j ." T J .."'"'.,'' ! : ' - - - X f.. . 1 1 DAILY NEWS. NBWBERNE, N.C. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER"!, 1881 i 4 COMMERCIAL YORK COTTON j Notsmbkr 4, 1881. Furnished by the New Bernp Cotton j Exchange. pot Cotton Middling 11 ctsJ Strict Low Middling 11 7 16 cent. Low Mid. dling 11 3 16 cents. Futures, on a basis of Middling No vember 11.52. December 11-67. Jan uary 11.87 . ' NEW BERNE MARKETS. ICOMMERCIAL NlWS Off ICS,'. "j November 4, 6 p. m. COTTON. The prices remain un Changed, and we quote at 10J1080. gales of 207 bales at figures within those bounds. RICEl Arriving in large quanitties. Sales at, 75(211.10. CORNi No sales. We quote prices at 7075cts. for Hyde county. 'CORN MEAL. 1.90. . MOLASSES.- West Indies in good vpply, bffered at 38c in hhds. NAVAL STORES in good demand. We quote SpiritsTurpentine 45c; Rosin $1 90 a2 00. Crude Turpentine $2 25a2 50; Tar 1 50a2 00. , Passenger List. The following pas sengers came in by the Steamer New Berne yesterday : L C Reid, Thomas Howard, F. T. Patterson, C C Baker, William Hosier, F P Stone, Mis. M E Stone, William J Austin, Mis. Austin, Geo. Campbell, Dr. Pearce, Barney MARKET. Reardon, Henry French, D J Lrlisson, Richard Garner. Viola! Kilpatnck RAILROADS. INSURANCE. filmland NoiUi Carolina Railway ROBERTS & HENDERSON Atlantic and North Carolina Division. TIME TABLE No. 12. General Insurance a. M., uci. t I;,. A aruiA nnfl X XX 111V Uiiu. Take Effect Sunday 12:4 on i wv I Express Passenger and Mail Trams None but reliable Companies representea PROSPECTUS. EEKLY COMMERCIAL NEWS Apts XiTe Co'S Largest Paper ever Pnblished in I run on this road as follows Steamer NEUss.--Capiain Roberts TM-eived a dispatch from Captain White, Tuebday, j stating that the water in the Neuse is now of sufficient depth to al low the Steamer Neuse to resume he- tr"DS. Captain Roberts went up to Kinston yesterday for '.the purpoee of brininff her down, and say? we may look for her this evening or in the morning, j j . Meeting of Directors Atlantic avd North Carolina Railroad. At a meeting of the Directors of the A. N. C. R. R. held in this city on Thursday, the President reported that all outstand ing debts in&de by the late management aswellas'the present; management has been paid ; also that the State and county taxes of i Carteret county GOING EAST. No. Ar've. A. M. 47. T. 'iro ' A. M. 5 30 G 00 6 16 6 31 6 50 7 20 7 45 8 04 8 13 8 45 9 19 9 30 9 50 9 53 10 30 10 39 Stations. going west. ; No. 48. Ar've. Le've. I 6 00 6 12 6 31 6 46 7 20 7 41 8 04 , 8 13 8 33 9 19 9 30 9 50 9 53 10 24 10 39 10 45 10 45 j Goldsboro, Best's, 1 La-Grange F. Creek, Kinston, ' Dover! Core Creek Tuscarora, Clarke's, Newbern, Riverdale, Croatan, Wodbridge Havelock, Newport. I Hollywood j M. Hotel. 10 57 j 11 00 A. Holel, 11 03 i M. Depot, a. m. a: m. P M. 6 30 6 00 5 45 5 30 5 10 4 40 4 13 3 54 3 45 3 13 2 39 2 28 2 08 2 05 1 26 P. M. 117 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 00 50 30 15 4 19 54 45 25 39 28 08 05 34 with aggregate Capital of over $40,000,000. Accidents wi!l Happen. INSURE AG AN ST THEM BY A POLICY IN TIIEJOLD ROBERTS & HENDERSON, Agents. North Carolina. TWO DOLLARJS A YEAR.! i ! TO CLUBS OF TEN $15.00. - r I GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO Canvasse Y&l Tie Nortli Caiolina HomB tarns. OF IIAL.EIGH, Organized iii'4lB68. A throughly reliable Company.1 All losses acyusied promptly and paid n Cash. ! Agents wanted at every Post Office . ' ! ! I East of the Wilmington and Weldon Railro i 1 10 I 12 49 12 50 I 12 44 P. M. P. M. 17 JOHN GATUNG President. io iw q PRlMRORF. Sec. & Ires 1 1 j j ROBERTa & HENDERSON, Agents. had been the tax o WHOLESALE PRICES. Onr Quotations, it should be .under stood, represent the wholesale prices generally. In making up small orders higher prices have to, be