VOL. 1--NO. 81. NEW BERNE. N. C, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1881 TWO CENI3 ' f ' 1 DAILY NEWS SATUBD Y, NOV EM BKK'19, v 1881 CITY NOTICES. GentlemftuS Under.w'e a r. Gents Undershirts in all wool and merino in best styles, at A. in liaker's. Cloaks and Ulsters. Fine Cloaks 'of latest style. A beautiful line of beaver and jur cloth for Cloak's and Ulsters, at A. M. Baker's. IfTie Agency for Wanamaker &jBrown'8 Clothing, now established at J. F. Ives'. An examination of temples A sure ht guarameeu. , Dress Goods Iower.-Dress Goods are lower this season than for many years. Black Cashmere, all wool, from 40c to $1.00. A beautiful line of Versales cloth T mourning, at A. M. Baker's. j. F- iTes lias iinw on exhibi tion samples of Cloths from the Popular Clothiers, Wanamaker & Brown, The Viublic are inviteu to examine. A sure fit guaranteed. :. i :- j . . . - . jewelrv. -A beautiful and elegan tFsortment of Jewelry ,ju-t purchased in New York, at Bell's, the jeweler. Any article ever sold that is not as was repre !se:nted can be returned and the money- will be refunded ! Ladies' Furnishing and Dress Joods.--A beautiful line of Children's Hose in oil colors. Jadam Foy's and Thompson's Corsets. A full line of flan nels, and an elegant line of Dress Goods, and La'dfes and 'Children's Underveibts, at & M letter's ! Oyster SMooJ--David 1 Speight, Market Dock, next to the Farmer's Home, desires to infrrm the public that he has opened his Op ter Saloon, and is now pre pnred to servt 'Ire very best and freshest oysters at all hours and in every style. Attentive, piling lami skilled waiters. Iteosra! meals nt all hoirs. $ . .L . TPritniftiiigs.Plaids and stripes in Silk and YVorsud for Trimmings ja'so leautiful Fringe in Silk and Chenille beaded in Steel. Jet ami Irredtsent.! large assortment 'of tassels and Cord. Brass, Steel und Metal. Buttons of latest styles, at A. M. Bakers. ? j SriXJiAL NOTIlES. (TRY Our Butter, it can't be beat. Alex. 1 Miller. j . V EST Brands Family Ftour, at Alex. 13 Miller's. CIJOCEMES, High in Quality hut H low in prices, at Alex Miller's. CALL at Jos. Schw rin's and look nt lat est styles Yale and Fifth Avenue hats. CHOtCE Groceries and Farmer s Sup plies. We warrant all goods as rep resented. Alex. Miller-. EXAMINE New Crockery, China, Glass ware, Wottd and Willow Ware. Goods shown withpleasure.' Alex. Miller. (TV IE handsomest assortment of gent's iL neckwear, and warranted all wool un dershirts ia wThite and scarlet, at 'Jos. Bchwerin'8. . . ' M IF in need of clothing, drop in at ! Jos Hchwerin's, where you will find the most stylish suits and reversible overcoats ever brought here. ...I Foreign NeVfrSi An avalanche threatens to destrdy the SWiss village of Elnl. French troops are embarklrlg at Mar ieilles for Tunis. ' Three hundred deaths from cholera ion the 6th iHst., at Mecca. :', General News; Charleston. S. C, contributes $795 for the Michigan sufferers. x I : gnew has been summoned as a Witness in the Guiteau trial. t I Chattanooga has $30,000 in her treas ury, and all debts provided for. t)ock Scott was crushed to death be-' tween two cars at Atlanta, Ga. distemper among the car horses in New York city continues to ihcfeapfc'. Charles T. White & Co.. larse1 whole- j le druggieta of New York, have failed, i liabilities $590,000. j Gen; Longstreet is mentioned as Secre i lry of toe Navy in Arthur's Cabinet. j Secretary Libcoifl rttife volutitarily The Nashville (lenn.) factory made tins year 40,000 in net profits, and the result, a new mill, to cost 250,000, ie to be erected. llailr'oa'ti Matter TVack laying 'has commenced on the Pensacola & Atlantic Rtilroad. Stockholders of the Memphis & Char leston Railroad Co., repudiate the lease of the road to the East Tennessee, Vir ginia Georgia Co., and vrtli take steps to recover control of the property. The annual meeting Of the Port Royal & Augusta Railroad Co. was held in At lanta Wednesday. W. G. Raul, Vice President of the Central Railroad of Georgia, was elected President. The road is now merged into the Central Railroad system. - Two syndicate?? ' to buy the Cape Fear and Yadkin. Valley Railroad, running from Fayetteville tv Greensboro, and t'O be extended to Wilmington and Mt. Airy, are exacted to! make bids this week. The understanding is that 'the road is to be run northwest towards the Ohio river. - Local Summary. We again urge upon( our citizens paint. . ' to The merchants are receiving their holiday goods. Thanksgiving turkeys are beginning to arrive in small quantities. We saw in market vesterdav.a water melon raise I bv a colored man, a resi- . i dent of Adam's Creek, which weighed twenty pounds.! The new carpenter shop at the Mid land North OtrdJma. 