t $L lie OlU p p ii mt j WILLIAM H. HAYHEW, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. 84.00 in Advance W. J. WILLIAMS, PRINTER. WHOLE 10, 21, 'VOL, I m. 2L MW.BERI, Eif.DAY AUGUST 20, 1852, MS Tn MlTf TTrrkln yCVyDrrUCnU M l-I LI.! JIIF.li tVL'SV TLLSDIV AND FRIDAY, AT 34 00 per Annum, in advance YibU V JBAYHEW, Eitmn: .SI rj;ori:hlvi:. 0;r.:c o: .S .it:i -I I Sirt-. t, l;v- lrs :iv-v. Mi l !V S:rc !. Ci I. 1 M 1 .VI O.tr.M w ill ! : 1 1 ! . t r. c fr :i -'":-r tirti". . i:!f r f.r r- im.-u. :.: r t l- r-.ued nt t!f ji "i t-"" ; -rti- s, i t!- .-VI.-. :' !' " .r c.!iHN .ii I th.- :vi:. r !. in.ito!. wluther Vikly r ii i..rv n a .,ri. t v of Tm- :i can ! f.-n I in !! ist.'t.-. if ..! t!.- l--t. we r.r jir anl ti. jni-.t ;ir,n!.ir, I.d- !. I.iu" Clank Jcc Ac, in tlio iM-.if. -t iu.jui. r, n r.a-.-n;il.lc Unu-, an.l ut t!- .-lMirt- ()r!r lv mail will rft-ivt JTikjij ;ittt;i!i.n, :m-l t'tf w.-rk frn.trd.il :" oiI n-l. CHERRY PECTORAL Fr ihc Cure f rorcn colds, iio.irse.yess, BU0.CIIITIS, iriI00PI.G-C0l'GH CSOrP, ASTHMA, AND C0NSOIPTI0N Thi rcm.-'Iy i? r'Jerl to the coniwnnity tvith t!n otiS-lence wc feel in ftn nrticle which eldm fails t re iliie thch-pjiest effects that can be dr-sire-l. Soi lei the field of its us-fuJ!nes and s numerous the cue of its cures, that almost every .t:ticu cf the country abounds in persocs. pu'dic Iv (.nvn, whhiv. been restored from alanniti au I cTen de crate diseases of the Iunr, ly its U' When Ci:ce trie I. ir 5uperiority over every other median ft' kin ?, U to apparent to tsuape cWrruion. an I where its irnics aro known, the puhlii- n " Ion r h"itife rrhat antidote to employ Ivr the di:re"in;7 nn ' daneru affections of the pulmvnirr er,rn. waieh ar in- i-Ientto o.r cli mate I n.) mfy ta the f.rrai Lihlc attacks u ( n the IanCN hut f r the milder varieties of Cdd.s. i.rh. It nr-ene--. vc . and for Children it i- the p!eMintit ai I s ife.t melicine. thaf can hcohtain-t-l. No fimdv sh-uM le without it, aud those ho hive uoI it. ncter will. Ilei I the opinion of the following Gentlemen, who will he rec".n:ied in the various n ctionsof cu.rry where tio-y are located each ant all as Mervlat of the first cla? an I of the hizlie-f cha-I-i.-tcr a thcol let and int extensive Whdeale Iei!rr in Mcllelne with an experience unlimited o:i the?u!-Jet f which thejealc. If there is any v ia theju dement cf expericne. ec THIS ClUTini.WTK. W the undcrirnc I, Wholes ile Dru?;i?t., liar ta h""1; acquainted with Avers Cherry IVct r d. h.Tct-y certify our belief that it U the lt an l taot ctTocnnl retnely for Pulmonary CVmpIalut cer offered to the American People. An 1 we wnul I. from our kn wlede of its compo sition, and extensive nsffolne-'s. cordially com-M- n 1 it to theariiot'-l as worthy thru best confi dence, an I with the fir.n conviction that it will do fcr their relief all thit mclicine can lo. IIenh aw.l-Mmattus V Co. Dvton.Mas-. Ilec-? S: CouN n, Ikiltimorr. Maryland. LtM V Inriha!n. Iloncor. Maine. Ilaviland. H irrall .S; C ) Ch irle:!on, S. C, Jacobs. V'arnn 1, Pctrcst. Micnlgan T. II. McAlli-ter, Louisville, Kentucky. Kranci? Walton, St. Loui, Missouri. Jt ?rp?i Tucker. Mobile, Alabomx Thedire A. leck. Unrlin!on Vermont. llavlian 1, Iiisley v Ce. AugujU, Georgia. kwc H Jamc4 Trrntoa, New Jersey J M Toirc?cn-I. Pittjleir. Pcna CUrk x Co. CIi.Mp Illinois. I. V.V y. Ilurlinzton. Iowa M A u-" & ,Vn, Norf dk, Virpini.i Kdwarl l.rit shiirst U i'minzton. Delcware JohnrinSn C.f rhUiMphtn, P.i. 7. 11 ,V W 11 (iilnnn Wa-hir?ton, 1) 'J. J Wrirht .V Co NcwOrleir.;, La Vaf.vi. Wall Kort Way:i. Indiana j; C Ilichmon 1 A. Uoan Frr.ncis.-o, Cal. Lcii ,: Arje.T.ilIaIi-ic. YU ri la I; II .Stron Ir.oxvi!!e.Tennc-ec t "liltoa i'nir. Little il -ck. Ark. f j'llt V C Ij cxin-! ' n N il.''I'' Galvc-tn, Texas CLoIve.