WILLIAM IL MAYHEW. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. VOL, L NO. 46 J TIIK Scnif-liitcniL' XcuiDcrntnu 13 rUSUSHED EfESY TUESDAY AXD FBI DAT, AT 4 00 por Annum, in advanco ASD PJiOPJUKlVn. osc. oaths south "frk H1 five doors above Middle btrevt. lUfrs nf atortising. So CO y so ..r-, trill bo in 1? bv the t ea& cr for a h.rt i tUj, nt'i.m f the aJ. rti r. aiil for tlie . rtj- i.f Iltsi.t Cacu. on Utuxs the iue.t Jul . . til th NlWWXMAM OmcK i i k th uumW of incrtuo4nvukI on tht-rn, '7l-th. wr de,iguAicd, whether W,Hy or lUvirv- of Typo a con bo f, I in Ihe Sutr. ifuotthcl.-t, ore prepare 10 "irJ.'fbr rial will revive prompt attention, and ti-r vk war dfl a ordered. LIMIi! LIMli!! ...... n rtmii a otr m f KtP fT.w JUl IN BLACK WELL ewlra.Arrilt!x 1551 17 FOR SALE. TTVtlE wellknowu Mill belccgins lo th estate i of UoUrt Auia deceal, U tow for sale. It iTet'Uiied oa Saulh Wt?l Crtc-; Onslow Co., N. C, ..ea milrs from Jacksonville, with two lrwi, workinstonor twufcaws, oue rice Mocliin with liioe JJorta Clcuuin bushels per Jar all ia a coalition miJ M7 Prt in ihoroagh repair, with thebvit liLtwood Tirubcr, Grbis and siw f.xtJ va a new pUn, dan -10 yards long and never Luawn to treak, with all necosarj out houses. a tract of bni well Timbered cousiaun? of C O or Y0O Acre, will be sold with the Mills. A rea It market for all the Timber, Flour, Corn. Jleil c The location ie desirable, being healthy, with'txl tcr. Fersous wishing Co purchsja will call oa the tubscriber ou the premises or od dress bita at Jackavnville. DENNIS AM A N. For further particulars address A. G. Eibaxk, , rollokatille, Jones Co., Dr. Cmaelss Dvrrr, lUchlin I. Un?low Co. C7-Terrus male easy June J, Ib-Vi. w 23 tf I")AI.V KILLER rerry Davis, Dr. U- and Mr. Uruva'i iVm luilcr, u .upply nceiv .df,Tealeby . D IS OS WAY. DR. DUFFY'S TONIC MIXTURE AXTI-J2IZIOU& PILLS, For tho Cure of AGUK AND FKYKR, Fvra!o wholcaala and retail by F. S. DUFFY, AcickTM, A. C COMMISSION MEUClIxVNl W. G. R tk. J. U. CiiLoac, late of Copeland Gilmora & Co rnB.ucE-. Ie?trs. Francis Skianer &to. New York. Lord, Warrtn, baiter JL Co. M ; tlw.ll. Gray it Co. Uoston, Howard. Son & Co. Parker Wilder & Co, ' Francis Skiuner ic Co "i Edward D. Kimball Ei. Salem Mtss. O. G. Tarslcy, Preitlent of Com- tnerciAl Ilank. Wilmington, N. C. E. Killer, J. II- Fl.mner. w (loh a Ivanced oa consignments of Naval Store Jucc th. 1S.V2. 1 6m, JUST RECEIVED. ArULL supi ly of School BoVs, embracing par ticularly the books recccimen led by the su perintcn l?nis of Ccnraoa Schools in Craven Coun ty, Common School speaker. Little Speaker.LoveU s iciool Diabgues Fof rale nt the Newbe'm IVok LAND FOR SALU. CHE salscriber offers for sale the plantation whereca hs now lirei, situated on Trent Kiver, b tailes froti NewLern and oa the Main Head, containing 1,000 acres with a good dwelling H. 01 cr nccey out housea Any person wXms to pureha.e will do well to call soon and eiazuae for thcmsolTCs. LEMUEL IITJDLER. Kth.lSSl. i tt GLOVES, 3ELTTS etc. T ADIES, Colored KtdGlores, Bajon's make, afrjnor article. MTer before brought totbis niartt, Ladies and Gtnf. Black and White Kid r-CS,Milt3' Geata Black and hi;cailk .Glovc i. a larpa artment. t r salebyj. m. p. HARRI50N. NEWBEBM INK ! INK ! ! INK ! ! ! JUST received and for sale in email stands for ink atamis, and in bottles from 2 ounces up to quart bottle, HARRISON'S CELEBRATED Black, Green Black, Blue, Red and Carmine Thi Ink, is of a superior quality, runs freely, and haj a fine, tflo-y and tK.