f 1 I V I I WILLIAM H. MAYHEW, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. S "4.0O in Advanco W. J. WILLIAMS, PRINTER. I, 0, 22J IT 27, 1852, VIE YEWBERM ERISA1! Ml T ... i..: iv :. . k . V: nil i s i i r:Moiin: AT 34 00 per Annum, in advanco V ' M H fi I V tl r mum;: t.vt n;nr;K7V;. O:- 1N.II..U Street, !iw ,1'nVC Middle SllLCl. 1 t-1 ti 1 i:i ti-:i, 1 . .Hi - J l". T " r'T " I !':. '.I.; . v. ill . r ! r r. -i .. S ::t ill-- ;. : 1 ::m I .V f ; a r! i! r t I !..-. . i t: a Iv ri ! a U - r:i- r. :t:i I f..r t!- J it t !.. . i.v.-i:::r.": w OtJ!.:. . - "l vi! i: t!i-- H ... :. ; J : ! t: K r ' -r ..I r ' .... I I :-. I. -T IHllU' .I I t 1 It V. xxl t ' : I i t t! t t4. . , in Jim t!.j .-;nrt- u.;ui-!ciai:i' a". I i i s!! v.!!l r i . att, f-r V '1- V.w ii Jj .:L -i. ? JL - S31CK BUiLDINQ, m':vi-iri: 11. ;. ccti.!:!:' iiotkl, lint.'.! S.'n:. J frltm, X. srnix; stock. I ii. w: i.i t i . . ii . . i i:u :.s I.ilv.- a t riir.i i' !. , !: 1 uu I !:;; li l!,i!.;,, A!! :i & S..!, i:-ir.:r..- ; aN.s M., :ni:n ' Tur- J)IMS GOODS. COITOX CJOODS. ;m 1 a!. I Drill. ariu hr.m 1-, W:d t'i t i. S i ru ;r, ll- 'i .".-r 1. Eiurj S:.t-. INtI -mouth. ir Ii 4 i.- rv ; ;ir.i in-iiat:i. i.u- ii.u- ani J. liti-. AI.i i, hct. r Ch i::t1r.iv, Ca-uNric--. iSilii i.is r C.'.);-'. !:r.:,-.s CLirk. ml IJ.kiI'i S; -1 I .r.aL lil'-k. Will:- aril CIo:rol k-in Thri-nd, 'Ik. M.i.:"all i!.-ir.d!o I ran K M;ir!lrr ai 1 Iui-i- , i i i: . . . i i! . I 1 1 i. -i Cantoti FJaurul, triiK and l"...! I iHi. v k. Kr. !i h It,it:. Wa Vlin ' Can Uc Wick, t" Mu i':i:.iivUr;r, If. andTriiurnitis WOOLLENS. C.i-im.r, Satitvts Sh. ji"- Cny nnl Tw.'M I'L u:i- l. ulir- ar I r.-l. r Wilch.'x liol ra i ling'. '.v.. : CI. Ura. u I..-, Al-UvV., w.ir;, j LIXKXS. :;t of r a.l !ni IrNli I.i:i.-iH. A lr; i-Ttni it HI. a. h -1 ll .ii im !.:: n Cat Checks arid .M.ir!ia!r.- I.!n ii Throa L (;KO(;KIiIMS. :-t. Co.T--m. IV.i , m r; . ir, n -ai. r.k. ... I ' ex . t.i'a -. v.:. :. -. ..Ua a:i! i!.v. U4r oonjis. .- i a ;r. 1 rfi:. i. f " io ;.i iC ;a:.:.Ti V;.ri-, !.:.' w ill ! m-M clrvaj', :i !.::: I Hh.-r I:i;, ( Chl::;n v- and GLt-. I'iv-. rc IJ!n", Iki i t JIAIJDWAUM f Ho r u:r.:.'." ( :r"- rit,r 1 ..!. I . s.. au j, h.-. l-. ?j tiro Ki.ik., Ii r:.: .a -Si'kk r : :i 1 i I P. S vli.kTV liar ."::ri". Wr i :!.t :.nd . tiiou'id V;..--a I 'X-.". Pio.rr! .Svd: I. v:i. l.r::-.:i :ui 1 Ca-I it Co "PATMXT MK1 ICIXES. V"T. Pa.U'lUa lull..-, Ll I.wr O.!, txiJV 31 ISC III .LA X HO US ARTICLES. i. !: r .kO 1 l.;t - Vv-:u .-l...rv I Sir.w Hat s oli.k.." : 1. I! . r i - .k , i i.. ... Uvil' r !.-. .1 i; .M i1,- ;. TV, l.tt-H.'.l :..'.-, v .a.', iiam- v. a:- !.. !, T.av !i.:.. !t,'J, a i-r. and Sh"v K. a-K ri..I vurU-!y cf article- ii"t. cnu- ls:.J. i .an l, . t . la-r.. I N. v ! ill . NKWIIKUN AUAUSiMY. rilllK lr-:cc -:c n-iticcthit HU lutitutioti L wul.-.riiat.- uj.cscl ca Wchm-sJiv the first diy irilctotxr next TLcy take- Uu-uro in re ta,U::ab.(ic to tic nnblic the Sc'a I:0w tstnbaa!i- l.ti iucy t.ciic-.c the lcuchvrs fully vtalificJ ia w ry rcncccttu iaij art to the t uj a waui cdu ttoa. 12 tf. s.-.o j: t:VAi: i) ;? Creek, nair which place crcn Litfrtiey are probablj lurkiiir. Cc-ar is jM-ii s ycar,clI,aSvUt five f a C.M inches in Zli i ' ,tktu: uaU-ck. AU li-about V) years ! luV,Wi ynj:cr, very Llac!; aul sjre in rf V t?y al:"-1 Wtuwn in the iu:.l,rh-cl Jxvi1',83 "-iin-tIerb." I i!l give the lcraJuly,;..A" . . . r!.-ir. 1 i y ill u c.vca ty the subferiber I'.r t!.e arprc II liMvmii delivery in any ial. to that I 5 t. C?., tVTj Ulra Clc'1 AHELaniCE , ' ;CT tl r-naway in October Lit. and wcr. vttrly the r ror-ertv tf Mr. n o,:i v..i.