. Givthbm I Iirriiov voun UNBKii8TAiiiNa.--ly ro rence to' our advertising columns- JJJjJJho soon that Mr. Tliomas M. Stevonson, has open ed a Boot and Shoo EstaVlinlunent in the storo attaclxMl fr'tbfost OlUiflJ ooro'ei sof tVlIok1 ftflilMiiUlojtrectMx. 8Lt jtoung gentle man well known to our citizens, and is every r , i " t ft. ' ' way doscrvinff of their patronago; WoTiave' examined his stock andprononnoo It to bo equal in quantity and cheapness to any we have seen brought to this market "We feel confident that Ironi tho manner of its selection, success must attend liis enterprise." Call ou hi in and see for yourselves, t Literary, Notices. i 1 the interests 4 11 - i' . oTTIi JLxoaaLmcf rolufitif in I T . .. .7... UCfllfon nrTmrtanmr- !vT M ....., ' I it. 1 1 a i . . .u,u.7i wmcuisaDout I great powers of Europe, before any two miles OUt on th Rrn.l-rn .',.U T ff .. r , . J Uins 220 acres of hhrh nd J. nh7 ?08t, , "nienU tnko phicei If which is filled with mausoleums and tS,.t5fiii 69 correct, it Is evident that the Suit tombstones. It is laid off in circular aisles on held, and on .Sundny night ( genornl mass meeting relating to homo aiid foreign missions' Tho pulpiU of tlio Methodist and Presbyterian Churches wero filled by miuisters in atten dance on tho Convention, on Sundsy last, and, as we learn, much . to tho satisfaction of the Congregations generally. ; 7; . .-. The Foreign News. If the foreign news brought by the Atlan tic be true, and we see no especial reason to doubt it, nn important era in the deetiuies of Europe has commenced, aud a blow has' been struck that may bo felt throughout Europe and A ni erica. Ivtii this is news that pregnant with importance, and it may exert an i'3PikniiflMnamJpoMc of Europe, and On the commercial prosperity of America. We say it may do so, and if the, intelli gence is correct, there is a strong probability though not a certainty that it will The news is that war has been declared, and ttiat hostilities havo commenced. Tho ouly question then, whether or not those events are to exert a marked influence on the world is, will the war go on I e cannot but regard thb question as dotiuttul. Will it riot be stonnnd liv lb., .Iior important tlie news an has been forced into' a deulnrntuHi if r l.v il. the sides of the high hills, and is said to lave fenntical (or patriotic) zeal of hissubiecU. " lie a carnage road through, making a distance of M. 1 1 r t. t VtaWgl&Sl eouU nothelpAUwa..chonSofevik If unv 10 see every tijinor in it. Th!i " cw, uie zounirsuiun crowds of visitors to the Cemvterv vesterdav. I chosen to ran the hamnl of Uutr I.U ... I .. . . '. ' " - TO nuenconor mv predilections.' . I ho LkJt kaiv A. M,.u 111 . ... . " .k... .1. . .1 i , . . r .. ""''f"" accom- tUl W 7s , 7 Tf , . U1?oooro I1 u,ua 10 U4 "w. he took her aside, and Udie.af-1 sKl te her, ia . low kI somewhat CdtorinJ tet 'askinir permision to n. hi. 7777777, nuienng X:" " -llave the kindness, mlam. to W m. Enuna 111m muuiot .... . o- " 1 . . uruiiiwui. laiemew to-morrow luornimr. I mitHl. KnAnV t.. tri. .:! . ... ... e TK .1 . .1. ,. . . .. . , """" "'"'esses. w sk.ui. u UIH HT IMI nMf I if hA. Iftliall Avn.1 V 1 r lite us-a nermiUo.1. OTi n,t. " " -!.rrr..,7lsWCTeu . "!Warae .'t n..k.A ii. r - . ."V". .77 . 