fulfil il S'WITtfiTlIT MR lill m , war. u j ifc1. ha jwracaw wiixiam h. hay:iz-7, zro ai:d peopsistorj G4.00 in Ad vane 3 W. J. WILLIAMS, PRINTER. M-ETITTrTTTv7 TTTrrnAV 'CXTPTFWt? K 1QR9 WHOLE 10, L VOL, I, 2?J THE ScmMTclcchl y c , o : v n i r iri rcr.Li-Mir: ITEM UliUW 1'J FHIMV, AT 4 00 por Annum, In nuva-CD VYMi He KDITOK AXJ 'AWA O.Tke on the South M i; i tioora above MI !.!.. .i.rect. llclfj cf 3u::r;::i;:j F.r f :i vttare 1 iu- rti.n, t r . - I -r '? . . t CO l 1 : ) Oi.tra.-t tvitl U i:i i 1' rr ti'n-. i:J. r (-r j rm-itj.- .: tlKMl'l at tli p"i r of r i:i--rti ri 'f IIi'-'iAi-" l-'aii:" ;kii!a' .t: A4v. rt:- :n nt-. t.t t t"i , . I U-i :-' ls ' n i r i : u'. oth-- !'!. r ! -i- : r. r f r a . i r. . . I i.i- I:: t - - . t u i" .4 .Vv:: i r u - I t r.-t.urs ! v : ' i,. t ti-.-ui r, ni rr:.- a ..-' - . ' .!. r by i :-.n v.-!'! r- .v.- p.-r-! . 1 I I rilli: Sab crlti i'.X i fricu Is an ! t ; it try. tKt he lr r . i Washin t a .'I - I i ;t j r-. ircl t- v . i' y :h diy. wi c- r . vi-:t tri-itf.-s, on t 'l' i tru-?" wl be s-ti'."-.c:. : , .'4 i - :l ..; i . : u. .a-;.- 4-... u. i , .. . i . : .t . ! t j . '. ; :r ,v i.e. . :t; n : :. :a:..'r. 1 :uC l lis T i 1 . 4 . a- i ii- hi.:. I I Kith a a. Hc'p-ctsto m!.c cxtc jriv m. nton tho j r.-aii- v will ca vM" hiia t o.T r . . I 4 '.4V I A rr.- 1, U 4. '- ! OU' 1 I l '. ' 4 4 Wr an 1 others t" U will i 111' J - .--' 4 I; I t r an v IIvtl ia tuU r an oi' ih ; c;r: I - -6CV UENilY G.CUTL!:;t. I. DI203WAY- II "AS just rccciTcl :t c ini let- nssortmrr.t of I)ru Mcliriai. P.ints. Oil-. Hres.u:. .:a.s Putty", (iarKa S.eso. kc al. t.t w:.KU j ar of the very Iv-it judi:y aul will bei.Iionl the nt aco-'tnmo latin trruii. Newbcrn, June I, 1 t il in ' , in -i t" . ' . f .'Cm--1 MAS i4 S II!!irr Store an 1 i c m-- timbre Phi' If 1, hi i .. I IS t '.".-rk. t-v ri articles in hUli. t w irr. Mt t i i t . ! CV. t - : vV't;: i. ! : - cf the bfst.;mlity. an I wi!! g-i trante t- v'1 the a 1 bw n ji'ni.ir article' c ;n ;-e pr-; ir -I at Drug etTIishraent in th St-4Tr. I ;:-- - Ph3--$;ciin, Country 'lerLiui?, 1. inters and c.hcrs thit are ia want of Drthj Moltcinc, Paint?, Oik, t cV.l an I examine hi toc" Tie subscriber a! r-cct.rjEr t. r. !cr. h:s thankj to hianumeroui fri n ls a- 1 .Mnsfr th very liberal pitronire he h ;s 1. r. i reeved, a I hope- by !riti:tt;o to the wr.nts r f hi cut n? rs, an 1 a desire to please, to merit an 1 receive a continuance of the e:n. PhjMcbn Prescrir lions carefully en, pour, led, nIMePiciacs disfcnsel at all luvirs of th.- ni-ht JAMES V. CAUMEi;. March 9th, MILLIXAIIY GOODS. MRS. McDONALD hating now recvited las usu.d s' H-k. wU h pl irtoej her frien !, at her old sMal, wh-rc she is exhibiting forsile alu-gc aiJort:.ent cf ofth!tet atjle an 1 b:st n ite.ials. suitt-U to the s m L j v;. jjun.v.vi . G reat care Las been taken in tlx - - h. ti..n. Orb- : .:itNl with ncincs and dpatch. pree-a l irdinrdsmiJe. Bleachingand press ing done ia the lst stjle at shorijaotice. rewb?ra, March 30;h. is:? 13 tf V La V aV Vi ; T f t . . ... .': a r::?: io:t offifxe. i;v yoiu:. :,.rcvSM or .nj - rovc I Cm: sir, accniUto ' - -"ri-a.