4kr 'plffel d -Sv . fl 1 ? H t 1 I J I" III T- r 4 W L" 1 ". . lV 1 mmmwm WILLIAM H. MAYHEW, EDITOR AI7D PROPRIETOR. S4.00 in Advance W. J. WILLIAMS, PRINTER. WHOLE 10, 21 VOL, I, ffO. 28J FRIDAY, Til E Srmi-ZZUrit!: XcUJlirvntan : CrE.1V ULSL'ir FKIMV, a r 00 per Ann u Li, in advance) ; i:uwn: a.p pro r 1:11:1 or. UDOLPIIO WOLF'S AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS 4 PURR ui. I g f hint in cli!" '.; 84 PURR genuine nrticle, in.-mufjcturM by ' I!. .!.. r .. , . ! jL JL. ni in cii!.-.laiii, ii:j.i.'ii, t xpr. j-ly nr im- i n-i-, an 1 -tr.:,U- n.rmir.tvn J4 , ;. r a -jrc an I ! jk n.ian i: . urc ! tJu- h, ;ji I t!i 1 4 wt ruction of UiO Uiin-.i v Orirnu. arL-iiiLT from the Kin.W i.r Khi.l-! A. it I- UO 1 , Sole AgcL.t, Xtwli-ru, 1 COMMISSION MERCHANT, LA. i f January Stb, 1S52. o.n uri th j S-ut!i O.iOK Street, fi"o dors abow Middle Sired. iln(f5 of ilinrrtising. r'.-r 4f j-i.ir 1 in- rt:n, I. , . . So CO 1 2D 1 V) r.itr.i- t- ni'.l l.!ini'!' !v th- vr.n or fr a tdirt- r fituf. ;!. r f-r ! ri'iuu.-i. !v-rtirn.!ij ort In- i .?! ik !! j.ri- ji : t!.f jjilv rti-r, an l fr t'le ! i ... Iisij.- iNr.i-, -n tcmn the i:it aI- j .ri- :. .-1. iti" '!- tit (n t'u- rVi.n-cizuMAV Ori U t j r . Jlountimj Good. UrLR li'.ac'c Dombaziaei, Alpacas, Canton Circn tdincs, Tisuo3, lierrges, Crapes Mas'.ius, Law us, Gingham.", Calicoes, o:c. P.Iac'i Shawls ami M inti'.l.xs. Hl.tek Gri'na'Jiui" 'enrfi, Mourning Coll.irs.Un lcil:cvc?. Chiniczetts,&c. A full line of iho nbovc n unci Goods kept con stantly on han.l nud fjr file by KM M LIT CUTHBEIIT. ;it l : S Ntt:.'- p i DRY GOODS &c. II yon are pin to Nrwb.rn c ill at J. M. IJA11KISO.V3, wheiv you will An 1 a large f W. G.Hayner. J R. Gil.-uore, late of CopelauJ Gilinore & Co REFEUENCCa. Messrs. Francis Skinner & Co. New York. Lord Warren, Salter fc to. lt Geo II. Gray & Co. Boston, HowarJ, Son & Co. ; Parker Wilder & Co. Francis Skinner & Co " Eii ward D. Kimbull Esq. Salem Mass. O. G. Parsley, Esq, President of Com mercial Dank, Wilmington, N. C. E. Kidder, J. IP Flanner. Cash advanced on consignments of Naval Store June Sth, 1S",2. sw 1 6m. u c: ( t: 'J 1j 'X''t J?:JZ 'it X? f..iri I in t!i S;.f.-. it'r. ('in-.:: ir-. I.'-l .. I. " I. i -s V , in Ui- uiid at t!.; .-!iit- j s. rtutcnt of Staple and i-'.tney Dry j Pr: bui'.dhg, iVdock Street. Go ds. F as- Fire f-ri i,. in.ia:t r r: ?v ! Tvjh? as mn 1" j i- .we 2iro rr-Kir-i n m ft o. :i i'." ten r ):' i- at!enti.ti, and t T ir upt fri'-n 1? an 1 ac i'i lii.t itiv-t n T .t. an i Ct'iu- iry. th it h h Wuj'.Itit'.ti Hot' : in j:w prrj'.in-I t-j ri'C'.i o b . tf.i'diy. vfcewT M n; m -t ii:T?. on ton.. su I rt j :in a i-f I Ms CM I N; wid.. i t - - - ! t. i ktiI. ;.i.u iii- r tr.iv..-U-.rs an 1 trans in a n. inner, that he DIRECT FROM ENGLAND. XUST rereived by Steamer Pacific fioru Liver- jod, :i i Invoice of rich Lacj Gcod, direct from the Mujufictory in Not in ahum. England. i consist iug of I Fi,rd Luce Be I and Window Curtain, j Fijfd. Lac Shawls, -uti Maccai5.ars; Valances and l)rescs. The above articles are now opened and for sale. The public arc respectfully invited to call and see them. ALEXANDER MILLER. COPELAND, WILLIAMS & Co., LATErOI'ELAND, G1LL3IOJIE &. C . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Siijyferx and Dealers in Nnval Stores and Lumber. Cash advanced on consignments. April, 1852. 16 Gm. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL IXSURAXCG COMPANIES. LIFE ASSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE TlIIE Life Company has issued nearlv 1400 Poli a cies; and paid last year 30 per cei.t. profits upon i.i . 