VOL. 1 NO. 69. NEW BERNE, N. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1881 TWO CENTS jNEW BERNE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1881. ! CITY NOTICES Gent I emends Under w ea r. GentslUndershirts in all wool and merino in best styles, at Ai M. Baker's. Cloaks and Ulsters. Fine Cloaks ' of latest style. A beautiful line of beaver and jar cloth for Cloak's and Ulsters, at A. M. Baker's. Tlie Agency for Wanamaker & Brown's Ciothing, now established at J. Fflves'. An examination of samples 'invite. A sure fit guaranieed. - - Dress Goods Lower.-Dress Goods are lower this season than for many year!?. Black? Cashmere, all wool, from 40c to $1.00. A beautiful line of Versales cloth or mourning, at A.I M. Baker's. j ., ' J. ;F- Ives lias now on exhibi tion samples of Cloths from the Popular Clothiers, Wanamaker & Brown. The public are iovited to examine. A sure fit guaranteed. I ' , 4 1 ' Jewelry -A beautiful and elegan assortment of Jewelry just purchased in New! York, at Bell's, the jeweler. Any article ever sold that is not as was repre sented can be returned and the money will be refunded Ladies' Furnishing and Dress Goods. A beautiful line of Children's Hosejiii oil colors. Jadam Foy's and Thompson's Corsets. A full line of flan nels,; and an elegant line of Dress Goods, and .Ladies and Children's Undeivests, at A. M. Baker's. Oyster Saloon. David Speight, 3arket Dock, next to the Farmer's Home, desirxs to inform the public that he has opened his Oyfter Saloon, and is now pre pared ro serve the very best and freshest oysrs. at hII hours and in every style. Attentive, polite and skilled waiters. General meals at all hours. I Trimmings.--Plaids and stripes in Silkland Worsted for Trimmings, also beautiful Fringe in Silk and Chenille beadjed in Steel, Jet And Irredtsent. A lirgq assortment of Tassels and Cord. Brass, Steel !-nd Metal Buttons of latest ntyle'n, at A. M. Baker's. j " " j 7 "special notices. . rpitY Our Butter, it can't be beat. Alex. 1 Miller. 1 BEST Brands Family Flour, at Alex, Miller's. ! ' GboCEMES, High in quality but I low in prices, at Alex. Miller's. CALL at Jos. Schwi rin'a and look at lat est styles Yale and Fifth Avenue hats. CHOICE Groceries and Farmer's Sup plies. We warrant all goods as rep reseated. Alex. Miller. ! TX AMINE New Crockery, China, .Ci Glass-ware, TFood and Willow Ware. Goods shown with pleasure. Alex. Miller. THE handsomest assortment of gent's ineckwear, and warranted all wool un dershirts in white and scarlet. ;at Jos. fctehwerin's. TF in need of clothing, drop in at Jos- L Bchweri-n's, where you will find the most stylish suits and reversible overcoats ever brought here. Cable News. Brigadier Arderius ha9 been appointed Governor of the province of Havana. The Berlin Imperial Bank ahows an. increase in specie of 1,600,000 marks. A man and a woman engaged in pre paring dangerous explosives arrested in St.; Petersburg. I The Pall Mall Gazette says there Is no truth in the tateme.nt that a large amount of money i9 on deposit in Eng lish banks for the payment of Confed erate bonds. jrhe branches of the -Ladies' Land League throughout thp provinces com pliin loud!y that their meetings should be'dispersed while the Central League in Dublin is permitted to meet unmolested. Miss Pamell, wiehing to test the, le gality of the proceedings of the Indies' League, publicly announced in the newspapers of Wednesday that-a meet ing of tie league would be held that day. No attempt was made to interfere wth the meeting, although detectives matched those who entered the leaiue loom 8. The Peruvians threaten the Chilians with armed intervention by the United i i " ! States if they do notl withdraw from the country. At an interview! ith :the Prince of Wales, I I ' ' ' i ; . Gambetta said tbat he had cot 6een Bismarck, and that his three visits to Germany were all incognito. The Bank of England ehows a de crease of specie forjthe week of 386, 000. The proportion of reserve to the liabilities, which 1 ait week was 37 15-16, is now 137 11-16. J A newspaper, La Luse, m organ tofl, the Autonomists at Puerro Princfpe, ''having been suspended for fifty days by the tribunal, the Liberals in that district de clared I heir party dissolved. . I j j The London Times says: We are able to say that the Bank of England does not hold a penny available for the payment of Confederate bonds. The public should beware of buying bonds intrinsically worthless ia the faith of such rc mors. Disturbances continue in county Mayo, Ireland; roads are blockaded for the purpose cf impeding- -tlie military; Gilhooiy, a prominent Leaguer of c unty Cork, has been arrested; Sexton has been released on account of bad health, and on condition that be goes to France; Parneli has beenj elected chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Cork. i i In the English elections the Conser- i t i vatiye gain in the municipal contests is 86 and 'the Libera! gain 40. The most important change is at Staylebridge, where he Conservatives gained six seats in the municipal council, lhey have gained four in Oldham, three