I m I !! DAILY NEWS. NEW BERNE, N. C. sunday. september 25, 1881 COMMERCIAL- new BERNE MARKETS. Commercial News Office, 6 P. M., Sept. 24, 1881. COTTON The market was brisk at oar last quota' ions. 1 he New York market was firm at a Might advance. The exchange in New York will be closed on Mnday and ours after 12 o'clock of that day, on account of the funeral "Services of the late President. Receipts for the week about 350 bains which is not over half the amount of the corresponding week last year. CORN.-Arriving freely. Salea 80 for Hvde countv. CORN MEAL. 1.10. MOLASSES. West Indies in good supply, offered at 38c in hhds. -'. NAVAL STORES in good dcmand.We qnote Spirits Turpeht ine45c; Rosin $1 90 a2 00. Crude Turpentine $52 25a2 50; Tar U 50a2 00. I WHOLESALE PRICES. Our quotations, it should be under stood, represent the wholesale generally. In -making up small higher prices have to be charged. prices orders' - Bagging Gunny per yard 11 Standard 12 Bacon Long clear per box 12 ! per side 12$ Smoked shoulders lOall Hams i5 D. S. Shoulders 10 arrels Spirits turpentine $150 Kerosene 50 Flour ' 20 Pork 25 Beeswax per pound 22 Brick North Carolina per 1000 8 00 Butter North Carolina 25 Northern 3Ca35 Candles Adamantine 15 Tallow 12 Coffee Java per pound 30a35 Laguyra 20a25 r. Rio i 13a20 Oov Meal per bushel of 50 lbs 1 10 C'otton Ties spliced per bundle 1 75 ne w 2 00 E0G8 per .dozen ) 15 J'isn Dry 6Tod per pound 9 Fertilizers Rowland's Chemicals per lot 15 00 $7 75a8 00 '5 50 6 50a7 00 9'OOaO 75 80 5a6 llal3 1 25al 50 13 Flour Snow Fluke . Super j Extra I ' Family ChuiN-rCorn i Hides Green j Dry Hay Eastern 1 Lard Northern K. R. Limr, per bbl. 1 50 Lumrkr Dr'ssd k loonng per M 12 00 Scantling 8 00alO00 Weather B'rds 10 00al2 00 740LA8S&8 Black &trap 28 Cuba Cardenas English Island W. Indies and Syrup Nail8 lOd Oils Kerosene per call on Poultry Chickens per pair Pkanuts, per bushel Potatoes Sweet per bushel Irish 34 33 32 43 1 50. 11 40a60 1 00 50 1 25 22 00 22 00 6 50 6 25 i 40 100 95al 00 Fork New City itfess per bbl Old I" Powder Best - Common SxJjT Alum per bushel Liverpool sack , American Sugar Porto Rico per lb 9a 94 A , I B r a ! '. Extra C Crushed 10$ 10 1U 10 11 10 45 48 Granulated SxUFF Gail & Ax Bladder Soap Northern per pound 5a 6$ Sihnglvs Cypress per 1,000 2 25a4 00 STayes W O Hogshead 15 00 RO 12 00al5 00 Tallow, per pound, 7 Tdcbbr -2flll Prime 8 00a 5 00 Wool Unwashed 16a22 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUORS Gaston Hom Bar & Billiard Saloon JAMES CAMPBELL, Proprietor, NEW BERNE, N. C The best and purest Wines and Liquor and the most popular brands of Cigars, aug 133m WINDLEY BROS., Wholesale LiquorlDealers, new: igl3j3ia, BERNE, N.; C. JLodge Directory. Sj. John's Lodge, No. 3, A. F. &U . M., meets at MasQDjic Hall eecond Wednes day night in each month. New Berne Lodge. No. 215. A. F. & A. M.. meets 1 at Masonic Hal Wednesday nigbt in each month! r tnird Eureka Lodge. No. 7, I. O. O. F., meet9 at Odd Fellows Hall every Mon dav night. ! , I Atbenia Lodge. No. 8. Knights ol Pvi bias, meets in Odd Fellows Halfjoo the second and fourth Tuesday nights ol each moath. Section No. 170, Endowment j Rank, Knights of Py bias, meels in Odd Fel lows Hall Do the second aod fourth Tues day nights in each month, after the close of Atheriia Lodge. j New Berne Lodge, No. 443 Knfghta o Honor, meets in Odd fellows Hall on the second and fourth Friday nighls of each month. : - j Trent Council, No. 411, Royal Ar canum, meets j in Odd Fellows Hall on the first and third Friday nights ol each month. I I I Cosmopolitan Council, American Le gion of Honor, ipeet.s in Odd Fellows Hal on the first and third Thursday nigh tt of each month.; ... I Neuse Council, No. 1, Order of Chosen Friends, meets! in Odd Fellows Hall on the first and third Wednesday nights in each month. j j Calumet Encampment, No. 4j meets first and third Wednesday nights in each month. j New Berne Golden Link, No,! 