'depot ' has-been white washed. Some more of this liquid needed up town. Thettfttdn sin of Mr. A, R Dennison is now turning out from thirty five to forty bales of cotton per day. at it now day and night. They are The steamer New Berne sailed vester- dav ex ening with 800 bales of cotton, 1,00-4. bushels of rice, 200 barrels of na vel stores and 50 tierces of riie; being the largest load she has ever carried out from this port. : New Berne as a Rice Market Prominence should be given to the j fact thai New Berne is oue-.of the. best markets on the Atlantic Coast, beat WilmiHton all hoild w. nce We The Sayauuah quotations a.e, country lots, 90120; tide water $150IG3 When it was remembered that our people are jus t at the threshold of rice culture and have not yet learned how to prepare this product properly for market, and the further fact borne in mind that ours is upland and ubt tide water, it may be asserted that the New Berne market is superior to that of Savannah., j We saw rice in this market last week which brought $1.40 per bushel, in cotif sequence ot tne superior manner in which it had been cultivated and pre pared for market. We have no doubt, if all the rice plant ers possessed the skill and care of this farmer, that the ruling price here jvould approximate the high figures abovej And tre expect to see them all attain a proficiency and skill in the cultivation and curing of rice that will throw all the present quotations jn the shad?. ; To the enterprise of Mr. Elijah Ellis, in establishing a rice mill at this point, is largely due the maintenance of prices here, and such benefits tdthe city and the country round about should be ap preciated, ad we have no doubt they are; The prosperity of this portion of the State is fafgelly due to the production of rice, and the maintenance of prices here is the stimulus to the ' multiplication of that product. Let us find an example here, and resolve that New Berne shall the distinction of li he-bluest p?iee3 for all country, produce.'' Personal. Mr. N. B. Agostine re ceived a telegram yesterday from, 'Ches ter, Pa., stating that Dunk Carbon, his adopted son, was very low with diph theria, and no hope for his recovery is entertained. Mr. A. left for Chester last evening. ' More Enterprises. We are glad to learn that other canning establishments 'are to be erected at an early day, and will probably be located upon the James City side of the river. It is also reported that the Wooden Plate Factory; is to bd eu ! a g-ed , tutu- p roba bl y Te m o v ed to the same side. The Market BasinJ We trust the lower Middle Street merchants will unite in a private subscription for dredging the manifestly theii market dock. It is so interest to have the wor k ione, that we have no idea they will allow the steam dredge to depart until a work so much needed shall have been done. Messrs. Reel Brothers propose to open and head a subscription list this morning. Annual Conference of A. M. E. Zion Church. The j aunual North Carolina conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.Bishop J. W. Hood, - presiding, , will meet at Beaufort, on Wednesday, November 30, and arrangements have been made with Railroads for the transportation of dele gates ani visitors at a Reduced rate of fare. i New Berne Wharf iPropertv. The value of New Berne wharf property has been increased many thousands of dol lars, by the 'dock dredging which has been going on for bme two weeks or more. There is scarcely a wharf prop erty here that cou nQt bef greatly en1 banced in value by the expenditure of a few dollars in the employment of the steam dredge. Improvements. The owners 'of the mm Patterson property on Craven street, ad joining this office, made a decided im provement yesterday by pulling down the old wooden shed awning in front of I . . . - the Pennington and Patterson buildings. It would be a gret improvement to New Berne, if the city authorities would com pel the pullmg down of all the unsightly shed-awnings in. town. A Marine Relic Mftjor Dennison removed yesterday from 'his dock the hull.of the old brig "Julia" which was built in, 1836 by Mr. McLin, for the West India trade. The Julia is said to have been a very fine vessel, and was handsomely fined out but, she never left tne New Berne dock. . One 6torv is that great difficulty was experienced in launching her from which old sailors augured bad luck and disaster to her if she were ever put to sea. Another statement is of a misunder standing between the builders and owners, which put the vessel jinto the legal dry dock for a series of years, and bciore the suits were ended, she had gone to decay. and was pronounced unseaworthy, rom this condition she finally rotted and sunk in the slip from which Major Dennison yesterday removed her remains. A Marvellous Story. A young colored woman, who represents herself as a refugee slave frr m Cuba, relates the fol- lowing story, which deserves to take high rank in the list of romances, in j real life, and we eagerly 6eize upon it as the property of Iistern Carolina, since the heroine has domiciled in our midat. Her name is Rosa Grannerson, and' she says : : "I am just from the Island of Cuba, and am now in search of