LHl 0 M P 14 i r IIP MM) i 4 WILLIAM H. 3IAYHE7, EDITOR AND PROPEIETOE. vol, i m, m Tim , r in f-231 cr I; I ls Xr to D r r n i u it I-i n t!.I"IIC! mnv uisinv ivo fsimv, AT CD per Annum, in alYA:i:ro j.Diiui; a so pj:upi:ktoj:. O on the Soutli iJt? of Pollute Street, live ,s r av Midd! ; S:rvj L ilnffj nf 3hTrrti5ing. r- 1 iu-rtI"Ci, r..r ..:- 1 -J.f 1 4 .4. t r.-tl vi'.ii r f'r u r..n.i. i: u.U ri- i ;''' ! t !. f i- i t:..r :iilK.iiv r.iu.l cri'i I , iu-.,: .. !- .i o,-,:,x it i.t.!. r : iu- ni..:'ii..;r.'vc ! ..iti. in, t . ii. 1 I. w i :h r V. -,. k!y or f . . ' - : t . "f :i If ... nt..r,ti- . f 1 . .... .. ..... J.. c::ai:;:i: t;ii; i ii:vt. A- i: u ;!-t t.. t i !t ! u'd!-t t:.- !v.;.!y a:- S c-i .-:! i t i!i ur .-.t Co-.:? :;o.:s.; ol i fi ta.a ilea 1S.j., is ol :l r!,'f:Ts ;::.f 1 ! i:r: r I t.u .;:nerti tatv, l'l l;K'l ri ii;.. :h.-1 . i i p'i .ii V .. I.. i ii-.. i..i. -.rt ;!:t ''j-.e. to t ! . . 1 c i? i- v i .v it ! ' t i:; vr. v t' tr. . v. i s. r : i it : : :!. .1 - t i:itMi:rf. ir la ; ' . .: ; 'h i. i..- : i i r tiu! !y t.j e: Law, t III -..lio.i v ,!iv.i:;-.-:.i ut v ..r- ro t .- ' ' t. t!., . . "; r:- 1- 'i'l: .t t!. ! th th ::i (..: ; :'i. ts i Ai-'i ': ... :.l e im,!. in i i i i i r !! i ..--'.i .. i i .i.-.- - i t. i-'i.i.. a ,v I m ii -"X "o.: .. v. !.- tlie ii .1 u il- p"ii.- !" t': S atv.s. by i il l:t:n I" - - i b: , i.i i i..e ( . i.'le o ;ii i: ;: i I A.. !i " i"i,"-:i t'i iv. r oi i r..t- a . i 1" t-.- .. .. :.d ." h .if I-Cvtl ii S:.A t e.i.ry ti-.r : i ; i r'i t t . im . i . i! it i." -;s P.. ! A b-di. '...: -ts t i ..i -. ';.. ti : "n - Sh i t' . r- n a .'. i-- . d.t:".:i i t'.'.' 1 ; .Mtie le n!- i . ::. etKMUr- i!'..;o.ii i;i sevc- tV-ft :.n I t.i a itv.'A ... .. 'i.-; v.". v.. t i.- i a:ii. .-,a.i .1. a..d Ab.ii:i..;- .; ;i . t-..- u - .!! - ..r i' r:; -.m! '. I'll . I I. P i:., i i: . rf d.J. I UK a i .1- i t'.e t'iv s of (I ;r;.a.. :ir. CIIAKCK tiii: 5IXOXD. d in H..!tiu re on the -: cl Jnne ! .!, ! i ....rt cd ul the ::i.f.-t dise . .!.-.tt .a .ci ; t" t w. reei-r bri-.ii t !t et.'u r l- r a e iiTrn o- j t. ..... j.v"!. .i!d i"ul i-i.'!;;r .r. t! e.slic -i ; c i j r 1 u;-.i. p j.m enoaa to act. i in.:.: i: v:.p"Ned of 1 irri'i-.trn r.. r reesoii- ! X :;it:: I Jh- ...; from lstiia.-a- t.'.c l.ic ....U.-, , i's r.:.d L"..' n ."'oraU fo;a tin r.i '.'v. : -T.its 1T. That in conseyvrvo ol ;." u ;tca . pjv,:tiMti to the Coiuproiii.se, (but f. touUv a:Vereat reasons. ) of the Frecsoilers a;.d Al..,;.::i?t. and tin Jceeionist- and Dis-u:.i.:a-ts. th- C. tinti.u was compelled after i.eiw;on. t j irf'uttVi pass a national platform ffpririeiplc?, io i-nizin,' the binding loree of ta.it Compr.nii-e, until after the nomination of a c .r. iid-te tur the Prei leney was made. Srr.e:r:cATio -Jn. 'i hat owin to the opposi t. :; of the gTi.nl r.umU'r in this Democratic Convention t the Cotnj roniise measures, the y.atfona . f principles pat forth bv the Conven t;..:i, cwu.d not and v.n n.d adopted bv the Ciu.-taion. but ;-.ve..n!itii? t Li I, D.-murratie v v i.v.4 tt.tui iiivA4 i0 CHARGE THE THIRD. K-'cp it before the People. That in cotneijnenee of the jarring opinions in the Derr.o ratic Cuaventioa upon the Compro. trrise pie::or.. and the number ot factions that cociji. Uie IK-rnocratic party of tlic Union, the Com ciuiuti atter a session ot several days and a great nuir.lcr of ballotinjjs, found it could n t nouitaate any one of the nea whose opi nions were well known and decisive ion th.it fx-ure, acd who had leen Inld up before the 7V' a the only Democratic candi btcs for the i rrs.icr.Cy but in order to avoid breaking up ita.