-rra:u;ent colour. ALh, a e uin-rior kinl of INDELIBLE INK, in a prepared and uu-s pared state WM. II. MAY'UEW. NcwVxm, April Ctb, 1852 tf $50 REWARD. RANAWAY from tho subscriber, on Bachelor's Creek, in Craven County, on Tueviny the 7th September, a negro man by the name of JOE, (call ed JOE BECTON.) Sail negro is ab.ut 3b years old, lirge and stout built, and of dark com plexion. He has lost one of his thumbs, from w hich hand not recollected- Joe has a wife at Mr. Wil liam K. Laue's in Wayne County, and i.s proba bly lurking in that neigbourhood. I vrill give the above reward to any person or persons who will confine said negro in any jail, si get him. All persons are forbidden to harbour or employ said negro, and Captains of Yessels and others are also forbidden to curry him away, uuder the penalty of the law. M. C BXJEY. CraTei Connty, cpt. lGtli, lSW.- 3S tf. C7" Republican and Patriot, Gobcro,' please insert until forbid and send the bill to this office. DENTISTRY DIl. WHEELER FROM N E W YORK, WOULD respectfully inform tho citizens of Newbern, that he intends making this place his permanent residence (if he meets vith gullicu-nt encouragement) and offers his professional cervices to those who require operations no their t i: i: t n Ten years experience in the practice of Dentistry added to a thorough Mclicnl education, warrants Dr. W. in Baying ell operations entrusted to Lis care will be performed in such a manner as to give satisfaction to liif I'utrun.-i. TEETH EXTRACTED. CLE ANE D I'LUGGE 1). ARTIFICIAL TEETH ISSERTED ON PLATK or PIVOTS. from one to an entire set. Full or partial sets inserted on "ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE." Plates, without clasps or springs, so as to answer all the purposes of mastication and articulation and give no inconvenience to the wearer. Particular attention paid to the regulation children's teeth. Dr. Wheeler is at present staying at Mr. J Chir lotte's "Newbern Hotel" where he will be h;ippy to see all who arc in need of bis service s. N. B. Operations performed at tho residence of the patient, when it is desired. Messages left with Mr- Charlotte for Limto visit person at their dwelling?, will receive prompt attention. Newbcru, Dec. 10, ibSO 4S tf. CLOCKS AMD WITCHES ItEPAIRED. Tho Subscriber has returned JVoiii tho INiorth with a o;ood assortment of Material for tho purpose of repairing CLOCKS and WATCHES, which busi ness he has again rcsumed.and hois convinced thit be can give thoso who employ him s full satisfaction as any workman in his line of business has done for muuy years; they may also depend on his punctuality, neatness and dispatch. He will also repair Jewelry, Guns and Locks of evcrv tlescrir ticu. He can be found at his Shop cn Craven Street, nearly opposite Mr. John Bnssir.g tons5tore WILLIAM T1SDALE. Newbern, Sept. 1st, ISG2. 34 w 1 y OITGAKS- A small invoico of very superior H Seejrs iust at hand and for sale by h J AS. W. CA11MEE, Druggist- November 5th, 1S.V2. STExVJISHIP LINE BETWEEN JVcio York, Norfolk, Petersburg and Jiichmona. mwn cTn.i;l new Steamships, built expressly 1 for thi route, are now running. Steamship CITY OF RICHMOND, Z. Mitchell, Commander, n.l stPimshin CITY OF NORFOLK, James Pot, Commanndcr ; one of which leaves New 1 ork every Thursday from Pier 8. East River, : at 4 A. M returning, leave Richmond and City Point on Friday, and Norfolk ou Saturday of every week. These vessels are thorough Sea Steamers, very fast and have splendid accommodations for passengers. Cabin Passage and found between New ork and Norfolk, , Cabin Passage and found between New l ori, City Toint and Richmond, Caliu Passage and found between New i ork, and City Point, , c Cabin Tessage and found between New l ork, and Norfolk, . . . . t Freight from New Y'ork to Ricnmond 6 cents per foot. Freight from New York to Petersburg and Nor folk 7 cents per foot. . This is as expeditious, the cheapest and most pleasant route passengers can take going to rew Insurance by tbeso vessels is mucb lower, than by sailing vessels. JOS1AH WILLS, Norfolk. THOMAS BRANCH, Petersburg, ALFREDS. LEE, Richmond, MAULER & LORD, 1 08 Wall St. New York. Naw York, April 2Sth, 1652. 