1 1 1 T a a uie preuminis puia id. au mo memud's paniciptiie in the protits. Slaves are m.sured d ox rates of premium. The Fire Company has issued 4000 Policies; and has a Capital of nearly SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS 1 in bonds properly secured. For the present year the following Gentlemen have been elected OFFICERS : Life Company. Di. C. E. Jolinson, Pres. W. D. Haywoinl, V. Pres. Tames F, Jordan, Sec. W. II. Jones, Treasurer. I errin Bubee, Att'uv. Dr. W 11. McKee, M. Ex. Fire Company. J. O. Watson, Pres. J, G. B. Roulhac, V. Pr. Kicliard Smith, Trear. John H. Bryan, Att'ny. II HERSMAN, General Agent for both Com miei lu.id Mic!i as f.itour hint t r will be sati;f..c;.' wltii a rill. 1 livi'tc: n - otlc:."v n?i 1 convenient ira I r v-!:i" ii 1 1 1 pr nil! en hi:u l--r :m 1 'hT-t!i it wi!i i.tt bo :;rji i I by thus i . f any iluul hi tLii ; .Ho. i'.c i.te. Call ;:r.J ch when -oi:ipm-l r :c." ;! : -1 ii-; 5i t travel- IIE.NRV G. CUTLER. I. DIS0SurAY- l'.ir.ts. Oil-. Pv-aiuirs I 1 hi! T r iii r.aiy. tiu- l. u ! I . . au oi wi.ivn il.- utv I -t Mi.'.i v and will be soli on -l ..t:!i ' X I- I f t 1 1--. in- li y and will i 1 -. NEAR THE POST OFFIECE. NEW YORK. PFPR for c.sii or approve 1 Credit, a complete i aaaol tiacnt of .SILK AND FANCV J '-w 'Jw' 'w "U now in Store and arriving by every Steamer, cjn sItin in part of BUESS IN LVLRV VARIETY; laijctn and Satin lULhons, Fancy, Jimuict and dan Ilihhoas. .4. 1 An Elegant Assortment; ELACK AND FANCY SILKS, WHITE d'OODJy, Every Di-ci ition ; LACES AND EMilROiOElllKS. G LOVES' MITTS, HOSIERY, CI t A VATS, &c, c. Merchints frurn the Country arc respectfully inviud to examine our Mock. New Vrk, July J3ih, ls.VJ. 27 '2m. Tt rm AND Exchange Place, OS. C. WILSON P.lt'L O I50WLE "pt. 10th. 1851. 42 Iv. m4i " V!I!!'TMV RrtV'Q ' AND 4 Lire av-si-itnuMit of the latest and most V popular tyK s for b- EMMET CETIIBERT. Newbern Apiil Gth IbO'J M yly WELLS AND MILLED, Engineers and JlacJiinists. ' --: " T;- 'T'C ifANUFAC PlJllE Steam Engines both of rV'".-"! Al H i,ihand Low Pressure. Als , Circular and - --.--i ,' v ,irA-i,--- i.i'wricht Saw Mills, Urist .Mills, Uott-n ami l o- ff t m i,'r,.inlUr n.r-ntit- . ... . vi t iv.i.n b iCCo S.-rcws a nd TressiS. J lioy a I so make an lo ll Li l!ilii:t...r.. Phi!:i l. b hi i an.i Npw Ynrl- vn. script ioj.s of Iron C.tSiincsanl Wroucht Iron Work i. ir;ic s in I.i line, m-f irr.uiis Hum to be j adapted for every sort of Mechanical purpose, hi-. f the l,-t ',u lity. and wi!l g i irunteo to m-R them ' ; law as i ,'.tr article? can be procured at any ! ft. .. . - - m I I'ra,; c: kb'.hment in the Mntr, au i so.icits I'liy Icltu. Country Icrchaut?, Pi.;ntcrs and others, lnt arc ia .vmt vf Dni.js. Jtdicinc, EainU, Oil. t j c r.n I esan lne Li- toc'i. The ib-crib'-r respectfully tenders Lis thanks t hi numerous friends and mtronsfur the very I;t i.k! pitr m" he has heretofore received, nn 1 Lope- by ''r'. t.ittnt'ju t the want." ofhis custo i . r. .nr. I a d:re to please, to merit audi receive a .." ui i.tisv-? f the ? i'ue. Ptiy-hiin Prescriptions carefully compcun lcd, 1 Mediaaes !. clsI at all hours of the nip;ht. , JAMES Y. CARMER. Al mh Q'.h. :,2. ULLIXAP.Y GOODS. MRS. .McPONALD having now received hes usual :uck, b gi rl to see her friend. t her old st inl, where she is exhibitiu forsale Urge assortment of tf th latest st jIcji and best materials, suited to theSjtinaD,ijjUmiaer. Great care has Wen taken ia their selection. Orler execute with neatness ai.1 despatch, presses and Cardinals made. Bleaching and prcsi lc? ia the best style at shortjeo'ice. Neubcra, March 30th. 13 tf probably the l irpeci tocs oi ranerus in iue Country for Mill Work in all its varieties , and are ready at all times to furnish Machinery upon ihf most accomodating terms at the shortest notice All orders for every section of the Country arecxe cutedh and forwarded wit despatch. F. supply of s. DUFFY TTAS just returned from the North with a fresh JUL MUGS, MESmEES, I'aints, Oils, Colours, Window Glass, Putty, Pyeslufs, Perfumery, AtSO, r tvc. .......T-i - t t mrnnc f A choice selection or www ana auihou. superior quality; together with a variety of other articles in connexion with his line of business. One door East of tho Washington HoteL. New- bern, N. C. July lst.lS52. 