-m nuking a nomination, it was ci mj elled to c,evt-illlWure individual in Xew Ihimp siiire, ulwie conmc upon the slavery question, ubserjuriu developments have proved, ho been o contradictory, and who, portion is sopui- t .,'! ..i S! . li.n !.!.! tv .. . r . .-... . r-... It.; . . 1... i .... h' ., - . : ,... "-'. i. a pee!? ileiivered m Mancliest jr, New i t,n lue iung.-., out lur the m:Mer varieties ot c&ms, to the Congressional Ccmctrv, which impres .... . ,., r .... r.. ..... .;.. t. r i ... ,t. . .i,..r,. ! I l.tfip -hire, he s.i il, l'iie men wlif vi,u J tlis. .UUSU "JiM'Bti-, c, (ini ior oaii'iren u is tne with the belief that ii is the-best article kn ... , .... , s live tiie lau m in account o! laverv. d;vl not' . V- latmciuiumwu ucumam- Us lor iransporiating rue dead to taeirtinai resting- .ri'. nli; r.-.iv.. a:tiU!.:i anL Joj.toro it more that Ii ; did.'' Tliat it ,; , - ,iNo v should be without it,, and those place. With respect we subscribe ourselves, tl-vu:.....!.!......'.!1 ' ' h,s,!so b'on proved L,ynJ th, shadow of a "e"1-, n t1 . Yours, &e, ' . d -lid t!i t IViV.'i i I'ie-ee on th-of J aim r - , , ' ? the fol!owinS Gentlemen, H. Clay, D. RAtchinsox, Jeff: Davis, r. " " , - ' 1V- r-11-1'1 it.c.,oritL.-d ot J. uui., who will be ixxu-aized in the various sections of Lewis Cass A C Grefne W. R. Ki ,g. VllO Ch'ir-CS and bpOCIUCatlOnS. :-e;-CM atA.w Huston New I lamp- country where they are located-each and all as D;S. Dickinson, Dan. Vebstek. Henry Dodo r aataoray.wamu-uaiUroa-hjusta' theeio.-e . : la pr eeu.a-s when not mure than one third I Tf'.VFJl KNOWN' TO FAIL DR. of tne number was present , , vt..r,. - ivniAX CHOLAGOGUE For nnperlect.y heara cen by tho x,ha Jt(l fntCrmitter.t and Remittent Fever, s.v.t ana when a considerable lortin., I fnrnis of Dilious diseases- A si vi i ,UM- i iai -" v.h-;J. that he U lit 11 up in the Free States ns a rank Krre-.-Mi Wilrnnt Proisoit ns opposed , the fugitive l.,.e law :;nl in the Southern : St;:t -v a strong pro-s!;ivery man as the ere- atioii :';ul c.'ioioo of thy Southvra rights Do - in. ..rats. " ' ! Sitc;nMTt.N 1st. That Fnin'-din PiiMc-, tin: : i ' i. r uf t!. Do: ! ; ti;- w : .: the i'rc i .ia, :;s :ov( ! by ;hc iu'oaIs i' C :i - j 'rMH, h is !ed in that body for nd :i;;r.int I neeivir.-r abolition petitions anI i".r ;.!:d aj-.d:i.-t r Southern rigM that in ev Hampshire he h. -i bin intiuer.-.-t ir, fa von r of su-t.iininir 1 .-3 - - X..X- :u'".;r.: .... e :;.e lit- p.'.a r'j ; in I h-.-i tlie leader of the Pemoera :e art,' in that Sta! '.vJiioli Ii- r-er.te ily in its Contentions i ar.d i-i the lsyis'ature, passed the rankest Wil ! IM ! l'nis- r. s 1 1 T i :iwi iiiNtrnrtirur ti 7 'ri"e:il i:i C.ngrs from that State, to i-!s to reuize uie nnpu-i pnecis inat can be ae admiion uf a,.v more Slave 1 s,rcl- ho w?e 1S il" "s.,uAC4,?lino5s nDl1 in - St.ites i:i:. ih. Uni n 1 , , r . " . proica in , t.:o ve..i !, t.i.rt Jt.i.m.v!: : IMerce was a meiaber "M i- rn II !r;v S::i'; Conent!...!. which S. Uv.fi .:at! jnJ. Th ;t it has been proved by ; sc ,;i IH'O, .rid whieii Convention uiianiniously f- s :i n so.ati m ileelariujj: That the holding oi luaiian lv;n s in Ifn J.iire is a cursy to any eoun- ' tr. ; vVl :irc opposed to s'averv, black or . l!:f. I.'I :i I ' If IiiPfHv firiif 'inJoi- .