7. 7."" u """" wnceai the emo- vmui uu ii nftiii tn tiia iianri i uon KIIA Iiit. rwliiiff-wLiD with a imM li I Ml.iv .1... I Tn fof .wti .... 1 I ' . - o - uwuih reuuesi. viewei in rnn. . ; . I mvtion mitt. l.. . . 1 it, , . 1 - "Kuiuu.uii ooservaiion dv 'Fnr. nullum t. t I n 1. . . . "--""u uy j 7 ' J? " ",D "r uwuroing u.u uaww uaa lerininatca the conversation you so early this morning; but I am come to iiuhi you ot a promise, and claim its fulfil- IHlMll ' Ueat.' . w wu VIWHIVU begun in the garden, the pressago and prelude to a formal and decisive declaration! ' So hn was going to declaro himself I she had not uiisuuten 1 sue saw the rea zai nn ,.f 8hQ M cherished almost without daring to vw me wet to berselt. He loved her! eve rything conspires to eom in l.n. r i.u , SV " B V Sky lIAll -.Wuuuu5 ana uio irequencr of Lit viniU and especially Uie heroism he had disnlaved lor ber. VVoud a mini rink liin lie r. ' A promise from me! what promise pray f 'Tlie one yoo made me last niirht. -what did I promise last nightT . . To make, wkh me as your guide, a pil Crumes ia the eorimu.' . . : "'Ah, very right! Bat Mr. Gaston haa for- gowen an essential cUase.' -11 TJ X l?, madam; and vou man who inspires him with only an epliemer- Mu M-tZrZJ.LlZC "-,00K"' n'le Madame Dal L.-a .1 - , . ""s"- 1 nTe "ruu ou' Wt" delicious intox cation. She loflnd thai mornmf. unW .k.i fi.lt l,o-,.ir k ... , . . . ' oue ., . 0- ..., m, iiuua ... uviocu uiiij ana proud of a inni,Ki vsmages.norses, Miy. one gionwl in an emt re vainlv sought harness, everr thimr oomnU. 1 1 X I.. r.,h "... t 1, 1 " ,n X oag'" thalnt nrt.,.Ml.i .. 7... 7- 7"8 ' 77 ? "uu gw ""in herseit. Then, m f,r: r' :r.i.r:r. jpenence?co?cn-ujr "suua?n. v'on, the feeling of ti.e i I kilt mhn - II 1 . t 1 . . mas woi.1.1 ku .1.": 77T " J. 7.7 " "F11 uie natctul Yt 1 .1 . ,uw, moruncacion. wiougiir, ana, lull or t. 00111 11" hones, aim U!n besides this Deuce ofm nin fl. j u. i ,tl S lir 71 .t.. . . . . .0 pcs,suo Win ama lk..ll..nl. .,.11 Tf 1 . I .... the trials Of l.lm fntnrn 11 was in the amiitimnrc,,i.:.. , ... CT " n.viiOH llli- iMuence, Which pursued lier n.n ir. that Madame Dalbrun awaited the lingering approach ot the joyful mouient. At break of uay, sue wouia nave left her bed, had sho not r"? w oetf8r by ch unwonted eagorness, n!7Jmfr Chilai8h BxietJ l'ch fevered her 77" rliiilogWmih1!rw. I Timil I . ?T . - .uu oegaa nor toilet, as much to wuue away uie time as to apply artificial to, he'SLten tho J vantages of nature, ohe had just given Uie last touch to her attire, when Gaston was announced in tlie sa loon, where she awaited him alone, lie came m with that half serious. hr.. .;, r..:i:.. to him, sat down, and adUressiDg Madame Dal I "'Need L madam ' hi, i,.,i..: t. very new nccomjilwliment she discover- L'nngs me here I Have you not , divined it Y "rerhaps.' wne iialbrun's self-love. Her objections were vTcreuine, ana, loiiowed by her daugh ter, she got into the carriage, which was wait- ing at Uie door. It was a handsome phaeton,, drawn by pair of beautiful horses full of pirn, ana champing the, wta with impatience. Oaston handed the ladies up tlie steps of the Were taking