VOL. 1-NO. 30. NEW BEENEr N. C. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER ST. 1881 Mi." - ' . ' - TWO CENTS I" : j 'I i ii . JT?"VTQ i r-niir T 15 KT iT' TVT f 1 DEATH OF THE PRESIDENT. The Sympathy and Sorrow of our; . Feoplf, BOARD OF TRADE AND COUNCIL! MEETINGS General Jtfeetin? of flou Raccirat the Town Hall. Though in a; measure prepared to an ticipate the sad event which has plunged the Republic into grief, the announce DAILY ment of the death of President Garfieldfebort but was a' shock to this comnyitiiity, Tlie announcement was made on the opening of the ( telegraph office in the early morning,' an I at 11:30 tlie fol'ow . Ing bulletin, which the Western Union had posted throughout the United States! 'V 1 r ma-mannood, in he . , , . ' Blnlness ff his fame, at the 4nith of his was received at this office: Elijeuton, N. J., Sept., 20.-11:30 A. M. The President died at 10:35 p, m., after the bulletin was issuel at 5:30 yes terdayjevening. Tlie President contin lued in much; the same condition as dur ing the afternoon, the pnlce varyi:g from 100 to 100, with rather increased force of lolume. . After taking noirrisliment he fell into a quiet sleep aootlt 35 mtnntea' before his'death, and while as'eep his pulse jo-ie to 120 and was somewhat more feeble. . ' ; , ! - ' : At 10 o'clock he awoke cnmp'aimng of iuin nuuuk me , rrvtnu , ui 'S lteart. He lm(t Ttnmtitlf "ircime unconscious anl ceased to hrtath at 10:35 The New Berne. Board of Trade met at 10 o'cloi k and took appropriate ac tion adopting the following resolutions: 'Resolutions of Respect and Conoo? l.ENTE BV THE BoMtD OF TRADE, NeW BKRNE, X. :C. ' ' r V hereas, after days of alternate hop Snow, when ihev are forever" lost to the and fear, and pf a painful anxiety to the , people. Uvbn'. for. himself not only an hon wliole conniry, the deaih of the Hon bred place in the (confidence and esteem Jan.es A, Gatfit-ld Presi.lent of the of his! fellow , citizens, but aW the rare United States,! has been announced, now idistincfion of being enrolled among the therefore le it '. ifyw hut! immorfal, names which shone BesolVed, By this Board of Trade that jfairest! and brightest in his country's his Ihe death 61 the President is a gn at Jtorv. j j I ; " I !"i I f public calamity, ami the circumstancesa conntctea ttierevith, unjaralieled in the history of the Republut, is the more to he regretted and condemned by all Clares o our citizens. Reol vtd, 'J hat as President, we had all and every confidence in the capacity and patriotMn of the Hon. James A Garfield to move the nation on in peace nd prosperity, but bow wih resignation to the decree tlTat has removed him. Resolved, That ourj warmest.7ym flties are hereby extended to the bereaved lamilv, anf that a-copy of these resolu tions be forwarded to Mrs. Garfield. ' who ' thtough nil has been the returned, de voted wile. James F. Ci.ark, (. H. Blank. Henkv Marshall, Committee. PUD: I : jf EETJXG, A large number Of . , - ....... ... ...... ... . . r- i- xeme and Craven county assembled atg'eatli from his pillow by the sublimity of . the Court House last night, at the ?ug gestion of the .Mayor and Board of Corn- icon Council, to express their beanie! sorrow at the death of the Hon. James 1 A- Garfiel.l,.! President of the United States, and to adopt resolutions of respect or his memory and of ! condolence with ma he.eaved family, and of their detesta tion of the horrible and", atrocious assae ein, whose deed had steeped the Republic in mourning. Ihe meeting was cal el to order by Ron. Cliarles C. Clark, who.in most pa- '"otic, feeling and peitinetU remarks, 'taiea its- ot-ject, and concluded by offer ee motion that Thomas 8. Howard V I . . . r m - . t . . . mavoroi tlie city, preside over its i deliberations. . ' I.n feconding the motion, Hon. Geo "en alluded in a few remarks to the rohlic services and character of the dts Jgcithed dead. s yn motion of r om.m it..i. v sq.l Ie88rs..&corge A. latham,5 " Hetry "C.fcibservanCe of any. day of general m6ar'. r '' K- Ki' Bryan, John 3$. Wiilii anS y, . r. . ............ r- , ,.v. iuiimijch,i,ji ..r-vrr., ' "i'v1 "'- uwn v ci c ,a L'poi u teu etc- On j motion of John S. Long, Esq, committee on resolution?, consisting of the following named gentlemen' wap ap-; pointed; John S. Long, Robert Han- cock', Jr.. Elijah Ellis, E. It. ijeorge Allen. Kev Alex. Has., lames F.fct,. &i to v. b. A. Itt Clark, Joseph Muniford. El VHubbs and t. A.! White. During the absence of tins committee Maj. 