- ..i ' .iw-.l.t Kiv ' That on the 2oth ! November, Kui.ive Sl.ic Luv. 1 answered no ! I loath- ; ed it. 1 have a ir.otd revol'iu;: feeling to the f Ti vinif up of a fugitive slave; t!ie iaw is opposed to ati.:!.n:::v it k tipp.is.d to a iaor... riiriir. i Sr.:t i! ication 3d. Tli.-.t Franklin Pierce is now Warai!-. SlllUUjrlf.l :ii :! div .I:nn--! M. sri. J.dorson iia-.is.lL M. T. "Hunter, A. P. i:u!?l.r n j- (v.!! K. j. ). t ,.O J. ....... ........... fc ...... . .. ... , i, .,s.iptit .,,,.1 o.f..f !: vKi.,: ... ...... , .... . . kj .v ii i uv u ii i ii.vt int. : lllCRUUIila UI cue Ul'at Ci.lS.S alia Or I lift HIT host fh;i T W T . o.t T V nnrrv : W 1 M.ir .. i;ou:i:r-v.J": -MonUt-i and disunior.isrs, the b'.ivatiriah GVor .. I ..,' r.:::a-i ijr; ;f;. ;uuj Charlcsio;; Mcrrurv, seco.s.-do:i and dis ci. t. tl: JIM-.. T.S t ! r ,,,.1 :,t f f. . W.rfl. !- ft,,. .rr.-,t ! d'tii, Denioeraiie FriM-s nh-rs, iriehidin M utin ! . i i t... r- t i . t-. ti . i a i ifcii, jd.'im .in oureu, joiiu iix, i res- t.. i K'ntr. Ii H Ifulll. 11. 1 liut!,- PavlJ Wilm tl bos. V. Dorr, V. J. Ihoun. II Ham lin, J.nri Atv.oml, Muses Xoni-s, and C. 1 Clevc- t re ai Abolitionists the .v. Vo.k K. t.I Posi. Plairidertler, Albany Alias, d 1) jiy i) -::i T it. s.iil and Ah diiioti p ipers. 1VKI ICE! ICE! "ipiIK sub-'.-ri'i'M-having a Ood supply of this w.h des-i !.f !t!ary is prepared to issue tie k '. i .i f.;'n;!y iid o-.';.. r in wan: if Ie and will l".:rai-.'i t.'i -iii at any hour of the day, and pvcts t r.c;a ii'iiv fjr thu b-danee of the sea-.ni. v. nuxx. v .. 4 t J b.-r.!. Anti,t. G.h, ISjX XOilTII CAIIOLLXA LIPK ASSURANCE FIRE IXSUUAXCE ff"HE Lif. Company hai issued nearly 1 Km; Pdi rt ; :vt 1 p.:! hi-t v-:ir So p- r c it uixia he preiiuu.::-) paid hu All life itK-uibcra p.uticijiate 4:1 the profi.. !av - :;re m-i-.ired at hi"r rate.- of premium. Th- Fire Cf:ip;uy ha-j issued ivM Policies; and La- a C.:p!t u of nearly SIX 1IUXDIIED THOUSAND DOLLARS! inLnvN prepirly secured. For the present year the following Gentieaiea have be.n v.'ectc J Ol lie L.1 Finn CoiirAxr. La k Oivjpwv. Di. C. il Jolui-'in, Pre". J. O. Watson, Pres. J. O. II KouI'.m V. Pr. i.ichrd ria.ilh, l'i.a'r. John II. Bryan, Att'ny. V. D. Ibvw.nl, V. Vr . ..iii. s F, Jord.i;;, iec. W. II. .lone, Treasurer. I rr::i II i-Ii e, Att'nv. I).. V II..V.c!Cee, Si. Ex. II 1 A..74A.1 . (lenrral nzent for both Companies. DIRECT FEOr ENGLAND JMJST rereived by Steamer Pacific from Liver 'cT iol, nu Invoice of rich Lace Goods, direct fhra the Manufactory in Xotingham, England, cousitiu of Fi'd Lace lied and Window Curtains. Fi-r'J- Lace Shawls. Anti Maccassars. Valances and Dresses. The above articles are now opened and far sale. The public are respectfully invited to call and see them. ALEXANDER MILLER. OSGOOD'S Fever and and the ipply just received and for sale by T 4 . W. CARRIER, Druggist. NEW GOODS. DRAPER & TAYLOR, 'jt ESPECTFULLY informs his customers that he tin hi d Velvet Votings Cravats, Pocket Handk s. Gh.v, supender,Shoulder Braces, Woollen Shirts Shirt Colars, d:a. Ac, all of which will be sold at very moderate prices. Perseus fumivhing their own Goods can have them made up in the most fashionable style, of Su perior workrumship and with prompt despatch. ewbem Oct. Sth 1 852. W fc S W Dec. 1st. his ju?t received from .ew ior . v i:aot an I. select assortment of Goods, consisting of Bl .ck. Blue, Olive and Brown Cloths, B-ack and Farw irt.,-.i r..,;mpres. Silk. Woollen. 