-Jr . ProTidcnce. II I J.Tur :r.avann?h. G i IN rORr.'KJ-' -UUM'RIE.s-.-J G C,:Tn Co .'.U Chili F M I'iruvs I & Co. Cruz. Mexico Frt J Iiia Co,Ku-otJ.N"-w Grenada 8 ProvcKt & Co . Lima. Pe.'u Morton 5t Co, IIa!ifix.Novx Sootia T Walker & Sou. St John. N cw Irunswjck C G Siliuii & Co,Iiio Janeiro, Traill With such fwsuranc, and from such men, no KrDSer proof can be adduced, except :hat fonnd iaiueffecaupoa trial WANTED VOj II IK L'. TT.NTILlhft firt of January next, a Cnl Hrtise jj Giri. Enquire at tin oflico. Acu berVt June l5th, tn3 If. i NOTICE. . fPIIE Siilrrirr rerpcctfullv call the retention cent, tin; f-u'T, thtit it is lie ir the time to order, l!it:i llai and other Turnip Seeds, fur the se-isou "iMtIT- 1 ni'iict nil tli.it in wurit it Tnr I. to call un 1 le:iv their orden. us it is de sir able ti b'irn s iinethin about the quantity that wiil be required. The eeds I wi d warrant to he of the LiM jnalit3. and if they tio not jrive pntis f n tioi tn th ptirch t-er". t!ic money will i,e rcl'und id. Ple.kjc send or h ave your onicrs son. JAS. W. CA1LMEIL Jnnc th, 1 .. 9W 1 tf Ct :: V . -.' Ft in f: ,;f N if ? X lis if- & U JS-kl !v M. l 1 i A ::l.sJ. J. jt:-t n-tunu-d from the vf a, '.'-r.'i, ;.n : u w oj nt hi- hl .'t;tnd in the l ii- i'l-H.f IliaMin on lIlnvk Street, a Ltrro j u n-- I 1 w II S. l.-et. d Asxirtmentof Famey Dry (Jiki N . ti whieh be would rejee fully invite tli-'.!'-i. if Li- i:u:o joih iVieiuls 1k:1i in Town and Ci.i:n:rv.:itnl th- tri ! esi -rally in an e.Mnina ti.n .. hi"s".H-k Ik-i'mt Making th-.-ir releetiniK ele w!u re, '. t.-it:n f Cloth-, mid Kin-. Coarse and upeiline, nt Iri-h Linen. Jeans an 1 Satinet, :ul C:i-hnuiet.-, Thr-al of SujM-rinr Spinning Gentleman- Cravat . all kind.- f lli'ts tlloves, KiblKMH. GatiBe and Laev-, C.iqK tui-s, (it raw and Iiyniitis,) Dareje tie La'nefi, Shawls, Capr, and .Silver Card Cas,et. Coilar and Cuffs, all clieap emmlu IH)ts, rilnH-s and G-ntlemanV Gaiter?, yhirt. Chemt-zett- JUid Velvt rets. Atid a fploiidid assortment f H"7' vS. Ch-:ii CalictH-s, and Cotton Hose, Tn wl.ieh we invite atteiitum; G hl Hiir,-r Kinij, mill many thuig, ' toiliou- here to mention. Aj-ril 20 l.S.VJ. DAVIB SMELL, C01TERSMITII. DALTI.'iIORC, j "OULD inform the public of ".North Carolina that be still continues to manufacture TUHPIINTINi: S FILLS, such as he c..n recom mend, and such as have been highly approved of by the Distiller- throughout all the Turpentine Dis tricts, for which he has numerous flattering certiG-c-itcs, iKjth from North Carolina and Florida. Ileslso keeps, Force Pumps, Lend Pipe. H'ove W:rc for Rosin Strainers. Dippers Glue Kettles, on 1 every article used in Distilling Turpentine. Ordi hs promptly dispatched and the workman ship guaranteed. March 'Jth. 10 tf. c o fit M I ssi o ii; m e; r c h AKTsf W. d. R.iYF!l. J 11. Gilmore, late cf CopclinJ Gilmorc i Co REFEUKXCE.-.. Mcsirs. Francis Skinner & Co. New York; it Lord, u arrcn. Salter it Co. Geo. 1 1, (ir iv Co Doston, Ilowanl, Son & Co. Parker Wilder & Co. t " Trancis Skinner & Co. Kdwarl D Kimball H-q Salem Mr.s. O. G. Parsley, l.-q. Prcshb-nt of Com mercial Cauk, Wiliuidgfdti, N. C. K. Ki l ler, " J. II- Planner. M Cash a-lvanceil on consignments of Natal Store June 9th. 1S.VJ. sr 1 Cm. HILLINERY CQOOSx MRS. McDONALD having now received hes tts'tal stock, 111 be glad to see her friend. at her eld staud, where she Is exhibiting forsalc a large assortment of of the latest style? and best material, suited to the Springnnd Summer. Oreatcarcbas been taken in their selection. Orders exrcitel with neatnes and despatch. Dreejan I Cardinals made. Clenching and press ing done in the lest j-tyleat shoitjnotice. Newborn. March 30th. JSj'2 13 tf KE1MOVAL.