23 6m tt. X NEU'and complete assortment of Spring fl, and Summer Clothing just received per Sch. Ilnnrv C. Mead and for sale bv WILLIAM DUXN. Newbern, April 1852. )i A new and brilliant lljrh t has latoly arisen rmd now stands hi'i in the horizon, shedin its golden light of hope upo".; the despairing minds of the bed-ridden and artSctCil with pain, like the burst ing forth of thecongenial rays of the sun upon the cold, dismal regions of the frigid zone. The three letters which head ihis paragraph is the significa tion of RADWBY'S READY RELIEF An Instantaneous Antidote for Pains of all kinds the very instant Radway's Ready Relief is applied its pain-relieving qualities are realized, it will re lieve the most severe pains of Rheumatism, Lum bago, Gout, Paralysis, Tic Lcloreux, &c, in a few minutes. CP- RHEUMATISM. Its Cause, Treatment and cure. ALL RHEUMATIC PAINS INSTANTLY CURED II Y RADWAY'S READ RELIEF Rheumatism arises from diflfurent causes, but most generally proceeds frovsi Colds, exposure to cold damp weather, and sleeping in damp apart ments, l his complaint is divide i into two classe the first Inflammatory, so called from the swelling and incarnation that attends the pains in the parts afheted; second, Chronic Rheumatism, so called from the long continuance of the di.-'ese. It is also known as Lumbago, or pain in the back; Seiaticia, or nains in the hip or groin; Anthordynia, orptans, in the joints. Tiie Acute Rhe imatism generally terminates into one of these and becomes a chronic complaint TO RELIEVE YOUR TORTURES Apply Radway's Ready Relief, on a warm flan nel, cloth, previously bathing the parts with warm water, also take 30 or 50 drops of the Relief inter nally in some motlasscs twice or three times a day; this will give warmth to the stomach, and surely relieve you fn-m all Rheumatic pains. It is also speedy and effectual in its operation in the cure of diseased Spine, Stitch in the Back, Lameness, Soreness of the Joints, reakuess, and pain in the side Nervous Headache, Tic Doloreux and Tooth Ache Spasms, Strains. Cramps in the Stomach, Pilrs' Sores. Burns, Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Reader, if you have the misfortune to be troubled with either of the above distressing complaints, be thankful that an antidote for pains is at hand in RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. It is sure to give you instant ease, and to youi joy will ensure you a speedy and perfect cure. See that each bottle has the fac similar signature of Radway & Co upon each label none other is genuine. COUGHS AND COLDS CURED IN TEN MINUTES. Mr. ft. who resides at 96, Socket street, Brook lyn, on Monday night, Feb. 20th, coughed for two hours without one moment's relief. His throat, chest and bones was very sore.and his expecteratum painful and difficult. He had used nearly half a bottle of Pulmonic Syrup, without deriving the slightest benefit. He thought he would try Rad wav's Read relief he took a fii.nnel, wet it well with the Relief, and laid it over his chest and 4 LL persons indebted to the Subssriber, j requested to make immediate payment. JOSEPH w! JONES. ar it !? r?h m. a m m M. F. HARRISON has hist returned from the North, mid is now opening at his Old Stand in the Fire Proof Iuilding on Pollock Street, a Large Spiended and wTell Selected Assortment of Fancy Dry Goods &c, ike. to whkiilie would respectfully invite the attention of his numerous friends both in Town and Country, and the trade generally to an examina tion of his Stock before making their selections else where. Consisting of Cloths, middling, Coarse and Superfine, Excellent Irish Linen, Jeans and Satinets, and Cashmerets, Thread of Superior Spinning. Gentleman's Cravats, all kinds of Hats, Gloves, Ribbons, Gauze and Laces, Entered acrordin.r tt A.st of Coopm, In tfi Tra' 1851, by J. S. UOUailTON', M. 1)., in the cler' Office of the District Court lor the Eastern Wstrict of Pennsylvania. Another Scientific Wonder I GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA! Dr. J. S. HOUCHTO&'S AC THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, OR. GASTRIC JUICE. Prepared from RENN E T, or the fourth STOM ' H OF THE OX, after directions of BARON LIEBIG, the