'John Hughes was called upbtl addressed the assemblage for a few men Is, .reviewing the assassination, patient suffering, and, finally, Ihfe. of the? beloved Chief Executive of John S. Long,-Esri., chairman of committee on resolutions, submitted. fit r I A r 4t a.r.An.1 1 m t folloiwin; wiich were adopted: j RESOttTrOXS. Inasmuch as, in the inscrutible rrovl Hence of GojI, Hon. James A. Garfield, i. :' r "Kit Je .1 . f- i i' me inei iriagisiraie oi hub great ivepun personal! power and national inftuence. and in the very ripeness of his patriotic ze-1 and horef illness, has been cut ijown 'by the hand of an assaspinj thus baptiz ing the whole natiion in tears and draping a whole continent in mourning. whi!e the spirit of ! liberty is conyulsen by the spectaele of nn enlightened ruler of a free people being mnrdereil in his own capital, and under the streaming folds of the Very flag which covers and consev'.ratssj tbf poor" and oppressed of every nation! and c!ime and while jhe very I thrpnesjand senate8of despots and U nasties thrill at the' intelligence of this trasredv and the great jSYmoathic jheart of our own Eng Ili-li speaking kinsmen over the sea bowf with ua over common tomb, where lie abtiried jour dignitv, our peace? and our the extremity or our affliction and the greatness 'of our loss, do resolve. : Firit. That His Excellency, James A. Garfieli, the lat e President of Jhe United Slates bv his eminent intellectual: en downients: and thorough cult'vation- by Ehis wide political experience as a lesisla- tor aryi a Istntesman by In- exalted per- woiihI inimlifipR npver so fnllv known aa Resolvtd, 2d. Thai while we place J upon record our utter execration ofj the lunnatural! cr me which blotted him! out Ifrom among the living, and has woven Elbe cvnreH and the Willow around? the Miszhtea nopes or nis auministranorv; we lesire to utter our personal grief at', his unmelv overthrow; to bow our hf ads with eyerv other citv. village ani hainlet over 'tlie lifeless remains of what was? but vestnlay finr ruler; to pour our libation of tears oyer that grave tha; shall hold his dust; land to invoke that spirit of brotherhood, sympathy and union which sVaII hereafter and forever be as flamina cherubim's to guard the lives of our rulers. and to preserve the peace and happiness of the country I Resol ved. 3d, For that brave ani heroic womanj his devoted wife, who has stood bvi her suffering husband tlirongh eyerv jhour o his agony, whisnerhrg to him citizens of Newfghope when there was no hope, repelling her faith and'love.i iusprinir couraie in the very hearts-ot . ni r.?)Vf-cians wnen; 1 ! 11 " "HI P-they were sinking .in tlie lc3pprae strug-i gle, and pever givmg up to the very ra-st. wh t eliall we sav. exc -pt thnt the whole nation, every citizen of which y'p tie rate's her character and admires her heroistn, will keep her in the shelter of its-loyins heart forever, and as she stands bv her orphan children jdesolate and afflicted, w.iU weave for her a wreath of remera bra nee which shall keep green through all coming time. ' - Resolved, 4th. Tliat We extend to j the family of the illustrious departed our sincere sympathy and condolence, and RrenneKt the nublic tournals of this city to 5 publish these resolutions. ! i publish -'.''-John ! Johw S. Leittf, Chm'n. t Si Manix, Esq., seconded .v the resolutions in a few remarks, at the cor, elusion bl which, they were unanimously adopted. . . . ' Thomas Powers. Kso.. moved tnat a committee of eighteen be appointed whose duty it should be to make j all necessary arrangements for the prOixr jug (hat may At aKHii&il, f Tlie motion .. .uwiunn a jiput 11 i cu i iir uuuiwju" iitiiith gentlemen t "i Thomas Powers; J. li ! II. Missillier. W. 0. Randolph, Wm. Ho 1: - jwrcr, v . A- Crawford Q forge Greeif, Jr . "F. M ft Daili M. Patterson, c tt.v Ji B Yates, son; r JML, a Simmons, Oi Marks, Oeofg e. Bishop, and Win I IL Oliver. 