A A ll: II jL. J- . ; . 5 ... . i. . "5 WILLIAM H. MAYHEW, EDITOH AT7D PROPRIETOR. 84.00 in Advance rW.. J. WILLIAMS, PEIKTER. 1 ' VIE, I, -3f0; 4U HEWBEBH, TEEM AY,- H0YIMB1E: fOSi ? A J f f 7 ' f, T 1 'I I THE Srinf-ZSltcftm XctoDrrnfau 13 PURLIUED ETEuV TUESDAY AM) Fill DAY, AT S4 00 por Annum, in advanco VfM Hi MAYUEW, kditoi: axd rnopitrj-nvn. Olliee on the South aide of IVdok direct, five r.Mr -I'-tre 1 ia-i rtivri, CO I..r kio 2 'J J.-iki! - 3 10) y.,.. M 4 1 Ci O-u'r.u-t will Ik? imi-lo ly tli VE.a r f'r a j-h-ut-er ::n. cith-T l"r rui rj-.n! u lwrti -i::-r t r ;.we.l at tli jtiri tf t!i. a'lvtrtU'-r, ari l f-r tlo irt-vttl'Kl tf UlsiM---) (!.UI, im t nils the JU-'t 2i 1- .A Iv.rt :ivn: "iit t !!? N"::Kr.K:M.vv Orrn-;-r!t rt;M tlj; n.ziji! r f in rii.i- i:i rkt-I tln-m. u.i 1 tii-- juj r iic-;4.tlv I, h tL.r V !; J v tr :i j- sly. tnv a a variety f i'vjK; a- ra: 1- f t lia t'.- ft:i:. if i--t th- :ir' r-iar. 1 t jn-Mt -ir- liars LaM.!, I-aw v, . .-. jo the it at ai r, ii re.i-Lib!tf term, iid at the -I.'Tt- Of I. r ly a til will rv ive prouil uttn i n, r.t I Tho Charges and Specifications. t-iiAiKii: th:: rn:-r. Ki 'P 1 l- J U r !.'t I'. i-j.f- Th it ws.IM the t.a !y a-.d t i:n i:ia atcn- r.nee ..t the r-ai Ce.n KOM!; i.f 1;,.), U ,.fj Srr.. i; icat;o. 3d. Th..t rraal.'iin I-'It iv.-isnow i'al i'ti;-rtr.:ue t-. t!i. I 'or ?titii!i'.?)n rights a-id I wannlv sn;: -orted .it tho S vith.bv J..:a s M. Mi i::!.reV -f t'ie Soalliem States, an l to t:-1 Je'Vers.'.n lass, 11. .M. "l. Hauler, A. i. vat-:y an'! j crul.ute.a y of the L'n.'oii ar d the f Tutler. II. K. I'rrM: aud C J. Do io.u s.ces- nt to li.e whole eoan:rv to ke; t i l t. I'nVi :t a 'id v i i toe p ::!:r:r ra ;va for Ice rre-i teat. leaders oi ! the IK ni K-raue liri., wm.i T.-iein es'eei.o z a: io; t!u mamteuanoi! 1 the.-. It ie si n l v the; t T 'iriv ;.le.i!. ::: r; t ll.s'.v are r. aIv to i v; o! 4 the i it, i jeel iy t! . Fugitive SLv s Law, f the , a re, ai r "a''.1! a la .'d.oa::-:i i: e a -j to Sr;: tft'-vrroN 1st. in.-.t m- !r.Tier or t:.e ; Penncr.it!-- I'.rty. mim; t.ie ; i.ejwt th o ... i pr::u-e. !:i .ev. 1 o.-.a, Bi '-.lie, :u i .rsv t:iuc, I !.i-.!;!ore. i i M i icl.-Mi tis .-a I : ilU I I -I hi !. Ii v - f -rinrd r. ii'.i ,! writ the l're.-S-.il r.lIi;irii"! p-irlie- . !'. .!a: -m. b v !ia h a bargain V.M t-afded !:.! by t'l e I Ket t; .;!a4 I arise-- t'l t th" o. t it t ' ... r t .i..-- i.... o.e ' t ; ; .-. .1 .-it -i-l n.t.l i! If .i of I) l i cr..li r. i r.e.-o.!ers aad AVo.ilifi. i.-t r.r.d . .1 bv i.i!.:,-"i aa f ihi i-i ilition t!e.' iee ), t earrv t!o ee :-'.;-. i i ihos S'ai- : -;d t tifct t;.nnv r.au li e s i.. rs arau i . JOtl- taaitH to tlliee. SrKiiKTe.vTfH That th.e DeraK-ratie !c ;d- f'r t is; session, i-nciisr. r.l lv me sucee-- I 'f.' CO 14. lOOS III fcCOC- r.u ot th- ti'e Ian d to ni ft -.n i to a .Vr,at ; Dem-H-rata-party i roj e.-. the PuniovK'i ; and 1 1 S. e --. mastH. r.n J tiie 1 reesoilers a:al At. lir.on i-ts throughout t' Culoa I r the pi. p .se of ear rvin ' the Pre-ii .eata.l .e Lia t'.e t:Ices of (ov, rr.m. Mt. i en ai:g i: Tin: sixoxn. That the Dei::. . Tatic Convention which .is emblvd in Halthnore 4irj the first ot June last, j was composed of the nut di" .-rde.