charged. BiGGiHG Gunny per yard I Standard Bacon Long clear per box - 1 14 ; per side j .Smoked shoulders Hams ( D. S3. Shoulders ARRELS Spirits turpentine Kerosene Flour ! Pork Beeswax per pound Brick North Carolina per 1000 Bcttzb North (7arolina Northern j Candles Adamantine ! ' ; . Tallow Coitee Java per pound Laguyra ; Rio Count Meal per bushel of 50 lbs i C'orros Ties spliced per bundle 1 j nevr Boos per dozen I Fisn-L)ry O'oa per pouna 11 12 1H 12 09 loi 09 $1 50 50 20 25 22 8 00 25 3Ca35 15 12 30a35 20a25 13a20 1 00 1 75 200 17 9 raifl frr this vear. and that Lenoir had been J ordered to be paid that day ; also the; tax of the town of New Berne. The tax of the counties Of Jones, Craven and Wayne would be Ipaid on demand, as there is a considerable amount of money in the treasury. This speaks well for State policy management j against monopoly management. Thus: we see in three months after the lease ot the roaa us v.;ila'oro jpttlpd. It is well-known that ViJIO MA V - ft this management; had heretofore promptly Ipaid all demands on the Com pany, including the interest on its bonded and judgment debt, and 1 we learn from the report! of exports that the road was THROUGH AND WAY FREIGHT PASSENGER CAR ATTAUUUD. GOING EAST I No. Ar've. p. m. 7 34 7 53 8 24 8 53 10 00 10 33 11 04 11 17 12 00 Nos cept S 3. Le've. I P. M. 1 7 00 I 7 35 8 00 8 27 9 23 10 05 10 40 11 05 11 18 Stations. GOING "WEST 17 Ar've. Le've. INSURE YOUR H03IES IN THE - Agricultural iGswe Co.; of hit :STABL1SHED 1853. Goldsboro Best's, La-Grange Falling Ck Kinston, )over, CoreCreek Tuscarora Clarke's. mdnt Newbern 47 and 48 daily, 3 and 4 daily ex- nday. A. M. 9 15 8 37 7 56 7 27 646 6 02 5 29 5 05 4 48 I A. M. 8 38 8 116 7 32 7 00 6 07 5 34 5 06 449 4130 ASSETS 1st Jan., jlSSl, $1,201,731. Insures against loes or damage hy Light ning, whether Fire ensues or noft Strongest residence Insurance Com the. world. On Ions terra risks takes premium half cash, half 12 months note with 6 per cent.! interest. ROBERTS & HENDERSON, Agents. Middle Street, Newberne, N. C. FOR FA11TICULAES AND R ATESiOF COMMISSION Write to. THE NEWS, New Berne. good management sincerely trust.! he FBa,nliizERS--Rowland 8 CThemicals Train "Mn 4R rnnnpcta With 11- mington Weldon train bound South j at lea in a condition to run for five years. mnn r,alti morp PhiladelDhia and New This shows there must have been some 1 York at 10:24 p. m. on and after Sunday, I y .. J I "NT nvom nor somewnere, auu v c 1 1"".'""' ., i ' ' 1 rr-o5 "NTrw A7 rmrwta -with Wllminff- future management , wPldon mail train from Rich may be as fortunate as me laeu i mood, j uaitimore, r-miaaeipum, ivy first installment of 820,000 on the loan York and poims iNorro. i ', i I tVio orTinoQ at. rSnldKhorn 4:44 a. m. on buau Ul AAV VkJ v w - - and after Sunday, November 6, 1881. Tmin 4 ronnf-rta with North Caiolina Railroad Train, leaving Goldsboro 10.00 a m. and with Wilmington and Weldon train bound North at 9:50 a. m. Train 3 connects with North Carolina Railroad Train, arriving at Goldsboro 6.30 p. m. Trains 3 and 4 run between New Berne and Goldsboro only. J. B. YATES, Gen'l Manager Midland JN. C. It. it. i W. J. BEST, President NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE (Incorporated in 1872.) RALEIGH, 5N. G. SHERIFF'S SALE. ! i Valuable Lands For Sale. I Assets $260,210.10 is uot due until January 1st 1 per lot Flour Snow Flake . v 1 Super I Extra Family -Cbrn 15 00 $7 75a8 00 5 50 6 50a7 00 9 00a9 75 Hides Green V Dry : HAT-laatern LABD-f Northern K. K. T.Tvr Kpr hhl.1 Lumbkb Dr'ssd Fl ooring per M 1 2 00 t Scantling 8 OOalO 00 i Wpalher B'rds 10 00al2 00 80 5a6 llal3 1 25al 50 13 1 50 ArriTals at the Hotels. GASTON HOUSE S. R. Street. November 4, 1881. -Gj W. Smith, Palo Alto ; W. E. Wilbon, G- S. Pender,. A. T. Uzzle, R W. Clary, J. A. Higgs, E. W. Even