6a- 8 4.00 in Advanoo ! i ! ' ,' j j ' . r-fr&i .l IrfT Arat' CHEERY PECTOBAL For" the Cure of (orans, colds, hoarseness, BRONCHITIS, WIIOOPUG-COUGH, CROUP, ASTIDIA, AXD CONSUMPTION. This remedy is offere 1 to tac community with the coiifiii-ncc we feel in an article which seldom , s i auaicro',J3 lau u.ibt' ui u& uuiw, iu.n uim-si every , j ku.,wn who liavc bccn rcstored fre:a alarming anil cven i..er.ite diseases of the lungs, ly its j us0 When ence tried, its supariority over every superiority over every other medicine of its kind, is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate vrhut antidote to employ for the distressing and dr.ngrerous alfections of the pulmonary organs, vrhich are incident to our cli mate. And not oulv in the formidable attacks uo- meter as the oldest and most extensive Wholesale Dealers in Medicine with an experience unlimited on the subject of which they speak. If there is anv value in the judgment of experience, see THIS CERTIFICATE. We the undersigned, Wholesale Druggists, hav ing been long acpi .intcd with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, hereby certify ear belief that it is the best and uiost effectual remedy for Pulmonary Complaints ever offered to the American People. And we would, from our knowledge of its compo Mtion, and extensive usefu'ncs.3, cordially com mend it to the atllicted as worthy theii best confi deuce, and with the firm P..iriv letuin that It will Je for their rvliet'al! that medicine can d j. IIenshaw,Edmaudj & Co. Roif on, Mas-. Reese & Coulsuu, Raltimore, Maryland. Ludd & Inraliam. F; wigor, i Maine, llavilandllarrali & Co., Charleston, S. C, JacobS. Farrand. Detroit, Michigan 'J'. H. McAUi.-ter, Louisville, Kentucky. Francii vv: Valton, St. L-uis, Missouri. Joacp'i 'i'uexer, ?dwbi!?, Alabama, 'l'heudore A. Peck, Curlington, Vermont, llaviian l, Risley &, Cc. Augusta. Georgia. Is iae I) J re.e 'Fi- :iN-u, New Jersey J M i'ortiijj::J, Pittsburg, Penn Clark & Co. Chicngo, Illinois. F F Gay. Rui lingtoii, Iowa M A Santos ft uu, Norfolk, Virginia Rl-.vard Rringhurst Wiimingf on, Deleware" John Gilbert & Co., Philadelplun, Pa, Z I) & W H Gihu in Vahi.!--,-ron, D 'J. J Wright & Co New Orleans, La Vfatsoa, Wall : Co., Pert Wayne, Indiana C U Richmond & Go.,San Francis jo, Cal. Lewis fc A;ne,Talhihasbe, Fieri !a 11 R Strong Knoxville, Tennessee Chiiton & Du.ir, L:: lie Rook, Ark. tiller, lade & Co., L eingtun, Mits. N D Labadie, Galve.-ten, Texas GhisD.verJr , Providenee, R t Jos. M. Turner, Savannah, G;i Wade Eckst; in & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. J G Coffin & Co., Valparaiso, Chili F M Dimond Co . Vcv.i Cruz, Mexico F.edRivns & -gotri,New Grenada S Provost k. Co., Lii-i.i Peru Morton &. r iL.Iiftx, Nova Scotia T Walker & So:;, St Julius, X'ew Brunswick t'GS dia-ii ;.,!: :o Janeiro, Brazil With such assurances, and from such men, no stronger proofcan.be adduced, except that found in its effec's upon trial I. DISOSWAY. Arent. R s. DUFFY IB AS just returned from the North with a fresh supply of If ilJb KJJU db Jl,UL Paints, Oils, Colours, Window Glass, Putty, Dye-stuffs, Perfumery, die. ALSO, A choice selection of WINES and LIQUORS of superior quality ; together with a variety of other artieles in connexion with his line of business. One door East cf the Washington Hotel, New hern, N. C. July lsMS52. 