-.t m.tteri. ls; th.t were ever brought tt-eiherlr a ctnonoii ( litica! object, and held together ty the Cuhcs-ive p .wi r of public plitnJer" l"nj enough to net. j That it was compose 1 of It unburia rs, Freesoil- t crs. Abolitionists an i National Penux-rnts fntn ' t!.e free Slates, and of Seeess,.nis!. Pisunion its an 1 Caion Denioerat 4troi;i the Southern State-. SrEcn vATtoN I r. That in consequence ol tlie united ipjK-itioti to the Compro mise, (but lor totally diiiercni reasons,) of tlie Frivsoiltrs a:.d Abohtloriiats. and the Secessionists ami Dis ur.i jr.ists, the Conwntioii was compelled alter hcU".s;on. to re'ue to pass a national Ltlbrm cf principles, rieoniir. the binding toree of that Coinpnuni-e, until alter.thc nomination of a c.r.didato for the l'roidency w;i made. SrF.c:r:cATioN '2d. 'I hat owtn to the opposi t. ncf the great nninber in this I)e:x.-ratie Coinention to the Compromise measures, the pUtfona i f principles put fortli by the Convca :. r. could r.ot be, and wai not adopted by the Cemention. but according t hi'i Democratic jf.thorityvass-.uuled thn ugh ju-t a' thec!os. I-1 the proceeding w hen not mure than one third cf the members was preit ubta they were jjnpcrlectly l.cara even by t': - e who we're pre ve';t ana uhen a con-ider-hb portion of tho-e vi ho did hear them w,tcd aai.:sk t'... rj. ciiAi:t;i: Tin: third. AVri it I ' ore ihe People. Thit in cone.ii:rr,ce of tlie iarri if on'nior.s in tae IK'mocrat.c Convention uj.o:i the C-.v..jr r.ojecj ucstion, and the number ol factions thai compose the lK-ino.-r.itic party of the Ui ion. the Convention alter a .-ov-loii ot cver'. das and a ';ri';ii nusnlr of balloting, found it could not coaaaatc any one of the Di:i whus opi nions were well known a.. 1 deceive upon thr.t iaeaurc, arol who uul been held up before the YV-e as the only Pen. oer-.tie candidates for the Vt-. vney in Aider to avoid breaking up -o'a ,u". raakinj a nomination, it wr.s compelled tsthxtjia vb.-ure indiidual in New llamp i arc, -Abuse course upon the slavery question, p ubcqneat dtvelopmcnts have proveii, has been o ccntrad.ctcr,-, and whose position is so equi- voraJ. that he i-i !if M 1 1 j in the Prco .Stages as a ran!; Fref--il iuiiol Proviof-jt ?s' pposvd lo tliC fu'ilive !uve Jar and in the Soit!iyr;i States .is a slrtir juo-slavery man r.s ihe cre :Ai :u.d c!n;Ico "' vji' the Southern rlifhts De- kPECirrcATHN 1st. Tlir.t FranMin Pierce, 1 lie n::;"4n c of the J)euncr..tio ('u:i vent ion fp t!e ircii.ney, s proved . b' the records ol' Con gress. Iris voted i;t tiiat boJy for and tiii.nt receiving a!)!iti n petitions nnd fr j;i;d against Southern riht.- th.it in New Hampshire he h:;s used his influence in favour of sutiiniug the fujkivo ?!ae l.'.u fince the jisae of tlie C;np, vini;', but never before that he has be n the lender f th: Deniucrativ p uty in that State, which has repeatedly in its Convo::!! n-i iui'1 in the Legislature, parsed the. rankest Wil mot I'ruviso ri.s )Iuii ins :id instructii tliC lle-pres-.'sii lihe i in Co-ijress from that State, to vote R-jainst th.e a.!:n!ss:jn of any mors Slave Suites into UnioTi. S;-rincATio. -d. That it has been proved bv tue ree.-.rd, t!r:t Pnuiklin I'ietre v. as a niecbcr of the Aevv II i!uj-!iiie S: i;e (o:i . e:i-.ic:)? v. hie'j set in 18 j0,a:;d whieii Co . ;;tioa nr. ii:::n-v.: i . j;i-ise i a re- ji jtioa tleel.n .a,-: -T hat 1 h- holding ot i.u:u ;n beings in b nd t Lfc is a ear .e io any uouu t: ; 1 Ii.it we are o;'om1 io hiaerv, black or v!;i in ai! it l.rnj ::nd :i.rj..r vli..tevei eir- i':i!ib!:t!H'A That on i.". 'J-yJi ( t N.