-'it of sri.IC AND FANCY" .. . ..... ' i ! ".y ia s:o.-? ;-.r: 1 arrivins l7 every Steamer, cn-h-iih'j ia j u- f i:; i:y;:::y vauictY; :'-'-' '- ' Ji.-oji.9, Fane, An I".": it ! A--- 'rtraca; nr.At:;: and fancy silks, ta iiiti: r.xrr avd F.vr!;:o;ri:fiiK:i glovi:s. r-.-'.t ' f i tii"' C-r. 1 v ..:' ..r f o" .- V '.. J: .y !"!ti, arc rc.'T'. l! . ' . ll. 1 - - - AND V 'V S K ;',-" ! t!u;-.i of t!.3 latent an 1 in.;t "A I";' h.r t', b"S IV-r EMMET CUTilPERT. t! .-rn Apv! 11 yly "v i:lls axd duller, ix r 1 rAUFAC PURE Sr-im E.rin boOi cd ; 4'L I'i a : I I.-'V Pn-'ir. Ais , Cir.ul lr arid ;;wri ;ht S ..v.- M ,!! . Griit Mills. Co;t n an 1 'IV i'lc-i) ft'er-'r-? a r. I P. e.--' s. Th- v : u.a!:e rdl de- j.-i-I . i .M- . 1 , f ! i . 11 I' i.'f Inffl 'in.! . ' wn-t .-!i r..i.!- I a I.ij.le l far e. ery S'.rt of Mech mi -1 parpo-'f. h i- . a hiiurry fir Mid U'tik in its var:?cs , nr.! i rt.i ly it a!! ti; :c to fuvi.5-!i M-ichnrtry i:p;n '! rao. .-..' . d'f"i:.T tenr.T at th ! jrtc.-t noi;:e All . i !-. :r i ve.y i,p. of the Couuiry are ex e C i! 1 i ::ad i' -r .v.wd-r I wit l- s .:i!ch. "T"T"AS j':-t returned from the North v.l ith a fresh i i u u J i 1 1 fa ul b i i v Jui f Jit:tt- Oik, Colours, Window Oh t-s v, J 'iff! v, .'e y r!y, lrfum2ry, d A'-SO, V cirioe scltlor, of VINE"-? ml LIQUORS of vf.f ? j - ,'i :'i: y ; t ? !i"r.vi ! a v .ric'v of other In .1 c :i x: n ! 'I!- 7 i '. of ln-slnes- () i- d- r F.iit o Iio 1 tel, 2Tcv- A" G R w .: .. J R. CJtLv. lit j of Ca?luil C!il ..ere & Cc i; t:rr.n : cr. Mc-rs Pr'.rt is S'Ji ner Co. New Y"ik. L .: 1 Wu rir. .vhtl:er.v C G. o II lri ."c Co E'.s'.jii, : li '..rr', : - i ; C. P.-.k-r Lr iv, Co. l I'm:. S i n. U Co 44 F. iCi:ah .i! F.. S lera Mr?. O. ti. Pir-'ry. F i Pre-hhuit of Com- in.:. ! ' il ink, Viiu:in-,eui. N. C. E. E r. 1. Fi .r r. r alv- rel lacj.;::,a:v.c:it3cr Nrv.d Sro-c Jun . i. I. J. " tn- 1 Cat. COL'jaLAXI), VriLiJAjIS it Co., fi.AT. cirr:. am , oi'.T.'.; -,nr. el: co. COM M ! S 5 ION V. C IICIIA NTS, '!-V- n' " r : . 'W-v v eaters hi 1 -- - IJnval :-C :r;is a:tcl Lssnsbor. Cash advanced ox consig:.:.if.- ts. A IS 5 A lGC.ii. it) I I jSr? t . - t- -. j I IT. f -- -rj T"i ,T" ANI '1 . Exchange Place, J?. C. WILSON PAUL C PCWLK-S. i XGilTII CAUOf.'NA ?:L'irAL insc::ascc cospaxies. L7FE "ASSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE miin Llfa Connvtnv hns ii.l ncuriy U0O Toli j J clos; .uvl pai I lust year 80 I Cvutpronti up.n the i-r'::.u:u!5 tuiJ in. All life nembers participate 1U Ciavv.'s are iuiuica at pviunuii. Tlx Fire Company has issue J 4000 Policies; and has a Cpltal of ucai ly SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS 1 in Wu l pr.perlv Pt-curod. F-r the present year the following Gentlemen have been elected 1 i. 1 n.V nr.imntni OFFICERS Life Com fa:; v. Di.C. E. Joh;i-on, Pros. T.Y. 1). ifayw,!, V. Pres. T:;:ii4 F, Jor.' S.-c. W. J I. J- -v i, Tn i.-i!ivr. Fint: CoMrAxr. J. O. W:rtson. Pre'. J. (J. U. ri.u:h:i V. Pr UiJ'-.ir 1 S a :1th, Trear. John II. Pryau, Att'ny. : , v. -,v ilCcc, :i. II IIERSMAN, i'-al A-jerU for both Co, a anus. V - ;4 V. HARRISON L.:.- M .it r i:r i lie ii: I in 1. L-M-.-.0 and i.-t 1 I "" L I Hi i )il l I :'i 1 ,.