field, L. C. Reed, D. G. Gliseen, Balti. ore; Jno. Tapping, New jYork ; Joe Kinsey, Craven county ; Dr. W. i. Barker, Carteret county ; R. G. Malle, Riverdale ; T. H. allison, Pine, Grove ; J. Higgs, Norfolk, j I Surplus to Policy HolieiSvi ; 175 394 29 F. H CAMERON, President. The only iIOME Life Insurance Com pany in" North Carolina: One of the moet puccessful Companies of its age in ihp United States. Bas already issued between two and three thousand policies. rnMPANYrOURSUANT TO AN EXECUTION IOOUVU ..w.. i' - v v - of Craveu couuty, N. C, to satisfy the judgment docketed in said Court on the 26th day o! JtfayJ 1879, wherein James W, Ckrmer and Wm. F. Rountfee, execi. 'tors of Alek Mitchell, are pluintinyaud M. W. Carman is defendant, I will 11 at public (auction, at the Court House door in the citv of New Berne. N. C.t on Monday, the ! 28th day of November, 1881, all the right, title and interest that tbe said Mi W. Carman had in and to the following idescribed lands on the day when said judgment was docketed in said county, or at any time thereafter, viz: j A tract of Iiand situated in said Craven county on the south side of Neuse river n r :o ca0 ir-.watoA at hnmo ftmnnir diioiit tpn !mi es Irom tne city oi iew our own people. All losses paid promptly Berne, adjoining the lands formerly be . . ! ' 11 . i II tit root iiofM nnn rn" RfBEME ACADEMY. j PRIMARY DEPARTMENT, Free, MARINE. Jt'oiiABSiB Black Strap ; Cuba . . . 6Tardenas i English Island? W. Indies and Syrup OliKerosene per callon t Poultry Chickens per pair , Pbautjts, per bushel ' Potatoes Sweet per bushel i Trish ' PoitKi-New City Mess per bbl Powder Best Common TlTnc.rer bushel -i8ALT--Alum per bushel .t Amprican fiuOAft Porto Rico per lb B a Extra C Crushed Granulated 1 BNUt Gail & Ax Bladder SoAP-Northern per pound hniNGMS Cypress per 1,000 STaviss W O uogsneaa r bo Tamjotv, per pound, Timber Ifill Prime Wool Unwashed 30 34 34 32 43 1 50 12 40a60 1 00 50 125 21 00 21 50 6 50 6 25 75al 00 40 110 85al 00 , . Da 94 1(H ; I0i 10 10 11 10 45 48 5a G 2 25a4 00 15 00 12 00al5 00 7 S3 00a 5 00 lCa22 I ARRIVED. ! - Steamer NeW Berne, Southgatc, Eliza beth City. , ( i Schooner M. EstelT, Bell, Hyde co. i CLEARED. . Steamer Contentnea,Styron. Trenton. Schooner Susan, Monks, Bay River. Schooner Laura Ireland, Goose Creek. Schooner Loo CoojGoldthwaite.Roades, Bay River. , I ' i Schooner Mary Uryan. uioos, xay River. IN PORT. ; Schooner M. Carrie, Payne, Hyde co. Schooner Wm Hill, HillfJ Core Sound. Schooner Goverrior Vance, Spencer, Hyde county. f Schooner Dime, Robinson, Core Sound. Schooner Sarah, Hill, Core Sound. The Trustees of this Institution, in the further prosecution of their published de sign, and by tne generous am auu cu-upm-ation of one of their number, Mr. Wm. FT Oliver. Accent of the Griffin fund, are gratified to announce, that a PRIMARY SCHOOL, i FOR BOYS ONLY, will be opened, at the Academy, on Mon rtftv nPift.. Oct. 31. Tuition will be free. Application for admission maybe made to the Principal, Prof .Fetter, or to the President. By order of the Board, i CHAS. C. CLARK, Pres't. New Berne, Oct. 27, 188 U ami in cash. Rates as low as those oi anv first-class Company. iHas THREE I rlnllnrs nf npet. for everv Dollar of liabilities. I . For information, address. ROBERTS .&, HENDERSON, Agent. aug-31-3rn j F.stnhlishCd i v!870 Commission Mcrcliant ! ' - AND I Street, deo'd, and Tu-- known as 1 "Spring Gar- longing to N. H. ner May, dee'd, den." j ,1 A tract of land about seven miles from the city of New Berne on the left sidejof the public road leading from the cityof New Berria to ihe town of Washington, and on Bachelor's Creek adjoining tbe Und3 of George Green, Jr., and others, formerly beloBgiujr to Washington Car man, deceased, and the same whereon B Weathersbee now. resides. Terms of sale cash. 1 I MAYER HAHN. i RhprifT Craven countV. N. C MortRage Sale. LIFE A5D FIRE TfcV VIRTUE OF A ll deed! executed by Aaron Hammona - . S" fl . 