23 6m CLOCKS M3 WITCHES REPAIRED. The Subscriber bas returned from the North with a ood assortment of Material for the purpose of repairing CLOCKS and WATCHES, which Lusi ness he has again resumed.and he i3 convinced that he can give those who employ him full suisfartionas anv workman in his line of business has done for many years; they may also depend on his punctuality, neatness and dispatch. He will also repair Jewelry, Guns and Locks of every description. He can be found at his b nop n Craven Street, nearly opposite Mr. JohnBrissiag ton's Store WILLIAM TlDALE. Newbern, Sept. 1st, 1S52. 34 w 1 y sale by i-rfcT n.nnpn4 -it UDOLPHO WOLFS AR03IATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS. .4 PURE and genuine article, manufacture J W Limiii Schiedam, Holhiud, expressly for me dical use, and strongly recommend eti for a -are and permanent cure of the Gravh, and all obstructions of the Uriaaiy Organs, ai-ising fron3tlie Kiadeys or Blad der. For sale bv yI. DISOSV.'AY, SuIe A: January 5th, 185 2. 1 SOMETHING NEW. AS just received" a 'nuinbar of FI5K?S PA TENT METALLIC BURIAL CASES. which he offers to the public for about the s ane price as fin? Mahogany Collins. Several gentle men have called to see them'and pronounce them far superior to -Wood Cofans'of any kiiKl. Read the following which i3 considered a sallicieut recom mendation.' Washington, April 5Sh." Messrs. Fisk and Raymond, Gentlemen: We witnessed the utility of your ornamental "Patent Metallic Burial Case.'' used to convey the remains of the Hon. John U. Calhoun ed us own to ALL persons indebted to the Subscriber, ar requested to make immediate payment. JOSEPH W" JONES. jStOTIC rpiIE Subscriber respectfully calls the attention .L of the Farmers of Craven, and counties adja-. cent, to the fact, that it is-near the time to order, Kuta Baga and other Turnip Seeds, for the season supply, and requests all that are in want of Tur- nin seed, to .Tall iind Ipjivp. their m-Jin-is, uc it ie la- sirable to learn something about the quantity that wilt ue required. I lie seeds 1 will warrant to be of the best quality, and if they do not give satis faction to the purchasers the money will he refund ed. Please send or leave your orders soon JAS. W. CARMER June Sth, 1S02. . , sw 1 tf 5J Id. F. HARRISON has just returned from the V"5 North, and is now opening at his Old Stand in the F'ire Proof Building on Pollock Street, a Large Spleuded and well Selected Assortment of Fancy Dry Goods &c, &.C., to which he wrould respectfully invite the attention of his numerous friends both in Town and Country, and the trade generally to an examina tion of his Stock before making their selections else where. Consisting of Cloths, middling, Coarse and .Superfine, Excellent Irish Linen, ... J eans and Satinets, and Cashnierets, Thread of Superior Spinning. Gentleman's Cravats, all kinds of I Lit Gloves, Ribbons, Gauze and Laces, Carpetings, (Straw- and Ingrains,) Barege dt