-veniber, ISjO. in a !vc!i d;.!i.e:ed i:. Ai i;;chet. r, New lla!i:phir. he s.i!, - 'J'iie men who would ilis s dve i!ie U:;i-n !i r.ccuunt o! SLucry, t!:d n t h.i'e or !. i '. .rr it i:v.re that Ik; did5 Timt it has b en proved bc-yond ti j sh.adow of a duubt. that 1 r.nilxtiii l'ieroe, on tht 1 1 of January. Ijl, in a speech at New 13 o-to::, New Hamji fhif.. said: T h r.e been a-l;ed i:' I li!u d tli I'uiii.e Slave Liw. I answered :m ! I loath ed it. 1 have :i moot reol;iti ie "lia?: t iiuc; upofa fugitive s;.; e. ; l!ie law is opposed io !n:i.T.i.i:v it i s d to i.i ral ri:!i: :asts itn I i!i.ir::.;it -, tlie Sava::!:a!i ('e t-a"i-m JiT tl t h:.i ItJiej .Ije; cur.', secession an 1 dis- naTei r-.-itiers r r 1. 1 t lh W.r: !i bv t 'n "l- ho le ,.f tile IJeiiioer. t: lr:es u ers. i?ie hni'ii'- , .:rt:a i.iea'ires Van Uaren, J Van Intren, John A. )i.v, Pre.--the v,!H t.ej Kin-j, IJ. I'. IMJctt. Ii. I liutler, Pavi ! u';it..i.'n.nj vv. n... J. !i i At ' "!, 3loe W. J. Ilrowr.. 1 I I I.n- Ii:. J ,!, i At ' d. i(,r- .,n-is. nr.d R C'.ve- !-ui!, K.ivviilcw and l!.e ieV I i York Ilve::irir l'-. ! J ..iudoa!er. Alb.ir.v Atlas, i i.y Deai- ; l.lr ii :.!: Aai.:ion p ip rs 1 a I 767:7 767:7 ICE! in: v. ' . uh : ; io t hava'i: .1 oml supply of this - o s :.:e .uvare p-i-v-pare'l to i.-siie tie s in v.an of f-e and will f., f. utilv's and : I;;:., -h tliviu at a!;, i h.Urol t'a d i',. ;::;d e." ".' i . r the b..!..aej ..." ihe s. i,.n. to !;ee; a : u 1 1 No.-:u, A-!..-::-!. C.h. 1?. NvllTII CAll' )L!N'A Lli . .'I ii- L iia J.IOuJlA.ltii c? ;m , Vf.;r .. f,.,,,, :1 ;tJ .,o;-, 1 '.i'. ' are injured at rx rate- o: pre-rima!. I Th.' Fir- t'.a:p!ny h.is :.-::ed -loo. Foiicijs; a.i 1 . ha a ('. : i..! . n.-: rlv SIX ilL:;Di;i:D THOUSAND DOLLAKS! in bon Is properly securetl. For t!ie i.i -eat vcarthe following Gcntlonicn have J been elected OI'FICHRS : Like Com pan v. 'jic. R Jo!taoa. P.v. w. l Hayw i, V. i'rts. l;an. " F, Jordan. Sec. W. II. Ji:w. Tica ar. r. rrin Ia-1, -e. Att uv. Ficn Com pant. J. O. Watson, .1. (J. U. lioydhae, V. Tr. 1'i'inrd S ni'Ji, Trea'r. Joi.n 11. Io van, AttViV. Dr. V II. - IcKre, M. Ix II IIFRSAX, (,':. cral agent or Lotlc CompmiLs. DIEECT THOU ENGLAXR TMTST revrWe 1 by .tcaiaer P.ieiue fr ra Livcr "ift pool, nn Invoice of rich Lace Goods, t'.irect from the Manufactcry in Notin-ham, England, c-!i-istiu of Fii'd Lace He I and "Window Curtains. Fijr'd. Lace Shawls, Anti Maccassars. Valances an l Drcs.se i, The above articles are new or-ir.id and f:.r sale. The i uV.ic are respectfully invited to call and see them. I ALEXANDER MILLLiC. ! "XT EVER KNOWN TO FAIL DR. OSGOOD S INDIAN CilOLAGOGUE For Fever ar. 1 A "lie. In!cnu:ten: and Rer tle;.l I'ev-r, aul the T'lrt'jus fenui if I-il'- us disease- A supply just received and fcr sib-by JAS. W. CAICIER, Druggist. NEW GOODS, iA wvi r-. i i nrf :o T f V I nil U l A r u a ncrs tl.nt he hirt Colnr-, Ac. lc, all of vLiehwi Svid at very moofute prices. Person fin-ni?L:iv their own Goods can have tVm nuide up in the nu-t fiduonable stylo, of Su perior workmanship and with rrompt despatch. Newborn Oct.Sth 1SG2. W t S W DecUt. r.. r-c-n:-.- i l.'ITT.T.V ir;. ims his CU;toi . :i "-r..,. N'fltr Vnrk a vcrv ele-i him as full sitis . . i J . .rt-, nt of Goods. c.-usi?f:g or of business h 'V,... .i r tr.-ek and ' de-enl on his tin and Velvet Vcrtiu-s-Crawts Pucket ,ak j fj del!;!i, (;i.,v.- snow.n,!,M Sho.