1 M NONE BUT FIRS1 GLASS COM- PANIES REPRESENTED. MORTGAGE nn the 'Z4tll Ol I FOR SALE. iTVNE 30 H. P. PORTABLE ENGINE U m Dniior in irnhd order. One set Saw Mill Irons, with saws and trucks ' One 4-ply 10-inch Rubber Blt, fifty feAto?fSl7-be sold for $750 cash or t850 ! nesotiable note, six and twelve months' time, 8 per cen .njegg Ad- .-. gep 15 tr Box 45, Wilson, N. C. JACKSON HOUSE, So. Front, bet. Jiddle and Hancock Sts. SAM'L, JACKSON, Prop'r. t' j. - Furnishes First Class Hotel accommoda tions for colored people traveling. RESTAURANT. In connection Tvith the Hotel we have where Me&la are served at anv hnnr rln v nr niffht. I We have a good line of white custom frnm our Restaurant, and we are o. - . - . . , prepared to serve jaeals anywnere in ine city wherever any patrons desire their meals furnished, at their rooms or their residences. j , We refer to the people of New Berne irpneiallv. SAif'L JACKSON. D - NE W FIRM ! I?!" 1757" iSC OT o! NEW GOODS! TTTE HAVE OPENED IN VV THE Brick Store on Middle Street, near the Market, (one door: North of T. A. Green) a new stock of goods, consisting in part of ! ASSETS S35.000.000 LIVERPOOL & LOEEO Nortli MM M Mercantile, LANCASTER,-.- i ' . WESTCHESTER, IjvNlmBIJRG. VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE ! . tit ti I y : August, 1878, and registered in the Beg- ister's office of Craven county, N. C, -in Book No.l 80, pages 201 ana mi, we wm sell at public auction for ca-h, at ihe Court House door in New Berne, on Monday, November 21. 1881, at 12 o'clock M., ihe tract of Land conveyed in said mnrtancroi AeP( fiitn.tfiin OaVfl'O COUUty, 0 n t firm N. C. , on the north side of Upper Broad U VIL di)h Creek, cdntaining fifty acres. Assignees of Wm. R. Barrington. La Grange. N. C, Oct. 7, 1881 fliigr 13-3m GBOC e k I e s IMOTICH.-1. MOSES AlxlSON, Con- IM stable of the 8th township, Craven IMMEDIATELY A HOUSE CON taining at least three rooms (four pre ferred). Must be j within eight minutes walk of postofSce. Apply at oncear oct 27 ' THIS OFFICE. ennntv. do herebv give notice that I will attend each Masristiate's office at thedes- DEI GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES f&IJt i nos. nianiv. t o ciock. a. iu. uiuci WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TINWARE AND CROCKERY. Magistrates can find me on South Front street, next door west of W. G. Brin son, Esq. . - i oct 7 O T I 2 3ES . TN PURSUANCE OF AN VLWEii vr 1 the Probate Court for Craven county, I will sell at the late residence of Mrs. Sarah E.! Mitchell, deceased, intbecY of New Borne, on Thursdav, at 12 o'clock M. November 10 (next), for cash, all tbe Household and Kitchen Furniture that Sfiirhell at bef death and that belonged to the estate pi Tfeos. J. Mitchell, deceasoa. i JAMES W WALKER, Guardiari of the minor children of Thos. J. Mitchell, I deceased. New Berne, N. (7., Oct. 20. 1&81 Our entire stock of coods is new, and bousrht at the very lowest cash prices.! Consignments oi cotton ana an Kinas of country produce solicited. Hoping to receive a liberal share of your patronage, we are Yours Respectfully, ! I HUMPHREY & HOWARD; New Berne, ept. 28. ! .; DON'T HEAD THIS. EMAN UEL FISHER, Vegetable Store, Broad street (next door east o.fJ. J. 1 Ol son), wholesale and retail dealer in Cab bage, Onions, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, Eggs, Chickens, Lemons, I Uranges, Can dies of all kinds. Canned Fruit of every description, and all kinds of Notions Call and see me before purchasing else where. All orders promptly attended to JUSTj PROOF OATS, EED WHEAT, RYE, S EED for sale by WOLFENDEN & SMALLWOOD nov. 1-lm.

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