great Physiological Chemist, by J S HOUGHTON, M. I)., Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indlgcst'on Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint. Constipation, ' and Debility. Curing after Nature's own method, by Nature s own Agent, the Gastric Juice. LE-Half a teaspoonful of Pepsin, infused in was ter, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hours, out of the stomach. Pepsin is the chief element, or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice the Solvent of the Food, the Purifying. Preserving, and Stimulating Agent or tne fcStomach and intestines, it is ex tracted from the Digestive Stomach of the Ox, thus forming an Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like the natural Gastric Juice in its Chemical p.-''Ters, and furnishing a complete and perfect xubstv..;'.- for it. By the aid of this preparation, the p:dns nud evils oi Indigestion and Dyspepsia are removed just as they would be by a healthy Stomach. It is doing wonders for Dyspeptics, curing ensec of J)c- bility, JSmaciation, Nervous Decline, and Djsrrptic Carpeting, (Straw and Ingrain?,) Barege d& Consumption, supposed to be on the verge of tho Lames, grave. 1 he Scientific Evidence uicn which it . Shawls, Capos, and Silver Card Cases. breed, is in the highest degree curious and rcrruirkr able. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE I Collars and Cutfs, all chean enough. Boob, Shoes and Gentleman's Gaiters, Shirts, Lheniezetts and Velverets, And a splendid assortment of Waiters. Cheap Calicoes, and Cotton Flose, To which we invite attention; Gold finger flings, and many things, Too tedious here to mention. April 29 185?. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY mmm mmmm 7 f ( f Viirds of Brown Domestic. UUU 1300 Yards Bleached Shirting. 14 Pieces of Plain and Plaid Ginghams, 12 Pieces of 4 8 Musquitoe Net. 20 Pieces of Grass Linen for Skirts. 1 Pieces of Table Oil Cloth. 2 Pieces of Bro A'n Linen. 5 Pieces of Paper Muslin. 2 Pieces of Diaper. 14 lbs. Whale Bone. SO Dozen Clark's Spool Cotton &c, &c. July 20th, 1852. i2 W ALSO SUMMER SHAWLS AND iiJHE subscriber would remind the ladies and all others in want of the above named articles that his present stock is perhaps the choicest nml largest ever offered for their inspection in this place. For sale by EMilET CUTHBERT. May 17th, 1852 ' 20 tf White Goods. pfVLAlN", Plaid, Embroidered and striped Swiss, A Jaconet, Mull, Medium and Book Muslins, Cambricks. Long Clotns, bheetings and Shirtings kept constantly on hand and for sale by EMMET CUTHBERT. around his throat, in a few moments the coughing ceated, the pain was relieved and he could expec tortta freely, :n ten minutes he wa3 sound asleep, and arose in the morning .as well as ever. Thou sands who are now sufferi g with Coughs and Cold, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, :a, will be speedily relieAed if they will give Radway's Ready Relief one rtial. It is the most powerful Liniment or healing Embocution in use, curing disease and relieving pftin in oue tenth the time of ordinary remedies, Price 25 Cents, large Bottles. Sold by WM. H. MAYHEW, and JAMES Y. CARMER Agents for Newbern. RADWAY & CO. 162 Fultoa Street, N. Y. Newbern, April 9th, 1850 31 m6 C CHLORIDE OF LIME AND SODA, used to disinfect Sewers, Cesspools, fcc. and to pre vent contagion. A supply just at hand and for sale by J w CAUA1L.K. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY. TIRE INSURANCE can be effected in the -"- Jorth Carolina Insurance Company on Houses Furniture, Goods, &c, by application to ALEX. MITCHELL, Dr. Old County Wharf. SOMETHING NEW. HAS just received a numbar of FISK'S PA TENT METALLIC BURIAL CASES, which he oners to the public for about the same price as fine Mahogany Cchlns. Several gentle men have called to see them and pronounce them far superior to Wood Coffins of any kind. Read the following which is considered a sufficient recom mendation. Washington, April 5th. Messrs Fisk axd Raymond, GentletntH : We witnessed