1G34, meet the 1st and 3d Monday nights at their hall. D. H. Williams, N. 0., W. W. Lewis, P.S. ; King Solomon Lodge, No. 1, Ft A. & A. Y . M.: meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdav evenmg in each month, at their hall. H 1 H. bimmocs, W. M.f Israel Harris, Jr., Secretary.j ; j Zeredathah Hodge, No. 20, F. A. & A. Y, M., meet at; King Solomon Hall, 2d and 4th Tuesdav in each month. I C R. Bobbins, Sr., jW. M. J. W. Brown, Secretary. 1 ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JAMES REDMOND, DEALER IN Lipors, Cigars and Totes OPEN FRONT BRICK STORE, i i " v Middle St.; Opposite Market, NEW BERNE N. C. Wholesale' and Retail Dealer in a H AV ING TAKEN OUT Wholesale Liquor License i3 prepared to sell Liquors in any quan tity. Will guarantee price and quality to suit, and solicits the patronage of dealers ganerally. -. " j sep 3-tf NOTICE TO SHIPPERS TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, Mid.; N. CJRailway, East. Div., New Berne, N. C, Sept. 1st, 1881. NOTICE IS I HEREBY GIVEN TO shippers over the Midland Railway, that the rates heretofore established for the Associated Railways of Virginia and the Carolinas, which were temporarily withdrawn, have been re-established, and there will be no ' detention of Freights, or derangement of the tariff over the ifid land Railway or its connections, j j j J. W. JORRIS, Sep. 2-tf. m Forwarding Agent Cotton Grinning, j MY GINNING ESTABLISHMENT is now in first-class running order, and with j increased facilities I am pre pared to Gin and Pack Cotton tor the public. r j j Highest price paid for Seed Cotton. I THOS. S. HOWARD, seplO lm I New Berne, N. 0. FOR SALE, j ONE 30 H- P PORTABLE ENGINE-and-Boiler, in good order, i One set Saw Ifill' Irons, with saws and trucks. I ! Ooe4rply 10-inch Rubber Belt, fifty feet long, new. j Above will be sold for $750 cash or $850 negotiable note, six and twelve months time, 8k per cent, interest Ad- dress B. H. TYSON. INSURANCE. RAILROADS. i i i i - 11 - W. W. WATSON. 8. B. STBKCT, JB, ! WATSON & STREET, BONDED AUCTIONEERS, I1MCE AGENTS NEW- BERNE, N. C, WATERTOjVN, FIRE AD LIGHTNING " K y " h.- I i Insurance Company, OF WATERTOWN, N. J. Tuirteentli Annnal Statement. Canital, s - $200,000.00 Assets, Surplus, 8778,304.70 f$540,G54.70 Losses Paid Since OrgaMiQii I1,501,589.75. $10,000 in United States Bonds Deposited with the State Treasurer of North Carolina. WA TSON STREET, Agents, aew:berne. THELONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION OF LONDON". Established by Boyal Charter STATEMENT. 1.1 Gross Assets, I $10,021,010 Assets in TJ. S. including 4,030,000 Cash Capital, - I $241,o75 United States Bonds; $1,231,913 WATSON STREETJAyents NEW BERNE. The Western Assurance ! IT ' OF TORONTO, CANADA. Tncorporated by Act of Parliament in 1851. WATSON $ STREET Agents, NE W-B ERNE, N. O. auffll-tf , r Established 1870 W. O. BKINSON, Commission M( reliant AND 1 t LIFE AXD , FIRE LOTMCE NONE BUT FIR81 j CLASS COM . PANIE8 REPRESENTED. ASSETS S35.000.000 LIVERPOOL & IMD9N ( GLOBE Hortli MM anl Mercantile j LANCASTER WESTCHESTER. LYNCHBURG, i VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE aug'13-3m HARDWARE, dec 0. B. HART & CO. Would inform their friende and the public generally, that they have opened an entire NEW STOCK OF GOODS n the slot on