DAILY NEWS. The piidlaud Proposition. Letter lo the jCommereial Newe.J INiliVV J3 lli -It. IN Alt, XN.. V " ' ' ! THURSDAY PCTOBER. 20, 1881 er 10 tne Eerice, 0 Steamer Holly. -The Steatflef Hoi Jy.in this port List Sunday, is at Wash imrton. ' I I Relli SFARKiU-The tue Belle Snarks the citJ 4utboritif;s and, with their, cc- -iiUrlfromthlflft on grndav. operation, draw ixp the necessary bill or. - - - T J - I New Berne, October 19. At a pieet- ing, held at the Court Hourfe" last even ing to consider jtbe proposition to tax the people of New Berne, $30,000 for the benefit of Mr. Best, or thef Midland Railroad I Co., I Was appointed on the committee of fifteen" to f 'confer with wai at Wilmington coaling on Wednes- enactment ana bdudk toe quesuou w the qualified voters," cc " " I Tf ia iliio t r mouolf in aHf tTiat Ti vena New Berne Oysters. The approach- I , i- without my knowledge or consent. I have gition in therefore i I vrt rwAoaMt at lici mBati'nir o n rl m XT a tv. tn h ..will Hpvplm the I r r , o , Jilt ' TIIJt TOOKUW " J- I ... .1 ! .. ' J " , f. , ,l- i poiutment on the! committee was made traH m lh nofra rF t his nortion I r H ! i i VJOIVI CJW SU V w - of the State, and we desire to aid in fpfeading the knowledge that the New Berne oyster, after cold weather hay set In. in the enual of anv taken on the At- , - , lantic coast. tee, which is instructed iniiial step for Oca Circulation. The', circulation haye beeh, .informed that ' other mem f the Commercial News is very rapidly bera 0f increasing in town and country, having now tnrned five hundred dalies, and this without personal solicitation whatever. We haye found t of life is necessary bat a certain length for a newspaper lo which I Believ fleeting, Berne i manner mutual i no sympathy with the propo- any 6f decline its stages, and taust, fo aet on the comniit- to lake! the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. NEW FIRM! ISTew Store! (NEW GOODS! E HAVE OPEOTD IN THE Brick Store 6n Middle Street.- neat the Market, (one door North of TV A; Green) a new stock of goods, consisting in part of a n O C E R'l E S i DHY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TIN WAKE AND CROCKERY. ts consummations the conimittee (how mady I do not know) entertain the same views do. nz. Mr: entirely . re- jNew Editor, that thl sober-minded people of 11 dispose of this matter in a compatible with' their )bli hterests and reciprocal o i i i i . tions, 1 am Yotrr obedient ser van tJ Chas C. Clabk. and by the end of ijs first year we have no'doibt the Commercial News will en joy a icirculatipn of fifteen hundred daily, and three thousand weekly. Starting at the vry dullest season of the year, and the worst for newspapers, we have, caupe of congratulation at the ncces8 which has enabled this paper to ft its expenses from the very first day r its iMiKlinf inn a circumstance en- j I ao v j firely due to the liberality, public spirit, enterprise and appreciation of this com- Aiiinitv. which, as a business centre, we attain before the public manifests gen eral djsposiJion to patronize it, but after its existence is assured, the circulation iij only limited by its character and the rtadjng population. j WliVk o li'lt.l mnri ftcrft -on the naner i ii i p Liadies' Furriisliing and Dress .Vail n.oanma a nrna At an 1 1 f.l t firs l r . . ,.. , wc auwi Vienna . , , ioods.f-A ueautiiul line ot uniiaren s Hose in ' oil colors. Jadam Foy'siand Thompson's Corsets. A full line of fian nels, and an elegant line of Dress Goods, and Ladies and Children's IJndervestjs, at A. M. Bdker's. Gen tleinen Under w ear.-1 Gents Undershirts in all wool and merino in best styles, at A. M. Baker's. COMMeRCIAU Undertake to say is not surpassed, in all Jeepects, by any place in North Caro lina. I i Some Interesting Figures.