- m m w . ----- v uij ia. notice. Suh.rilcr respectfully call tl I L .of lh? l'nocrs of Craven "m l con m attention i S'J'.T 7 5 c:lU :m 1 ,cave tI,,ir orders, as it is dc- ' 'm I ? a-r" f ",:V',,i"" "' I! quantity that r ... . t,,;u,J, 51,1,1 if lIiy l si sutis- ' , lu,,l 'V' liI'tMii-,(uy will he refund- .v...v. j'n ! iui.1 .iiiun. JAS. W. CARMER. June vth. 1 V.. sw 1 tf i;.K(;aix.S! i;ak(;as! I mi., uiricrti-nol u n-iw nx-civiu ;iu.l h. i.s in i aiurvu I.ir-c aisurtmi'tit of Fall auJ W later AND T 7 n n n n n Aaioiztwh'f it arc l uf .s'!;in. Pilot Cloth, mA Cu'siruor Over Coats W-i'H-.-.s-, hu-..s ana iiaok-, of all colours uiul tins. SiU an 1 S.-itin Vcstr, H its. C.'p-j, Un-lor cihist?, DraTvcra, H-inkvr'-iiicr-, Slnwi-. Trunk.', ari l b'li j s of all les rrii'iions. Ji.- a lurc lot of HARD WAfiCi GROCERIES w Of the lost uaHius. at tLc lowest jjiices All of which he ij offering JOI1X F. JONES OU CoiiHlif W'horj. NcwTKrn, Not. 1 1th. 1S.11. IS it NEWBEKN ,t (iOLL'SnOPkO' S T A ( : E S. rjyiHE snh?crihcr. (favorably known to the pub j lie a? hiving Leon connected, for the past fourycar.-, with Mr. V. II. WhitfiolJ, as Contrac tora for carrying the ra iil between Ncwbcrn and CJuMsboro,' N.C.,) repectfuiii.vai1iuicirf 1k1 hadCe'cuc'kianed faom a tri-weokly to a daily.-Sta-Ci will lcatc Ncwbcrn and GolUboro' every iiioniin,:, Sun lay excepted. On Monday, Wcd ncs lay and Frlliy ia Tiling larO and CON VEN I ENT FOUUdlOIW K C OACII ES, will leavo Ncwbcrn, au l on Tucd 1 lys, Thurdays, and Sit unlays, a two horso Coach arriviu at GoMIro' same evening-, and connecting with the trains goinc; north, leaves Gold jboro' every Tuesday, TimrsJay.aud S iturday mornings, with four horso Coaches, and on Mondiy, Wednesday, and Friday with a two b.usc Coach, arriving at Ncwbcrn same cveuings. The whole line is under Lis own special care and supervision, and with experienced, attentive, and Temperate drivers, he hopes to deserve the patronage of the travelling community. No reasonable expenditure of means or trouble shall he spared to iusarc the comfort an I satisfaction of the traveller. Persons zmng North from Ncwbcrn can i each their de-tination, at Icat one day earlier by this than by .my other route, and the same also in rc turning. Seats can be secured on application to the sub. STibcra Nowberii Or. Thomi- Wood ley's Hotel KiuaioU, aul at Mrs Cordcu's G.-ldsboro1. E. COLBERT- March SO. lrtQ. 13 ly. LAND FOU SALE. T l.llin subscriber oilers for sale the plantation t w!i?reou he cow live, situated on Trent River, ts mil ?J fr;r Newlern anion the Main Road, containing t..1'0 ncres witli a ;oo I dwelling: r.u t all otuer necessary out houses. Any person w;.-!.in4 to purchase will do well to call soon an J vxamiuc for themselves. Dec. ICth. 1S,11. LEMUEL IIUDLER. 1 tf n--Tp-r;.'r; (I 'j'-1- -''' N:Nk y' mtics adia- i? l,,c l'rt t ..car the time to order, In , 1 !'a-V1'"1 thcr '"l' Scu,,s- fr lhc -"ipplv.aud n.n.ostsall t!iut.ra in wn,, T.., TT 7TAS is Store and is constantly receiving from Xiil P.al timbre Philadelphia aud New York, va rious articles in his line, aul warrants them to be of the Lest quality, and will guarantee to sell theiu .is Ijw as sitni'-tr articles can he procured at any Dru cstabliihtaent in tho State, aud solicits Phy sicians, Country JlcrcLauts, Planters uud others, that arc ia want of Dmgy, Medicines; Paints, Oil, Jhtc-Xtinf, tOc. to cdl and examine his stock. The subscriber also respectfully tcnlers Lis thanks to his numerous friends and patrons fur the very liberal patronage he has heretofore received, ind hepes Ly rktutUntlon to the waats ol his custo mers, and a desire to please, to merit aud receive a continuance of the s.amc. Physicians Prescriptions carefully .impounded, aul Mc JiJuea dispensed at all hours of the night. .