Middle Street, L. Weinttein comprising adjoining HARDWARE, JSTOVES, ' ;l Jr ; And -;' ,' House Furnishing Articles, " Kerosene Oils, Lamps in "Great Vari. ety. Also raanufactu'ers ofTJN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Special attention given to repairing. iroous eoid low lor vash. E..tJ and Norfolk Railroad. E. City ksd Norfolk, R R., Norfolk, July 25, 1881. On and after this date trains -will run as follows : Mail Train leaves Norfolk daily (ex cept Sunday) at 5 p. m. Old Dominion Train leaves Norfolk Monday and Thursday at 9 a. ni. Arrive at Norfolk Monday, Tuesday, Thursday arid Friday at 11 a. m., and Wednesday and Saturday at 12:30 p.m. The Old Dominion Steamship Com pany's steamers New Berne arid Pamli co, from New Berne, Washington, Make ley's fcouth Creek and Riverdale, N. C, and points on Atlantic and North Caro lina Railroad, arrive at Elizabeth City on Wednesday and Saturday before train leaves; and depart on Monday and Thursday on arrival of uain from Nor folk. Passengers for Nag's Head arriving by Bay Line connect with train at Berkley on Thursday at 9:30 a. m., and with steamer M. E. Roberts at Elizabeath City reaching Nag's Head at 6 p. m. Return ing on Wednesday and Saturday con nect with train at Elizabeth City and Bay Line at Norfolk. Tickets good to return until September 15th, $4.50.. The steamboat Wf B. Rogers arrives from fchiloh, Leigh's Landing, Nixonton, Woodville, Columbia, Spruill's Bridge and Cross Landing on Tuesday and Friday at 10 o'clock p. m., and returns on Monday arid Thursday, leaving Eliza beth City at 7 o'clock a. m. The steamboat Carrie leaves Elizabeth City at 7 o'clock a. m. for Fairfield, Gum Neck and Kilkenny on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, returning on alter nate days, i . : The'steamboat Oriole leaves Elizabeth City every! Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 p. m., touching at Edenton 6 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, Plymouth 8 a. m., Jamesville 10 a. m., arriving at Williamston 12 m. Re turning, leave Williamston 2 p. m. every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, James ville on arrival 5 p. m. Train from Wash ington, N. C, Plymouth 8 a. m., Eden ton 12 o'clock at nisrht, arriving at Eliza beth City every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at3 o'clock a. m. f Passenger and Freight Station at foot of Church street, Norfolk. Freight received daily, except Sunday, until 4 o'clock p. m. Through tickets on sale between Eliaa beth City and Baltimore, Philadelphia nd New York by Bay Line and Old Do minion steamers from Norfolk, and be tween Norfolk and New Berne, Washing ton, fMakeley's, South Creek and River dale, N. C. M. K. KING, ve 13-3m General Manager. HOTELS. NEIW ;BERNE, N. C. S. R STREET Proprietor. LEADING HbTEL OF THE CITY. Location central for business. ; 1 Situated on the water, and commanding a Riter mew of twenty miles. , Large Sample I?oons for Commercial men. Coaches and Porters attend all trains and steamers. ONLY HOTEL in the City affording adequate accommo dation for first-class travel. JACKSON HOUSE, So. Front, bet!, Jlddle and Hancock Sts SA-Sl'JL JACKSON, Prop'r.l Furnishes First Class Hotel accommoda tions for colored people traveling. RESTAURANT. In connection with the Hotel we have a Restaurant, where Jfeals are served at anyhour, day or night We have a erood line of white r.nstnm served from our Restaurant, and we are prepared to serve Jeals anywhere in the citv wherever anv natrons desire thir W JT w - meals furnished, at their rooms or their residences. s We refer to the people of New Berne generally, j SAflf'L JACKSON. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. K RI MEADOWS & CO. DEALERS IN Druas, i PainU, Oils Varnishes, " Dye Stuffs, Fine Toilet Soaps) Fancy Hair and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery auu raujr luuet .rucies, xrusses ana Shoulder Braces, Letter Papei, Pens, Ink Envelopes, Glass, Putty, Carbon Oil, Lamps Chimneys. Physician? Prescriptions accurately Meals RAILROADS. Midland Not Hi Carolina Railway. Atlantic and North Carolina Division. TIME TABLE No. 10. Take EfTect Monday 12:05 i. x.t Sept, . . m. loot xn, 1001. Exnress Passenger and Mail tralM run on this road as follows s GOING EAST. eoDto WEST, No. 48. Ar've. LVre, No. 47. Le've. I Stations, I i : Ar've. r. m. P. M. 9 00 9 26 9 39 10 04 I Jk. M. A. H. 9 35 9 07 9 07 43 8 55 8 28 8 28 7 53 8 1g 7 26 7 2 6 55 7 C& 1 40 61 40- 6 30 6 30 6 03 6 19 5 33 5 33 5 26 5 20 I 5 11 5 11 5 08 5 08 4 40 4 4 I 4 23 4 23 4 01 4 10 ! 3 52 4 00 3 CO As- M.- j A. M. Goidsboro, , Besfs, La-Grange F, Creek, Kinston, Dover, Core Creek Tnscarora, Crke's, Newbtrn, Riverdale, Croatan, Wod bridge Havelock, Newport, Hollywood M. Hotel. A. Hotely Depot, 2& 9 39 10.04 10 20 10 55 11 16 11 41 HO 25 10 55 11 26 11 41 1H50 1150 1210 12 20 12 50 VA 50 00 15 18 40 06 1 1 1 1 0 15 18 59 06 25 31 2 20 2 26 2 34 A. M. A. as. THROUGH AND WAY FREIGHT PASSENGER CAR ATTACHED. GOING RA8"F: gouvG west- No. 4. Arve. Le've No. 3. J STATIONS: Ar've. Le've. p. m. I p. M. 45 1 P. Mi P. M,- 12 4$ 12 19 1145; 11 15 10 1 , 9 45 9 14, 8 67T 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 l' Goidsboro i 1 21 21 45 29 26 I Best's, La-Grange FaHing Ck Kinston, Dover, Core Creek Tuscarora 12 40 il2f09 :11 39 !l0 54 05 34 20 01 34 03 20 6 00 6 56 7 29 7 58 8 15 8r55 1013 9 38 9' 09 8 52 I Clarke'sv j N2WBS3i : 8 SO Nos. 47 and 48, Daily, except Sunday.. 3, Tuesday, Thursday and- Saturday.- 4, Monday, Wednesday and' Friday. A. M, j if M. Train No. 48 connects with Wil mington Weldon train leaving Goidsboro 9:50 a. m.; for Richmond. Baltimore:. Philadelphia, New York and points North, East and West and with the N. C. train leaving Gold?baro 1,45 p. m. Train No. 47 connects with Wilminf ton & Weldon fast malb train from Rich mond, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and points .North.. East? and. West that arrives at Goidsboro 8:541 p.-.m.. Train 4 connects with North Carolina Railroad Train, leaving Goidsboro 1.45V p. m. , ' ; - - . Train 3 connects with North Carolina Railroad Train, arriving at Goidsboro 3.25 p. m. Wilmington, & Weldan trains letvr Goldsboro, North, 9:50 ft. 'in., and 10:24) p. m.; South, 6:36 p. m., and 8:54 p, m.. North Carolina Railroad trains, Mail: and Passenger, lea Vffc Goidsboro Sontk; 1:45 p. m., arrive, North, 3i25'p..m. Express Freight, N. C. R,, R. arrir Goidsboro 8:00 a. m., leave Goidsboro-' 4:20 p. m. ; Steamer for Elizabeth City-leaTes-New-Berne, Tuesday, 2:00 p. m.,.and Fridays,. 2:00 p. m., arrives at Elizabeth- (Ajt. weanesaay, 7K)0 a m. and ctaturday 7:00 a. m. J. B. YATES, Gen'l Manager Midland N.:CR..K.. W. J. BEST. President. WHOLESALE aInD RETAIL.. 9t WHOLESALE GBOEBwj Constantly on hahdJafullsupplyJofi FLOUR, PORK, . long;cleaes,: SMOKED MEATS juARD, BUTTER;. sugar; COFFEE tMOLASSES, TOBACCOSJ SNUFF, SPICES, SALT and all other goods kept in a fiist clas store. Consignments of Rice, Natal1 Stores, Cotton and Qorn solicited and prompt returnsjguaranteed. aug ll-3m DAIL BROS.y WHOLESALE QltOCEKS, AND CfiinsllB MERCHANTS- NEW" MESNE, JT. C. sep 15-tr Box 45, Wilson, N. C aug 13-3m compounded! aug ll.tf aug 12.3m '

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