Laines, Shawls, Capes, and Silver Card Cases. Collars and Cuffs, all cheap enough. Boots, Shoes and Gentleman's Gaiters, Shirts, Chemezetts and Velverets, And a splendid assortment of Waiters. Cheap Calicoes, and Cotton Hose, ..To which we invite attention ; Gold linger Rings, and many things, Too tedious here to mention. Araril 20 1S52. THE Subscriber announces to his numerous friends and acquaintances in Town and Coun try, that he has repurchased his Old Stand,; 1 3 Washington Hotel in Newbern, and- that he is now prepared to receive and accommodate boarders by the day, week or month, or travelers and trans sient visiters, on terms and in a manner, that he trusts will be satisfactory to all such as favour him with a call. He expects to make extensive and convenient im provements on the premises, which when compleied will enable him to offer accommodations to travel lers and others that will not be surpassed by those of any Hotel in this part of the State. Call and see. HENRY G. CUTLER. ' UNION POIInT FACTORY r-'-.-f r"4V r?-r '- iV5t:.. t.?7; v-:&j4i . BLINDS. SASH i H a!'.- ; ' ,: . MANUFACTUKEFrOF- .f Rollins Fivot ;iv inflow Blinds Plain and Fancy IVitidow ash. Panel Doors, and . .. :; Shutters. X B Orders for Town, Country, or Shipping nromptlv attended to, on the most reasonablzterms pr0 1 y ALONZO J. WILLIS. NewBerne, ISth Feb. 1850; 6 - - - - j I ! j . ii .unou i if. iir.i. rii i . i v i i r i i 1 1 W. J. WILLIAMS, PRINTER. DWH01 10 GRAND MASTER'S OFFICE OF THE GRAND LODGE OF NORTH CARO. ; LIN A. - j JSewberx, April 19, 1852. To the Masonic Frulu nity in Norrh Carolina . iz me lay i communication - oi tlie 3lost vor shipful Grand Lodge, it was llesohed, that each Ma son in the Stat, both resident and active, be,and he U hereby most earnestly requested, by the Grand Lode ofXorth Carolina, to transmit as 6oon as postibic to orother A. T. Jerkins, of Newbern, C. W. D. HurciiixGs, of Raleigh,' William Swaim, of Greens boro',or E Myehs, of Salisbury, as may be nioft ceu venientj the sum of $5, more or less, for the speedy, erection of St John's College, the receipt wliereot will be weekly iumouneed in the papers published in the aforementioned places. Brethren, with confidence of success, I appeal to your liberality in behalf of this enterprise, the impor tance ot which has been fully established by th (Huud Lodge, and the general ' concurrence of the Brethren throughout the State. While enough has already been uoue to encourage the hope of success, and evince its entire practicability, much yet remain to be done to render this success certain, aud even to prosecute unremittingly the measures already com menced. . And yet it is confidently beleved that the" aid. which you-are able to render will be amply suf ficient to at -complied! all this, and that speedily, Up on your action t hen as Masons depends the success of an enterprise which promises the richest benefits to the cause of Mascruy and of humanity in general Some of our Lodges have contributed promptly and nobly io this work, and we only ask your careful con sideration of the subject, convinced as we are that no thing more is needed to secure your cordial co-operation in a favourable and early response to this apjieal Remeu;ber that in this as in every other social luove nient, 'harmony is its strength and support. I am Fraternally and Respectfully, yours,. , A. T. JERKINS, " ' Grand Master Editors of Newspapers and Periodicals friendly to the cause will please copy the above. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 7 . Craven Count. ,n EUlty Louisa L. Lamotte and others. Bill for Partition vs: of Lands by Sale Jane Lamotte. ) &c. !&T hi dug made satisfactorily to appear that the defendant Jane Lamotte is not an inhabitant cf the State. It is ordered that publication be made in the Kewbernian a Newspaper published in the Town ol Cowbern for th psice of six weeks, noti fying the said defendant, Jane Lamotte, personally to be and appear at the Court of Equity, to be held for the County of Craven, at the Court House in Newlern, on the fourth Monday after the fourth Monday oi'September next, then and there to plead answer or demur to the bill of complaint o Louisa L. Lamotte and others, therein filed against her, or the said bill will betaken pro confesso and heard accordingly. ; Witness WM. G. BRYAN, Clerk and Master in Equity for the County of Cr&ven, at Ntwbern this Gth day of August, A. D. 18-r)-2. WM. G.BRYAN, C. M. E. vr30 6w HE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Newbern and the sur rounding country, that he wi!l opeti School in the building (ii Pollok street two doors above the New bernian Office, en the first Monday in October next, where a complete and thorough education may be obtained, and where the popular system of teach ing by the Quarter shall he adhered to, and where he would I e pleased to receive the patronage of the people. To excite a laudable spirit of emulation among the pupils, certificates of scholastic merit ' Will be awarded to the most de-serving. A suitable library will be appropriated for the benefit of the pupils. Strict attention paid to moral, and physical, as well as nn-ntal culture, and from bis practical experi ence in the art of teaching, he flatters himself that he can give satisfaction to all. Deductions always made in cases of protracted sickness. The terms, which are very moderate, and all other par' iculars, made known on application to the subscriber. HENRY ilcLIN. Newbe n, Sept. 7th, 1852. W. & 5- W. to Oct r. WO NDERFUL CHARACTERS . 1STORY of the Popes, Pictorial view of all Religions &c, &c. Just received and for sale at the Newbern Book Store by WM. II . MAYHGiV May. 24th, 1852. " Newbern Female Seminary. 51 PUPILS ADMITTED DURING TH ) LAST, SESSION. ' HHE Third Session has just closed, and the netf. L will open on the 1st of October, 1852, at which time increased facilities for instruction will be en- joyed, particularly in the possession of suilabl Apparatus, and the delivery of a course of Lecturet to illustrate the Natural' Sciences; For further particulars apply to J. M. C. BREAKER, ! ' Principal Newbern. N. C. Julr. 31st. 1852. 2U tf.' EDUCATIONAL NOTICE. rffl E subsriber having taken the rooms in the 1 Masonic Lodge," formerly occupied by Mr. George Lane, will resume the duties of his school o:: the first day of October next. JOHN A. HODGE. Newbern, ept.22d, 1852. 37 it 1 SHIPLEY, HOWARD, & CO, i ,-,.- " WHOLESALE fSECOIlb DOOR WEST OF LIBERTY,) Con;tantlv on hand a large assortment, suit 4d to the Southern and Western Markets Also ' SERVANTS' WEAR, of all kinds. Sept 16th 1851. 42 ly H

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