-,! -- 4. . V' ted A- -.'Vti:' t ct t'ruev T)i v ji'i thiHy inrirc in Ti.-.vn : an 4. x M!;:u :t,lcetioiis else- ' 'C, ' - will... 4 he v.-.u'' 1 a -sf hU u;:-:!.- ?V! ).i . i y,,.n 1 i.h' ' . i ; ;i' ' ' . c C ' .a...!i t-i'-ii" Ch.ths mi.i-liirir, Coaive anu .Superfine, En-.vlU-iit ! r:- li LiiL.-n, Jeans a:t 1 ..iliuts, and Cashriiorcts, Tiuv:--i '''.U!!ei!)i l ining. Cen;-iea:a'.rs ' ?rava:.. -1 hinds of Hiits, Ghvi.s i!::-.;ons. G. and Laces C irp.'lh'-.-., (oir.r.v aud liigralus,) Raregc 1 Laines, S'haA-. 's C:ipes, and Silver Card Cases. Coihirs an 1 Cans, all cheap enough. Roots 'hoes aud Ge.!ueiuans Gaiters, Shirts ' heinezetts aud Veiverets Aiid a spL-iidid assort r:eat of Waiters. Choap Cdijfes, and 'ot Hoe, To wlii.li Ave invite attention; Gohl lhiger Uiugs, and niany things, Too tedious here to mention. April 20 lisD'J. LFDOLPili) WOLFS APtOMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS. A PURE and genuine article, manufactured by l;i.:i in tvhiedani, Holland, cxj)'-( -sly for mo- iiic.il use, and stroi'gly rcoonunenued ior a pure and iKTiiiaiant ci:re of the Gravkl, and all obstructions of t.'ie oiJnarv O"! roni toe ivin fe's or iian- I. DISOSVfAY, Sole Agent, Newlieni, For s-ale by January 5th, 1S52. MoumiiKj Goods. UPER Clack Dombazliie, A1-. tens, Canton Clothe. Grcn iclines, Tis -.;.-.. 11. f-ges, Crapes Muslius, Lawns, Ging'ia j:s, Calicoes, ecc. ALSO. Elaek Shawls and M iii idas. El ick Grenadiue o'c irfs, ?I.'ir-.iingCol!ars.L"ndcisl'.evcs, Chiraeze! ts;&c. A lull line of the above n i;nci Goods kipt cun-stant!- on hand and for s de by EMMET CUT 1 1 BERT. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY' 4 rv r f f Yaivls ol Erown Domestic. JU U V 13 ;0 v'",s --"'' Shiriin. 1 1 Pi' -'ts ,f Piain i.n t Plaid Ginghams, PJ Piicos o. -4 b .Mn.frpiitce Net. 2') Piec - ci t!r';c ' Linen ivr Skirts. 1 Pn-ees cf Table Oil Cloth. 0 I'.'ecvo if P. r o-.v n Lhi'.n. -r Pitcis o; P .; or Alusliu. 2 Pi i ccs of ill i.v. 1-1 F.s. Wh .".e Bore. 40 Lozen Cl ak's Spool Cctton kc. Lc. July 2uth, ic-J-2. U F yo'i are ciito Nevrlrr. c ill at J. M. F H t i A V. U I -' ;s. where you wi! I ii id a large as r'ltaitnt of .Stapl-j'aad P .ncy Dry Govds. Fire Pr. t l'bui. luvs, Pollock .street. als. CUMMER S-IIAWLS AXD . TIE ubcriher would rc.i.in l the In lies and all y oihira iu want of the ah-.ve named articles h?t his present stock is perhaps th cuo.ccs. 1 - ,4. 1 1 : :I - I e . i v oitv-rca tor ineir lii'1'"1'" " place. F ale by E si MET CUTUBERT. 20 tf May 17 th. 1 DITIVCT FK01I EX6LAXD. UTrereire lbv Steamer P .cifl? from Liver , i f nVh Lac Gods, direct C pool. u:i a-.-..- - . . , r,- trom the M .:.:l.'.ry in o:w2a:i:ru huauu, consistiuc ol if iJe-'. ond Window Cnrtains. Shawls. Anti Mac;ass-irs. balances Fiz'd Lace Fig'd. Lace and Dresses. , , , The above articles are now opened and tor sale. The public are respectfully invited to call and see tliem ALEXANDER MILLER. MASS IKE & MY SCHOOL XV SESSION. ERIN A S. MOORE hopes to resume the du-y-'ties of her School, on the 1st of October, 1S52. Tl;e number of pupils in this School, is Jiraited to forty. Payment required in advance, and no de ductions made, save for time lost by, or at the option of the Principal. During the months of August and September, applications for admission can be made to, and cards containing terms be obtained, from J. G. ft tin; ly Esq. at the Court liouse; Jacob Gooding Esq P.M.; at the Newbern aud Washington Hotels; the Bookstores, and at the Drug Stores of Drs. Disosway and Carmer. Newborn, 27th July, 1S52. 