8 On motion,, the meefinf Knjourned BB.ubject to the cal! of the cliairtnan. ! (The City Council met and adored ft resolution requesting the cittetus o'f I New Berne to meet at the Ourt thisgat G p. m. to give appropriate expret-eion ilo tlie leemigs of our people hi t tie great naiional calamity whicji haa overtaken the people Of the United States. The pastors of the various city churches tverc requested to have their btlls tolled from half past twelve to one o'clock, which was complied juit'i, and duriug the tolling of the bells, business of the city was suspended ftTKUWHinees houses closed. The bell at theniuiJand Kail- way siatiou ana ne ciiy ge tolled. The goye- ninriit were alsoj offices were! draped in mourriing as were some pri- yate residences and also Dr.- H lover's Bunting was military institute builJin '. displayed at halt niaetinthe harbor, and evbry mark of sincere respect.' and sor row were manifesfed by our t: ... V.--, .- people vt'th an entire unanimity, v . f The following dispatch was sent to the Associated Pressj News of the President's ; death wa8 received here with an universal expres- s ion ofsympaihy. Tine bel s of the city and churches toiled from to 1 o'clock A general meeting of the citizens a the Town Hall to-nlgKC TnE Fire Last NjGUTvj-The alarm of fire at 7.15 announced the burning of a row of houses on Short street belong ing to ancoiored woman, Hagar Jones, or Pitts as he is sometimefi callel. The fire originated in an uj stairs room from a light in the hands of KanCy Edward, a small colored girl. There were five houses in all btfrned. and most of the effects of the owner and her tenants were destroyed. The five houses, including; the (other losses. of the owner were a Josaof one thousand dollars, not insured. ! ! Hannah Dixon, who lived up-stairs. lost all her effects. ! Joe Williams snTainei los.-i. I a partial Mahala Barbour lost monev and clothing; ' ! Cree y Neal's was a partial loss. Amanda Edwards lost nearly all her eflYc s. Bichard Sawyer sustained partial loss. i The houses of Margaret Harris and Mav Gates would have j been ! burned. but the noble irork of the Reliance hand engine, which is the colored fire the Rough jcompany ot toe city, ami and Ready Hook and Ladder Company saved them. For Ihe first time, and tmexpecfedly one ot the city wens lanea, wmc.n caused the Flijah Ellfs to suck mud and she then bad to change her position to Justice's wharf oh the river shore. Durinsr ! tlie nroizr ess s of ftie fire she bu rsted a section of her noser i The Steamer New Berne took her po sition at tlie fiver end of Ijfeuse street but her horses bffntked on j tlie .way and i . . i she was much delay etT- hi getting to work. I She bcrrsfed five seotiofls of hose and the Reliance bufsted one;- The failure of the Ellis well, the! baulking' of the JTeW kernel horses and the . bursting of hose ! so fi maefed the tlie work of tlie best fire derjartment in South that the flames gainejf the. lifad- way to make the destruction itdhh for th is train of misfortunes the would have been conauered I at Bu fire the second houe : i l Form natety there was nb wind bloiT- ne. With Iiiffii winda there wbu'd ihave 1ba part of the j Klts F.iuso' A. bnnch of keys werejlthla community ol loth rwln rrgwlto . in i hi mtr ilUOIlltl OIinK, WHICH dvner can have by calling at this office; 0 F'redtrldk VVolfendn, a prominent farrher xf Beaufort county was iri the I cxtj T98lertIay stopping with his Wrothet, f 0. J; Woifendeff: Swork In By advifce of the caifififet. President Arthur took the dtth of oiBce In New York, on Jimday night. was at LougJBranch yesterdhy. Low Watkr. 'Hie information came fo us from! Kington yesterday that ow ing to low w&iti : in" the" rivef the steamer HotiSejENeue would remain at the aboe place until a rise in the river. li. . Jist ot rassenzers oy steamer jNewwi rr ww ,Berne: Inwanl: Dr. J. B. Harfwell,j4 U Smith Mr. Burgess, J. L.Hahn, Miss Mattiel Saunders, Mrs. M. M. Southgate; Mrs- TV M. Southgate and two children4. fJutwarJ: i R: Q Mallett. Steamer pcLATiD-The freights oi the! steaimer tfew Btrtte fteie eo heavy this voyage ?that she lid ttot leave Eliza betii City until siA o'cek Thurldatj afternoon Several hours after feguJarl sailing tirritf. ; Spectacles Losr.