- . -v V - ' - - V4 .'II, V V . ill's II Store, where they are prepared to ex bit and will sell on the most reasonable terms, II hi A A'tir an. I Fashionable Assortment mwmm mm, They wi'.I also attend to any orders given in the MANTUA MAKINCJ business. The Misses M. ci E. C take this opportunity of returning their thanks to their many friends for the very liberal patronage they have heretofore re ceived, and hope thaCby their former endeavours to please, and the general satisfaction they hae always given, to receive a continuance of their custom. Bonnets and Gentlemen's Straw Hats can be Bleached i a 1 Tressed at the shortest notice. Orders lrom the country will be attended with punctuality and despatch. NewfceiH, August 2d, 1S52. 29 3w. 7 ) F'PnCTFl LL'i inform their friends and i the public generally that they have taken the h'nieon IMIok Street, lately occupied by Mrs. ui mm loll H i i: I'.Kfeur. ivro ioors f.wt n r i v f. EiKjineers and Machinists-. ATANUFACrUIlK Steum Engines both ti ! 1JL Uihand Low Pressure, Also, Circular and ! Upwri-ht Saw Mill.-, Grist Mills, Cotttn and To bacco Strews and Presses. They also make all de i scriptiontsof Iron Castings and Wrought Iron Work j ad apt Oil for overy sort cf Mechanical purpose, ha ; vlng probably the largect Stock of Patterns in the Country for Mill Woik in all its varieties, and are ready at all times to furnish Machinery upon the most accomodating terms at the shortest notice All triers for every section of the Country arc3xe cuttdli and forwarded wit despatch. ANEUr:uid enrnplcto assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing just received per Sell. Henry C Mead ami lor sale hv WILLIAM DUNN. Newborn, April 1852. NORTH CAROLINA 5UTOL lASCRAXCE COMPANIES. LIFE ASSUUANCE FIKE INSURANCE 'IMIE Life Conqxmy has issued nearly 14 0G Poli I cies; and paid lat year :U) jkT cent profits upon the premiums p;iid in. All life members participate in the profits. Slaves are insured at low rates of premium. The Fire Company has issued 4UU0 Policies; and has a Capital of nearly SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS 1 inlands properly secured. For the present year the following Gentlemen have Leefl elected 'OFFICERS : Like CnMtMnr. Di.C E. Johnstui, Pres. V. 1). Haywood, V. Pies. Tames F, Jordan, See. V JI. Jones, Tn-asurer; Perrin Husbee, Att'nv. Dr. V II. MeKee, Si. Ex. FlllE CoMrAXT. J. O. Watstm, Pres. J, (J. B. Uoulhac, V. Tr. Uiehard Smith, Trea'r. John H. Bryan, Att ny. II HERSMAN, General Agent for both Companies. OFFICE OF THE N. C. RAIL ROAD, July a 1st, 1852. J NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS in the N. C. Rail Road Com- iauy are requested to read the following reso- IT0CKII0LDERS in the N. C. Rail Road Com pany are requested to read the following reso- dLOTHlIIO lution passed by the annual meeting at Raleigh on ing tongue-tied, (as it is called) and owing perhaps Agenj of tbe Stomach and Intestines. It is ex the subject of interest to other natural defects. When last seen, he was tractei from the Ditrestive Stomach of the Ox. thus llcsolved. That m justice to such of the Stock- holders of this Company as have paid their sub- aboutj and perhaps in consequence of the defect the natural Gastrc Jtlice in its Chemical powers. -crintions, either in money or by work, the amount 0f his speech, not be able to make himself under.. nml furn;,,,;n(, emn-nUr and rwrfert nhiifui for due by such Stockholders as shall be in default tion in favour vf persons having contracts, and who, under previous assurances, have expected and are prepared to pay for their stock in work." An instalment of 5 per cent has been called for by the Drord of Directors falling diic the 1st Mon day in September next. Payments can be made to D 'mrtors, by an order of the Hoard, and the 1 rea surer is not required to visit points on the line of the ro:id in order to collect the instalment. Ihe next meeung oi me iwam ui ireciora wn m. . A T . . ' I I. II C III -.A. An I. place at Goldsboro , on Tuesday before the meeting of the Legislature. CYRUS P. MENDEXIIALL, 2Q 2t. Sec'y & Treasurer. ii:VI3Etti ACADEMY. THE Trustees give notice that this Institution will again bo opened on Wehnesday the first day of October next Ihey take pleasure in re commending to the" public the School now establish ed, as they believe the Teachers fully qualified in . - every respeectto impart to the pupil a sound edu- tion Newbern, Sept 22, 1S51. 