-.l 'fUrw?. W oolh u hlarts Craven Sueet, I be CHiBRY PECTORAL For the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CH0UP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. This remedy 15 offered to the community with the ccufilonce we feel in an article which seldom tails to re ilize the happiest eiTects that can be de eircd. So wide is the field of its uscfullness and s j numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons, public ly hnTvrn. who hive been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the Jungs, by its use. When once tried, its superiority ever every o?avr rjedieiae of i's kind, is too apparent to escape ofcervati.;n. an .1 where its virtues are known, the puhhc no longer liesitatc what antidote to employ for the distresincr and danrcrous affections of the pulmonary organs, which are incident to our cli mate. And not only in the formidable attacks up on the lungs, but for the milder varieties of Colds, t'ouhs, Hoarsened, e , aud for Children it is the plcasantcst and safest medicine, that can be obtain ed. ITo familv photilcl be without it; and those who have used it, N never will. Head the opinion of the following Gentlemen who will be recognized in the various sections of country where they are located each and all as merchants of the lir.-u ch.ss ond of the highest cha racter as the ol.Iest and most extensive Wholesale Dea'crs i:i Medicine with an experience unlimited on the subject of which thry speak. If there is anv value in thejudgraent of experience, see THiiJ CERTIFICATE. Vie the undersigned, Wholesale Druggists, hav mg been long acquainted with Ayers Cherry Pectoral.-hereby certify our belief that it is the uet and most effectual remedy for Pulmonary Complaints ever offered to the American People. And we would, fi oai our know ledge of its compo Mtir.n, and exteuttve usefulness, cordially com" men 1 it t j the a-Hioted as worthy theii best, confis di'uce, and w ith the firm conviction that it will do for th'-ir reli?fall that medicine can do. llc-usli iw,i-:dniands & Co. L5osfon,iMass. Ueese (J 'uls n, iialtimore, Maryland. L idd i 1 !:.rrahair.. I' ):rrov, M line. I lavil ti. 1. Ilurrall . C'j, Charleston, S. C, J.tc ' S..Farrand, Denoit, Michigan T. II. McAllister, Louisville, Kentucky. Fraricis & Walton, Si. Louis, Missouri. Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabama. Theodore A. Peck, Burlington, Vermont. Ilaviiand, Itisley & Cc. Augusta, Georgia. Isaac D James Trenton, New Jersey J J M Townsend, Pittsburg, Penn Clark Co. Chicago, Illinois. i: i: Gay, Durlingtou, Iowa M A S'antos & .Son, Norfolk, Virginia lMwar 1 Itrir.iha.st Wilmington, DelewareJ Jcl.n Gilbert Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Z 1) v W !1 Gilmau Washington, D C. J Wricht f:Co New Orleans, La Wats.'-n. Wall C: Co.. Fort Wnyne, Indiana C C itichaiva i Ge.,oan Francisco, Cal. I.-i a:- Sj Ai.!-:,TaIIah:ir-se, Florida I) II .ung Kae.ivville, Tennessee Chilton c: iuar, Little Ri.ck. Ark.'J tille:-, Iad2 Co., L exiugtuii, Miss. N D Labadic, Galveston, Texas Ghr-.s Dyer Jr., Providence, R I ao:3 M. Turner, S'.ivannah, G i 'a.le Eckstein ec Co., Cincinnati, Ohio IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. J G Coffin & Co, Valparaiso, Chili F M Dimond & Co . Vera Cruz, Mexico Fred Rivas & Co.,llogota,New Grenada S Provost & Co., Lima Peru Morton &. Co, Halif x,Nova Scotia T Walter & Son, St John?, New Brunswick C G Salinas & Co.,Rio Janeiro, Rrazil With such assurances, and from such men, no stronger proof can be adduced, except that fonnd in its dice's upon trial. I. DISOSWAY, Agent R S. DUFFY HAS just returned from the North with a