-Cicero C. Bobbins . . ... requests ui to announce tlie loss of histf, t , " , , . . , . . j Vv ;-j ii U aftiuo1 Irnciii rrrHAu YiittMf rlAiiltf . rAtltlk- spectacles while present at or running i i . - mm f' S the fire last night. They are sled mount edj in a black case on which is the nam'e of B. A". BtflK- Any person flnd'ing tfie' same will be rewarded bv leaving them either at his shop 6n South Profit streel or at this ofSce. ; ITXPLEASAMT ADVENf tRE-. -'MidSCS Al- lie Lehman and E nma Disosway, while H'lrivingin the riounrry, about three railea ! from the cityjia-l Che misfortune to have j the horse taken sick and hrvl to walk ; . i : I the, entire distance back to the city, j ar- riving about 7-30. A colorel man, whom j they nJet on the road, very kindly assist j ed t lem in getting the horse to tow u. VoitK on thk Midland. Col. J.! B. Yates, General Manager, is in Goldsbo ro, ia irtaagtfrate the work on the Jid land Extension. Yesterday afternoon he telegraphed Mr. J. J. Robertson, without whom no railroad construction; force in lhisportlon of tile Slate is complete, to go up immediately, and he will leavo this morning. We arn that it is the inten tion' to have as lartre a force on this worfc as can be got at this busy season. First Arrival or Ovsters. -Captafin Mill, of the schooner Leola, from Corel ! - . Sound, arrived in port yesterday with' a I . r -- . cargo ot oysters, the hrst ot the season The Core Sound oysters open Very fine land are reported as good this early as at any time last season. Bow down your head, ye haughty clam. ! Ye ovster say your prayer, The month that has an "r" htw: come. You're on the bill of fare. Laborers' Meeting. There was a meeting of the colored laboring people, at Red Church, on West street, Sunday night, tho proceedings and resolutions of which did not reach' us in time for pub lication yesterday morning, and they are necessarily crowded out to-day. From the hasty glance we have been able to give, the speeches and resolutions condemn the acts of violence to which we alluded to as occurring here on Mon day, and they declare, that5 they do not propose to raise strife or create a prej j- jdic5 toward anyone who rriay give them employment, but to demand of thera living wages. Kev. Jthny. Johnson. I. B Abbott, U. . Tucker and Others ad dressed the meeting, all speaking in this If strain. We will present the proceedings and resolutions of the meeting to-morrow, making 8ticb comments as we deem just and proper to the occasion, and in the interest irf both races without any preju dice whatever. Occupying, as it does, a position of most, perfect independence in all ihings.rQ . 50-, A M-vM ..'I'rinciriallf andl4,wirli malice-toward' none but with i I this temporary lab r. and We. of coosr- quent b -neflt to the agfitdltufal atid coiof inereial interests i 6f thg Surrounding ry and fh"S city. Afrilrals tit ilte Hotel. September 20, lsSI; , ' JforeheRnT Ciir : kitniri N C . Beaufort N C UN C Rtf, Stbnewall N C j '. t lmh M PaKjnf yWLSXorrht a ... H W Ling Vt GafikifS O H Fowler J L Brvah CENTRAL riarE:ii-W. . ViTttmf6lf September SO, 1881; LfWm For Craven ri U a tt M Leoir'ct I - - "Cit IlLiut CF Hall Mf4 I : 1 L V f UUICU CIT1' yoTICES 3 evi etry. & beatrtifui and elestta gortrfient of j'cwefri" Just ptirchade'd .Jri NeW YoVk, at BeU's, tlie weier Any article e'fer tfldf that is not ds vfa: repMf sented Mii be returfned1 ahid ilfe Aftotxey will be refunded: j L J I V Dry Goods KirinWtiiitf.--Wil liam tiultan and Cp.r In thfw Wiltfsteltf BKiilding, have just retufrlied itorti tlie Porta ana re n, w T'lS. ilnnd r.arefnl?v Selected stock of arv POtKliL tftffO, , .? V..! : Au ' imens, clothing ami furnishing goodly carpets, boot?, sHofes,- Wats,1 caps, etcV, wlifch they are rffetinat grfe'at Unrtraiif SPECIAL XOTICS.J LElNSTERl DUFFY ! ' . ' ' i v Dealer in ORY G00l3, GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOEJ, v HATS, CAlJ ' ! toi3acco;sNUff; CIGARS, etc. At Chea4T JToini's Coiner. Middle and'So: Fr. ts. Whoresnle aod-! retail Dealer itP- 1 MHBr STJi?Pl!.lK5.v 'i-l'--" The best qualify of Groceries etfaTao- feed at the lowest casnj prides. - constantly fcept on Ice During-th'e"Satn--rfxer Mhnttts. 1 IRghest Cash Prices paid for all: kihdr of Cottntry Produce. 61 and 63 Broad St., Nw Berrle,. K.. &nz 31-3m. , ; N I IMPORTANT rpHE ST&A2WER NE15SE WllLU flLE-; siime her trips' FffillftoMBskeaM iTill leave Kington forNew Berne Jfon-' idnys and Thursdays, and 'eturning will' n ave iNe.w ii rue tor lvinvou luewiayB' and Fridays, making close conntctlob. f(r fieighis and passe gers with the Old Dominion Steamshih ConiDan for Bli5a lb -th Citv, &c. ! ! sep 14.1W Dry GroodsV! r w ' Choice Family Groceries ami Prov-UW ionS of all kindk Best gjlt edge Bnjterv Popular brands of Cigars and Tobc$$ B OA D STREET, NEW BERNE, Nv( aug l3-3m' new iw wiiaif mm aj