42 tf. 50 REWARD T7"ILLbe given by the subscriber for the appre- m hcnsion and delivery in any lail. so that I get them, of my two nrg'ro men ABEL and CE SAR. They both runaway in October last, and were lately the Dronertr of Mr Daniel Tolson Jc7d. of liay ju vert hey are probably lurkinir. Uesar is about 32 years old, about five feet eight inches in height, dark but not black ; Abel is about 40 years old, but looks younger, very black and spare in orm. They arc well known m the neighborhood of Day Riveras " Shinslers." I will give the above reward for the apprehension of the two or $23 for either of them. HANNAH TOLSON. Newbern, July 2,"5th, 1S52. 29 tf. FOR SALE. ijt&tii: wen Known Aiiii belonging to tne estate oi liooen araaa ueceasea, is now ior saie. it seven miles from Jacksonville, with two Grists, working one or two Saws, one rice Machine with nine Mortars, cleaning 2b bushels per day all in good condition and every part in thorough repair, with the best lightwood Timber, Grists and saw fixed on a new plan, dam 40 yards long and never known to break, with all necessary out houses. Also a tract of land well Timbered consisting of COO or 700 Acres, will be sold with the Mills, A ready market for all the Timber, Flour, Corn. .ueii, .vc. i nc locauon is uesiraoie. neine neauny, with good water. Persons wishing to purchase will call on the subscriber on the premises or ad dress him at Jacksonville. DENNIS AMAN. For further particulars address A. G. Ecbank, Esq , Polloksville, Jones Co., Dr. Chaeles DvrrrA r l 1 t4- tucnianus. isnsiow vo. C7"Terms made easyJ Juna 22d, 1W2. w 23 tf t thirty days from this time snail be forthwith col- secreting or in any manner unlattttlliy detaining evi3 0jn(tiqestim and Dyspepsias removed just lected, if practicable; and that m all cases, in- him, so that he cannot return home. A liberal re- as they would be by a healthy Stomach. It is ' urcst be rigidly exacted: Provided, howevet, that wards will be given to any person finding and doing wonders for Dyspeptics, curine casesof i). nothing in this resolution shall prevent the Board bringing him to me. or sending md word where he mi Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Dyspejdic of Directors from the exercise of a proper discre- is, sol get him. rvV,T,,V ta0 YOMft f ilw. XV SESSION, TSfhERlNA S. MOORE hopes to resume (he dn V'ties of hdr School, on the 1st. of October, 1S52. The number Of pupils in this School, is limited to forty. Payment required in advance, and no de ductions made, save for time lost by, or at the option of the Principal. During the months of August and September, applications for admission can be made to. and cards containing terms be obtained; from J. G. Stanly at the Court hiouse Jacob Gooding Esq P.M.; at the Newbern and .Washington Hotels; the Bookstores, and at the Drug Stores of Drs. Disosway and Carmer. Newborn, 27th July, 1832. 20 tf. jVewbem Female Semnairyy Newbern. N. C. REV . J . M. C. BREAKER, Principal. ffJjUE Sessions, of five months each, commence on the first ot March and October. Expenses per Session. Primary English Branches, $10,00 Higher English Branches, with Vocal Music. 12.00 The above, with Ancient Languages. 15,00 French, 10,50 Music on Piano, 23,00 Drawing and Painting, each, (in classes.) 