fresh supply of Ti P X? Paint, Oils, Colour, Window Glass, Pvity, Dye-stuffs, Perfumery, dec. ALSO, A choice selection of WINES and LIQ.UORS of superior o-aalitv : together wi'h a variety of other artioles hi connexion with his line of business. One door East of the Washington Hotel, New bern. N. C Tule lsf, IS.'il 25 6ip CLQfiffS AN D WATCHES REPAIRED. TIio Subscriber has returned from the North with a trood assortment of Material for the purpose of repairing CLOCKS and WATCHES, which busi ness he has again resumed .and he is convinced that he cm give those who employ faction as any worsmaa in his line as done for many years; they may also Dunctu.ihtv, neatness and dispatch. repair Jewelry, Guns and Locks of cr.. He can ne louna at nis anop ca nearlv opposite Mr. JohnBrissing- ton's 5tore vt il.-L.ia-u houaul. Newbern, S'ept. 1st, 1S52. 34 w 1 j SWAIMS r-AXACEA-Jost received ani lor I . , y j J JAS. W. CARMER, Druggist. I D XT cXJJLfoTJl UDOLPIIO WOLF'S - j AROMATIC. SCHIEDAM SCHNAPrS.j A PVJItE and genuine article, manufactured by XJ him in - Schiedam, Holland, expressly forme-. .dical use, and strongly recommended for a sure and permanent cure of the- Gravel, and all obstructions of the Urinary Organs, arising from the Kindeys or Rlad- aer. ror saie Dy ; JU DISOSWAY, ". Sole Agent, Newborn, January 5th, 1852. '; i SOMETHING W. 1 ' ssaC:: HAS just received a numbar of FJSIvS PA TENT METALLIC, BURIAL CASES, which he offers to the .public for about the same price cs fine Mahogany Coffins. Several gentle men have called to see them and pronounce them far superior to Wood Coffins of any kind. .Read, the following which is considered a sufScientrecbai-mendation.- '; " . . ' Washington, "April 5th. Messrs. Fisk -asd" Raymond,"' . . Gentlemen :W e witnessed the, utility of "your oriiamenLal Patent Metallic - Burial i Cusej' used to convey the remains of the Hon. John C. Calhoun to the Congressional Cemetry,. which impressed us with the belief that it is the best article known to us for transportating the dead to their finafresticg place. .With respect we subscribe ourselves, , Yours, &c, II. Clay, D. R. Atchinson, Jeff. Davts, Lewis Cass, A. C. Greene, W. R. KiaG, D S. Dickinson, Dan. WebsTer. Henry. Dodo; J. W. Mason J. JM- Bereien, W. P. Manguvi A LL. persons indebted to the Subscriber, ar requested to make immediate payment. JOSEPH W : JONES. NOTICE. rpHE Subscriber respectfully calls the attention .L of the Farmers of Craven, and counties adja cent, to the fact, that it is near the time to order, Ruta Baga and other Turnip Seeds, for the season supply, and requests all that are in want of Tur nip seed; to call and leave their orders, as it is de si ruble to learn- something about the quantity that will be required. The seeds I will warraut to be of the best quality, and if they do not give satis faction to the purchasers, the money will be refund ed. Please send or leave yourorders soon JAS. W. CARMER. June Sth, 1850. sw 1 tf M. F. HARRISON has just returned from the North, and is now opening at his Old Stand in thefne Proof Building on Pollock Street, a -Large Sple-nded and well Selected Assortment cf Fancy Dry Goods &c, &c., to which he would resectfully invite tno attention ol nis numerous mends botu m Town and Country, aud the trade generally to an examuia tio! i oi his block before makmg their selections else here. Consisting of . ' : Cloths, middling, Coarse and Superfine, Excellent Irish Linen, ' Jeans and