their seats . "As for me, ladies,' said ho gayly, I will ask your permission to appoint myself your capUiaof the guard, and ride by your side, like a real queen's guardsman -As he finished speaking, he sprang lightly on h,s horse which a servant was hoTding by the bridle, and began to caracole beside the AirnaA !tt all tl. .n4 . a- wv vw imwi assurance 01 a eonsumrnava borsemjn. I , . f J usowti- fl in him plunge-l deeper and deeper into M i I urn 1 l. I r .1 iu led there, although she oaly half acknowledy. ed it to herself. His eve. y care and attention niuoa to tlie flame that was burning in her , uusnnx uer wim a reciprocal foel Ig. The whole day was spent, so tar as Gas- w ww CTuonraea, in uiose polite attentions ana delicate gallantries which be divided with exquisite tact between Madame 6albrun and Iter daughter. A proposer and arranger of , ---'v- "'l'i io ceruxi uimseu iu ao- f i ug the honors it) such a war as to prevent even a nioraeut's languor interrupting the delight of wuipaqjous , ana sucu was the charm of mis InorwMing intimacy, of this Dsrtv of thiw. itrrtajiiru'I! Py tlie variety of rural scenerv. v.o . uu,x wi uie air, ntirTUncmnt.-M Urn that they Prolonged its duration to the 1 m giiimuer ot davliglir, Lven should my attentions, my nssiJutlcs, and my whole conduct not havo enlighteued you, eould what I said yesterday leave any doubt f Well then ! I have founcf that dee,r feeling I have sought after! The woman, r ' w,,f wora tor heart yearned for, is cornel In a word, madam, I am in loveT , 7. "Aw you quite sure, sir T replied Madame "wjuioauvinir ine nuutmn .1. somewhat coriuetish smile. "Liko you, I doubted at. firs'.' gravely re plied Gaston. ! was afraid of confounding a w..eiii inwiuauon with a durable attachment I have interrogated, one hv nno .11 .1.,. ci of my eart; have sounded tho depth of my " ' 111 , tor... tliM 'iHrinituMia ..... I.'. .1 . ' .V"- tf Which you are the arbiter, bay, the object I most of whom were gazinff at tb imt roagnincent tliere, having cost 930MO. J fcy 11...4, Mihet thaw to be dethroned by his Mbiects because SMIIIIIU UHt.lUJIIr1l. Is . much of the sculnture havin l-a. k.J.t J wOWd Dov.B"Ut tUaaia. so tataslliA iw.i;ff in Italy. Miss Camla's death was caused by a ! Wx&otrBeoV be h-s doubtless de- wa uvU raoawav, OU. UfMI IIM1. KHa'lin 17 an. I a. a. Mi jrrnr imj, irom a party With her father I v. iim nmi MgiaiKI or Aus- Aearriage.jhe horses, of which had cided wisely, in any event. - Hut has he not a ana a youns female blend., IW f-i, -,., with her friend to the door bf the house to ring tho bell, and the driver who had left Ids box and stood on the pavement, dropped tho reins and tlie horses look fright and ran down broadway, and Miss Canda tithor fi.fr jumj)ed from tho carringo and was killed. Tho tna to arrest hostilKios, or at least to interpose between him and the power of Russia to pre vent bis being overpowered 1 . " England w averse, very averse to a war at this time, and Franco does not seem to 'desire one. .Will not these two powers theft Interpose , Goncr'a . Labt'-b Book for November is at hand, and, prosentsmnny f ttracti&na. .. .IU.COH' tcnU are various a-'Vl , , ,jt Mttii time, that Walter Scott used to