29 tf. A neT? and brilliant light has latoly arisen and now st-ands hih in the horizon, shading its golden light of hope upon the despairing minds of the d-riiden aul afiicted with pain, like the burst ing forth of the congenial rays of the suu upon the cold, dismal regions of the frigid zone. The three letters -which head ;his paragraph ia the significa tion cf RADWDY'S READY RELIEF An Instantaneous Antidote for Pains of all kinds the very inst;.it 11 ad way's Re.-.cly Relief is applied its paia-rc!io?iri qualities are realized, it will re lieve the mci-t severe p;.u?is of Rheumatism, Lum ba;j;y. Gout. Prralys:3J Tio Doloreux, &c, in a lew mli'iiUvj. -'7 RHEUM AT1S.M. Its Causa. Treatment t L- l C el PC ALL RHEUMATIC PAINS INSTANTLY CURED BY RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF Rheumatism arises from diffurent causes, but most generally proceeds frosi Colds, exposure to coid damp weather, and sleeping in damp apart ments, 'l his complaint is divided into two classes, the first Inflammatory, so called from the swelling aud inflamation that nttends the pains in the parts affected; second, Chronic Rheumatism, so called from the long continuance of the disease. It is also known as Lumbago or pain in the back Sciaticia, or p;ins in the hip or groin; Anthordynia, or pains, in the joints. The Acute Rheumatism generally terminates into one of these and becomes a chronic complaint TO RELIEVE YOUR TORTURES Apply Rad way's Ready Relief, on a warm flan nel, cloth, previously bathing the part3 with warm water, also take 30 or 50 drops of the Relief inter nally in soine niollasses twice or ihree times a day.; this will give warmth to the stomach, and surely relieve you from all Rheumatic pains. It is also speedy and effectual in its operation in the cure of diseased Spine, .S.itch in the Back. Lameness, Soreness of the Joints, Weakness, and pain in the side Nervous Plead ache, Tic Doloreux and Tooth Ache, Spasms btrams, Cramps m the btomach Piles, Sores Burns, Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Reader, if you have the misfortune to be troubled with either of the above dJ&tressing complaints, be thankful that an antidote for pains is at hand in RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF. It is sure to give you instant kase, and to youi joy will ensure you a speedy and perfect cure. Soo that each bottle has the fac similar signature of Riiuway & Co upon each label none other is genuine. COUGHS AND COLDS CURED IN TEN MINUTES. JMr. R. who resides at 9G, oocket street, Brook lyn, cn iMonday night, Feb. 20th. coughed for two hours without one moment s relief. Hu throat, chest ar.'i bones wa.s very sore, and his expecteratum painful an ! difhcuit. ixe had used