the utility of your ornamental "Patent Metallic Burial Case.r used to convey the remains of the Hon. Jchn C. Calhoun to the Congressional Cemeiry, which impressed us with the belief that it is the best article known to us for transportating the dead to their final resting place. With respect we subscribe ourselves, Yours, &c, H. Clay, D. R. Atchinson, Jeff. Datis, Lewis Cass, A. C.Gkef.ne, W. R. Kug, D.S.Dick-insox, Dan. Weestee. Henry Dodgk J, W. Mason, J. 2, Bebb.ien W.P. Manqum Baron Liebio in his celebrated work on Aiihna Chemistry, says; u An Artificial Digestive Fluid, analagons to the Gastric Juice, may be readily rre pared from the mucous membrane of the stomach of the Calf, in which various articles of food, as meat and eggs, will be softened, changed, and diyesi ed. just in the same manner as they would be in tliv au- man stomach.'7 Dr. Combe, in his valuable writings on the " Phy siology of Digestion," observes that "a diminution of the due quantity of the Gastric Juice is a promi nent and all-prevailing cause of Dyspepsia;" and he states that "a distinguished professor of medi cine in London,who was severely afflicted with this complaint, finding everything else to fail, had re course to the Gasti ic Juice, obtained from the stom achs of living animals, which proved completely sue cesxfulP Dr. Graham, author of the famous works on ' Vegetable Diet says : ' It is a ren.arkable fact in physiology, that the stomachs of animals, macera-. ted in water, impart to the fluid the property of dissolving various articles of food, and of effecting a kind of artificial digestion of them in no wise diffe rent from the natural digestive process.' Call on the Agent, and get a Descriptive Circular, gratis, giving a large amount of sciehlife evidence, similar to the above, together with Reports of remarkable cures, from all parts of the United States AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr. Koitghton's Pepsin haa produced the most marvellous effects, in curing cases of Vibility, Fmaoi- ation Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption,' it is impossible to give tho details of cases in thw irnits of this advertisement but authenticated cer tificates have been given of mwe than two hundred remarkable acres, in Philadelphia, New'. York and Boston alone. These were nearly nil desperate cases, and the cures were not only rapid and won derful, but permanent. , It is a great Nervous Antidcte, and particularly useful for tendency to Biliou3 disorder, Liver Com-' plaint, Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever k Ague, and the evil effects of Quinine Mercury, and other drugs upon tho Digestive Organs, after a long sickness. Also, for excess in eating, and th too free use of ardent spirits. It almost reconciles Health with Intemperance. " . Dr. Houghton's'Pepsin, is sold by nearly all 'the dealers in fine drugs end Popular Medicines, throughout the United States. It i3 prepared iu Powder and in Fluid form and in Prescription vi als for the use of Physicians. Private Circulars forth use of Physicians, may be obtained of Dr. Houghton or his Agents, d3cri bing the whole process of preparation and giving the authorities upon which the claims of thisnew rem edy arc based. As it i3 not a secret reniedu, no obs jection can be raised against its use by Physician in- . i-i- i; j i ! ti iespeccaoie si.inumg auu regular practice. jrrico ONE DOLLAR per bottle. For sale, by J. W. CARMER, Druggist Wholesale and Retail Agents Newbern. Jan. 1st 1652. I' l y. CLOTHING ! ! CLOTIIING ! ! THE Subscribers keep constantly on hand a lanre assortment of Ready made Clothing, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Ware cut in the latest style and made of the best materials, at very re-dn-ed prices. Those in' want of these articles will find It to their advantage to call on June 22. 1S52. TO TIMBER GETTERS. W "ANTED to purchr.se 200,000 or more fcef of Ton Timber of the best quality:' - which the highest cash prices will be paid. - TAXLUK-tfllUU Jane 15,1852, -ITU