delight topori tray onpapef. j . . . : ;; ; (j)iir-nimhrylMHi r.HMtuo pleasure of ; iintiniiir ti) a very a le'alid eloquent discount delivered at tho Met idit Uiurch by the Iter. ' M(T3Urok8of Wa forest College. Th, CXact hriifiqn of Ida' . ixtjin tho ISible, I cannot tll,n8 (mwKiist then )iy in philosophical i speculation, pon tlua ranges tiino had inmls j in llio faces "iud forms of some of my acquaint. J anoes, and with what a sparing hand he bad donlt with others; pmsiog .uppn. this (to, ow conipreheiisious) 'unfair dealiiig ou the battel I at once, some Uiougnt 01 uie speaker woEe n 4 jresponsive?lionlin fptr fmpinni mjphuL soul was engrossea py uie eloquence and rea soning of tlie groat orator who occupied U pulpit; from which,, even the liandsons feminine faces of 'roaiiy of by netghboatf could draw mo away."' 8a "you "cannot tot perceive that, I must . have been cntrsacoL His subjoct was, the apathy lliat existed in tht cliristian world upon tlie efforts of the Missies- ary Societies of tlio various fDonominntionsl. ista, attributing it to the want of spirituality, amon yt. flu i-Uisnf 4 I dr. w a happy picU. i of 'nil tlio Christian sects uniting iu one har monious effort, in holding nn tlio "light a Christianity" to tho Heathen World, and act nnljjiVtbVbi loplftee where, religion, wa nro worth tho sutx fe'- i;ce. ta. URAiiAMvtor aoremkjrjstin rar tableWj It h uuu D-uini' ioi tna worK, ap! fompaMs favourably with nnf r iu preceding ntinibers. Tlie next number being tho cluo of tlio second volume for'l86& affords on excellent opportu nity to Sidjscribo. , ' " it iripre I'mhi. He 1 ? fio very very c..";iy Cv..,. .'"i. . a FiiHbuster, as a fi remnilcaJL- whawnlkl the dnltuf his remarks. Reported fur Vie. Ir-iy JVo-. Proceeding, of the Board of Commla slonen. : : " 77 i7jtfqynAT,fpctoly ja, 1 83S. At tho Tegular meeting of the tioard held tliis etenihg, were present, John D. Whitford. Esqr, Intendnnt; J. C. Justice, I. Disosway and Matthew Matthews. Commissioners. iiojweilnptjtuoJast read and approved. Tho following accounts was examined and allowed : John Mildrum, : $2Q 20 On motion, Uie rtoanl ndjnnrnod. STEi-iiEN u. R):i:es, . Clitic. MoiDAT October 17, 1853. . There was 'no tneetiii!? of t!m HnoAl Uiis evening t' (.mi.' AJ v yo( -. not HK:iir-4 11 ri' , t - .,,,v V. I have, I believe, 'written enoncrh for tL present, and will confine the incidento of an S..I .. . k.. ... A- I . 1 . ' uiiiiii, iu ai.wuer nine aiiij eomniunicaiR) '"' ' , 1 Tour obedient servant; : ' ' CARia f ; . - JfWBTox, Oct 17th, I8o3. Ma. EniVoa : , ... . " Thinkiflff pcrlinna tliat a f..w mm fir Ira of niino embodying the "inkHiigH of adventure" that liappetied to mo whilst on a visit very ro ceutly fo your town, may interest tome of your ""1 iiwnjf w jot mem uown lor you. AnfTtla at tti Wuhinstoa Hotel P. Merrctt, J.hk. J. A. Barms, Polios. ' Q. W. Street. BwiflM ,ville,.. -v Creek. 7 : M. R. R-If; ' ,ni Z. Farrow CarteroL I. W. ala1Un.IW.1U P.a. I T II 1 . " I i.twMi i. lumnn. jihm - A- W. Cunnan, Craven ,D. R. A tubrop,CW-T 1 ' ''"""i u..oeoM, Jones, & P. Diddle. do JL Brack. A. II. O. Wood. do I. Rim,r. U.1.rf J; l.'0k . . 