1M S4r00 in Advance , H0V1HB1E 19, 85: F. S. DUFFY HAS just returned from the North with a fresh supply of lilt I -TW. 1 Paints, Oils, Colours, Window Glass, Putty, Dycstvff-s, Perfumery, dx: AT.SO, A choice selection of WINES and LIQUORS of supeiior qualify ; together with a variety of other articles in counexiou nith his line of business. One door East of tho Wahiutoa Hotel, New bern, N. C. luly lsMS52. 2"' w NORTH CAROLINA 5ILTi:AL WSCRA.CE C03IPAX1ES. LIFE ASSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE rpiIE Life Company has issued uoaily 140G Poli fi cie.-; and paid lat ye:ir SO per cent profiU upon the proitiiums paid in. All life members p-uticipate in the profits. Slaves are insured at brar rates of premium. The Fire Company has issued 40u0 Policies; and has a Capital of nearly SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS 1 in bonds properly secured. For the present year the following Gentlemen have been elected OFFICERS : Liff. Company. Fiue CoMr.vxr. Di.C. 11 JoiuLMAi, Pre?. I J. O. "Watson, Pres. W. D. I lav wo. h! V. l'res. J, . 1. Roulluic, V. Pr. Tame V, Jordan, Sec. Richard Smith, TreaV. W. II. Jti it -3, Treasurer. IVriiu r.uslee, Att'nv. Dr. W 11. McKte, 21. Ex. Juhn II. Bryan, Att'ny. II IIERSMAN, General i gent for loth Companies. u DIRECT FROM ENGLAND. JJUST rereivel by Steamer Pad 'j' pool, an luvoicj ot rie'i Laco from the Manufactory iu Notiu- cifio fnm Livcr- Gooih. tlirtct Notiuirhani, iu.ilaad. consisting of Fig'd Lace Bed and Window Curtain?. Fig'd. Lae.c Shawls, Auti Maccasjars. Valances and Dresses. The above articles arc now opened and for sale. The public are respectfully iuvited to call and soe them. ALEXANDER MILLER. BRifiM S UILDl.fi Ci OITOSITE II. G. CUTLER'S HOTEL, Proud Street, Newlem, N. O. SPRING STOCK. 1- HAVE now in Store aud offer for sale on libe: ra. terms to suit purchasers, the following articles- PRINTS. 2Rrriinack', Bunnell's, PLillip Allen & Sons, Tur key Red and Furniture ; also, Mourning Prints. DRESS GOODS. Gacoiucrliixmsjuet, Swiss an 1 Bao'c Masli U3. COTTON GOODS. Drown and Bleached DrilK various brands, AVal tham, Shaumut, Bedford, Empire Stale, Portsmoutli, Vir-'inia and Carolina Shirtiu and Sheetings, Oz- nabur,ps, very rieavy ana iiieuiuui, jj.ut--ui" mm Denims, Manchester Chambray. Cambrics Silici:is, Paper Cambric?, Bruces, Claries aad Coat's Spool Thread, Black, White aad Coloured Skein Thread, Tickings of all desirable brands, Marllx.ro' and Louisi ana Stripes, Hamilton Canton 1-lannei, ornpe ana 1'laid Cheeks, French Butts, Wadding, Candle Wick Musqui to Netting, Laccs.and lnmmmgs, WOOLLENS. Cassimers, Satinets, Sheep's Gray and Tweeds, Flannels, white and red, super Welch, & Red Padding Tilet Clotb, Drap d'Ete, Alpaca, eilk warp, Mohair lustre. LINENS. A large assortment of super and extra Irish Linens, Brown and Bleached Hollands, Linen Coat Check' Table Clotlw and Marshall's Linen Thread. GROCERIES. Sugars, Coftee, Teas, Molasses, Flour, MeaL Tork, Rice,Starch, Spices, Raisins, fealeratus, Nutmegs. Candles, Castile, white scented and yellow bar Soaps, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE Always on hand a snleadid assortment of White Grauito and Common Ware, which will be sold cheap, Solar, Side and other Lamps, Glass Chimneys and Globes, Glass Preserve Dishes, Looking Glass, Lc HARDWARE. Moves. PATENT MEDICINES. rerrv Davis Pain Killer, Cod Liver Oil, Sand's