tm mother, who, I learn, is in Nalshville.'Tenn., and I ard penniless and friendless. I wis stdlefi from Portsmouth, Va , from my mother, when I was only one year of age, and on Sunday, August 14th, a cofding to what my owners in Cuba safy, I was seventeen yeafs or age; I ran away from the place on being threatened by my owners to cut my throat for hit tiftg MtstreeV chil l; and in doing 8',' I had io ewim eight miles before reaching- the ehip. 1 sailfd from Cuba on Wednesday morning, July! 20th, stop ping at Galveston, Texa.8 ; there the pecn ple assisted me to New York ; from New York to Richmond, and from there I went to Portsmouth, and am now in New Berne. While in the wafer running away, I Was fehot in trre body eight times and in the head. I have eighteen names of my owner's children branded on my person".' My mother's name, whom I am now in search of, is Sarah Brooks. I can speak a part of eight different languages. Our daily food n Cuba was cats and dogs for meat, and cotton seed for br,ead'. Our plates were horse troughs, and our soup was made of tobacco worms. William Dickerson, my mas ter, plows men instead ofjhorses. We don't wear anv clothV-S there. I have been to Egypt. Paris. California, France, Jerusalem, Hayti, San Dominso and Mexico. The 3Iarket Dock. Editor Commercial News . Ilaving investigated the matter in reference to dredging the market basin, I find it can be done for eeventyfive dollars, perhaps less, hnh ai .the city is in no con lition . to lay out that sum just now, and if . it was I doubt if it had any right to improve the property of private individuals, unless all the tax payers lerived the same benefit from it. f suggest that a subscription be taken up Tor that purpose. I have seen some of the merchants near thej market and find that they are both ready and willing to subscribe a reasonable sum, and as there are quite a number jof them, to gether with the owners of the property in the immediatevicinity of the dock, we see no reason Why it should not be done at once. Mr. Reel informs us that he will open the list this morning at his stoie, and wll receive all subscriptions for that pnrbos. Hoping hat all. may cwne.w&uk&Dd. lrUe liberally fore it is too late, I am yours truly, H. Mr. Lono's Lecture Last evening the Theatre was filled with a large and attentive audience to hear t ie lecture of John S. .Long, Er-q-, a former Mayor of this city, audat present , Superintendent of Public Instruction in thU coutity. The lecture was given in response to an invi tation extended by the Trustees ot the New Berne Academy, as heretofore sta ted, but all the schools in the city were for the most pait represented in the audi ence, Hdd tHe little Ones paid strict at tention an ! seemed to appreciate the many good suggestions which were mader by the erudite speaker. . The entertainment was begun by Hon. C. C. ClarkicaMing upon the Rev. L. C. Vass. who followed in a beautiful and appropriate prayer. , . Mr. Lngiwas next introduced by Mr. Clark in quite a felicitous manner. After thanking the latter gentleman for his complimentary introduction, Mr. Long announced as hii subject that oft quoted pa rati x - of- tLe classics, 'The Child is Father to the Man " We regr?t exceedingly that we were so situated as to be unableto give our read ers a synopsis of the gentleman's inter esting and scholarly remarks, but .sut ficeth it to say the lecture entertaining one, abundinjj was a most in beautiful diction and thrilling oratory. Ferdinand llirieli, MIDDLE STREET D O CK, ' ' ' " " ' , ; NEWIBERNE. WHOLESALE GROCER A' And Dealer in ROPES, TWINE, CANVASS, &G. rAINTS, OILS The place to bu Grain Sacks by thfe Bale, and Lorrillard" Sriu!! by the Barrel NoV. 18; NE W AD VEJlTIskjUEX'lS. ft: o '6 ; 1 : RARE CHANCE! ! El RocMng- Chairs! : ' V -4t ilK A MRYEL OF BEAUTT & GHEAP WATSON & STEEET Are offering at their Auction 'RonrnS: 9 large Consignment of two; hundred and fil ty Patent Folding J . . k . . with; Carpet Seats and Back?. I r x: O This is the Cheapest and Handsome lot of : .,'.. . i. ever offered in this market. Calfand ei! amirie for yourselves. . 4, ' .') 3 i WATSON 4& STREET, t, nov. 19. Next door East Gaston HousnS - j ....... r , PATTEFwSON'S WAREHOUSE; UNION POINtI r ; "I NORTHERN HAY; PLASTER, ! - HAIR; If - ' ! pressed7 tiriicit"; 7 UOSENDALE CEMENT, I ' j PORTLAND CEMENT, - , I" ' noll BEL" ENXTI p1 CE M ENTVI LEINSTER dUFFY Dealer in ' DRY GOOD3; ; ;iJ i -' groceries, ;. , ::' boots, shoes; I HATS HAPJ i w,. TOBACCO, SNUFF;-; CIGARS, etc. At Cheap Jblin's Middle ana So FW stsr. ''' : aux 13-3m NEW RHBNP ' VTiOTlCE.-I, MOSES MASON, Com lA j j stable of the. 8th towrishlp. Craven county, do hereby give notice lhat I will, attend each Magistiate's office at the des ignated hours: E. G. Hill.f 8j o'chKik a. m.;; W. G. Brinson, o'clock al rnVf, Thos. Stnly. 7 o'clock a. ' in Other Magistrates cao rind me or '8Miih Front ? Street, npvt rtm i;.jt ..r ur tt v IsoifjE-q. ofcfT Ml ?