7X. R. Wiison. att-. R Iiwclt: - B5 TUfsr W.B. Wsdswortfio E. Wliitty J.hics, M.C.Bo(rry, do N. a Neal. Treaton. N. Foseosdi son, JoocJ. f. Murri.l, Onstow, K. C. I'sttror, BeaalorU. Ewr", Bwift Creek, f - w ' . laiimton, U. W. U. Ushsm, Do F. L Kin?, Beaslnrt, U. H. Rilch.Wai.hing. villa, ton, M.lh9r,Craea, f Jones. Craven, TTVivnen, W. II. Drvan. Trenton. R. II. lU.ut.. J. P. Wonldy, UU- ft, Bsrths, pii;.iaiis mon.t, Va, UN. Thomiis.B.Bfuit, J. O. ilnrmlull, Hook 11 Hurt. BontliiiiMoQ. . rlon. Cl, , J.M. Tylor, do J. IKvon, Crajrein . Arrirais at tlie Atlantic Hotel. It. McDnnlel. Jum tu Mr. O. Klli-w. .in J. N. Iknnen. Cmvrn. Cnwk. ' N.Jaeksim. " do' J. Klowr, Bay Uirrr. T. R. GsskiiM, Swift .Creek.' If. Brinklsy, Crarm. ' ferv- annratHnatvlv I V. llaii. avi.ui - ..n : . f U termed, from the ph-UUd, sad wafcragi A. Tok CW. J.lfc.ly?Trir , !' " U flifci.Ma In 1 . IK K. Dmltev. ' do Mm A. ELUndleyv J. Ilartisoo. da J. Jewel, do J. Real, . dw K. 1L Kenmirk do Having contemted a visit to the City' of it Young, Unaluw. Qins, as New-Ben may fy .apiwopriately 7. Mallen. 4VmMm viewe hoin Jirooklvn heichts at dm more earnestlv tlmn il. n j ii ' 1 v- -7; . ; -vassal v j uuuu. now v. v w magnmiccnt. mat uie tun extent of tho danger is seen, and Cor. Norfolk Btaeon. I either peaceably or forcibly tomjxl Uio Sultan A. 1 Kizg f ioht.- One of thn. ,V..m..i: I to stop hostilities, even if l.v t i .... .. ..uwniiic 1 . ' -"l wu mivih y exhihiiinn. a A,. 1.. r .a . PI .. .;. . ' . 1 , " "S" ur wafjer 01 zuuu, took I commenced 1 Hmn; I aeeordinirlv booked mv imnu . . ftTTaM A . . uli r r . -,. . . auu, IV. a VS IU aiOUSH'Ur lillrt'n KI.Mn Coach and proceeUed on my way ; stage crowded, su mtide. two ouuLlo I...LLU f. driver; in the latter cafeg.y your ItuinbJtt ser vnnt is to bo iutliided. I saLl in v tliat I had booked mv name (vim I ,.). w nave saw tpmhja a two bushel bag of nieal was immedintly under iny fe., and gave my lower extremities a very uinWaiit elevation : however as it was thnt or none, concluded to stand it, as I learned from the very annudng and gentlemanly driver that I should oulv It is diffleult to Placo near New York on wo presence or Imm nnnn snnn 1 j rowdies. The parties were Sullivan and if or- al u"" t""e manifestly against tho "-ey. Ana 1 unable to stand -.v,i,.7 uiwiiwooan anerwuiti h..IaIt..j l t.j . .. . ..s wounds received in the rforhL ' ",nl wfl cm,no1 Tut o iwues were ssnivan and Mor- . """"""j agiunsi mo after 87 rounds Morrisaey was W,M "nd interest of Franoa, England, Aus mU having been awfully beaten, tria, and we may add, we think, of the Sultan F 0 r e j g n . . ARRIVAL OP THE AXIJUmoT Pour Days Later from Europe. War declared agaitui ' Ruttia by Turkev commenced. New York, Oct 16. The 8tcamhin Atlantin. m.i I . . . . . "wi uruuv. n - o "... i .cjoui 10 uie am inst, h.I.IIV fl-ui. yl.a lJ .1 .1 . . war will go on. , If U does, we can hardly sco how Eugland and France can consistently keep ir, nowever, lurkey is to contend sintrle unuueu wmi nussia, the result may easily bo lorween. j urkiy must go down before the strong arm of Kussia. The Ciuatical zeal and ardour of the Musselmen may for a time hold wen, Iiaian Pwcr ' d'eck, aud it may benfour day. later than those' brought byi briniahmvnW flw Canada. I Russian .1 1 . . -..v uiw VVCIILUfll- Amnnnr ili Lieut Maury and the lion. J. KlngorsolJ, late U. S. Minister to England. . The Atlantic brink's Viena dates to ih. 9.1 inst. ' " MlsOKLLASKOCS NWS TI.