- JAIES V. CAUMEU. March L'tL, GRAND MASTER'S OFFICE OF THE GRAND LODGrlOl' NORTH CARO DNA. ' BrtrnERN, April 19, 1652. To the Masonic FrakViity in North Carolina At the last coinnicuicatiou (f the Most Wor hinful (ir.uul LkIo, it Jicsolvcd, that each Ma ma in tlu JStat- Uttli resik'itaiulacuve, bo,aiul he is Ik rdy most ..tnic:tly rec Ktoil, by the Grand Ixxle j 'i in Carolina, to trtJ";,u,t ih .xn as lMiahlc to rot:itr A. T. JtiiKi:-. "t rewlxru. C. V. 1) IUtchincs, oi Kaleiyh, WiI-liam Swaim, of Greens lnro',or E. Mvkks, of Sal; '"Wy, ;u may im inotit con veniv-iit, the uai of 55, ii 'ie or le.sa, for the epeedy. eu-ciiirtioi Joans uae. uio receipt wliereot will le weekly amiotifice. iu the papers publLJied in the ai'oiviiieiitiofu-d places. - ' iJrelhriii, with coulldot!'.'' of success, I appeal to "iir uik r.uit v in ieliailo:iuis euterrii-ise, the minor r.-mei of which has bed: fully established by the Gran I Lode, :uid tho ;vncr;d concurrence of the IJrethreii lhroii!;hout the Suite, AVhile enough has alrea lv" ben tl.me tt eno-urcuje the hope of success, anl cvLieeits iitire practi-bility, much yet remains to be done to render this J-tfcess certain, aud t even to prosecute unremittingly .m measures already com nifiieed. And yet it i- cq.adeiitly beleved tha.t the aid which you are able ti render will be amply suf- iioent to accomplish all t au l tliat sjx;eiiily, . Up on your action then as Mains depends the success ol ar.eiitorpn.se which . pron&vs the richest benefits to the cause of Masonry and f humanity in general ....iiiuoi oar lAhi'-a iui3 (ouinuutoti promptly and nooly t this work, and Wt onlv ask your -careful cou- sitleration of the subject, ft iviuced as we are that no thuy more is needed to si are your cordial co-opera-tion iaa favourable and e:fc y response to this appeaLJ KemeuilK-r tli.it in tliis as y. every other social move- meiit, nnrmomj is its strti.finiHd support. I am Fraternally and U..peetfully, vours, i A. T. JERKINS, t Grand Master. Editors of Newspnners;nd Perurdicals friendlv ot ll. . Ml me cause ni please copy the above STEAMSHIP LINE EETVEGN Xcw York, JVorfclh, Petersburg and Jiichnoid. TV WO splendid new Steamships, built expressly 1 tor this route, are now ruunincr. Steamshn CJTV OF RICHMOND, Z. Mitchell, Commander, ;ina teaiului.c:rikA'iCit'AuiVS.i'Vdi Kv every Thursday from Pier 8, East River, at A. M returning, loavc Richmond and City Point on Friday, and Norfolk on Sturday of every week. 1 uesc vessels are thorough sea Steamers, very fast and have splendid accommodations for passengers. Cabin Passage ana found between riew lork and Norfolk, S7 Cabin Passage and found between New York, City Point and Richmond, Cabin Passage and found between New York. and City Point, C Cabin Passage and found between New York, and Norfolk, 5 Freight from New York to Richmond 6 cents per foot. Freight from New York to Petersburg and Nor folk 7 cents per foot. This is as expeditious, tho cheapest and most pleasant route passengers can take going to New York, Insurance by these vessels is much lower than by sailing vessels. JOS1AII WILLS, Norfolk. THOMAS BRANCH, Petersburg, ALFRED S. LEE, Richmond, MA1LLER & LORD, 1 0S Wall St. New York. Now York, April astli, 1So2. Fl- Aft t tvVr Ft M. F. 1 IA RRISON kis just returned from tho wT;j Noi1.li, and is now opening at his Old Stand in the r ire Proof UuiMing on Pollock Street, a Iarge fc pi ended and well Selected Assortment of Fancy Dry GimkIs &e., tic, to which he would respect full v invite the attention of his numerous friends both in Town and Country, and the trade generally to an examina tion of las btock belt re niaKiuir their selections else where. Consisting of Cloths, mil Idling, Coar.