- At the meeting on Tuesday night, Capt. S. H. Gray, in response to calls, submitted the following, which is ot interest to our people:-3 . He asked'' Mr. Best for a list of the 1 ot'au locomotives, cars, &c, which the Mid - lahd1 Railway Company had ordered, and would reanire during the next three years, and that list I be submitted to Mr. asil Manly, Master Machinist, for the estimate of their cost. Mr. Manly f e- plied 87B4.000. . The shops, Capt. Gray stated, could riot bebiuilt'and furnished for less than $50,000 mere, Now this property: of S?34,e00f he argued, would be personal property, and at least $300000 of it located for tkxa- tion here. I Now, gentlemen,'' he continued, vour tax rate in the city of New Berne ii sixty-five (65) cents on the hundred dollars. The tax 6tr S300,00a at that rate -would be $1,940, which would not only be" equal to the interest yxu must Schoo iW BERE MARKETS. Commercial News Office, October 19, 6 p. m. RICEJ Arriving freely.! Sales of one thousand bushel at prices ranging from 80 cents to $1.08.1 CORNj-Arriving .freelyi Sales, 80 cts. for Hyde county, i ' j CORN MEAL.1.00. MOLASSES. tVest Indies in good supply, offered at 38c in hhds. NAVAL STORES in good demand. We quote Sp ntslurpent me 45c; Rosin 1 90 a2 00. Chide Turpentine 2 25a2 50; Tar 00. MARINE. ARRIVED, ler Leether, Payne, HyJe'co. CLEARED. Schooner Wm. Hill, Hill, Portsmouth. Steamer Contentnea.Styrop.Trentdn. rit phpt! J 1X1 JL. VII) X - - I Schooner Meivin, Howland, ,New York. Schooner Paragon, Williams, Wash ington. Steamer Experiment, r more. Schooner South Cijeek. Cannon, Balti- i Virginia Dar e, Ballance LE fkay'. if yoni' issue he $30,000 worth of DTfy GboDSi bonds, but $ 150 Over. The interest on v $3,000 at 6 per cfnt would be $1,800, Therefore really, we would have no tax t6 pay at all. Still better thannhat ; our county bonded debt to-day amounts to $124,500. Our county tax is 1.28 on $1,000, which would be $3,840 at this v rate, and this will run t6r a term of tiirty. years. Xn one can carefuilv compute this without finding ttjat $115,200 would be paid by taxes cri this increase of prop- peVty located in this county, and :f this tax should be irjvested annually as a einking fund towards liquidating the '- county debt at 6 per cent, computing it at simple interest, it would be an aver age of six percent for fifteen years on SPECIAL NO 'lA ES. NSTER DUFFY, i i - Dealer in ' J. GROCERIES, . bo ors, SHOES, HATS; CAPS,; f TOBACCO; SNUFF, CIGARS, etc. I i - -i At ' Cheap John's Corner 1 ! Middle and So. Fr. flts., ! aug l3-3m NEW BERNE. Our ent'ire stock at goods is new, and Dougnt at tne very Jo west ca9h prices. ConsignmentH of cotton and all kinds of country produce solicited.- i Hoping to receive a liberal share of your patronage; we are Yodr8 Respectfully, HUMPH KEY HOWARD I New Berne, ifept. 28. J. J. TOLSON & CO. TJry Gtoddi Boots Slioes &c.' Choice Family Groceries and Provis-: ions of afl kinds. Best gilt edge BAm?rJ Popular brands of Cigars and Tobacco. BROD STREET..NEW BERNE, N. ( .INSURANCE. Agents ROBERTS & HENDERSON C8 i Fire, Marine and Life Co's None but reliable Companies represented with aggregate " Capital of over $40,000,000. Accidents will Happen. INSURE AGANST THEM BY A POLICY IN TIIEgOLD ILULRdAifd. 