- C..ll L-J ., a.io uuiuin uaa. on inn iuv.mn,i..i: .va ugnea , declaration of war agiu'nst Uiusia. Report savs that hn.iii;ii. l.r.i -1 . '....vir 111114 ui' ready commenced. The Russians it was sup hlauacked the Turkish positions Jt Previous reports stated that Ami.,'. again sided with England and France and some Fnj,w.iuon was to- be made to Turk hen a despatch from Coniuii;,.nnu .j J. ' 2Ctfl innniinnwl !.. .1.- l.:. . T i j .7777 " 1Jlyan "M recom mended thebultan to declare war. Tl. r..... powers opposed theact. The French and English fleets still remain- cu ui jcHiita Day, In r.. r. i . v.u... j.. wvouroi me vast resources and weight of tlie Rusifiao poww. . Constantinople ' anu to becomo a portion of uio aireaoy wiue-sprcad domains of the Czar, it Turkey U to contend ainglo handed with Russia. Cufas yet wo cannot believo this is to bo the case. Further intelligence will be eagerly looked for, but we cannot even now believe that a war in any shnpo it inevi tulle. ' . tho Rev. J. V. Tucker. M. K.. II hTTT- :. this place, to Misa Smasr. K, 14-iaw, UV ter of Um Lito Wm. E. Sinaw. of VJ.iJZl' , In Uus town, on tho Ttli hist, after an ill ness of several months, Ssnusi. IUttlk, cI 11 morrtU 20 days, so. rf Wiltvaa J'.l-i Wary Ann Moore. ' . f. , , havo to incvenienc! to the nt m o .rp,y iho kKc' ar.5 r. here the meal was uieowtwrfo,- lady residing -there, for some iu Hioiiiui or more. . . . . , I soon found that although tho meal had made my physical man uncomfortftl.tn . -. I was more than compensated by the ronA bnt happy sallw of wit, tkt fell from tlie lip. of our Jehu. lie was particulariy felidtoiis in uwellinjr upon tho Mcinrr r tho nnnfamiu mMilrfM iiii i.l . . I that we occasionally met with in Dovor sUrmv ana cauoamvattcnUon to a very racer-like wai species, that was then imme diately before us. remarking ih.t ,i,...i i.:. V , WUKa lK'ng ot bis Hog, would dwell .... s . , nj)(m uw rRCt thjit " ery lariFO IKirti-r nf lh i ,.11 ' .nitiu irvn- (l.ir. nml llmt I.,. I I . . .. n ., ... , nnuouotedlv Weif'h .i . a two hundred or two fifiv .lm r.ki.. IT. , I , , 1 "flBUIII 8 !reuu "fvey of the animal Question. I miil .e .1. . t i . . '. ...-.ii, iiiui, t couia not tier- ceivo the bulk ho attributed to him, but per haps it was owino. to the fort 1K..1 1 Ail mvin an umin. J ' j- -to una fHMntnmwl " I take these Ki(Ju TaOmbs,'i,!.l he, - And lay tliiilni any hreasti tg 1 I rotoctM.11 tliey shall find in nu', In mo becverblest. ' 11 " - - ' ' '--1 --m MABIWE LIST. ' "r"rTr---."-o....j.. r it,.. ... ( , ABRI VXD. Oct 13, 8cl,r. I. W. Hughes, Johnson, If. 1.; mdx.to Wm. r. Moor?. 7 15, 8chr. IMnhin. Hill Il-l: . ..1. to Win. p. Moore. , r AJ,j'ran Vowors, Boston mda. to 4''wSlvte juugo or the density of bodies from that height, val VhU hf. ' R N' " V- 5 or more probably tho animal had been turned V T, X o' ,lovOT- J out topmost properly termed mass-fed, JZuT? T'r I GorJon ' V-5 J andhisd..nens,pi,werej,e.,onlyoutlid.