-cand 6"upeifinc, Excellent Irish Linen, Jeans and Satinets, mid Cashmerets, Thread of Sujveiior Spinning. Geiitlemim's Cravat-s idl kinds of Hat4, (i loves, IUoItOIis, Gauze and Laces, Carpetings, (Straw and Ingrains,) Rarege de Laines, Shawls, Ca)C:s and Silver Card Coses. Collars and Cnifs all cheap cnougli. , Hoots, ffhocs and Gentleman's Gaiten, Shirts Cliemezolts and Velveiets, An.l a splendid assortment of Wuittrs. Cheap Calicoes, mid Cotton Hose, To which we invite attention; Gold linger Rings and many tilings I'oo tedious here to mentiou. April 20 1852. NORTH CAROLINA ACTUAL 1XSUBANCE COUPASIES. LIFE ASSURANCF FIRE INSURANCE rrillH Life Company has Lulled nearly 1 100 Poli cies; :anl p;ud LL-t year SO jh.t cent profits Kpon thu premiums paid in. All life members participate in the protit". Slaves are insured at low rates of premium. The Fire Coin any issued 4w0 Policies; and Las a Capital of nearly SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS! in 1 -lids properly secured. For the present year tlie following Gentlemen have lceu elected OFFICERS : Life Com&ny. Fiac CourAxr. Di. C. K Johnson. Pres. I J. O. W atson, Pres. W. D. Havwud, V. Pres. J, O. R. l.ulliac, V. Tr. Jamrs F. Jordan, Sec. Richard Smith, Trea'r. W If. Joius, Treaurer. lVirin l)u.-lee. Att'nv. Dr. W H. McKee, M. Ex. John 1L Bryan, Att'ny. II HERSMAN, General jlgta! for loth Ccjr.funizs. XV SESSION. ERINA S. MOORE hopes to resume the'du tics of her School, on the 1st. of October, 1S52. The auraber,of pupils in this SchqpL is limited to forty. Payment required in advance, and no tfc- ductions made, save for time lost by, or art thff option oi me principal. During the months of August and September, applications for admission'1 can be made to, and cards containing terms be obtained, from J. G. Stanly Esq. at the Court House; Jacob Gooding Esq P.AL; at the Ncwbern and Washington Hotels; the Bookstores, and at the Drug Stores of Drs. Disoswfty and Carmer. Newborn, 27th July, 1S52. 29 tf. . iNewlern Female Seminary, v 4 Newbeun, N. C. REY.J. M. C. RREAKER, Principal S!fUL Sessions, of five months each the first of March and October. commence on ;" Expenses per Session. Primnry English Branches, Higher English Branches, ivith Vocal Music, The above, with Ancient Languages, French, . ;k . . . Music on Piano, , Drawing anU Painting, each, (in classes.) Boarding, including lights, fuel and washing, REFERENCE". $10,00 12,00 15,00 10,50 23,00 8,00 50,00 f Ion, Wm. H. Washington. A TJerkins, Esq. W W Clark Esq. Dr Wtdter Duffy. Elijah Clark, Esq. Dr John G. Tull, Alexander Miller, Esq- E R Stanly, Esq. Dr D W Dudley. Alex. Mitchelh,Esq. M, A Outten, Esq. Dr S emu el Master SIPiBMB MED 13M11M& laiLUHEBf a . MRS. McDONALD having now received hes usual stock, will be glad to see her friend, at her old stand, where she is exhibiting for sale a large assortment of of the latest styles and best materials, suited to the Spring and Summer. Great care has been taken in their selection. " ' Dresses TmaxsTxnArtii-rrrlih9v-jm na . nj, AemipJuiJ ing done in the best style at shortSnotiop. Newborn, March 30th, 1852 13 tf Engineers and Machinists. MANUFACTURE Steam Engines both ol High and Low Pressure. Also, Circular and Upwright Saw Mills, Grist MillsCotton and To bacco Screws and Presses. They also make all de scriptions of Iron Castings and Wrought Iron Work adapted for every sort of Mechanical purpose, ha ving probably the lnrgect Stock of Patterns in the Country for Mill Work m all its varieties : and are ready at all times to furnish Machinery upon