77 ROBERTS & HENDERSON, 1 Agents. The .'Nortli Carolina Home Insiumfe OF RALEIGH, Organized in 1868. A throughly reliable Company. All lo&s8 adjusted promptly and paid n Cash. "Jbon't Yott Forget It. WHEN YOU AEE IN NEED OF Family Supplies, such as Srarar Cured Meats, best Butter, best Lard, good Coffees and Teas, Flotff, &e. !, and in fact every thing in the Grocery Line call on . .Wm. F. KotrTBEE, i Middle St., n m r Market New Berne, N.C "OOBKRTS & BRO., ON SOUTE Front, near G'afilon House, Keeps constantly on hand Boots and Shoes of the best make. Fulf fitie Dry Good and choice selection of Groceries. Cal and see them before making your pur chases. They suarantee all goods as re oresented. ang 13-3 in DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. E. H. MEADOWS & CO. NEW BERNE, N. C, DEALERS IN i, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Bye Stuffs, Fine Toilet Soaps , Fancy Hair and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles, Trusses and Shpulder Braces, Letter J';ipei, Pens, Ink, Envelopes, Ulass, Putty, Carbon Oil, Lamps Chimneys. ! , Physicians' ' Prescriptions compounded accurately ll.tf JOHW GAJLING President. W. Sv PiMROSE, Sec. & 7res HO BERTS & HENDERSON, Agents. INSURE YOUR H0MES IS THE Mfflfflaral likrance Co, of New York. ESTABLISHED 185?, ASSETS 1st Jan., ISS1, $1,261,731. Insures against loss or damage by Light ning, vfnether Fire' ensues of not. Strongest residence Insurance Com pany in the world. On long term risks takes premium, half cash, half 12 morrth3 note with b per cent, interest. ROBERTS & HENDERSON. Agents. Middle Street, Newbrn N. C. NORTH CAROLlSTsTATE LIFE. INSURANCE dQMPANY (Incorporated in 1872.) RALEIGH, SN. C - - - $260,270.70 Snrplns to Policy HoMers, :iM429 F. H CAMRO; President. The on Iv HOME Life Insurance fW- pany in North Carolina. One of the most successful Companies of its ae in the Unitpd States. FTas already issued between two and three thousand policies. All of its fundsinvefted at home among our own r"bple. ATI losses' paid promptly and in cash. Rates atfrott as Chose oi any hrst-class Company. IIa3' THREE dollars ot assets iai evertf Bollar nf liabilities. For information address, ROBERTS &: HENDERS0231,. A'gSnts aug-31-3m 1 P. Mi. 7 32 7 45 h 8 05 8 20 8 55 9 16 9 41 9 50 10 10 10 59 11 10 II 30 11 34 1212 12 34 12 51 1 00 au HOTELS ANH RESTA (RANTS. LANE'S OYSTER SALOON ! (FORMERLY DETRICK'S.) Duffy BuildiDg, Corner Policed and Middle St.s, UP STAIRS. F. B. LANE. Proprietor. NEW BERNE THEATRE it Positively TjWo IVigbts Only, 1 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCT. 21 & 22 Kichmond & McElretli's and give you 90 per DRAMATIC TROUPE I the whole anion n cent, or $28,880, and that money would wipe out $94,380 profit." your dbt"i and leate Arrivals at the Hotels. .GASTON IIOIJSE S., R. SikEEt O&toBtK 10, 1831. "W. B. Cuncani Beaufort, N. C; Joel Kinsey. Craven county; F. G. Rhem, Ckayen ounty; q. E. Fdy, city; E. G. Wwe. J. I)emn Pamlico, N. C;. W. B.' 'SwindelVHyde CO; S.White, Baltimore Commencing Friday with j gucces$, t N C their TTAvING Leased the Restaurant JLJL of JHr. John Detrick over his Bar and Billiard Parlor, is nreoared t.r lurmsn at an nours and in every style, THE BEST OYSTERS in our market and fmm other Doints. Good Crooks, Expert Openers, and the most Jfolite and Attentive Waiters. Established W. (J. BHISSON, Mercian Midland NoiUi CaroUni Railway Atlantic and North Carolina TIME TABLE No. 11. i. - ! - Take Effect Monday 12:05 a. ji., . I Sid. 18SI. Express, Tasserijer and Mtil TraL' run on inis roaa cs iouows : GOIKG EAST. Ar v. Le've. P. M.I 7 00 7 32 7 50 8 05 8 25 8 55 9 2t 9 41 9 50 10 25 10 59 11,10 11 130 1134 12!l7i 12 34 12 54 A. M. A. f . I THROUGH J I : Goldsboro, Best's, La-Grange F. Creek, Kinston, Dover, Core Creek Tugcarora, Clarke's, Newbern, I Riverdale, Croatan, Wodbridge Havelock, Newport, . Hollvwood M. Hotel. A. HoteL M: Depot, gousg we)st. No. 48. Ar've. Lee. a. M. 9 35 01 8 44 8 29 7 54 7 27 7 01 0 40 0 ?0 5-5S 5 25 512 4 54 4 49 4 08 3 50 3 25 PASSENGER CAR ATTACHED GOIXtt EAST No. Ar've. 3. Le've it. 01 4tf 23 14 27 OG 40 30' ltf 28 12 5-f 4ft' IS 50 Z3 20 r4 AND WAY FREIGHT A. 9 8 8 8 t 7 6 6 G 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 j A. . A I 4 21 4 4r 5 29 6 00 6 50 7 29 7 58 8 15 8 55 P. Mi 3 45 4 26 5 05 5 34 6 20 7 01 7 34 8 03 .8 20 Stations, going weat. No. 4. Ar've. Le. Goldsboro Best's, La-Grantre Falling Ck Kinston, Drtver, Core Creek Tuscarora, ujarKes, j NewbekiJ J I p. M. 1 21 12 40 12f09 it 39 10 54 10 18 9 38 9 09 52 P. M 12 12 1143 11 10 9 9 8 8 Iff LS 4 14 57 80 43 11) 1- 0 e, Nos. 47 and 48, Daily, eYcent Sundar. a anu a any except S. 