in Cardiff . i ' 'if mi and three in Liverpool. The foregoing lesults Lara probably attributable to the Irish vote, but Conservative gains are pretty evenly "distributed among ; the towns of large Irish population and f large Irish those purely Englijsh. r ! General lVews. if ' ' s The of the oamage by the recent overflow Mississippr river is estimated at 82,930 ,000. I Boston is moving pf-r a world's fair in that city; subscription books have been opened. : A recently discovered gold mine in Colorado promises - wonderful results; Assays! run as higu as $0000 per ton. A meeting of holders of N. C. railroad bonds held at New York, with a view to concerted action to bring about recognition of the bonds by the State authorities, v ' : i - " " A. dispatch tdi the News from San Antonio says: The jury in the case of Win. -Petty, charged with stage robbery, returned a verdict of guilty, and aesessed the penalty at ninety-nine years in the penitentiary. j j The Methodit Episcopal .committee, in session at New York, has decided to give 675,000, foj: missiooary purposes The sums have been affixed for use in Africa, Central A merica I and China, and other appropriations will soon be made. Counsel for Guiteau appeared in" the Criminal Court and asked for the papers left for various persons by Guiteau on the morning of ;the assassination, and since that time retained in possession of the district attorney The court thought the reqnest proper and took the matter under consideration. Further time in whichlt prepare the case was required This was also taken under, consideration by the; court." ; Personal. Mr. W. E. Wtlbou, of North Carolina Sickel, Hellen rCo., dry goods, notions, &c, Baltimore, i$ at the Gaston House. Mr. L. C. Reed, with Baxter & Bird, Baltimore, tobacco, is7 at the Gaston House, and carries his- usual line of fine samples. Mr. Reed, -and his house have served the tradeoJ New Berne for many years,! and we can hardly add anything to the1 reputation they enjoy. Mr. Geo. L. Pender, of Edgecombe, with Bruff, Falkner & Go., is at the Gaston House with his samples. His. trade in this portion of the State is the best recommendation of his houee. Mr. J. A Higgs, of Hurst, Purnell & Co., Baltimore, is at the Gaston House, and repreeentiug one of the best estab lishments of Baltimore, we have only to refer to his customer here and else where in the State. Mr. D. J. Glisson, of R. T. Banks & Co., Baltimore, the great Southern Crockery Bouse, is atthe Gaston. We advertised for this house 15 years ago, and jit jias steadily grown in reputation and popular faorl Mr. J. Higgs, of J. & E. Maliony, Portsmouth, wholesale liquors, is at the Gaston louse, and already commanding the trade of New Berne, we could scarcely' say more to recommend; him and his house to the general trade of the State. 1 , Iocat 'Summary- Nothing new. Rice booming. Pool jlaying prospeious. Rice mill running regularly. The New Berne takes out a full cargo. The Addie Henry lis hourlv expected. Local lawyers all returned from Car teret Court. 1 I ' : L Ye drummers is beginning to arrive in car load lots. i- - One ten and rising, was the rice boom in market yesterday. j Mr. Joel Kinsey, leading farmer of the county, was in town yesterday. i Peas are beginning to come into mar ket, and are'being shipped abroad, j - - i . i Wood is feirce in! market. Pine wood selling at $3.00 per cord- No hard wood to be had. Messrs. Thos. Howard and F. T Pat terson arrived by 6teamer New Berne yesterday with a fine lot of horpes. The crowd which witnessed the opera tions oi the steam dredge yesterday, en joyed the free show with a zest. ! Now let the city authorities utilize the oyter shells from the canning establish ment for the improvement of streets and side walks. Bair Brothers' cannery in full opera tion,1 consuming large quantities o ' oys ters and giving employment to great numbers of poor peoplel Judge Shipp passed np yesterday from Carteret Courf, having completed his fall riding. He will now ruralize for a; brief eeason at Charlotte Court House. The chest of money thrown Overboard in Brinson's dock when the Yankees came here in 1862, waa not "scoopod" by the dredge yesterday as expected We would suggest to the City Council, Board of Trade and Cotton Exchange, the propriety of purchasing the steam dredge for continued use in the improve ment of docks and local water ways. Dredge Work Yesterday.