Satinets, and Cashmerets, Thread of Superior Spinning. " Gentleman's Cravats, all kinds of Hats, Gloves, Ribbons, Gauze and Laces, Carpetings, (Straw and Ingrains,) Barege di , . -. L,aines, - , . Shawls, Capes, and Silver Card Cases. . Collars and' Cuffs, all cheap enough. Boots, Shoes and Gentlenisifs Gaiters, Shirts, Chemezetts and V elverets, And a splendid assortment of Waiters. Cheap Calicoes; and CottcnUose, r " To which we iuvite attention - - . Go'd finger Rings, and many things, Ton tedious here to mention. April 20 .1852. THE Subscriber announces to his numerous friends and acquaintances in Town and Coun try, that he has repurchased his Old Stand.Vhe Washington Hotel in Newbern, and that he is now prepared to receive and accommodiite boarders by the day, week or month, or travellers and trans sient visiters, on terms and in a manner, that'he trusts will be satisfactory to all such as favour him with a call. . He expects to make extensive and convenient im provements on the premises, which when completed will enable him to offer accommodations to travel lers and others that will not be surpassed by those of any Hotel in this part of the State. Call and, see. '" HENRY G. C UTLER. UNION POINT FACTORY BL 1 N D S . MANUFACTURER OF Rolling Pivot Window Blinds. Plain and Fancy Window as!i. Panel Doors, AND Shutters. N. B. Orders for 1 own, Country, or Shipping promptly attended to, on the iMst reasonably teras ALONZO J, WILLIS. NewBerne, 18th Feb. 1S50 u 'It! Is mil m GPvAkD -MASTER'S '--OFFICE OF- THE GRAND LODGE OF NORTH CARO- :si v ' 1 1 LIN A. ,ud x ..-' ' -. , r Xkwbern-, April. 19, 1822. P "7 yo the Masonic Fraternity jii Worth Carolina . A f t h lt '4.a. XTct Wnr. At the last communication -of the Most Wor shipful Grand. Lodge, it was Resolved, that each Ma son in the Stat?, both " resident "and actrv'ej bemd be is hereby most earnestly requested; by the Grand'Lotlge of North Carolina,- to transmit as soon as possible to Srother. A. T. 'Jerkins, of ,'Newbern, W. D. IIutciiixgs, of Raleigh "Wiiuam Swaim, of Greens boro',or E Mvers, of Salisbury ;.as may be mot con venient, the sum of $5 more or lesst for the speedy, erection of St. John's ' College, ' the receipt wiicrtot will be weekly' announced in the papers published in the aforementioned places. . , . ! ; " Brethren, witli confidence of success, I appeal to your Iiberalit- in behalf of this' enterprise, the impor tance of which has-been fully ; established by the Grand Lodge, and the general concurrence of . I h Brethren throughout, the State While., enough has already been done to "encourage the hope of success, and evince its entire practicability, much yet remains to be done to render this succcss certain, aud even to prosecute 'unremittingly the measures already ct m menced. And yet it is confidently beleved that tl.e aid Vhich you are able to render vrill le amply suf ficient to ac complish all this, and that speedily, 'Up on yom- action then as Masons depends the - success oi an enterprise which promises the richest benefits to the cause of Masonry and of humanity in generaL Some of our Lodges have contributed promptly and noTly to this work, and we only ask your careful con sideration of the subject, convinced as we are that uo .thing more; is needed- tx secure your cordial co-operation in a favourable and early response to this appeal Remember that in this as in every other social move ment, harmony is its strength aud support. . . I am Fraternally and"'Respectfully, yours, A. T. JERKINS, .. Grand Master Editors of Newspapers .and Periodicals friendly to the cause will please copy the above. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 7 Vn i Craven County. l ult' Louisa L. Lamotte and others. ) Bill for Partition I-.?; "'' of Lands by Sale Jane Lamotte. ) Sac. ' i- T being made satisfactorily to appear that the 4 delendant Jane Lamotte is not an inhabitant cf the State. It is ordered that publication be made in the Newbernian a Newspaper published in the Town ol Newbern for the space of six weeks, noti fying the said defendant, Jane Lamotte, personally to be and appear at the Court of Equity, to be held for the County of Craven, at the Court House in Newbern, on the fourth Monday after the fourth Monday of September next, then and there to plead answer or. demur, to the- bill of complaint o Louisa L. Lamotte an 1 others, therein filed against her, or the said bill will be taken pro conesso and heard accordingly. S Witness, p. G. BRYAN, Clerk, and Master in Equity'.for the County of Craven, at Newbern this Gth day of August, A. D. 18.V2. ' 1 ";." ' , WJl . G . B RYAN ; C . M. E. W3n 6w flHE SUBSCRIBER would.respectfully inform si the inhabitants of ' Newbern :and The sur rounding country, that. he will open School in tho building ( n Pollok street two doors above the New bernian ' Office, en the first Monday in October next: wherea complete and thorough education may be obtained, and where the popular system of teach ing by the Quarter shall be adhered to, and where he-would be pleased to receive the patronage of the people. j r J,i To excite a laudable spirit , of emulation among the pupils,. certificates of scholastic merit -will be awarded to the most deserving. A suitable,, library will ha appropriated for the benefit of the pupils. ' ' ' Strict attention paid to moral, and physical, as well as'mental culture, and from his practical experi ence in the art' of teaching, he flatters himself that he can give satisfaction to all. ' Deductions always made in cases of protracted sickness. i The terms, which are very moderate, and all other particulars, made known on application to the. subscriber. . - HENRY McLIN. Newbern, Sept. 7th, 1852. W. & S-W. to Oct 5. WONDERFUL CHARACTERS. HISTORY of the Popes, Pictorial view of all .Religions &c, fcc. Just received and for sale at the Newbern Book Store by . , WM. 21. MAYHEW. May. 24th,. 1802. Newbern Female Seminary. 61 PUPJLS ADMITTED DURING TH I LAST SESSION. rpHE Third Session'has ju.-t closed, and the next L will open on the 1st of October, 1852, at which time increased . facilities for instruction will be en joyed, particularly in the possession of suitable Apparatus, ana xue ueuvery oi a course or Lectures to illustrate the Natural (Sciences. " For furthbr particulars apply to ' ! J. M C. BREAKEE, . ! Principtt Newbern, N. C. July, 3f st,; 1852. 29 tt EDUCATIONAL NOTICeT" TE sub&riber iiaving taken the rooms in tho fcMasonic Lodge," formerly occupied by .Mr. George Lane, will resume tlie duties of his school on the first day of October next. . JOHN A. HODGE. v. Newbern,' Sept. 22d; 1852: 37 ' V tf SHIPLEV. HOWARD, & CO, WHOLESALE SOS 7? l&a&Mtte&i. SECOND D00R WEST OP LIBERTYj I2illLaili21l3l3a Constantly on hand a large assortment, suit td to the Southern and Western Markets; - Als SERVANTS' WEAR, of all kinds. : . . Sept 16th 1851. 42 Ij

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