and Townseud's Sarsaparilla. MIS CELL A NEOUS ARTICLES. W. II. fc J. Robcits' super Moleskin nats, vera cheap, Panama and Straw Hats, Mraw fc legbory Bonnets, r lowers, o prigs, vt reauis, " Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Buttons, comos, sewmg, uiiru ann knitting- Needles, Satchels, Travelling Bas, Web and Gum Suspenders, Boots and Shoes, Ready Made Clothing, and a great variety of articles not enu merated la this list. Newbern, May 10tb, 1852, JU JLTj Jul VJt Consisting in part of House Trimmings, Carpenter's Tools, Hand iind Sash Saws, Shovels, Spades, l ire TV ITV f? ! (f) YJ r....,, nn,l P. k. t Ku ves. German hdver aud L ', v If a Ltd ZrA Ili Lf2 Li J-l Brittauia Spoon., Soldiery Jtaruwaie, 'ougiJL aau XTOULD respectfully inform his customc Pnt X:iis. Ground Wagon Loxes, i'lougns, .-sweue ( , lillblIo jronerallv. that he has h: .uid English Iron, German and Cait fcteel, Couk I C(l f Northern Cities, and is now Hk "frrt i i fPIl 11111 if irtll DUDLEY'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC OIL. Ji certain G7id speedy Cure for Chrome heumatism Spasms of the Muscles Ligament and Bath, and Sprains, Bruises and Contusions. 1 $ M1E history of this invaluable medicine is rc- markable. It has risen into notice, and esta-f lished a high and just reputation in the region o country where it has been tried, atone from the sur prising and numerous cure3 it has effected. The Proprietor, Dr. Samuel Dudley, Hospital Surgeon, on the Island of Portsmouth, North Carolina, has used it with unfailing success, both in the Hospital and in bis private practice about twenty years. During that period it has been attracting public at tention, and gradually rising into general and high reputation in all that region of country, solely, by the surprising certainty of the cures it has uniform ly effected. Until very recently, it has never been advertised, nor have any pains been taken to extend its celebrity, its high reputation therefore is per manent, because it i3 based upon surprising and unfading experiments alone. The Proprietor en couraged by its eminent success in cases of Chronic Rheumatism, and by the advice of his friends, and he will add actuated by a desire to extend as far as possible the benefits of its dealing properties, is now .taking measures to make its wonderful properties more generally known AH he asks is a fair trial It is bow offered to theafflicted in the Eastern por tion of North Corolina. The proprietor is per fectly willing to put the result of its success or fail ure upon its success or failure in curing or failure to cure auy case of Chronic Rheumatism, or other affection for which it is recommended. Certificates from highly respectable sourees like the following, can bs multiplied to almost any ex tent. A few arc appended. The following has been politely furnished by that highly esteemed citizen, Col. Joshua Tayloe of Beaufort county, N. C. well known as a valuable Member of our State Senate, and at present Collec tor of tho Port of Ocracoke North Carolina : :At tho request of Pr. Samuel Dudley of Ports mouth jSNorth Caroling ' state that some years ago one of my sons had a severe aad protracted attack of Rheumatism, and by using his " Anti-Rheumatic OIF he was relieved It gives me great pleasure also to say, that besides this case, I have heard cf others which convince me that thi3 oil is very valuable in caees of Rheuma tism. JOSHUA TAYLOE. Washington. N. C, June '28. 