- The i ) i - - dredge (which was ai work yesterday dredging out the dock back of the; Gas ton House occcupied seven hours, and made 200 scoops, which Jis equal to 300 cubic yards. Dredging the Market DoCk -We learn that the Board of City Council are considering the propriety of dredging the market dock, and have been to the par ties haying the dredge in charge to! see if they could make satisfactory arrange ments. The Corn Market. Receipts of corn have been light for sometime past, and a Hyde county farmer explains the cause by syying that all the old corn was sold off during the summer, and the new crop is not yet in condition to ship freely, but when they do begin, he says they will make up for lost time. Abolishing the Cochtv Poor House a Bad Policy The following, which we take from the Washington Press, is a burning shame to the County Com missioners and a lasting disgrace to the people ol Beaufort county : We have never thought it a wise move in our County Comissioneis to dispense with the county asylum for the sick and indigent poor, and subsequent events have proven that the. dispensing with it has worked badly and suffering humani ty calls for its restoration or some other means looking after and fostering tije poor. Th death of several paupere has suggested this matttr to us, and the last death that has occurred demands at our hands some remarks. A white man was put in charge of a colored shop-keeper near Market street, the county making a small allowance for his support. The white man being invalid and with little or no medical attention died on; Monday without even the necessities of life, either of medi-! cine, food or clothing; lying upon boards covered with straw and in an out-sljelter just, large enough to hold his, remains, through the roof of which the rain fell upon him while sick and on his corpse after being laid out. Humanity calls for help. We wit nessed this scene and saw the poor emaciated form still in death, wrapped in homespun with the rain drops staud--ing upon it. Others witnessed the scene and was horrified. We repeat humani ty demands that such thinga shall cease. The abolishing of the county alms house throws the poor on the hands the public, and j what is everybody's business is nobody's business, and the poor consequently suffer. Where is the good in a county government when the mere matter of form of keeping a road in order and keeping a bridge in repair, and seeing that a county .official gets his pay and at the eame time a poor un fortunate is allowed to die alone, uncared for, and without even medical attention. We repeat that such things should not and will not long be tolerated. If the county authorities will not sustain a home for the poor, they should make ample arrangements for their support otherwise, and not only make such ar rangements but see to it that they are carried into effect NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GASTOX HOUSE SALOOX WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, LAGER BEER, PORTER, ALE, M Blarl aifl Fool TaMes. i The quietest and most-retired place in the city. No accommodations for "REGULARS." JAMES CAMPBELL, - i novas' ! Proprietor. LEINSTER DUFFY ! - ' .' -Dealer'in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, caps,; - TOBACCOSNUFFi CIGARS, etc. At Cheap John's Corner, Middle and So. Fr. Sts. , auj(13-3m , NEW BERNE. THE NEW EDITION OF "XTT OR CESTE R'S UNABRIDGED V V DICTIONARIES, with Suppl e ment, for sale at AfRS. STANLY'S Book Store, PoHok JlLLINEUY, ico. FALL STOCK OF Millinery Goods ! MRS. DEWEY WITH PLEASURE announces to her numerous patrons and frierHs among the ladies of j New Berae arid throughout the surrounding counties that she has returned ifrota ; several weeks visit to the cities J , and , markets of th e Nonfc, where, , after , ob serving and studying the Late st Styles, she bought with great care and pa- tient labor, one of ,the handsomest and, largest stocks MILLINERY CO OD G over brought to New Berne, and a prices lower than ever before Known. Come to the 'opening and see our ool and learn the prices. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. I H. & CO. NEW BERNE, N. EALERS IN Dirris, MeaiGiEBS, Chemicals, Paints, Oih Varnishes, j ! Bye, Staffs, Fine Toilet Soaps i Fancy Hair an d Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and -Fancy. Toilet Articles, Trusses and Shoulder Bracks, Letter Papei, Pens!, Ink, Envelopes, Gh.ss, Putty, Carbon Oil, Lamps Chimne3's. I Physicians' Prescriptions accurately compounded aug ll.tf L A i V S 0 YD! TEH SALOON! (FORMERLY DETRICK'S.) Duffy I Building, Corner Pollock and Middle St.s, UP STAIRS. F- Bi LANE. Proprietor. HAVING! Leased the Restaurant ofiir. John Detrick over bis Bar and Billiard Parlor, is prepared to furnish at all liours and in every style, THE BEST OYSTERS ! in our market and from other points. Good Cooks, Expert Openers, and the mnct Mrtllfo otli Itluntiiro Wn!na I JPrivat0 entrance from Pollock Street, j M. P. HOLLY, PKACTICAL u TAILOR, i(Next to. P. M. Draney's.) NEW BERNE, N. a, tflUTS AttD MAKES ALL DESCRIP tions and patterns of garments, and guarantees good fits, low prices,- and perfect -satisfaction. Cleaning, Repairing, Rebindinjj, &c., a specialty. OLD CLOTHE3 MADE TO LOOK NE W AGAIN. . sept-27 Jj J.STOLSON & CO. DrySGocids, iBoots Shoes' Choice Family Groceries and Provia ions of all kinds. Best gilt edge Butter Popular brands of Cigars and Tobacco BROA!b STRjEET, NEW BERNeJn. O Butcher's Meat! JOHN H. THOMAS, the BUTCHER, J desires tojlnform the public that he? keeps constantly on band the best J Stall Fed Beef in market. ljork Sausages of the purest make. All orders promptly attended to and delivered! at y our door free of charge Call and seel me at tftall Ko, At C&f Market. MAMS