8,00 Boarding, including lights, fuel and rt ashing t 50,00 11KFKRENCKS. Hon, Wm. II. Washington. A T Jerkins, Esq. W W Clark Esq E R Stanly, Esq. Dr Walter Duffy. Dr D W Dudley Alex. Mitchell, Esq. Al. A Outten, Esq. Dr Sum u 21 Master Elijah Chirk, Esq. Dr John G. Tull, Alexander Miller, Esq- KECEIVL FORWARDING AND coBSiviissiorj" iv2siiciiArrT- "lHE subscriber will attendto the receiving and J forwarding of goods and to the sales of coun try produce, charges moderate. G. W. TAYLOR. Newbern, Feb. 4th. 1S51 5 tf ,i i . i i i LOST. T E uTo hu VTU ,of Jhe wtocrioer Qh Eriday I J the 30th ot April last, a snlall negro boy, be- tweun 10 and ! I years of age, named DAVE. He He is four or lour and half feet high, has a high forehead, and In looking at you slightly, but per ceptlbly throws his head backward. In talking- his articulation is imperfect on the account of be- without hat or jacket. He may be wandering stood. I forewarn all persons Whatsoever from JOHN SHACKELFORD. May 6tn, 1832. 19 tf. STEAMSHIP LINE BElVEEJf 610 1 01 1 Norfolk Petersburg (ind -rji -f 7 JXlclllllOndt. I .... .. r 1 1 w u splendid new fctearasmpsj Duiit expressly j for this route, are now running. Steamship CITY OF RICHMOND, Z. Mitchell, Commander, and Steamship CITY OF NORFOLK, James Post. Commannder: one of which leaves New York every Thursday from Pier 8, East River, at 4 A. M returning, leave Richmond and City Point on Friday, and Norfolk on Saturday of every week. These vessels arc thorough Sea Steamers, very fast and have splendid accommodations for passengers. Cabin Passage and found between New York and Norfolk, 57 Cabin Passage and found between New York, Citv Point nnd Richmond. 8 Cabin Passage and found between New "York, and Citv Point, 6 Cabin Passage and found between New Yorkj and Norfolk, Freight from New York to Richmond 6 Cents per foot. - 4 Freight ffom New l ork to l'etersburg and ss or- lolk 7 cents per toot. , U1S Ia 1,3 "F"111"1"- 1UC pleajant route passengers can take going to New " i r . , , - t , 41. I insurance oy m esc vesseia is muou iwcr wau by salline vessels. JOS1AH WILLS, Isoffollc. f w -A - . 4t I THOMAS BRANCH, Petersburg. ALFRED S. LEE, Richmond, MA1LLER & LORD, 1 08 Wall St. New York, tfew York, April 2Sth, 1S02. BARGAINS ! ! BARGAINS ! ! rts ICR Paris printed Bareges at 40 cents per yrd l China aad plain Bareges at 25 cents per yrd Foulard and Tissue Silks verv low. torrether with a large assortment or rancy and Staple Dry Goods, Hosiery ana irirammgs, jewelry, lionnets, Snoes. etc. for sale by STERN BROTHER. June 22, 1S52. INK! INK!! INK!!! TUST received and for sale in small stands for ink- J stands, and in bottles from 2 ounces up to quart bottles, HARRISON'S CELEBRATED Dlack Green Black, Blue, Red and Carmine 0L This Ink, is of a superior quality, runs freely, and has a fine, glossy and permanent colour. Also, a superior kind of INDELIBLE INK, in a prepared andna- pared state. I WiL II. MAYIIEV7. Newbern. Anril 6th. 1862. Jane 8th, 1S52. SW 1 tf R S. DUFFY HAS just returned from the North with a fresh supply of BELTS Paints, Oils, Colours, Window Glassi Putty, Dyestujfs, Perfumery, &c. ALSOj Actmicc selection Of WTNE3 and LIQ.UORS.of superior quality together with a variety of otTlcr articles in connexion with his line of business. One door East of the Washington Hotel, Nett bcrn, N. C. July 1st. 1852. . 25 Cm W. Entered wvordlxy? to A.?t of Oonjrrefw, In tBe Tfct 1861, by J. S. IIOUOHTO.V, M. D, in the clerk' Office of the District Court fbr the Eetcrn District of Penn?ylv&iii&. Another Scientific Wonderl GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIAI Dr. J. S. HOUGHTON'S THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, OR, GASTRIC JUICE. Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth STOJYj ACH OF THE OX, after directions of BARON LIEBIG, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON, M. D.j Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Itidigestion Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constipation, b Nature's own Agent, the Gastric Juice. 'ry. rrnU Jrft,i fP,M,. t te wm digest or dissolve. Five Pounds of Roast nJs ,s, h,i nn r,ftuotnmA J pKPSls :s thfi chief element, or Great Dicestinp principle of the Gastric Juice-the Solvent of the v.i tha t.;s,.:. pm. .n,i Ktim.Lr, forra;n, n ArtMAnJ nirirMim Fluid, nreciselv like jl By the aul of this nreparation. the pains and Consumption, supposed to be on the vergo grave. The Scientific Evidence upon which it la based, is in the highest degree curious and remark able. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE I Barok Ltebio in his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, says; "An Artificial Digestive analagous to the Gastric Juice, may be readi pared from the mucous membrane of the s Fluid. readily pre pared from the mucous membrane of the stomach a . a mx m or tne uair, m which various articles or food, ts meat and eggs, will be softened, changed, and digest ed just in the same manner as they would be in the hu man stomach? Dr. Combe, in his valuable writings on the " Phy siology of Digestion," observes that " a diminution of the due quantity of the Gastric Juice is a pronii nent and all-Drcvaili-nz cause of Drsnensia :' and he states that "a distinguished professor of medi cine in London, who was severely afflicted with this COmplaint, finding everything else to fail, had re course to the OastiiO Juice, Obtained from the stom achs Of living animals, which proved completely sue cessjulp Dr. GtiAtiAKt: atJthor of the famous works on Vegetable Diet,-' says: It is a remarkable fact in physiology, that the stomachs of animals, macera ted in water, impart to the fluid the property of dissolving tarious articles of food, and of effecting akindofar'feiat7ion of them in no wise dlffe rent from trie natural digestive process rr-Call on the Agent, and get a Dcscriptiro Circular, gratis, giving a large amount of scienliL evuunce, similar w me aoove, logetner wnn ucports Kj remarkable cures, from all parts of the United wta aq a "nvciT3T?T)OT a rTTTT?TJ " " ut. tiorcHTOS S jtepsin nas prodaced tncmost Tl m . . marvellous effects, incuring cases of Debility, Emaii. ation Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption It is impossible to give tho details of cases in th imits of this advertisement: bnt authenticated cer tificates have been given of tnore than two hundred remarkable cure, in Philadelphia, New York and Boston alone. These were nearly all despcrato cases, and the cures were not only rapid and won derful, but permanent. It is a great Nervous Antidote, and particularly useful for tendency to Bilious disorder, Liver Com plaint, Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever U Ague, and the evil effects of Quinine, Mercury, and other drugs upon the Digestive Organs, after a long sickness. Also, for excess in eating, and tha too free use of ardent spirits. It almost reconciles Health with Intemperance Dr. Houghton's Pefsi.v, is sold by neariy all the dealers in fine drugs and Popular Medicines, throughout the United States. It is prepared in Powder and in Fluid form and in Prescription vi als for the use of Physicians. Prwate Circulars for tho use of Physicians, mny be obtained of Dr. Houghton' or his Agents, d3cri bincr the whole process of preparation, and giving the authonties upon which the claims of this new rem edv are based. As it is not a secret remedy, no obs- jection can be raised against its use by Physician i n respectable standing- and regular practice. Price" ONE DO-ULAJi per ooiiie. For sale, by J. W. CARMER, Drnggist Wholesale and Uetail Agent: " Newbern, Jaa. 1st IS52. 1 I .