184S. The High Sheriff of the County of Carteret has placed the following at tho propriators disposal; This may certify, that I have been for many years afilicted with Rheumatism, and recently had an attack in the neck, and by the application of "Dud ley's Anti-Rheumatic Oil," only three times, was in a few hours perfectly relieved. GEORGE DILL. Beaufort, N. C. Sept, 1848, The following letter is from a respectaale Drug gist, I, Disosway, of Newbern, North Carolina. Dr. S. Dudley, Dear Sir, I have sold out almost all of the Anti-Rheumatic Oil sent me, and as I do not wis! to get out of it, 1 should be glad if you would sen' me another supply. I can sneak in the most deci ded terms in reference to the merits of the Oil 1 have never known it to fail. It has been used bv one ot my clerlis with the best results. 1 know of a person who has been unable to move a foot without assistance who was cured in less than three days, and with using one bottle only. I can recommend it with confidence, and shall lfse no opportunity of so doing. Yours, &c. 1. DISOSWAY. Newborn N. C. August 23rd, 1849, i PER BOTTLE. FOR SALE AT The Bookstore of Wm. H. Mayhew, General agen for the Eastern portion of North Carolina; and by the following agents ; 1. Disosway. Newbern; James . WCarmer, Jsewbern Roscoe Larrus, l'olloks ville ; Benj. Askew, Trenton ; Robert Aman, Ons low ; R, King, Kinston ; J. Rose, Snow Hill ; Harper and McGowan, Hookerton. TO TIMBER GETTERS. WANTED to nurchase 200,000 or more feet of Ton Timber of the best quality, for which the highest cash prices will be paid. TAYLOR & HOOPER. June 15, 1S52, 23 w tf WATCHES JEWELRY &c. fi OLD Hunting Levers, Ladies double cased JT" GoldWatches. Detached Levers, Silver Hunt ing Lever3, Silver detached Levers, and L.apine s. Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger RiDgs, Gold Cros ses, Pencil Cases, a superior article, Laclie's Pencil and Pencil cases, Watch Seals and Buckles,. Gold Fob. Breart .ind Guard Chains. The assortment is complete, and the attention of purchasers to an ex amination of the Stock is solicited before purchasing, as they will be sold very cheap by J. M. F, HARRISON. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. ir3 arm ;st return receiving and opening at his Score, (Fire Proof Building,) Polluk Street, one of the largest and most attractive importations of the latest and most fashionable Styles cf Fancy, Staple, Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS Ever offered in this market for inspection. He also keeps constantly on hand a complete assortment of the las. tin All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Purchasers are invited to call and examine the Stock before purchasing elsewhere. NeTrbern. OcioW, 3th, 1852 ,m ss L tsm latest styles oi wars, aps, owus, ouoes, uraorei- Parasols, Jewelry, fine Pocket Cutlery, Carpe- Rugs Trunks. Vahce3, Carpet Bags, &c. &c. 7. J. WI- LIAMS, PRINTER. WHOLE 10, 46. WELLS AND MILLER, Pn gineers ancTMaclL in ists. MANUFACTURE Steam Engines both oi High and Low Pressure. Also, Circular nn I Upwright Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Cotton and To bacco Screws and Presses. They also make all de scriptions of Iron Custings and Wrought Iron Work adapted for every sort of Mechanical purpose, ha ving probably the largect Stock cf Patterns in tho Country for Mill Work in all its varieties; and are ready at all times to furnish Machinery upon the most accomodating terms at the shortest notice All orders for every section of the Country arcexe cutedh and forwarded wit despatch. DM1B B, MELlT COPPERSMITH, BALTIMOEE, T OULD inform the public of ;North Carolina V that he still continues to manufacture TURPENTINE STILLS, such as he can recom mend, and such as have been highly approved of by the Distillers throughout all the Turpentine Dis tricts, for which he has numerous flattering certifi cates, both from North Carolina and Florida. He slso keeps, Force Pumps, Lead Pipe, Brove Wire for Rosin Strainers, Dippers Glue Kettles, ond every article used in Distilling Turpentine. Ordehs promptly aispatched and the workman ship guaranteed. March 9th, 1852. 