the most accomodating terms at the shortest notice All orders for every section of the Country areexe cutedh and forwarded wit despatch. NElVand complete assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing just received por Sch. Henry C. Mead and for sale by WILLIAM DUNN. Newborn, April 1852. OFFICE OF THE N. C. RAIL ROAD, July 21st, 1S52. NOTICE. C1T0CKII0LDERS in the N. C. Rail Road Com- pany are requested to road tho following reso lution passed by the annual meeting at Raleigh on the subject of interest. u Resolved. That in justice to such of the fatocx- holders of this Company as have paid their sub- criDtions. either in money or by work, the amount due bv such Stockholders as shall be in default thirty days from this time, tshall be forthwith col lected, if practicable ; and that in all cases, in terest be riindlv exacted: Provided, however, mat nothing in this resolution shall prevent the Hoard nf Tlirrrnrs from thn exercise of a tironcr discre tion in favour of persons having contracts, and who, under previous assurances, have expected and are prepared to pay for their stock in wort." An instalment of 5 per cent, has been caneu ior y the Brord of Directors falling duo tnc 1st Mon day in September next. Payments can be made to 'ri rector, bv an order of the Board, and the Trea surer is not required to visit points on the line of the road in order to collect the instalment, ine next mcctinc: of the Board of Directors takes place on Wednesday, the first of September next. CYRUS P. MENDENHALL, 29 ot. Scc'y & Treasurer DR. DUFFY'S TONIC MIXTURE ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, For the Cure of AGUE AND FEVER, Foriiale wholesale and retail ly . F. S. DUFFY. NewbernjN. C. ICEl ICE! ICE! THE subscriber having a good slippy ofthis wholesome lnxary is prepared to issue tic kets to family's and others in want of Ice and will furnish them at any hour of tho day, and expects to ker-r a supply for the balance of the season. W.DUNN. Ncwbciu, Aurjviit, Gth, 1S52: fc . Entered woordlnsr b As of Cnnprmo. Id Cfte yew 1851, by J. 8. UOUOHTON, M. ia tha elerk'a Office of th DistrU-t Court for th Eastern District of rcnnsylvuiia. Another Scientific Wonder! GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA! Dr. J. 8. HOUGHTON'S THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, OR. GASTRIC JUICE. . i i Propared from RENNET, or the fourth STOMh ACH OF THE OX, after directions of BARON LIEBIG, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. , This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indijjcstiont Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constipation and Debility, Curing after Nature's own method, k by Nature's own Agent, the Gastric Juice. RP Half a teaspoonful of Pepsin, infused in waa " ter, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hours, out of the stomach. Pepsix is the chief element, or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice the Solvent of th Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimulating Agent of the Stomach and Intestines. It is ex-, tracted from the Digestive Stomach of the Ox, thua . forming an Artificial Digestive Fluid; precisely like the natural Gastric Juice in its Chemical powers, and furnishing a complete and perfect substitute for it. By the aid of this preparation, tho pains and evils of Indigestion and Dyspepsia are removed just . as they would be by a healthy Stomach. It is. doing wonders for Dyspeptics, curing cases of 2? . bility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and; Dypeptic Consumption, supposed to be on the t ergo of. th grave. The Scientific Evidence upon which it ia based, is in the highest degree curious and remark' able. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! . it' ..JSAiiojtXiEBicun his celebrated work on AnitnaL analagous to the Gastric Juicc, inay'bo rAtaiiyiA-i-. pared from the mucous membrane of the stomachy of the Calf, in which various articles of food, as., meat and eggs, will be softened, ehangfd, aiut digest" ed, just in the same manner as tkey would be in the hu-y man stomacJi? ,. ' J.'1 Dr. Combe, in his valuablq writings, on tho ' hy- siology of Digestion," observes that " a diminution; of the due quantity of the Gastric Juice is a promi nent and all-prevailing cause of Dyspepsia indl he states that "a distinguished professor of medi, cine in London, who was severely afflicted with, this complaint, finding everything else to fail, had re course to the Gastxic Juice,, obtained from the stom achs of living animals, which proved completely sue. cessfulP . . Dr. Graham, author of the famous , works, or Vegetable Diet siys: 'It. is a roc,arkable fa;i ,ia physiology, that the stomachs, of animals, macera ted in water, impart to the fluid ithe property ,of dissolving various articles of food, and of effecting; a kind of artificial digestion of them in no vnic diffc- rent from the natural digestive process.' ....... KP" Call on the Agont, and get a Descriptive Circular, gratis, giving a large amount of scientifici evidence, similar to the above, together with Report of remarkable cures, from all parts of the United States AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr. Hocghtoh'b Pepsin has produced the most marvellous effects, incuring cases of Debility, Emaci ation Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption It is impossible to give tho details of cases in thfc imits of this advertisement, but authenticated cer tificates have been given of more than tvo hundred remarlcable cures, in Philadelphia, New Yprk and Boston alone. Thcso were nearly all desperate -cases, and the cures were not only rapid and won derful, but permanent. . . , It is a great Nervous Antidote, and particularly ' useful for tendency to Bilious disorder, Liver Com-. ; plaint, Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever U A cue. and the evil effects of Uuinine, Mercury, and other drug3 upon the Digcstivo Organs, after a long sickness. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It almost reconciles Health with liitcmjxraz.ee. Dr. Houghton's Pepsi x, is sold by nearly R 'the dealers in fine drugs and Popular Medicinos throughout the United States. It is prepared rn Powder and in Fluid form and in Prescription vi als for the use cf Physicians. . Private Circrdars for th& Hue ot Physicians, maf bo obtained of Dr. Houghton or his Agents, d3crir. bing the whole process of preparation, and giving tho authontics'upon which the claims of thisncw rcm edy aro based. As it is not a secret remedy, no obs jection can be raised against its use by Physician in respectable standing and regular practice. Trice ONE DOLLAR per bottle. For Ealc, by J. W. CARMER, Druggbt Wholesale and ltdail Agent Ncwbcrn. Jan. 1st 1852. 1 1 j. COPPERSMITH, rBALTIEORG WOULD inform the public of .'North CanrtiSaa that he still continues to manul&clar TURPENTINE STILLS, such as he caa recom mend, and such as hare been highly aiprted bf the Distillers throughout all the Turpentbre Dis tricts, for which he has Durocnms flattering certifi cates, both from North Carolina and Florida.. He slso keeps, Force Puiops, Lead Pipe, W? Wire for Rosin Strainera, Dippers Gloe KpUk( ond every article ued in Distilling TitfJiiinc. OitfehsprompUjdlsrcacJ an4 mCYrokjBaa. shin cuarantced. I March $ffijlS52. iQtf. .5