nearly half a bottle of Palmonie Syrup, without deriving the slightest benefit, f jetnought he would try Rad way's Re.id relief he teok a fiannel, wet it well with the Relief, and laid it over his che3t and around his throat, in a few moments the coughing ceatod, the pain w: s relieved and he could expect torvto freeiy, n ten minutes he was sound asleep, and arc-em the morning as well as ever. Thou sands who ure now suiieri 'g with Coughs and Coid, Sure Throat, loarsenes3, &c, will be siwdily iel;e.-d it ihey will give Radway's Ready Relief or.e rtial. 1 1 is the most powerful Liniment cr healing Embocuiion in use, curing disease and relieving pain in one tenth the time of ordinary remodie., P. ice 2" Cents, large Bottles. Sold by W'd. II. MAYI1E7, and JAMES W. CARMER Agents for Newbern. RAD WAY & CO. 162 Fulton Street, N. Y. Newborn, April 0th, 1850 31 m6 SOMETHING new. TI"AS ju-t received a numbar of FISK'S PA" lj TEXT METALLIC BURIAL CASES, w i.eh he olfei'3 to the public for about the same price Jis line Mahogany Coffins. Several gentle rien havo called to t:ee them and pronounce thrm far superior to Wood Collins of any kind. Read ! he fallowing which is considered a sufucient recom mendation . Washington, April 5th. MeSSF.3. FlSX AND RaVIIO.XD, Gentleman: We witnessed the utility of your ornamental "Patent Metallic Burial Case,'' used to convey the remains of the Hon. John C. Calhoun to the Congrer-ional Cemetry, which impressed us with the beiiefthat it is the best article known to ua for transportatingthe dead to their final resticg piee. With respect we subscribe ourselves, Yours, &c, FI. Clay, D. R. Atckinson, Jeff Davi3, Lewis Cass, A. G. Greene, L . DfCKIN-?0 D A N. WXESTER. J. W. Mason J. M. Behuien, W. R. Ki .-G. Henry Dodge W. P. MAXGini A LL persons indebted to the Subscriber, ar requested to make immediate payment. JOSEPH W. JONES. Newhem Female Seminary, Newbern, N. C. REV. J. M. C. BREAKER, Principal. SJD HE Sessions, of five months each, commence on tne nrst oi iuarcn ana uctoDer. ExrENSEs pe-r Session. Primary English Brandies, $10,00 Higher English Branches, rcith Vocal JIusic 12,00 The above, rvith Ancient Languages 15,00 French, 10,50 Music on Piano, 23,00 Drawing and Painting, each, (in classes.) 8,00 Boarding, including lights, fuel and washing, 50,00 REFERENCES. Hon, Wm. H. Washington. A T Jerkins, Esq. W W Clark Esq. E R Stanly, Esq. Dr Walter Duffy. Dr D W Dudley. Elijah Clark, Esq. Alex. MitcheH,Esq. Dr John G. Tull, M. A Outten, Esq. Alexander Miller, Esq- Dr Sumul Master Neivbem Female Seminary. Gl PUPILS ADMITTED DURING THE LAST SESSION. rHHE Third Session has just closed, and the next L will open on the 1st of October, 1852, at which time increased facilities for instruction will be en joyed, particularly in the possession of suitable Apparatus, and the delivery of a course of Lectures, to illustrate the Natural Sciences. For further particulars apply to J. C. BREAKER, Principal, Newborn, N. C. July, 3Ist,.lS52. 