-: ,7; i?. , L On proocedino. mm., il. :i '. bchr. bonhia 1 RiliA-tX-T vrJ.f' n .iiiod iiiiiim iiimsaiw tun 1 s -v utj bmii iii.tm wv I iimtinr' an.l . 1 . 1 I THE FALL TRADE. .- am uiu 1 wn' Anil Iissva 1 1. - ,wjr nearly all re- tnnied .home with their Stocks, tho trade for uie season, we may say, m, fcty 0Vcn(id "mum w "ve commenced with a re ewed.yigor, and our town nrmin . KosU was to embark for the TTn!f,1 Ri.f Mre''keiipivarahce. Oi.-rf, ,1 . on tho 21st bv the eonnonl A not noriiJ mill, !. I...... ' uumK Liverpool. the 1 terra for the free importation of Breatlstuff's. Juty u in saying that prospocu of a Franco ha-1 ,rohibitd the cxiwrt of iiota- tfaJo may be anticipated tho arm. 1 toes and vegetable material of all kinds. ' ingseason. The stocks of V' - .-..eu we Cud if ,. . f. . "v 01 u j irom in.. .. wohavfi:7 wfo 7M '"nyot tho stores, their r , . O " l-fore leaving this part of my journey, Dc :r Swamp" al fow mo to call 'at, " r Colbert to tho fact that i .iVT?' - camo across his owner (a "1 a 1 -vi, a uienrn nn rn.. H and a big stone on the other ervo ills equilibrium AIARKKTS. Livebpool. Oct fi. fiiin ..r. '.1 ,'. , ' - - -vw.. ,0 U.IU.IllU(J, ouics lor tho last tlirw. dnv. t 1 Q AAA 1-1 . Jrca.Jslull which have previously as aguiu recovered, and closed at last week's ' liiwTwini .gw delnaiid? 7"7 Coiisvlt iavc declined to 00 7-8. t 1 nave noticed are well !id allowed to md harvest. vcr fllr Colbert to t . far.t ...... : tht t "IT' ",uk m llw "nver of faiUif;. ch-In. Kiw;-' r'V'r" ou' trace and will T. S ocndofI leisurely anu with a hammer, hatchet and ..nii n ocn nf ...7 sn" 0 nll .0 mended tl.o whole affair wSiSB aS .w wh0"d-77 torstrr mntter, and was much amused Z ?'F? ,lho Jent was remedied1, r' lI,,'Ce, ninfI,.i !.....:... ' 0) trcnlleinsn ro. "uiacu, liiul 1 r v . ,. . 1 n . . ' - seen iron sn' ',r'i ... u uulu tUat hml ho . i'T1 thouttho aid of firo,",nnd uo uihed tho OM u c...... 1.. r "foresaid IS""5 T """W vu myjirnval at New-Bemc, a cold U.at 1 contracted id iriy ride down after tho sliadesof TT8,Kuy.' ,nilinpiblefor mo pnttond tho siUing. of tlio baptist- ConveT lion that wasthen holding its scssU,,,; handsome church thev hxvn .1. of Kims. It U n Ki-w-t l...:i i:77 . ".. V iiiii.K. ,.r .1.1 1 ... , . " "7""". DISASTERS.,,, , ' Cnpt FieUa'of . ftt.: U ... u i it . . Aiuiiak mNNV thoSchr.Ik.,u Capt Jlaxler, frJm he beach back of Portsmouth, aUt 2 miloto the Southward of Ocracoko bar. Sha weat ashore on lliursdny morning about 8 'clock, liavmg previoiudv of TueayandWoilneay last fl.o vi4 will be a total Ions, hut l.a il ...r. , , ; . mv uiiuv ffin in uiu bly bo saved in a very damagj state Crew Ho also reports tLoR,,!,, xr, i.n. l. lived toI-.of Charlsttka from Now, York, sshoro a short rliaiun.a fr,. ih. If.ili iii." Crew saved. . - . THE MAEKTS. 1 - October HI, 1853. I!aCO. Notwllll.lnnillnn. .1.- v.1 .nm.l. which comes !o msrkd, the prk-es MntLiie without chanco. Wa n.. lL. at tol 11.1 ll--im.tlin.l AtAI-aa . . " i . r" j .7? . "I0- nam imm the owy kind Irt demand. V Birr. -Wo notica Mm. I). -a nr.,:,,.! lll!Pu;iv ..i... ... . . " . . - .. iau"aWl lUUUWyu at 23 am so c. ofn in siimll liiifli......a...i i...JxR frrtnva. ut hich price sales from carts art niado daily. v v v.Maiuimn castle of tho old' en 1 eeuu, m demand.