10 tf. Newbern Female Seminary. Newbern, N. C. REV. J. M. C. BREAKER, . Principal. SlpdlE Sessions, of five months each, commence on i the first of March and October. Expenses per Session. Primary English Branches, $10,09 Higher English Branches, Kith Focal Music, 12,00 The above, with Ancient Languages, 15,00 French, . in;50 Music on Piano, 23,00 Drawing and Painting, each, in classes.) 8,00 Boarding t including lights, fuel and washing, 50.U0 REFERENCES. Hon, Wm. H. Wasaington. A T Jerkins, Esq. W W Clark Esq. E R Stanly, Esa. Dr Walter Duffy. Elijah Clark, Esq. Dr John G. Tull, Alexander Miller, Eeq- Dr D W Dudley, Alex. MitchclhEsq. M. A Outten, Esq Dr Sumuel Master 8 40 REWARD. RANAWAY from Col. John M. Bryan of Cra ven County, in February. 1850. two neor men, brothers, by the names of Rierdon and Lewis Iiigdon is about 27 years of age. of yellowish com plexion, and ia about six feet ono or two inches high. Lewis is of dark complexion.25 years of no-n and about five feet ten inches high. These boys had wives at the late Governor Spaight's planta tion, on Bi-ice's Creek, near Newbern. 1 he subscriber will give tho above reward for the delivery of both to him in Newbern, or for their confinement, so that he gets them, or $20 for the delivery or confinement of either of them so he ;etsthem HENRY G. CUTLER. .Newbern June 2lsb, IS52, 23 tf TO INVALIDS AND THE SICK. The celebrated Comstoch Medicines. let. The GREAT PAIN EXTRACTOR (Cox, ll's and Dally's) curing all Burns and all Ex- NELL rnal Pains and Sores. 2d. BALM OF COLUMBIA- for etavin" or itestormg tne numan Hair. 3d HEWE'S NERVE and BONE LINIMENT and INDIAN VEGETABLE ELIXIR, a cure for all cases of Rheumatism. 4th. McN AIR'S ACOUSTIC OIL. a certain cure for Deafness. 5th. HAY'S LINIMENT, a known cure for the Piles Cth, MOTHER'S RELIEF, for all women in the family way. 7th. LONGLEy'S GREAT WESTERN IN DIAN PANACEA,for Cold & feverish feelings & preventing Fevers ; for Asthma, Liver Complaint and Bilious Affections; for Diarrhoea, Indigestion, and Loss of Appetite; for Costivencss in females and males, and nervous complaints;' for Stomach Affections, Dyspepsia, Piles, Rheumatism, &cv The great points are, it is not bad to take, never glvos pain, and neyer leaves one costive. 8th. KOLMSTOCKS VERMIFUGE (Worm Killer,) for Children, or grown persons. 9th. lillUWxVS WHEAT PAIN KIL LER. No 3edicine has been discovered that is so happily adapted to use internally as drops to be taken, and yet perform such wonders when applied externally as a wash or bath, by f ricticn. In bottled from 12 1-2 to 50 cents each. 10th. LIN'S BALM OF CHINA, a Chinese Re medy for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ac. 11th EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. This article has outlived all other Sarsaparillas, and stm gives as great satisfaction as ever. All the remedies are fully described in ALMA NACS, to be given to all who call wherothc Me dicines are kept. NOTICE. All preparations heretofore bnoiru as "COM3TOCK'S"orCCMSTCCK fit CO., always belonged Si now beloDg EXCLUSIVELY to hr, Lucia S. Comslock ; and though the fcignatare of t'ouistock & Co. will be continued, this extra label with the fdc tdtnila signature of Dr. L S. C. will ia futaro designate th GENUINE. ALL OTHERS MUST BE SPURIOUS. The above medicine can be had in this placa 0nly of I. DISOSWAY. Who is the only dealer in tht genuine COM STOCK PREPARATIONS. Santr:W i3d. 1K5. n 37 84.

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