'naay Train No.j 4S connects with W mmgton Weldon train leaving Gohlsbdr 9:o0 a. m. for Ricbrnond. Baltimo Philadelphia, New York: aJd points iNorth. liastand .West, and wiih the'N. C. tram leaving Gold-boro'lUcO a. m Train No. 147 connects with YYilini'bg ton Sj VVeldon- mail train fr6ni RiAh mond, Baltimore! Philadelohia ' Ni-W Yofk and p'oints North East' and West that am vp at Gbldshoro 6.30 p. m. ' Train 4 connects wish Nonh Uaiolin Railroad Tralh,- leaving Goldsboro 4.00 p. hi . Train o connects with North Carolina I Railroad Train, ar'riVing at Goldfboro' a. 60 a.'m. I Wrlminsfon Ar Weldon trains le&re Goltlsbpro; North, 9:50' a. m., and 1025 p. m., South; :36 pm, and 8:54 p. ia: North Carolina Railroad trains, Mail and Passenger, leavft Goldsboro, South, 10:80 a. m., arrive, North. 6:10 p. m. Express Freight, N. C. R. K.', arrive Goldsboro thOO a. in., leave Goldsboro' 4:20 p.m. I bte'imer for Elizabeth Citv leaves Netf Berne, TiWsday, 2:00 p. m., and Friday arrives at Elizabeth Cijy 7:00 a. m. and Snturday; J, B. YATES, ajo p. m., Wednesday, k7:0O a..m toiiiimssioii AND t5T" Private Street. entrance from Pollock grec O MAR ! This ttompanyj is reorganized with new Plays; new Jusic, new Scenery, and is completje in each! and every detail, and is now onifcs sixth jancHal tour. ) Oi)serjve our' great 'reduction in? prices: Admission 50c; Gallery 25c. Reseryed seats; without' extri charge, can be siecured at Jeadows' drug store. See programmes issued eaclh day - i jackson House, So. Front, bet. Jfiddle and HancOck Sts. SAM'L, JACKSON, Proper J Furnishes First Class Hoter-accommodations for colored people traveling. ' RESTAURANT. In connection with the Hotel we have a Restaurant, where JSfeals" are served at any hour, day or night , We have a good line of white custom served from our Reslarfrarit, and we are prepared to serve Jeals anywhere in th6 city wherever any patrons desire" their meals furnished,' at their rooms or their residences. We refer to the people of New Berne generally. SAJf'L JACKSON. . LIFE AXD FIRE im'RMCE MNE BUT FIRS1 CLASS COM PANIES REPRESENTED. ASSETS S3S;O00,00O LIVERPOOL & MIM & GLOBE Nortii BriM and Mercaaffley LANCASTER, WESTCHESTER, VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE aug 13-3m D. G. SMAW, PRACTICAL TIN and Sheet Iron Worker. Pollock Street, opposite Post OfS Roifffha and uuiienng aspec'ftliry C. 11. ROBBINS, PRACTICAL BOOT & SHOEMAKER Craven St., nearly opposite Custbm. House,-ftew Berne, Having moved back to his old standi de sires th Contifiued . favor .of his" natrons and the public. Uses the best stock, and guarantees good and comfortably-fli ting num. kjptvwai aucuuuii eiven iG' laaies shoes. Repairing neatly done. sep24 A G. O FEN!, BOOT AND SHOE MA?XER. New Building, Craven street, New Berne, N. C. bpeciai attention to repairing. Work ep24 guaranteed and prices low.- Gen'l Manager Midland N. C. Ii. R. I W. J. BEST, President . WHOLESALE AND' RETAIL. TIT 4jiCIiJL9 lav 'iJibi. WHOLESALE GROCER 'Constantly i on hand afull supply of FLOUR, PORK,! LONG CLEARS, SMOKED MEATS, Lard, BUTTER, . SUGAR, COFFEE!- MOLASSES, TOBACCOS) SNUFF 3P16SQ, SALT and all other goods kepT-fh a rlrst store. Consignments of Rice, aT Stores, Cotton and Corn solicited antf prompt returnsVuaranteed. augIl-3m BAIL BROSi, M I WHOLESALE GROCERS, md ccfflissicN wmm ATW BERXE, . N. . CL aug 12 3m . 1

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