29 tf. NOTICE. fpHE Subscriber respectfully calls the attention .L of the Farmers of Craven, and counties adja cent, to the fact, that it is near the time to order, Ruta Baga and other Turnip Seeds, for the season supply, and requests all that are in want of Tur nip seed, to call and leave their orders,' as it is de- sirable to learn something about the quantity that will be required.. The seeds 1 will warrant to be of the best quality, and if they 3o not give satis faction to thepucctmsers, the money will be refund ed. Please sender leave your orders soon. u JAS. W. CARMER. June Sh, 182. sw 1 tf NEWBERN & GOLDSBORO' STAGES. fBHE subseriber, (favorably known to the pub is lie as having been connected, for the past four years, with Mr. W. H. Whitfield, as Contrac tors for carrying the mail between Newbern and GolcL-boro,' N. C.,) respectfully announces, that be has taken the sole contract, and that the line has been changed faom a tri-weekly to a daily. Sfrges will leave lNewbern and Goldsboro' every morning, Sundays excepted. On Monday, Wed nesday and Friday mornings large and CONVENIENT FOUR-IIORSE COACHES, will leave Newbern, and on Tuesdays, Thurdays, and Saturday, a two horse Coach arriving at Goldsboro' same evenings, and connecting with the trains going north, leaves Goldsboro' every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings, with four horse jCoaches, and on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with a two horse Coach, arriving at Newbern same evenings. The whole line is under his own special care and supervision, and with experienced, attentive, and Temperate drivers, ho hopes to deserve the patronage of the travelling community. No reasonable expenditure of meang or trouble shall be spared to injure the comfort and satisfaction of the traveller. Persons going North from Newbern can i each their destination, at least one day earlier by this than by any other route, and the same also in ro turning. Seats can be secured on application to the sub. scriber at Newbern Dr. Thomas Woodley's Hotel Kinston, and at Mrs. Borden's Goldsboro'. E. COLBERT March 30, 1S52. 13 ly. CLOTHING ! ! CLOTHING ! ! nnHE Subscribers keep constantly on hand a s large assortment of U eady made Clothing, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Ware cut in the latest style and made of the best materials, at very re duced prices. Those in want of these articles will nnd it to their advantage to call on STERN & BROTHER. June 22, 1852. mms swsasiissis K NETVand complete assortment of Spring il, and Summer Clothing just received per Sch. Henry C. Mead and for sale by WILLIAM DUNXV. Newbern, April 1852. White Goods. JlFLAlN, Plaid, Embroidered and striped Swiss, lf Jaconet, Mull, Medium and Book Muslins, "Cambricks. Long Cloths, Sheetings and Shirtings kept constantly on hand and for sale by EMMET CUTUBERT. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY. 17IRE INSURANCE can be effected in the North Carolina Insurance Company on IIous-s Furniture, Goods, &c by application to . ALEX. MITCHELL. Dr. Old County Wharf. CHLORIDE OF LIME AND SODA, used, to disinfect Sews, Cesspools, tc and to pre vent contagion. A supply just at hand and for , ale by " h w- CARMER, Sept. ICth, lbol 42 ly.

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